Old season is done, new season is about to start

Old season is done, new season is about to start.

What did you like? What are you looking forward?

Do you think Sarazai will revolutionize homo? With noitamina doing BL do you think things are changing?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>Please refrain from posting catch-phrase or template threads
Why do mods coddle literal faggotry?

Sarazai better have lots of "artistic" nudity and boys licking each other's symbolic cucumbers

I just hope Ikuhara subverts our expectations & it's a wild ride.

I'm cautiously optimistic about Sarazanmai. I've always wanted Ikuhara to do a homo anime so I'm looking forward to it. YKA was pretty bad and Sarazanmai will be 12 episodes as well so there's a good chance of it turning out the same way. Either way there's no point in hyping it up.

>Sarazanmai will be 12 episodes
No... really? Well, there goes any hope of it being at least Penguindrum level of interesting.

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Post the cutest shotas of the season.

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And it's 11 episodes. Source - fujicreative.co.jp/for_buyers/more_info/tabid/106/pdid/883/Default.aspx

>new synopsis
Kazuki Yasaka, an 8th grader living in Asakusa, is turned into a Kappa along with his classmates Toi and Enta by a mysterious creature named Keppi, after they break inadvertently a statue of a Kappa, the guardian god of the city.
They are then ordered by Keppi, who claims to be the first heir to the throne of Kappa Kingdom, to fight against the Kapa-zombies, bioarms created by his enemies, if they want to return to their human form.
In order to kill them, they have to make a specific sound called “Sarazanmai” which is produced only when the three of them are united, but the three boys cannot connect at first.
In addition, one of their secrets is revealed to each other every time they emit the sound!
They finally accept to take risks to collect the "Plates of Hope", given by Keppi when they defeat the Kapa-zombies, and which can make their wishes come true. However, some trouble occurs over the plates…!
Along the course of the fights against the Kapa-zombies, their fierce past and inner conflicts keep getting revealed. This is the sarcastic fantasy of three boys who don't feel connected to their important ones, getting to realize the real meaning of bonds.

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I just wonder, what literary source or real event will Sarazanmai reference?
>Utena - Hesse/Terayama Shuji
>Penguindrum - Sarin Gas attack/Miyazawa Kenji
>YKA - Sankebetsu brown bear incident

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not even the cutest from his show.

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shotas are disgusting and you should feel bad for liking them.

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Phil is cute, but isn't as cute as Norman.

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I'm going to miss Mob Monday so much.

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Cool, new plot details.

Same. I'm going to be heartbroken if we don't get a third season or some sort of continuation.

Attached: 2019-03-04-10h52m14s184.png (1280x738, 667K)

Sarazanmai is going to be amazing. My hype cannot possibly be contained.
>900 3-post threads talking about the butt of some moeblob from a forgotten seasonalshit
>mad about one homo thread a week
Fuck off.

What is homo?

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>I'm in love
>To me running is you

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 23 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.45.532.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Ikuhara animu summaries always sound barely comprehensible.

>What are you looking forward?
List got too long, pretty much first episodes of everything with a lot of guys on the cover, along with Furuba for nostalgia and continuing Dororo from this season. Looking forward to seeing Sarazanmai unfold.
Nice more info, thanks user.

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This was so fucking great, the they slowly ramped up the homo until this happen. They are 100% meant to be shipped in my eyes.

Hopefully we'll get doujins.

>same op who can't spell sarazammai
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

I miss this boy already

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>Mob end soon
I'm not ready.

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They don't do reverse harems like they used to.

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No u.

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This is some Free!-tier bait and if you fell for it I feel bad for you.

is that mugen

It's just shipping.

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And you're just a retard.

>stop enjoying things

You're the retard.

Taking these baits in 2013 + 6 is just funny, I had to point it out.

It's just entertainment baby. You're the one taking it too seriously.

Only lame SJW type of western fujos care about muh canon. If only they would fuck off from anime and manga.

user please stop replying to the very obvious shitposter.

Shipping doesn't have to be canon, people shipped Goku x Sailor moon way back when too. Stop acting like you are imparting some great truth here. It is just pandering and people are enjoying it.


>Goku x Sailor moon
Pretty sure that was some weird widespread hentai fantasy that had nothing to do with 'shipping'

Yeah, I know; but someone always brings it up 'canon' every thread and it needed to be said.
Shipping doesn't have to canon, there were fics and stuff of it too so clearly a few people did ship the crossover, this thread isn't about straight ships; it was just an example.

>They are 100% meant to be shipped in my eyes.
Reread this and tell me if it isn't retarded.

>meant to be shipped
Sounds like the user is saying that the pandering is intentional and they are enjoying it.


You baitfags are sad human beings that repeat a buzzword to make yourself feel better.

Well this thread went to shit pretty quick

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Then fuck off

We get it, you hate homo, go back to to Snk shipping Eren with historia or who the fuck they are shipping them now.

Who here is excited for Kimetsu's anime?

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Delusionalfags are just hilarious, that's it

People love to reply to the most obvious shitposters, regardless of how many times we go through the exact same thing. Please stop.

I only read a chapter or two when it came out but I always loved the artstyle. I hope it's nice.


shoot dick redrawers into the sun

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I am, can't wait for this. I really like the manga.

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I remember someone saying baitfags are the flat earthers of the anime community. That comparison gets more apt every time.

Where do you think you are, newfag?

At least there'll be more Dazai-san in 2 weeks.

any of you reading this?

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Jesus, the artstyle doesn't even match.

Char is so HOT.

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Found the post.

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Is this for real? What manga is this? Fuck these fags, that isn't even a difficult redraw.

I read this, and I don't know why it's so highly rated. It just seemed, cliched. I don't know, none of the characters were compelling enough for me to care about them.
Back to Hagio Moto.

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Boring SJW shit

Who else is excited for Fate Babylonia and Camelot? What scenes and characters do you most want to see?

Only I find it funny that they seem to be giving more prominence to the male characters that the feminines in the advertisements of animes? Babylonia even having so many girls in the story it seems that the anime is focusing more on the male characters

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>All this hype for Sarazanmai
These threads are going to hate it, right?

Don't you ever get tired of shitposting with the same boogieman? At least get some new material.

>no melodrama

Attached: neko x neko.jpg (1000x1424, 308K)

i'm always hyped for ikuhara, user.

As a rule of the thread to hate mainstream anime with canon homo, yeah.

>As a rule of the thread to hate mainstream anime with canon homo, yeah.

Damm you're seriously butthurt.

They really DON'T.

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>ikuhara anime

>still forcing that shit.
After so much spoonfeeding and explanations, at the point you can only be a shitposter.

Depends more on the story; it looks good so far.
We got a DD! booze collab at Anime Japan, sake-shiraito.com/page248 with the company doing one with Tiger & Bunny sake-shiraito.com/page184 instead of more eps.
T&B also has a fancy watch collab twitter.com/BANDAIFN/status/1108173985806606337 and tissue pouches twitter.com/animate_akibags/status/1110842720824619008 after the perfume collab that is also being done for DD! twitter.com/COZYWAVE_info/status/1110392108295192576
Maybe there will still be DD! good news at the last ep screening.

