Are you ready for more GUTS?
Other urls found in this thread:
No one cares
How long do I need to wait until she wins the Toumabowl?
What's his powerlevel? Can he destroy Saints?
She won along with Othinus. Both of them live in his eggs.
She already won the Toumabowl since OT 1
Fuck compassion and fuck humans.
Fuck off Coronzon
I can't wait for Railgun 3 to be censored in China.
saints are jobbers, he can take them
You know I was expecting Hulk smash from IT, not fucking lasers. Well Touma doesn't have to worry about range anymore I guess.
AB Spoilers 1/6
Your fate is sealed dumbo.
Route A Alesiter will use your body to mass produce demon spawn with an assistance of a certain ape.
Route B you will become Shiageluck's dick sleeve.
Route C is route B but after Aleister had his fun before it.
This is what happens when you refuse headpats.
>Railgun for Ants
Imagine wasting your hacking expertise to get some low-quality thumbnail spoilers.
Maybe they can do a variety of things? I mean it seems that IT is not one thing or two it's an army of different beings.
Reminds me of the different Dragons that appeared in Railgun(I don't know if they're related or not though)
Does Gunha want to fight her? I fucking love this RPG trope
Does it completely for free
>goes from having one ability to possibly millions of magic god tier attacks
Move over Deku, there's a new king in town.
Go back to your shounenshit threads, babby.
Aleister conveniently didn't mention Izzard, so the dragons are probably separate from IT, and they're under Touma's control. Goes along with the implication that Touma summoned a dragon jaw to push IT back in during WW3
What did I miss last thread?
Fuck yeah! He's my favourite level 5 by far.
This is gay as fuck
>Muh salvation
Yeah, that's why it's a bit confusing since Touma showed control over them in OT22 and Railgun manga, unlike the IT which Touma does not have that control over them whatsoever.
Is it just me or does it seem like too much information required to piece together the story has been cut from the anime? How Crowley's plans with the imaginary numbers district fit together and how he used Touma to grow it is not at all explained in the anime. Neither was it clear that Tsuchimikado had been more or less forced to stay in the windowless building from Ep 21 to 24 unless you also read the manga.
Overall it feels like they brush over important details too quickly and sloppily for anyone to get a comprehensive understanding of how things fit together. That said I have only seen Index I so far so maybe they will touch upon it later.
That leaves NT14 as the big question mark, since Aleister also didn't mention Kamisato as pushing the stopper. It's possible he got dragon'd, which is why he only walked away with his life.
There's certainly some stuff in Index 1, most of it is intentionally vague for a long time since it takes over 30 novels to get into Aleister's arc. But the anime made a massive fuck-up in the last episode of s1 with an anime original ending, since Tsuchimikado figured out that Aleister was planning on Touma stopping the Level 6 shift, and that the real goal of it was for him to start shipping the sisters around the world to cover it in AIM. That's cut in the anime, although the manga/LN has it.
>That Misaki thigh
Why does Iruka get to be alive but Rakko dies?
Not really, reading the LNs should be thought of like extra credit when it comes to enjoying the anime.
He'll gain ultra instinct and destroy every Saint
"Greater power" = Dragons?
Dragons > Invisible thing
Fish eggs = ????
IB = ????
CuckDeku was never king in the first place
That's it basically nt18 illustration
Not like this.
I was making light fun of how he apparently went from having one ability to many. I don't even know the exact context for the O MY SEVEN QUIRKS thing.
But didn't Touma say it wasn't the same?
>“Is this really the same as…that one from before?”
I don't think Kamisato got hit by the Dragon instead probably Touma showed some slight mental control or shoved his body in a different direction in order not to kill Kamisato.
Rakko was too much of an idiot.
Or Touma slipped by a banana thus IT slightly missed Kamisato
See, I would agree with IT not being the Dragons if not for a few things.
In NT22 it says Mikoto has seen IT before but now it looks different to when she saw IT. Aiwass did say IT was growing.
Maybe now the Lock is fully broken, Touma can no longer control them? It would explain why Angel Dragon dump Touma for Kimi in Railgun has well.
But again, that does not explain why Aleister did't mention Izzard, Mikoto 5.3, Kamisato and then whatever happen in WWIII. Its really strange.
Dragons can potentially be some sort of high end AIM fuckery which makes the "WHO SAID THAT THE ESPERS GO FROM 1" meme possible.
On other hand Dragons devoured 5.3 like a kitten and it implies that they are of a higher tier then that.
FishEggs is a bloodlusty instagibing pile of artificial eldritch grey goo that needs exp, they are high end alien fuckery. Strange part about Eggs is that they don’t seem that hostile towards Touma, just everything around him, hell every time they got out first thing they did was to go for his enemies.
It all depends on IB, is it connected to dragons or not. If it is then MG’s are bullshiting about the real source of IB, if it is not then Touma is 100% something initially fucked, as 8 headed dragons usually mean good old “creation and destruction” myths from the earliest times of humanity.
>"Greater power" = Dragons?
Kamijou Touma used his own power to crush that invisible something.
A different power appeared above that great power that had gathered around Kamijou’s
shoulder. That other power seemed to open up a large mouth and swallow up the first
power. As if this giant mouth was chewing, the air around the shoulder shook looked
like sugar water.
>Dragons > Invisible thing
Before. Maybe IT has grown to an extent that the jaw can't destroy it any more
>Fish eggs = ????
It's IT growing inside that shit
>IB = ????
The reference point, exorcism tool and probably more than that.
Does Gunha punch her back to life?
So the air becomes cloudy basically when the Dragon consumes the other "great power"
For information sake,
deku's ability is passed from owner to owner and it absorbs the previous pwner abilities while becoming stronger. Turns out Deku is the first one who can use those abilities while he had no powers at all in the beginning.
You know isn't it simply possible that the Dragons are most of IB power that restrains IT, you know like in that Hadit power that explain how IB can't cancel all the sparks/misfortune that hit Touma.
>that Hadit video that explains*
I need more slepp.
How does it feel you dumb demon angry arent you.
Why not? I also thought of this possibility since everyone keeps implying that current Touma IB is only for this generation, in fact, it's probably the collection of all the previous IB generation at once in his right. So maybe the Dagons are from the current generation and the previous one like the Dragon King and the other Dragons.
What if IT is basically the caged manifestations of all the Demons that THE Kamijou Touma slayed in his previous lives, which are now developing and growing in the form of fish eggs, ready to be hatched out of the current generation Touma now that IB can't contain it anymore
>grumpy demon gets mindbroken into lewd behaviors
I frankly not interested since it a mystery Kamachi never intend to solve for many years now.
>evil being the stepping stone of the third tree
You what?
You are only interested in Kamikuro. let's be real here
Learn english
So guys two questions.
Who do you guys want Touma to end with ?
Me Misaki
With who do you guys think Touma will end with ?
Me with nobody
Same desu
I think the same desu
>Who do you guys want Touma to end with ?
>With who do you guys think Touma will end with Kuroko. It would fit his character to end up with being paired together the worst possible option. Kuroko is the complete opposite of his taste, which means she is the most likely to end up with him.
Does Blood Sign have a manga?
Denki Kong desu
Wait... Am I such a newfag that I never realised "desu" transforms into "desu"? Legit thought someone else had posted
Gonna neck myself brb
>Othnius gets his soul
Is Death-chan finally cucked?
>Who do you guys want Touma to end with ?
Mikoto, Misaki, Othinus, Itsuwa, Index, Kuroko and Yuriko
>With who do you guys think Touma will end with ?
She once a share of the bowl
Retarded kamikurofag
Desu stands for desu, not sure what you're talking about
No one reads Blood Sign
Index or Mikoto. The rest are just memes.
Tbh senpai
Will be awhile.
Shame they couldn't get SS2 in anywhere.
join the misamisa gang
>The rest are just memes.
Memenus on duty.
>"If this kills you, I will bind your soul to mine as my property!!”
>"This human is mine and there is no room for you here."
excuse me there's at least two people that are reading bloodsign me included
More like never
How did you type it?!
>Mikoto has to share Touma with this slut
How is that fair?!
Unless they confirm Railgun's cancellation, I'm going to presume it will eventually happen.
The Dragons all left Touma to look for another host to impregnate with their Dragon eggs and their are about to hatch
Reminder that Othinus met Kamijou only one volume before getting forced as his love interest.
