How does one go about acquiring a dragon maid?

How does one go about acquiring a dragon maid?

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be the mc

But user i'm not a 25 year old code monkey

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1. Get into relationship with Kobayashi-san
2. Tell Tohru that you'll break it off with Kobayashi if she volunteers to take her place, otherwise you'll knock up Kobayashi
3. Proceed to knock up Tohru in Kobayashi's place

This doesn't work either.

by being a kind androgynous asexual

>1. Get into relationship with Kobayashi-san
user, step one is already beyond any of us even with 3dpds

She'd probably go out with you if you just took an interest in her and asked.

I'm 300% sure she'd just politely decline and be bothered by that shit for the rest of her life

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Nah, she said it herself. She's never been thought of in that way before (at least to her knowledge), so she's not used to it.

She may not outright say yes to being your gf at first, but if you prod her enough she'll agree to go on more dates at least.

Be a hardworking kind girl who also needs someone by her side.

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That's what Tohru has been doing for about a year now.
If someone else tried to get with Kobayashi, Tohru would kill them before Kobayashi even knew they existed.

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>That's what Tohru has been doing for about a year now.
Yeah, but Tohru's hindered by Kobayashi not seeing herself as bi/lesbian. She might be able to change that, but it's unknown how much longer she'd have to keep trying.

>If someone else tried to get with Kobayashi, Tohru would kill them before Kobayashi even knew they existed.
If you work at the same company as Kobayashi you could flirt there, and maybe drinking parties afterwards.

Tohru would tag along for a few of those and eventually catch notice of you, but by then Kobayashi wouldn't let her kill you.

get drunk and go to mountains

Are you the same anons who had a 30+ post discussion about getting with Kobayashi last time and only got more and more abstract?

Even if one of us got that far with kobayashi our Japanese wouldn't be good enough to save us

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Tried it, didn't go well.

Step one is becoming 2D.

Why would you say such a thing to me

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we just have to wow her with our programming skills

>This handsome devil is going to smash Kobayashi's pussy.

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So, did she fall in love after Kobayashi left?

I have the perfect plan:
1) Disregard homosexual lizards.
2) Marry Kobayashi.

>implying it won't be Kobayashi doing the smashing

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You buy one of these and stick it under a box propped up with a stick.

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