5toubun no hanayome

At long last, the final volume is Miku volume. I told you Miku would win. I told you.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 1548147922692.png (433x781, 463K)

Miku > Ichika > Yotsuba > Itsuki > shit > Nino

Attached: 1545480800952.jpg (720x512, 244K)

Not if mods have anything to say about it.

Fuck them it's our party and I'm not inviting tranny shits to it

Proto-Miku a cute!

Attached: 1553608555641.jpg (462x1600, 396K)

Amazing taste lad

>be me in our Honeymoon
>on the process of removing my shawl
>see Fuutarou-san remove his pants
>oh my gosh it's so big!

the party never ends

Attached: 2C7335C3-E9DC-4BAE-825A-8E1F60462457.jpg (1536x2048, 275K)


Attached: Mikuorigin.png (906x359, 120K)

Who are you!?

that's at least 2 more volumes to go

Fuck you.

ichika a best

Attached: 1552294587307.jpg (1444x2048, 273K)

is Fuutaro is first name or last name?

nice one, takeda

>best girl is a sengoku obsessed nerd who is also a shrinking violet

how convenient for Japanese readers

His first name is Footlong "Fuutarou" Eusugei

>The last volume will be Itsuki in a wedding dress

Attached: image.jpg (165x150, 13K)

Correct opinion

I can't wait for Maeda chapter, lads

Use your trip so I can filter you Nino.

>she will look exactly like the bride in the first chapter
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Attached: 1546028963433.jpg (800x800, 119K)

Maruo chapter when

Attached: futurebride.jpg (686x1170, 87K)

>she sees Fuutarou dick

Attached: i065.jpg (502x774, 169K)

Itsuki getting the final volume cover with a wedding dress confirmed.

Attached: download (2).jpg (3212x2400, 1.95M)

I like Nino's cover more

> thread dies
> two takes its place
I want a full volume just for Maruo and Rena.

Attached: 1543600169055.png (173x139, 33K)

After yotsuba wedding vol. cover maruo will be dressed as the bride instead of shitsuki

It's Fuutarou-kun's heart that matters you idiot, not his dingdong! Pervert!

The final cover will be Takeda and Fuutarou

Don't worry Yotsuba won't get her cover and will be replaced by those two instead

7 Goodbyes > Legend >>>>>> Scramble Eggs

It won't end on vol 11 though, I suspect 12- 15 volumes desu

Not a cover I'm particularly happy with, Miku's two covers are by far the weakest of the 9.

Fuutarou will rescue Yotsuba from despair like how lolikano rescued him.

Attached: 1553596331477.png (1426x2048, 1.98M)

We're already in volume 10, the manga isn't ending in under 18 chapters.

Is this even official? I thought this is fanart.

Attached: image.jpg (445x500, 37K)

it's wedding dress or bridesmaid dress????
she is ugly


is fanart.

>Vol 6 Fatsuki
Vol 11 Pregnantsuki

>Itsuki getting the final volume cover with a wedding dress confirmed.
Itsuki is Vol11 cover and the last Vol is Vol12

4 more volumes I think. Volume 10 cover will be Yotsuba, volume 11 Itsuki, volume 12 will show all the quints and volume 13 the bride (in her wedding day appearance so you can't tell which of the quints she is).

The fanart looks way better. What the fuck.

Attached: image.jpg (332x500, 35K)

Kill yourself, subhuman

It's Ichika???

Fuck off to tieba, cockroach

I'm going to marry Miku!

I'm glad to see nips on twitter are liking the cover

Attached: 1552929628795.jpg (138x286, 27K)

I'm willing to bet 15 internets that you're right.

Her left arm is fucked in the fanart.

The last one will be all of them together you idiot. It goes
>all together
>Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki
>Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki
>all together
Probably focusing on the winning girl.

Mikufags detected
the true hurt deal with it

That would mean 35 more chapters

I can see it.
The quint story will reach it's climax next volume. But instead of getting the conclusion we'll have 1 volume intermission of maruo / rena.

N-no. Negi isn't that cruel.

Slit your throat, subhuman.

Attached: 1527724239333.png (405x641, 239K)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Nah it will be Takeda

Sounds right if it's ending at the end of the year, we have 40 weeks left of 2019.
Though I really don't see how negi can stretch the story to 30 chapters at this fast pace. You can't really use the, "I'm going to settle this!" card multiple times.

Nino chapter next

Attached: 1553177167800.png (1736x725, 837K)

We know, Takeda. We know.

So Itsuki has 4 covers

Nino is going to lose thats why

Or she could win early and the rest of the story is post marriage and how adjusts her new life.

Which cover has been the best so far?
I liked the Yotsuba one because she looks so happy.

Attached: 1535683298970.png (983x1469, 2.52M)

>red around the eyes
She looks like she was crying.

*lose her virginity to Fuu-kun on their wedding night

God I want to fucking protect Yotsuba

Why are threads deleted so often recently?

I hope we'll at least get an epilogue with Nino, Fuuarou and their 12 children.

Attached: 73854880_p0.jpg (900x1200, 879K)

3 > 5 > 7 > 8 > 2 > 6 > 1 > 4 > 9

Nino's first cover is the best. I'm not even a Ninofag.

My theory is confirmed

Nino no bridal veil
Nino is the only her index finger is hiding by Negi

Party too loud.

So fat she has to hide her belly.

Attached: 0084.jpg (1115x1600, 575K)

Vol.1 cover is quints cover is just that she so fat she takes most of the space.

3 and 6 because I like their expressions.

I still have this as my phone BG. Makes me feel warm every time I open it.

Attached: YotsuLineArt [Green].jpg (1200x1699, 171K)

>Vol 6 Fatsuki
>Vol 11 Pregnantsuki

I'm sick of Negi's teasing.

>ŧeases ponytail
>teases radiant hair
Fuck him.

Attached: 1530799931774.png (1500x1230, 1.26M)

Negi delivers.
This is too cute for this world.

Attached: heart_beat.jpg (1324x2029, 231K)

Only Ichika has had a bridal veil so far though.

Sometimes it's because someone here put the word edition/general in the OP.
Sometimes it's because the OP got banned.
Sometimes the mods were just being a fag.

9 >> 8 > 7 > 2 > 5 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 1

Attached: D2ktUUmU0AIOGEj.jpeg.jpg (499x1440, 253K)

Cute fatty.

Where did you get the full cover?

No more sexy rabbit shenanigans okay?

Attached: 1553102378272.png (1350x1222, 1.91M)

Negi is my uncle.

>4 of the 5 quints fall in love with fuutarou
>Fuutarou falls in love with the 1 quint who doesn't love him back

Nino's "feelings" for Fuutarou aren't real or deep.


