Why can't more stories ends happily ever after?

and latina fucked like rabbits every night

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How To Train Your Semen Demon Daughterwaifu

Doesn't she legitimately say that if Dale keeps fucking her like he does, she'll die? I mean goddamn.

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>you will never fuck your daughter wife so hard that she's almost not the verge of death
Dale is so based.

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Can you blame him?

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Imagine meeting your daughter's dead biological parents and telling them you're pounding your own biological children into her every night.

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truly the greatest story ever told

>No NTR part where his purity is tainted by an old hag

A real shame.

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Oh Japan, you has pleased me again.

Shame the anime probably won't reach the good stuff.

Does it ever?

I mean, isn't the main point of the anime to get more people invested in the series? Then they drop off when it gets going so people have to buy the books to find out what happened.

Not a chance, Dale's too obsessive for Latina to even look to her. Shit, the thought alone is enough to make him mad.

anime when?

Not him but you're right, the best we can hope for is animation that isn't littered with QUALITY and as faithful an adaptation as possible. Also, seeing how this series ends at least the author has the stones to go all in once he decided to have them paired up.

>How To Train Your Perfect Fatherhusbando
Don't mind me, just fixing that for you.

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The pic just reminds me of what happened to her horn.

Honestly I find it odd that it's getting an adaptation this late now that the main story is basically finished already.

He didn't stand a chance.

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Is this seriously how the series ended? why can't more series be like this

Female authors are pretty lewd and are only wholesome when it comes to their daddy fetish.

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>Honestly I find it odd that it's getting an adaptation this late now that the main story is basically finished already.

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