Kuroko, I swear to God.
>Who do you guys want Touma to end with ?
>With who do you guys think Touma will end with ?
Comfy family end with Anna, Index, Sphinx and Othinus in his home with no confirmed pairings.
Fuck off
>NT4 doesn't exist
But your point still stands
"the" internet also turns into "my internet" iirc.
Among other things, like onions and weird shit like that.
Also namefagging as "Accelerator" on a standard keyboard should result in a 24 hour ban.
Now where'a that one fag that kept saying there aren't any delusional shipperfags that believe it'll be anyone else other than one of the first two main girls that win.
>24 hour ban.
It isn't permanent anymore?
Who else skipped nt22
Why when it is MisaMisa I'm always disgusted, but with MisaKuro I feel like it is sparking joy?
On the whole board? Kek
Someone must have done something big...
Was that the Accel spam?
*live with his eggs in them. They'll actually be antagonists when people try to save touma and them as they go yandere for their offspring.
That'd make othinus the god of cuckoldry. She lived thousands of years to fall for the touman to get cucked by a bottomless pit nun or a middle schooler
It feels more and more Tokyo Ghoul all the time.
Cute ninjas. Spinoff when?
I too believe Aika or Ran will win the Kyousukebowl, White Queen be damned.
Accelerator is so short
That or he was just saying Izzard and Mikoto were too weak sauce to present a risk to the lock.
Dragons=Aeon of Osiris end
Fish egg spawn=Aeon of Horus end
God I wish that were me
Yet no mention of WR which up and banished IB
Kek, is this automated or something?
This could easily be Touma talking about how aggresive it is though.
Yes, go ask the rest of the board about Accelspammer saving lolis but also triggering mods
Stupid cancerous phoneposter
Which is endgame
She finally got Kuroko with her paralysis poison.
>2 months for a Kusoko chapter
Fuck off Fuyukawa, just show the Angel Dragon already
They've had 8 fucking years to cope, you'd think they'd be over it
Oh so this is when Oumi finally comes to save Kuroko
>Who do you want
Othinus. Other non obvious ends like Lessar Birdway or Aleister would be fine too
>Who do you expect
Mikoto or Index
Retarded weebness can solve any problem.
And also guts.
Yeah, Oumi has to show back up again. There's no way she was going to just write off the treachery and sneak attack.
>on the roof of a hospital
Gunha, chill.
Such a tense scene, Kuroko could die there. Oh wait.
Right here and that user specifically said that she was one of the possibilities so I'm not sure how that supports you
>Hurr people should only be able to post from home
Then I guess we have another under 20 pages chapter, sigh
These guys should just trust the future superintendent of the city.
Nice, I always love to have our fellow homophobe mate in Raildex thread.
Banishing doesnt inflict damage
How many litres of blood has she bled throughout this entire spinoff?
Wow Kuroko is so straight, my dick.
Do you know how far away from those the manga is?
Not even 1
I think these are the page counts
Railgun is 23
AB is 25
Accel is 32.
Was there gonna be any accel this month, or is it on hiatus again?
23?? Fuyukawa is stepping it up!!1!
Has Fuyukawa even made a 40 page chapter in the last two years?
Will she rape Kuroko?
Less than 3 weeks until 0930.
>Railgun is 23
Holy shit, Fuyukawa finally got sick of getting humiliated by Arata and Nogi with their bigger page sizes.
The first 4 years of the manga spanned a day and a half.
Mikoto x Misaki and Junko x Kuroko are the best pairings we can hope for.
Touma will end with Index or Othinus anyway.
So 23 after one month hiatus, the worst thing is that you can call it an improvement for the actual Fuyukawa
Some of you are probably into this.
If Othinus loses it'll probably be because she's dead. Kamachi has pushed the understanding meme and their chemistry too far to realistically have us believe it if he 180s and says "index totally hooked up with him offscreen" in the epilogue or something.
Wish for all of that all you want. It aint happening. Any of it.
Fuyukawa gives some good head.
Is that her power?
Or it's Kuroko showing off which she could do to her with teleportation?
Index could happen, and Junko is gay too, so Kuroko x Junko could happen.
We already know her power. It's like a weaker version of Rikou's.
Kuroko is holding a sheet of metal threateningly and its clearly a "what if" sequence since the ninja is just pouting. Put two and two together.
Well they are into girls, their onee-samas prefer the male ape anyway or bickering with each other if the ape will choose Index, so naturaly they should date each other, they really looked cute together in first chapter of Astral Buddy fake date.
I really hope they don't slap another slog of an arc where Accelerator does nothing that picks up literally the next day after this. There is Daihasei and Accel's half of Remnant coming up.
Pretty sure the Imagine Breaker part is IB and the Dragons. That is what held back IT in WW3 it seems? But with the lock broken, that is impossible now.
This is like saying Accelerator is straight so Accelerator x Index could happen. Not to mention it isnt even confirmed Junko is gay. She starts the manga unaware girls can even love each other.
So wouldn't defeating Touma was as easy like that for teleporter?
Nail him when he is unexpected.
That chapter is the extent of their time spent together. And Junko isnt into girls.
>Not to mention it isnt even confirmed Junko is gay.
Yeah her attraction to Misaki body is completely straight.
I think the choice to set the manga where Accel is at his weakest is very deliberate. And even then, he's not showing up all that much. As it pushes forward more and more, there's far less that can even really inconvenience Accelerator without bringing in the stupidly big guns we know about from Index, and that's not going to happen.
Have you never admired a guy for being handsome before?
>And Junko isnt into girls.
So Misaki was a guy all along?
Damn now his and Mikoto pairing as shemale might be even better.
When will this meme die?
I think it's also tied to his 2nd death. The Dragons have only appeared in the OT timeline, NT on it's been noted to be constantly different. I think the lock/Dragons have been weakening since then and Coronzon sent it over the edge.
>taking yuribait seriously from Kamachi of all people
Remember that Tokiwadai wants Touma's dick after NT16, starting with Nanami-chan.
In English this time.
Is it just me or does it seem like too much information required to piece together the story has been cut from the anime? How Crowley's plans with the imaginary numbers district fit together and how he used Touma to grow it is not at all explained in the anime. Neither was it clear that Tsuchimikado had been more or less forced to stay in the windowless building from Ep 21 to 24 unless you also read the manga.
Overall it feels like they brush over important details too quickly and sloppily for anyone to get a comprehensive understanding of how things fit together. That said I have only seen Index I so far so maybe they will touch upon it later.
No I never admired a guy for being handsome, I'm not gay/bi, just a normal straight guy so maybe that's why.
I do in the mirror every day.
No. A guy doesn't do that unless he is gay, user. I have some bad news about your sexuality.
Never because Kamachi loves that shit.
Chapter 4 pretty much confirms that she's Misakisexual, much like how Kuroko is gay for Mikoto and Mikoto only.
>Accelerator x Index could happen
Are you saying it can't?
I think it's
Imagine Breaker - a power that has existed throughout history and is currently manifesting as Touma's right hand. Is also acting as a lock on the other stuff.
IT - Fish eggs, invisible power, the swarm in the eggs. I think this is all one thing, and its obviously something incredibly dangerous that is uncontrollable.
Dragons - bound by IB, related to AIM somehow, seems to respond to Touma unlike IT, but can leave Touma and someone else can even control one. Possibly what "ate" IT back in WWIII at Touma's command.
You know what I meant.
Any teleporter could easily off Touma if he was unaware of the attack and busy moralfagging to someone.
This but unironically
But she could merely just be referencing what she saw in NT13, Mikoto is not a good basis for guessing what it might be anyway.
Not yet. I'm pretty certain it'll get an anime with NT on the 15th Anniversary stuff though.
And since both Misaki and Mikoto are girls and we don't see Kuroko or Junko even once being attracted to guys they meet or admiring them, they are gay until we will see otherwise.
>someone in index could win if they surprise attacked their enemy
Shock of shocks.
She didn't see shit in NT13. She heard his hand cracking. Probably like a lock.
>Who do you guys want Touma to end with ?
Misaki or Index. The former has more push in the romance department while others have taken a backseat in terms of that theme.
>With who do you guys think Touma will end with ?
No, but that it would be totally out of left field.
