5toubun no Hanayome

How do you do, fellow Ninochads?

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Other urls found in this thread:


nino a shit

Miku > Ichika > Yotsuba > Raiha > Itsuki >>> Nino

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Miku is a miracle of the universe

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when is this romance comedy manga going to turn into a horror manga

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>miku confirmed the bride
holy fucking based

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Not again. Go sleep.

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Why bros?
Why is it so impossible to pick a side in Fuutarobowl?
I'll be legitimately sad for the other 4 girls no matter who wins
I'll be 20% happy and 80% sad what the fuck is happening to me
I secretly hope for a harem twist ending where he marries all of them somehow or he marries "one" but they rotate with disguises or something FUCK YOU I KNOW IT'S SILLY BUT IT'S THE ONLY WAY

Nino is my wife.

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Ichika a best
Miku a second best
Nino a worst and a shit

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Nah, I doubt vol. 9 is the last.
Just watch Yotsubest be the cover on vol. 10 and Eatsuki be on vol. 11 and then all 5 of them in bridal gowns on vol. 12

Does this look like the face of mercy?

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you're right, we need to love each quint equally

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That was also my original favourite ending

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Raws of chapter 79 are out, itsuki tries to do the whole 'who is the sister mystery' and fuutarou just tells her to go away, that was the best way of being anticlimatic. but itsuki apparently holds the memories of kyoto very dear and is going in without the pretense of rena now

Big plump Nino rump

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Looks like the face of a bully bitch to me.

I'd let her bully me.

devastated she's going to lose treating her sisters like this

>he actually used Ichika this time because he got called out
That's funny.

Most agreeable ranking

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No, harem endings are garbage.

Also, fuck you for shitting out another thread.
Glad I'm not the only one. This expression always looked to me like "I got you now, you little shit".
>Nah, I doubt vol. 9 is the last.
user. We're already 2 chapters past volume 9

You know, these threads were passable before the x>y>z, " A SHIT " and other Yea Forums junk made it into these threads somewhat over a month ago.

Basically: she officially joined the bowl, is on the hunt and thirsty like her sisters, right?

I blame stray bokubenfags, they love doing that shit.

and I bet Ichika will use the Kyoto photo to pose as Rena and it'll be a fucking blunder

>joined the bowl
user, I...

Yes. Fear the fatty now.

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5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1

>when Mikufags do it, I think it's tongue-in-cheek xD
>when Ninofags who lives rent-free in my assblasted mind do it, I sperg because omg they must be serious!
Kill yourself, Ichikafag.

I can't decide between Nino, Ichika and Miku, bros. I simply can't.

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Post fat rolls or GTFO

No way Miku is this fat or shaved.

Who is more /fa/, Yotsuba or Nino?

She's embarassed after acting like a spoiled, selfish child

Pick Yotsuba and then kill yourself with the other guy.

Always go for the lovely onee-san.

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she has always been thristy apprently, wants him to remember her 'i have faith that you will figure it out"

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I just want to know what Ichika is planning to do.

I've been waiting for her actually joining the bowl for way too long now.
I'd be 200% mad if she won with her biggest representation of romantic affecting being offering Fuutarou food during the first spring chapter.
It's all ok now.

Damn, I was never invited to this many parties before in my life, how do I stop

>even considering Bichika

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>Rule of Volume cover
>Bride cover's facial expression is the opposite of the previous cover

>Vol.2 : Smug
>Vol.7 : Irritated
>Vol.3 : Angry/Embarassed
>Vol.8 : Smiling/Full Attack
>Vol.4 : Apathetic
>Vol.9 : Surprised
>Vol.5 : Happy
>Vol.10 : Despair


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Something stupid and it'll backfire. Especially in the Rena department, she has way too little info on recent events.

itsuki tried to pose as rena and fuutarou told her to go away and not get in the way of his fun field trip, the rena thing for him is nonimportant at the moment

even if ichika tried that, it would have no effect

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She still didn't show any romantic feelings for him, though.

a shit

Do it like Negi: roll a dice.

>picking a side character
What did he mean by this?

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I'm having an okay day. Thanks for asking.

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Of a chicken dinner

It'd be kind of funny if all the girls tried the Rena trick on him only to fail

Do Mikufags really still have Ichika in 2nd after what she did?

Do it for Nino.

I, personally, consider this page the first example.
I even confirm my bias a bit with only the 234 reactions being shown, but not 1's (because she saw the picture and already assumed Itsuki was in the game).

Literally why?

1-2-3 Ichika
4-5-6 Nino
7-8-9 Miku
0 Yotsukek

>walk in room
>see this
wat do

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Why would the do that? Are you retarded?


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No. It's an Snakefag who's falseflagging as a Mikufag. He's been at it for weeks and people stopped taking him seriously, but he just won't go away.

Because light hearted entertainment is fun and so is seeing Fuutaro no way fagging girls

I'm so sorry.

I'm a meganefag

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It's okay. This will only push Miku to muster up the courage to confess.

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I'm doing fantastic, user.

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Of course not.


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Best girl gang

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Can't wait for Ichika to remove Nino. Negi better not disappoint.

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I can't believe Maruo won

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Nino has smelly feet
Miku has stinky butt
Yotsuba has vag cheese
Ichika has STD
Itsuki has deadly farts.

What is each quint masterplan for this trip?

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She's just throwing a tantrum because he didn't care about her dumb secret
>because she saw the picture and already assumed Itsuki was in the game
That's kind of a stretch

I propose a temporary truce so we can flay this abomination. We can discuss the viscosity of Ichika's cloaka and cooking tips after.

Most Bokubenbros are cool

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Kindly kill yourself.