Miku got denied a chance to work with Fuutarou and the saw her Hope's and dreams murked by her devious snek of a sister. She's a fitting choice for volume cover

Miku is the real despair in this series. Someone should edit the clean cover so she's flipping people off.

>Fuutarou falls in love with the 1 quint who doesn't love him back
Shit that would hurt so bad.

fat rena

Attached: 0078-0079.png (2230x1600, 1.37M)

The face of a kisser, bride, and generally speaking, a winner.

Imagine if Nino was shit.

Where can I find JP raws?

I don't have to imagine. She's shit enough as it is.

Gorgeous couple.

I hope this end in Harem or Open end.

Attached: H16.png (1918x1400, 826K)

>top 10 moments before disaster
>a whale gets struck down

dumb rena


Attached: 0082.jpg (1115x1600, 359K)

If anyone feels like giving up the curse of Nakano Nino loving them, I'll be here to take the bullet.

Attached: 1549375079589.jpg (1200x1600, 221K)

>Fuutarou falls in love with the 1 quint who doesn't love him back
Or at least what he thought

Attached: dead fuuts.jpg (507x650, 72K)

I don't know exactly what her cover will look like, but I expect Itsuki will look much more mature than she did on the 6 cover. Maybe a mature look and confident smile. [Spoiler]But I still don't think she's the bride. That's Nino's job, or Miku/Yotsuba if not her.[/spoiler]

Oh, the missing no way fag panel for miku.

That font is so awful, the scanlators should be taken outside and shot.

See I also still don't think she's the bride. I've got my money on Miku or Yotsuba.

Itsuki is fat just like the rest of them.

Attached: 1526539507010.png (1070x1600, 958K)

>hiding lower body blubber
Nice try pig

He sounds disappointed

>I hope this end in Harem or Open end
What a cuck.

Choke on gutter oil, subhuman

Comic Zin

Don't be so rude to yotsubafag. He was doing his best.

Well it is simply beautiful. The complaining here is mainly done by shitposters. Just ignore them.

3 > 6 > 5 > 8 > 7 > 4 > 1 > 9 > 2

Fuutarou is so cute I just want to kiss him. No homo btw

Would you marry her user?

Attached: Theres nowhere to run.jpg (2037x3048, 2.81M)

A yotsubafag typesetted that?

Attached: 1537128029953.png (148x484, 68K)

No way fag

I can believe that. Three more volumes, including the current one, seems like too little space to work things out.

Four should be about right, and if the bride does happen to be Itsuki, we're going to need all the extra space we can to explain her development up to now, because there are a lot of questions that need to be answered to make her end a satisfying one.


I'd rather her sister.

Attached: 1547288906877.jpg (580x858, 65K)

Some shitposter opinions doesn't change the fact that I still love it regardless

Attached: 1552664262233.jpg (1682x832, 357K)

Attached: 1553152001845.jpg (1371x1579, 539K)

>Not wanting harem ends
You're the cuck here.

Might wanna dial in that insecurity, user. People not liking something you like is pretty normal.

>those eyes...
are we sure that's Miku?

Attached: Onee-san x44.png (957x1080, 1.47M)

>Biggest(in more ways than one) baby of the five
>Biological father leaves them
>Mother dies
>Maruo neglects them
>Fuutarou off all people says he will be their father
>Actually shows that he cares
>Itsuki dresses up as Rena again
>Don't ruin my trip. Get lost.
>So I'm nothing to you now?
>Gets offended and wants to show him up
I guess this will be the Itsuki's parental issues and growing up arc

Attached: ii.png (1355x603, 735K)

Not according to Nino.

But one of the downsides to the way this manga is structured is how little attention is given to following up on statements like these. If we had more scenes of Nino working with Fuutarou or Miku trying to better herself and win him over while at the bakery across the street, it would be easier to see whose feelings are truly deep and whose aren't. Works well for a fast pace though.

Attached: 20190326_104812.jpg (720x757, 275K)

Who said otherwise?

Ah. The yotsubafag. Right.
Good luck with the chapter.

Attached: 1552433791485.png (477x755, 585K)

>Good luck with the chapter.
I'm not doing this chapter, but the others will appreciate it.

Attached: 1536283996867.png (266x215, 43K)

Needs some party glasses

They're trying way too hard.
Sad human beings.

Attached: 34adors.jpg (2048x1616, 276K)

What if I told you it was Ichika all along

Attached: 1541333385699.png (870x870, 976K)

Turn off the lights!

>Though I really don't see how negi can stretch the story to 30 chapters at this fast pace.
Necessary when you consider that Itsuki is going to win.

Literally BTFO
But is it really abandonment issue? I don't get what the trigger is for this whole 2nd Rena debacle, i thought she was smarter than that

Since when was Miku associated with a hedgehog? Did I miss something?

I will never not laugh at you.

Attached: 1552851675080.jpg (1438x1426, 311K)

Ichika's first cover makes me want to fall into her and be cradled

Attached: ichika.jpg (1200x1699, 245K)

Ninofag in denial in view of an inevitable presage

Rena is ugly

Attached: 0083.jpg (1115x1600, 447K)

Ninofags proxying again but this time they don't say it loudly.

How much?

Strawpolls exist to be proxed.

Yeah, her objective not clear. But maybe it's just bad writing because negi pacing the ends as fast as lightning.

Neat! So what happened to the real Miku?

Attached: Onee-san x30.png (457x720, 414K)

Reminder that Yotsuba's bridal cover is going to have despair and/or a dead Yotsuba.

It'll be a bittersweet cover.

Attached: yotsuNoWay.png (1159x1600, 1.25M)

Ask and you shall receive

Attached: Volume 9 Party.jpg (2037x3048, 2.92M)

Is that your edit? That's pretty good.

Real ending is Maruo and Isanari are brothers and Rena is everybody mother, the ending is 7 person incestuous orgy while Maruo and Isanari preform brojobs on each other while spectating the fantastical orgy

Truly such a peak ending will break manga as a medium entirely

If I'm not mistaken it was mentioned in one of the volumes that her favorite animal is a hedgehog. Might have some deeper meaning concerning her character traits.

Attached: 1549443203371.png (1060x992, 1.81M)

Can't wait for this to happen in the manga.

she will make the cake for fuutarou's wedding

Why did Negi decide to make Ichika into a yandere?

cute boy.

She was too perfect otherwise.

Her favourite animal
Yotsuba likes camel
Ichika likes hippo
Nino likes rabbit
Raiha likes penguin
Fuutarou likes gorilla
I forgot what Itsuki likes

Truly quality work user.
Wait, the party glasses are supposed to go in front?

