
Iino is the cutest

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Other urls found in this thread:


that's not hayasaka

Hayasaka is cute, but Iino is the cutest.

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Lino is cute like a hamster, you just want to keep feeding it. Haystack on the other hand radiates more mature and refined beauty.

Lino is the only Kaguya character I've masturbated to

Are you proud, Yea Forums?

Her husbando Ishigami is cool.

I can smell her from over here!

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big fan of Lino
Lino is kino, as they say

Nobody says that

Hayasaka is hot

Lino is kino

But you can be both cute and hot at the same

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You're just deluding yourself bro

By her you mean Tsubame's husbando, yes?

They are cute.

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But would you lick her pussy?

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Of course.

I say it ok

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There is only one Kino in this series and is pic related

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Ishigami has to end up with her or she will be pregnant before she graduates.

Good thread.

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Shes dead user... Move on.

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How so?

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There's nothing cuter than a girl with such ravenous appetite she eats with all 4 mouths.

Dead people don't count

No problem, Miko will rape Ishigami soon

she smart

I miss her

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My girlfriend Iino has a healthy appetite!

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I want Prez to save me from despair and then pat my head.

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Prez could use some headpats himself after last chapter

What do you even masturbate to?
Manga panels of her or what?

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that one panel of her getting her face pummeled

>prez and ishi are pure
>kaguya and miko will rape them
True end.

Hayasaka is for sex slavery

>Miko will rape Ishigami soon
Implying that weak little midget could rape anything. If it happens it's because he wants it to happen

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Irisviel, is that you?

S-she will resurrect to see Prez and Kaguya's wedding in the future
J-just watch

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Ishigami should drop the Vita and buy a Switch so he can give a joycon to Iino play with him.

I thought he does have a switch later

He already has a Switch


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THAT doujin picture

Where have you been?

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Why is she so obsessed with him? Don't she have other things to look or talk about?

Comfy chapter with the student council playing vidya when?

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Who wants it the most right now?


not with Miko Lino.

I'm a Fujiwara main myself.

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I thought this scene was hot as fuck, but I still find it weird no one calls her out for how fucking gay she's acting

>Iinos are quick to recognize lewdness

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fuji approves

Are gookscans already out?

Bonus, anime-original scenes of Shirogane and Ishigami bro'ing it up would be amazing.

>fujiwara, teach me how to play smash!

Guys, I think Kaguya's gone nuts

Fujiwara is a cheater
If anything she would teach Prez how to cheat

Not before she teaches Prez how to smash.

Miko getting corrupted needs to happen more often
That was a great chapter. All the chapters with just them fucking around in the council room are top tier

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La Embustera can't play a single game without cheat.

In China if you give a man a green hat it let's them know they are cucked

>Iceguya teasing Iino about something
did I miss something? is a new chapter out?

We had like 3 or 4 threads about it since it came out. How did you miss them all?

Hook scams been live for a while now
And trannys too

So, Iceguya isn't Kaguya being cold, but her being retarded, right? She's shooting herself in the foot badly. At the very least, she's managed to make it so that Shirogane doesn't think she hates him.
However, I suppose even he might have his limits as to how much rubbish he's willing to take.

reminder otter fags won

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>how did you miss them?
He's been hanging out in the masturbation thread for the last 24 hrs

won what?

>that logo
Thanks Doc

how would she cheat in lan party games?

the books on the left too
good thing the anime gives us our daily dose

She will start molesting everyone for every life she loses

How many steps ahead are you Yea Forums?

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Will Chika get a love interest in the future?

WIll Kaguya get what she wants?

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Maybe Abe (possible final stuco member)

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>So, Iceguya isn't Kaguya being cold, but her being retarded,
Ice is basically just a visual metaphor to show us that she's composing herself. She wants to appear mature to downplay the significance of the kiss, both to avoid him thinking she's a slut(yeah I know) and to convince him to kiss her since if it means nothing to her, then they could just do it whenever. Prez is a hopeless romantic though, so he refuses to see it way. Its the same thing that made him turn down Haysaca

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If she keeps fucking up, probably not.

She's going to fall in love with a world champion weimaraner named Jack and bear his litter.

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She just admitted to some things for him, what she should stop doing is trying to get a kiss while making it seem like a small thing, when he's still seeing it as really romantic.

>Its real
Holy shit

I can't imagine Chika dating someone. She's too pure for it.

Local Otaku Roger Johnson was the only funny part of that article


Otters best be protecting they buttholes. They gonna get what be coming to them.

She'll probably cheat on her partner just like how she cheats in games.

>Iceguya overstays her welcome
>Hayasaka sees Iceguya ruining everything Kaguya has been working for up to this point
>Hayasaka gets Iceguya sent away to the loony bin to get her mental problems fixed for her own sake
>she gets closer to prez during this time Kaguya is away
>she begins to slowly fall for prez
>just before she truly falls in love with prez kaguya returns
>and everything goes back to normal except for Hayasaka

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He's cute, seems like a nice husbandog

Roger's cousin is the town rapist

How to tell if someone's an animeonly.

