Let's have a nice thread to discuss the series and work on new content such as scans and translations.
Other urls found in this thread:
You just want to see the crack shipper and the crack ship hater fight in here, maybe one of them is you as well, stop making shitty threads like these just for the sake of drama, faggot
Speaking of which, how do you like the newest translated doujin by ArigieP? Some quality content from a guy who genuilely loves the best couple in the series.
How much for a night with Rikka
I watched teh first episode tehn it was airing and hyped, it was not interesting at all. Recently Yea Forums told me it is worth attention and it gets good from the 2th epiosde. I watched three episodesso far, it doesn't seem to be good (if you're not the leg fetishist).
Was I trolled? What is the value of this? then will it be interesting?
Me on the left
The ED is basically my favorite song atm tbqh
Yes, it sounds good, especially that "dakara" part
He is banned Jim
That's never stopped him before
Let's hope for the best
For me, it's Hassu
You haven't even watched the series. You're just spam bumping the thread to keep your shitposting alive.
What makes you think so?
oh man imagine the smell
!Akemi makes a shitposting thread. He replies to some post saying the thread should be deleted and saying that he'll make a new thread if it gets deleted.
When that thread does get deleted he makes two more threads. Exactly like he said he would.
That you bumped this clearly and blatantly obvious shitposting thread.
I feel so good knowing that I'll never be as mentally ill and deranged as you are.
Why are you lumping me in with !Akemi you blind faggot? Can't you bloody read?
I want these threads gone as much as you do, piss for brains idiot
>autistically posting an image in a clear shitposting thread
>will refuse to reply to anything said
I wonder who this could be.
Because you're saying it's only one person against the clearly insane shitposter.
No one shitposted in this thread before you, though
People wanted to have their civil discussion about Gridman but you are trying to ruin it out of nowhere
>d- durrr lol xddd bump 2 summon u lolol!!!
>not shitposting
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?
Who are you quoting?
Your post right here You will never be an "epic memer" or "troll". You will for ever be a lifeless pathetic retard.
Why are you trying to insult random people you don't know in the internet so hard?
>xd lol look at me play obtuse i epic troll u no figure me out lolol
Imagine your life being this pathetic.
Who are you quoting, again?
Stop bumping your garbage thread.
What makes you think this thread is garbage if you said in the previous thread it will be nice to have a thread for civil discussion and working on stuff such as translations and scans?
>you said
What makes this thread garbage is that you made it, Austin. And of course, how you think your passive aggressive behavior actually fools people.
What makes you think your imaginable friend made this thread? Any evidence?
Because you have very obvious and predictable behavior. Like you trying to pretend you don't exist.
Do you think OP is the only person who makes Gridman threads on Yea Forums?
No, you're the only person who makes Gridman threads directly after another massive shitposting thread was deleted.
You know, exactly like you said you would.
I just want to talk about Gridman, why is every thread this autism
Threads are like this because the mods have spend literally fucking years protecting an insane shitposter who openly tries to ruin threads and attack people. So know he thinks it's funny that he can break the rules and get away with anything he wants.
He got warnings and 1 day off topic bans for his massive spamming in the last thread. And he evaded those one day off topic bans to make these threads.
What makes you think the same person as OP said that, and why are you calling me OP?
Feel free to start the discussion right now
Because you have extremely obvious and autistic behavior. No one else in the world acts like you. This retardation and playing obtuse makes you stand out.
Wrong, it was not me.
why don't you try discussing gridman then instead of continually taking that dude's bait
Now we can have a discussion, anons
What do you want to talk about in particular?
There's nothing interesting to discuss about gridman besides Rikka's thick fat thighs
Why not to discuss Rikka's thighs then
That's Gridman in the ThighSSSS after all
I mean the fact that most of the OPs being a sexualised image of one of the girls' leg parts should have already conveyed to you how pleb tier this show actually is.
>this thread
Things never change huh? I feel bad for anyone on here who may have genuinely liked the show.
Threads can't change my love to this show
Tbh that shit is probably 90% of the draw of Gridman threads at this point. The other 10% is Rikka's ass and Akane's tits. And Yuuta crossdressing.
That’s cute as fuck
I know right. Best couple.
How did this ship start?
Audio drama number 3. Find it.
Also fatshaming scene on the beach
Interesting that it started from that one interaction. Either way the fan art is cute as fuck and I gotta go find more
There aren't much but you can look for @arigie_p on Twitter who are the biggest Hass x Utsumi shipper and @kuzumo_moz who are just a big Hass fag
Is it true that writers confirmed het otp and fahgets are seething now? Might actually give this show a try.
>Is it true that writers confirmed het otp and fahgets are seething now
Writers never confirmed anything het or otherwise. The main issue was a bunch of retards can't accept two girls as best friends let alone Akane and Rikka's complex relationship without trying to meme them into lesbians. Also Yuta's crush on Rikka is what kicks off the plot regardless. Whether she'll reciprocate that crush now that Gridman himself spelt it out for her is left up to the viewer.
Nothing is confirmed. Everything is left to imagination and each side tries to push their ships. Watch it anyway, the show is great but not about romance.
Why is everyone in Gridman threads a fucking schizophrenic?
Not me
Worst thing is the threads were good for the first 2 or 3 episodes.
I never get why you guys don't just ignore the autist and discuss anyway. Personally I just come here for the lewds and haven't watched the show (yet), but if you want genuine discussion start discussing.
Or just post more Rikka thighs, Akane tits or crossdressing Yuka, that's fine as well.
Yuta is so lucky.
I'm just waiting for my S2 with Anti
Official art. You can only choose one.
god, i want to cum on rikka so bad
right, the thighs get me everytime
Akane will always be my favourite.
Things went to shit after the swimsuit episode I believe. I also partially blame Trigger for the blatantly yuribait ED and animators like Kengo who is STILL milking the fuck out Rikka and Akane illustrations. A different studio should have handled Gridman.
>that dude's
>reeee durrrr u have 2 be baited durrrrr!!!!
And you wonder why everyone calls you out on samefagging.
You will never bait anyone. Because to bait someone, you have to tricking them into thinking your posts are genuine. You are not smart enough to do that.
Imagine being so legit psycho you actually talk to yourself for hours and hours on end. Making thousands and thousands of posts.
>you guys
>you anons
>etc etc
You are literally BEGGING people to think you're more than one person, and it makes you stand out so much.
Just more obvious tells who you are.
>is left up to the viewer
It's not. Considering she has no interesting in him. As the director flat out said.
>Yuta's crush on Rikka is what kicks off the plot regardless
Imagine being this retarded and trying this hard to "troll".
Not going to bother to respond to you directly since your post will be deleted as usual, but did you even watch the show? Yuta's crush on Rikka is what allowed Gridman to enter their world as Yuta "broke" the conditioning so to speak. And on the second point, it is up to the viewer. Gridman told Rikka Yuta has a crush on her and she blushed. We haven't seen the real Yuta and Rikka interact yet so it's not a stretch to say something may develop into a relationship when they do.
Jesus how can you delude yourself into thinking everyone you just replied to is the same person?
No delusion required. Literally every single one of your posts act exactly the same way. You refusing to address anything said to you while you try to passive aggressively "troll".
I really want you to explain why you think anyone at all should think you're more than one person given that outside these threads no one on the site acts like you.
>it is up to the viewer.
Wrong. Multiple staff members and the director all said she has no chance or interest in him. And of course, the last voice drama confirms that as well.
You're fighting a losing battle. No matter how hard you sperg out and seethe, this will not end. Not now, not ever. You will fuss over me for the rest of your pathetic life, but at the very least until this site goes down. I am enjoying every single second of it. You are wasting your life away and that brings me more joy than anything else ever could. You'd just need to stop replying. It's as easy as that. But we both know it isn't going to happen; you will continue playing along with my little charade; we both know you want to. You have nothing else.
Seriously, why can't you just stop being such a massive shithead?
How can I lose when your "win" is you making people mad. And you're so pathetic that that is literally impossible.
I literally couldn't lose even if I tried. Because I'd never get mad over someone as retarded and pathetic as you.
Tell me, why is it that everyone in other threads understand that easily edited screen shots are not proof of anything, but "everyone" in these threads refuses to accept that?
he won
I wield this mighty tool. I would never be so egregious to modify pure screenshots! Please hold this L.
Anyone got pic related in a good resolution ? Can't find it anywhere.
Epic thread, as always. Sorry for feeding into he schizo's delusions but it was fun.
WHat I like most about this art is how evident it makes that Rikka's thighs are something completely stupendous and worthy of veneration. Just compare them to the lame ass thighs that Akane has. Holy shit, they are amazing.
What's the main appeal of this picture?
hnnng the fluff
give me the damn lewds you bastards
It's your post. Stop being such a pathetic loser.
>xd lol if i play stupid that means i win
No, it actually means you lose even harder.
Prove you didn't edit the page's source code.
Prove you didn't post with two browsers open.
Prove you didn't post with both your phone and PC.
Prove you actually did just use the snip tool.
Oh wait, you can't do any of those things.
You're never "feeding" anything, Austin. Everyone can already tell who you are.
Lesbian of the year.
Do you think !Akemi actually believes he's "trolling" people. Or does he just say it because he knows he has to damage control and has nothing else to say.
Yuta is a girl?
Imagine being so legit psycho you actually talk to yourself for hours and hours on end. Making thousands and thousands of posts.
>you guys
>you anons
>etc etc
You are literally BEGGING people to think you're more than one person, and it makes you stand out so much.
Just more obvious tells who you are.
>is left up to the viewer
It's not. Considering she has no interesting in him. As the director flat out said.
>Yuta's crush on Rikka is what kicks off the plot regardless
Imagine being this retarded and trying this hard to "troll".
>that dude's
>reeee durrrr u have 2 be baited durrrrr!!!!
And you wonder why everyone calls you out on samefagging. You will never bait anyone. Because to bait someone, you have to tricking them into thinking your posts are genuine. You are not smart enough to do that.
Why do you reply to your own posts like this? You can't honestly think you're "trolling" by just acting retarded and having people mock you.
The shading's pretty good.
What the fuck? I just want my pic in a good size. I don't know what the fuck you faggots are on about.
Who is this faggot quoting?
all me
You are the one being quoted. What's being shown is your mental state.
>gets told he's not "feeding into paranoia"
>keeps trying to pretend he's "feeding into paranoia"
>REFUSES to accept otherwise and stop
I haven't seen this one before, it's unfortunate artists use twitter so much now that you have half the images and the other half is missing.