Attached: paparty.png (946x1086, 892K)

The story needs a villain.

Attached: Onee-san x42.png (719x720, 1.12M)

All the quints will turn into yandere and split Fuutarou into 5 parts

I've never seen the bride make a cake for her own wedding

You're missing four big arcs

She isn't popular and boring,so might as well make her into villain
Nothing of value was lost and he get to spice the story

Itsuki smiling and frowny
Ichika teasing and frustrated
Nino embarrassed/angry and smiling
Miku autism and shock
Yotsuba happy and despair

Differences between the covers, see a pattern?

Why's this so painful to look at?

Fuck, you're right. I'm too damn sleepy to fix it now


Attached: ujshtk3zvao21.png (800x1995, 542K)

He is, it is a matter of time for him to realize

No wait, you're right.
Big glasses like those would puff out the hair if you wear it inside.

I wish there were teasing moments like this

>No papanakano volume cover

Negi fails me again

So Youtsuba and Itsuki get the next two volumes, 10 and 11 and if 12 is the last one, all of them together.


Fuutarou is so hot

Attached: 1553204156166.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

Today is a fine day to praise onee-chan

Attached: ichika2.jpg (1904x3046, 611K)

But itsuki will take most of the space again.

Finally I'm getting the Josei prequel I need.

>those ugly feet

Attached: 1522164474818.jpg (231x231, 14K)

> Quint bullying
> Quint tears

>all of them together.
What if one of them is replaced by the bride?

final volume cover will be the fuuts in a bride dress, screencap this

>last Vol is Vol12

Give us five more Negi!

I want Fuutarou to fuck me

Attached: 1553616215548.jpg (1243x2048, 461K)

What the fuck is her problem?

Attached: 20.png (1448x2048, 2.5M)


Attached: 1540191077736.png (348x218, 66K)

I want to do all kinds of things to Itsuki.

Either Negi is messing around with something else ("Why are you doing this?") or this totally inconsistent for the sake of drama.

I want to suck his D untill it dry
No homo tho

Does the new chapter mean it's the end of the Rena subplot? I hope so.

Despaired Miku > Despaired Yotsuba


Nino a shit


Peak faggotry

Attached: 1545956536746.png (2852x2048, 2.27M)

>the end of the Rena subplot

It's literally the beggining.

I don't know. I find despair Yotsuba better

These gloves damn
Time to fap

>muh Ninofag
Like clockwork.

I can't wait for Yotsuba's cover!

Attached: 428ch70p9v2.png (928x548, 580K)

>replying to a dinosaur aged post

No suffer only smile

Attached: 1553617853966.jpg (692x387, 51K)

Are you sure? Her cover will be closer to despair!

Attached: 1553356971496 2.jpg (1043x1048, 352K)

Itsuki likes kangaroos.

It will be a sad Yotsuba for sure

Yotsuba is best girl

Attached: 1552431731232.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

>Final volume
did I miss some event?
has Negi announced the date of the final volume?

They are realistic.

That's basically what is keeping it from becoming Nisekoi. Fuck off.

No but main girl Itsuki just joined the bowl. The manga is going at a very fast pace. Things will be over soon.

wow the cover is awful

Attached: C8B35048-8895-4829-B7D3-E958B55BB691.jpg (540x680, 54K)

wow the cover is beautiful

Fuutarou doll

Attached: 73892982_p0.jpg (1080x1080, 625K)

Attached: 1971803188aa9cfb8e82c09e284f495b.jpg (1060x1500, 517K)

Based ninofag artist

Attached: 73892579_p0.jpg (1447x2047, 1.07M)

Miku a cute. A CUTE

Ichicute will kick Nino's ass soon


Definitely 428

7 BTFO >7 Goodbyes

Imagine this but with Fuutarou dick
Won't that be funny haha

Where will you find 7 Nakanos to BTFO? We top out at 6

I guess I'll drop it for a couple months to avoid the hysteria.

unless manga sites get screwed by this article 11&13 thing

Damn that's really fucking cute, now I'm torn between her and Nino.

1-5, 0, and Dad

Why is everybody so sure it's ending in Volume 12/13?


>Scramble Eggs above the Legend that Binds

Attached: 1537868568441.jpg (373x348, 13K)

>Rena: Can't I live for the sake of my daughters?
>Death: BTFO

Anyone have that Ichika alignment chart posted awhile back?

He'll BTFO quints, then Maruo by marrying his daughter. Finally he BTFO himself after realizing marrying quint is a fucking mistake

That arc was too slow and really didn't shake up that much except for Ichika's bully persona returning and Miku regaining confidence which is the same conflict she's always had.

I gotchu senpai.

Attached: 1553539966047.png (2700x2160, 2.6M)

Whose family name is Nakano anyway? Marou's, their biological father's or their mother's?

Maybe the one pushing the Itsuki ending is someone of greater forces?

Attached: 1522612086282.png (720x603, 407K)

Only problem is Negi wants her win


that's not miku

Why do people fear the fatty so much? Why not try liking her instead?

Probably maruo.

wtf we EVA now with the hedgehog dilemma.

Negi said that he wants to end it this year (maybe). Would be fitting for the volume covers.
9: Miku
10: Yotsuba
11: Itsuki
12: Bride

Would end at chapter 104 or so.
I won't complain if it's more but Negi doesn't seem to slow down.


He said in an interview he wanted to end it by the end of this year

Ideas for the credit page? It could be a fat joke, but I like the killer Miku edit an user made.

Well, he is based and repilled.

Itsuki is going to win, but the last volume cover will obviously feature all of them like the first one.

Attached: D0UAXOsU0AAa_r-.jpg (870x1200, 141K)

Has to be related to Fuutarou telling the harpies to fuck off

Unless you think of something better, a fixed pic related will be used. Nino's the one saying "fag"

Attached: 1553510837484.png (1115x1700, 538K)

>I won't complain if it's more but Negi doesn't seem to slow down.

Attached: Runaway Axe.png (1426x1500, 689K)

>handcuffs ichi

Attached: NICE.jpg (467x413, 26K)

Honestly don't know user.
Never really disliked her even tho i usually find Tsundere types fucking atrocious and annoying but 5toubun was one of the mangoes where there is an actual reason for acting bitchy (getting told to fuck off when she asked fuutarou to tutor.).
I guess there is an argument to be made that fatty fags are annoying but you can say that about any quint.

Attached: 1553180066407.png (625x314, 147K)

You need to stop obsessing with nisekoi.


Why didn't people like the scrambled eggs arc?

It's the closest Negi will get to a filler arc.

Ichika was perfect at the start. If she had stayed like that it would have been too easy.

