Yandere appreciation thread.
ITT: Crazy Bitches
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Bump for yanderes.
Can I get uhhhhh some numbers?
Pretty sure underestimate are not attractive because they kill their love interests
Switch H Sketch
Big thanks friend
>get a gf and also die
only two things I want
me too, lets suck each other and kill ourself
Trying to remember the name of that one in Deadman Wonderland who acts nice most of the time but ends up killing everyone for fun
I like the dedication of yandere, of course, but killing all my friends is a no go.
based ferret yandere
terrible meme
yuno would never kill me
shiro is not a yandere, she has multiple presonalities
yandere's make my dick hard for some reason
>killing the object of their extreme affection
good taste
That's what normalfags thinks yandere means when it's just a yangire. I don't know how they can't comprehend that yanderes are willing to even sacrifice their lives for their love interest and will kill themselves when their love interest due. The meme should be "Hurr durr please don't kill my friends and family members".
Does this qualify as yandere?
>crazy bitches
>what is School Days
It does happen, and it's usually in the style of if I can't have you then no one else can. Sometimes it's also to ensure that their love interest will never be able to leave them, ever.
>what is romantic suicide
I don't think clock is a yandere. Origami is more a yandere than anyone else in the cast although she's more a comedic type like Rusian's wife Akko.
maybe, if she didn't turn deredere imminently after this episode
he wasn't killed by the yandere, the yandere killed the one who killed him
Why are there no good yandere manga? The only one I can think of is Watari kun but translations have died
No. Sekai would be a yandere. That big boobed girl whose name I forgot isn't one.
It wasn't her fault!
secondaries who literally can't see past the surface are shallow as fuck and are ignorant, news at 11
romantic suicide is the nuke
if the Yandere is pushed to utilize the nuke, her loved one+target has FUBARred a long fucking by that point
Yandere and deredere's are just a matter of psychological state. Akko was going to kill her teacher just because she flirted with her in game husband.
Someone totally didn't go through all the bad endings of the VN. Both Kotonoha and Sekai qualify as yanderes.
>Why are there no good yandere manga?
mirai nikki is good, fight me
i meant yandere romcoms and romances
>Kotonoha is the yandere, not Sekai
>Sekai is the yandere, not Kotonoha
Got the names reversed here.
I'm not talking about the VN, just the anime. Sekai is just a typical jealous yangire(Otherwise she would kill herself too). The other girl is a yandere.
Got the names reversed. Corrected it in here
Watched the anime long time ago so don't remember the names and only vaguely remember what they did.
because just as Yanderes go to the extremes with their loved one, the author has to do the same
Unless it's for lulz-jokes, Yans are the polar opposite of the Tsuns
Tsuns are the low hanging fruit & are perfect for keeping the story static while feeding trickles of 'growth' that is easy to undo at a whim cause 'tsun'
this means it's easy to stretch the story out for more chapters for more $$$$$
that concept is complete Anathema to the Yandere, who requires you to go absolutely All-In
exactly. yanderes take control of the plot, so you can't write a story with them unless its about them
I'd say she figured she was pregnant and wanted to at least what remained of her bond with him.
>I don't think clock is a yandere.
She isn't.
to at least keep*
What about lesbian pedophile yanderes?
why can't there me anymore yanderes that don't kill and just be creepy stalkers instead like the yandere from that one manga that ends up winning in the end and they have a daughter that is also yandere
forgot it's name
Koharu no Hibi
the worst
>(Otherwise she would kill herself too)
There are reasons why a yandere doesn't have to do that. is one of them
Automatically shit
AKA "Sticking your dick in crazy"
she's pure, so it's alright
pure crazy
looks like a normal girl to me
Sekai is not a yandere
No. She would have killed Kotonoha instead. Instead she killed him when he rejected her. Shows how little she cared about the says bond.
That's not a yandere trait, that's just typical female behaviour just to get a betabuxxer to look after her. Also his theory is head canon at best. Baby was just an excuse to get him back. She was likely to abort it.
>Baby was just an excuse to get him back. She was likely to abort it.
Bruh, I know you have no faith in women whatsoever, but him suggesting exactly that was what made her snap and kill him. She was shocked by it too.
>I'm not talking about the VN
But she does exactly that in one of the VN's bad endings.
Satou is a treasure.
you sir have impeccable taste
watari kun is gold.
That game is full of bad endings though.
badly want a sequel with one of her daughters though.
>tfw actually married a yandere girl
It's nice knowing that anyone who crosses me will eventually be found dead.
Not yandere though, just creepy.
>killing the target of their obsession
Fucking Reddit piece of shit, that's not how it works.
inb4 THAT one yandere
Those were very specific conditions and a very specific situation that led her to try and kill him.
Do you mean Yuno from Uwakoji? that was garbage there's like 7 pages of Yandere( if that) in the mix of shit.
I meant Yuno from Mirai Nikki, which is probably the most famous example of a yandere and therefore usually used by people as the standard. Yuno only tried to kill the MC because that was the only way to be together, the circumstances weren't normal to say the least, one of the two had to die to be together.
