What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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Oedipus Complex.

Finish the anime, don't read the manga. Save yourself the annoyance and disgust my good friendo.

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Should I leave the thread before I get spoiled then
Is the manga that bad

Ignore that faggot.
The manga is a masterpiece and the one true ending.

Why hasn't Yea Forums raised a loli yet?

Depends. Do you stop at where the anime ends or where the manga ends? Because it's one hell of a whiplash.

wait now that i think about it whats stopping pedos from adopting

Isn't adoption only allowed to married couples? I remember that one of the big anti-gay marriage arguments back then was that gay couples could adopt children if they were allowed to get married.

Social services which would check on your adopted child.

They used to be able to. There are stories of single men adopting little girls to rape. Nowadays the screening is a lot more strict.

Electra complex

damn, well get our lolis next time Yea Forums

The manga end in fetish fuel rather than the cute father/daughter shit everyone was drawn to the series for. I'd recommend avoiding it.


I'm interested now. Could you spoil it for mr, please?

The series is written by a woman, and she wrote a true love (ultimate sacrifice) ending that fit the characters.

>than the cute father/daughter shit everyone was drawn to the series for.
Nice projection.

>all these butthurt normalfags crying about the ending

Time skip ending to when the loli is 17. The protagonist has given up everything for her, and is still a single guy, working to support her. She declares she wants to marry him and have his baby. She said she had that idea ever since she was a little girl. He reluctantly accepts.



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nice grooming anime

i thought it was bad its just funny

Decent fucking Auditing and background checks, I mean it's not perfect but its still good


If the summary is correct, it doesn't sound like an ultimate sacrifice, at best as failed parenting (not adoptive children want to marry their parents too tehn they are little, but they shoul overgrow it in a healthy envoroment, and by and means the parent shouldn't go with it.
It surely sounds fetish-y.

It isn't bad just anti-incest and anti-loli fags would tell you ending was shit.

This one brat ruined everything.

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>parent shouldn't go with it.
What's wrong with marrying your daughter? She isn't even blood related.

It’s not a pedo’s fantasy it’s a little girl’s fantasy


>it's a grown woman's fantasy

Wasnt she his grandpas daughter
so his aunt

he wasn't his grandpa's daughter, based old man just covered for his dumb caregiver being a slut

Women are just lolis who got old

wtf I like women now
based trips

oh then its okay!
Id fuck the loli too!

>Women are just lolis who got old
Thats why lolibabas are the best.

Man just tries to do everything to raise the girl right, but she gets an Electra complex and falls in love with him. Since he would do ANYTHING to make her life happy, he has no choice but to accept her feelings and probably give her a good pounding whenever she wants it.

It's a very similar dynamic to the brother and sister in The Irregular at Magic High School.

>Since he would do ANYTHING to make her life happy, he has no choice but to accept her feelings
It's not like he was totally against it. He-as-a-father disliked the idea but he-as-a-man clearly liked it. The point was to give her time and space to decide, which he did.

>Save yourself the annoyance and disgust my good friendo.
you need to go back

nothing wrong with the ending, it was heart warming

*Hits pipe*

>The manga end in fetish fuel rather than the cute father/daughter shit everyone was drawn to the series for.

but the ending was all about cute father/daughter shit, best outcome a father and daughter could have really


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We're surrounded by degenerates.
I hope none of you become fathers

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You're in for the greater loves story ever told.

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12 years for child sexual abuse.

what can I say? they're both dorks and make a cute couple.

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nothing much, it's always been a problem and still is a problem.

waifuing the daughteru is patrician taste only,
a pleb like you would never understand.

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>Women are just lolis who got old

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is it as good as knj? I need something after finishing this i feel empty

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The man how got un-cucked to the maximum possible.

Checked you half Satan faggot.

disgusting fuck

a loli grooming her future husbando.

This series is the antithesis of this meme. You can't get cucked by your daughter (or adopted daughter in this case) if she becomes your wife.

just saw this nip movie which has a similar premise to UD, but it was more degenerate and depressing, also the "Rin" character was borderline crazy.

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Speaking of daughter endings, this is getting an anime right? I doubt the anime will get to the good parts, but I'm sure a bunch of normalfags will spoil themselves and then throw a fit about it.

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Second live action movie when?

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can't wait for the shitstorm, if they ever get to the timeskip.

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Literally go back to wherever you came from

God I wish that were me

God women are so fucking disgusting.

you cannot magically become a little girl user
you are too fat and hairy for that

Now we wait for the movie.