Don't use profanities in thw translations, it's really unprofessional and a lot of people outside of Yea Forums read this

Other ideas then?

Brainlets can't handle quints mindgames. Negi wanted us to empathize with F.

Fat jokes.

m/a/ngastream translation when?

Fat people have ugly feet.

I don't hate that lovable dork. From the story up unitl now I just don't get any emmotional connection that would make me want to root for her being the bride.
Her connection with Fuutarou felt to me like best friends for life and now I'm supposed to believe that she always loved him?

Give me at least something that makes me want for her to be the bride. Didn't click yet.

Attached: 4_burger.png (395x331, 39K)

Use the picture where Raiha is touching her tummy while saying "I think I'm pregnant, onii-chan..."


>I know it's you
>How did you know?!
>The boat was tipping on your side
>And I saw rice on the floor
Something like that.

Negi is gonna skip her cover

Nice ideas, but make edits yourselves.

Attached: 1526223915420.png (295x283, 100K)

>oy Miku 'dis 'erre fuckin' grub is the fucking shit not even fucking Itsuki would scarf it down
>shit these bitches are plying with my mind like a Gypsie with a iron garbage heap fucks

There was this one edit with Fuutarou doing Samuel L. Jackson:
"I've had it with those motherfucking quints and those motherfucking quint games!"
Could be combined with

Attached: 1545063603702.png (1043x1048, 1.51M)

>the boat is tipping you side

pic related

WIth the head being level 3, that'd leave exactly 6 levels to tribute off for Hungry Burger's ritual.

A solid dueling plan to summon the most powerful monster in the game.

Friendly reminder that Miku and Takeda's son will be named Takeda Shingen

>literally the turning point that made Fuutarou start to consider the quints feelings as girls and eventually fall in love

No. Those weird personality charts are a no.

Wow, you managed to find the only worthwile moment. The rest is shit.

I'm new and why are people shipping Takeda with Miku?


Attached: 33358746.png (454x595, 261K)


But it's easier to ask.




But nevertheless, he does not bother to play the autistic lamp, who understands this guy

The funny thing is that it's not bullshit. Negi would be too much of a Chad if he indeed does it.
Mikuincels on sudoku watch.

We must

Attached: pbs_twimg_com_media_Dw3q9w3UUAAp.jpg (2048x1400, 456K)

Despairfags begone

Attached: !!!!428sadsmall.png (623x254, 149K)

Fag. It's a meme you dip.

The real Takeda Shingen's wife was named Lady Sanjou with the same kanji for "Three" as in Miku's name. That's it.

Those who seek easy answers are fools

Is almost over. 2 more days until anime ends and about 8 months for the manga

I want to kiss Miku

Attached: 1553410936555.jpg (652x1068, 118K)

This one is great since it captures the past few chapters and Fuutarou's general mood right now. I think this is the best we can come up with for this chapter.

>Negi would be too much of a Chad if he indeed does it.
Sure he could do that for the lulz. But it is more likely that he will do something you won't like.

Rena needs to be added. Maybe F thinking Miku doesn't like him as well but is much less direct

The grim reaper one is pretty good but most people outside of Yea Forums won't get it

Because retards.


> Rena needs to be added.
Yeah that part where he says "don't ruin my trip, fag!".

We run this place, hopefag.

Attached: 1522546861832.png (593x696, 316K)

>people outside of Yea Forums
Who gives a shit? Most people outside of Yea Forums were fine with LHT.


Attached: 1549295360697.png (223x218, 44K)

I reject you!

Attached: 1542317998294.gif (299x350, 273K)

Me too

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>Mikufags seething at the mere mention of Takeda

Keep going, lads.

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I wonder how people would respond if Ichika actually started putting ideas in Fuutarou's head that Miku liked Takeda.

Don't worry, you'll be healed too.

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It would be epic to watch the meltdown, almost as much as if Nino wins.

Itsuki was going to win since chapter one, it was fucking obvious

aren't all the girls older than fuutarou? if so then they would all be big sisters to him.

No way that would backfire on her!
I assume people's anger has a saturation point, but maybe we'll find out.

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That means she'll get the last cover as the bride. Damn, my delusion is growing stronger

In the off chance you're not trolling. No way, fag.

tfw no Yotsuba to cheer you up / heal you

The most interesting thing would be to know how Fuutaro would respond, I bet his stress would multiply by ten

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They're in the same year

You will understand soon. Hope only leads to despair, there's no other way around. You will suffer just like everyone else. Stop. Clinging. To. Hope.

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So I guess it will end with the true bride being revealed in volume 12?

so maybe that's 25-30 chapters away?

Ichika is shit, she's such a bitch
But Nino is rad, her haters are bad
Miku is meek, but her hair is so sleek
Yotsuba is sad, she just wants everyone to not be mad
Itsuki is neat, but all she does is eat

Pic related is chink-tier of reaching.

I'm not obsessing I made a point.

but the quints where held back a year before the start of the story

They weren't. Stop reading LHT.

>Pic related is chink-tier of reaching.
As is your attempt to play it down.
Nobody knows yet, whethter it's meaningful or a red herring.

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No way, fag.

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How big will the meltdown be if ichika wins?

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That same thing could be said to the tieba posts we get here. And Nino wins in this red herring thing.

Is 5toubun converting more people to the despair/suffering fags? Top tier taste my brothers.

Reminder that Fuutarou was grinning when he thought Miku was going to confess to him.

Don't say I didn't warn you. Despairfags will have the last laugh.

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>people still think Itsuki won't win.

Those tieba posts have become a meme of their own. Is it time for the sub-human to kill himself again?

at this point im okay with any of them winning but

This is not the final volume though?

Name an harem with better girls than 5toubun

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>Ichika can get some rich handsome actor
>Nino is a social butterfly so she would have no problem getting a boyfriend
>Yotusba is gonna kill herself sooner or later anyway
>Itsuki is happy as long as she can eat
Miku is the one who needs Fuutaro the most, the others are more or less fine without him

People know, why do you think these threads become even more of a shitfest when she gets the minimal focus.

This got really long. Do something about the white space, maybe add Miku "nah, not her"?

you could say that they fear the whale

Reminder Fuutarou commented on 3 out of 5 quints weight
When will he do the same for Yotsuba and Nino?

Smartphone Isekai has exquisite girls and they are all fleshed out by the author

She did for Yotsuba as well, when she tackled him in Chapter 47.

that's spicy

In another world with my smartphone
Goblin Slayer

Yotsuba x despair is the best end

It's better to feel pain than nothing at all. It's almost like you're starting a sport competition knowing you'll be dead last. You never know until you try.

