What is the worst dialogue you've ever seen in a anime?
What is the worst dialogue you've ever seen in a anime?
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Some Tomino shit probably
He calls himself darkness but he's clearly not darkness within darkness like ansem
I will never understand why Tezuka Productions chose Mappa to produce Dororo 2019 when they made the worst anime that takes place in feudal Japan I've ever watched
>I'll kill you.
When did Kingdom Hearts get an anime adaptation?
Someone post the pitty patter rain thing from Divine whatever the name was. You know what I mean.
Still my favorite part.
Every Touma moralfag speech. Same with any of the speeches made by the villains. Nobody but Kamachi knows what the fuck any of that means.
why is anime obsessed with just randomly putting light and darkness into sentences for no reason
It's not a specific line but every single conversation in the first few episodes of GANTZ. I assume it's like that and worse for the rest of it but I dropped it.
probably some yin yang shit
Battle tendency > first part > stardust crusaders.
Everything after that is pretty mediocre. Not bad, just mediocre
Because schrödinger's cat
Baki replaced JoJo as my favorite shonen since it has the same level of weirdness JoJo has without dropping the manliness for the sake of the gayest shit ever drawn in history. Kinnikuman is also fine in that aspect but it is more silly than weird
The entirety of Evangelion.
All the retarded gambling and 'strategy' talk in Kakegurui is one of the more recent ones I can think of.
In general overly long, unnecessary and contradictory explanations of different groups, factions, rules etc in shit like Index, Strike the Blood and other 'special and weird city/school' setting.
It was mediocre before part 4
Kinda agree, even though part 6 holds a special place for me and I am unsure about 4. The beginning, middle part and end of 4 was fucking great in my opinion but the rest dragged on for to much.
[insert Tomino show of your choice]
You what?
Worst sentence I ever fucking heard.
>if you kill him you'll be just like him!
sao dialogues
Fuck, you reminded me of S;G0
>they haven't watched the anime of the decade
Naruto had some REAL bad dialogue here and there over the years. If I recall some of the worse was when Sasuke was in the cave with his brother during the war arc.
Black Clover was particularly cringey when asta and whats her face was talking to the water girl on the beach alone that one night. Just makes you realize how stupid these characters really are when they are in a vacuum.
Kingdom hearts 3 dialog is fucking atrocious
OH that's just the series in general, surprised you didn't see my darkness within darkness quote earlier, still love it a lot though since I grew up,playing the games. With that said lets get back to the topic of worst anime dialogue.
I thought that was stupid, but specially unnecessary. Wouldn't it make more sense for Daru to argue that a person from the future killing not just anyone from the past, but Leskinen, who had been seriously involved with time travel, would be catastrophic and definitely result in a world like shift? Unless he knew that and tried to appeal to Suzuha's morality rather than logic because if he did so she'd be too pissed to listen to reason; that's the best explanation I can think of.
By the darkness of the darkness that lies within the darkness in my darkness. Let the darkness that is the darkness within the darkness of darkness become darkness exalted by darkness.
Darkness darkness darkness darkness darkness darkness.
This thread reminded me of that time a couple years ago when that guy spammed that thread about Hyouka's dialouge for a while because Satoshi says that he's a database.
>the deep dark darkness
The blonde girl's description was decent, probably because it was much shorter.
Pretty much every single word in Shakugan no Shana.
The guy's dialogue still gets me, it's so fucking bad.
Pitter patter the rain starts to drop
While the water may fill the holes in the road
It will never fill the holes in ones heart
The droplets trickling down his cheek
Flows into the boy's heart
And while that may create a ripple
It will never become his tears
The girl that likes the night is cute. How much screentime does she have?
>His parents only served him cold food, like his cold heart
The whole show is a fucking blur to me, but I vaguely remember the 3 characters in the pic, getting like one focus episode each and then being irrelevant for the whole season.
Un, Chaika.
intentionally autistic dialogue is not exactly bad writing, user
Oh, that's sad. I wish she could tell me that she saw the darkness deep down my eyes, as we strolled through the tranquil, purple-hued city.
>i like the bad ones
Glad to see there are people besides me who watched Divine Shit all the way. Good to know i wasn't the only idiot who didn't drop it at the first episode.
every time she speaks, but not for the dialogue itself, just because listening to/reading it makes me feel like I'm having an aneurysm
It didn't even have an ending, like it ended in the middle of an arc.
lots of shit taste in this thread
How do you know if it's bad dialogue and not just a bad translation? Or even just a cultural thing?
You are a faggot...ne?
And people call Kingdom Hearts cringey.
