>The solution is bedsheets

How realistic is this? Can sheets actually support the weight of humans?

Attached: 43itjti3oj.png (378x584, 241K)

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They're children, children are small.

They dont need to. they are migical bed sheets that allow them to run up the side of the wall with slack

For kids yes.
You never used yours as improvised rope, user?

if they didnt no one would be able to sleep on beds because theyd just break

Spotted the never Boy Scout.

Yes. All of them weight less than 40kg, anyway.

you can literally bend steel bars with a shirt that you peed on

Attached: knot.gif (250x195, 13K)

Why the fuck doesn't anyone try to escape with bed sheets then

Because very few people know about that shit.

? it's an extremely common trope

The solution was always bedsheets, OP. Once Emma and Norman get under them, their disagreements will be resolved.

Attached: 1552598444022.jpg (1033x1200, 149K)

>Can sheets actually support the weight of humans?

I use bedsheets to climb out of the room my wifes boyfriend locks me in when he comes over. They hold my weight just fine.

Stupid fujoshi shippers. Ray will be the one to be with Emma because Norman is evolving into a seperate entity. All the signs of Ray x Emma partnership were foreshadowed too.

>fujoshi shippers.
Eh? I know nekokat is a fujo

Fujoshi? How so? Also, can you point me to where Ray and Emma being together is foreshadowed? I wouldn't mind it, but with Ray becoming such a noncharacter, not to mention that he didn't even appear in her visions when Emma thought she was about to die, I don't find it likely.

The author could've attached sheet to a branch tree and make Norman go Tarzan to the other wall.

Other than the retard obviously falseflagging based lowcase r poster, that's most likely a internal joke over his name. Or shit drawing.

What happened to Isamemommy

Can someone make a hall of anal devastation for when Norman x Emma inevitably happens?

>need to escape from prison
>just piss on your shirt

He means bending the prison bars with it.

Then why did he bring up "bed sheets" again when I specifically mentioned a shirt? The only significance in bringing up that distinction would be that he's the idiot OP who is still confused about how a bedsheet could hold a person's weight.

Yes, why wouldn't they? What kind of cheap sheets do you use? They can support up to 100kg just fine. Don't be degenerately overweight.

>hall of anal devastation for Norman x Emma
Flopping, this time tumblr loves it.

They're a group of kids ranging from 5-12 years old, it can support their weight at the very least.

Tumblr loves Ray because he’s fuccboi fujoshit bait

How is Ray fujobait?
What would they even ship, Ray x Norman?

>fuccboi fujoshit bait

Edgy, quiet and brooding, Sasuke cut, Killua Seiyuu, little to no character so they can self insert

Majority of Rayfags and Rayshippers are from tumblr

Nice one, m8. Here's my (You).

most jail cells are concrete and plexiglass now

How are you a real person?

Don is 7 feet tall and weighs 500 lbs

Ray is a good boy, but when I looked tumblr definitely liked Ray/Emma better. There aren't enough fans for a hall of anal devastation (yet), but there will be salt for sure.

I wish Anna actually became a character, the author is such a fucking hack.

H-he's right

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Maybe OP is thinking of American children.

I think sheets could support a bunch of kids who at most weigh 100 lbs.

Google said they tried it on myth busters and it didn't work, but that was with a silk shirt like in that movie.


I can’t wait for Phil to become the final antagonist.

Attached: F7395F97-DEB3-4F5F-A904-7AE7ACFE352F.jpg (826x1200, 112K)

Forget Anna, Ray is in most dire need of relevance despite having the second most panel time of all the characters in the manga.