Miku can marry me

True. The girls are the best part of that trash.
Yumina is best girl

Not when I'll take her first

> Miku is the one who needs Fuutaro the most,
More like loves him most sincerely without a plan B.

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Black cat, best cat. Siamese a shit

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Awful feet.

Good. Feet is a shit fetish

Yotsuba is just asking for mating press

> Not embracing all forms of beauty
What's wrong with you?

Attached: 1550867936327.jpg (2650x1080, 879K)

And Miku has the Takeda crest on her phone and as her motif, and she wore his armor when she and Fuutarou quized each other.

Reminder that Fuutarou was turning pale and tried to reject her when he thought she was actually gonna do it

Any weeb know the snack that's in the poll on twitter? The one that koala Ichika is on?

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How do you know he turned pale when the manga is in black and white?

Pantyhose > thigh highs > the rest

Yuusha ga shinda
Jitsu wa

Attached: AF1A5D26-E45C-4DD9-B406-B09EC394E226.jpg (362x679, 65K)

And based anime skipped any signs he is going for a rejection there, or any excuses like they need to study for entrance exams.

Those lines that go straight down from the eyes are the blue ones you see in anime when someone's sick or disgusted

Thanks. Pretty sure I've been those in international sections of grocery stores

Fortunately, only the manga matters.

Attached: nooooo-way-fag.png (2200x1880, 934K)

Okay that's much better.

Honestly I'm more attracted to her tits here than her ass

Why is Nino so vulgar?

> was turning pale and tried to reject her
The pale part I would even accept from being in shock. The rejection part is nowhere to be seen.

Attached: x18.png (1070x1600, 455K)

Any of Bakemonogatari girl is better than this generic assortment.

She's a roastie.

Snail and Snake are shit, you don't need to shill that hard.

miku 'no way fag' when?

Itsuki is not Lolikano.
The reason she is backpedalling now is because she just found out that the current Lolikano somehow likes Fuutarou even is she unaware that he was the kid back then.
So Itsuki is conflicted because she not only destroyed Lolikano from Fuutarou memory,she also doomed the chance that Fuutarou might return that quint feelings more easily if he find out that she is Lolikano.


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>each girl gets to raise one extra finger than the last starting with ichika raising her left thumb
> yotsuba is gonna get to raise the ring finger
what does it mean bros.

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Only cat and math is best girls. The rest beyond shit.

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Reminder that Miku stole Itsuki's blanket

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Miku looks better with her hair over her headphones



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Negi really fucked up there

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Pretty heavy sweating there Fuutarou.

Now we need Leon Kennedy smiling in the background of each panel

What does it mean bros?????


no way fag

At the altar before Fuutarou marries the real bride.

Looks like Yotsuba is next

Miku is nothing but JAV fetishes
that's why Nips call her best

>Miku is the one who needs Fuutaro the most
But Fuutarou Unfortunately don't need Her
Love it's both side it's not just what Miku needs but what Fuutarou want too

>new chapter
>Ichishit is still shit
>Ichitards still damage controlling
Business as usual.

made for NTR

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maruo for the win

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Come up with chuuni nickname for the quints
>Ichika the Serpent
>Nino the Juggernaut
>Miku the Doormat
>Yotsuba the Wingwoman
>Itsuki the Examiner (formerly Devourer)

Attached: ichika_murder_stare.png (479x897, 249K)

> Sengoku nerd
> headphones
Since when are those JAV fetishes?

A useless servant who need ?

Pathetic? Pathetic.

I like the way hair bulk up against scarf or whatever on the neck.
I don't know what it called.

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>user the faggot

But he doesn't need a slave

Would keep the headphones on during sex?


Miku is fucking pathetic: The post.

Miku IS the headphones, user

t.Leonardo di Capiro

Miku represents all of us on Yea Forums.

What's up with the Smartphone Isekai posts? Didn't watch it since it seemed pretty generic and bland. Is it actually good?

would it be better just to go after yotsuba's still warm corpse.

Of course.

Attached: 65.png (576x584, 371K)

she's more /his/

Dont fall for the meme

Of course. Fuu-kun must make sure he is fucking the real Miku and not an impostor.

Nino is the 5 part bride

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>Is it actually good?
No. It's pure trash.
The only redeeming thing are the waifus.

Stop fapping to Fuutarou's bride!

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He need a loving and helpful wife obviously

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Chikoraiha a shit.

user is fapping with his waifu, all is right in the world

Miku is precious.

Divine retribution.
Ichika stole her man.

Ok, what's up with the sudden focus on Nino's fat butt lately?Not that I mind

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Pretty sure Ichika is begging to be Fuutarou's doormat wife.

>Well,don't putting on air.

It's Nino or Itsuki in this pannel?


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What did he mean by this?

Itsuki. Her thoughts are in the same panel user.

Yotsuba is fucking fed up with their shit, inb4 explosion and she goes youtube.com/watch?v=hHZvUeAdzeI

I miss the cool Miku that existed for two chapters.

>cock goes where

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>her character revolves solely around how much she likes MC so she has to win!
Yeah how did that turn out for Marika?

The last cover will be the bride without revealing who it is.

Well thank god Fuutarou doesn't

Why wouldn't she just tell him "I'm not the girl from 5 years ago" in this chapter?

Miku isn't raising a sole finger.

I want to KILL Nino!

Ichika chapters are pretty cute, but they tend to end on a bad note

But Nino is Marika. Marika kept yelling how she is head over heels for Raku, the same shit Nino started doing.


I think that will be an exception for the sole reason it would look she is flipping the bird.

Nah Nino is Onodera. She's baking the cake at the wedding.

Why would the bride bake her own cake?

All the other cooks are useless

>without revealing who it is.
we're already getting wedding gown covers. yotsuba is next then it should be itsuki. last one will be all 5 of them like the first one. we aready know what the wedding gown looks like and neither ichika/nino/miku are wearing it. yotsuba wont either. itll be itsuki unless negi wants to put her in a different wedding gown for her cover in order to make it seem like every girl has a chance in the final volume.

Because she think Fuutarou already completely discard his past when he told her to fuck off.
He want him to find her identity AND keep the memory precious to him.

i want to eat miku's omurice

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You can disguise all you want but you're still damage controlling hard. Anime debunked your edit.

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Did we find a credit page?

Ichicute is truly the best

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Abandoning him in the pond really soured his memory.

What did Itsuki mean by this?

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add Miku and we have a perfect credit page

Attached: deleuze.png (564x570, 344K)

It looks like Nino's calling him a fag.

Yonakano Reiji

Pointless, Fuutarou isn't facing her then.