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no way fag

If the dude who notices her crying doesn't get cut next episode then I'll 100% believe he's El Hermano

>town rapist
ah good times

Fuck off

for me, it's onodera

if aka pulls an El Hermano im chimping out
not you aka

>Glasses is getting pinned down by the chadest man in the school
How does she do it?

great taste

Good taste

When you're in first place she sticks her hands over your eyes

okay taste.

Sorry, she is taken

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yeah, by me

Me on the right


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This madlad

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Theres no way in hell that those two aren't already fucking. Miko needs to take her advice and live a little

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They are spending christmas together so they will fuck 100% of they haven't done already

literally where, I don't even see drills in that picture

>tfw the most exciting time of my week is when korean scam trannys come out

Whoa bro, that ain't cool.

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There's only one logical explanation.
She kabedowned him

You know, last chapter I didn't give too much thought to Icekaguya but after reading the gook for this chapter I have to say that Kaguya is acting like a retard and making Shirogane worried about pretty much everything (the kiss, their relationship, the Stanford promise)

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Don't be mean.

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Oh shit, I'm sorry.

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Amateur hour. Getting a girl to confess is no less than itself a total confession of love. A real master manipulator makes her hate him, admit to never liking him in the first place, then forgets him to find another man and get married.

Wait,is there a full KR chapter dumped or the same 4-5 pages leaked earlier?


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>K: Really
>K: I can’t stay up-lifted
>P: …is it just because you are uplifted?
>P: that kiss as well was it just because of that?
>K: That would be it
>P: ….

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how fucking enraged was she under the surface?

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based and redpilled

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Imagine a chapter of every girl doing nothing by crying their heart out

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why the fuck you self inserting fags think she is into ishigami now? oh wait

Yes, because they're self inserting fags who think Ishigami has a harem when not a single girl is into him. He's r/guy after all.

>Character who literally does nothing but stand around so far
>"Wow guys, she must have been fuming"

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Over the line


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But Otterfags winning mean Otterfags are losing.

>Aka confirms Osaragi, a character no one cared about, has a bf
>we still don't know what's the deal with Onodera

It's suspicious


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Pity for otterfag, never truly win anything at all

Whoa she's just presenting herself to Ishigami why didn't he mating press her right then and there?

guys I asked out onodera and she said yes

Imagine if Miyuki's mum returns while Kaguya is still being retarded, she starts behaving around his dad like Kaguya is behaving around him. Shirodad is completely fooled by mum, but Miyuki and Kei notice he's being used. Miyuki extrapolates this to his current situation with Kaguya, and decides to move on and begins acting indifferent toward her.

I would be funny to see how Kaguya reacts,


Ishigami's girlfriend

Doujin Onodera looks like Hayasaka's long lost twin sister

Onodera "ayylmao" Rei

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Onoderachads know better than to assume she's into anyone right now. Part of her charm is that she could do a number of things in the story

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based Reichad

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>you will never hear these words


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>ywn get drunk with Hayasaka
>ywn spend the night hugging her

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But thats not Miko Lino

Why is the fucking doujin better at giving us what we want than the actual manga, Hasayaka Homies?

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>tfw we still have one chapter of Ice Kaguya left
Two weeks can't come soon enough.

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I know, this arc is just so bad.


Only Bakaguya can save us

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I want Bakaguya back

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does anyone else absolutely love the series but can never remember the full japanese name for it


That's nice!

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That picture is inaccurate

Momo arc can't come soon enough.

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So where the fuck does Onodera’s appeal lie again? Or is it just because she’s pretty?

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It's the sense of mystery. She seems to be slowly evaluating Ishigami after believing the rumors and thinking he's a dick but we don't quite know what she's thinking about and she's occasionally casually seductive about it.

>casually seductive
Not even once, what the fuck are you on?

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Nothing. She's not even noted to be beautiful at all. Just like kosaki she's a non-factor a literal doormat that the plot uses as a pause or stop-by before going on its actual way.

5D chess for me.

Without trying to overreach too much she's
>got a lovely character design (so your initial suggestion)
>Was the only character in the Cheer arc that wasn't immediately faceless to Ishigami
>Aka keeps using her for occasional scenes
>Ties to both of the first years on the StuCo
This all suggests she's going to play a roll, whatever roll that is, and that potential is interesting

Bro don't hate

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I want to touch kaguyas feet

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Just started reading this manga and holy shit kaguya is the worst girl miyuki can do better

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I don't hate her just saying what I noticed about her part in the plot. Unless I see her anime design or a colored one I won't really rule her out as beautiful.

Shes subjectively the best girl in the school nigger

she is pretty, she doesnt believe baseless rumours and evaluates people by herself

hope we get a chapter on momo's fat yakuza butt soon

imagine smole lino trying her best clumsily sucking my relatively big dick

Literally begging for Ishigami's massive cock what a slut.


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I know it’s probably the less likely solution but I want hothead Prez to put Iceguya in her place fellas

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miko ryona doujins when

soon brother

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I doubt that will happen since he fell in love with Iceguya

How would you deal with an alcoholic Hayasaka?

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Probably make her my wife.

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which girl is the thirstiest?

Well, Onodera did believe the rumors at first. The one who actually didn't follow the crowd or blindly evaluate people based on rumors is Miko. She was the only one (except maybe Osaragi to an extent) in their year who bothered to defend him.