Who are you quoting?
Just use twitter too
Just use booru sites.
>xddd lol who r u quote lol????
Really, what the fuck is wrong with you?
too quiet...
Imagine waking up and thinking "Yeah, I think I'll go spend my whole day spamming posts in Gridman threads on Yea Forums trying to troll what I think is one person, god, i'm such an epic troll."
>posting quotes that exist only in your head
Imagine being so retarded the concept of paraphrasing confuses you.
>replying to things no one said
So you are basically speaking with yourself I see
Twitter is absolute dogshit
Most of them are even worse than twitter.
No, you did say them. Just through your actions and thoughts.
Well, enjoy your no Rikka fan arts then.
Is that all you like?? Nothing else in there that you're curious about?
There's a google drive folder that someone keeps updated and it has a lot fan art for the show.
Nice, I wish there was more Namiko. She's a real qtie.
pls user, you just had to post it. I was going nofap this evening.
Here is a new picture of her
Damn that's a very tiny amount of Hass/Namiko fanart. Not gonna lie, I have at least 20 times more.
So what happens in 12.12? Still waiting on subs.
>Hass and Namiko
>folder is mostly just Hass
Being a Namikofag is pure suffering.
rikka was always shit
Post the drama tracks.
Imagine waking up and thinking "Yeah, I think I'll go spend my whole day spamming posts in Gridman threads on Yea Forums trying to troll what I think is one person, god, i'm such an epic troll."
why would i want to imagine that?
>go away for a few hours
>come back and the thread has LESS posts than before
Gridman has the worst threads on Yea Forums.
built to ride faces
face sitting is the most cucked fetish ever, jesus christ
Madoka threads were like this til recently
I don't see why Hiro can't just range-block that one mobile network so he would either have to buy a new pass every time he got banned or not be able to ban evade at all. Either Hiro gets shittons of money or we get good Gridman threads again, there really are no losers.
he has tons of VPN addresses at his disposal, probably has multiple SIMs, it's useless, he will never stop trying to defeat his "enemy"
You know what's actually really funny? How you've spent YEARS trying to claim that "ack" is the problem. And never EVEN ONCE have you actually given a single reason why or how "he" is the problem, hell you've never even given proof "he" is real.
And for some reason, you think people will just ignore all your posts where you out right admit you're trying to ruin threads and harass people.
>And never EVEN ONCE have you actually given a single reason why or how "he" is the problem
funny because I have done that multiple times even before you started calling me akemi or austin but then you just say basically "no i'm right and ur wrong lol"
Nope, that's never once happened. You're literally making things up, !Akemi. And as always, it's extremely obvious who you are, as you refuse to a) not bump your subhuman shit threads, b) actually type your tripcode correctly like a normal tripcode.
And of course, you calling people names and saying "DURRR UR SHITPOST DURRR" doesn't mean you're actually giving reasons.
it has happened, multiple times, in fact
many people have explained to you the cycle of shitposting i.e. guy 1 says something retarded guy 2 gets extremely upset guy 1 keeps on doing it to get guy 2 upset over and over
you literally just have to ignore, hide or filter the bad posts instead of spamming replies to them, but to you that's somehow "autistic behavior" and it's better to keep ban evading and replying to every single post you think is made by the same person for hours on end
honestly I hope akemi succeeds in killing you of sleep deprivation at this point you pathetic nigger
if you 69 it's equally subservient
!Akemi is clearly ban evading
>mod bans the people telling him to stop ruining threads
>doesn't touch the blatant off topic garbage by !Akemi
It's disgusting how bad Troid is.
Imagine how retarded you have to be to think that an excuse for your bad behavior is people telling you to stop. You CAN NOT blame other people for your own behavior, you fucking retard.
>someone goes to steal money from a store
>someone in the store tells him to stop stealing
>the thief murders the person who tells him to stop
>thief: b- but officer, he told to stop stealing, so it's his fault i killed him!
This is how fucking retarded you are. You are literally trying to say that you should be allowed to shitpost as much as you want and no one should be able to say anything to you about it.
>you literally just have to ignore, hide or filter the bad posts
You literally just have to stop making shitposting. You're the only fucking person in the world who acts this way. Go any other thread and tell off a shitposter, and this would never happen.
Hey, here's an idea. YOU ignore the fact you're told off for shitposting and stop replying to every post that tells you to fuck off.
>still refusing to type your tripcode correctly
And you wonder why people are so easily able to tell who you are.
>all those lines
yep not gonna read any of that
Imagine waking up and thinking "Yeah, I think I'll go spend my whole day spamming posts in Gridman threads on Yea Forums trying to troll what I think is one person, god, i'm such an epic troll."
>an abnormal condition of the mind that results in difficulties determining what is real and what is not.
!Akemi thinks "ack" is real when he has literally no proof supporting this idea.
>Other symptoms may include incoherent speech and behavior that is inappropriate for the situation
!Akemi makes up words, and constantly has inappropriate behavior for the situation. e.g. Constantly talking about "ack" in places where it doesn't belong and trying to attack people on a board that's meant for talking about anime.
>Delusions are strong beliefs against the reality or held despite contradictory evidence
!Akemi has been given waves of proof he's not "triggering" anyone and that "ack" is not real. He accepts none of it.
>Other delusions include delusions of reference (beliefs that a particular stimulus has a special meaning that is directed at the holder of belief)
!Akemi believe that the stimulus "someone is tell me off for shitposting means they are ack" when in reality telling off shitposters is the norm.
>grandiose delusions (delusions that a person has a special power or importance), thought broadcasting (the belief that one's thoughts are audible)
!Akemi believes he has magical powers to "trigger" people and that no matter what nothing can change this.
Why do people have to ignore you? Why can't you ignore the fact people are telling you off for shitting up threads? Why do you have to shit up threads because you're told off?
hey man I've tried ignoring you but you are relentless the only option is to wait until you drop dead
Yes yuuta likes big Grid dick
>double selfcest
Can someone refresh my memory please?
What does "replying" mean again?
No, you acting in a passive aggressive way and not back linking posts, but indirectly replying by post something you think will "trigger" people is not ignoring it. Again, that's acting passive aggressive.
You also didn't even address the actual point, you retard.
Your screeching "durr just ignore it!!!!". Yet you REFUSE to apply that same thing to yourself. Why not tell the "other people" who are ruining the thread to ignore how they are told off?
Oh right, because you're a pathetic retard obsessed with having the last word, because it's the only "victory" you can get in your life.
>tfw didn't read
>tfw not gonna read
>tfw he's gonna reply yet another time
Replying means "to do something in reaction to something else.
So, in your case. You're replying to posts that tell you to fuck off by posting things you think will "trigger" the people who tell you to fuck off.
Your replying in a passive aggressive way. Which means you are replying indirectly in a way you think will harm people. In an attempt to subvert what you're actually doing.
Thanks for always making it so obvious who you are.
You get totally fucking destroyed and everything you say proven wrong. And then you go "durrr xddd lol didn't reeed i EPIC WIN!".
Let's hear it from Rikka shall we?
yeah you win mate I will just leave this image here to congratulate you
What's it like getting blown the fuck out so badly your brain literally starts shitting itself?
You literally can't win anything, so you have to block out reality and try to change the definition of words.
>Replying means "to do something in reaction to something else.
no it doesn't
Does it suck knowing that no matter how hard you try you'll never be able to "trigger" anyone? You wastes years world of your life for zero personal gain.
Kill yourself ACK (ban-evading spammer (Crack-kun))
I mean I've only been doing this for two months, the other akemis have been at it for far longer, it's easy fun in my free time
Okay, for one. Even that definition is what you are doing. "Saying" doesn't mean "speaking" you fucking retard.
>A response in the form of a gesture, action, or expression.
You posting crack images to try and "trigger" people in response to them replying to you is you making a gesture and action.
Please stop being so fucking suhuman levels of retarded.
No, you haven't been doing it for 2 months, you've been doing this for six years. You're the only person who ever does this. There are no "akemis", there's just you.
Sure is strange how "everyone" in gridman threads has a problem with telling off a retard who's tying to ruin threads with 'shipping wars'.
Why are Gridman threads so unique like that? Oh wait, it's just you trying to pretend you're everyone.
Yeah, getting wished to death would be karmic for that faggot.
you are the only person i've ever encountered online that i hope gets killed.
But how do you know that he is posting crack to trigger you if he doesn't say it? i think that is an interpretation of yours because you have indeed been triggered.
See how easy it's to outsmart you?
>gets blown the fuck out by even his own citation
>xddd lol if i post me epic reaction image that meens i win lolo.o.lolololol!!!!!
Imagine your life being this pathetic.
He won tho, you keep replying to him and you seem to be seething hard, always chasing him and fallin for his baits.
Are you going to spend your entire life like this?
What exactly attracted ACK to sperg in the Gridman threads of all threads?
>calls out !akemi for trolling threads
>takes the troll bait anyway
It takes talent to be this stupid.
>Go to any thread outside of your usual and no one at all will act like that
Factually wrong by the way, off the top of my head BnHA threads have a constant Miriofag vs. everyone standoffs.
For me, it's Namiko
s/u/pposed st/u/ff
why do you keep taking the bait lol
>you don't say that's what you're trying to do is every single one of your posts that people can't tell what you're actually doing
You see it can't be a bait without someone who falls for the bait, if the person doesn't interprate something as "bait" the bait doesn't exist because it's simply not bait.
a "bait" is created when you know someone will have a reaction to it, "bait" is a total subjective interpretation by the person who falls for it.
You percive !Akemi's post as bait because you indeed have a reaction to them, it triggers you and you can't resist to fall for them.
If i see !Akemi's post i won't take them as bait because it doesn't have a reaction to me.
All im saying is that you have been inded outsmarted again.
Nobody knows?
Try 5+ years. This is how long this autism has been rampaging despite of his claim of being oldfag.
How will ACK ever recover?
This is the fun in and of itself. It doesn't matter if !Akemi is real, it doesn't matter if ACK is real either. As long as there's a side vs side battle going on, people will come for the kick of it. Notice how these threads are almost daily with no substance to run on, while the shows like DiFT, which had much more discussion during its runtime, are now reduced to random monthly ones.
you keep replying in exactly the way they're manipulating you into doing so.
It's been half a century lad, there is a reason why you don't see Madoka threads.
I don't even watch Gridman but I'm here in these threads to enjoy the shitshow.