I'm honestly surprised Negi didn't just put them in classrooms associated with their number.
Ichika 2-1
Nino 2-2
Miku 2-3
Yotsuba 2-4
Itsuki 2-5

>your simple actions resonate in my heart so much louder
I don't want any of them to lose. It hurts even more since they're sisters, and will have to deal with Fuutarou being in lives forever.

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She is.

How bad will the fallout be when the quints find out daddy forbade any romantic notions?

Will that unite them again? Through dick, unity?

I'm sure the general audience of Toubun agrees. Both look fantastic in that fanart though.

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>unless negi wants to put her in a different wedding gown for her cover
Of course she's going to get her own dress, are you retarded?

do you think Maruo will remarry in the future? Stepmom drama will be a thing to behold

Future winner was revealed in under 10 chapters. Give it up losers.

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And she's right.

I knew from the start it was going to be Itsuki, I just can't accept it
Why the fuck is it not Miku, god dammit. They got the best 3 first too
I can't handle the truth anons

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Give me one(uno)[ichi] reason why your favourite quint should win.

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Everyone except Ninofags has accepted that Itsuki is endgame.

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Has she been set free bros...?

Attached: SUFFER.png (1092x626, 851K)

At this point i'll take anyone but Itsuki, literally anyone.

I pray that this is the case
I don't want another harem where the most boring out of all the candidates wins

Itsuki is way more interesting than Miku though.

Nino is gonna chew him out hard over that.
She would probably tell him that he can't interfere in her love life and still chase after Fuutarou until Fuutarou rejected her based on his own decision, not some condition set by a 3rd party.

>Future winner was revealed in under 10 chapters.
Yes she was.

Attached: x33.png (1070x968, 858K)

Nino in her bride dress is hot

>the most boring out of all the candidates wins
Which is??????

If the depression because of her loss made her eat more it would be scary.

And everyone except Ninobros is wrong.


I don't.
Don't hide behind other people just because you're insecure.

Speaking as someone who used to enjoy 5toubun threads in the past, I hate what this fanbase have become. It would not be a lie to say it is rabid, militant, toxic, and one of the worst, if not the worst emerged fanbase of in recent years.

>How bad will the fallout be when the quints find out daddy forbade any romantic notions?
I wonder if Nino told him when he caught her under the bell at night and that's the reason

Yotsuba will get the next cover, Itsuki will get the 11th, 12th cover will be all of them, and the final one will the bride with her back facing us in the dress from the first chapter. The veil will cover her hair color, and the flowers used in the background will white or cream or a new color that isn't connected to their usual colors.

Attached: DvssaXCUUAAXxKD.jpg (250x224, 8K)

>Most Ninofags except falseflaggers say Itsuki will win
>Ichikafags ignore it and always imply Ninofags don't think so
What do Snakefags mean by this?

is this a pasta?

Tell me about it

Attached: x9e.png (252x148, 42K)

>user's first day on Yea Forums

Attached: 1537976349637.jpg (987x657, 124K)

the next volume is the last with a picture of Yotsuba hanging herself as the cover

Kill yourself, falseflagger.

Why would Itsukifags be insecure? They're pretty much guaranteed to win.

Is every genki girl destiny to suffer and fall into depression?

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I'm being serious here.

t. Ichikafag

>the next volume is the last with a picture of Yotsuba hanging herself as the cover
Why the hate? She's a good girl. I like them all despite having my favorite.

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Not him, but don't be coy. You're clearly that one Ichikafag. The image you used gave you away.

Me too.

Attached: .....png (607x345, 255K)

This fanbase is pretty tame compared to Oregairu, Raildex, Haganai, Saekano or Nisekoi in their worst days

>Why the hate?
No hate. It's only the truth that she was forsaken by Negi.

I'm pretty sure the majority of people can agree that all the girls are fantastic. Ichika is my least favorite, but I wouldn't ever say I hate her because she is a good and interesting character in her own right.
Also I'm sure user was making a joke because being a Yotsuba fan at times can feel very despair-inducing.

And despite being pretty tame, it's been like this since the start.

As someone who has been in the threads since some user posted the one-shot and got told to fuck off, you're wrong.

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Yes, we're not counting you, Ninofag
Yotsubros, Mikubros and Ichikabros are fully aware that their quint is not gonna win

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Stheno best girl.

I'm an ex-Itsukifag who converted to Ninofag, and I never once doubted that Itsuki is endgame OTP.

>because being a Yotsuba fan at times can feel very despair-inducing.
It's a good feeling.

Attached: 1549583136157.jpg (502x374, 181K)

Not hate. Despair Yotsuba is an ongoing joke here. She's about everyone's second or third favorite.

Only the sweet release of death can free Yotsuba

1) Don't speak on other's behalf
2) Go be pathetic somewhere else

Using her own ribbon nevertheless

i just don't want her to suffer anymore bro

I can't wait for the Yotsuba suicide attempt arc.

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>posting classical snakefag pic
Not helping your case.

People are finally realizing where Nino's true power lies.

Attached: 73886525_p0.png (960x960, 529K)

When will Ninofags realize that their delusional world is not the reality the others live in? Pretty much only you believe any quint other than Itsuki, i.e., Nino, has realistic chances of winning.

Go to BNHA or SNK threads. You'll see true cancer.

Pretty tame is a fair understatement from what I've seen in the past 4 months. I'm not say it's the worst ever, but it says something when you have to bring up notoriously godawful fanbase during their worst days to make 5toubun's fanbase seem less terrible by comparison.

Care to elaborate? Honestly curious here.

If we feed everyone to Nino's thighs they'll all be together forever and none will lose.

4 is a cursed number

Come on. That's just too sad.
Nino and Fuutarou will adopt her

>Pretty much only you believe any quint other than Itsuki, i.e., Nino, has realistic chances of winning.
>only ninofags still give a shit about the other quints
This is honestly sad and ironic at the same time.

Nino is the bride, though.

No, even these past 4 months have been pretty tame to, say, Bokuben threads at their worst. At least meta derailments or fanbase wars are actively discouraged and drowned out by discussion in here.

Nino's the bride.

In her feet! This chapter proved that Itsuki can't compete

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Itsuki = Shitoge
Miku = Kosaki
Nino = Marika
Yotsuba = Haru?
Ichika = Tsugumi

>Snakefag continues to insist on hiding behind other fans
Insecure indeed. Yotsubafags, Itsukifags, and even Mikufags don't do that, so logic dictates you're an Ichikafag. To make it painfully obvious, you used Ichikafag to rally support, then Miku shortly after, and now you dragged Itsuki and Yotsuba into the mix just because. It doesn't help you when it's abundantly clear you are pushing that narrate harder and harder as Ichika's actions and behavior have painted a target on her back. A target Mikufags shot at first before you blamed it on Ninofags despite the fact Nino wasn't a victim of Ichika's schemes to begin with.


