Hey there Yea Forums! You're favorite children's show exorcise instructor is back! Feel free to tune in as he teaches those wonderful children the small truth's in life!
Uramichi Onii-san
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Nice, this manga is pretty fun.
Anime when?
Fucking Usao
That's all for today's show, Yea Forums! Tune in next time for more of Big Brother Uramichi, and maybe Usao's reenactment of the Crucifixion!
Good manga
Anime when?
those abs
Is Uramichi straight?
Only if Kamiyan voices Uramichi.
I want to Uramichi oniisan off so hard he has to walk with a limp
Oh my yes
Glad this manga is getting more translations.
He already does in the AD.
Kamiya = Uramichi
Sugita = Usahara
Nakamura = Kumatai
Miyano = Iketeru
It's like a Japanese version of pic related.
Thanks, user. Didn't know this existed.
Pill me anons
thank you user! love this manga
I'm so glad someone picked this up. I haven't seen this type of comedy elsewhere in manga.
Black comedy best comedy.
He wasn't self destructive today, at least
>Kamiya = Uramichi
>Miyano = Iketeru
I love Kamiyan and I tolerate Mamoru but I hate this so much.
Holy shit, it's literally a bro getogether. Glad to see someone picked it up after the original scanlators dropped it after finishing volume 2.
This is a good movie.
>It's at this point, Usao knew he fucked up.
Kamiyan's using his Wakame voice instead of his Zetsubou-sensei voice.
It's natural to hate wakame.
why are kids so terrifying bros
They're inherently cunning.
I bookmarked the scanlator's drop announcement on chapter 18. I'm glad another group is continuing.
thank you ESL-kun
>the exorcism of Uramichi Onii-san