You know I can remember how these threads were before he struck. Someone made charts of all the Transformers SG character references. People were talking about old gridman and connecting to some other Toku. Now it's just this.
Quality over quantity, Gridman threads aren't even about Gridman anymore.
>you're intentions
That doesn't work.
It can't be helped. He is a good person.
>you're intentions
Yikes, i know you are triggered but at least calm down before writting shit like this.
>mocks someone's english
>doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're"
>"you're not manipulating anyone"
>responds yet again in exactly the way as he is being manipulated into doing so
Guys, hear me out for a second.
the absolute madlad
ACK got BTFO, humillated and outsmarted once again.
actually based
any drawfags around?
Am i the only one who didn't even watch the show? lmao
he really is weak minded and piss easy to string along.
Did somebody said HomuRika?
Homu doesn't deserve that butt.
oh fuck the posts are getting deleted
brace yourselves
Nope. I'm just here for the girl with fat thighs.
I just actually wanna talk about Gridman, guys...
>make a friend
>make her more beautiful and sexy than you
Akane did one thing right
wasn't there a pic of Rikka farting?
Gridman season 2 when?
Akane on my dick, Rikka on my face.
I wonder everyday how Yuta managed to win this woman as wife.
Such a fine, cute girl. Then there’s Akane
Why don't you follow the rules and stop ban evading?
>look mom, i did it again
Trigger or to be more specific faggots that want to make studiowars a thing because consolewars just isn't enough for them. It's a shame because I actually really liked this one, but that's just how it is.
>you NEVER actually say how "ack" is the problem
do you just selectively block what people say when it goes against your own ideas and views?
remember when this guy accused multiple people with 2000+ post histories on kiwifarms of being !akemi?
that's the level of delusion we're dealing with here.
>ack is the problem
Because you massive quote and derail the thread maybe? I mean you have been banned right now for that so yeah, you are the problem.
>accused multiple people with 2000+ post histories on kiwifarms of being !akemi?
What? This is first I've heard of it. He's on Kiwifarms?
This guy is so far gone that I'm not entirely sure all of this isn't an elaborate ruse by someone who wanted to create a shitpost bot and succeeded magnificently.
it's a long thread but well worth reading
Not a single one of you knows what 12.12 is about?
all me
You've made 2000+ posts all by yourself, here on Yea Forums, in the last couple fucking days.
How is it even sort of weird or outlandish to think you'd do the same on other sites where you are trying to build fake personas to give your samefagging credibility.
no all me
Okay if you don't like the moderation why don't you move to another place? it's been years already, the mods aren't going to change.
You are the problem here.
You are not "feeding paranoia" people can figure out who you are all by themselves.
All US
Ummm if you (me) would learn anything from all those people who have been telling us (me) off you'd realize "us" and "we" are retarded words that only we (I) use
Maybe he would if he wasn't banned on literally every other site already.
Seriously, seek medical help.
But if he moves, then he would admit that akemi won and he can't have that. After all akemi is devil as shown in the movie.
>Imagine changing your IP thousands of times just to shitpost like an autistic retard
the irony of this never gets old
>Because this is the place with actual posters
Apparently not. According to your own logic it's just you and Akemi here.
So how does this work? A show's thread is toxic ground forever, or just till he gets his jollies off on the next darling then decent threads can happen for the busted old bitch again?
So when is he going to kill himself? There's no way someone this delusional is living a good life
all me
>A show's thread is toxic ground forever
Yes, just like Symphogear and Madoka, among others.
Today I will remind them
never, probably
he lives on mommy's and daddy's big money, he can keep himself on the internet forever without worrying if the neetbux will ever run out
Why would you bump this clusterfuck of a thread? Regardless it's pretty evident we can't have Gridman threads on Yea Forums anymore, at least not for a few years.
How is it not obvious as fuck why he bumped this thread? Because he's !Akemi, and he wanted to make sure his shitpost stays active on the board longer. He has literally nothing else in his life, so he needs to obsess over these threads.
Imagine waking up and thinking "Yeah, I think I'll go spend my whole day spamming posts in Gridman threads on Yea Forums trying to troll what I think is one person, god, i'm such an epic troll."
To be honest maybe someone should just Dox the two and see if we can get them to confront each other IRL.
That would require one of them to go outside first.
Imagine being this fucking pathetically desperate to keep your shit thread alive because you literally have nothing else in your life.
Go to sleep
Has your father ever told you he wished he pulled out?
All me.
Hot Take
Fact: without Rikka and Akane gridman will definitely flop
Fact: all other characters besides Rikka and Akane were irrelevant, and you can literally remove them, and nothing will change whatsoever
Fact: people will soon forget the lame toku, but they will always still remember Rikka and Akane
Fact: Gridman sold well IN SPITE the fact that it was a toku anime
Fact: Toku was fucking garbage
Nope, because I'm not a massive fucking failure like you. I don't spend literally every waking second of my life on Yea Forums trying to harass people because they told me I have bad taste.
And really, how do you cope with your life being this fucking insanely bad?
this entire thread and no best girl.
You are failure who wasted years for shitposting on anonymous board about chinese cartoon. Only thing you are good at is ban evading.
This was a really good scene
Nope, you're the only shitposter here.
Telling you to stop spamming and ruining threads is not shitposting. All you are doing is trying to false flag and slander people. Because for some reason you think you can confuse people, and that you're not extremely easy to read.
Imagine how retarded you have to be to think that an excuse for your bad behavior is people telling you to stop. You CAN NOT blame other people for your own behavior, you fucking retard.
>someone goes to steal money from a store
>someone in the store tells him to stop stealing
>the thief murders the person who tells him to stop
>thief: b- but officer, he told to stop stealing, so it's his fault i killed him!
This is how fucking retarded you are. You are literally trying to say that you should be allowed to shitpost as much as you want and no one should be able to say anything to you about it.
>you literally just have to ignore, hide or filter the bad posts
You literally just have to stop making shitposting. You're the only fucking person in the world who acts this way. Go any other thread and tell off a shitposter, and this would never happen.
Hey, here's an idea. YOU ignore the fact you're told off for shitposting and stop replying to every post that tells you to fuck off.
>still refusing to type your tripcode correctly
And you wonder why people are so easily able to tell who you are.
You're like what, 30-35 now? Just and old tumblr whale with absolutely nothing going on in his life.
Seriously what exactly do you think you have in life? Defending the honour of fictional lesbians on the internet?
You act like a bigshot, but you're fucking here everyday from sunrise to sundown.
You are a failure of a human being.
>if I present my baseless guesses as facts and never give proof for anything i say while constantly repeating myself maybe I'll look cool and epic over the internet!
>If I act stupid, perhaps I won't have to answer tough questions and have to face the reality of my fucked up life!
>tfw rikka will never smother you with her thicc thighs
Made me think of Gamaagoori
>Defending the honour of fictional lesbians on the internet?
How have you been doing this for six fucking years and you still don't even understand the basic argument against.
This has nothing to do with "Defending the honour of fictional lesbians". It has to do with you spamming and ruining threads. If anything, it's "defending" threads, because you making threads means everyone in the fan base loses out on new content.
The worst part about all of this is how literally fucking autistic you are and how you get scared by people talking to you, leading you to act worse and worse.
You didn't pose any real questions, you subhuman. All you did was present baseless conjecture with literally zero proof. Why should any humor garbage like that.
Feels bad.
>ruining threads
You are the one who ruin threads, that's why you get banned in every forum.
See how no one sides with you and tells you "Good job ACK"? Because you bother everyone, no one wants you around here, accept reality and fuck off already
>You didn't pose any real questions, you subhuman
I did, retard, read again.
>Seriously what exactly do you think you have in life?
A career? Friends? Anything?
What do you have in life?
Just checking to see this thread for a sec. Ah, I see he's still going. Well, I'm off to do something we humans call sleep. I can't imagine anyone spending an entire day in a thread evading bans and accusing everyone of being some literally who tripfag. That would be crazy, huh?
God, I love her.
That expressionless face does so much
Very cute
>I did, retard, read again.
Just because you say they are doesn't mean they actually are. You have no basses for anything you're saying.
>accusing everyone
Nope. Just calling you out. Why would "everyone" act like you and be so fucking consumed with trying to "troll" "someone" who does something as normal as tell off a shitposter?
>You are the one who ruin threads
See In SIX YEARS you have never once actually named a single thing that supports your claim that "ack" is the problem.
>Just checking to see this thread for a sec
Imagine being so fucking retarded you think saying this will trick people into thinking you haven't been in the thread constantly and all along.
Prove you are "just checking in". Oh wait, you can't.
>I don't spend literally every waking second of my life on Yea Forums
>in every forum.
Why do you keep saying this?
Being against crack has been banned in two(three) places. Yea Forums and Dynasty scans because of Troid, and how he's the reason it's banned in both. exhentai, because the site is run by a mentally deranged pony fucker.
Get a room faggots
You really, really need medical help.
Aaaaaand he dodges the question again! Masterful.
It's funny how you're so quick to slander others, but so hush hush about what exactly makes you so special.
Why is that?
You don't have to reveal your employer, I'm just wondering what do you do for a living?
No, it's not "dodging". You're asking questions that don't deserve or need an answer because they are baseless.
Why are you so fucking autistic. Like, literally. You copy and parrot what people say to you and about you all the time.
Why can't you copy acting correctly?
> "ack" is the problem.
You get banned like 10 times a day maybe because you derail threads?
Why don't you look at the archive of the threads you go in? see how normal they are and how you derail them every time you start mass replying everyone, that's why you get banned.
You get banned because YOU are the problem.
Getting banned does not mean breaking the rules, you fucking idiot. Why do you keep saying this?
The rules are "enforced" by human beings (barely), and they can choose to delete the posts and ban someone who is not breaking the rules.
Just because the mod is bigoted and biased doesn't mean the person they are banning is actually breaking the rules.
>You get banned because YOU are the problem.
No, I get banned because Troid is shipping cancer himself, and he doesn't want people to rail against what he personally likes.
You are objectively breaking the rules and you even admit you're trying to derail and ruin threads. Then you pretend you're not when you're trying to slander "ack".
>mass replying everyone
Why do you get so upset at the "mass reply". People have been doing that against you for years. And just in the past month you've started screeching about it.
It's not everyone. It's literally just your posts.
And you are "mass posting" which is the actual problem.
I wish mods would just sticky this thread and leave it stickied until he fucking leaves forever from fatigue.
How is the question "What do you do for a living?" baseless?