>Crazy Bitches
The entirety of Akuma no Riddle?
Oh, yeah. I get you there. that was understandable as she could always just replay events over and over.
Without god powers though there's the Lolita in Ibistsu which kills people as her end game.
The only good yandere.
>sticking your dick in crazy
>marrying crazy
>producing more crazy
sounds like a perfect plan to me senpai
In the story, it alludes to her mum and daughters being the same.
Yeah that's what I mean. God tier marriage material lineage.
Hard mode: actually well-written yandere
>inb4 THAT one yandere
>Those were very specific conditions
Exactly, it does exist.
Most yanderes living in a normal SoL setting wouldn't meet those conditions. Many of them dial down and just turn into a basic deredere.
Go back
>please don't kill my friends and family members
but that isnt even that bad
Mother being yandere for her son when?
That's a dumb estimation of a Yandere. A Yandere wouldn't kill their beloved in most circumstances.
chi no wadachi
Is she really Yandere? She kicked Sei out of the house last chapter because another girl made him cum. A Yandere would have killed her and forgiven him
Nah, deredere is how a yandere acts when nothing is wrong in the relationship. When something goes wrong, their crazy comes out to play.
She's probably the most adorable interpretation of a yandere. She's just extremely clingy.
>extremely clingy
That's the most adorable thing about her
>Post Gilgamesh
Ironically mythical Istar try to do exactly that and tried to kill him and his fuckbuddy when he refused her. Also why Fate Istar no a yandere?
Reminder that not all yanderes are murderous.
Anyone remeber that manga about yanderes where at the end each of them took part of MC's body or something like that
best taste. Anyone know some?
Too bad Yuno not only happens to reach the extremes of a yandere, she's also the most famous one.
Mousugu Shinu Hito
Glad Dark eyed translation finished this before deciding to quit.
>can't find a working download anywhere
I just want to romance the megane brocon.
how the fuck is clock suppose to compete with this?
Let's face it, clock girl - though she may be a 20 charisma - is just too skinny. I mean you don't want to hear the bones clicking do you?
Of course if she were my girl I would cunningly take her out to restaurants and FEED HER UP until she was a zaftig little cutie-pig.
and still he chose Toka
>muh crying
Supreme taste.
Not though.
Look harder
is this any good?
Well there is this one Chinese anime yandere who usually tries to kill her lover and herself because she don't want him to belong to anyone(her design looks like a ripoff of Kurumi). Also that knife yielding girl from that anime with a Love note. (Forgot both their names).
And they are both SoL
The first one is Cupid's chocolate. The other one of Renai Boukun.
Why there isn't that much manga about yanderes and when there are they aren't main girls.
It sucks.
Also they are both parodies of yandere, not the same as a standard yandere(like aforementioned Akko or even even though I'm not sure if she qualifies) who's likely to stay a deredere under the radar until something that snaps her happens.
Being parodies they are just going to be extremely one dimensional depiction of the most popular yandere, Yuno so they don't really count.
Hard to write romcoms with yanderes. You can't extend the typical romcom scenario of 'Will they or won't they?' with yandere girls because they will go to any extent to get into their lover's pants. They then eventually turn into derederes(if they don't end up dead or in jail) that either bores the main appeal for lots of people.
Or rely on lots of melodrama which will frustrate a lot of people.
Her and Cupid's chocolate was the best thing to ever come out of China. Pity the series was banned or something because of the government so there won't be a third season.
Why not make yandere harem?
Before MC girls have are generic archetypes like tsundere ara ara onee-san and tomboy while when they are alone the yandere kicks in.
I love yandere ghost
Wait, really? Link for the news where it was banned?
because it would turn into a Battle Royale
A rom-com battle royale.
I always had idea for yandere harem in my head.
It would be called Yandere Club.
MC is very attractive guy with very shitty love life.
Every girlfriend dumped him the next day she agreed to go out with him. The boy doesn't realise that behind his bad luck stands the three girls from his club.
Tsundere childhood friend, big tittied gyaru and shy senpai. It would be basically them trying to fuck with any girl who tries to approach MC and each other.
What is this?
8/10 would watch
Really? Damn.
I'm rereading it because of this thread. It's the cutest manga about a mentally unstable girl.
Unbreakable Machine Doll, anyone?
Someone remove that picture form the internet.
My fucking god it's so assbackwards it's not even funny
Translation when.
>reach the extremes of a yandere
>not even cannibalistically eating his body and taking his place as the ultimate form of "becoming one with him"
pic related?
She was about to reach that point tbqh.
>only VN I can think of with a yandere teacher
>but the MC is a retarded all endings contain guro
Nadeko did nothing wrong.
Is there a yandere focused series that has proper buildup and foreshadowing for the yandere characters?
should i watch mirai nikki, yandere girls put some very intense feelings in me i didnt know i had, and yuno makes me rock hard
Is it an almost burning feeling in your chest?
I liked it a lot. It's not boring at the very least.
She didn't finish the job.