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Is it really that hard to ignore a shitposter? Please, just ignore and report.

Lurk more.

Look at how many special snowflakes

Hate to break it to you, but there are more people in this thread calling your bullshit.
Then again, seeing how many people he triggered, he certainly hit something.

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Yep, it's really cute. Love the artstyle.

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Sesame seed best boy

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There must be plenty of retards that like it if they keep doing it.

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Looks like crap

I need the doujins and Hyakki needs to react like a helpless disjointed doll while getting pounded by his brother.

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How many people will he kill?

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>dir. Kazuki Akane
Low expectations.

lemme axe you guys a question. Why do translator groups not want their translations shared anywhere? Is it a monetary thing or like "muh artist respect"?

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he will not kill anyone. they will only metaphorically die.

I know you are talking about YOI, and I agree.
Movie when, by the way?

I can already tell that yellow is a shit and red x blue is the only acceptable Sarazanmai pairing

None but he will rape 3 middle school age boys.

I don't really like any of the characters in Babylonia besides Kingu and found the chapter itself pretty tedious until the very end so I'm not particularly excited for that. Camelot I enjoyed more but it's still mostly characters I have little investment in. I guess that's no different from most of FGO though.

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>implying this started with YOI
Imagine being this new.

Blue is already my least favorite, he's the token pretty tsundere boy a dark story that will make fujos wet, nothing new to see. Megane boy looks adorable.

December 31th

>Cut Kakeru's crush on Hana and any interactions with her
>This happens
Production I.G. is pretty based.

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It's certainly the last one that caused a mass butthurt around here.

They're retards who grew up in the muh secret livejournal e-peen sucking community and never moved on from that.

Something like this?

Doesn't matter, this boogieman has been around long before it aired. Not everything is about YOI, get over it already.

Blue will be a brocon. He lives apart from his older brother who is doing shady things.

I dropped this, what is going on here?

Because they're afraid you'll post their name and a link to their website on the FBI's favourite reddit.
The less their stuff is shared, the safer they feel.

It'll be interesting only if the big bro rapes him.

Don't. It has been explained many time before but the way it keeps being forced proves it's just out to start shit.

They literally love each other. It's not even an interpretation.

The sweet smell of fujobux

Nice. Don't let me down, Ikuhara.

Name ONE thing better than surprise homo

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Well like the synopsis says, the boys want "to feel connected to their important ones" so maybe he wants his aniki to fuck him.

>he's at it again

The show flopped.
It was really a weird development, there wasn't much homo chemistry in the beginning, I agreed with the anons who called it "one of the least gay sport anime", the interactions never went overboard or felt overly-emotional like in most sport anime.

Then starting around episode 10 or 11 they start to become closer, slowly building their relationship more and more.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.41.763.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

d-does this actually happen?

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I wish we got more of them

What happens?

Well as far as I'm aware none of the female characters in this are as popular as the male ones. I know about the Rin knock off. And that's pretty much it.
Admittedly I could feel that way because I live in a yaoi hugbox but I don't think that's the case. The most popular female characters of Fate are Saber, Rin, Sakura, Jeanne. I never heard of a Babylonia waifu who came close to their level popularity wise.

maybe I don't understand. What's surprise homo?

Homo is great.

I thought it was just going to be a gag manga, but I really took a liking to it.
chapters 4, 5 and 6 were amazing

Homo out of nowhere.

What is this?
>Name ONE thing better than surprise homo
A shonen homoship coming true. I assume it would feel better.

>What is this?
Will and Lion from seakitties.

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Homos are for death and suffering

may I please have some examples of this happening?

A slow burn story comes pretty close; it is pretty even with getting a nice surprise pairing.

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It's depends on the story. Tragic homo for the sake of tragedy can get stale too.

They are from Umineko. Though it's hard to explain their role in the story without spoilers and what they represent, but the Blondie is canon bi.

When did homos hurt you?

I don't know how to handle the loss of Running Boys.

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It's not a surprise anymore if we tell you but ok.

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I enjoy gayshit but I also want them to die

Thanks, I had no idea this had homo.

I haven't seeeeen this oneeee

>keep seeing more ABO shit in manga and manhwa
Supernatural was a mistake. Any of you faggots who supported it at any point should be water boarded until you lose your sense of touch.

It's only a matter of time before I see this shit in my Chinese cartoons.

This had homo? I don't believe you

homoerotic tension > homosexuality

This is the objective truth.

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Whyyy do youuuu speaaaak like thiiiisssss

It's too late. It has already overtaken Japan.

No surprise really, for all the mystification of them, you'd be surprised how similar they are to us.

commit sudoku together

Why not both?

Just watch the last episode.

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Shut up Yukino.

I think nips just want their fantasy homo couple to have babies and it's not really about ABO,

I don't want to lover suicide with a stranger, do I look like a whore who'd just suicide with anyone?

Attached: want me to slap your shit.jpg (348x216, 32K)

Why homo threads don't care for banana fish?

It was two seasons ago.

This. I have seen too many fujo fanartists make homo couples have kids. ABO justifies it.
The only good thing of this mess is that they almost never shown them pregnant.

Wait, what? I thought this shit came from Twilight. What does Supernatural have to do with it?
To be honest I don't mind. Some good works come out of that trend.

It had its own airing threads so it didn't need to be discussed here.

Not enough rape.

I'd go even further.
sexual tension > sexuality/sex scenes
It's not limited to homo.

>This. I have seen too many fujo fanartists make homo couples have kids. ABO justifies it.
Then have them adopt or some shit.

ABO is a cheap way to have the characters fuck, most ABO dosn't even have the characters having kids. It's garbage that turns men into pseudo women.

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>come into thread
>someone posts my husband
2019 will be a good year, for sure. s3 soon.
I understand this feel perfectly, I do assure you, kind user.

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>lover's suicide
your words, not mine

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because Ash/Eiji is very annoying

Because things are always better when there's something left to be desired!

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It's because of people like you fujos are mostly considered to be a retarded rabid landwhales. Why there are so many sadistic shits among fujos?

Me. If it does really well it’ll be a wild ride to see a season with the demon sibs or the tengu fight

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It's just fantasy and the nips only seem to use it just to let their homo couple have their own children.

This. I swear those who demand things to be openly homo have no imagination.

>thinks only fujoss have twisted fetishes
Take a tour of sadpanda.

Why is tension so good, but the real thing ends up always being so lackluster?

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Tristan is precious. I also like his sense of humour and self-irony in fgo.

Probably because the gay couples are annoying and effeminate, whereas homolust takes place between guys behaving normally,

I didn't like them when I read the manga a decade ago, I don't like their anime version today.

They already had this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Pistols before supernatural, it is pretty similar so it is no surprise they enjoy the idea.

Not that user, but whoever is exaggeratedly vocal about their fetishes is cringe.

