Why is a sixth grader allowed to look like this?

Why is a sixth grader allowed to look like this?

Attached: chuunibyou 0048.jpg (960x1280, 416K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine fucking Rikka.

That's an illegal thought user.

Attached: chuunibyou 0155.jpg (492x622, 74K)

It's only a crime if you get caught.

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To make my dick hard

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i would fuck RIkka to fuck Shinka

She's 16. That's 11th grade, not 6th.

>there are STILL dumbasses that think she's in grade six

she said it herself, so at her heart, she is young



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She is a grade six in my book tho.

She was fucking ashamed to be dressed like that so she lied about her age. Are you really this socially retarded?

No, user. You are the retard here.

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Because anime.
Why make it realistic?

i think she was trying to justify her putting hand fervently to be chosen for dolphin training, because only kids put up their hands

I want to put my penis inside her butthole.

You can't!

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is that the new movie? i am too old for Yea Forums

She made for that

I haven't seen it either but I am pretty sure it is. I remember first seeing it posted after the movie.

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Does she at least get pregnant in the LN?
The Dark Flame Master needs an heir to his empire of dark.

How mentally ill must one be to NOT be attracted to Rikka?

This guy gets it.

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There's a sexier chuuni around

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i didnt hear about translation (english) but i heard it was much different from anime as many characters like deko were added and Yuuta and Shinka even shank up a while

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>Both hands covering the front
>Third hand covers the back as soon as the camera angle changes


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do you guys have the flash with 9 Rikka moaning when you click each of them

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That's some gay shit, user.

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They're taken from different points in time, she moves one hand to the back.

Any reason for doing that breaks the 4th wall.

This rikka is hotter than the other riikka for me Why?

This one looks like a middle schooler with a massive ass.

A babymaking butt is more important for childbearing than thighs that have no relevance to pregnancy

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Hey are you alright Rikka? I think your back is broken or something...

Takarada Rikka >>>>>> SHIT >>>> Takanashi Rikka

Attached: takarada.jpg (637x358, 86K)

An ass that can kill.

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because Rikka is retarded so she got held back a few years. so she is a sixth grader with the body of a 16 year old.

Rikka has a nice figure sure, but I want to see my cum dripping down deko's and milky thighs more.

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you are evil, i just want chat with deko so much that she trust me and we live chat. Then we go out and chat more.. I enjoy her voice

She's gay though.

Attached: gay.webm (1920x1036, 1013K)

Imagine if Deko has Rikka's ass.

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Haha are you a fag? Go suck a dick

user being really cute!

She starts speaking chuuni as she is cumming.

Yuta has fucked the chuuni out of her in the movie.

Sauce? Goggle gives me nothing

Lurk for 2 years before posting.


He didn't though. That was the whole point of the movie. He loves her even though she's a retard.


W-which eye is she talking about?

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the one in her panties.

Brown eye of course



B-b-b-but... which one there?

the snake eye

that's a secret

Imagine if dekomoron has shinka's chest.

So girls named Rikka just have a great ass? It’s like a fundamental law

She's a 9th grader.

What's her issue with the bourgeoise?

Attached: bourgeoise.png (3360x1770, 3.92M)

Escaping from a high place like that is fucking dangerous, don't try this at home kiddos.

Do OP's that create these stupid threads ever bother looking up the legal age limit to have sex in Japan? Or are they that stupid?

Dekomori gave her a bad impression of rich people.

She's 18 now user. Should have watched the movie.


Hyperlordosis is in right now.

her behind is as wide as she is a retard

All it takes is some simple image manipulation to remove all of the secrets hidden and see behind the persona she puts on.

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The one-eyed snake.

death to commies

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The revolution shall come.

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>won't kiss her
>will smack dat ass

But I want to see her cosplay in a SS uniform instead, Soviet uniforms look ugly.



That dog is really cute.
Also, ass.

Yeah, I really dislike Deko's face in that pic but I don't really look at the faces ever so I keep it.

Very likely super-late to the party, but it needed to be done.

ty user

>Yuuta and Shinka even shank up a while

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FUCK Rikka has a fat ass

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hell, that's how I dress my son

>that's how I dress my son
Are you OK? Do you have brain damage?

Jesus fuck, it really puts things into perspective when you have a sibling in 6th grade.

I used to have it bookmarked, back in 2013
I haven't been able to find it since though

What did she mean by this?

