What do you think about musicals in anime?
What do you think about musicals in anime?
The one in Wataten was great
The beginning of Taishou baseball girls made me think it was one but it only lasted a couple of minutes
Her seiyuu is really good.
I love symphogear, that episode of kinmoza is one of the best things to happen in anime and utena should have singing like that mobage ripoff.
Why do all the characters she voices wear flowers in their hair?
I uploaded this for you The best.
Random singing in an otherwise normal anime is always top tier.
You're only saying that because you want someone to post the 8 o'clock pic.
Final episode was shit
I legit cringe whenever they start singing out of nowhere.
It was by far the worst episode out of the 12
2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Kurenai did it the best.
Kokosake was fantastic.
I was watching it, thinking "this is pretty good for a school play". But then I was like "this is way too good for a school play!"
Isn't that what idol anime shows are?
Just like yuru yuri
The musical scenes in Kiniro Mosaic and Night Is Short, Walk On Girl were kino.
Magical Circle Guru Guru has a great musical
Not done nearly enough. The closest we’ve had to a random Disney musical number in an anime we’ve had was that scene from Children of the whales which was unironically the best scene in the series. We need a lot more musical numbers and romance that actually follows up and anime will legit be saved.
legit cringed at this post
Here, you must be thirsty.
>it's a cheesy corny cringy musical for half the final ending episode
>it breaks the pace in this case the comedy of previous episodes
>thinking Wataten was anything but an iyashikei that wouldn't let the comedy ride passenger when moe daughters are singing
I love them, if only more anime had characters singing like it's a disney movie.