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And worst girls crossover

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Still not sure it's thirst. At least not entirely.
Itsuki wants him to know what she did, but she doesn't want to have to tell him. Him not knowing is clearly eating at her.
If Fuutarou doesn't care for playing her game then the only way for him to find out and make her feel better is for her to tell him.
She's trying to force him to figure it out himself to spare herself from having to say it. She's putting the onus on him.

1. If I can't have him no one will
2. );:4 sex on the floor
3. please eat my bread senpai
4. Killing herself
5. please notice me senpai

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When someone gets stabbed.

This Japanese guy long ago explained to me the importance of pantyhose and why Japanese men like it more, but I forgot what it was.

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Yeah, the blood when Yotsuba gets her virginity stolen will be pretty nasty.

After chapter 78, I agree, Nino dismissing Miku like that won't be forgotten anytime soon

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>2. );:4 sex on the floor
Can't wait for Nino to sneak into Fuu-kun's room.

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Negi can't simply resist himself into drawing crazy girls. I wonder how many yandere quint sketches he has hidden in his vault.

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>Ichikafag samefagging

Close, but not quite.

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The men should be the one sneaking into the rooms, but we got a fag here, even if he's cool he's still a fag

I'm a Ninobro but I legit got a bit emotional when Ichika said she doesn't want anyone else to have "this spot" walking next to Uesugi

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>Can't wait for Nino to sneak into Fuu-kun's room

Ichika beat her to that already.

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you have to consider the fact that the quints grew with the idea that if someone is able to them apart is because of love, their grandfather put that on their heads and is kina like a motto for all 5, now, why do you think itsuki doesn't want to have to tell him and want him to figure out?

Marry, fuck, kill, befriend, ignore

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At least I do, since what she did will play in Miku's favor when Fuutaro finds out

Nino is my precious daughter and I approve of her relationship with Fuutarou

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Awful feet.


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>buttblasted Ninoshitter

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I'll kill you

The quints are sex, love and marriage

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Thanks, Maruo

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mathematically and figuratively true
funny how that works

For Yotsuba's birthday I would sneak into her room, steal her ribbons, cut them up with scissors, pack them up and give them back to Yotsuba!

Would she like it?

Some of these artists are just taking the piss.

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Marry all of them
They can rotate on a daily basis

5toubun fan art is going our of control

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Nice, Yotsubro.

Marry Miku
Fuck Ichika
Kill Nino
Befriend Yotsuba
Ignore Itsuki

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Nino is the cutest

>Nonstop threads
Make it end

Not that far off.

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Nino is cute, but a shit


This should have been a fucking VN.

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you got Ichika and Itsuki mixed up

The Nino Gang

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We need more Nino molesting Miku.

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I know right.
I forgot I said two weeks ago I would typeset that comic. Someday. Maybe this weekend?

The premise of the series is perfect for a VN.

Ichika and Yotsuba have the best hairstyles here.

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I always appreciate on-model fanart


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Break your knees
Slit your wrists
>The Nino Gang
Hang yourself

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Remember when that slut Nino wanted to kiss pure Ichika? What now?

Ignore, Marry, Befriend, Kill, Fuck

>literally the same filename since 03/11
You're still not a clever man, user was right in calling you out.

Why Negi does not draw ponytail yotsuba more often.

He is georgeous

>the Japanese are gonna make her win

I'm not surprised, to be honest, lads.

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Her entrance feels a little bit rushed if you ask me.
> wants to confess about the Rena stuff
> has trouble talking about the events from Kyoto
> wants Fuutarou to figure out who she is on his own
> expects affection because of past memories

Fuutarou knows that Rena is one of the quints, and that it is the mother's name.
He also knows that Itsuki is attached to her mom.
> meets Yotsuba and Itsuki
> sees Yotsuba and Raiha walk away
> suddenly sits beside Rena
> unimpressed

He totally knows that this is Itsuki, or Negi is insane.

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Meh, I only care about the true Nino ending

has any manga ever turned to a VN? I know oregairu and konosuba got VNs but they are LNs

Yotsuba is dead weight.

>Miku can only wins because of fans

I don't think that's how injections work.

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Will Ichikafags ever say anything new?

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They are getting their tuberculosis shot.

We're already 1/3rd in. Let's keep going

Yeah, I like to post my most recent saved fanarts. What of it?

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If this doesn't get a harem ending the nips deserve another bomb.

Kill yourself

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Fuck off, avatarfag.

Why is Miku worst rated and Ichika best rated toubun on anidb?

a cat is fine too

user, don't you know about-
Meh, forget it, being this oblivious can't be possible anyway.

Itsuki and Nino are the only quints safe from Fatalpulse.

Since they dont like syringe, they will never do drugs

Haremfags should be eviscerated on the spot.

>herp derp only Ichikafags hate ninobitch

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why do you care

Imagine giving a fuck.

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Marry Ichika
Fuck Nino
Kill Fatty
Befriend Yotsuba
Ignore Miku

Everyone knows its all the Ichikafags.

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I don't trust you.

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Ryona them enough and they'll start to like it.
No one's safe from Asanagi

Treasured Rare

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How does Negi do it? He managed to create the biggest waifuwar of the decade with five sisters.

That drop from 5 to 6.

>this Ninogay still at it

He knows Nino already lost, right?

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Lost the potato, lost the charm.

Ichika did absolutely nothing wrong.
All is fair in love and war.

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What does it mean

Even if he was he chose to be a faggot, unlike you.

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God damn. Fuutarou is so precious. Is it too late to make a credits page?

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Confess your sins

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>Is it too late to make a credits page?
Hope not.
Credit pages don't need to be epic memes every single time and Fuuts deservers some love.

cute fatty

i think the credit page this time will be a "no way fag" compilation, no ?


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How long are you on anidb? Why are you surprised?

There, now you have your swimsuit combo.

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