I remember just hating Eiji a lot, thinking he was completely irrelevant to the manga's plot.

Eh, everyone's user here. There's no reason to care or be affected.

I don't give a fuck about a good story. I'm just here for a jerk off. Stories that forever to get to the sex can fuck off.
You must have a vagina to care about the plot of porn.

Nips can't romance

Because conquering is a thrill, having isn't.
It the very nature of desire that we cease desiring as soon as we have what we wanted. Same reason why Don Juan gets bored of the girl as soon as she submits to him, or why Reinhardt felt unexplicably empty when he realized Yang was dead and he had no worthy enemy left in the world because the universe was his.

But I think it's the same for hetero relationships as well, tension is always so much better than when they actually get together.

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>Not that user, but whoever is exaggeratedly vocal about their fetishes is cringe.
Where do you think you are

Well, it's only true if they don't ruin the relationship with a female love interest like it happened in Kado.

It was shit.

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Not that user but it is pointless to waste a post on it when we only have threads once a week; which is why 'post your fetish' after the bump limit is a thing in these threads. You can post it then all you want.

I don't think like that. Nowhere I implied it. Still it's truth that fujos are mostly really rotten and sadistic to characters they are supposedly like.

It was just one post. The ones getting "offended" by it are worst.

>waaa it's because you have a fetish for doll joints that people think fujos are gross
Seriously? Kill yourself you dumb bitch. They'd still think you're gross even if you and every single fujo on earth were exclusively into vanilla.

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>It the very nature of desire that we cease desiring as soon as we have what we wanted.
It doesn't mean we can't just enjoy something we gained.

Women have to seek attention, what's new

The claw arc will be finished with the next episode and what remains to adapt isn't going to be enough for a full season. If we get anything, it will either be a movie or an OVA.

Don't cut yourself on that edge. Also doll joints have nothing to do with your sadism, you sick fuck.

Just telling you the thread format, in case there are any new people that still haven't seen a thread end that way since we 404-ed a couple of threads recently.

But, isn't that called the honeymoon period? It wears off. I guess that's why it's so hard to write a romance story without ending it in tragedy.

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tamekou's new thingie which is laughably retarded but has a cute crossdresser

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Sure, but that is not desire anymore. Hell you could even argue enjoying something you have is just petty loss aversion. It depends on which cycle of desire you base your reasoning on.

Sorry I get off on torturing 2D characters, I guess.

This is bad but I'm more bothered by the random ugly ass colored pages in the middle of the chapter to be honest.

Not everyone, and not exclusive to fujos. Why be in a homo thread if you're going to whine about one comment not being about vanilla?

You've never read any sadistic homo shit by male authors then.

I'm scared the tax evasion accusations will affect this anime somehow, hope I'm wrong. This adaptation seems promising.


Tax evasion of the studio?

This artist's editor needs to force her into a work relationship with a writer. Her art is wasted on the shitty stories she writes.

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>thread of trying to type like 2012 edgelords
We've seen you long enough to know you can't name a counterexample.

Yes, it's on all nip news sites now, even trending on Twitter.

That user disagrees with you, speedreader.

I'm gonna miss these dorks

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You can circumvent that problem by ending the story the very moment the guy gets the girl. Cinderella does this. Ouran does this.

Are you this mad not everyone loves YOI?

Stop but perhaps you're just replying to yourself.

Can you fucking stop replying to the same shitposter from 100 posts ago?

This might be why a lot of popular pairing among fans are ones that ended tragically. The what-if component generates fan activity because the fans can make their own scenarios about what it would be like if the characters got to be together and be happy, unlike if it happens in the canon but winds up being lackluster.

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Subs never.

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Nihon disagrees

But is anyone going to sub King Pri?

Is aarinfantasy still dying?

I don't see why not. It's not unpopular.

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Excuse me?

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Time skip hotness

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Are you still mad that not everyone loves your memorized shitposter comebacks?

I thought you were only allowed to post after we hit bump limit

It's not popular in the West.

They all suddenly got dadfashion except Shindo.

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It's relevant this time, it's one of her stories. incest is still the best

Looking at all the replies it seems they'll be mad forever.

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Kakeru and Haiji also largely stayed the same. Though I guess Kakeru looks a it more chubby and Haiji a bit more mainly?

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Indeed, fanworks and fan activity in general are fueled by frustration. A well written, well wrapped up story will never generate as much discussion or activity for its fanbase as the fanbase of a badly written story with a lot of loose ends and tragic ships everywhere. It's fucked up. Makes you wonder which one is more satisfying in the end.
On the moment, when you watch it, it's probably the well wrapped up story, on the long run, it's probably the later.

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Speaking of King Prim, I watched the movie and I don't understand why it was a success. It looked like a bad parody.

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Why didn't you tell me the MC of this Enride-tier looking shit was played by Nakai? Picked up

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The shitposters should be deleted since they try to start this in every thread.

Yeah sure, but that kind of ending will never be as memorable as Romeo and Juliet.

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Prediction: this show will be good and have homo potential, but be ignored the way Double Decker was.

>shitty try hard harada knockoff
I rest my case.

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Hey fuck off, it looks way better and the staff is solid and very good at comedy.

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Here's an idea user: don't reply and report.

these two are my favorite ship. it's not "really" homo but whatever.

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It's why a lot of good animewith a solid story doesn't generate a lot of threads or fanworks. Series with a cool premise, but terrible writing, tend to stick around. Look how much shipping crap BNHA has over anime with better story and characters.

This will be directed by Shinji Takamatsu so I hope it's going to be a nice comedy.

DD was deservedly ignored because bad.

Ikemen paradise

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where's my BEYOND

Attached: [Dekinai] Soukyuu No Fafner Dead Aggressor; Exodus - 13 [E419810B][00:20:50]001.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

That man knows how to navigate homo for some reason.

Attached: crying.jpg (1280x720, 271K)

Why didn't people like it?

>don't reply
Do it. It's a samefag trying to force an imagery scenario.

>DD was deservedly ignored because bad.
It think it was bad but the cast was largely very fun due to how colorful everyone was, instead of boring schoolboys shit.

The plot was a trainwreck though.

The movies are probably the most gay ecchi male idol anime out there. Nothing else is needed.

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doesn't Soushi's rebirth absolutely destroy the homo in Fafner though? i mean, now Kazuki is his father.

I guess. I did like Alex, but that's it.

Attached: [Davinci] KING OF PRISM -PRIDE the HERO- [BD 1080p 10bit FLAC][EB14F5F3].mkv_snapshot_00.45.12.962.j (1920x1080, 224K)

>trips and dubs
Why did you do this, I liked the PV.
We had +80 posters in the last airing thread along with our 3 regular shit posters.
It was a comedy, and advertised as a T&B spin-off which made people think it would be a character drama instead. It was really fun.

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I have this horrible feeling Sarazanmai won't have any homo at all.

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>endride watcher is a yamagayfag
It checks out I guess.

Attached: contained laughter.webm (1024x576, 166K)

The cops seems gay but they're dead.

it's gonna be homoeroticism like all ikuhara.