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Is it stated that she didn't believe the rumors?
I think she just thought the punishment was undeserved because he kept trying


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Miko, hidden behind a wall of celibacy.


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i have money, does that mean mamagane would fuck me


It's not actually clear if Miko thought the rumors were absolutely false, but at the very least it seems clear that she thought the punishment didn't fit the crime. From her perspective he's being kept away long past the designated suspension period, meanwhile he's still doing all his work for school and still wasn't allowed to graduate, so she spoke out. The fact is that Ishigami did beat someone up and rightly got suspended for that, but since there were all the rumors were going around that he was a stalker and a creep and ruined Kyoko's relationship and such everyone else basically either hated him and harassed him for it or otherwise didn't bother to stand up for him despite the injustice.

rape kill fuck befriend ignore

Iino (you) Hayasaka Chika Iino (after she becomes attached due to the rape)

Attached: HayaYouforYa.gif (480x270, 2.8M)

thanks god, i finally find someone wanted to kill me, ends my pitiful and useless life pls, i beg you

At this point of the anime is Miko already in the school?

hydraulic mating press

she's already in the school since episode 1, she only got her starting screentime when the elections started

can someone post the page of Hayasaka asking about the kiss?

[Spoiler]The manga peaked at the fireworks.
Anything after that is just pointless filler, up to a confession that is way to long to actual happen[/spoiler]

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Cool spoiler, bro.

colored is for the pleb

Is that official color?

This arc is great go fuck yourself

You know why Aka is a hack because of pic related STILL we don't know what the fuck this could EVER mean and yet he stalled and caused this plot to not progress I'm so fucking done with this shit HE IS A HACK!

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My wife Karen is kino and will walk the earth again very soon.

>She's underdeveloped, for better of for worse. As for how she'll grow to maturity, no one knows yet.

What did Aka mean by this?

Shes getting impregnated in 1 day and raise a child as a single mother going to highschool.

She has been dealing with him since the middle school days. Enough to have a somewhat general idea of how he's like. Even basic interactions wih Ishigami are enough to reveal that he's too lazy and pessimistic to try to do such a annoying and delusional thing such as stalking.
Pretty sure she didn't believe in the rumors. She might also know that Ootomo simply flunked the exams.

How so?
She seems comfy to be arounda with?

>6 (Bros)
>Implying Maki doesn't want those two to DP her sadness away

>comfy to be around with

As in, I'm her sex slave? Gladly.

Limo is an insufferable purityfag.
Hayasaka is the only true choice

How cute

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Maki is pure, delete this.

>wrong hole

Wait, are thes two different versions or just two covers?

Is Hayasaka into voyeurism?

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Kill yourself

I think it's a reversible cover. The BD case looks to be a slipcover + reversible cover.

those are some hefty lies

Some big lies.

Ninny shit. Constantly expressing a desire to chat and never doing it, rather than outright ignoring them, is how you string them along.

I see, nice.

Who's existence is the greater suffering

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There´s no way she could achieve this bust with padding, also artists/the anime just generally draw her chest waaay too big. She´s almost as flat as Kaguya in the manga.

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So flat so sexy almost a mans chest but with a little bit of flesh mnnnnnnnnnnnn

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She'd better be, because she'll have to watch over her lady during her first time either way.

She reminds me of Anna Taylor-Joy now that i think about it

>Pres and Kaguya finally get to talk things out
>Kaguya about to leave, because of course she would.
>Pres has had enough and kabe-DOWNs her
>*Vaginal discharge*
>Outright says "I love you" and they FINALLY decide to date
>Kaguya: Now that we're going out, a kiss shouldn't be a big deal, right?
>*leans in*
>pic related
>K: Why?
>Pres: It's a Shirogane household teaching to flick those who don't take kisses in a relationship seriously enough.
>Kaguya's embarrassed
>Pres uses this chance and tongues her
>Today's results: Kaguya's win
What do you think Yea Forums?

Attached: flick.jpg (468x512, 48K)

>Ishi and Tsubame become a couple
>Tsubame learns more about otaku stuff and gets into cosplay
>Skip to their first night alone
>Tsubame goes to change
>Ishi thinking about how he's about to step into adulthood
>Tsubame comes out dressed like some girl from one of his manga/light novels
>Ishi's dick rises like Everest
>Pic related
>4 pages of weird positions(because gymnastics) and Ishi moaning
>Today's results: Ishigami's loss(of virginity)

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No matter what, Ishigami and Iino will never be as hot together as the potential Tsubame and Ishigami have.

Hey, ryona is hot.

So is femdom.

Nah. She's open enough about her thirst that it doesn't go overboard. Miko, on the other hand

She's literally in the same class as Ishigami.

i think reddit will love it

>She's open enough about her thirst
And she's fucking the #1 chad.

How does it feel to be widowed?

I don't know what to believe at this point
I don't think she is as flat as Kaguya but she isn't the titty monster everyone tries to make her

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How is it legal for one woman to be so sexual?
Other girls can't even compete.

it's just the perfect size

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Pls come back

We can't bring the dead back, but we can live in their memory.

Didn't maids used to hid their stuff at work because it could get annoying at it?
I remember reading something like that some years ago but i can't remember.
I might be wrong though

>We lost Karen and Bakaguya in the same week
Suffering never ends

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I think her maid outfit just hides them pretty well.