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Daikichi thought about it logically


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>good parts

Wait did I miss something? Are they already at the she wants his dick part?

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LN is already finished.

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Source user pls

>Getting this buttblasted at a joke

Damn I wish I had a gf(female)

I still can't understand how even on Yea Forums, a board full of perverts who love father/daughter incest, there's so much hate against that ending.

Because the father-daughter bond is pure shouldn't be corrupted.

Because theyre just redditors pretending.
Their core is someone disgusted at the thought of doing lewd stuff to anything below 18, unlike say me which faps daily to them

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There's nothing more pure and uncorrupted than a father's love for his daughter, in every possible way.

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You didn't get the memo?, 4channel is now a reddit subsidiary of normal faggotry and lefty true degeneracy

consummating love is not corruption

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having sex with your daughter or marrying a child, but I do think there’s something wrong with marrying your daughter. A father should raise his daughter into a good adult and let her into the world, he shouldn’t keep her forever. Rin should have been honest about her feelings from the start, instead of letting Daikichi view her as a daughter for all those years.

I think it's more that Usagi Drop baited a lot of normalfags. True Yea Forumsnons don't mind the ending.

The Usagi Drop live action

Yes but child rape is not the "consummation of love."

>Rin should have been honest about her feelings from the start, instead of letting Daikichi view her as a daughter for all those years.
At the very beginning of the show Daikichi asked Rin whether she wanted to call him her father and she refused, saying that he's not her father but just "Daikichi". She never saw him as her father. Not to mention that when she first met him she was already six years old.

It was a bait and switch.
Imagine if Yotsuba had the same ending.

>child rape

t. Woman who is projecting her disgusting fantasies onto a pure, loveable six year old

>there's so much hate against that ending
Yeah, on MAL and reddit. It was always loved here. Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawl out form.

Just look at this thread or any other time Usagi Drop is mentioned here.

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when did anyone mention children? Rin was legal when she fucks daikichi. And spoilers all women are daughters, even the ones above the age of 18.

I know she didn’t view him as her father, but he definitely saw her as a daughter. But she didn’t care about his feelings, and basically took advantage of his love to transition from kid to housewife without having to leave the house.

And see what? The same three normalfags who get outraged and bring up the same arguments in every thread? Cry more.

But it always used to come up in any thread that mentioned bad endings.
If anything, people defending the ending seems relatively recent.

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That's what I mean. We're on Yea Forums but it feels like the normalfags who get outraged at that ending outnumber the anons who love daughterwives every time, it's silly. Maybe they're just the vocal minority, I don't know.

If Rin had a son do you think she would fuck him


Really great story until near the end.

pure love


>muh daddy daughter love story
Really sucks how Japan is obsessed with this trope. Also this story made me realize how shit all josei is

Yotsuba OTP is Yanda though.

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Seriously. Yea Forums eats up all sorts of degenerate hentai, but can't handle the concept of one form of love blooming into another.

Thats makes me happy... hoped we had some more lovely stuff and not simply get a sudden happy ending.

oh you can gtfo

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i wonder if shes naked under there

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A shitty timeskip. When will we get anime that's brave enough to get us proper grooming, i.e. fucking prime pussy.

You mean the only possible solution to the issue posed by the hobbit scholar.

Normalfaggots are scared of real love so they always try to paint it in bad light.
If you can do actually disgusting and degenerate stuff like homoshit or mutilating your penis, a little bit of incest between consenting adults shouldn't be a problem.

>I don't want to die from having too much sex, Dale
Made me diamonds.

Proper grooming is waiting until they are old enough to bond as a husband and wife, not daughter and father. Starting younger is actually very harmful to the girl (in a psychological, not physical way) unless some very strict conditions are met, primarily for the husband to be a person different from the caretaker. Seriously, man, don't get me started on the importance of the proper emotional separation of parent and child. You really don't want to have a girl with this sort of issues, no matter how cute it may look initially.

You mean consenting people

You mean they fuck like rabbits and marry part. Though the part where she gets kidnapped by her sister and Dale destroys other Demon Lords in a quest to get her back was pretty sweet too.

Yeah at least they could do what kodomo jinkan did and the girl being in same in aspect

I don't get it

Are we talking about fictional stories?

Get This is Yea Forums, anime girls don't get traumatised unless they want it.
I'm not too sure about IRL either, seems more like the stats are skewed because as it's illegal most honest and adjusted people keep away from it.

parenting done right

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the author

Yeah but we may as well approach characters' psychology somewhat realistically while we're at it.

