Guts is now a trans gay woman of color.
Thanks netflix.
Atleast we will finally get the flaming homosexual Griffith we always deserved.
So brave.
What's with all the Berserk thread spam anyway?
Manga drought
People are growing restless
pic related will happened, please netflix do it
This picture is mind numbingly insane.
at least post the one where Sarah Jessica Parker is the rape horse.
I hate it.
If they alter the story it's not longer berserk to me, but nothing could be worse in terms of animation.
not diverse enough
I don't care about the rest, but Slann Kat Denings would make my dick explode and take the whole Earth with it
If that's the key visual we've got then my hopes are low
It worked for Castlevania so I don't see why it wouldn't work for Berserk. Anything is better than what we've gotten recently, although all they really have to do is to copy the atmosphere of the 98(or was it 96?) anime.
Too white.
Did it really work for Castlevania? The story we got was hot garbage
I'm okay with this.
What the fuck did you expect exactly? It's Castlevania, a game about going right (sometimes up) and fucking up various cliche'd monsters and finally Dracula himself. I'd say they did way more with the source material (given that they've adapted C3) than you could've hoped.
The only thing that seemed forced was the romance between Trevor and Selipha or however the fuck her name was spelled.
The Castlevania cartoon is shit. I'd rather rewatch Vampire Hunter D.
You're a fucking idiot and you're not even worth a proper reply
Please go back to /r/anime
Such a reaction to a stranger's opinion tells me a lot about you as well, but fine, don't bother if you don't want to.
>pippin isn't being played by Michael Clarke Duncan
you failed me for the last time
Why must you hurt me like this?
I mean Casca shouldve been darker tho. But since this is netflix we are talkingabout, the entire cast will be full of subhuman and sexual degenerate
I don't know any of these
I'd watch it if it didn't use any CGI.
It factually can't be worse than the 2016 anime
Puck is absolutely perfect
>we will get another interpretation of the eclipse that will stop shortly afterwards
They should have waited at least another decade
wait, why does he have a tumblr nose?
>Guts is now
Have you read the manga?
Even if it's good I just can't bring myself to care anymore because I know how it will develope in later arcs and that it hasn't even an ending.
I rather want a Dark Souls anime or something.
Netflix doing Berserk? Nice, I might watch it for the first time then
Have you EVER made a single good post?
Their not doing golden age arc again for a third time are they?
Japan fucked up berserk so bad that they don't deserve to adapt it anymore. Give it to the weird indian alice cooper wannabe sjw. He at least cares about the manga and wants to make an adaptation that is 100% faithful and keeps everything in. That is already better than what greedy japan did.
They certainly will.
>Michael Clarke Duncan
He died 7 years ago
Wait are they actually doing it or is this just from what that indian guy said once from an interview?
this is a fake list because Idris Elba will be Guts
I don't want to be a doomer but I was sure this was a screenshot from the shitty CGI series at first.
The Indian guy said that he would do it, if netflix lets him. Then netflix started tweeting and asking about how many people like berserk. It shows that they are interested in doing it.
>netflix thread
what the fuck?
fat fuck doesn't care anymore, he lets all this shit slide while deleting on-topic threads because board culture doesn't exist
I would watch this for the absolute fucking keks.
holy shit.
I still don't get why that one urasawa thread got deleted. We were just talking about his different series.
no one does understand, unless you go to the fuck awful IRC, but mentioning the IRC is enough for here lest it devolves into some /q/-tier shitposting
>Paul Dano as Corkus
Fucking based
Wait Naoki Urasawa thread was deleted?
>Alita shill threads were NEVER deleted
>real shill threds
IRC channels and Discords for forums and boards with a shitton of people will always be a mistake. It's what killed a once nice forum I was once a part of ~15 years ago, before switching fully to Yea Forums. It became a breeding spot for conspiracy theories, trolling and user specified hate as well as hard bias towards certain users and series. In the end the schisma caused by it was what killed the forum, the people who didn't lick the mods' shoes were banned or left because the rules became more and more and made it impossible to post freely and the only users that stayed were brownnosers who posted the same shit the mods wanted to hear everyday. Now the forum is long since dead and deleted.
Discord is already part of Yea Forums. It's much worse than old IRC. Look at the state of /vg/ threads. Especially /xiv/
what's the fucking point when we all know that it will be toned down and omit the lost children arc like always
What is this the fourth attempt?
just about every mod has been a faggot, there have been very few notable mods that weren't intolerable, like whoever that guy was before Hiroshima Nagasaki, also the [s4s] mod is alright
the issue with mods, users, and forum culture in general is that everyone just creates a new personality for themselves disconnected from all the shit they did in real life, then slowly seep their own issues into the discussions, and soon the discussions become nothing more than giant circlejerks because of many reasons; some may identify with these faggots, others may just be natural dick suckers, but most importantly it's because everyone wants to fit in, which is why Yea Forums has always been the better website.
Remember all the tripfags? The discord shit today, that forum bullshit has always tried to seep in, web 2.0 was such a fucking mistake. Glad web 2.0 allows virgins to complain about the downfall of a website in some shit thread the faggot OP made to have a quick giggle
Yeah it pisses me off. There were topics on other boards I tended to be part of but now all threads are dead because the fans discuss it on their discord and I refuse to become part of that. I went to Yea Forums because it was anonymous and because it was so easy and fun to discuss things here and that it was impossible to be biased towards anybody because you simply never know whom you are talking with, not even if he's the same user you responded to earlier.