What would Miko's burps smell like?

Salty coins and milk.

>Other girls can't even compete
They can't

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There is an official full color edition going on, yes.

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Thanks user I went to bed before you posted this but it helped me greatly.

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I was tempted to ask if this scene was really necessary, but I know in my Hayasakafag heart that it was indispensable, and that the animation staff has perfect taste.

Best girl deserved a bit of spotlight after getting her first chapter skipped.
It wasn't necessary but it was a nice.

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The government must crack down on the local otaku phenomenon

Hayasaka and Kaguya have the same age, right?
Since she's a perfectly serviceable deadpan onee-san next to that cute angry ball of issues, I tend to forget.
I need to see her reaction to Iceguya II.

Maki is next. She just needs one last push.

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I think Hayasaka is some months older than Kaguya

Should Miyuki give up on Kaguya? Hes just hurting himself

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Why her hair is not pink?

>so pure she can make god damn Ishigami look like a bad boy bishounen

>this level of self insert autism

This is Fujiwara at her cutest. Slightly messed, silverish hair and a normal happy face.

The Fujiwaras got pinked in the anime.

No. Everyone dies, Maki lives forever because suffering is eternal.

Who would you propose as Prez gf if he ends up dumping Kaguya?

It got pinked in the manga too actually

if he dumps Kaguya, he should go neck himself
Good thing is, she would do him that last favor

The best thing Prez can do is pump Miko's belly full of Prez babies as a warning that Kaguya needs to shape up or ship out.

Really? Wich chapter did they changed?

Why doesn't Kaichou stop TG club's tyranny?

Which is?
Those girls seem to enjoy themselves

They have already infiltrated the student council using their tainted stupid cow, and he is powerless against Makki-sen

Not him but i asume he is talking about the volume cover

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Nah. She just wants to turn the stuco room into a sex den.

TG club students are weak to sunlight.

Just whisper "Stars" into his ear and push him into the club door and he´s gonna accidently seduce all three girls at once while telling them about constellations.

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this and also in the colored pages
Have no idea when it started though

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They have a powerful insider and spy in the StuCo.

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>3 6 sided dice, max is 18
>one of the dice rolled a 1, meaning the other 2 needed to roll 13 which is impossible

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Ahem, fuck raw threads and fuck gook translations!
Bring back translation threads only!

I think it started with volume 8
Not sure though

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Stupid rules and assumptions like common sense or the laws of physics do not apply to the /tg/ club.
They have a strawman safely installed in the student council. Makki-sen is a professional expert at bullying the morals committee officer.
They don't have Ishigami yet, but Deciko can probably tide him over with vidyas and pics of Miko being bullied.
Only Shirogane and Kaguya are left.

TG Club is known for cheating
Where do you think Fuji learned all that shit?

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They orchestrated a death game within the school?

What if they're deciding their rolls based on what face was in contact with the ground?

There's always one that posts the verification answers somewhere anyway. I don't know about the 4th one though.

Bebop is older.

>fuck raw threads and fuck gook translations
Unironically this. I can understand the last chapter but people are claiming this one was boring/unfunny after already spoiling themselves and getting angry about their own headcanon based on no context pictures. And fuck the guy who keeps encouraging that shit with the random page dumps. Kaguya threads were at their peak pre-Fanscans

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Can Haysack find her rabu?

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El Mayordomo de la Cuñada will soothe her ailing soul

Dude, how fucking new are you?

give her katanas

Its actually been pink since at least the vol 2 cover. Not once did I ever notice this before the anime but now I cant unsee it

Attached: p1.jpg (885x1250, 893K)

>El Mayordomo
>No El Criado
One job

That actually looks more silverish to me compared to the other 3 or maybe is my phone screen which is kinda fucked up

Hey, today is not supposed to go on sale the ost of the anime. Someone knows how long it will take for someone to upload it to the internet.

But the umbrella share chapter makes her hair undoubtedly grey. Her hair is actually slowly turning pink

That one was pretty grey up close actually

Attached: 9784088904689.jpg (848x1200, 282K)

I don't even know my love interests name or physical appearance

Attached: 547840623428763650.gif (128x111, 50K)


Attached: HAYASAKAAAAA!.png (720x1280, 620K)

This is a BD bonus disk (vgmdb.net/album/83396), so it's usually uploaded at the same time as the BD is, which is usually a week at most.

That´s not how handholding works, Kaguya.

Attached: index2.jpg (1000x1000, 99K)

Subject F (100% Roja) when?

As much as I would want my boy Yu, end up with Chika as a romantic couple. Ishigami was shipped SO HARD with lino that they are basically official couple without officially dating, aka as much as series let's them be(aka Miyuki and Kaguya level of official). Which makes me really sad... Since every time when I decide to support a certain ship they NEVER become canon. ;(

P.S- Almost as if writers hear every time my wishes and decide to screw me over... I was beyond happy when at first Yu was blush at idea that he can't let himself to fall for Chika when he was choosing between girl in the student council, and when later he was interested in the girl from the magazine who looked like Chika. It gave me hope that they are not a lost cause. But them Miko came out and... Yeah, it' all over.

I want to die, I'm going home.