What's wrong with the word "slander"?
>xdd lol if u reply 2 me when i just post image that make u look bad and u reply to everyone lol
You are acting in a passive aggressive way. It makes you stand out.
I wish you'd finally kill yourself that way you would stop ruining threads.
>How is the question "What do you do for a living?" baseless?
Because you can't give an actual fucking answer, you retard. Stop trying to pretend it's normal to just give your word as proof over the internet.
>What's wrong with the word "slander"?
That you are copying it from what people say you are trying to do. Now you are claiming that people are trying to slander you.
>gridman thread
>ctrl f "(dead)"
Imagine being so pathetic you have to reply to yourself like this in order to cope with your awful life.
Yes you are breaking the rules you fucking insane idiot, you are ban evading and posting off topic garbage mass replying to everyone, this is why your comments are deleted and why you get banned.
NO ONE tolerates your shit neither sides with you in your fight with "!Akemi".
There isn't a rule that says "shipping characters is forbidden", so if you don't like how things are you should fuck off.
What's good about Gridman other than the girl with the thighs?
Which dead thing you are looking for
>Because you can't give an actual fucking answer, you retard.
Why not? What do you do for a living? Can you even lie?
Girl with the mask
Girl with glasses and big boobs
Girl with a penis
every time
what a cute boy
Homura x Rikka
>still no Akane breastfeeding doujinshi
consider the following:
Rikka wrapping her thicc thighs around Homura's face
I miss those threads
Who is Homura
Seemed like a studio with some talent wasting it's time on a very generic IP.
This. I'm happy for the toku fans who probably got more enjoyment out of it though.
Same honestly
Also forgot to mention he's scared of fast threads and fast boards. That's why he sticks to /u/, /h/, /vg/ etc and avoids Yea Forums and other fast boards. He didn't even have the balls to go to a raildex thread.
Gridman was the series the creators asked fans not to lewd, right?
like asking a Mosquito to stop sucking blood.
is there anything new gonna happen to the show or is it over?
Homura x Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
>Every Gridman thread
They asked for doujins not to be published. It might've even been a legal thing. Random art was ok.
Official art
still, that's like asking a fish "Hey man, can you stop swimming?"
I'm glad that the Thundercrackerfag(s) are gone from Gridman threads
I want her to do Bob Ross ASMR videos.
Seek medical help.
Stop ban evading.
Cute friends
go to sleep user
Boy who has trouble with doors
What is a based Magireco poster doing here
Janitor, how do you not realize that !Akemi is never going to stop shitposting in this thread so long as it's possible to post in this thread. He's already bumped this thread from page ten multiple times.
Stop ban evading yourself, then. Seriously, what in the actual fuck is wrong with you and why do you care so much about "ack". You are a legit creepy as fucking stalker.
what if? just stay with me, what if these multiple different people? and not just one guy?
>more deleted posts than non-deleted posts
May our Lord Jesus have mercy upon these people.
no, to him it's just one person.
he's basically one of those people who believes they're being "Gangstalked"
Imagine being the most obnoxious cunt on Yea Forums and still think nobody can instantly recognise your posts.
That's kind of gay.
kumiko looked better with the ponytail
This is such a bad opinion.
That's the thing, it DOES NOT MATTER. Which is what makes it so obvious it's you, because it's what you OBSESS over. Even if every single one of those posts was made by a different person, it wouldn't matter. What matters is that all of those posts are shitposting and blatantly attempts at "trolling" and attacking people.
V nice show
Which one of you did this?
Namiko is a cute and goofy tomboy. I like her.
You did it. And then you linked it here because you want to pretend you "summoned" people.
>Even if every single one of those posts was made by a different person, it wouldn't matter.
>even if the whole thread was in agreement over what they want to post about, it's shitposting and trolling
>If the whole thread wanted to post CP, do you think they should be allowed to?
That's illegal, posting about couples you like is not and harms literally no one?
>mfw will never get rikka to ride my face
>whether the mod actually wants to enforce the rules or not is irrelevant to that.
So stop playing the armchair mod yourself and let them decide? Going by this thread, they don't agree with your views at all, thus all the deleted posts.
They wouldn't, there's a difference, whereas every gridman thread ends up with your posts deleted, so get a hint already.
Gonna cry? Maybe shit your pants?
>12 hours late
sue me
nice, thanks
Kumiko looks perfect in any hairstyle
and what if she had no hairstyle?
>And you objectively are.
You are the one breaking global rule 10 here, dude, and technically 6 but that's subjective.
Yes, going on long tirades quoting every post over and over again and reposting shit that was deleted is considered spamming/flooding.
Me breaking the rules doesn't mean you're not breaking the rules. Why are you so fucking retarded.
And this is clearly like no other situation. Because never before in the history of the site has you, a ban evading shitposter who admits he's trying to to ruin threads, got so much dedicated protection from the mod.
>every post
Not every post in the thread has been quoted, just yours. Why do you keep doing this? 90 posts in this thread are yours. There are a 200 posts in the thread. That's not EVERY post, it's just YOUR posts.
>considered spamming/flooding
Spamming would only be if the post wasn't deleted. Only one is ever active at a time.
Flooding is when you avoid the post timer and post multiple times in the same minute. That's what you do all the time.
Imagine waking up and thinking "Yeah, I think I'll go spend my whole day spamming posts in Gridman threads on Yea Forums trying to troll what I think is one person, god, i'm such an epic troll."
>Spamming would only be if the post wasn't deleted. Only one is ever active at a time.
And because you keep reposting shit that was deleted, it's considered spamming.
That's the thing, it DOES NOT MATTER. Which is what makes it so obvious it's you, because it's what you OBSESS over. Even if every single one of those posts was made by a different person, it wouldn't matter. What matters is that all of those posts are shitposting and blatantly attempts at "trolling" and attacking people.
Yes, you fucking brain dead redditor. Majority vote does not equal fact. If the whole thread wanted to post CP, do you think they should be allowed to? Fuck, why do you have be so retarded. Your sheer retardation has ruined these threads and many others.
It doesn't matter if they agree or not you fucking subhuman retard. Stop being so fucking stupid. God, I hate how low functioning your brain is. Please kill yourself.
I hate how everyone has to lose out on good threads because of how fucking brain dead levels of retarded you are.
If the mods chose to leave CP and dubs threads up, would that magically change the rules of this site?
It has nothing to do with what's illegal or not illegal, you stupid retarded fuck. The point of that example if to explain to you that "everyone wants to do it" doesn't mean "it should be allowed". Just because someone makes a dubs thread and everyone in it wants to post dubs shit, doesn't mean it should be allowed.
Your shipping cancer and shitposting is against the rules, whether the mod actually wants to enforce the rules or not is irrelevant to that.
It has nothing to do with what's illegal or not illegal, you stupid retarded fuck. The point of that example if to explain to you that "everyone wants to do it" doesn't mean "it should be allowed". Just because someone makes a dubs thread and everyone in it wants to post dubs shit, doesn't mean it should be allowed.
Your shipping cancer and shitposting is against the rules, whether the mod actually wants to enforce the rules or not is irrelevant to that.
Wrong. As always.
i am here for the fat thighs
>Wrong. As always.
But I'm right, that's why your posts are deleted, because they are considered spamming and of low quality.
Bout three fiddy
I love Rikka!
So since mods are not forced to enforce the rules as they are written, it means we can post all the shipping shit we want and acting as armchair mod is still disencouraged.
If you actually wanted to contribute, you'd just report and move on.
This isn't about what you CAN do, you fucking retard. How can you get confused and messed up so easily?
This is about who is objectively ruining threads. And of course, that's you. Just because the mod allows you to ruin threads and constantly cause problems doesn't mean you're not the one ruining threads.
>If you actually wanted to contribute, you'd just report and move on.
How retarded do you have to be to actually think this? How does doing something that will yield no results at all actually contribute?
You are so fucking obsessed trying to insist that you should just be allowed to shitpost and no one at all is allowed to say anything against you.
>that's why your posts are deleted
No, they are deleted because a mod has a personal grudge and vendetta against people he personally dislikes.
You can look at this thread alone and see that rules are not equally or fairly enforced.
I don't know why you keep trying to pretend the mods HAVE to enforce the rules as they are written. You're trying to pretend they are forced into doing so, when it's clear that's not the case, and you just look retarded as fuck.
Imagine waking up and thinking "Yeah, I think I'll go spend my whole day spamming posts in Gridman threads on Yea Forums trying to troll what I think is one person, god, i'm such an epic troll."
That's the thing, it DOES NOT MATTER. Which is what makes it so obvious it's you, because it's what you OBSESS over. Even if every single one of those posts was made by a different person, it wouldn't matter. What matters is that all of those posts are shitposting and blatantly attempts at "trolling" and attacking people.
Yes, you fucking brain dead redditor. Majority vote does not equal fact. If the whole thread wanted to post CP, do you think they should be allowed to? Fuck, why do you have be so retarded. Your sheer retardation has ruined these threads and many others.
It doesn't matter if they agree or not you fucking subhuman retard. Stop being so fucking stupid. God, I hate how low functioning your brain is. Please kill yourself.
I hate how everyone has to lose out on good threads because of how fucking brain dead levels of retarded you are.
If the mods chose to leave CP and dubs threads up, would that magically change the rules of this site?
It has nothing to do with what's illegal or not illegal, you stupid retarded fuck. The point of that example if to explain to you that "everyone wants to do it" doesn't mean "it should be allowed". Just because someone makes a dubs thread and everyone in it wants to post dubs shit, doesn't mean it should be allowed.
Your shipping cancer and shitposting is against the rules, whether the mod actually wants to enforce the rules or not is irrelevant to that.
It has nothing to do with what's illegal or not illegal, you stupid retarded fuck. The point of that example if to explain to you that "everyone wants to do it" doesn't mean "it should be allowed". Just because someone makes a dubs thread and everyone in it wants to post dubs shit, doesn't mean it should be allowed.
Your shipping cancer and shitposting is against the rules, whether the mod actually wants to enforce the rules or not is irrelevant to that.
Wrong. As always.
I seriously don't understand how your whole life can revolve around trying to "troll" with "shipping".
How did you get this fucked up?
You are replying to your own post. And whether other people agree with it or not, you're still objectively wrong.
I don't understand what you're so mad about.
>he replies 50 seconds after
That's kinda pathetic that you were still in the thread to see it that quickly, user
It wasn't even that bad, just extremely forgettable. I hadn't thought of it in months until I saw this thread.
