Which anime do you want to watch first user?

Which anime do you want to watch first user?

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Get away from me you insufferable weeb bitch

Bubblegum crisis

Well at least she has good taste

God this image pisses me off so fucking much.

Timestamp or fake

>Hmpf, you are like a little baby
>*pulls out maid dragon
>Why not watch some GOOD anime?


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Posting real girls should be a ban motive or we'll end like Yea Forums discussing meanless stuff about e-celebrities


Whichever one will be the least distracting as i smash that pussy into oblivion i mean goddamn.

Even before you get to her very good taste she's hot as fuck. Throw the Berserk tattoo in and i'm excruciatingly erect.


Out of these? Berserk. Everything else can fuck off

What a faggot.

I hate crossboarders so much. Read the rules faggot.

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>le n64 hat

Imagine how little effort it took OP to post this and then imagine how many dumbass will unironically be enraged by it.

the thing is she has no taste. Not that it's bad, it's just that it's not hers

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That's clearly not the worst of it.
She's fucking WEARING a gameboy color.

please help report these threads
dont let Yea Forums turn into Yea Forums

I think I've only seen 5 truly enraged posts on this board ever.

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I can't believe I lived long enough to see Yea Forums become Yea Forums's anime board.

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I get that those things are commonly cited good content, but liking them does not equate to a lack of taste.

well you're always welcome to seppuku

Anons from Yea Forums commit seppuku very often, when they mean it, they mean it. Obviously, there are a lot of shitposts too.

This one

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>woman in my hobby
>le ebin old consoles and anime

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what's wrong with being a member of the Yea Forumsv/ club?

unironically the best star wars movie

Go back there. You're not wanted here and never will be.

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>Berserk Tattoo
Fuck I want to smash that girl.

Man, i wanna die. I wasted today as well sleeping and didn't study.
God dammit.

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Nah, there are a few more pictures of her and her room out there, lives with her parents in an absolute weeb cave

shed look hotter with broken orbitals and a busted lip

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lolifag thinking he even has tastebuds kek

come loli or JC

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this too

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The one that makes you ready for the pleasure rod bby

Oh nice eternal loli Taiga


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6 and 7 are the best

Hope I get some quality waifu

porn gets removed within minutes yet this is up from almost half an hour
it's clear mods are deliberately letting the thread hang around, don't know why they have these arbitrary standards

I can't wait to finally be married to Kumiko.

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roll for 12478

Asuka, I'm lucky


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