Impossible. I'm sure you're safe enough.

>Transform: Anti Bully Ranger

>implying they didn't already apply the +4 modifier Fuji's equipped bow grants.

I hope you're sterile. Holy shit

Imma stealin this pasta thanks

Imposible, have you seen the size of those tits?
There is no way Fujiwara can use a bow effectively with those monsters.
Kaguya on the other hand is perfect for a bows with her flat chest.

Attached: Raughs.gif (299x317, 536K)

i just want this for the track that plays during the yes or no game and fujiwara's rapping in the banned word game

>but then tsubame came out

>If I call someone else new, I can hide my own newfaggotry!

Switch Miko and Tsubame

As for me, I want /ourgirl/ to end up with /ourguy/.

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Attached: 1526176630609.png (559x638, 401K)

If she wakes up again, it will be because Prez kissed Ice. Her mask crumbled for simply being asked if she wanted to hold hands last chapter.

Attached: Cute creature.jpg (836x1190, 297K)

You don't ship bros togheter, that's gay.

Best ending

>ishigami and prez will get gfs and maki will be the only one left who's single
It hurts bros

Attached: 1523912398700.jpg (283x281, 19K)

>shipping bros

Attached: main-qimg-cbf8029185efe1d2c949809e00415906.png (586x634, 276K)

The three of them will be fuck buddies

Attached: Maki_friends.jpg (568x364, 67K)

Attached: Put your cocks where I can see them.jpg (702x371, 118K)

I'm a post-2014 eternal newfag. Why?
People stopped shipping those two long before Miko was introduced. Even Hayasaka was more popular with him. I have no idea what you guys see in them as a potential pair. Fujiwara is simply unshippable

I wish
A shame the shitty midget will end up winning

Attached: 04.png (705x475, 259K)

This bitch deserve it

Here you filthy whore

Attached: 1553145771624 (1).webm (900x580, 2.92M)

It will certainly be more than one chapter. The current day isn't even over and it's the 23rd.

>Bebop is older.
He's a fucking choker, about time he steps down a little.

>The current day isn't even over.
It is over. We had results at the end of the chapter.

Based and tsubamepilled

Attached: D2pOFD7VYAAxwIc.png (592x790, 575K)

Big lies

Attached: 73902011_p0.png (1500x2121, 3.73M)

That's at least 10 pads.

reminder this is all hayasaka's fault for being a complete virgin and making kaguya panic with her virgin takes

True, only an idiot would get that flustered over frenching.

Don't act like you're not jellous.


Why does everyone make Hayasaka look like a titty monster?

Attached: 1553484581181.jpg (1920x1080, 181K)

Gotta need the sauce on this one m8

All those lies must be quite the weight for her to carry.

I wish i knew
It looks like one of those game where you can create your own characters or something

Attached: 1552589784890.png (695x564, 218K)

Iceguya wants to be kissed

Attached: D2rIBr0VYAAQ_BF.jpg (1920x1080, 81K)

It looks really good
especially the expression

Attached: Life is hard.jpg (134x132, 9K)

>tfw can't enjoy Firework the Animation because of these "comedic" chapters
It's been a fun ride bros but I'm going to do what I did after Jag left then hopefully stumble upon this manga again in the future.

Attached: 1548979030178.jpg (1546x1208, 200K)

That is a neat drawing
Is it a reference of something?

Looks like Danganronpa 2 Chiaki's execution

>spoilering something from a game made 5 years ago


Jag is kill
let him go


Attached: ishibowl-01.jpg (329x335, 35K)

Dude, cutehot is the best form of hot.

I prefer the old autistic screeching template

I'm pretty sure it's CM3D2

Attached: 73907370_p0.jpg (992x1403, 590K)

t. Jag
Fuck off faggot. Stop namedropping yourself to stay relevent.

Delete this. Tsubame is sweet and kind.

something is wrong with her torso

You're right. My hands aren't around them ;_;

Attached: HYSKA.jpg (620x877, 131K)

Thanks bruva

Attached: 1549781551454.jpg (673x696, 60K)

...For college CHADS and old business men.

That's Miko, the easiest character in the manga.

Attached: illust_73836758_20190327_104231.jpg (2480x3508, 3.9M)

I'm more surprised that they have a TV in the student council room in the first place.

>Kaguya is a seinen
hold up, what the fuck

Tsubame is also pretty easy if she's giving a chance to a loser she barely knows who confessed to her only because he sounded serious.


Attached: 1550264022606.jpg (219x375, 65K)

Which is why she asked for time instead of rejecting him?
Miko was about to go with 3 faggots judt because they called her cute

It's a deep psychological tale about the despair slowly rising up in Hayasaka.

She's been asked around a lot of times before and rejected every single one of them
She's giving Ishi a chance because it actually sounds sincere and didn't want to hurt his feeling

>didn't want to hurt his feeling
sounds like a red flag to me

All the previous "confessions" she received were all casual shit, done in a way that wouldn't hurt them if they got rejected, so not really the same thing.
>Hey, so I have fun hanging out with you, want to try going out together to see if it works out?
Or something like that.

>Red flag
It's called being considerate of a friend silly user. Imagine a friend of yours suddenly gave you a heartfelt confession, in front of other people too. Rejecting them without being careful can lead to some severe heartbreak, especially when it seemed to sincere.