Which characters have appeared in all manga spinoffs and LN?
Yomikawa, HC, Junko, and Mikoto are pretty damn close.
Guys never cry too right?
Insecure ameritards trying to affirm their masculinity will never not be the funniest shit ever.
Why when it is MisaKuro I'm always disgusted, but with MisaMisa I feel like it is sparking joy?
Junko wasn't in Accel, right? HC and Mikoto are the only ones I think. Surprisingly Aleister was in Accel but neither Railgun or AB to this day, although he was in SS1.
Because Kuroko is trash
A crossover movie or OVA for the 15th anniversary might be nice. It already has a manga adaptation.
Thank god. Kuroko getting hurt brings me joy.
Who was that?
>implying any of those plans would actually go according to plan once Hamazura is involved
You fucked up Aleister.
reminder that Accelerator Family is the single best part of Raildex also post them
Well, Mikoto's not in Accel (Arata drew her, but that's not the same) and she's unlikely to be. Didn't Uiharu have like a 1 panel cameo in Accel? If so, she's in everything, I think.
Boys don't cry, user.
I'm pretty sure Mikoto hasn't appeared in Accel.
>Iruka got away with it all while Rakko died
Accelerator has, but it was only in a flashback in AB.
Yes. I swoon over this one handsome guy at work. He inspires me to better my life.
Read the LN
That is still seeing something happen though. And that only helps my point.
NT22. Have fun catching up.
Nice meme
>(That isn’t what it looked like when I saw it before.)
She's seen things pop out of his arm, not just a noise.
If she didn't see it, there's nothing to argue about. She's only seen the dragons.
Does Astral Buddy ever get good and stop being a /u/bait fest?
The greater power is IB, or rather, the true/unsealed form of IB before it reformed into Touma's arm again. People have already noted that the current gen of IB is incredibly weak and shouldn't have been able to grow back into an arm.
Which is why she is not a good basis for saying Dragons = IT.
>the Accel anime got the god tier sound director
Fucking really
Accel winning both 545s!
Come to think where did the fight with spats happen? Gunha isnt running around in the school garden is he?
Until this last vol IT was invisible anyway. No one saw it, not even Fiamma. Dragons are the only thing anyone has seen with their eyes until fish eggs.
seethe more
Railgun stopped being one so Astral Buddy took that ordeal to still make the fanbase wider.
Only thing Kamachi is missing is yaoibaiting spin-off.
Maybe Gust x someone male could happen next.
Only Touma. Besides him that's pretty gay, user.
Only soys and gays cry in public
Iruka didn't kill anyone. She is the better sister I'm afraid.
The dragon was supposed to be invisible in OT2, though
Gunha always runs around in the school garden heheh
>Doesnt admire Thor for his peak physical form
>Guys never cry too right?
False analogy.
>Insecure ameritards trying to affirm their masculinity will never not be the funniest shit ever.
Number one: What being American has to do with anything? Maybe you should go back to /pol/.
Number two: We are just stating the facts.
Here is a difference between you and us: we don't need to affirm anything about ourselves, let alone to you. You were the one who asked the question first, we just replied to it. It was always you and only you. Sounds like you're projecting a lot, bro.
The guy who originally did the IB and Accel sfx?
It's supposed to deal with the Indian poker stuff that Dream Ranker left over to focus on Robutt. We've learned some about it, since we know it was based on Senya and why they made it. But they haven't finished dealing with it yet.
Burgers are your metaphorical tears.
Jin Aketagawa, he did Endymion and Railgun S.,
Thats another user. And he clearly brought up americans because you see that "guys dont cry, guys dont think guys are handsome, stop being a faggot" mentality a lot with them. Its clearly so worrying to them that they'll be seen as gay they cant even compliment friends on looking nice.
Who has the higher energy output?
Estelle is voiced by Yurika Kubo
Everyone in the city knows Junko now.
Well we know they won't be able to take down the killer whale that's behind it all.
>inb4 the manga actually has Misaki and friends defeat the guy before he turns into a whale
>after his defeat he transfers his mind into a whale
>he activates his next plan to manipulate Mitsuari Ayu as revenge against Misaki
>final chapter foreshadows Kihara Noukan and the first glimpses of AAA
But we know IT has been growing, Aiwass saying it was still in its infancy stage means the EXP gain has been pretty crazy despite that. It definitely grows based on that.
The swarm inside must be the same silhouette we've always seen mentioned. Maybe the fish eggs is the last defense form of the lock?
Fuck, I forgot. Thanks.
She will swarm in pussy in no time then.
>meanwhile Touma didn't have a clue who she was in NT7
Was he outside of AC during this time?
Mikoto. Thor largely relies on Mjolnir for energy outside of Almighty
The rest of the world can't be as gay as Europe user.
Best girl. Why even have that grumpy Level 5 Misaka at all to promote the city. Just have Misaki and Junko lesbian it up.
Probably in France.
Most likely Avignon
When I went to Mexico they were pretty gay about their brotherhood among friends. And I'm Canadian. Its basically just a burger thing.
Maybe fish eggs is like a cocoon and IT has been metamorphosing after getting enough EXP.
I know it bothers you but no, my own opinion isn't a meme.
I know it bothers you but thinking a girl with two pages of screentime is going to win is a meme.
It sounds similar to Azathoth in description. Always changing, bubbles/fish eggs.
Maybe instead it got corrupted/mutated. Aleister noted it was too early and Aiwass noticed he was cutting corners. Cursed to failure and all, so he might've fucked up its evolution.
Nope. It's what I think no matter how much it bothers you user. I can see you're looking for a fight though and I'm not interested in entertaining shitposters so try elsewhere.
I don't think Aleister did anything with it. But it's changed ever since his 2nd death. All previous notions are prior to his death after all.
More like a Shoggoth, or if you want to go full Outer God: Yog-Sothoth.
Dragon would probably reassemble him
I know the Necronomicon has been introduced in the series, but it can't be overlooked that it may be some form of it with its descriptions.
You can think whatever you like. Its still a joke.
Someone mentioned Abraxas. It is fitting because it was first seen as a God and later a Demon. One of the chapters of Volume 2 when dragon king was first shown was titled Devil or God. Crowley also believed that the word Abracadabra was associated with it.
I'm not reading the whole goddamn Goetia to know who all these names are
Again, to you. But for me no.
>sajou no hana (ED)
Oh interesting. Maybe we're onto something here.
Thats very sad. It makes me think there isnt any point in arguing with people here when they can ve this delusional. You just cant be reasoned with when you go this far off the path.
He's completely entitled to his own opinion, I just don't even get why he'd respond to you in the first place but some people just can't help it.
I'm not being delusional, user. It's simply an opinion. Why are you fighting me over this? What do you gain out of 273 posts trying to argue over my nothing post?
There really isnt. Assuming this guy isnt just baiting it kind of shows how little an anons opinion matters when they can be this stupid
I'm retarded. I should stop.
He's entitled to his opinion and we're entitled to laugh at him for being a dumbass.
So far it's only been you though.
You live and learn.
Yeah sure, feel free.
There's been two but ok. Doesnt really change a thing either way.
His opinion is that of a moron and he needs to know this. Before he starts arguing with people over being right. Trust me it happens every time. There just needs to be one line about it in the LN to give him fuel.
Oh jeez.
Not really. He's entitled to his own opinion and no one needs to know anything since it's not like you're anymore right. To me, you look like a moron for engaging for no reason and no making massive jump to conclusions. Good job?
Good job trying to defend yourself, moron.
>Abraxas is the god whom it is difficult to know. His power is the very greatest, because man does not perceive it at all.
Sounds pretty familiar, granted the full context isn't there, but he's a pretty interesting deity.
>Its not like you're any more right
You're joking I hope. The guy who says "gunha is going to sweep touma off his feet and fuck him" is just as delusional as the guy who says "I think the girl who has been pining over touma since day 3 or so will end up with him"? No user. Some people are just stupid. He might not *need* to know he's stupid, but defending an idiot is a bit of a strange hobby either way.
He's already given up on trying to convince you that he is right by calling it his subjective opinion, he's not unreasonable like a lot of other people who will use singular quotes from the novels to back themselves up in arguments, because he's already admitted that it's just his opinion..
Its my subjective opinion the world is flat. You're not allowed to tell me I'm stupid because its just my opinion.