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I miss Kakine ;_;

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This doesn't make any sense and I actually dropped it around episode 2. Who the fuck watched that show?

The theme is about connections so there should be an example of a romantic connection homo or otherwise.

I'm just happy about an Ikuni show with boys.

Me, it was comfy like a saturday morning cartoon and the villain was great.

I started watching it for Massu but it ended up being pretty neat.

what if it's just YKA but with boys

For me it's because the writing stop being good halfway, the comedy sometimes was out of place, and the digital/CGI animation is an eyesore.
>We had +80 posters in the last airing thread along with our 3 regular shit posters.
How does having active threads make a show good?

Why don't you just wait for the show to start before you feel anything?

I'm glad there exists a big brown bara who has a gratuitous rivalry with a cute brown boy.

Attached: Yamato-Alexander-Battle-Suit-Ver-Amakuni.jpg (661x720, 265K)

You still don't know if they are or are not gay. Don't lie on the internet.


Oh come on I just wanted to bully you gently a little, take the bait.

Seems legit. What was the villain like? I dropped it on first episode.

Attached: D2Yfg_RUYAE9GGC.jpg (1054x1002, 87K)

>BL magazine
>Raised a baby together
>Romantic situation
I swear some of you wouldn't accept homo even if slapped with a cock.

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These are your Promare boothbabes for tonight.

Attached: D2TysJKUcAUgSP8.jpg (900x1200, 218K)

By airing thread I meant the last episode's thread not the extra episode threads, just to clarify.
>How does having active threads make a show good?
I meant it wasn't ignored. it wasn't bad at all; it was just not what people expected. The narrator should have made it clear that it was a comedy from the start but that part was a let down for some fans. I enjoyed it a lot.

Attached: they are both idiots.jpg (1280x720, 339K)

B-but muh canon

Sorry. Believe me or not, I meant to type "dead" not "gay".
You also are right, gomen.

Attached: 4242.jpg (480x360, 20K)


Cool, but where is the trap in leather bondage?
There has to be one, right?

Delete and kys

I love them.

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But what's even the difference between being gay and being dead?

Read the rules, newfags.

>I meant to type "dead" not "gay".
Ok since you weren't just starting shit over nothing. Mabu has been tweeting about seeing more otter logos around and getting called up by their boss. Also he has been getting sick lately. Twice in 1 month.

>dat biceps

Attached: wew lung.jpg (121x129, 3K)

how many villages do I have to burn down in order for this translation to continue?

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As far as anime is concerned, not much admittedly.

Attached: [Hope] Danganronpa 3 The End of Hope's Peak Academy - Future Arc - 11 [197AC007].mkv_snapshot_2 (1280x720, 60K)

I haven't kept track of their tweets, but well, the speculations are turning out to be true? Also isn't their account closing in two or three days? I wonder what will the last tweet be.

Never forget.

Attached: 1474224675055.jpg (414x534, 102K)

I guess so and yes the account will stop at the end of March. The tweeter also seems connected to the anime unlike the manga which is called a spin-off.

>white hair
>not gay
0/10, dropped at the 3rd episode.

What a fag. The show isn't even that bad, your loss.

>hoshi most likely got a decent job
>the other most likely left the scene as well.
literally nothing as it is a scanlation hell (the imagination panels looks like a huge fucking pain to properly work with)
it would be faster and better to learn moonrunes with the way things are going.
unless you start begging to seven seas that did a good job on Syundeis adorable loveshit and edgy shit which are both themes on SnY.
though the shota content pretty much ruins all the chances of it bring officially worked on.

Attached: syundei the edge.jpg (2694x1920, 1.87M)

I don't get what was the point of the spin-off then, if the stories aren't connected

What? It's literally the backstory of one of the characters.

>What was the villain like?
He was surprisingly good and well written for a QUALITY anime. The plot was solid and easy to follow but even though I had fun watching it, I wouldn't rewatch it, I probably only managed to finish it because it was fun watching this with Yea Forums.

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Even if nothing is canon, I bet it will be really easy to ship.

Attached: slut incarnate.png (707x394, 538K)

how is it possible that there's a millions of english speaking weebs in the world and only 2 to work on such a good project?
And thanks for reminding me that syundei's shit isn't getting translated either!

Attached: faggots.jpg (844x1200, 243K)

>acid town update
The fuck? This shit is still going?
Did the mains hook up?

at least syundei's stuff has some chance, especially Nakamura-kun sequel a year or two after the eventual jp tank release.

Attached: D2bNancUgAAtLAk.png (550x695, 646K)

This is the gayest thing that happened in Clear Card between these two.

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It goes without saying that the boys are going to be shipped together, but either way homo or not I just want to enjoy the new anime by Ikuni. I know it's dumb to say this in a homo thread, but some people care only about the amount of gay and it's irritating.

Fuck me

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>some people care only about the amount of gay and it's irritating
Gotta agree even if it's this thread. Watch Ikuni anime for Ikuni.

At this point I stopped caring.

It would be an amazing manga if it were released every month on schedule, though.

It blows that it's only 11 episodes

Attached: 1526167500656.gif (288x374, 480K)

Thank God I'm not reading this shit anymore. CLAMP has really lost their way.

They are the most blatant example of a mangaka selling out and regressing.

You can't even blame editors and shit, they are fucking CLAMP and it's fucking CCS, anyone would lick their feet.

The MC is a Sarafag, at least at the beginning.

Attached: tumblr_inline_polgt2yU8o1rg3gmx_1280.png (639x356, 323K)

The pace seems pretty brisk.

but I want this one translated too

Attached: syn.jpg (900x1323, 223K)

There'll be 11 intense weeks

Nah I still think that award goes to Takahashi. The woman, not the man.
The man has actually has gotten vastly better with his art and the last movie of YGO shows he still has that touch.

I was just about to post it. Anyone who can't handle one of the boys liking a girl can don't pick it up.

Where's that picture from?

Oh it'll be interesting, but I'd like half a year of it.

>her art
I can't stand it. Her male characters look like thirteen year old k-pop idols.

it's never too late to start learning moon ;^)

Kaneda, what do you see?!

Caps of unaired Sarazanmai PVs from the Utena and MPD screenings on niconico.

Attached: 1537587285669.jpg (640x360, 34K)

Same, I must admit I'm more interested in the antagonist than in the main couple though to be honest.

I can't find this one by searching Syundei. Name?

This is a masterpiece

Attached: PLS-DYM-Ch.2-07.jpg (914x1300, 260K)

UPDATES WHEN!? He better slut around.

I fucking love CCS but Clear Card is shit, i miss my tsun Syaoran.

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homoangel movie when?
use image search on the second one.

Attached: belial.png (1087x366, 566K)

oh boy, he will. and he loves it.

Link me please senpai

>homoangel movie when?
Never ever.

terrible taste.

Let me show you a better couple.