>he replies almost one hour later
not even gonna bother copying your retarded post tbqh
You don't understand anything, like how you're not making anyone mad, because you're so genuinely fucking insane and autistic.
You literally can't function enough to read basic social cues.
He's been spamming in this thread shitposting for hours on end.
I don't get why some of you reply to trolls.
Just post Yuri. That's a much better use of your time.
>Yea Forums.org/rules
Name the number of the rule that goes against shipping.
I can name the rules you are breaking;
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (specially), 14 (probably).
girls loving girls is high quality posting.
Because yuri is boring as shit, mostly.
Akane and Rikka were best friends.
Off topic. Low quality.
And when you are posting them.
Ban evading, spamming, flooding, "trolling", flaming, breaking USA law.
>If the mods chose to leave CP and dubs threads up, would that magically change the rules of this site?
CP is against the USA law, that's what the report button USA breaking law is for, get a better example next time.
Don't be mad I called your creepy autism out
I'm not interested in yuri.
>Off topic. Low quality.
Why exactly?
Why did you reply to that post a second time, you've already been proven wrong. Just read that same fucking post.
And CP being against that law has nothing to do with the point. Like you were already told. The point is that what the mods do changes nothing about the rules of this site.
Why did they make her so breedable?
shipping characters does not mean, in any way, shape or form: off topic (when the characters are about the show or manga the thread is about), low quality (the global rule is explicit about what entails low quality), ban evading (i.e. what you're doing right now), spamming, flooding, trolling, flaming and most definitely not "breaking US law", unless you can point to me exactly under what law is character shipping illegal, you're full of shit
It's not off topic neither low quality to post a couple shipping in the thread of the series where it belongs, that's just a subjective appreciation of yours.
derailing the thread with mass replying is indeed against the rules as stated in Yea Forums.org/rules
You've had it explained to you many times before.
In this thread, too.
Based Abe knew how to motivate his people.
God, he's so lucky.
Uhg yeah because CP is clearly stated in Yea Forums.org/rules to be forbidden where as "Shipping" is not, and if you think that "shipping" is low quality or off topic let me tell you this:
Mods decide what is or not "low quality/off topic" since both terms are kinda subjective, so in conclusion as you stated mods let the shipping be in this thread therefore it's not considered "low quality/off topic"
Can it be more clear than this? I don't think so.
So cute!
Is Rikka's personality appealing?
You're the sole person derailing. Just calm down.
>Yup, and shipping is.
>Me ban evading doesn't mean you're not.
Acknowledging ban evading is grounds for a new ban.
>Because you are openly attempting to harass and attack people.
Only in the mind of a demented person can shipping be seen as anything but normal, much less attacking people.
Low quality/off topic is a subjective apreciation by the people that moderate this board, therefore if the mod allow "shipping" it is not Off topic, if you find it offtopic what you can do is just report it.
>Yup, and shipping is.
"it is low quality because i say so" is not "low quality" unless you are hiro or a moderator
>Me ban evading doesn't mean you're not.
i ate my ban yesterday and i have come back
>You didn't even try to refute these, you just put them on a list.
haven't been spamming, flooding, trolling or flaming
>YOU posting shipping shit is against the law.
won't even bother with this retarded shit, if you believe I am breaking laws go to the fucking FBI or interpol you pathetic fucking nigger retard
>all caps
>Your personal shipping fetishes have nothing to do with anime
Well it has to do with the show because the characters are in the anime and it's the anime thread therefore it has to do with the show. It's not what im saying, it's what the moderators consider to be "Offtopic" and the shipping it's not off topic, because it's anime.
I love Rikka!
>absolutely refusing to address any of the points presented
hey man don't go acting like your buddy !Akemi
jesus christ he is furious
See >Only in the mind of a demented person can shipping be seen as anything but normal
The fact you actually think this is sick.
And attack is based on your intentions. If you are intending to attack people, which you are, that's all that matters.
Such lovely friendship.
Are you Yuta?
I hope Yuta and Rikka get married and have lots of children.
Totally NOT gay.
Next time he shits another gridman thread just reply him with this, he can't refute it, he got completely btfo. All he can do is cope
lmao i can bet at least 80% of deleted posts in this thread are yours
I feel attacked by your posts and I think they are made with the intention of attacking people, so you are breaking US law. Happy now?
This thread is a reminder to just not engage with western anime fans.
The thread is about Gridman, not you.
Looks like friendship to me lad. Would be different if she were touching Akane somewhere more intimate.
> was already proven wrong.
No it wasn't, it would be off topic if the shipping was about other characters of other anime or something not related, but the shipping is about characters in the GRIDMAN show, so it's on topic and moderators allow it to be like that.
So, you like it or not, you are the only breaking the rules here.
Rikka and Yuta are very cute together.
I wish. I'd give anything to be able to enjoy Rikka's thighs.
The thread isn't about you. People can and will ship anything they like, no matter what you do.
You are calling people retarded and telling them to kill themselves, that in itself is an attack.
So sorry, you are breaking the law.
>please do not repost
What the fuck are you dooooooing user you're gonna get in trouble
Such grear, neverending friendship.
Oh shi
super cute
this is a crack ship, rikka is yuuta's gf
Nah. Those two are just friends.
*wiru wiru wiru* FBI OPEN UP
>the janitor is sitting in this thread, in person, looking at every new post that's made
>he isn't deleting any of !Akemi's posts even though he's ban evading
>he isn't deleting any posts that are off topic screening meta like this
>he is LITERALLY just sitting here deleting any "ack" post
It's actually genuinely sick.
>grear, neverending
Maybe if you weren't rushing so much and trying so hard to shit out a dozen posts a minute you wouldn't make so many mistakes.
Stating facts about what a sick and disgusting person you are is not harassing you, it's stating facts.
>People can and will ship anything they like
"Can" and "are right doe doing so" are not the same thing. You are shitting up and ruining threads. Like has been proven many times over.
I honestly can't help but wonder what the fuck went so wrong with your life that "trolling with shipping on Yea Forums" is what means more to you than anything else in the world.
Imagine waking up and thinking "Yeah, I think I'll go spend my whole day spamming posts in Gridman threads on Yea Forums trying to troll what I think is one person, god, i'm such an epic troll."
>You are shitting up and ruining threads. Like has been proven many times over.
Nope, you are the one, that's why you get banned and your comments deleted
Do you think if you just keep repeating the same retarded thing over and over it somehow becomes less wrong?
By your logic, the 100s of meta off topic posts you've make this thread aren't against the rules because the mod isn't deleting them.
lmao i just stopped to check the archive and this nigger has been at it for almost a whole day
>!Akemi is over 55% of this thread all by himself
Imagine how mad and upset you have to be to make that many posts.
Look at how you keep trying to pretend you're more than one person. You are literally enraged.
Yuta so lucky to have such a wonderful girlfriend. Akane must be very happy for her friend.
Try year, he's insane and autistic, as a matter of fact.
I like how you think adding "lmao" and "nigger" to your posts "changes your posting style" so that no one can tell who you are.
haven't been "trying" to change my posting style you pathetic nigger
Well if by off topic you refer to shipping pictures then that's not off topic, what it can be offtopic is the replies that people make to your comments thar are also off topic but that is because people are sick tired of you and your bullshit.
Again, shipping characters from a show in their respective thread is not off topic, wether you like it or not that's how things are and how will always going to be.
You are not the owner of this board, you are nothing here but a joke, so gtfo already.
I'm going to keep shipping Yuta and Rikka, because I just enjoy it.
>!Akemi gets absolutely fucking enraged by people shitting on ships that he likes.
Isn't that you? i mean you seem to be mad over someone shipping characters up to the point you have been 24hours straight watching this thread.
>enraged by people shitting on ships that he likes
isn't that literally you though?
i mean you even made this essay on shipping
Yup, as it should be, he is not the owner of the board and will never be, he will always be seething, not matter how much he tries.
Agreed on all counts. Regardless of what he shits out, I'll still enjoy the threads, shipping and Rikka lewd posts.
is the serb bro here?
Is that a present for Yuta?
Yuta should ditch Rikka. Hass is clearly the better girl.
What is Rikka's diet? i want fat thighs too
Nope, you are trying extremely hard to "change your posting style" because you want to pretend you're more than one person.
>shipping characters from a show in their respective thread is not off topic, wether you like it or not that's how things are and how will always going to be.
Nope. And you've had this statement proven wrong many times over. In this thread even.
>what it can be offtopic is the replies that people make
Your English is so fucking broken because you're trying so hard to spam.
And "durrr i no liek u so i allowed to make off topic post" is not a valid reply. That's like you saying you're allowed to break the rules because you don't like something.
It's just you.
Nope, you've never made anyone mad, !Akemi. And look at how many posts you're making. You wouldn't be making this many posts if you weren't mad. And you wouldn't be calling people mad if you weren't mad yourself.
No, many people are against you, because you do nothing but ruin everything you touch.
You failed to understand something simple, so someone explained it in great detail. You are so autistic you think rational arguments mean someone is mad.
You are literally autistic to the point were words scare and upset you.
You are replying to yourself, like you always do. Because you want INSANELY BAD to think you trick people into believing you're more than one person.
Why do you think you replying doesn't mean you're mad, but anyone who replies to you must be mad?
God, I want to know really badly.
squats and mugi
>You failed to understand something simple, so someone explained it in great detail
That's you tho.
You are not the owner of the board and never will, people will keep shipping while you keep seething. Deal with it.
A steady diet of Yuta's meat and milk special every day.
>!Akemi's average post word count in this thread is like 10 words or less
>he honestly thinks people will believe he's more than one person when he's always making posts that short
You repeating yourself doesn't make what you said not retarded.
You constantly calling people mad doesn't mean they are.
You saying you're "people" will never make you look like more than one person.
Yuta's dick
!Akemi will refuse to address the following because he knows it blows him the fuck out and totally ruins how much effort he's putting into trying to pretend he's more than one person.
By the way, funny stuff, before, when you fell asleep, as soon as you did, all three of your threads that you were spam bumping while shitposting in died at the same time.
Sure is funny how "everyone" is out to "troll" this "ack" person, yet oddly they all stopped posting at the exact same time.
Imagine changing your IP thousands of times just to shitpost like an autistic retard. By the way, funny stuff, before, when you fell asleep, as soon as you did, all three of your threads that you were spam bumping while shitposting in died at the same time. Sure is funny how "everyone" is out to "troll" this "ack" person, yet oddly they all stopped posting at the exact same time.