The Eternal Summer has been going for a long time now.

There's no rape if she wants it, not even your bullshit made-up "statutory" rape since she was of age when they started fucking.

Background checks but other than that nothing much. It's called grooming and it's a huge problem.

That is dumb they are in total diferent settings.

>written by a woman

could I adopt a 14 y old
im not a pedo 14 is ok tho

I wonder what her father has to say

Why there is not wife adoption system yet?

There is, in the Middle East

Females are not human. Its ridiculous that grooming is illegal and for some reason frowned upon. Its fucking stupid how much power females have over man's society and they even have the fucking nerve to call us losers for not being able to get sex from THEM. Fuck this world, faggot homoshit is acceptable but apparently me doing what I need to do to procreate and not get cucked by natural selection is not.


Cute fetish, but she sadly isn't my type.

Stop being a faggot about it. Ascended individuals need nothing more than sadpanda to be happy.

>Really sucks how Japan is obsessed with this trope.


Either a severe case of shittaste or a confused and angry "strong womyn".

Yep, I'm thinking female authors are based.

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"Raising your own wife" is generally frowned upon in the developed word. They call it "grooming".

There better be impregnation in that ending.

Fuck off, we don't care about normalfaggots here.

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This but not really

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>Women are just lolis that expired.

This but and I'm not being facetious.

>"Raising your own wife" is generally frowned upon in the world currently killing itself with feminism.
Such smart people.

Man of culture

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Just finished it a couple of days ago.

Raising a child must be a balance between constant struggle and compromise but also the sweetness of see that child grow. Sadly, the anime focuses more on the later (the girl is a adorable but that's pretty much it, she's "the perfect daughter" so that doesn't leave much space to interesting situations), and the times it tries to deliver that struggle part it performs very blandly.

It is nothing above average. I wouldn't recommend it unless you just want something light to watch.


Lol fag


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Yep, I'm thinking female authors who write son-husband stuff are even more based.

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you're the degenerate here, there's nothing wrong with love

>Women are just lolis who got old
It all makes sense now.

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There used to be in europe and the US aswell. Until feminists and kikes took it away

Mentally ill

How is marrying a NBR girl you so happened to take care of degenerate? Women were made to fall in love with father figure types, thats why they write self insert stories about it

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So that is where women come from.

cunny :3

Did she implanted the memories in K knowing that they were her memories?

>Men in the first world actually believe this
Feminism really is a plague on modern civilization

Thankfully the japs dont listen too much to the west anymore

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You're unironically right
However, it's not grooming if the child comes to that conclusion naturally with no provocation, continues settling on it for her entire adolescent life, and by the time she's an adult has decided on it for sure.
Otherwise we really should forbid adults from raising children of the opposite sex entirely.

ahh finally a wisdom among shit post.


She did, although I don't think she knew in whose head they were gonna end up in. The fact that it was a Bladerunner (like her father) that got them was probably the best thing that could happen for her since that meant that he'd have the resources to investigate things and find out the true meaning of those memories (her willingness to fight for what's hers, her bond to her parent(s) and her desire to be reunited with them/him). The whole movie is pretty much K switching from being proxy of an oppressive world, of Wallace, to being her proxy, or rather her Knight, since he does end up choosing, by his own free will, to fulfil her wish in the end.

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Japs are turbo-cucked by the West now more than ever though. They're only going to suck Western dick more as China gobbles up more economies too.

Lurk more, faggot.

a good show

Nice argument up boated my redditor friendo totally changed my mind bro

>tfw I will never be range buddies with Sam
I'm not "offended" by the age gap or any such thing. It was just such a sharp dramatic turn out of seemingly nowhere that felt like a twist for the sake of having a twist. I'll even go as far as to recommend her SoL about the family with two small children though it certainly doesn't reach the same level as the pre-timeskip Usagi or another artist's work like Beard Gorilla

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I don't think the author is trying to shock the audience. I think she probably had this ending in mind, but just failed to convey it along the way.

absolutely based god

>durrr if it's degenerate it's good!
It's shit, it was garbage, i don't care about the father fucking the loli but raising her as a his child with a wholesome story and then ending the way it ends it's just stupid and mediocre, if you only like it for the sake of not being called a normalfag then off yourself.