Attached: Kotabi-no-Butai-wa-Umi-Nareba-cn-1.jpg (1000x1414, 455K)

I could tell you, but then I'd have to it's fujitobi

Attached: 18.jpg (900x1282, 275K)

to me they're more like bros and occasional FWB

All the better when his assball is yanked out.

Shit, thank you user. I guess I lose hope right away when google gives me the "cartoon" answer. I'm a moron.

Ah, so that's why. I thought it was Syundei because of the conversation. Thanks user.

Attached: D2Q7CMzVYAInYd4.png (700x570, 121K)

Just google series name + raw

Looks weak compared to stuff like Yuuri or Deku's rooms.

>Fujitobi's hands
They're so good, I notice them every time.

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Doujin's when.

Attached: D1YzI3_UwAAapoO.jpg (848x743, 62K)

What do you expect from this, are you going to watch it when cam rips/BD rips are out?

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I miss tsun senpai so much

Attached: DtPXZl6UcAEKEft.jpg (544x730, 64K)

Nothing homo

it looks like it might be as fun as klk, so I'll watch the cam rips when they come out.

>it's a "yaoi hands nowhere to be seen" episode
Absolute bliss. Good hands are the sign of a true patrician artist

Attached: 121837598127.png (580x434, 265K)

Hopefully another worldwide homo phenomenon like Tsumugu. I'll watch it when it comes to american cinemas.

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Found it. Thanks mate.

Looks fun, will watch.

Attached: double brofist.jpg (858x482, 228K)

>Awairo gets a new oneshot
>furry wolf shit gets a spin-off
>Senpai gets nothing
It's not fair bros.

I expect a good sakuga time but absolutely zero homo.

>to be continued
stop speedreading, senpai.
also I hope the TL puts it up on dex instead.

We don't know how many more merch he has besides the posters and the plushies

Attached: spat.png (510x866, 759K)

tell me about boy-napes

Attached: jiiii.png (743x535, 425K)

He has the ア phone charm too.

So does Sara represent capitalism and therefore is evil?

We really should have gotten more eps.

Attached: bang!.jpg (1280x720, 207K)

one more

Attached: 1552258788885.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

I don't know, but Ikuhara probably has something to say about idol culture, namely the connection between the idols and their fans.

Only one more. That hurts so deep.
Here, user. No offense intended, just a swap out for better quality if you want.

Attached: Bickering Homos.jpg (1280x2119, 512K)

>Ikuni single-handedly subverting Japan's idol culture
I'd watch it only for that

But Satoshi Kon already did that.


Attached: 526262.png (900x875, 276K)

What am I missing? Ova? Is it subbed?

3 extra eps, the last one will air on 10th April subbed a few hours later.

Attached: ドキドキ.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

This is a different era, the ideologies evolved and we need a new hero.

Kiril seduced a rich man

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They on nyaa?

A rich man that looks like Doug and made his heart flutter.

Attached: my partner is cute.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

I'll watch it only because trigger, but this is the least appealing project they came up with.

just dropping this here, also on goddess
Tenshi no Sasayaki wa Akuma wo Otosu - v1 c2-5+extra: files.catbox.moe/cimf2t.zip

Attached: anaconda.png (1125x1600, 569K)

Exactly like that

Lewd Perrier.

Attached: Perrier.jpg (1572x1760, 465K)

there are some on pixiv

that's like asking why so many men love hentai of women being raped or breeded.
once you can answer that question you will have the answer here.

cute shota BL where

You are supposed to bring stuff you find here to share with others, recs aren't allowed user.

no no you misunderstand
I was saying that there isn't any

Attached: definitely illegal.png (527x1441, 575K)

My bad, carry on good user.

Lick cyborgs.

Attached: Negawakuba-ore-dake-no-kimi-de-arimasu-you-ni-73843189_p31.jpg (1000x1402, 336K)

>tfw Genos looks fucking terrible in the PV for S2
I miss Madhouse already

Soon we can all bully JC Staff.

Attached: One Punch Man Special 2.mkv_snapshot_03.24_[2019.02.13_14.32.06].jpg (1920x1080, 776K)

>detachable forehead ribbon

Attached: D2ttQ0uWoAArDy7.jpg (850x550, 87K)

Isn't it hard, Norman?

That bunny is desperate for some dick

Attached: Dz2uuX2UUAE_Qyt.jpg (1200x700, 140K)

Reminds me, why did WWX removing the ribbon trigger him anyway?

I bet he'll also get a new mommy or Kazuki will die, and soushi/kazuki will be dead for good

I'd say Kazuki raising Sushi v.2, like some young war widow, is pretty damn gay. It's the same kind of closure Maya's sister got at the end of the original series, her husband was gone but at least she got their baby.
At this point I'd gladly take some wholesome father/son bonding too. I just want them to be happy, goddamnit.

Attached: fafner_003_cs1w1_640x787.jpg (640x787, 271K)

Their ribbons are supposed to be given to their lover/ the most important person

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Shota Puppet Lang
Do you think they'll show him meeting Shang in the whorehouse?

Attached: 1553503089917.jpg (640x800, 131K)

Ah, that's what I figured. Can't say that in Chinese cartoons.

Attached: 73860294_p0.jpg (1080x2141, 404K)

In their defense, even in the novel Wei Wuxian doesn't discover what's the deal with the ribbons until later.
Maybe they'll turn it into the Forehead Ribbon of Strong Friendship and Admiration.

Attached: spin.gif (540x540, 956K)

What happened to him?

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Funny since left is the succubus.

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Are these two really the same person? Left one has different eyes.

He discovered gay sex

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Can't believe I forgot about this show. Guess I'll pick it back up.

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Guys I miss Kuroko.

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I want Ramens season 2, why do good shows suffer this way?

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I hope none of them dies
Because plebs don't understand perfection

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I'm starting to hate my taste, everything I love just hovers out of reach; it is getting annoying.

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I didn't know crossdressing blondes were allowed to be straight

homodachis, should i start antique bakery?



The death of Billy Herrington.

Just saw the new Double decker! dj on mrm.
If you guys are around, that was really great, Thanks a lot for all your hard work.

Attached: D2olLNEVYAAV3vM.jpg (615x862, 127K)

>kissing and good art

It was so good.
It's feels great to have good doujin-ka work on your anime and to get it properly scanlated too.

Attached: 1541156189561.jpg (1280x720, 129K)


I marathoned Dororo because the fanart kept flowing but I wish their personalities were more compelling. The show in general is sort of minimally competent in every aspect without notable highs or lows.

Watch the old adaptation. It's much closer to the manga's spirit and both Dororo and Hyakkimaru are great. Or just read the manga.

Attached: 1547500221489.jpg (900x750, 65K)

Don't worry user, Hyakki is still learning about the world around him; we will get to see more of his personality soon enough. They already did a great job with showing Taho's conflicted emotions, I'm sure it will be good.

Attached: IMG_20190224_081324.jpg (2000x1600, 319K)

It's a decent show at best, it doesn't excel in any aspect. The fact that people are so wet about it pretty much tells you how shit this season was. But yeah Hyakki a cute and I can't get enough of his shirtless fanart.

