Settings you loved

Post settings you liked, even if the series itself was so-so.

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World Witches series. Just wish we could get some material on the other JFWs for a change.

>post-post apocalyptic late 1800s with Giant robots
Best show in the franchise by far

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I like the whole school delinquent stuff.

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>Has great world building
>ends up being about romance polygons

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Something about that setting was so lewd. And no, it wasn't the crossdressing stuff. I don't know what was exactly, but it felt really lewd.

Literally Wasted Potential: The Anime, but I still loved the setting and the first few episodes that explored it.

Fucking Okada.

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The best thing about this show was the OP

Suisei no Gargantia. RIP season two.

There's nothing "so-so" about Turn A, t's a fucking masterpiece.

OP said post settings you liked

Was just about to post this. How did this fall so flat? Was it the direction?

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It was the lack of a continuation

>Le Chevalier D’Eon

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I was disappointed because the plot was all over the place and they were going Akame ga Kill on me by continuously killing off characters I wasn't given enough time to care for.

Both the setting and the show. We need more low, but not dark fantasy

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Megabolox, man that shit sucked but I liked the world
also Hakata tonkotsu ramens

>Last season was 10 years ago

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I liked it and the show.

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s3 when


It's a spiritual-scientific setting, and I always love those. Something deeper is implied to be part of the world as a fantasy, but everything is treated as a living organism that can be studied and understood.

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I'm still baffled by how they managed to make such a shit series out of this setting.

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Wasn't there an entire sect of people who made the determination ACCA beat out Maid Dragon for the F/a/vorite Show of Winter 2017?

Even if I'm misremembering, I thought we all agreed ACCA was amazing.

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Black Clover

Why. Honest question. Is just the generic medieval magical fantasy setting. What makes you like it over the other bazillon identical setting?

Guilty Crown had a lot of different writers, all of which seemed to have completely different ideas for what direction the series was supposed to head towards. They should have just put Okouchi as the writer for the entire show, the few good episodes it had were written by him, and they all seemed like points from where the show could start improving.

>post settings you liked, even if the series itself was so-so
>even if
ACCA was AotS

You picked my interest, but I'd like to know It has a beginning and an end or its one of those shows that end unconcluded and never ever get another season?

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It had an ending, and it was very in line with the rest of the show thematically.

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Train setting felt fantastic. Very interesting and gripping for a 13 episode series.

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Toriko early on. I really loved how it was a world were people were honest about their love for something, how there was a food so delicious it ended a world war, and how gourmet cells were just something that a jellyfish evolved. Then it shits all over that because loltwists.

based as fuck. was so hyped for the concept but felt like i was watching a japanese educational video. killing me

Fuck yeah that shit is the best! i really hope there is a comeback for Delinquent manga or even Anime if done right and have delinquent dudes kicking the absolute shit outta each other with their hands and feets no magic no nothing

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Season 2 confirmed in case someone missed it

The entire rank system with regions attached to them (picrelated), and the way your rank directly affects your raw magic throughput.
Also the magic conventions - magic users have a tight mana pool, usually 1 magic school per user with actual rare exceptions, and some form of forsaken magic.
Also supposedly a war that is going on between the kingdoms, but it didn't get that much coverage unfortunately.

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Medieval fantasy, ESPECIALLY if the main characters are on a journey. Sadly there's so little of it, or it's fucking isekai.

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Le chavalier D´Eon was fucking great. It´s never EVER talked here.

Another great show of taste... 2 on the same thread. It´s kind of scary though not as scary as the rail tracer

It's really strange how the feeling of adventuring in a mysterious, dangerous and beautiful world is not something you encounter very often. It used to be the staple of fantasy fiction.

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Agreed about Rage of Bahamut. The first several episodes where they focused on characters traveling around were the best. But no, they just had to force the whole tired save-the-world-from-an-ancient-evil plot

>Le chavalier D´Eon was fucking great. It´s never EVER talked here.

That's because it's not great and filled with horrible garbage tier writing and character development. Tow Ubukata is a literal retard who tried to write about a time period he understood almost nothing about, the research into what was ACTUALLY happening at the time D'Eon takes place is so surface level it hurts.

I thought i was the only one who watched this disappointing anime, good to know others thought it was shit as well.

AOT Walls. Post-Basement is an even better setting.

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that's because it's difficult to write a world people can get interested in, OR, the story finishes and it turns out the world was grossly underdeveloped or wasn't as interesting as you thought it once could be.

Give Made in Abyss some years to finish up and come back to it, there's a great chance you'' find that once it's finished *if that ever happens* that it's probably not quite as interesting as you'd hope.

Trying to take itself seriously.
I wanted a Sand Whale SoL with a bit of mystery teased throughout.

ya rail tracer was definitely the strangest character of the series. Pretty great tho and the setting and music contributed to that a lot.

Once the curtain's pulled back, you inherently strip away the mystery. Like orgasm, really, the tease leads to the truth, but the removal of the tease leaves one feeling a little dead.

Disappointed this wasn't a Chevalier D'eon thread. Someone should make one.

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Too much filler to be truly enjoyable, but European setting was super comfy.

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The Nasuverse as a setting is pretty good but goddamnit I'm tired of the fucking servants and shitty grail wars


Same. It was such a refreshing (and fucking cool) setting for an anime that it kept me watching even when the plot was struggling.

Setting this story 3000 years in the future with spaceships, aliens, and battle mechs was probably the only way to make an adaptation that wouldn't instantly be forgotten like the dozens preceding it

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and dat art style

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If only the characters weren't complete potatoes the show would've been amazing

Peak Gonzo and I love Haydee

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