I can see why you were called a shitposter now. Really, no one should have engaged you.
No not really. Your post has nothing to do with the point being made.
>he needs to know this
No he doesn't.
>Before he starts arguing with people over being right.
None of this happened, he stopped.
>Trust me it happens every time.
Why should I trust you when you were just proven wrong?
So tell me how are you anymore right? You're the one who's dragging it on now.
>He's not unreasonable like people who will use quotes to back themselves up
What part of using evidence is unreasonable?
>post asks simple question
>people reply with their own thoughts
>some dude comes in and must target said harmless post
>this retard STILL insists he's replying to a single person
>quoting me on things I havent said
You're talking to two people dingus. If you had read my entire post you might have noticed.
>tell me how you are anymore right
If you seriously need it to be explained to you why a random girl who showed up at the very last two pages of the novel has less of a shot than literally anyone else you're just as stupid as "muh opinion" over there
>this retard STILL insists there's more than one person
Just because you said "we" doesn't mean I'm going to believe you. Trust, right?
Dragons impregnated Touma and left him with their eggs, now they are after another highschooler to impregnate
It's almost like you enjoy arguing over nothing
>one user says he needs to know he's stupid
>in another reply you get a reply saying that maybe saying he needs to know is an overstatement, but...
You're a dumbass
Unlike a flat earther, this guy hasn't once tried to convince or even argue his case, like I said you're completely free to laugh at him, it doesn't matter to me.
Some people will continuously push something by using a single out of context quote from a novel, there's not really anything wrong with it. My point was just that he's not trying to convince anyone, like those people who are literally willing to argue for hours on end over something as meaningless(in my opinion) as a fucking ship.
I never said that, dipshit. Try again.
Sure. But what you talked about has zilch to do with what I was addressing, which is why I brought it up.
>If you seriously need it to be explained to you why a random girl who showed up at the very last two pages of the novel has less of a shot than literally anyone else you're just as stupid as "muh opinion" over there
That has nothing to do with your ass logic of pointless targeting and dragging it this far. You've given me nothing to say there was any reason to sperg over some random ass opinion . Being "wrong" in your eyes is not a reason, "trust me I know it'll go south" is not a reason when it seems like the ones who said trust me are the ones who are taking it in this direction. So what is it? Why?
You and your "posse" did though.
Kissy kissy last order mmmmmm *smooch* ahh *moans* "ah ah!" Smm hmm shlmghm *puts my finger in her as through her dress* "aaah! My cute little ass!" - last order *kiss* ahh aoh *wiggles my fingers in get ass* hwooh "AA, EAII," Smmshmhm
>being wrong is not a reason
Yes? It is? Is everyone suppsed to just sit back, watch the replies roll in and not respond to a single one? Am I only allowed to respond to the ones I agree with? No. I am fully allowed to respond and call a joke a joke.
Either Index or Mikoto will win in the end. Only actual retards think otherwise.
Many flat earthers dont try to argue their case at all. They just think what they want and say people are wrong without arguing a case at all.
Mugino should have died
Of course you are. But being wrong is not a reason, it's on the same level as any other opinion. Nothing you have says you're anymore right so you're also allowed to be called out for it. Going all "I know it'll go south trust me I have to say he's wrong!!!!!" is pants on childish. Did you really think anyone was going to buy that?
Open/Dead end > Mikoto end > Index end >> Othinus end > some nameless girl > meme tier > everyone else
Give the 24/7 flat earther discord a try one day, your mind will literally be blown away, there needs to be a purge.
Being wrong is a reason like it or not.
>Nothing you have says you're anymore right
So you're just being a dumbass.
>saying things you havent said
Guess I'm in the clear then
>stopped ever since I said I was retarded for going on about it
>still went on
The fuck
Welcome to Retardex.
Dont need to. One of my coworkers was one, and also didnt take the subway because of the bad chakras. She didnt try to convince me of it though so I just listed her as "crazy" in my mind, and carried on with life and she never bothered me about it.
It's a reason, but it's not anymore right.
>So you're just being a dumbass.
No. You still haven't provided anything that says you're more right. None of your previous bullshit really works and you yourself are just a narcissistic case of hogwash.
>Guess I'm in the clear then
Clear of being an equal opinion sure.
Someone post that Mugino cum inflation pic, I need to fap
There is no "right reason" to respond at all to anything really in that case. You're just going to have to deal with the fact that thats the kind of place you're in. People will argue over and laugh at other peoples opinions. Deal with it.
>You havent provided me a reason to believe that another girl has more chances of winning the bowl than the girl who has expressed no clear desire, has had no screentime, and we have no idea how her story will go
Again, if you TRULY need this to be explained to you, you're a fucking retard.
It's perfect. The hateful eyes, the steep cliff of her chest. She probably bites.
>You're just going to have to deal with the fact that thats the kind of place you're in. People will argue over and laugh at other peoples opinions.
Duh. What do you think I have been saying?
>Deal with it.
Something you haven't been able to accomplish. Wow another thing that is just mere hypocritical.
>Again I am just going to TELL them they don't understand until it looks like I'm convincing enough
Oh please, shitposter. I've seen that tactic before.
I really wanna hate fuck her
>Misaki got her yuri harem
>Mikoto got Kuroko
Life isn't fair.
I don't even need to read NT 22 to know that I hate it. New science arc when?
>I've seen that tactic
So you truly, TRULY are going to be this stupid? Yes user, I could waste a bunch of my time writing up some 1000 word essay with references and quotes to prove each and every girls chances and why there are a multitude of them who are above the girl with two fucking pages to her name. I could. The fact that I wont waste that time on you and this user but rather just laugh at the dumbassery of it all doesnt make you anymore right. If you really want to join him, if you really want to join that double digit IQ dumbass and cry that your opinion totally isnt stupid, that it totally isnt laughable and a joke to say that the girl who was just dropped into the series 44 volumes into the series and has a grand total of two pages of screentime is in fact THE leading girl in the bowl and the most likely to win, you can fucking have it. You have already proven yourself too stupid to be worth serious discussion by saying so. And I wont waste further time on your insanity.
No one care about the science side.
Reminder that all 545's are for Accel!
Sasuga Laura
Factually false. It is literally the main appeal of the series for the anime only 11's
Based Coronzon
Assuming I didn't miss any, railgun is actually 24 not 23 and Accel is actually 41, so was way off on that, sorry.
Anyway, I got these from the Chinese, so hopefully all pages are there and in order. If something is fucked up, I imagine user Raildex will add add anything missing later.
Here are the three chapters -
>Anime only's
>Shipping Accel with ANY girl, much less one who's already taken
No, gtfo
Just like that other user from the previous thread he's too stupid/stubborn to realize/admit that he's wrong. Probably the same guy too.
>anime only
I don't care about retards
Magic arcs have always been meh to terribad, they're just a sideshow to the main event.
Othinus is perfect for Touma.
Will Touma ever get away from having 5 seconds between arcs and being targeted by crazy blondes that may or may not smell nice?
go away
Blessed digits. Oh absolutely perfect fit
Quads confirm
Quads confirm.
You could yes, but that still doesn't mean you're anymore right user. An opinion is just that after all.
>You have already proven yourself too stupid to be worth serious discussion by saying so
You did just that by continuously shitposting and ending up becoming what you claimed though?
Until she buys her turn after Touma becomes Tokiwadai's exclusive Gentleman to pay the bills
Yomikawa really is a madwoman.
He got a bit of a break that one time he dove into the arctic ocean to punch an angel, maybe he should try that again.
Holy shit. I want Nogi to take over Railgun. his art style translate so well into toaru
Thanks user
Indexcellerator is the true #1 crack ship.
How did we go from this
No, just some pages with every volume.
Nice 5s lad
these digits in Thai means "lmao" henceforth. your statement is made in jest. and so it's null and void
Angry boys make bratty demons go dere.
Sasuga Coronzon.
are you joking or is it truee cause I dont believe it
How likely is likely that Index is some artificial angel just like Qlipha is an artificial demon
Lucky monkeys
>You could provide evidence but that wouldnt make you right
This fucking guy. You seem to have totally missed how the context of the post he was replying to was framed. The post asked "who do you want to win, and who do you think will win" offering a chance to both talk about whatever girl you like, and to try to take a step back and try to be a little more objective about it. Obviously people will still have biases, but its rather obvious that "who do you think will win" and not "who do you want" is supposed to be based on, you know, some sort of evidence and not blind faith. Thus, I am fully within my rights to look at someone who makes a joke like saying they think the brand new girl with little to no character and no relations to 99% of the cast is going to sweep everyone off their feet and win as the joke it is. Hiding behind "muh opinion" doesnt work when you're asked to make an actual prediction and not just blindly wish for an event.
