What the fuck was wrong with her?

What the fuck was wrong with her?

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she's gay for kanna

Terminal homolust.

Absolutely nothing.

She's a dyke.


She's balding

Being gay isn't the issue, it's just her bizzare sex drive. How is a child that young that horny?

shes a pedophile

Kyoani can't write original scenes.

kids can't be pedos

because coolkyoushinsha wrote it

Why is she so easy? Kanna could literally claim her virginity in the middle of the class and she would let her.

she just wants Kanna to sit on her face

I was that horny as a kid.

>Kyoani can't write

How old is she again?


i knew a small girl of 9 who watched porn like crazy and was totally horny.

dumb brat watching porn on TV while me at the age of 14 was still talking about dragon ball Z.

she got pregnant at the age of 12 by some dude.
So yes there are kid with that bizarre sex drive.

why did you watch porn and masturbate with a 9 year old

ola pedro

It's Kanna's fault.

Attached: MaiDragon Kanna_ass4.webm (1280x720, 1.41M)

She's an early bloomer and has a thing for mythical creatures.

>the smell of dragon poop in her pants

Attached: kobayashi-miss-kobayashis-dragon-maid-41.9.jpg (210x240, 19K)

I'd resort to homosex with a dragon too if my chances with (normal) men were so thoroughly screwed

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well , ill explain:
>be me at 12
>popular with a bunch of friend
>always see "that kid" in the back not talking at all the whole year of school
>went to talk to him
>nothing in common except for videogames
>tell him to come play mortal kombat 3 with me on my sega
>become best friend till 2 years later he tells me to go to his place to play duck hunt on the family game
>1st on this kid's home , i was so excited
>went to the bathroom to take a piss and got myself into the wrong room
>i see his little 9 yold sister watching venus on the TV while touching herself
>stops and explains to me that it is totally normal and always does it
>i say "sorry ,i got the grown door"
>went to play with my friend no talking about it.
>i was thinking it was the perfect oportunity for free sex but the age difference from 9 to 14 was "too big" for me at the time so i did nothing
>few years later she got pregnant at the age of 12 by a dude of 18
>a few months ago i discovered that the age of concent in Argentina is 13

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>attraction to children
Yup pedo

>the grown door
that is very specifically the door you did not get

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She was a one joke character. Instead of being a one ,mine character, she became a main while still being a one "joke" character.

Little brown girls


>stops and explains to me that it is totally normal and always does it
The jews did this

You missed out on some sweet cunny my friend

I remember reading somewhere that kids that age who are hyper-sexual are only like that due to sexual abuse.

Funny how in these stories on Yea Forums someone always talks to some loner for no reason whatsoever and becomes friends with them.

Almost like 90% of this shit is made up.

said that WRONG

everyone was white at that time , until 2000 when they bring all the nigger from paraguay , bolivia and peru since the health care and university is free and laws means nothing.

indeed my TOTALLY white friend.

it was her father's fault , TV cable with porn channels but old TV wich could not block said channels from the kids eyes.

And i may think she could have been abused before.


This is common now on Argentina , my friend was having her 2nd baby at the age of 13.
someone in my family was dating a guy at the age of 12 while the dude was 19 and she had a bunch of dicks before that even.
A friend of 21 told me everyone at the hospital nicknamed her as momia /"mummy" in spanish
because most girls having a baby for the 1st time don't pass the age of 16.

and my father once needed blood from when he got into an accident , and i was seeing a girl of 10 pregnant by a guy of 40 (wich went to jail after that)

such is life in a 3rd world country

They should introduce a black eyes red dragon loli to interact with Kanna

you mean, a nigger shota

imagine locking them in a room like they do to dogs to make them breed.

you can stop blogging you fucking monkey

Vitamin D deficiency.

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>*unzips supplements*