Only ships to Japan. how do I get one?

Attached: 5c5d0521d3744_ef8d69e4a702dee83d0e8cfbaabb3e1c.png (427x640, 229K)

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Use a proxy, Google the buyfag guide.


Looks stupid as fuck

Get your orbiters to buy it for you.
Oh what's that?
You aren't a cute girl.
You're some fat neckbeard faggot?

Attached: C476A61D-BE65-461B-9B6C-DA14E57ABE46.jpg (780x744, 101K)

kill yourself and hope you reincarnate as a japanese.

Make your own. Sewing, even hand sewing, is easier than you think.

steal it from her

Attached: Megumin.full.1984901.jpg (1992x1992, 1.19M)

Even if it wasn't some shitty anime and was an original creation, and you weren't some skinny neckbeard it would STILL look tacky and awful

Attached: 1530029731520.png (1600x1200, 1.62M)


I'd buy that not for myself but for my gf If I had one

I'm buying it for my niece
my fine motor skills are fucked up because of an accident


Stop watching trash


post pics

Looks cute op, i want to buy this to crossdress and take pics because i want to feel cute

Attached: 989999999999999.jpg (1279x588, 125K)

you can just buy regular clothes from the store if you want to crossdress, user

no, i just like cute cosplay things

look up mail-forwarding services
they give u an address to send stuff to in japan and then they forward it internationally for u (for a price ofcourse)

post pic of ur niece

What happened to you babe? are you ok?

Some guys jumped and hit me with a bat in high school

via proxy.