I think more of a vessel for Coronzon. But definitely something artificial, she shares the same number as Qliphah, she's a grimoire library which no human should be able to take with perfect memory.
Girls like bad boys, especially bad boys who say they will protect you. News at 11.
Back to with you.
But the context of the post doesn't matter user. It's not the context of the post that's been important, it's been outside of that that matters and what, since you love the word, WE have been talking about. Thus, an opinion is equal no matter what. Try again.
Guys not crying (barring extreme circumstances) is true, but calling a guy handsome isn't really considered gay here.
But the real patrician crackship is Stiyl/Sasha.
You lost me.
If you mean equal accuracy, no. your subjective opinion could still be less accurate than his opinion.
I forget sometimes that this cute girl is just a middleschooler from all the porn I've seen of her.
Agreed and in some cases you find out after you discuss it. That didn't happen this time so I'm not sure what the issue is here anymore.
Is Touma a seahorse?
Allow me to explain, I happen to be an expert on the matter.
Demons can't resist the big science dick.
Going by the release schedule, we're getting a new volume soon. Will imouto's be for fugs or for hugs?
So cute
>context doesnt matter
Fucking kek
>an opinion is equal no matter what
Top fucking kek. No, no, and no again. If you are asked to predict the weather tomorrow, and you tell me "I think it will rain" and someone says "uh dude, we're in the sahara, it hasnt rained in fucking weeks and there's not a cloud within miles" you cant just go "I'm just as right as you because its only my opinion" especially when there might be even more evidence than that on the other guys side. You are an idiot, and can be laughed at safely.
Isn't it supposed to be "doughnut"?
Have you seen all the porn of the Eva girls or the cast of Sailor Moon?
she pretty much isnt in all the doujins
The issue is you being an idiot. Please stop being one.
demonfags are going to be purged by Touma in the future its literally in his name genocide incoming fuck demonniggers
Different places spell words differently. News at 11.
Now I want a crossover where Araragi and Touma team up. Imagine the 2 greatest MCs ever talk girl problems
>implying Touma can beat the glow in the darks
How exactly is mikoto not a middle schooler in her doujins?
user he has IT guns probably wont do shit now
Can't wait when he slays trash
I want to donut Accelerator
>Fucking kek
I could do the same, but if you're just going to bring back your shitposting tendencies then is it time to accept your concession?
>Top fucking kek. No, no, and no again
Or should I drop down to your level and show you how retarded you look. Decisions, decisions.
Once again, context does not matter when that was not being discussed, you also bring up, yet again, an example that doesn't apply to how stupid some of your reasoning was to "call someone out" when there wasn't an issue in the first place.
>you cant just go "I'm just as right as you because its only my opinion"
Of course you can. Especially in this situation when it doesn't apply to your example.
>You are an idiot, and can be laughed at safely.
Yep you definitely can be laughed at. It looks like you felt threatened though.
Not really. Projecting doesn't help your case user.
>of course you can
Alright, concession accepted
Railgun looks nice but, like Mikoto's figth, should have ended with 2 chapters (make them a little longer) instead of three
Loli is love loli is life
Glad you admitted your loss and see the error in your ways, shitposter-kun.
It would've ended with 2 chapters if it was the same length as a normal monthly manga, but here we are at 4 chapters for a fight because he only shits out 19~ pages a month on an average.
People like you are why I don't have the motivation to discuss things in these threads anymore.
If you think discussing is going "Nice meme hahahaha!" and then dragging it this far, then it's good you bowed out. By the way, you already said that earlier with your shoddy reason.
"Evidence doesnt mean I'm wrong" truly is the cancer killing discussion, in much the same way cringing at OC is what killed OC on Yea Forums. The only real solution is to ignore the retards.
You must have me confused with someone else.
Both, all three, 4 i don't know how many are part of the fucking problem for keeping this shit going. Shut the fuck up.
What would happen to Mikoto and Misaki if Touma died?
That's not at all what was being argued though, nor what the original poster said. What is your grand intelligent discussion, shitposter-kun?
Nah. I'm pretty sure I didn't.
Where are the vampires?
Where are the four horsemen?
Where is the angel of death?
Where is Samael?
>Where are the vampires?
Yeah, it's just the chapters being shorter. I wasn't expecting ninja girl to go down without Oumi coming back though, so at least the fight not being over makes sense to me in that respect.
Osirisfags fuck off.
Honestly true. I should have seen where it was going and left it alone far sooner.
Okay but anons. Can we talk about this important question?
Hoodie with jacket or hoodie without jacket? Which is best?
>Where are the vampires?
In Monaco, along with the Magic Side spinoff we'll never get.
It was just his school uniform, not his jacket. But hoodie without uniform is better because I prefer white.
Hoodie with jacket for downtime, hoodie without jacket for combat.
I don't really care about Kamijou.
>Misaki thighs
My god, that's hot
NT really went overdrive with how important Touma is to those two, all of their shown motivation has been about helping/saving him so at this point who knows. It certainly depends on how he goes though, self sacrifice, and in a way that he'd be content with? they'd probably be sad but learn to accept it. But if he got murdered they'd probably go sicko mode.
Pure fantasy. Because I know the hoodie can't be destroyed even against MG.
I really care about Kamijou.
This will literally happen on the next episode, I can't wait for it.
Also does anyone else have a 4chanx error with chrome/flags/ network-settings?
A seadragon
Could Kamijou Touma defeat Kamijou Touma?
The final boss of the series will be what's inside Touma at its full power. Touma will have to face it by himself. When he wins, he'll finally be what he was always meant to be, an ordinary high school boy you can find anywhere.
This will literally happen on the next episode, I can't wait for it.
Also does anyone else have a 4chanx error with chrome/flags/ network-service?
I want Touma to lose the hoodie and just spend an entire volume shirtless with pants on
Othinus please
So basically we're going Mob Psycho
At which point his harem will finally leave him!
But what does Kamijou want?
The final boss will be Will and she'll kill touma again
Nah. Will isn't shady. Kamachi calling her out on being a hypocrite proves she's what she says she is.
>those legs
Fuck you Touma
Well, yeah, she is, but what I am getting at is Kamachi calling her a simple unfaithful hypocrite instead of implying something darker means she's not a demon, some fake virus, or anything like that. She's really straightforward and isn't anything shady (like a demon or some sort of virus). She's just unfaithful and hypocritical.
othinus gets genocided too for being a magic kek
Will should just admit that she cares about Accel instead of parading team Kamijou infront of him since she seems to have the capacity to be her own individual in a sense if Kamachi goes so far as to call Will and not the network itself 'unfaithful'. I hope Will becomes a more inclusive character in both Kamijou and Accel's stories from now on.
I don't like that.
She could be involved more in Accel's story possibly since it seems she doesn't need a ticket and to borrow a clone's body to speak to him now.. She can just do it via the Network or via Qliphah.
If will loved Accelerator she probably wouldnt have pushed a succubuss onto his dick
It's funny because most of the reason Accelerator messed with the collar and saved 545 is for the sake of becoming a stronger and better person, which he wants to do for the clones. I'm not saying he doesn't care about 545, but most of the reason he does goes back to the clones. Accelerator's being far more faithful to their relationship than Will is. It's not as if Will's ever going to be as close to Touma as she is Accelerator, anyway.
She was straight up called hypocritical for her "Team Kamijou" comments, so there's definitely some difference in between what she says and what's actually going on
Being close to Touma right now would just get you killed anyway, so it works out.
Not really.
Wasn't will being her own individual in this volume? She normally never refers to herself as Misaka. She did here, and the others do that when they speak about themselves in 3rd person, and records their interactions to broadcast them across the network. She didn't refer to herself as Misaka in the perfect world, but instead as an individual, but without wanting to share the interaction with the network.
>she was called hypocritical
>for her team kamijou comment
You dont know that
Not really what? Nothing I said was wrong.