The only thinking man itt.

Foolish fool. Porn is for jerking off your genitals. The romance plot of the porn is for jerking off your heart.
The combination of the two brings complete satisfaction. Only a sex crazed fool would dismiss the plot as superfluous.
Bonus points if it has a regular plot too. Then it brings satisfaction to your head too.

Attached: joker game sluts.png (1000x1524, 724K)

Very true.

The Promised Neverland will get a season 2 next year.

>Retard on twitter edited Kiribaku doujin screencaps to draw dicks in and then tagged the actual doujinka in the post
See, this is exactly why secret clubs are a good thing.

Attached: 1542322382179.png (258x210, 98K)

>The fact that people are so wet about it pretty much tells you how shit this season was
Nah I think this story is just the type who speaks to everyone somehow, for 3d5u reasons. No idea what those are, but the show pretty much rides on that innate advantage since the very beginning, everyone just wants to see what happens to the two mains. Moreover I never saw anybody mention dropping it. That's pretty rare.

>Moreover I never saw anybody mention dropping it.
You missed me and some other guy in a thread about a week ago.

I must have. I have seen someone drop it now I guess.
Might I ask why?

Are all bnha fans like this? I feel bad for the doujinka

Yes, but only if you are in the secret club.
The idiot would have gotten his hands on it sooner or later and would have done the exact same thing; why should other good fans not get to enjoy content because a few idiots are gonna idiot anyway?

Why, god.
I'm sure those people are the reason foreigners get weird looks here and there at the comiket.

Attached: kisama.jpg (198x235, 7K)

Were there any good anime this season?
Thinking I might just take the ninetiespill and stop watching new shows.

What? I didn't really notice but I remember one user, not sure if trolling or not, said he would drop it when the preview pic of Dororo undressing in front of Hyakki and blushing came out
You guys are pussies

I've been on Yea Forums since 2008 yet I've been unable to ever determine what these threads are about. Is this a yaoi general?

Most of them are spics

No; it is blatantly obvious what the thread is, if you read it you'd know by now. Also, this isn't a general, we have it only once a week.

Not him but now that you mention it I saw that too. I won't drop it I'm too far gone but bad ecchi coded scenes are a huge pet peeve of mine so it's not like I don't understand. Depending on the execution it can range from good to absolute cringe. I dropped Diff on the first episode for this very reason.

Discussing seasonal homo shows and comics

I dropped it back in episode 3. The show just looks dulls to me, not sure why you people find it so interesting.

I find Hyakki cute enough, but Dororo's new personality isn't enough to carry the show by itself and her voice annoys me. There's also something about the direction, not too sure how to word it, but there seem to be moments where absolutely nothing happens. It's not even related to peaceful moments or whatever, it's just blank. There were also some arcs that weren't even properly adapted. All in all, I think I would have liked the show more and actually been excited about future developments had I not read the manga in advance. Now it's impossible for me not to compare them, especially since the script writer also seems to get off on emotional suffering.

Do you seriously think I care about Dororo undressing in front of Hyakkimaru

Attached: hashy_tezuka-975730199076659201-20180319_144622-img3.jpg (724x1024, 187K)

Mob was the real AOTS.

Please provide some examples to convince me, user.

Koi ga ochitara, since it's finally been translated.

This isn't a rec thread user, just lurk. Works focusing on both aren't exactly rare.

Attached: 1537471873078.jpg (1044x1200, 109K)

More like everything with good looking guys that can't support its own threads anymore, shows with proper threads aren't usually posted that often.

I like Dororo a whole lot, but one of my all-time favorite character tropes is watching some emotionless being, human or robot or whatever, slowly become more human, so it's like Hyakki and his story were made for me. If you're not into that trope I can see the show being boring, to the point where I'm surprised it's as popular as it is.

Attached: 1550373206058.gif (800x762, 457K)

>one of my all-time favorite character tropes is watching some emotionless being, human or robot or whatever, slowly become more human
If we were in real life I'd probably strike an instant lifelong friendship with you.

Attached: man of culture.jpg (1334x750, 104K)

Rumiko Takahashi is like 60 years old, has three decades' worth of major successes, and is one of the richest mangaka to ever live. I'm surprised she even bothered to draw anymore after she wrapped up Inuyasha. CLAMP couldn't stop fucking themselves over after 15 years of hits. xxxHolic was the last good thing they made and that's partially fucked over by it being tangled in TRC's bullshit.

We can only pray the doujinka has too many tweets/followers to pay attention to anyone beyond their circle of friends/fellow fanartists.

What a nice thing to say.
It's a shame that the last time an anime I watched focused on this trope it slapped me in the goddamned face.

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I like you guys; you understand that sweet, heart warming emotional development aspect of characters that I adore deeply.
I'm so glad I was back logging this to binge later, I still haven't watched it yet.

Attached: smile.jpg (800x608, 83K)

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>What scenes and characters do you most want to see?
If we go by the musicals and marketing direction of both Camelot and Babylonia they're gonna turn the waifushit to minimum and the homo up to eleven
Also did people really expect Gudako to be the MC in Camelot when Gawain/Gudao is one of the most popular ships?

Attached: DVoND_eVwAE8NTW.jpg (800x523, 56K)

That makes both of us. I really need more shows like this. I don't even mind that the art direction was clunky at times or that it ended badly anymore, I loved the first 8 episodes so much. The basic premise was pretty much everything I like.

Attached: rocking chair.webm (1280x720, 470K)

>nobody in nipland cares about it
>we get to the last 3 or 4 episodes
>explosion in fanart
Yanhomo is amazing

>If we go by the musicals and marketing direction of both Camelot and Babylonia they're gonna turn the waifushit to minimum and the homo up to eleven
I expected nothing of this show and now my expectations went up to eleven.
Now if only it could be good. I mean, despite the fact this franchise has good boys, this is still fateshit we're talking about.

Do not watch it.

The thing that makes the whole situation worse is that the doujinka can get in actual legal trouble for this.

Attached: 54728860_1512597875541680_2708517075344687104_n.jpg (600x839, 74K)

Watch it.
Descend to hell with us

Attached: anisotropic handshake.webm (1280x720, 468K)

Not cool Reigen.

Westerners were a mistake

>i'll ask international lawyer!
Her situation sucks but it's pretty funny that she tries to scare her with that.

Attached: laughing oscar.png (640x480, 627K)

I dare not.
I'm holding off on it, I was following the threads since I don't mind spoilers and that crap came out of nowhere. Poor fella didn't deserve it or the guy that was raising the couple's alien daughter; that was too cruel on so many levels.

Attached: nopeX3.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

If you don't watch it now you're never going to.
Come on, watch the first episode right now. It's comfy, doesn't have any suffering.

Attached: fuwa fuwa pan.webm (500x580, 512K)

The last episodes were pretty much 100% Toei meddling (Saraka wasn't even supposed to exist originally, and the "final" version of the script still doesn't have the romance), so it's pretty easy to ignore.