Attached: Tsubame.jpg (299x380, 39K)

>no glaring eyes on prez
Why is this about as common in fanart as big-boobed Haysack?

Attached: index4.jpg (1199x841, 261K)

Did you not read the chapter?

Attached: Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai_ Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Vol.13 Ch.130 - Tsubame Koyasu Wants to (791x1200, 835K)

Based daddy poster

What's the clacking noise when he's smirking here from?

That's what I said though ? I said you only needed to sound serious and she would give you a chance. And Ishigami wasn't even sincere because he didn't mean to confess.

Should have used the classic shooting star derail technique. It worked for hiro, and it worked for violet!

Attached: eb12f4ca408c1d78b6e92e48644ac9d2857e6582v2_hq.jpg (576x1024, 30K)

He still meant to, even if he was too much of a pussy to actually do anything.
His feelings (of gratefulness) were sincere at least.

No idea. Even the author jokes about it having no fan service or other common seinen shit


>Ichigo voices Maki now
>she would've acted Tsundere if Tsubasa did that with her

Attached: 1553578223685.jpg (384x478, 65K)

why would be considerate to some guy I barely know suddenly confessed to me
I would reject him on the spot and call him a weirdo
but I understand Ishi's circumstance of accidental confession so if he's a man my rejection will motivate him to know me better (and I knowing him better)

Of course
my boy Ishi isn't a wimp that afraid to be rejected

I think she's been seeing him working hard around the committee lately and started to have some kind of respect towards Ishi

You don't spent an entire chapter sulking around a confession if you didn't give a single shit about the guy

>why would be considerate to some guy I barely know suddenly confessed to me
Because she's a good person, and not a jaded. Plus, she considers him a friend. Some people are just kind like that.

>I barely know suddenly confessed to me
They are actually friends though, not super friends, but Tsubame is that kind of girl.

What manga is she from?

Why is Jaimini so slow?

>my boy Ishi isn't a wimp that afraid to be rejected
You're overestimating him way too much. This is the same guy who kept talking about dying you know? And he avoided confessing exactly because he is scared she won't go for it. His heart isn't made of steel.

Attached: Ladies.jpg (565x421, 51K)


>why would be considerate to
Because she's a decent person who geniunely want to be nice and sees value in not making others upset if it can be avoided.

>some guy I barely know suddenly confessed to me
Tsubame sees Ishigami as a friend.

>Tsubame senpai, I want to be with you foreve-
>Look Ishigami some flowers!

some shitty shoujo don't bother

They have other manga to typeset, their usual release schedule for Kaguya is late Thursday.

> 1/4 Irish
> alcoholic

Color me surprised.

Attached: Hayasaka AAAAA.jpg (566x489, 113K)

Digital raws came out fifteen minutes ago, give them a break.

>why would be considerate to some guy I barely know suddenly confessed to me
She literally says that she's used to guys she barely knows asking her out and she doesn't know how to handle the Ishi situation because it ISN'T like that. Are you retarded?

>why would be considerate to some guy I barely know suddenly confessed to me
Because she is a good person and Ishigami is her friend?
Jesus, not every girl in this world is a heartless piece of garbage who just reject guys for the sake of

Attached: x9.png (834x1300, 633K)

Depends 100% on what she's drinking

>why would be considerate to some guy I barely know suddenly confessed to me
Not everyone is a sociopathic cunt, genuinely nice people do exist, not on Yea Forums, but still.
Also he's her friend.

>Jesus, not every girl in this world is a heartless piece of garbage who just reject guys for the sake of
The sadfrog lashes out in fear

>she doesn't care about stupid hierachies and only gives a chance to serious guys, only making a decision after a good evaluation
The first part means she's not a stacy, the second means she's not a slut.

Someone should dump them next thread.

I mean I thought that was pretty obvious. She's an easy going girl, who likes to make friends and have fun, while liking the idea of romance. She's well adjusted.

Attached: Volume 12.png (846x1200, 1.31M)

I think he means Purchasable digital raws, not raws that are hosted somewhere, so we can't dump it.
LHscans usually get them later today.

>She's well adjusted.
Just wait, there's 100% something going on with her.

Do gook scans come out that much earlier for other series too?

You just made me realize why I don't care for her. She's way too normal for this series

What can even be wrong with her?
Unless she has a torture dungeons to rival Moeha.

If there was she´d have either rejected Ishi or not cared in the first place. Unless she´s secretly a yandere like Kaguya or Kashiwagi. That´s still a possibility.

Attached: 1549983830867.jpg (1240x1754, 314K)

>The best thing Prez can do is pump Miko's belly full of Prez babies as a warning that Kaguya needs to shape up or ship out.

> Chaoter 2XX: Miko Iino dies at childbirth

I just think there's something a bit off about her, every other girl in the series is a mess in some regard and Tsubame comes as the well adjusted, super popular and nice girl.
If there's really nothing interesting about her the whole Ishigami-Tsubame arc is going to be even more boring than expected.

The world would improve if this was actually normal.

That wouldn't be weird either, everyone has a thing about them in this.