Attached: Forceful.png (1704x958, 1.85M)

Oh great, the whole point of the movie is the whole point of both seasons. Glad I never got around to watching it.

fuck I love kurara

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She's gonna stick it down Deko's throat, of course.

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What a sexual little creature.

Shut up incel

Would I look cool if I wore an eyepatch like Rikka


Shinka is so aggressive, I love her!

Really she should be wearing that eyepatch on her ass, it's too powerful to expose to mortal beings.

Wait there is a movie? I remember watching both seasons but when did the movie come out?


yeah it's dekomori's gf

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sixth? she is already ending high school

Gives you a creepy feeling when you've fapped to characters the same age as your little sister.

Reminds me of the time I hit on a girl we went to my brothers school at a house party.

>tfw have literally fucked my imuoto's friends
should I feel bad?

Attached: shinkathinka.png (654x753, 599K)

How fat of an ass does your imouto have?

>"Bury it deeply! We must create the forbidden union and become one!"
>"Unleash your lustful Mara's wicked essence inside me! I'll seal it all inside my golden stove!"
>"The quickening is nigh-ah~n It's too much...I can't control it! IT'S COMING! IT'S COMING OUUUUT~"

Where I grew up, thanks to all the chemicals in the water and food, all the 6th graders (except that one girl from the hippie family) looked like that.

Hippie girl is still perflat.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

I think you have the wrong board

[Spoiler] shes still a cute loli[/spoiler]

If they're below the age of consent, yes.

>he's a phoneposter
>his imouto doesn't have a huge ass
You are worthless.

Perhaps that's what a healthy diet does, and the hippie girl just didn't eat properly? Probably a vegan or something.

He said that like it was a bad thing.

Keep dreaming sitter. Hows that chair feel? I'm enjoying my comfy bed.

>If they're below the age of consent
I was too at the time

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>Sixth grader
Did I miss something because rikka is an autistic JK

>reddit spacing
>defending phoneposters

Attached: satanialaugh1.gif (220x224, 55K)

No dude, 11 and 12 year olds should not have C and D cup breasts. It's unnatural. I think hippie girl just avoided the hormones in the water and genetically was destined to A cup breasts or below. I saw her eating meat a few times so I think she had proper nutrition.

Kill yourself phoneposter.

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Then that's called legal!
Wish I would of fucked more lolis as a kid.

>tfw will always have the memories to fap to

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We did it


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Are Rikkas bound by fate to hook up with Yuutas?

Who the FUCK are you?

A-Are you doing a chuuni summoning?

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>he has to tap at a gay little phone keyboard instead of typing on a beautiful and comfortable mechanical keyboard
It's for your own good. Now jump off a cliff.

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iToddlers btfo

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0:52 is cute cute!

You need to go back.

Were the frogs gay?

Shinka is better. Nobody faps over such toddlerish one pieced swimsuit. But Shinka can wear a bikini because she is a superior supporting character. Rikka cannot wear a bikini because she is a protagonist.

Because Takarada Rikka can wear a bikini unlike Takanashi Rikka. Takarada is the first protagonist of Moestuff who can wear a bikini.

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Watch me prove you wrong.

Attached: doubledose.jpg (1280x720, 232K)

But Rikka cannot wear a bikini at all and wears a toddlerish one pieced swimsuit instead for being a protagonist while Dekomori and Shinka can wear a bikini.

Rikka does, in fact, wear a bikini. On several occasions.


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Grammar is too good. Impostor.

I want to see Rikka give birth to triplets.

I want to see deko trying to push three babies out.

I like both

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Man of culture.

Not quite, throughout the movie she felt that she'll outgrow from her chuuni and afraid that Yuuta won't love her anymore because of that.
In the end Yuuta will keep loving her whether she's a chuuni retard or a normal girl

This. Been noticing how fucking developed this girls are. But I haven't ever seen a 11 or 12 year old with actual tits yet wtf.

Isn't she 18 in the movie?

It's TRIGGER vs KyoAni all over again....

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Seriously why is your shit all grammatically correct now.

Impostors. Earlier he posted and used proper grammar and punctuation, got called out, and came back with proper grammar but no punctuation thinking that would work.

Yuta's wives are so cute.

Attached: RikkASS.jpg (687x1000, 129K)


Only in the UK.

>comma splice
>grammatically correct