Uramichi Onii-san

Hey there Yea Forums! You're favorite children's show exorcise instructor is back! Feel free to tune in as he teaches those wonderful children the small truth's in life!

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Nice, this manga is pretty fun.

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Anime when?

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Fucking Usao

That's all for today's show, Yea Forums! Tune in next time for more of Big Brother Uramichi, and maybe Usao's reenactment of the Crucifixion!

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Good manga

Anime when?

those abs

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Is Uramichi straight?

Only if Kamiyan voices Uramichi.

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I want to Uramichi oniisan off so hard he has to walk with a limp

Oh my yes

Glad this manga is getting more translations.

He already does in the AD.


Kamiya = Uramichi
Sugita = Usahara
Nakamura = Kumatai
Miyano = Iketeru

It's like a Japanese version of pic related.

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Thanks, user. Didn't know this existed.

Pill me anons

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thank you user! love this manga

I'm so glad someone picked this up. I haven't seen this type of comedy elsewhere in manga.

Black comedy best comedy.

He wasn't self destructive today, at least

>Kamiya = Uramichi
>Miyano = Iketeru

I love Kamiyan and I tolerate Mamoru but I hate this so much.

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Holy shit, it's literally a bro getogether. Glad to see someone picked it up after the original scanlators dropped it after finishing volume 2.

This is a good movie.

>It's at this point, Usao knew he fucked up.

Kamiyan's using his Wakame voice instead of his Zetsubou-sensei voice.

It's natural to hate wakame.

why are kids so terrifying bros

They're inherently cunning.

I bookmarked the scanlator's drop announcement on chapter 18. I'm glad another group is continuing.

thank you ESL-kun

>the exorcism of Uramichi Onii-san

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