Discord is the extreme opposite of that. Not only do I hate that thing in general, every discord channel I tried using years ago was fucking horrible. It always ended with people getting blocked for no reason other than bias or paranoia and the discussions were never ever topic related. It's always retarded cringe small talk that feels like 90% of the users are either 12 year olds or 40 year old housewives and everything was filled with horrible emoticons. And don't let me get started on the bubble/safe space mentality there and those emoji upvotes or however you call that.
my gay trans black muslim wife's boyfriend loves it!
>because it was so easy and fun to discuss things here and that it was impossible to be biased towards anybody because you simply never know whom you are talking with, not even if he's the same user you responded to earlier.
>It's always retarded cringe small talk that feels like 90% of the users are either 12 year olds or 40 year old housewives and everything was filled with horrible emoticons
we've come full circle, no one gives a fuck about what's going on in your life, why can't we ever just discuss something or have a good laugh about it? Instead the shit continued creeping onto Yea Forums and if this is how it is after 15 years, I can't imagine how 20 will look
I really don't care.
what about donovan?
>americans have to step in and give berserk a proper adaptation
the absolute state of japanese anime
>web 2.0 was such a fucking mistake
I fucking hate it so much too. I loved the internet because it was like a parallel world. No matter how bored or annoyed you were with real life, the moment you dived into the old web you could forget everything and the only thing that existed were hobbies and the crazy faggots that enjoyed the same thing as you and wanted to talk about it with you as well as creating or searching for related OCs stuff.
Now that the internet turned into the home of casuals and normalfags who make up the biggest part of the userbase everything in here is just Real Life 2.0. They bring in everything from the outside and accuse you being an autist, edgelord or ironic poster if you tell them you don't want to see that shit here.
These discussions are part of the reason for why I grew tired with modern Yea Forums. People don't even believe me when I tell them I have no idea whom they're talking about when they talk about some fucking e-celebrity drama again. Because it has nothing to do with my hobby. I don't care how popular * is. If it's not part of my interest I won't spend time learning about it. This is not Facebook where people watch shit only to blend in with the mainstream crowd.
completely agree, that's the whole point of going on these anonymous bbs forums, right? Even years ago, the regular forums were completely different. Fuck, even MSN wasn't as bad as it is today. Genuine interest in the topic of discussion, and that's what kept everything going. Now the interest is "how popular can I get from x?" In other words, it's gone from globalized to self-centered, as much as everyone loves to boast about how connected it all is now
When you had a better connection with another random Osakafag than you do a guy that shares the same pages, likes the same tweets, and watches the same YouTube videos as you, clearly something was done right
Netflix is the worst thing to happen to anime, even worse than moeshit, Netflix requires a never ending conveyor belt of shows, so they have to pump them out as quickly as possible, and that model doesn't allow for good animation, so everything is garbage cgi shows now, truly awful.
this is the worst thing ever
Every single Discord is someone trying to build their own pond to be big fish in, there are no exceptions.
>Fuck, even MSN wasn't as bad as it is today
True. I remember how much retarded fun I had with a bunch of people on there. I think in all those years I talked with them we never really told each other anything about our real life status, I basically knew nothing about them but we had fun exploring the weird part of the net (when it wasn't the centralized shit it is today) and talking about our obscure interests.
that's what it should be about, just having fun, but people escape one personal hell to another, both products they created
fuck that, I just wanted to talk about anime
Modern forums are pretty different too. There is no "trolling" thing when you force others to be banned. Flame wars etc. It's like echo chambers. Every opposite opinion will be disliked/hidden/deleted/banned. Artyfical fake discussion. Well at some point Yea Forums is not so deferent but there is still was more freedom.
Really the downfall of all good things is always attentionwhoring. I don't get why normalfags love it so much but it's probably the central trait of actually being a normalfag, with autists as those who never give a single fuck about others' opinions of them being the extreme opposite.
In the end identity politcs, celebrity shit, bringing in private shit and selftalk as well as what you said or anything social board related is just a form of attention whoring. People don't use the net to find treasures and not even to mentally connect with others, they only use it to spread the popularity they believe to have or to get if they do it right.
the fuck is wrong with his eyes
They look nothing like the characters, and picking actors from shit like Twilight or GoT feels insulting. Would not watch.
where's donovan
Cut out for being too problematic.
>Indian guy
M. Night Shyamalan?
why does making fun of netflix pandering trigger you so much?
why is this thread still up?
because it's talking about an adaptation of a manga/anime that it generally well received on this board, the fact that it's made by netflix breaks no rules and doesn't mean the thread should be deleted when the NEO gen EVA netflix threads stayed up months ago
>lost children
>Thread about a netflix adaptation of a manga/anime
>People are talking about sjw/netflix/indian dude/discord
>Almost no one is talking about the anime
>The exact same reason why netflix threads are deleted
Again, why is this thread still up
Mods are fags
>not changing half the cast race and gender
this, we've been over this
mods don't give a fuck because they can just use discord now
This. I don't even know any of the actors people depict and talk about on here I don't care about 3dpd, let's discuss this when the anime is out and we can actually discuss that instead.
so, it's Zannessa again?