Prez is a workaholic.
Kaguya is a Yandere, tsundere, deredere, and major family issues.
Ishigami is borderline depressed, and trying to fix himself.
Fujiwara is still guesswork since we never saw her thoughts so far.
Miko is a repressed slut, with a sense for justice.
Kashiwagi is super possessive.
Maki is hyper tsun to the point where it causes her problems, and unable to let go.
Osaragi is mega perverted.
Karen is a deranged shipper, who goes into delusions sometimes.
Erika is a raging dyke for Kaguya, to the point where she faints.

I think Tsubasa is one without something about him, he's just an airhead but that's it.

Attached: Miko loves it.jpg (180x191, 21K)

>You have to accept some guy's confession because you're his friend and you're a good person
don't you guys find it fundamentally wrong?
I mean yes they're friends and yes Koyasu's a good person
but it's her freedom of decision to accept him or not
she doesn't owe him jack shit
if Ishi is rejected then he has to man up and move forward or try again next time

>rejecting somebody means you're a sociopathic cunt
yeah whatever you say m8

we'll see in the future
I just don't want Koyasu to accept him out of pity and an 'obligation' to do so

The gook scanners probably have someone supplying them physical copies earlier than the actual date of publishing in stores, which is why they get them earlier.

Most of the girls in this series are either nymphos or a bit yandere
Wouldn't surprise me if Tsubame joins the club

Attached: K7.png (442x393, 122K)

>he's just an airhead but that's it.
He's an idiot with no personality.

>don't you guys find it fundamentally wrong?
There's a difference between honestly considering it and/or thinking about how to let him down gently, and simply spreading your legs because he's your friend.

>Most of the girls in this series are either nymphos or a bit yandere
I mean they're teenage girls, that's sort of a teenage girl's defining feature when it comes to relationships

>Most of the girls in this series are either nymphos or a bit yandere

>I just don't want Koyasu to accept him out of pity and an 'obligation' to do so
That's exactly why she asked for some time to think things over after realizing there's more to him than she is aware of, and is giving proper thought to her decision.
There's no pity in that, if anything, it's a really good method.

>but it's her freedom of decision to accept him or not
>she doesn't owe him jack shit
And so is her freedom to decide to give him a chance by seeing how he is as a person, before making a decision user. Kaguya helped a little, but she ultimately came to the conclusion of thinking about by her own accord. You're making it sound like she's being forced.

Attached: Pout.jpg (253x255, 46K)

>no hayasaka

He's boring, but he does have a noble goal of wanting to become a doctor to save lives. He's just an uninteresting person.

She is the a pure love starved girl in a sea of whores
Truly the big prize

Attached: 1552076136570.png (501x517, 219K)

Tsubame is the only good girl of the manga. The rest are yanderes, tsunderes, cunts, losers or stalkers.

That's not a personality, that's
>my parents are doctors so I'll be one too!
He's, quite literally, the generic harem MC of the series.

So the possibility that she rejects him IS acceptable no?

based and maidpilled

I didn't include her because her issue was kind of addressed in the rap chapter, and she spelled it out for everyone in the Prez date chapter as well. But alright.

Hayasaka keeps wearing masks, and is afraid that others won't like her real self.

Attached: Hayasaka will fix it.jpg (756x514, 80K)

Ishigami just needs something GENUINE

>Tsubame is the only boring girl of the manga. The rest are yanderes, tsunderes, cunts, losers or stalkers.
Fixed that for you

Prez is also switching between feeling inferior and superior due to both his poor status and his great talent.
Fuji is most likely a psycho since she has very little inhibition when putting others into very uncomfortable positions.
Also Maki is probably more honest about her feelings than Kaguya.
Moeha is also a straight up psycho, even more so than her sister.
Hayasaka hides her true feelings behind many masks, also overworked and more than a little frustrated.
I don´t really need to talk about the other game club members, they should be obvious.

Attached: 1552163802027.jpg (1222x759, 133K)

I think there was also an interview in which he said he was mainly inspired by shoujo.

>is afraid that others won't like her real self.
slightly true but more of the the shitty abuse she experienced early childhood with Kaguya and conditioned to wear a mask so that others will respect you more. The Shinomiya precepts etc etc
Which is she despises more than anything

When is he gonna let lose with the sex scenes?

>little inhibition when putting others into very uncomfortable positions.
You don't have to be a psycho to do that, plenty of people out there overdo it and make weird shit for others because they think it's funny. It's more like liking self awareness.

Attached: Fuji plays dumb.jpg (155x177, 13K)

>Fuji is most likely a psycho since she has very little inhibition when putting others into very uncomfortable positions.

No shit, Aka is very blunt about that.

>>Hayasaka hides her true feelings behind many masks, also overworked and more than a little frustrated.

Hayasaka is a glorified slave. She can't really leave, or her family gets in trouble. Remember that her dad is Kaguya's godfather, so he seems to be best buds with Papa Shinomiya.

Attached: Fujiwara psychopath.jpg (117x255, 8K)

That's about Moeha. The joke is that their dad pretend like their slut sister is not a daughter of the fujiwara household anymore.

Weird way to write Iino

I like the translator's footnote
it like they're unsure of the wording used and just brushed it off as a misidentification/typo


Raws come from magazines that were shipped early to stores. Like said, the gooks probably have someone on the inside to supply them, hence why their scans are the earliest.
JB uses the higher quality digital raws, which leak later in the week.