Lmaooooo r/inceltears

absolutely based chad dad husband boyfriend

>it's just stupid and mediocre
Having shit taste is equally as bad as being a moral high horse ranting normalfag

all worth seeing kouki get cucked

marrying your adopted daughter is wholesome, you're just a spooked faggot

>I don't think the author is trying to shock the audience.
Not necessarily what I assumed either so much as just trying to avoid doing a hack ending. Though to her credit it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the twists in Otaku no Musume-san. If it's what you assume I would still put that as a flaw on the writer's part which could certainly be looked over as it's art, but in that case it's all subjective and therefore we're all both correct and yet incorrect simultaneously. Therefore we ultimately find ourselves at pic related why are you flanking me?

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This show was cute

Adding a twist out of nowhere that changes the complete setup of the story like that is the equal of having an NTR/rape ending out of nowhere, just mediocre and stupid writting, only praised by people who thinks that the more unethical the better because "durr nomalfags".


A pussy director changing the ending.


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*super likes*

The anime is better than the Manga - not because of the "shock value" "Schlick" material, but because the Anime ends where the natural conclusion should have ended in the Manga aswell.
I read the Manga and setting aside the obtuse direction it takes (it was written by a woman and if you read into that you will understand what to expect) - but even setting aside the later themes and content... it drags and is wholly unoriginal and boring beyond the "normie shock value". Koi KaZE does a "better job" telling a "flowers in the attic story."
The Anime is a comfy slice of life story.
The Manga is a comfy slice of life story that leads into a woman's erotica fiction that's poorly constructed and paced.
Want best of all worlds with a slathering of fucked up?
Watch Usagi Drop. Don't bother with the Manga. Then watch Koi Kaze which is a "better" version of what the manga's ending was trying to achieve.
I really don't give a shit about the left turn the Manga takes but beyond the portions beyond the anime are really sub-par and boring really. Unless you like reading female written "young adult" and "teen" angst. It's the literary version of easedropping on uninteresting teen girls squeel at each other over the phone/at a slumber party.

Is she low key pimping her daughter out to old men?

That is so many levels of gross. Little girls are for raising and doting not fucking.

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>low key

captures my feelings on it perfectly, especially the manga's pacing after the time-skip.

I agree that the author did not try to shock the audience, and, the author does hint at Rin's feelings. One notable example is when Daikichi asks whether or not Rin wants to refer to him as her father (or something to that effect), and Rin declines because she wants to think of Daikichi as "Daikichi".

The theme was also muddled by the unnecessary decision to introduce and subvert romantic expectations" like Rin's mother, the single mom, and the son are all less satisfying that a straight-forward, wholesome story about the lives of single parents.

Do people fall for these baits by police?

> tfw no Usagi Drop sequel with a MILF Rin and a grizzled old Daikichi raising their kid.

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I wish I knew you in person we’d be the best if friends.

Pls delete it i dont want be on reddit

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To the moralfags around here, before you criticize this manga go critize your own moralfag standards first. If what this Mangaka did was wrong on all levels then two man banging each other in name of "love" is morally also not acceptable. You people their moral standards are being derived from what society deems to be moral. Something you get indoctrinated from a young age. So keep your morals before you criticize someone else using those same messed up moral standards.

As for the manga, the mangakaka is indeed a woman, a woman wrote it and developed it and not a man. So before you staty spouting nonsense about a sick man made this up. Sorry to dissapoint you.

As for the story enlarge it was a nice read, me myself I'm also not into this stuff nor do I accept such devolpment but where the story was going. I didnt see room for Rin to just marry someone else other than the main character. Besides Rin from a young age told the MC to not change her surname. She then hinted already to such a devolpment.

too late

The anime is excellent. The manga really takes a shit on it by introducing more drama and going for a visual novel tier ending. It was still okay, I personally just think it took a shit on the first part.

90% of my sadpanda favourites is incest and/or loli and the ending was shit.

Ye... i need more uchimusume, that one was pure beauty

Based fbibait

Kore wa Koi is also a story of a guy trying to be a dad to a little girl who doesn't see him that way.

It's shoujoshit though so read at your own risk. I liked it enough to brace through some shitty cliches.

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That's people who have a less than normal affection for their mother you moron it's an Electra complex.

My mind is opened. Thank you based half satan

You're only interpreting it like that because you are actually a normalfag, it doesn't change the setup of the story.

It's easier for them to hook up with single mothers. That's how most of the pedoshit happens.

If that's true, then why are women so shit?

God, she was hot.