Imagine getting blown the fuck out this hard, and having all your efforts so easily exposed.
They must really love each other a lot to go at it everyday. Rikka is so lucky to have a boyfriend like Yuta.
>Yuta fucks this every night.
What did he mean by this
Every. Single. Night. Rikka gets pounded into ecstasy by Yuta. Such a strong romantic bond, how lucky of them.
can you teach me croatian plz
Yuta and Rikka are the best couple in the show.
Today a keyboard was broken and it wasn't precisely mine lmao
Grab that ass!
I'd never let go of it. She's made for non stop loving harassment.
proportions are fucked up in this one
jesus christ imagine fucking that thing
I'd still hit it.
Rikka looks great even when proportions are fucked.
Indeed she does. It's kind of incredible.
>ywn be yuta to be suffocated by her thighs
why even live
imagine the smell
Yuta is so fucking lucky holy shit, imagine waking up with those thick thighs straddling your head every morning.
I want to fuck her proportions.
She's the type of person to kick a tv when it isn't working so yes
What does Rikka smell like?
Imagine licking her legs after that haha
probably like yuta's semen
>pleb taste
Licking old wooden splinters and battery acid is a weird flex but ok
I watched the first 3 episodes, and so far it just seems like a really bad and incoherent show. I know it's Trigger and supposed to be silly and random shit, but it's not done well. I only was interested because of the girl, but even these thick thighs aren't quite enough to make me want to plug through something that seems so mediocre.
it gets better 11 episodes in or just skip to the hentai OVA
>!Akemi is literally spamming 100s of posts all by himself
>thinks he's "trolling" by ruining his own life
>REFUSES to accept he's not making anyone mad because this is literally all he has in his life
It's always so funny how !Akemi's posts slow down when he's not being replied to. That means he genuinely is upset he can't have "the last word". I care about having his safe space more than anything. He wants to be able to act badly on purpose, and have no one reply to him telling him that he acts badly.
And he acts worse when people reply to him, because he's trying to force them to accept his "durrr ignore more or ELSE it's yur fault the thread is bad! GIB ME MY SAFE SPAC!!!!"
Just watch, after this post he's going to spam "shipping" again. Because that's the only thing he has in his life.
He has blatantly conflicting bans on the public bans page. Meaning he's clearly evading. And yet he's allowed yo spam and attack people as much as he wants.
>posts slow down when he's not being replied to
take a hint
> I care about having his safe space more than anything
who's the pathetic loser again?
Those were literally your words Is your brain so fucked up from ban evading and spamming that you can't even remember what you type anymore?
>gridkek threads
That was just a auto correct fuck up.
Sorry, we don't all have dedicated mod protection while we ban evade. You get to do whatever you want.
That was clearly supposed to be "He cares about". It's the only thing that would make sense there.
See, the funny part is, even while fighting against the mod, his lackey janitor, and them spamming blocks and bans like crazy. People still type more than you and act more rational.
>!Akemi is literally spamming 100s of posts all by himself
>thinks he's "trolling" by ruining his own life
>REFUSES to accept he's not making anyone mad because this is literally all he has in his life
It's always so funny how !Akemi's posts slow down when he's not being replied to. That means he genuinely is upset he can't have "the last word". I care about having his safe space more than anything. He wants to be able to act badly on purpose, and have no one reply to him telling him that he acts badly.
And he acts worse when people reply to him, because he's trying to force them to accept his "durrr ignore more or ELSE it's yur fault the thread is bad! GIB ME MY SAFE SPAC!!!!"
Just watch, after this post he's going to spam "shipping" again. Because that's the only thing he has in his life.
I took the hint. I called you a pathetic retarded loser.
You don't actually think you're going to attack people into them giving you a safe space, do you? There's no way you're that retarded.
No, Austin. You're the one who cares about having a safe space. Everyone else just wants the rules enforced so there can be quality discussion and productive threads.
That's not having a safe space, that's using this board as intended.
Tell me, why did you suddenly start getting obsessed with "mass replies"? You've been getting told off like this for yours.
What's the actual joke here is that you're making so many posts all by yourself.
Blessed thread
Free if you're Akane, and 12,000 yen if you're a cute girl.
>xd lol look at me upboat myshitposting!
What about faceless bald men?
I would stick things in her mouth.
Where do I sign?
Someone please commission it.
Rikka's thick thighs are yummy.
She's literally asking for it.
God, your life is such a joke. I have no idea how you live with yourself.
You want so badly to think you're an "epic troll" and you "trigger" people. And you wanting it so bad makes you pathetic, thus unable to do it.
It's preferrable to look for a workout routine for it honestly. Strong thighs are better than literal flabby ones. Stay healthy (fem)user!
Literally just spamming short garbage posts because you see that no one at all is using your thread, and if it dies, then it proves it was just you posting all along.
The show itself was garbage, the only thing that mattered was Rikka and Akane
Japan, Trigger and their investor agree
>no blush whatsoever until called out
I wish I could have a present like this.
Came to post this, I was late
>Yuta fucks this every night.
And that's a good thing.
>Do what you must for we already won
maybe your taste is shit
>the most confident girl gets 0 fans
Why is that?
>slow posts for a long time
>suddenly "everyone" is spamming in the thread
Hmm. Yeah, nah. This is all just one person.
No, you did post it, because you are replying to your own post.
Is prototyping your show with Transformers figurines the galaxy brain way of creating an anime?
Every other character beside Rikka and Akane was pretty much nonexistent
Oh now I see.
i thought aoi yuuki is a shotacon
deep anal penetration
>replying to yourself
I only mad and upset people do this.
It's how they cope with being massive pathetic losers.
>!Akemi is literally spamming 100s of posts all by himself
>thinks he's "trolling" by ruining his own life
>REFUSES to accept he's not making anyone mad because this is literally all he has in his life
It's always so funny how !Akemi's posts slow down when he's not being replied to. That means he genuinely is upset he can't have "the last word". I care about having his safe space more than anything. He wants to be able to act badly on purpose, and have no one reply to him telling him that he acts badly.
And he acts worse when people reply to him, because he's trying to force them to accept his "durrr ignore more or ELSE it's yur fault the thread is bad! GIB ME MY SAFE SPAC!!!!"
Just watch, after this post he's going to spam "shipping" again. Because that's the only thing he has in his life.
I took the hint. I called you a pathetic retarded loser.
You don't actually think you're going to attack people into them giving you a safe space, do you? There's no way you're that retarded.
No, Austin. You're the one who cares about having a safe space. Everyone else just wants the rules enforced so there can be quality discussion and productive threads.
That's not having a safe space, that's using this board as intended.
Can you not quote me unless you have something lewd to say about Rikka, thanks
He has blatantly conflicting bans on the public bans page. Meaning he's clearly evading. And yet he's allowed yo spam and attack people as much as he wants.
Can you not post in threads unless you actually want to post something constructive?
Imagine changing your IP thousands of times just to shitpost like an autistic retard. By the way, funny stuff, before, when you fell asleep, as soon as you did, all three of your threads that you were spam bumping while shitposting in died at the same time. Sure is funny how "everyone" is out to "troll" this "ack" person, yet oddly they all stopped posting at the exact same time.
Imagine getting blown the fuck out this hard, and having all your efforts so easily exposed.
do you realize nobody actually gives a fuck about your quotewall spam shit?
Do you realize that no one actually wants you alive because you do literally nothing but ruin threads? Do you realize that no one gives a fuck about your 'shipping' or thinks you're funny?
And really, at this point, making those posts is just about setting you off, thus making it even more obvious to new people who come to these threads who you are. Because you get so upset by those posts, which is unheard of.
why do you still bother typing all that when you know i'm not gonna read any of it lol
Because you actually do read it. You just pretend you don't because you think it "triggers" people.
These threads are literally your whole life. So of course you read everything in them.
You more then likely reread your own posts to think yourself "lol xd im so epic!".
by the way watch as I ~degrade~ your precious characters
Must suck having literally your whole life ride on the ability to delude yourself into thinking you're an "epic troll".
It's pretty much over for you, !Akemi. Once you accept you're not making anyone mad, you're killing yourself. You won't be able to live.
say that to
Like you have already been told, !Akemi. Other people ban evading doesn't mean you're not ban evading.
And of course, you get banned for actually breaking the rules. The people who tell you off get banned because of Troid's personal grudge.
Literally who, stop replying to me already
now ignored
>xd lol if i play dumb maybe that will fool someone new who reads the thread
And as always, you "trigger" no one. People reply because you keep trying to attack them.
Anti is fun
>the virgin otp vs the chad multiship
having more pairs is more fun, i agree with you user. i could never understand the other side of this argument.
I welcome all ships from that series
When is the Yuta and Rikka date audio drama going to come out?
You seem to be pretty triggered, considering you have been unleashing your autism in this thread for hours and hours nonstop.
Who are you quoting?
You sound pretty mad to me.
You changing your IP after getting a 30d ban for ban evasion doesn't change you into a new person, even if your schizo brain makes you think so.
Getting banned by a My Little Pony mod who brags about using reddit for hours every single day, on his dating profile, and admits to having mental disorders, does not mean you are doing anything wrong.
I honestly don't understand why you think trying to appeal to the authority of a mentally ill retard helps you look "epic".
>xd lol *downboated*
>fuck yeah im epic lol!!!
You're a joke.
>!Akemi is literally spamming 100s of posts all by himself
>thinks he's "trolling" by ruining his own life
>REFUSES to accept he's not making anyone mad because this is literally all he has in his life
It's always so funny how !Akemi's posts slow down when he's not being replied to. That means he genuinely is upset he can't have "the last word". I care about having his safe space more than anything. He wants to be able to act badly on purpose, and have no one reply to him telling him that he acts badly.
And he acts worse when people reply to him, because he's trying to force them to accept his "durrr ignore more or ELSE it's yur fault the thread is bad! GIB ME MY SAFE SPAC!!!!"
Just watch, after this post he's going to spam "shipping" again. Because that's the only thing he has in his life.
I took the hint. I called you a pathetic retarded loser.
You don't actually think you're going to attack people into them giving you a safe space, do you? There's no way you're that retarded.
No, Austin. You're the one who cares about having a safe space. Everyone else just wants the rules enforced so there can be quality discussion and productive threads.
That's not having a safe space, that's using this board as intended.
He has blatantly conflicting bans on the public bans page. Meaning he's clearly evading. And yet he's allowed yo spam and attack people as much as he wants.
