Season 2 looking grim

>Season 2 looking grim
>Murata isn't going to redraw this panel for at least another 3 years

One-Punch Man thread. Things aren't looking good.

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That's what happens when you let filler overrun your manga.

cgi arms

Agreed. The redrawn version is getting too bloated.

Daily reminder

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Saitama and Genos had a talk after the last S2 pv

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did those faggots from JC staff mix 2D with those 3D arms?

Good one youtubers

Murata was a curse in disguise.

What are the next good fights in the manga? Isn't that stupid cat too weak? Why is it running from PPP? Wasn't DSK dragon level? I'm pretty sure PPP couldn't get stronger this fast. He was still pretty weak in his fight against Melzargard.

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The extended Garou arc has had some good stuff but i wouldn't mind at all if things sped up a bit.

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Anyone else have faith in murata, but feel that this fight in the webcomic is simply too good and will probably be butchered?
I am preparing myself for disappointment. I'm not one of t

oops. As I was saying, not one of those who think murata is all style over substance, however, even with one's script, maybe the fight could end up differently and that scares me

ThIs. Manga went to shit before s1 even aired.

The manga's a masterpiece, you're just having keyboard diarrhea.

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More like mastershit, lol.

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Only one week before something happens on the 2nd of April. You hyped?

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What is the 'something'? Is it canceling season 2?

Fuck that. I know he's supposed to be a robot, but this is too emotionless.

>Those arms
There were people here claiming it wasn't cg

I wish.

PPP is a demon buster, Nyan is much stronger than him but didn't feel like fighting. Nyan didn't even show off his own power, he just casually scratched Prisoner once.

So who's Nyan going to lose to? He's the only MA Executive that's a manga original which means that it's likely he's going down before the Tatsumaki gang bang. Is he losing to Atomic Samurai?

I seriously feel like he's gonna be Atomic's opponent mainly to illustrate just how big of a threat that Black Sperm is. Atomic is apparently Bang's equal, which means that he should be able to put out power comparable to him. If my hunch is right, Nyan is probably on the same level as Bakuzan, which means that he shouldn't be that much of a problem to Atomic if I'm right about his power.

In the webcomic all the dragons survived the base flip, and in the manga it'll be all the cadres. Nyan is a cadre, so why couldn't he be part of the scenes at the surface too? Put him up against Bomb for the ultimate claw versus claw battle.

>So who's Nyan going to lose to?
Did you guys consider he survives like the ninjas, Rover and Sperm? Like he gives a fuck about protecting the base, he's a fucking cat.

PPP decides a cat is fine too. Later you see Nyan knitting a new sweater.

>Why is it running from PPP?
did you even read the chapter?

Didn't ONE promise to continue the webcomic? Where the fuck is it?


>which means that it's likely he's going down before the Tatsumaki gang bang.

Not at all, if anything him dying at the surface is far more likely and logical.

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What the fucking fuck is that?
Omfg its terrible

Seeing the filler/anime fiasco is making me so happy that I dropped this garbage over a year ago

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He only said he'll update it some time this year. Expect a single chapter in a few months followed by another multi year hiatus.

Daily reminder Mob fags are trying to ruin the hype by coping.

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>1 page chapter

>yfw Nyan is killed by Rover

Why didn't Nyan just kill him?

He didn't feel like doing it himself.

Because monsters aren't allowed to kill heroes.

The ninjas are still chasing Flashy Flash.

Exaggerated comparison, your hate loses credibility.

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Yeah but let's be honest, they'll probably end up getting lost and Flashy will be trolled by Saitaman and butt-molested by Prisoner.

Things are going fine as long as they don't give another extended fight to an S-Class like with Child Emperor.

>Why is it running from PPP?
Same reason Sweet Mask didn't fight back against Fuhrer Ugly.

It was a 1:1 copy, how did it went shit, like you claim?

Murata never disappointed when he drew a fight.

Power scaling is getting retarded or we can assume every demon we saw after him, are weaker.

PPP isn't dragon yet.

>Cat monster yawns and doesn't feel like doing shit so he just bolts

Powerlevel faggots are so bubbled that they're literally incapable of reading any sort of fiction without thinking is a fucking tournament arc or something.

Why? He can kill PPP and get over with it.

What the fuck was he thinking when he started making filler anyway, the Garou arc would be over now if it wasn't for that shitty tournament

This show is the perfect example of how important quality hand drawn animation is. Season 2 is going to be an utter failure to everyone but the retarded no taste normies

I expected to really dislike Garou since he seemed like a typical power hungry villain but he is endlessly entertaining

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You’d still be complaining about ‘filler’ like a retard because of the raid fights, which aren’t ending any time soon.

Plenty of the original shit that ONE came up for Murata's version is pretty entertaining and a feast for the eyes but I don't understand why anyone wouldn't think certain parts overstay their welcome too fucking much. The pacing's been fucked for a good long while now.

That can be considered, at max, armpit sex.

Wanted more money obviously.

Look man, I don't care that the quality of the anime is going to go down hill that much. It sucks, but I actually prefer quality writing over quality art. I actually enjoyed One's version over Murata's due to all the dragged out filler.

If the anime sticks to One's version and we don't get that terrible martial arts tournament I'll be happy.

