Unpopular Opinions Thread

Slime Tensei is overhyped for even as little substance as SAO's second arc.

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That shouldn't be an unpopular opinion, it's just a fact.

There's literally nothing wrong with Pepes and Wojaks.

>narutard opinion

t.Buttblasted SAOfag

>Slime Tensei is overhyped
I don't think anyone was surprised by this,.

I mean outside of Yea Forums's festered contrarian thinking. By that I mean MAL/Reddit/Twitter/Forums

Hi grandpa

Except it wasn't. CR pushed it a bit but it got completely overshadowed by Goblin Slayer and Bunny Girl Senpai during its first cour. It did get a bit of attention for being "the opposite of Goblin Slayer" in the beginning, but other than that it only slowly gained traction. Now people, escpacially the little girls who call themselves "user", claim it had been overhyped all along. Nice historical revisionism you got there, "user".

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CGDCT is the genre that killed anime and the reason why the media will never be taken seriously

"But it's comfy"

And why should it be "taken seriously"? So more normalfags would flock to it?

Fire Punch was absolute garbage

Now this rustles my jimmies in the wrong way

I'm sorry, absolute garbage is not quite right. I wanted to be dramatic.
But I didn't enjoy it as much as other people do.

>absolute shit taste
Checks out.

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I'm not a Narutofag though, I only used that for the OP image


End yourselves, Yea Forumsermin.

CGDCT is trash though