I did watch the first one and it seemed so elegant and well written that I ignored the CG and decided to binge it all once when it was done but it hurt to see the autistic alien suffer like that, I promise I will do it someday but I can't bring myself to at the moment. His flying hands were so cute too.

CGI anime look so bad. You should boycott the hell out of this shit.

I'm hoping AI tweening will help reduce costs enough that there's still incentive for studios to animate by hand.

True, but it is really hard to animate some shots so I give it a pass on machinery and vehicles, etc if the plot or character make up for it.

I'd usually agree with you 100% but just this once I thought it fit the bizarre, otherworldly feel of Kado. A lot of the environmental design would be seriously impractical without CG as well.

god fucking damn it
I'm always late for the homo threads. Is there a schedule or something like that?

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Takahashi killed the heterofest that ARC-V was to make YGO gay again, he's a true hero.

Attached: 57474071_p1.png (800x676, 531K)

Then just don't watch it and fap to the boys what do you wnt me to say

Attached: DyUxOfoUwAEPW4f.jpg (810x1199, 199K)

Is it really okay to go this far just for dicks? I mean I love dicks and I hate seeing blank spaces in doujins as much as everyone else, but this is some serious next level autism.

He grows up nicely.

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In Japan the laws are strict about censors. If she reacted like that she must have her good reasons.

Are you seriously suggesting they animate a 2D Menger Sponge by hand? Not only would it be impractical and a huge waste of ressources, but I'm pretty sure the results would be inferior to best girl. It would have fucked the show's atmosphere over. Like said it would have fucked the otherworldy atmosphere over.
I wouldn't have minded 2D characters but the CG cube must stay.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Seikaisuru Kado - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.46_[2019.03.28_12.07.32].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

No sorry user; we even had a couple of threads 404 with a handful of posts recently but at least you made it before we hit bump limit this time, so you can still have some fun with us.

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Nah there isn't. It's wise to check the catalog for a thread on the weekends usually. If there wasn't a thread this weekend, expect to see one pop up during the week.

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Jesus. How old is he in that pic? How many years passed?

I can't wait for those demon doujins.

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Please Japan, for the love of god, deliver post epilogue doujins with domestic bliss.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 23 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.50.448.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

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Burgers selfishly made a thread for themselves this time. Awaken my euro homos!

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Barely even 2 years lol. It's partially because he's LARPing as grown man, but the mangaka just seems to like drawing 13 year old boys as older than they actually are.
He's not meant for lewd, user. Same.

Attached: slurp.png (1028x778, 1.13M)

I am fully awake brother. Inter contract neetdom is great.

I don't even need them to be too sexual, I just want to see Kakeru affectionately taking care of a crippled Haiji.

This mangaka draws the demons better than the humans.


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Not really. Clan members are allowed to remove their ribbons only in intimate situations, when they can 'let go of the rules' that bind them.

Pretty shit thread even for dry season
Even the compilation movie cut that shit out completely show they know how stupid it was

Maybe his music career was ruined and he had to start over.

I guess I'll try the movie later instead and watch the show once I'm in the right mood for it. Thank you.

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This is just his transition from thin White Duke to Ziggy Stardust.

Hot middle aged men and food porn OVA announced, by the way.


Attached: ACCA-13-ku-Kansatsu-ka-01-720p.mkv_20170111_180401.929.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>Hot middle aged men and food
Perfect, ACCA was so comfy.

Damn it, user, I laughed.

From magical girls and super sentai to kappas.
Truly fasscinating.
Thnxs, nipons.

>Hidekaz keeps teasing with bits of Spain and Port-san complex brothers relationship
You fucking hack you been doing this for almost 5 years give me a strip centered around them

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>Toei killed homo
>also gave the good to go to Shun being a girl

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See as pic rel.

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Don’t forget age gap. I wonder will OVA be continuation or prequel?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 23 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.58.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Homos fear him.

Fucking same. Especially I like the part when they are at first confused and don't understand kindness that is shown to them.

Attached: Pride a cute.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

How can you people still fap to Hetalia in 2019? It amazes me.

The characters were top-tier but I guess the concept became boring in the long run, it was the fans' contents that truly made this series

Hetalia truly is a show people are talking about 10+ years from its airing.

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Nah I remember the director mentioned Toei was against it in his twitter before he deleted it from the backlash. They tried several times to dissuade him, that includes random animators who just liked Shun and heard the news. But he stood by his retarded idea.
Moreover the Toei animators were all zaShuninafags.

The cast was cute and it was very fun.

I never watched the full material but it has pretty good doujins I will probably still read 10 years from now.

>Hetalia in 2019
It's eternal and still sells like hot cakes some user pointed out that it's like the same deal as Touhou.

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Hetalia means nostalgia, comfy and shipwars (although I didn't take part in those) to me

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Iggy is still too cute and bully-able even after all these years.

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Doesn't his butt feel cold?

His abs and armpits too, probably.

I can't wait for BSD to start airing, just so I can talk about the manga. I have so many mixed feelings about the latest arc and where it's going.

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From what?

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Bye, homodachi. I wish you every sleep filled with beautiful dreams.

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There's no way Hidekaz hasn't drawn porn of his characters at least once and is keeping it for himself.

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Someone help me? I was hooked on Kirill/Travis!

ao3.org/series/ 1288025

Attached: double-decker-e.png (1200x675, 810K)

Good bye everyone, see you. It's not like I like you guys or anything.

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How? Why? What happened?
I haven't read that yet.

Attached: nope.jpg (1280x720, 468K)

I laughed really hard when Kado's director pretty much went "yeah, this is retarded" in his comments about the first episode with the straight romance. The writer was apparently salty too, because the first seven episodes were exactly his style, down to the "endearing yet terrifying" love interest. Then the meddling happened and the rest is history.

Good bye to you nice anons as well; see you next thread. Sweet dreams and have a nice week.

Attached: Apollon trio.jpg (1280x1811, 326K)

Best advice I can give you is to switch to another Bara daddy x Small twink ship with more material.

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Have a nice weekend homodachi!

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Fag. Kakeru and Haiji are God tier slow, passionate vanilla sex material.

they're never good

bye fags

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I love Enji/Hawk, along with Mirio/Tamaki are my favorite ships in the series

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>Kado's director pretty much went "yeah, this is retarded" in his comments
What did he write, exactly?


have a good weekend, homos

Attached: DkJZCHfUwAAzjgM.png (1000x704, 1.2M)

You just have to fap more, user.

makes no difference whether i do it five times a day or have a two month break

Good. Slow, passionate vanilla homo is secretely the absolute best. Degenerates cannot compete.

>five times a day
Are you trying to have a heart attack?

Don't worry user, the board is being very lazy; I already said bye in case other anons had to leave but it will take plenty of time to make it to page 10. You can still read and reply at leisure.

Attached: IMG_20190312_110755.jpg (1500x1500, 157K)

actually yes

>heart attack from fapping

Attached: derp.jpg (298x313, 22K)

I have the libido of a 16 year old at the age of 30, I do it about the same amount too

Found it.
>Episode 8
>Series director comment: The date episode when Saraka took Shindo to visit her home and family. For Shindo fans, it's most likely a "are you fucking kidding me?" episode

>a "are you fucking kidding me?" episode
He really wrote that?