>Pretty tame is a fair understatement from what I've seen in the past 4 months
>any popular series getting an anime adaptation
>not getting shittier and shttier threads
Nothing new. Real question is if t goes back to "normal" because shitposters are moving to freshier series (seasonal), or if the cancer stays forever (like shit like heroacademia).

>kosakifag is still MAD

Attached: 1466999675440.jpg (630x630, 48K)

>believing a quint will win = caring about them

>Nino wasn't a victim of Ichika's schemes to begin with.
Chapters 65 and 66 beg to disagree

Don't insult Tsugumi like that.

I'll meet you in the middle and say her power is definitely concentrated below the waist.

Attached: 72901457_p0.jpg (1820x845, 345K)

Shitoge a shit. Tsugumi should have won

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Tsugumi was Chitoge but worse.

>Can't bring himself to spell best girl's name her correctly
That seething, user.

As of now, there's no clear evidence of Itsuki's feelings for him in a romantic sense. Keep it down.

How are you still mad? Nisekoi was literal garbage.
What do you think about Miu? Chisato? Noel? Naru? Asa?
Still mad there?

Every fanbase on a turns into cancer at some point. The more popular the worse it gets. 5toubun has the (un)lucky chance of becoming tremendously big in a short period of time. It has surpassed many popular romcoms in terms of sales and getting its own anime adaptation in less than a year, from what I remember. Even so, it has been fairly self-contained in terms of cancerousness. We had retards from KO trying to bait us, same from Bokuben and other similar manga, but in the end, even if this shit has practically became a general, it has not spread as much as say, HxH, Naruto or Fate, which tends to annoy others fanbases with their retarded powerlevel fights and typical shounen behaviour. In short, the banfase here is not bad, and it's only natural it shit at sometimes, we are on Yea Forums. This is nothing in comparison to, for example, Tokyo Ghoul, which became really popular in a short of time and the fanbase even got a hold of normalfag, making it really annoying because we had multiples threads in a day, all praising the franchise as the second coming of Jesus, and a huge in flock of normalfags asking for recommendations.

What are you talking about?

I'm not hiding behind anyone though. You will never see a Mikufag or a Yotsubafag seriously claiming their quint will win. Everyone knows the winner is Itsuki, except delusional Ninofags that is.

everyone in Nisekoi was terrible but at least Tsugumi had a reason to be a shitty character and make my pp hard

Giving up simply means you don't care anymore, or can't bring everyone down to your level so you don't feel lonely.

Honestly, this party has become a bit boring. I really hope that Negi will do something interesting and deliver with the next chapter. At this point I do not even care that much about who will win cause they all are cute but I want the ride to be fun.

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When the pain is too much, you'll learn how to filter. That's how we cope. How I miss the comfy threads.

Really? The manga hasn't been this interesting since 7 Goodbyes since the stakes are high. This arc should be peak depending on the Rena issue is handled.

Shitoge sounds better and is more accurate.
I never forget best girls of a series even if the series was literal trash.
Miu was best girl, Bitchsato was a shit but at least the other girls made up for it, Noel? You mean Noe? Meh, never cared that much about True Tears. Naru was literal cancer that ruined the tsundere archetype forever and one of the first cases of worst girl winning. Asa was okay, but her drama where she refused to use magic was absolutely retarded.

Fuutarou's attitude towards Rena makes me feel like he has enough of being played with by the 5 idiots, he's the one gonna dictate the pace now.

I don't think Nino told him. He probably didn't even give her time to explain herself based on how no-nonsense his personality is. He probably told her to go straight back to her room and she probably did because she wasn't expecting him to show up.

You seem to have a sore tsundere spot, user.

5Toubun needs to end like this masterpiece.

Attached: Yomeiro-Choice_[XLG]_c41_p28.png (1112x1600, 380K)

Stop with the "1, 2, 3 and 4 fags know Itsuki is end game" bullshit. There are fags who think that way and there are others who don't.

Negi himself said he already established the quints feelings for Fuuts and we still didn't get any kind of confirmation for Itsuki's feelings. He might be baiting you retards with the "main girl needs to win" shit.

Except you are, Ichikafag, and you are very transparent. Ninofags don't seriously claim that Nino will win either, but you love to claim otherwise, even if it means taking bait or falseflagging seriously and generalize it for shitposting purpose.

Glad to see you can't deny the the other points that squarely make your agenda obvious.

Probably not the reason but if that was the case I'd love for Nino to just look at Ichika and say, "if you'd just stopped him like you said you would, we wouldn't be in this mess."

user probably meant the mix of burnout with people going "whatever, Itsuki will win anyway", so this feeling of boredom creeps in.
It's like reading a mystery knowing who the killer was, you can't do shit, only wait.

Bokubros don't annoy anyone. Your digits don't mean shit.

Attached: Bokubens.jpg (1590x1805, 1.75M)

>Tenkla will never do another comedy manga
Please kill me along with Yotsuba, please.

Uruka > Rizu = Mafuyu > Asumi > Fumino

Ichika > Miku > Yotsuba > Itsuki > Nino

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In general the manga has been very interesting lately (almost too interesting for my heart). The current chapter didn't really force me on the edge of my seat but has me rather raise my eyebrow in confusion. Let's see where this leads to.

Fucking based Urukabro

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Itsuki = Chitoge, Yui, Haru and Ruri
Miku = Kosaki
Nino = Marika
Ichika = Tsugumi
Yotsuba = Sensei

Wait for the actual translation to be out, this is clearly a setup chapter and Negi always does them when an arc starts.

Sure, in the meanwhile the threads will still be full of Ninofags spamming that Nino is the kisser and the bride but hey, Ninofags don't do that. And I won't entertain your conspiracy theories, people already know you're just full of shit.

>generalizing this hard
What are you afraid of user?

Attached: 3565.jpg (183x381, 39K)

But Nino is the bride.
And the kisser.
Also my wife.

switch asumi and rizu and I'll agree

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I could never get into that manga, but I casually check out its threads from time to time. From what I've seen, it's a hit or miss half the time. Contrast to 5toubun, most threads have non-stop shitpost of some kind. Back-to-back chain threads make things worse as tensions tend to escalate instead of letting time act as a buffer to reduce autism.

Sure, that does happen. But not all series that become popular and with an anime to boot must turn bad. Naturally, it greatly depends on the mentality of fans who are drawn to the series. Although harem and romcom with shipping is a violently volatile mix (but not always).

Fair enough. But I'll be blunt. I can't forsee this fanbase getting better anytime soon. The manga is on the highway to the end of the story as Negi plans to finish it within 2 years. The battle for Fuutarou's bowl has already begun after all, so from shippers to waifufags, things will only get worse as expected.