Can he even stop with the filler? Last time i checked ONE wasn't updating OPM because of Mob Psycho, so Murata might be just stalling until ONE decides to go back to OPM

Mob ended like a year ago dude.

ONE is literally drawing storyboards for the manga and writing it you dumb nostalgia faggot.

Webcomic is an incomplete unofficial version of the story at this point.

user that's stupidly, retarded, none of this is filler, Murata is stalling jackshit, and everything about the stiry is done by ONE.

The cgi arms look decent in some shots like that one but why do they do they look black sometimes? This set of arms is supposed to be grey like this

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I know that, but last time i checked to see if there was an OPM from ONE there was nothing

Next you're gonna tell us that Akira Toriyama is writing 100% of Super without any other artist influence and expect us to believe it

Maybe it’s related to a fight mode?

>Webcomic is an incomplete unofficial version
wrong cretin, he actually tweeted he'll get back to the wc, but god knows when that'll be

That comparison is utterly retarded. Tori is a senile old man just writing some notes from times to times then leaves 98% of the rest to other people.
ONE is the scenarist , it’s super common for a scenarist and an artist to work together.


> wrong

It’s incomplete, that’s a fact. There is absolutely no confirmation that ONE will ever finish it. Of anything, him just releasing his manga storybords is likely what he’s gonna do, he has no reason to having to keep writing an alternate story that is missing lots of added content from the manga.

>Webcomic is an incomplete unofficial version
What does this even mean?

Rights related, as a franchise.

It's right and it's a fact. ONE is completing and even rewrting the story he drafted in the webcomic years ago. Even if he updates the webcomic, chances are he will eventually merge it with the official project - the manga - completely. Meanwhile ONE can start a new manga on his own again if he wishes. He's got an abundance of creative ideas and a big name.


zoom zoom ZOOM ZOOM!

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The fight between saitama amd garou is easily the most kino thing I've read in action manga. I know, however, that murata will fuck it up not because of him adding too many details but rather because his art style ruins the beauty of thr fight. Just not hyped for it, i literally only want them to get it over so we can progress the story

>Water shoots at you when you are blood lusted in real life
So much reading, user.

Fuck off retard

How far is manga from the fight?

Still got a few fights to go but getting closer to Saitama meeting Flashy Flash, once we reach that point then it'll be ramping up from there

JC blew all their money on konosuba leaving this shit to die, feels good

>that part where Garou goes all out on Saitama and the page turns into a fucking animated GIF

That was pure hype.

I laughed my ass off at garou's reaction to "it's a hobby". That was the best page I ever saw in a manga. And the thread was great when the fight was posted here.

>In-between of a sakuga shot
I'm biting but that doesn't mean it's good bait

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oh god why

Him picking his nose after a misleading thought shot was the best page.

>Still using static vs in-motion comparison
You guys just never learn, do you? And I don't get it. You could have just posted two in-motion or two static comparisons and the Madhouse version would certainly still look better. So why are you doing such an own-goal instead?

user-kun. You can't actually think that JC Staff afterbirth is anywhere near the levels of quality of Madhouse

are they seriously going to make a season 2 that DOESN'T make it to the end of garou? on top of the studio change and comic being dead this just looks more and more like a trainwreck

>are they seriously going to make a season 2 that DOESN'T make it to the end of garou?

>comic being dead

>1 more year till Tatsumaki destorys City Z
>2 more year till King kills all the dragons
>3 more years till Saitama flips a road
wew is this a joke

forgot to add
>4 more years till Saitama vs Tatsumaki and Sonic slipping on a dog shit
>5 more years till Tatsumaki spilling spaghetti at Saitama

Saitama and Tatsu fight?


S2 ED theme song is out.

At least its better than S1 ED imo.

We are supposedly getting Tats vs Orochi and Psykos this year.

>the anime made it more complex
Well that's new.

>One-Page Chapter

How can you so entirely not understand what that word means? It's not a high-level word.

Anime is coming out on Tuesday April 9th.

Jesus Christ just end it all now. Without filler the comic was already paced fine to fill out 12 episodes and end with Garou.

Last update was in January 2017

You wanted JCStaff to also do filler scenes?

Holy fuck user.

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They padded due to good sales, so far they have sold over 18.5 million copies.

What makes that better is Saitama singing.


The guy with the hat is King seiyuu.

Fun stuff. The seiyuu are going to do one hell of a carryjob for Season 2.

Honestly this series should have ended at Boros.

Most people who think that have long since dropped it.

>tfw men can be raped

They are coping so they post pics like that. What is hard to understand?

Which one of these attention-whoring openly gay nips voices King?

using Murata's artstyle was a mistake, opm was perfectly fine in the webcomic

I want to argue with you about this and claim you're a retard, but Bones pulled off Mob's art style effortlessly and I'd say it ends up looking even better than OPM

Fuck Murata making all that filler.

Read my post again. Then punch yourself for being a brainlet who who disagrees with me who agrees with you.

I responded to the wrong person is all. I meant to respond to the other fags defining JC staff. Clearly those are just shitposts anyways, friend

I'd rather read ONE's storyboards and cut out murata

He used to post them on his twitter, he hasn't done it in a while though

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