She still can reject him right?

Either the joke is that the father is not considering the eldest daughter because she is slut, or it's a low jab at Fujiwara making us think it's meant for Moeha.

Attached: Semen demon.jpg (720x568, 99K)

Nobody said she couldn't

If I remember right they buy them from the digital distributor, they don't grab them from raw hosting websites, but I could be wrong.

fair enough
have a good day

Did you miss the part where she was initially 100% going to reject him and just wanted to figure out how to let him down gently? It was only after she saw him looking out for Miko and saw how Kaguya was also looking out for him that she started to actually consider otherwise.

>linofags are speedreaders

I didn't remember the part where "she was initially 100% going to reject him" and "she started to actually consider otherwise"
can you post me the page/chapter?
my memory is a bit faulty

O Kawaii Couple


Attached: 73470300_p0.jpg (1214x1720, 2.22M)

The flashback scene 40 seconds after kashiwagi's french kiss

She wasn't 100% going to reject him. She just wanted to focus on her gymnastics so she didn't give dating a thought. She was able to reject other guys before with ease because she didn't feel anything for them.

Don't speedread this time, m'kay?mangadex.org/chapter/493661/1

His secret stash of cute and awkward Kaguya x Prez sex scenes will be released after his death

Gwet iwn OwO



>Touching shoulders in public
At least spoiler this, had to cover my eyes.

Attached: 6lto565rx0g21.jpg (1199x655, 131K)

It should have been "and" instead of "or"

uh huh whatever
my points still stands though

Which point? That you're a rare case of literal autism on this board?

It's a discord shill

>lol autism
prove me wrong then

Literally You're either autistic or shitposting(or both). Otherwise I can't explain how one person can be this stupic

Attached: chrome_20190327_164126.png (652x924, 357K)

Attached: TryAgain.png (700x413, 24K)

He's not accusing you of samefagging fucking lmao

You're literally the ONLY person who thinks this proves anything.

>doesn't have any rebuttal
>lmao Reddit
>still replying
stay mad


I'm not even part of this conversation, but you're genuinely autistic if you think he was calling you a samefag

i wan t to marry Fujiwara, it will be easy to trick her by using shoujo manga trope. her body and money will be mine

I didn't accuse of samefagging. The last three replies in are literally answers to you questions, you dipshit.

the hell are you calling good
the fuck is happening

Shitposter use shitpost....It's super effective

user hurt himself in his confusion

Is it possible that Aka will use an accidental kiss between Ishigami and Iino during christmas party to create a spark or not?
Aka is not that low right ?

Ishigami will be dating everyone in the school by then end of 3rd year.

Attached: ohno.png (231x371, 74K)

Obviously, without his knowledge.

I'm getting weird, less lewd flashbacks to Peace Hame

I've only been able to find two IshiMiko fanfics. What has the world come to?

And here I was wondering why there was more shitposting than usual.

How do you accidentally kiss?

>Talking about fanfics here
Yes indeed, what is the world coming to

Someone pushes you and your lips accidently touch someone else's lips

The lights have gone out and you're both trying to find the straws of your missing drinks with your mouths when oops!

>caught up with the manga
>end it with ice kaguya

well... fuck.

Bokuben, 5toubun and Nisekoi did it. It would be weird if Kaguya didn't.

There's a lot of examples in the chinese cartoons, lurk more.

We always joke about how Fujiwara would help Prez with sex ed, but you know who would help Kaguya with it?

Attached: 73570034_p0.png (1236x830, 1.07M)

If there is accidental sex I don't see how accidental kisses are too hard

She would just ask Kashiwagi the best positions for it and since she learns fast she would be ready in no time

By the Rings this is too much!

It'd unironically be Kashiwagi

Hayasaka doesn't know about that kind of stuff

Reminder Kashiwagi is the daughter of a Yakuza boss and literally almost put out a hit on her bf

This, Hayasaka would be blushing more than Kaguya if she had to actually talk sex in practice.

Attached: 1549754807938.webm (1092x1080, 2.96M)

But Miko is tiny. Ishigami would have to be shoved to the ground.

Hayaasaka is pure. I hope this doesn't happen, I don't wat kaguya corrupting my wife.

Yes but it will be accidental shoving to the ground

Give everyone else controllers with input lag.

>r the joke is that the father is not considering the eldest daughter because she is slut, or it's a low jab at Fujiwara making us think it's meant for Moeha.
That's the daughter? I thought she was their mother

Not at all, she's the daughter of a major ship-building company. Momo is the one who's the daughter of a yakuza boss

No the mom is this beauty.

Attached: fujimom.jpg (696x245, 73K)

Their mom is flat
The titties genes come from the dad


Would Kaguya even know how to masturbate?

Fucking hell, she's enormous!

Attached: breast size.jpg (1082x785, 286K)

I see I see : )

Miko is trying to take his game from his hands, Ishigami is lifting his hand as high as possible, Miko jumps, Ishi loses his balance, he falls back, she falls on top of him, the game falls in front of the camera, covering their faces as they bump their teeth with each other.

The daughters get their giant lies from daddy

This is some serious shitty romcom trauma you have there.