What is their couple name or what should it be?

What is their couple name or what should it be?

Yukka? Rita?
Takabiki, Hibirada?

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Stop baiting him


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Imagine the braps.

Yuta doesn't need bait, he already has the king prize

Shoot! I forgot the popcorn

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Rikka's appeal cannot compete with Rikka at all but in fanart

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This post is off-topic. Please stay on-topic or dont bother posting.

Your thread is off topic, as it has nothing to do with anime or manga. Your shipping cancer based on nothing but your personal fetishes and shitposting is not about anything to do with this board.
Even more so because you're clearly just trying to "bait" and harass people.

Op choking on yuuta dick

Fuck off with this crack you autistic het tard.

What does rikka’s ass smells like?

Your other thread got deleted. So you make two more threads. Because you are that fucking insane.

And yes, it's obvious you. Because you REFUSE to accept you're not "baiting" anyone.

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I think Yuukka fits best

Pure bliss and motherhood, I'd fathom

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Imagine the acid farts.

I really can't help but wonder what the fuck went so wrong with your life that you ended up this way.

Reminder to ignore and report shitposters, as usual.

Sounds like a bad diet

You are the shitposter. You are the one posting off topic threads and blatantly trying to post things you think will harass and harm other people.

Zetton Alien Baltan!

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You aren't funny, smart, or "epic". Your are just a pathetic retard with no friends.

Perhaps I should've included a strawpoll

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>make one post in chome browser
>make one post in fire fox browser
>now the (you)s show up in different places

You cannot stop my Kaiju posting you rude person. Chaos Bug! Fujitsubons! Varricane!

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Sure is funny how you're bumping a blatantly obvious shitposting thread.
If you actually liked the series you wouldn't be doing that.

Why was she so jealous after all?

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Why did you end up so fucking insane?

Praise the hobo kaiju, Yea Forums! Love the hobo kaiju above everything else!
Spam the hobo kaiju!
Don't even look at Rika, she's not worth your time... Tighs are temporary, but hobo kaiju girl is FOREVER!

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>if you liked the ultra series, you wouldn't talk about kaiju from the ultra series
That's a troubling lapse in reasoning you have there friend.

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I love her so much

Do not give shitposters any attention

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According to most human scripture, gods have tendency to have undesirable personality traits. Now it would be nice if more gods had giant fucking tits, that's one thing akane has going for her.

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fuck off heretic
shinjou shouldve given herself a flat loli body to filter out plebs

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