Darling in the FranXX

Daily reminder that this show did what Evangelion could not do: finish a plot line and create lovable characters

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shut up retard

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Imagine liking spice and wolf, and not darling and the franxx

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A1s "studio favorites" ruined the second arc and nishitgori cant into setups
they did my girl wrong

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Manga chapter 43 in 10 days and 15 hours!

Can't wait for Fatoshi to fucking die

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second arc is best arc, prove me wrong.

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The Aliens. There. Yer wrong.

kys you fucking cunt imagine liking this trash show

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half of second arc was wasted on a triangle of faggots called shitsucockutoshi instead of more Hir02

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>Finish a plotline
You mean wing it in the cheesies, nonsensical way possible? Don't get me started on the way up there. Damn, it's real shaky.
>Lovable characters
Such as? The characters range from annoying to awful.

Oh, you can't hide your retardations, by the way.

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Imagine being so retarded you take it seriously

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>I was only pretending

>twitter filename
>retarded formatting

You arent embarassing anyone but yourself newfriend, everyone knows that already
Fixing a misquote is commendable

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imagine being this new yet proud
next youre gonna link archives you chins pro


>I'm a fag


die please

Yep, this is FranXX thread alright. No more anime discussion past this point.

>Daily reminder that this show did what Evangelion could not do:
be absolutely godawful

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>finish a plot line
How do I go back to episode 13

>thinking asska can hold a light to Zero Tsu
>thinking a 20 y/o daddy issue animu is good cause religious themes
w e w

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>baiting on an indian basket weaving forum overrun by 15 year olds

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Well the show ended at episode 15.

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I don't think Eva ever attempted to create lovable characters, what it did is it created realistic characters, a lot of which I still sympathized with.

For me, it's this show. The best first anime I watched.

>a lot of which I still sympathized with

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>I was able to masturbate a few times therefore the characters are lovable

Yea no, I literally forgot the series existed before you brought it up just now. Lame waifubait for entry level plebs doesn't make a show good.

What is there to explain? I liked the characters and their struggles.

Franxx-haters everyone

If by "finish" you mean "flaming nuclear trainwreck falls off a cliff", yes.

Can I get a quick rundown or an archive link of the last chapter?

>lovable characters
Every male character except Hiro were pretty much forgettable.


ed 4 was and is still great

Last chapter thread

I loved DITF more than any anime I've watched in the past year or so. Great show, I got to agree

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I love Ichigo!

op was ok today

Not after Kokoro lobotomized him.