How do you search for new anime to watch?

How do you search for new anime to watch?

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Honestly I just watch whatever people here think is bad, it usually works

Can confirm

I see what new series air every season and pick several I like.

You lurk 2 years before posting.

this you can easily look at a list of seasonal anime, and theres a ton of new shit thats already popular from WN/LN and manga upcoming.

Yea Forums
Newfaggots asking for recommendations either have been here one week or just browse the site 10 mins a day.

Take the anime with the highest rating within the same tags as the ones I enjoyed

>see what people here are shitposting about
>make sure it has a bad rating on MAL
Works every time

>actually giving advice to such an obvious newfuck like OP
You can do better than this.

I just gargle on all the recommendations Yea Forumsnons stick in me, I can't get enough of it, the harder and bigger the better.

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Imagine fucking this retard

Step 1. Stop watching new anime

my pee pee big

1) open MAL
2) select an anime I like that isn't too mainstream
3) check the reviews
4) click on the user who wrote a review that at least appears serviceable (aka he doesn't judge sound by OP/ED or animation by "pretty colors"), I don't care if it is or what arguments they make, that's too much work to figure out
5) check their list to see if our tastes align
6.1) if they do, I'll copy entries that appear interesting and fetch the torrent from AB or PTP
6.2) if they don't, I'll check their friendslist and check their lists
6.2.1) I specifically search for 18 year old Brazilians or Flips, they find a lot of gems
6.2.2) first impression is important, if they have an above 6 average rating I instantly close the tab
6.2.3) entire process usually takes no more than 30 seconds per profile assuming it's trash
7) rinse and repeat

Oh, and the most of important part of a show is the cover. If the cover looks like shit I'll burry and probably never touch it.

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I use MAL. Their seasonal archive list is great. It took me a few days but I was able to through every season from the late 60s all the way to 2015 (the year before I started watching anime seasonally) and find every show/movie/OVA I'd probably ever want to watch. Which gave me a total of almost 700 individual series of which I was able to find subbed torrents for almost all of them. There were probably 50 or so that I couldn't get my hands on but it's not like I'll ever finish my backlog now anyways, especially when I'm watching 5-10 shows every new season. If you need help keeping up with current seasons you are beyond hope. Also
>inb4 MAL is cancer
Its ratings/reviews/forums are but otherwise it's an amazing resource for keeping track of all the shit you watch and want to watch as well as general production/staff information which is integral for me knowing whether I want to watch a show or not. I also like the UI.

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>using MAL

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>Thinking impure thoughts about Yui

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According to MAL I've completed over 300 shows and I still use the method of watching whatever I've heard of because that well is still far from running dry.

I'm gonna keep using it just to spite you user

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I listen to EDs/OPs and watch the shows which have good ones.

>imagine still finding interest things on Yea Forums rec charts
Watch more anime.

I read Yea Forums.