This, Kakegurui made me rethink if I still liked Anime at all
People die if they are killed
I watched the whole thing, almost all lines said by that character are "muh darkness" and derivatives
Every time this bitch opened her mouth felt like she was to "scientific reasoning" what Bing Bang Theory is to humor. A literal fap fuel to pseudo intellectuals.
Using Kakegurui isn't fair, it can be appreciated only by disabled in some way people.
op said bad dialogue, not genius dialogue
first part > battle crap, but I agree the rest is mediocre at best.
>Even himself.
Please tell me this is played for laughs
I just finished this a few days ago. This edgelord should be in Kingdom Hearts with the amount of times he says "darkness". Also, is this the worst animation MAPPA has done? The amount of QUALITY in it is fucking horrendous.
That lancer line isn't redundant though. It's just states the bullshit mechanic.
>The deep dark darkness
Was that intentional or some translation fuckup?
Alliteration is fun.
>watch chuuni shows
>be surprised about chuuni dialogue
I saw the first episode and I dropped it
I've had it with you adults and your lies!
If the blow can be dodged it's not fucking undodgeable, Cu is a hack. Gae bolg is only ever useful as a counter to Fragarach, otherwise it's a shit NP.
Half of them are shitty translations and the ones that aren't make sense in context
The hack here is Saber and her bullshit. Gae Bolg is suppossed to be undodgable. See Prisma to see how broken Gae Bolg is
It's ironic Methuselah from Dies irae Interview with Kaziklu Bey is an actual embodiment of darkness and yet he isn't an edgelord like most "muh darkness" faggots
Hell, he hates all the bad shit people have associated with darkness since forever, so he'd hate all these darness edgelords posted in this thread
I mean, it is. You can hate more than one thing
It's not like you have many people defending Garo Crimson Moon. In fact, the idea you'll almost always see is that Crimson Moon is a black sheep and the first anime and Vanishing Line were much better.
It was the comedy of the season. Haven't cried at an anime that much.
>when Sasuke was in the cave with his brother during the war arc.
Dr. Snakes is GOAT.
>only thing to look forward to from GnT is Usuzumizakura
they merely adopted the darkness, but he was born in it, molded by it
The darkness stuff is at least mildly amusing, but explaining Schrödinger's cat is the worst dialogue in any anime
Definitely not ying and yang because schools of taoism views darkness as equally a good thing as light
>I'm gonna kill the God.
>Yes, you gonna kill the God.
i fucking hate this shit, fuck you Lulucho and fuck you Code Geese
Fuck off that was genius
I fucking love Cyber City Oedo when it's subtitled, but my God, this has to be the worst dub in the history of dubbing.
what did they mean by this
any time an anime does a tittle drop.
its shit every time.
actually, all media should stop fucking doing this.
In recent memory it's got to be The Promised Neverland. Though I am only watching the anime, haven't read the manga. But every conversation is like "it's no wonder you're the smartest of all of us Norman," "thanks Emma, though I never could best you in physical sports" and blah blah.
The best version of this I've seen was the 'I Can't Hear the Fireworks' chapter title drop
Is this a Bane reference
Thank you Japan for spelling everything out for me, I can't watch anime if it doesn't mimic a wikipedia article
Capture him if he's alive. If not, kill him.
If people would ask me to name that one thing that annoys me about anime the most it would be this. My desinterest in a series grows exponentially with the masses of explanation shit and tell-don't-show scenes it has.
pic related is probably the holy grail of "tell-don't-show" kind of narrative, it's like a series made for the sole purpose of pissing off people that hates excessive dialogue in action series
There are a few others. Ergo Proxy and the likes also fall into this category. They're rare as fuck even though this rule should be common knowledge. With that I don't mean that every series has to be some cryptic stuff you have to watch twice to get everything, it's just that I get pissed off if every damn character has to state the obvious up to the point in which they even have an inner monologue about what they are doing in a scene regardless that you can actually see what they do anyway. Same as repetition or explaining shit in detail that isn't even hard to get.
That's the problem with Japanese pop culture writing in general. Just recall how often you've heard anime characters say shit like "I am happy" or "I feel sad". Seemingly trivial, but well-written dialogue wouldn't make characters literally narrate their mood to you.
>likes big muscular beefy men
>complains about gayness
so if you would rather watch a series about a girly twink MC you're not gay?
"All begins and ends in darkness."
"The amount of darkness in this thread pleases me."
Oof, you reminded me of the opening sequence of Nier Automata. Great game, but that was a horrible first impression.
what a shit series, seriously
By learning Japanese
SBR could have been so good. But yet he fell back to the same stand battle shit.