It's not just about the clones anymore. I do agree that his path had been laid out by them, but Will is now egging him on to take a path away from them and believes Qliphoth is a good start to it. For Accelerator to find a path that isn't laid with regret and guilt. I think his new path will be different than just 'I need to make it up to them' and more so 'I want to get stronger to create a world my family can live in', and the like. That's probably the purpose of Academy City in the first place. It definitely opens a lot of possibilities for Accelerator to be put else-where than just on the path of clones.
I never said she loved him, just that she cares about him. She clearly got really pissed off that he was becoming so independant this arc.
I feel like while will /is/ an entity born from the collective subconscious of the Misaka's she has an individualism to her as well just as they all do, yes.
If we're talking platonic hasnt Will already told Accelerator she cares about him? Maybe not flat out but.
Yeah it's clearly platonic. No one's batting around 'WILL LOVES X'. I feel like she can't tell him, otherwise the poor guy might take it the wrong way and go guilt-tripping. That's why she said she could only be seen as the accuser and she didn't like the idea of that.
Then what else is she being hypocritical about? Kamachi said it was directly related to calling Accelerator unfaithful. You can't call someone unfaithful to you while implying you love someone else. So unless you can point out something else she was being hypocritical about, then there's literally nothing else it could be.
The only will I know is when I’m wondering when will Saten show up in the LN. that’s all I know.
I'm not saying it's JUST about the clones. But it's definitely born from his experiences (good and bad) with the clones. While it's not necessarily ALL about them, it still leads back to them
I agree. But that's why this change is so important, because with Qliphoth and possibly even Lilith and Mina, Accelerator can gain new experiences and learn from them as well. I feel like it's a good step for him to go beyond the clones and really widens his possibilities.
How would Touma's harem react if they found out about everything that happened to him in NT9?
Mikoto would (hopefully) be pissed in some form, but would realize that what's done is done. I feel like Index might be (unironically) the only one who may not go ape over him because she lacks the memories of any tragedies to begin with.
Nothing wrong with liking mikotos
You won't be so smug when your headcrab turns out to be a coronzon clone.
Read it. It was outlined by the blood.
Yeah, it's good for him to experience other things. But I don't think the clones will ever stop being his driving force. Other things may become included in his driving forces, but I don't see anything ever removing the clones from being his main driving force. Even him learning new things and having experiences with other people is good for his relationship with the clones.
It was cute how they were also fighting for Touma though. The Accel x Touma ship ride.
>Accel x Niang-Niang
Unironically they'd probably get along more than Neph and Accel maybe.Then again, both of them are kinda fun with Accel. You can't go wrong with two women molesting eachother to get a reaction out of an asexual.
All it means is that she too is unfaithful. It doesnt point at who it is she's being unfaithful to, and if it were about the touma comment, would more so be saying that she isnt faithful to touma.
Of course. I don't believe they'll ever be replaced. It's an integral part of his character, but it doesn't have to be the only one and that seems to be what's taking place now.
Who has the higher powerlevel?
Nah, because it's Accelerator she's tied to. She even says "I'm with him at all times". Accelerator's also the reason she exists at all. She will never be as close to Touma as she is Accelerator.
God I hope that comes true. I want that little annoying silver fuck to die already
>No, it is
And we're back to "you dont know that"
Kamijou Touma.
If life was fair, Mikoto wouldn't even be in the pretend running.
There is literally nothing in this statement that is false or unverified.
God I hope that comes true. I want a perfect silver girl to keep living already.
Touma and Mikoto fought for their continued existence, without them their lifespan would've never recovered, even if the project was eventually cancelled without Touma's intervention.
So this was the Clonoth then.
There is nothing that is verified you mean. Kamachi says she cant call Accelerator unfaithful. This is meant to say that she is somewhat unfaithful herself. No statement on who that is with. Any further conclusions are unverified.
>Without them their lifespan would've never recovered
I don't have a foot in this race, but that's a headcanon. Touma and Mikoto literally had nothing to do with that decision. You can't say they were the ones that decided for them to get fixed.
what are you smoking user
And the project existed in the first place because of Accelerator. In fact, had he not gotten head raped by Academy City, he'd have probably saved the clones himself, without either Mikoto or Touma needing a role. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. But it could have been. Blame Aleister for that one.
What are you smoking? It's literally looking like roots as well.
No. The clonoth didn't exist then. It only existed because Qliphoth and Will created it together along with Accel.
I suppose it could be a very early variation, but the 'tree' wasn't a thing until NT22.
Aleister did nothing wrong.
It was quite literally about her Touma comments.There was nothing else she could have displayed unfaithfulness or hypocrisy about.
Yeah, I mean like a prototype or it developing.
>he'd have probably saved the clones himself
would the experiment even happen if Accelerator had a completely different personality
>yomikawa's infiltration gets discovered because she gets molested by monkeys who make noise
If Index turns out to be a demon vessel or a spare body or whatever, does that mean she'll stay petite forever? This question is very important for my dick.
No. It was heaven canceller, who they would've never met without #10032 going to the same hospital as Touma and getting integrated into the world as human, not just military clones.
Interesting question. He clearly had to be twisted into someone who'd accept the project (even unwillingly). So I dunno? We all know the project was partially to give Touma a chance to play hero.
>It was definitely about
No. Stop it you look silly. It could be a number of things. It could be about her not being faithful to Touma and palling around with accelerator, it could be vice versa, it could be about her encouraging accelerator to fuck a squid by tossing her at him, it could be about her being unfaithful to the clones and not acting as the impartial role she is supposed to be, it could be about her playing favorites and saying she doesnt accept Worst as hers, etc. You dont know. Stop stamping your feet.
Isn't Biribiri already sicko mode in NT?
What makes you think Aleister wouldn't have just contacted Heaven Canceller to do it anyways? Aleister was the one that set it all up in the first place.
She has her phases, yes. But in NT22 she was just a lovestruck girl, although the ending could've sent her twirling into despair again so who knows.
He doesn't need the clones to live for very long, he could've always just made more.
Misaki a pile of shit
No, the one who was outlined to be lovestruck with Misaki and Sephirothic forces going haywire. No action taken by Mikoto was "lovestruck" the biggest point was her having a panic attack over not having control of what she relied on.
True. But why did Touma/Mikoto have anything to do with it? Sure, they ended up in HC's care, but that's likely what would happen all along no matter what due to Aleister's connection.
Why is she so great?
Because she loves a boy!
>unfaithful to Touma by palling around with Accelerator
That makes zero sense.
>encouraging Accelerator to fuck a squid
Which kind of ties right in to her "team Kamijou" comments, because that's what the comments were encouraging
>Could be about her being unfaithful to the clones
I don't see how anything she's done is unfaithful to the clones. She's supported Accelerator, she's supported Touma. As for Worst, we still need more information on what she meant by Worst being a hacker and not accepted. If Worst's negative feelings really aren't from the Network and has some sort of illegal connection to the Network, then Will is right to not accept her.
So once again, yes, it was related to her "Team Kamijou" comments.
Pure, devoted and loyal, smug, lewd with tits too big for her size.
Why do Acceleretards try to pretend he isn't a monster who murdered thousands and deserves any form of happiness? How can a fan base be this delusional?
Mikoto is inside Touma now
I can see you just cant handle being anything but completely right. So whatever, take the vague comment about "can she call accelerator unfaithful" as a 100% confirmation for your headcanon. Who needs critical thinking.
And Index too!
Nice projection
head hole perfect for storing snacks in
Nice deflection
I didn't deflect anything. If anything, you did by ignoring my points and going "y-you just like your headcanon" (which I don't even have)
No actions were caused by her being in love unlike Misaki stealing his arm, and cryo freezing it, sure. But she was still swooning over him pulling her close when 545's tornado came. No doubt the biggest point for her character was the AAA not being in her control, but she was still lovestruck in this volume and didn't have her edge, or the tsundere shtick.
Wht is Misaki is so gay?
Dont drag this out for me when I've left thanks. Nothing good can come from associating with guys like him if you hadnt already noticed from earlier in the thread.
Literal Abigail Williams ripoff
Looks like Aleister to me
Fair enough that is true and her scene of focusing on fighting with him over the task at hand.