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It was followed by a laugh (笑), but yeah.

But if Toei really wanted they would had stopped him. I also feel bad about Terumi since she said she only learned about Sun being a girl after she became the lead CD and she's always been a huge shunfag

>But if Toei really wanted they would had stopped him
How? It sounded to me like Netflix and that guy were the ones in charge. They were the oneswith the money, and they were the ones who commissioned the Toei, not the other way around.

Holy fucking shit I though I was the only one.
>play EU4
>conquer and/or colonize bunch of land
>out of the blue I have an erection
>nottu dis shitto again.jpg
>spend 20 minutes jerking off
>fucking finally
>continue conquest
>15 minutes later same crap anew

Cool blogshit. Where can I subscribe?

Attached: 1508690543651.png (960x720, 565K)

Sounds like delayed puberty.
Not surprising, some people spend their entire life stuck in their head, completely disconnected from both their emotions and their body. You're lucky you "awakened" at all.

What I'm gonna say might sound crazy but I feel that Toei has always been mad that Saint Seiya became more popular with fujos than with kids it's not enough that it's one of their more valuable IPs they wanted those sweet, sweet cheap toys bucks.

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I've had the same libido since I was 12 or something. I'm sure it'll go away eventually, just hasn't happened yet.

What is this chart?

>tfw too much libido and barely any free time
>permanently pent up
My job is truly fucking me but not in the fun way.

Toei and Kurumada have the rights

Even after all these yeara there's nothing like Gintama djs for a quick fap.

The thread's on page 9. Who cares?

Nice blogs, fuck off and kys

Yeah a heart attack by fapping as deadly as truck-kun or the japanese cold

The rules are valid even when the threads hit bump limit, you ignorant ass

So? If Netflix buys them, can't they do whatever they want from that point on? Do they still need approval?
I'm not sure how this stuff works.

Call the mods, I don't care

Taka x Gin all the way.

Basically Toei's revenue of their major titles.

I think it depends on the contract...

Weird that they get more Saint Seiya money from oversees than from the domestic market.

Mods should remove these threads from Yea Forums

Later fags

Attached: D2oVIueXgAEjohg.jpg (1755x2048, 341K)

>Moreover the Toei animators were all zaShuninafags.
>Series director comment: It's an episode about how Shindo first established communication with zaShunina after his journey from space. At the very beginning, zaShunina is as vulnerable and defenseless as a baby and the visuals hint on that. Then he gradually learns human expressions and behaviour and in episode 3 we can already see him emote himself.
We will never get such a pure alien again.;_;

>conquering lands and turning the native boys into slaves turns user on
Gil is that you?

China, Korea, Euroland and Murrica (south)

This, honestly

I'm going to rewatch Cheer Danshi and you can't stop me.

Attached: Cheer Danshi - 01.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

Pretty sure that Euroland doesn't even know about it. It's all LatAm.

China is one of the biggest markets Tencent recently released a HK server of their game and was at the top of the IOs store for 2 weeks
why do you homos let shitposters in the mob threads bully you, fight back.

Define shitposter

Nigga, Italy is crazy about it. The old Toei staff even praised the Italian dub.

Watch what you enjoy user, I'll do the same.

Attached: DYp6f02VMAYdt97.jpg (820x1024, 153K)

>Pretty sure that Euroland doesn't even know about it
Here's the french ygotas youtube.com/watch?v=aQ0yOmtl96A&t=23s

Attached: laughing frenchmen.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

1: The failure to make a constructive post
2: The inability to add useful information to a forum
3: Worthless overly offensive generally racists posts written in a manner which aggravates others.

Attached: D2s2rIJWoAAukkW.jpg (800x1088, 156K)

Forgot about these two. Old shounenshit is completely dead here in CE.

>3: Worthless overly offensive generally racists posts written in a manner which aggravates others
You are free to leave if you can't handle the harshness


That's the definition from a certain website.

This is beautiful

Attached: DzBA9NrU8AAp_qY.jpg (1200x826, 78K)

>you'll never be a shota again
It hurts.

>boy kisses boy
>boy tells boy he can taste the sweets he was eating earlier
I'm experiencing arrhythmia

Attached: law cotton candy2.jpg (689x671, 52K)

I went into Mob threads once and all the homo posters were from tumblr. I doubt there's anything there worth fighting for.

Good taste.

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Why do they leave their containment website? I thought the fujos there wouldn't mind the porn ban since most of it is too problematic for them anyway.

Read this, dumb homos

Attached: sha po lang.jpg (552x476, 106K)

Mob threads are literal cancer like I haven't seen in a long time, I watch the anime but I avoid discussions about it on Yea Forums

>So? If Netflix buys them, can't they do whatever they want from that point on? Do they still need approval?
Toei has the as the Saint Seiya™ rights, so if another studio (like Bandai or madhouse did) wants to do something they have to ask permission to Toei first.

>not tentaclesxGin

There's nothing hotter than a son seducing his adoptive father desu

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What was the name of this is always forget to ask.

Chang cheng ching chong chun

Pleb slut, you're missing out
Sha po lang

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I can't wait for more of these scenes to be translated.

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And yorosikuonegaisimasu to you, my friend ;^)

Hot but does Priest even write porn?

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Gintoki is for gentle loving.

Sounds good to me.

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Not him but chink shit seems cheap, I'll never betray my media from nihon

Sha Po Lang

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No, use your imagination.

S2 when?

Is it the one with the adoptive father fucking?

Some of the novels are really good and have an actual plot. Just give in
In this case the son actually survives and even succeeds
Yes, mc fucks his dad, but there are at least 60 chapters of plot leading to that.

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>it's a "character cums twice in the first 5 minutes of foreplay before their partner has even unzipped anything and we're expected to believe he's still ready to go for another 2 hours" episode
Gettin real tired of this shit fujos

I'll stick to the art then

Attached: 1546799750150.png (550x1015, 549K)

Just because you can't, it doesn't mean others are unable to ;^)

Fujos have to imagine how dicks work, user. It must be a challenge to get it right.

Good luck trying to find anything R18.

See you all next time.

Attached: 73770579_p0.jpg (3307x2362, 570K)

It exists, and it's the next hit with western fujos on twitter, so I hope it'll get even more art just like HOB

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Never forget Absolute obedience anatomy, one of the characters has a dick on his back or something.

>It exists
Show me what you found then.

I'd dig watching a romance between Brutus and Caesar.

Is this bestiality?

Has Fate turned Brutus into a cute girl yet?

Wait, these two got doujins? Or lewds at all? Please say they did.

>one of the characters has a dick on his back or something
That sounds handy.

Attached: fujo scientist.jpg (198x186, 10K)

Please don't jinx my dream so soon after I verbalized it.

He probably said something along the lines of 'is this serious?', but the translator went wild.