Imagine changing your IP thousands of times just to shitpost like an autistic retard. By the way, funny stuff, before, when you fell asleep, as soon as you did, all three of your threads that you were spam bumping while shitposting in died at the same time. Sure is funny how "everyone" is out to "troll" this "ack" person, yet oddly they all stopped posting at the exact same time.
Imagine getting blown the fuck out this hard, and having all your efforts so easily exposed.
Literally all me.
Does it suck knowing that you'll never be able to make anyone mad because you are so insanely pathetic?
Yes, Austin. Everyone knows all of those posts are yours. You're not "feeding into paranoia".
Just getting you to stay up all night to make me company is enough for me, I really have to thank you for being my only friend during these rough times
Does it suck knowing that this is literally your whole life?
Has he slept at all in these last 30 hours?
You'll never never have any friends. You're such vile and disgusting retard.
from what I can see in the archive for his thread he took a break at least 4 hours inbetween the first few posts, didn't bother checking further
Posting twice in the same minute by using your phone does not make you more than one person.
Must suck knowing that you're going to die alone and hated by everyone.
Too busy on the other thread? Must sucks not actually being multiple people.
What are you talking about? You're the one who's slowing down because you're trying to split your posting between this and the other thread you made.
look, me, stop trying to pretend to be multiple people faggot
It's actually funny how you think being hyperbolic will fool people.
What's the matter? Scared to actually address anything at all that's said to you because you know how bad your life is?
I really hope he won't bother the Carole & Tuesday threads with his shit
You are the problem. You will never make anyone think "ack" is the problem.
Like, just look at yourself. You make shitposts like this then try to pretend you're not the one ruining threads, and that the people who tell you to stop are the problem.
I was talking about !Akemi you dumbass faggot, C&T seems like a nice show and I hope he won't be there to do his usual shit like he does in Gridman threads.
Pretty hype for that show.
Wow, a rare Gridman thread with over 300 replies.
>see posts
Let me fix this thread
its too quiet...
I think Rikka has sexual appeal among you people
just guessing
can you share your filters? some of his posts still get through mine
How did Rikka go from wearing a modest skirt like this to what we got?
vox populi
Oh, well, be more clear then.
Explain to me what you think is so "funny" about someone linking all your posts? This is nothing new, yet you've become obsessed with it recently.
You are not actually filtering or hiding anything, you are just pretending to, to try and act like you're an "epic troll".
You are replying to your own post.
And as always, you will fool no one into think you're not the problem.
>!Akemi is literally spamming 100s of posts all by himself
>thinks he's "trolling" by ruining his own life
>REFUSES to accept he's not making anyone mad because this is literally all he has in his life
It's always so funny how !Akemi's posts slow down when he's not being replied to. That means he genuinely is upset he can't have "the last word". I care about having his safe space more than anything. He wants to be able to act badly on purpose, and have no one reply to him telling him that he acts badly.
And he acts worse when people reply to him, because he's trying to force them to accept his "durrr ignore more or ELSE it's yur fault the thread is bad! GIB ME MY SAFE SPAC!!!!"
Just watch, after this post he's going to spam "shipping" again. Because that's the only thing he has in his life.
I took the hint. I called you a pathetic retarded loser.
You don't actually think you're going to attack people into them giving you a safe space, do you? There's no way you're that retarded.
No, Austin. You're the one who cares about having a safe space. Everyone else just wants the rules enforced so there can be quality discussion and productive threads.
That's not having a safe space, that's using this board as intended.
Why do you have to ruin every gridman thread? Some people actually want to have a thread without you throwing a tantrum and replying to everyone. We get it, you dont like Rikka x Yuta. You don’t have to have a meltdown every time someone posts the ship or lewds of Rikka
>Oh, well, be more clear then.
If I have to be "more clear" then it looks like you're just as much of a problem as !Akemi, seeing how you took offense to my post that wasn't meant for you.
dat ass
Oh, okay, so I was right, that is your post, !Akemi. As usual, it's just your stupid false flagging.
>dont like
Explain to me why you even care about the emotions of strangers over the internet.
Explain to me why you come to a site about anime just to shitpost about people who post on the board.
>Why do you have to ruin every gridman thread?
You are the one who ruins threads. And everyone knows it. You try to pretend people can't see your posts where you out right admit you're attacking people and ruining threads on purpose. Notice how you will NEVER address this point. Do you really think that doesn't stand out?
>that post was somewhat disagreeable to me so that means you're !Akemi
Please read and try to understand what kind of creature you're dealing with.
Why is Soundwave so cute.
I like to imagine ack being similar to Terry Davis irl. Except Terry was smart.
!Akemis are glowing in the dark
So he's a legit schizophrenic yurifag? I suppose that explains the state of these threads then. Someone should tell him Gridman isn't a yuri show, so I'm not sure why he's so invested in this series in the first place.
>this thread
Why does she wear the mask?
Why don't you wear it?
She is a big girl
I like that terminology. Ride. Riding faces. Not just sitting on them. Riding. It's more dynamic, more imposing. It implies she's having fun with it. She enjoys the feeling of her buttcheeks enveloping someone's nose and mouth. She rides...
Is this girl made for breeding?
No, she's made for anal, exclusively.
What about intercural?
It's made for Yuta's cock
jesus christ i went to sleep and he kept going, hope he is dead
Yuta is such a lucky guy for having a girlfriend like Rikka.
this says more about you newfag
don't try too hard user
underrated post, the only gold in a sea of shit.
trust me I wasn't
Yuta is a lucky bastard
dayum, she thicc
My brother.
Did anyone redraw Transformer scenes with them? It seems like a missed opportunity.
I thank god every single day that I'm not as fucked and brain damaged as you are. Literally every single day of your life revolves around trying to harass what you think is a single person.
Look at how you are not only talking to yourself, but spam bumping your own thread from page ten over and over because you know literally no one in the world wants you around.
Sure is funny how a thread with over 100 "people" in it is falling to page ten.
>!Akemi is literally spamming 100s of posts all by himself
>thinks he's "trolling" by ruining his own life
>REFUSES to accept he's not making anyone mad because this is literally all he has in his life
It's always so funny how !Akemi's posts slow down when he's not being replied to. That means he genuinely is upset he can't have "the last word". I care about having his safe space more than anything. He wants to be able to act badly on purpose, and have no one reply to him telling him that he acts badly.
And he acts worse when people reply to him, because he's trying to force them to accept his "durrr ignore more or ELSE it's yur fault the thread is bad! GIB ME MY SAFE SPAC!!!!"
Just watch, after this post he's going to spam "shipping" again. Because that's the only thing he has in his life.
I took the hint. I called you a pathetic retarded loser.
You don't actually think you're going to attack people into them giving you a safe space, do you? There's no way you're that retarded.
Borr > Hass/Namiko > Akane/Rikka
Annosillus is there somewhere depending on my loli mood.
Did you sleep well?
I have no fucking clue who are you or whats going on, I just wanted to post my appreciation for lusty tomboy.
I sincerely feel zero attraction for Rikka, but I saved this picture for you anons.
Jesus fucking christ those child bearing hips.
i want to swallow Yuta's semen
t. rikka
Breeding prime material
t. Rikka
Thank you, user.
picvl very related
I want Yuta to make Rikka a mother!
Look at how muck you're rushing to make posts.
Yuta is having a threesome tonight, isn't he a lucky bastard?
truly devilsih
double the Rikka, double the fun
>Both have thick thighs and big round asses
Yuta is such a chad.
Why would anyone be so obsessed with something so stupid.
Yutas jackpot.
No, you didn't sleep. You've been here the whole time. Now you're just begging people to think you're more than one person and that people think your shitposting is "epic".
I didn't want to fap but...
Utah is so goddamn lucky.
it's Yea Forums(nel), expecting sane gentlemens here is foolish.
You know who's not lucky?
You. Because you were born with intense brain damage.
user you keep quoting me and I have absolutely nothing to do with this shit.
Tell me, why are you not taking issue with the insane person who's constantly trying to attack and harass people by posting "shipping"? Oh right, because it's you.
my dick is exploding ahgggg
Coming here it's a goldmine of good pictures, I like the way it is.
well I did comment thisthat said both being too obsessed with a ship and being too paranoid about the fucker obsessed with a ship are stupid things
Sure is weird how this thread fell to page ten multiple times when you weren't being replied to. And then suddenly, within seconds, "everyone" showed up in the thread to start spamming short nonsense replies.
No, you always repost the same small handful of shit images.
No one wants you or your garbage threads here.
>misusing the word paranoid
And you wonder why people can so easily tell who you are.
How much is too much?
That’s an upgrade
i wonder if this board is genuinely gonna be able to discuss gridman again without the mods having to delete half the fucking thread
I love this anime, the lewds and the banter, always a fucking blast.
No such thing, user. It's all about thiccness in petite frames that seals the deal.
Maybe if the horsefuckers neck themselves.
I see, so we have two crazy fuckers in the thread, thats priceless.
No, the threads will be ruined forever. Just like Symphogear.
this is the worst timeline
I wish I looked EXACTLY like her.
Damn, Hassu looks like THAT?
I want to BE Rikka.
Surprise hug!
Why do people say ACK! when they hit their pinky?
I'm getting the impression his insanity is no longer contained and has actually infected other anons. He who fights with shitposters should look to it that he himself does not become a shitposter
I thought he who must not be named only hated crack ships and not canon pairings.
Damn this spam guy need mental help foreal
>He wastes his life searching for his boogeyman
Hold on, are they /fa/?
Omg, They're so cute!!
Yeah, they're also fuggable
I acktually really love that ship
>All's right with the C.world
>God's in her heven.
Acktually i'll read the manga later
Thats acktually a pretty bad idea
You know what? You're acktually right
Nope, no one is searching for you, !Akemi. You make yourself extremely well known and easy to see.
And this has nothing to do with "searching for a boogieman" it has to do with trying to make you see reality and stop ruining every single thread.
The goal of replying to you it get good threads. But you, being the insane ass hurt retard that you are, throw autistic tantrums when you can't have your safe space.
Why did just try to pretend you haven't been spamming and posting in this thread all by yourself for over a whole day now?
And this has NEVER been about "shipping", !Akemi. It's always been just about you. Attacking people. Spamming. And ruining threads. You just happen to be obsessed with "shipping". So that's what you try to "troll" with.
Nice broken English, !Akemi. Maybe if you actually slept instead of just spamming threads for hours on end you wouldn't look so retarded.