You know despite being the Level 5 Espers that has spend more time with him Mikoto is one who least understand him her obsession with standing on same stage and the fact need overwhelming power to do so is against what Touma believes i mean even without IB he was ready stand against Coronzon
Most underrated volume in the series by far
Skipped it harder than ot15
>Not Yog-Shoggoth
Why did everyone go ape shit about her being associated with Yog when it wasn't even him but some Crowley Deity that his 'disciple' decided to compare to Yog? Did every FGOfag get played or do they say they're the same being directly in the Singularity?
That's kind of the point. That's why I think Mikoto's actions in NT22 fall under the Qliphothic forces.
545 already noticed some tree fuckery going right after Will connected to her, so it probably wasn't too far away from being one even in its unprocessed state.
If 545's head hole is sensitive and erotic can it fill with demon grool like a bowl if she's aroused enough?
Yeah, thought so.
Right. It wasn't created there and then, it's something that seems to have existed for a while and was developing.
Glad you agree.
Sut-Typhon is stated to be Yog, yes.
Yeah, thought so.
So now you're just shitposting since you've lots the argument?
Will didn't even know it was a 'tree' to begin with. I think it's just Qliphoth interpreted it that way and how she visualized it, and she took part in actually creating the spheres and the tree itself. However, like an user said above me, it's likely it had existed and had been developing, but wasn't directly made into the tree it is now until then.
Touma is gonna be a nice mom to his dragon spawns
But that's not even what Typhon is to my knowledge. Why is FGO so shit with their handling of legends?
Its another guy dumbfuck. I gave up on you a long time ago.
There's no more dragons.
Sure you did.
And Raildex is accurate with its depictions of mythology right?
You realize most Fate series just copy and paste the wiki instead of actually incorporating the lore, right?
The one thing I don't like about AB is how Misaki keeps teasing Junko despite being head over heels for Touma in the main series. It's literally Mikoto/Kuroko all over again except Junko is actually likeable so it makes me feel bad for her. Maybe if Iruka gets a bigger role soon she can fix things.
Look no further than Ivan.
Far more than what Fate attempts to do though. A lot of the weird shit is historically accurate after all.
If you're going to be this fucking stupid; you dont even know what the word projection means. I never once said I had a headcanon I believed in, I said you dont know yours for a fact with such little evidence. Now shut the fuck up and stop taking easy bait when I've stopped responding to your shitposting ass.
But Junko is not taking it romantically. She literally asks them in Railgun if there's a guy they like. Teasing doesn't have to always be romantic, go out more.
Don't get defensive user. Fate butchers almost everything it touches, and what it does get right, it's extremely shallow and surface level. I'm not saying Raildex is a golden child of historical accuracy, but they do far less wrongs than Fate does in a single month.
I honestly wouldn't even be surprised. Don't forget they even CHANGE some lore around to make the characters more likeable and appealing.
Surely all of her actions from NT15 and onward would've been qliphothic then, Because she didn't really do anything which you can blame on a force of evil in this volume. She didn't even strive for power or anything, she was pretty content with her position in this volume. Then again, Misaki's yandere moment was described as the Sephirothtic forces going haywire, which doesn't make sense to me.
I wasn't shitposting, though. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot the definition of "shitposting" is "literally anything I don't agree with, can't handle, or like". It once meant something else.
Fuck Mugino
>It's literally Mikoto/Kuroko
It really isn't, Mikoto never even showed affection towards Kuroko as anything but a friend. And she still hasn't.
Raildex butchered the fuck out of Thelema right off the bat in its first volume. user please.
Not really. I mean, they had already made the basic mistake of making Caliburn seperate from Excalibur already. I would really like to know which source he was copying from since it was wrong from the get-go.
Aggresively pushing head canon over a single vague line in an afterword and taking easy bait to shit up a thread because you cant handle someone telling you you're wrong, wait no, I didnt even fucking go that far, *someone telling you that you dont know something for a fact* IS shitposting. Sit down.
Oh come on, not even TMfags defend what it does to history. At least Kamachi repurposed something that would've been a gag to be more serious, instead of changing history to make a girl be for (You).
From what I've read so far, they didn't. There are liberties taken in a few places, but in fairness, have you actually read Crowley's shit and the other Golden Dawn books? These people were smoking literal crack.
By not making it a satanic cult, right? Thats where this is going I assume.
I still fucking hate looking at this """"Sion"""".
That's only if you ignore Junko learning that two girls being together is actually a thing in AB. That's why Misaki's teasing has a greater effect on her since then.
Let's see. Considering a lot of things pulled from Idol Theory is using the accurate mythology or legends to perform spells and rituals, which can pretty much be looked up to match and then all aspects of Crowley from his deviant side to Mathers bullshit side to Thelema's sexual side has all been historically accurate.
Not really. Nor was it even to the same level as what Fate does to mess with its characters. Even if it did, a majority of it in all major aspects has been accurate. Even if it was, it would be far more faithful given how fucking crazy Hermeticism and Thelema is in the first place.
Or Yeats kicking Aleister down a flight of stairs
Accelerator didn't do a single thing to earn his "forgiveness"
>Reminder that the clones were repurposed for the level six shift, not created for it. The radio noise project was the original.
>falling for thelema being satanic
Back in those days, something that was against Christianity was satanism, no questions asked
I can't wait for Europeans to fuck off from our threads.
Good luck being faithful to Thelema in a Japanese medium lol. It's literally filled with sex magick, anal sex magic, Hetero sex magick, gay sex magick, all of that good stuff being a core part of magic.
I wasn't being aggressive, though, or pushing anything. I made one comment and you started the aggressiveness. You might have a case for me being aggressive if I were shitting on characters, spamming something inflammatory over the course of several threads in an effort to create a shitstorm, or anything of that nature. And that line isn't as vague as you think it is. Nothing else fits.
And Kamachi has applied more than most would. Look no further than NT19.
But all the shitposting happens at the american morning-evening hours, I've timed it.
Aleister actually did want to do sex magick in NT19 but Touma rejected
And yet that's what was displayed in NT19, Aleister being a fucking degenerate and wanting to try sex magick with Touma. Pretty faithful to me. Or as far as it can go without Kamachi making it an eroge.
Soon. Hiro can't foot the bill for EUfags so EUwide ban soon.
Nice try, Bong.
Read NT18 prologue and NT19.
Lets be real, Raildex "history" is mostly changing people who were unattractive in reality into generic anime girls.
Isn't Dion the only case of that?
Sure thing Yuropoor
Laura Horos?
Dion has always been cute though so that's invalid.
Dion wasn't even THAT unattractive as is, and she would have been even cuter with different hair.
That wasn't her body, she stole Anna's at some point in the past.
If that's what you want to falsely believe, go right ahead,
It's surprising how hard you try to push that. You realize that it just makes it look like that you're applying you own crap series complaints onto something else for a piss poor shitpost right? That being Fate.
You do realize in that age they were good looking, right?
Well "if" the manga and anime gets there, bet you're sweet ass all the female members of the Golden Dawn are gonna get the Dion treatment.
If you want to talk about Thelema then go to /pol/, see
>I wasnt pushing anything
What horseshit.
>You started the aggresiveness
What horseshit. I even edited most of my earlier posts to call your headcanon "unverified" because I knew the word would trigger you. You still managed to ignore literally anything but your headcanon when my only message was to stand back and realize there are other possibilities than your little headcanon and to not yell "confirmed" off a vague line so fast. What horse shit. You better not actually believe the shit you spout. This better fucking be bait.
Why the white people always the bad guy in is this series?
There's only 3 of them, Dion, Mina, and Annie. Shockingly Kamachi wrote in more male members
The Bongs are getting out of the EU, they just need to live with the ban for a couple years.
Nah, go back there faggot.
To be fair, NA has created MP. I don't think us europoors have any such creature.
Sherry was a bad guy and she was black.
A German loli and an alien are the two big bads.
What do you mean if? Mina looks like largely like your typical adult widow, Annie Horniman's description wasn't dazzling, Dion's makes absolute sense and actually is a spin on the crazy clothing and fashion sense of that time. What are you trying to prove?
Not that shocking when you think about the fact most wont be coming back. He'd have a harder time killing cute girls.
"I'm not being aggressive even though I'm literally screeching about "horseshit" and saying that you better not DARE actually believe what you're saying or else!!!" And once again, that line isn't as vague as you think it is.