>bokubros don't annoy people
>shitposts right after

>Yotsuba = Sensei
Damn, I really want Yotsuba to be my sensei and master.

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And it's an Urukafag. I'm not even surprised.

Nobody cares about your dingy fanservice character of the week manga, fuck off back to your own containment threads.

It's a fair assessment based on the fans' behavior.

And Ninofags have every right to do that as do any other fags, retard.

It's michlan

>will still be full of Ninofags spamming that Nino is the kisser and the bride but hey,
Not a ninofag, but I honestly don't see what's wrong with this. Isn't this like how it works with "cheering"?
You probably aren't the sports type of person, right?

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Huh, did you miss the point of the discussion? Nobody is stopping you from doing that, but then don't turn around and claim it's falseflagging and that Ninofags don't do that.

> Bokubros don't annoy anyone.
That Fuminofags are rather cancerous, especially when Mafuyu is involved. Popularity creates a toxic fan culture in general.

Nino is the bride.

Not even a Ninobro but I think Nino is the bride

Most spectacular deflect considering the posts that have been made here.
We don't give a shit about your interal war, just fuck off.

Again, I've already learned how to deal with over fanatical Ninofags. The point I'm making is that they seriously believe that Nino is the bride and they are not falseflagging like the other poster claimed. And no other quint fanbase behaves like this.

Last for Nino a shit

People have been speculating and hoping since the start. There's nothing wrong with that. You can't call it claiming winner when that's not the same thing.

But this rather recent thing that uses kisser and bride to claim it as a fact and mocks Itsuki? Blatant bait and falseflagging, something that Ichikafags clearly are behind. You know it's true, but don't want to accept it because then you'd have zero ammo to shitpost Ninofags with, and you know it, Ichikafag.

You're the only one getting angry by this.
And I've already told you, I don't.
Don't lump me together with you.

You mean Urukafags.

>muh Ichikafag boogeyman
Not at all. In fact, it's funny how, on the other hand, Ninofags are the angry ones when Itsuki gets any focus in the manga, so these posts are just pointing out that.

It would be the proper time to use the nyakanos

Last for Ichika a shit.

>And no other quint fanbase behaves like this.
Again, the discussion is you hiding behind other people like this, and not being able to deal with this.

>angry ones
Itsuki is my third favorite girl and I'm a Ninobro. Try again?

I'm honestly starting to think you have a ninofag boogeyman.
Everything is "ninofags" for you.

See to the irony door on your way out.

But I don't hide behind anyone. You just don't like when it's spelt out bluntly like this: only Ninofags believe Itsuki is not the winner.

You are literally retarded if you think you can assume something at all from shtiposts on 5toubun threads.

There have been polls here that are more representative of what you want, a great amount of fags believe Itsuki is the bride but some others still believe in their quints too. And that's fine.

>Ninofags are the angry ones when Itsuki gets any focus in the manga,
My 5toubun folder has mostly pics of Nino, yeah, but the second most are Itsuki pics.
I'm not even joking.

> this is clearly a setup chapter
Even I got that. The issue I have is that this chapter doesn't add to the ominous feeling that is already in the air, which creates tension and anticipation for the next things to happen. Right now I'm like "what fuck was that for?".

Miku is in second place for me.

The posts here say otherwise.

Ninofags have always been cancer, yes.
It's true. Ichikabros don't even post that much.

Enjoying talking in circles with the braindamaged one, anons?

You just don't like when it's spelt out bluntly like this: Ninofags live in your head.

Nah, he's right. You are angry. Instead of using Ichika like you used to, you are using Miku to repost Miku > Ichika > * and put Nino dead. Maybe if you quit being insecure, then you might stop being so angry.


All Toubuns are best girls. You are a fag if you can't understand that.

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>don't even post that much
Great joke.

Nothing is stopping other quintfags from making claims about other non-Itsuki quints winning. Only Ninofags do that on a consistent basis.
The posts here only prove me right.

Last one for the Ninochads.

>I've already learned to deal with ninofags
>proceeds to call names
You're not a clever man.

Not everyone you don't like is a Ninofag.

Proving them right.

I hope you have plenty of fun!

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Learning to live with Ninofags won't make people forget that they are cancer, though.


Settle down children

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Nino a shit

I have to finish this glass of wine. Might as well play with this dog.

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Shut up fag.

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And she's mine.

I'll love it when Itsuki wins and all the Ninofags will be so angry that they'll be unable to form coherent posts.
And then they'll claim they knew Itsuki was the winner all along .

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>name callig
Well, he lost it.

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They might be used for the doujin.

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Last for Nino a best.


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Last for Ichicute a best

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Here's a long forgotten Nino smug.

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Last for Ninofags are scum of the earth


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Last for Bokuben and I'm neither Michlan nor a Shitposter

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Has your favorite kill Bane ?

I dont think so.

Ichika is best.

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How do Ninofags manage to live in everyone's head? Are they that powerful?

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For someone so aggressive she sure doesn't have all that much official manga smugs, not even 10 I think?

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>yoga pants
My only weakness

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Last for Miku

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That's a very peculiar weakness.

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Bride, kisser, wife and winner.

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In her future spin-off

That's sacrilege. Nino is powerful. We are nothing without her.

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Nino's love train is unstoppable.

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She's never say cock consciously, she'd say penis.

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Wouldn't it fit the manga better since we're in the "sister fights" now? Something like a yandere version?


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It's just one guy

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Fuck Nino.

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What is Renas plan ?

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The bride doesn't really need a spin-off but who am I to say no?

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Snakefags were a mistake.

Nah. Unless you make a yandere version yourself.

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Nah, pretty sure everyone hates Ninofags

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Pretty sure Nino has inverted nipples

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Yotsuba is for suicide.

Can't wait for Nino and Fuutarou's comfy family cooking manga

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Miku wins if last

Oldie but goodie.

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Ichika is a miracle

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Nino rhymes with niggers. Coincidence?

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I'll ask on /c/

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Reminder that Nino's love train is the representaion of her feelings for Fuutarou and it will only stop when her feelings stop.
Read the manga before making memes, speedreader.

Ninochinks/niggers/spics purge when?

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That's right up my alley.

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Do whatever.

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>only one reply
Thanks for proving my point

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What if all the girls win?

End my suffering already.

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>OP literally has Miku is the winner/has the final volume cover in it
>o-only Ninofags do that
What a baby and a liar.

Ichika is for jamal and abdul.

Okay Ichikafag

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Her feelings will stop when Fuutarou tells her that he loves Itsuki. Then she'll hook up with Jamal-kun.

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