Unimaginative, aimless, forgettable, unfunny, soulless, waste of time

unimaginative, aimless, forgettable, unfunny, soulless, waste of time.

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But it has cute girls.

just as my life

But enough about OP, we're here to post about anime.

I've heard the young sister says Mya-nee a lot though, that sounds pretty cool


What show are you talking about? Comic Girls? Slow Start?

Sir, this is not dororo

Are you describing yourself?

It's okay, but it would've been better if it focused less on the JD hag.
How do you cope with your shit taste?

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>#1 trending in Japan

Stay mad.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Site - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.04_[2018.04.14_02.15.40].png (1280x720, 1.82M)

ll is new though

>all of them is the best girl except the one MC thinks is the best girl



Don't be so hard on yourself op

t. Kaguyafag

Endro > Wataten


Mya-nee >>>>>> Yuusha

That one vampire anime.

It was Kuma Miko done right.

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>posting in Yea Forumstard threads

>top trending on nip twitter

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Why aren't the parents complaining that the school is making the pupils act out a play that supports the homosexual agenda?

They support it.

replace the lolis with shotas and it would've been goat

>japan has shit taste
Envisage my astonishment

>anti-lolicon show trending on an anti-lolicon website
Makes sense.

What do you expect from loli show with homosexual hag mc?

Shotas getting gang raped by goats ??

>Vampirefags, Kaostards and Slowshitters max at how successful Wataten is

Kek, this show will outsell all those three combine

The predicted number is around 1700, which is around as much as Slow Start, so no.

Lol it will be more than that it had blast faggot

2k at best.

as expected of moeshit

Why the sudden hate? Are you some kind of battle shounen nigger?

As expected of fagget


they introduced the characters are you imagine different ways it could go

but it doesn't go anywhere. the show is over. and it never did anything. even by dogakobo moeshit standards, it did absolutely nothing with this premise. and it wasnt even funny.

salty faggots

I'll always remember that gif.

based nips showing their excellent taste

a thread died for this