When did they vote to leave again? 2 fucking years ago? Face it kid, the Bongs are cucked by their own government. It needs Carissa to shit on everyone and make fun of the French again.
NA created js06.exe, we have the higher ground by default.
>Dion's makes absolute sense
t. Kamachi.
Don't try tell me Othinus didn't get the Fate treatment
user, you do know that Odin is not real, right?
You said from the start. No shit I lost my patience for your fucking idiocy eventually. Especially when I left you to your delusion and you started biting at the easiest fucking bait in the world because you have no fucking idea how to drop anything and you know in your head that your argument is fucking stupid.
Kamachi is showing us in his LN that vanilla ppl will destroy the world, see Trump for instance.
No shitposter. If you're going to try and push something then actually research what those people wore that time. Pay attention in history class at least.
Odin is a canon gender swapper though. Kamachi didnt make that up.
t. CNN
In fairness there's actually context behind Othinus more so than "OH HE'S A GIRL BECAUSE SUMMONING WEIRDNESS!" which is FGO's excuse nowadays.
Odin is not a real person. Aleister's based on the literal background of Thelema and was mentioned why it happened. How does this apply to how shit Fate is at applying its own legends? C'mon try harder. You're fooling yourself.
Pretty sure js06 is a Flip
He's from Alabama, up your stalking game
Lola feed me cakes.
>seething democuck
From the very beginning, you thought what I said was stupid and got aggressive over it, and got even more aggressive when I stood by what I said instead of crumbling to your aggressiveness. And I'm still standing by it. That line is not as vague as you think it is.
Those are actually dragon eggs
Touma isn't white user.
We're talking about historical depiction vs Raildex depiction. Odin has always been a bearded old man with a crow, the blonde witch is something Kamachi literally pulled out of the aether
No he didn't though. Odin has been linked with gender swapping. Do you even Norse?
I want Coronzon to get away with everything!
I mean if you wanna go that route, Odin is always depicted as a blonde man with a missing eye, a spear, and a cape. He drank corpse's semen, so don't tell me he wouldn't be lewd as agirl
That's even worse
>He doesn't know
There is no historical depiction for things that don't exist. You're talking about mythological INTERPRETATION. In which Kamachi has free reign, by the way you should really look up Norse Mythos more.
I want Touma to kiss me meanwhile I tease his eggs
Would I have a chance with Js06 if I was her brother?
We know, Kuroko
God fucking dammit Misaki
>from the very beginning
>this fucking revisisionism
No, fuck off cuck. I walked on fucking glass trying to be neutral and just remind you you're going too far in your headcanon but you just wouldnt back down, so I left, and then you KEPT GOING ANYWAYS, and now I'm mad and telling you you're a fucking idiot who cant learn how to think about other points of view. Look at these posts, fucking look at them.
You can even see me slowly losing patience with your fucking idiocy as time goes on. It does NOT start out as an attack you fucking tumblrite. Fuck off and learn how to read and not make fucking assumptions and pass them as fact.
Do Mythological figures have statues/temples/paintings devoted to them? Yes, then those are depictions. Odin has never been depicted as a woman, period.
Odin literally uses womans magic and has been known to shapeshift snd gender swap. The only thing Kamachi made up was Othinus saying that thats her normal form.
>I tease his eggs
I didn't know you had a death wish Misaka.
That is still an interpretation by the people of a non-existent deity. Stop ignoring that the mythos still contain this you dumb fatefag.
>yfw I still haven't finished nt22
See you next thread, anons.
>Odin has never been depicted as a woman
Have you just been ignoring all the anons telling you otherwise?
This is actually pretty fucking hot.
>"*he clicked his tongue*"
>Comes out as 'tch'
Does Kamachi know what clicking your tongue sounds like? Or am I the retard here?
Guess what? I'm still not backing down. One more time, maybe you'll get it this time: that line wasn't as vague as you think it is.
I'm sorry this makes you mad for some reason. Does it maybe destroy a headcanon of your own? Or maybe go in a direction you don't like in general? Or maybe you're just feeling shitty in general and exploded about this for some vague reason even though you don't really care. I've got no idea.
You've been on Yea Forums for too long, Misaka. You should take a break
Not the same conversatio again, just do the tch sound with your mouth, that's literally it.
Ok, I should've said "history and mythology" instead of just "history," since you've deadset on latching onto that part of my original statement. Doesn't change the fact that Kamachi takes tons of liberies with both, no matter how much you want to start a fanbase war.
>the line wasnt vague
Fuck you. The literal quote is "can she call him unfaithful?" Thats it. Thats all. There's nothing more folks! Thats not a fucking confirmation of shit. Learn how to read you fucking snowflake.
>does it destroy a headcanon
Not only have I said several fucking times, no. But what some dumbfuck on Yea Forums thinks will never ever have any bearing on my own opinions because as you've so thoroughly proven, a lot of you are fucking brain dead.
But that's me blowing air, not clicking my tongue.
>tfw no genius translator imouto
To be fair, that's a good design to rip off.
>A ton
Wrong, but believe what you want. Even if you were right, you literally can't compare Kamachi's 'liberties' to the likes of TM.
Put your tongue in your upper mouth and say tch. It's super easy.
If that's the hill you want to die on dude. But until you pull up proper examples that even match the amount of liberty taken by the Fate series since that was the given comparison, then I have no reason to be convinced otherwise. Kamachi has generally been faithful in how he uses mythos and his interpretations are usually based around how they work in the first place. Mainly in Magic rather than, Da Vinci was summoned as a girl for little reason.
Too attached to her braid?
Just click your tongue with your tongue up instead of sideways.
Why /pol/? Shouldn't Crowley/Thelema talk be on /x/?
Here's an update to that LO lewd that everyone's forgotten about by now. I fucked myself over by drawing the hair too detailed and now I need to draw the outfits equally detailed.
But that's not clicking my tongue! Clicking my tongue would be putting it at my roof, then flicking downwards quickly.
>actually talking about the occult
Did you delewdify it ?
Why is that tentacle monster doing the Gunbuster pose?
Thats a tanned LO
Back in 2010 I learned about ghost poop there and experienced it for myself
Not entirely sure what you mean by that but I had planned multiple outfits from the start.
I don't know why, but some faggot started a thread about Crowley there.
Is that a crude way of saying ectoplasm?
Everything is going according to plan.
I took a dump but it disappeared the second I looked down. It scared me
I can't imagine why you'd get so upset about this other than you feel it threatens some headcanon you've got. I am genuinely not trying to make you mad. Just not backing down on what I see is right. It has nothing to do "muh personal feels". It's simply what I see is right. If nothing people say on the Internet bothers you, you have no reason to be mad about it.
>off by 7
7 level fives
Look at the number of posts user. Count backward to his
As I fucking proved to you, I wasnt mad until you insisted on being stupid at every fucking turn.
>If nothing bothers you
Didnt say that. I said it wont make me change my mind, because I so rarely seem to find someone of even average intelligence.
>666th post
You win this time, faggot
I feel sad that this design is gone forever now
Why are two people still fighting
It lives on in our hearts and dicks
I'd be perfectly content if Aleister puts a suit on the Lola body.
While I'm super happy Coronzon's vessel survives. Blonde is best.
Crowley said he'd make a new body, maybe he'll come to like female bodies again by that time. Plus that form will get the bulk of crowley doujins most likely when we get that far.
Unironically autism. Fags like them are the reason why we have a shitposting problem, they don’t know when to just shut the fuck up and drop it, they have to epically clash their e-peen’s against everyone even when it’s obvious that the other side will not concede and/or is trolling.
The worst part is I literally did drop it, and the other user just kept going with some other low effort shitposter making it that much harder to stick with havig done so.
Yea, I noticed that’s been happening a lot lately. I’ll drop an arguement since it isn’t worth it, and then some faggot picks it up.
I won this thread.
That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo
Get this 0.
No, that's me.
no you didn't because that whole discussion was all me
I really, truly miss the days when people had enough pride that they didnt pretend to be stupid and think that counted as epic trolling.
Yea, same.
I've noticed a lot of aggressiveness, both the comically strong type as well as the subtle "I'm going to pretend it wasn't there" type.
here's the cum layer
for that one user months ago who asked for heart shaped shaved pubes I put that in too, although you can't see it with the dress.