>!Akemi is literally spamming 100s of posts all by himself
>thinks he's "trolling" by ruining his own life
>REFUSES to accept he's not making anyone mad because this is literally all he has in his life
It's always so funny how !Akemi's posts slow down when he's not being replied to. That means he genuinely is upset he can't have "the last word". I care about having his safe space more than anything. He wants to be able to act badly on purpose, and have no one reply to him telling him that he acts badly.
And he acts worse when people reply to him, because he's trying to force them to accept his "durrr ignore more or ELSE it's yur fault the thread is bad! GIB ME MY SAFE SPAC"
Man, check out this massive lolcow who's obsessed with "ack". Have you ever seen anyone who's more of a joke? He's literally made over 200 posts all by himself in this thread, and he ban evades to try and harass what he thinks is one person. Doesn't get any more lol worthy than that. He's too scared to even talk.
Yeah, it's a good thing you're actually the insane one. As you are FUCKING CONSUMED with trying to lie over the internet and harass people.
It is quite literally not possible to reason with you.
>He who fights with shitposters should look to it that he himself does not become a shitposter
Yup, and this didn't happen.
>he's still going
I know, right? Just look at how !Akemi is still going. Trying to delude himself into thinking he's some "epic troll". When in reality he's just some cringy retarded social reject who can't even fit in on Yea Forums, so he has to attack and harass people because he's upset he can't have his safe space.
He woke up only a couple of hours ago, he's not going to stop any time soon.
Yuta's wives are so cute.
>The only thing that he has in life is this
>posting crack ships
Milosh, stop spamming my general
That's more of a self-cest ship than a crack ship.
actually, this is wrong.
Such great friends!
Wow they're such a cuties!!! :D :D
what happened to gridman threads
Gridmanfags sacrificed their threads so that other shows can be discussed without autistic spamming.
The ending made me so damn happy cause of him.
Can selfcest even be a ship?
I wish. It's more like contracting herpes. It wont go away for other threads either.
I hope that Yuta and Rikka get married!
I hope Yuta is very happy with Akane and Rikka as his girlfriends.
Same here user.
This is how desperate and pathetic you are. You actually get upset when people reply to you because you want your safe space.
The reason you post more when you get replied to is because you want to make it look like your way of "durrrr just ignore it!!!!" is the correct mentality. But you're the only person who acts this way. So it's not forced, it's just you spamming really fucking hard to try and make a facade.
Yuta has to take responsibility, he came inside Rikka
Very good taste, user.
Lucky him.
Cute canon couple!
The cutest canon romance!
They have a lovely, lifelong friendship.
Must be a coincidence that two of my favorite couples share the same names. Still waiting for that YutaxRikka date OVA Trigger.
What if she farts?
Do you think that they exchange partners and Yuuta fucks Rikka while Yuta fucks the other Rikka?
It's not a coincidence, user, you just have good taste.
Then it's better.
They gotta please each other somehow while their husband is out fighting kaiju.
God, Rikka is made for Yuta's cock.
That would be gross.
I really liked these weird face perspective shots they had.
That's what proper friends do.
Imagine lads
Best friends forever!
Cum instantly
God I wish that was me.
Rikka couldn't get any more wet this scene.
I agree this guy is insane but you are also too invested in this user, let it go.
>inb4 its you akemi
No, im not.
I love Rikka threads.
idk how to convince you man, and frankly i dont want to put that much energy into this. But im not. I see the dude spamming his rikka yuuta comments and yeah, its autistic and retarded, but your comments calling him (and sometimes me, thinking im him?) out are pretty autistic too, why do you care that much about a crazy retard.
>gets banned and posts get deleted
>thread is quiet
>comes back after ban evading and immediately goes on a spergout until the cycle repeats itself
Never change.
Why did Akane pretend to be Yuta's girlfriend anyway? She literally wanted to be in Rikka's place
Pretty much.
> I see the dude spamming
Are you retarded enough to belive it's only one person too?
How was she not immediately impregnated after this scene?
Honestly there's not much to talk about gridman besides Rikkas's thighs. Akane is just a generic tit monster and a bad person too. Besides, her breasts aren't even real, it's just her avatar.
Remember it was Gridman at that moment, not Yuta. If he fucked her there it would be NTR, so he just needed to wait until he could stop possesing his body and leave the impregnation to our dude Yuta himself.
These threads are just an excuse to bait you know who. The kicker is that it works every single time. Any actual discussion of this show is impossible on here, and besides like you said there's not much to discuss other than tapping over Rikka's thighs.
I want to believe in her Akanes.
i don't know you know who doesn't realize he's constantly getting baited (by a whole group of people at this point) into losing countless hours of sleep, and spending crazy amounts of cash on proxies and ebin passes.
>the mod is sitting in the thread and banning people the second they tell off !Akemi
>he sees posts like this
>flat out admitting he's making these posts to harass people
>doesn't get banned
>doesn't get his spam deleted
You know why it's so easy to tell who you are? Because REFUSE to accept that "replying" does not mean "baited". It's not normal to think that. Yet "everyone" in this threads spams 24/7 under that flawed premise? Yeah, nah.
fucks Rikka and Akane every night
I honestly can't think of a single reason I should believe it's more than just you spamming the Yuta Rikka, etc shipping nonsense.
I don't know why anyone would. It's the most autistic thing I've ever seen.
If you're a group of people, why do none of you know the correct definition of the word "baited"? How come "all" of your working under a blatantly flawed premise?
Can someone post a single reason I should think it's more than one person trying to "bait"?
Stop bragging Rikka.
Warming up for Yuta I see. Such good girlfriends.
Cute and harmless friendship between Japanese girls!
>I know you blew him this morning Rikka, share some with me
>all of his personas refuse to talk
>all of his personas make short autistic posts
>all of his personas refuse to accept "baited" does not mean "replied"
>all of his personas personas are fucking insane
You can't expect people to believe you're more than one person.
Final Rikka drawing by Kengo will be literally Rikka in a wedding dress with Yuta at her side.
Faking lesbianism solely for Yuta's pleasure, truly delectable.
He's so lucky to have such dedicated girlfriends!
Why do you refuse to answer this If it's so easy to show it's a group of people, why can't you just do it?
Girl friends*
the only reason people never reply to you is because they get warned or banned for feeding
post a single reason I should think it's more than one person trying to "bait"?
>!Akemi admits he's trying to make people mad
>thinks people will still get mad even if they ever did
Why are you so autistic?
No, it's just you. And you don't reply because you know that you get blown the fuck out any time you try to make an argument.
>implying "trolling"
How can you honestly think that people will believe you're not the "troll" when you make posts like this
Very true. They belong to Yuta, not to each other.
Yeah, though Utsumi doesn't mind tasting Akane too when Yuta and Rikka are having private time with each other.
this is literally the first time i've talked to you this thread you crazy bastard, carry on i guess you delusional fuck, i was just trying to help break whatever nutso feedback loop that's going on in your brain and finally be able to enjoy a fucking gridman thread again without having to go to 8gag
Stop being so ass hurt you can't have your safe space. You're not "baiting" anyone. You're just spamming really hard.
>this is literally the first time i've talked
Prove it. Oh wait. You can't.
Given the fact that your normal non-retarded person knows better than to lie over the internet and try to give their word as proof, why is it that "all" people who are called out on being !Akemi make this same exact logical fallacy?
I don't understand what the autists are arguing over, but enjoy the Yuri.
Practice for when Yuta gets back home, how lovely.
Nah, it's very easy to understand what's going on in this thread. Your spamming false flagging and shitpositng fool no one.
>tags: ffm, yuri
Literally built for Yuta's cock.
I can't help but laugh at how you just keep making these posts to reply to yourself.
I've never seen anyone as fucked up and insane as you are. There's really, really something wrong with you.
3p, all night long.
>replied to the OP again
>didn't change his IP again
>literally just bragging about how he's samefagging
>thinks he's "triggering" people
are screenshots enough or do i have to literally fucking find you and tell you you're a retard
!Akemi, given that you openly admit you're trying to make people mad. Why do you think anyone would let you make them mad?
Cute friends.
Yuta is so fucking lucky holy shit
Of course you know screen shots aren't enough. Because they're so easily faked and edited. You're the only person who tries to pretend people think otherwise.
!Akemi, given that you openly admit you're trying to make people mad. Why do you think anyone would let you make them mad?
Imagine being such a failure as a troll you have to beg people to get upset at your posts. And they still don't.
Imagine being such a failure of a troll that you have to delude yourself into thinking that anyone who replies to you is mad.
Sure is funny how the short "durrr yuta rikka xddd" posts slowed down as you started spamming these images.
Such lovely friendship.
I honestly can't think of a single reason I should believe it's more than just you spamming the Yuta Rikka, etc shipping nonsense.
I don't know why anyone would. It's the most autistic thing I've ever seen.
Wasn't Rika based on her real self?
since you obviously want them so bad
Oh, and of course, the fact you refuse to reply to anything said to you also makes it obvious as fuck who you are.
Easily the most retarded person on the site.
Nope. No one wants you to reply to them. Everyone wants you dead and not ruining threads anymore.
God, I wish I was between them.
God, I wish you'd finally kill yourself.
>show is called Gridman
>Gridman literally was Yuta's wingman for Rikka's love
>love so strong it went through him and was immune to Akane's godly brainwashing powers
>mfw yuri ships out of nowhere
We know Yuta.
I'm a /u/fag posting the Gridman folder I got from /u/'s thread.
> /u/'s thread.
The fanfiction general thread? It's cute.
I'm just here for the lewds and the bantz. Good thread, and your folder is nice.
>mfw rikka said she only see yuta as a friend
He gotta start somewhere.
Everyone will keep enjoying the threads regardless. Lovely day, mate.
Ah cool. A fellow /u/fag.
Sex friend, naturally.
I'm pretty sure I've saved this image already but I'm saving it again, it's so fucking perfect holy shit.
This nigga ack lowkey mad , LOL
>you like him, just admit it already
holy shit
They should both try to seduce him. With those thighs, tits and ass, there's no way they'll fail.
Yeah turning down any of them is not something any heterosexual man alive would be capable of. And knowing how close Rikka and Akane are it's obvious they'd rather enjoy boys together
Agreed. They could have anyone they wanted.
Wow a gridman thread at 549 replies, what a great achivement!
>(Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead)
The graveyard of ack.
It's a sight to be sure.
I miss this meme girl.
>managed to max the thread despite the autism
Now that's something.