Why does everyone have such shit taste?

Why does everyone have such shit taste?

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>While using JoJo
The irony is palpable.

Define "shit taste".

These people are usually young. I'm sure you were a faggot at 15 too, faggot.

Yea Forums is dead.

>HxH/Jojo fan acting superior

HxH fans are objectively superior to all other fanbases, though.

He's an OP. He's a faggot right now.

i keep telling. what's killing Yea Forums is the bullshit brought by burgers. all the shit dub threads, drama threads, tweet threads, youtuber threads are made by those obese retards.

Back to your containment board

If you visited more board you're realize that despite how bad things have become, it's still infinitely better than anywhere else. Maybe mods are doing a better job here, i don't know.

Fuck off leaf

prove me wrong pedro.

Why did screencapping randoms on twitter become a thing?

Who honestly gives a flying fuck?

It's a good manga series (or was), but the people who obsessively worship it have normally only watched half a dozen other anime.


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anitwitter is the peak of shit taste. It's laughable to see a bunch of fags act so smug

another falseflagging thread.

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land of the free living rent free on user's head

anitwitter is still better than Yea Forums

I didnt even have to click the link to know what this is.

>twitter screencap thread

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every Yea Forums sing video is cringe as fuck

Isn't that the point?

>tumblr rejects complaining about loli
>r*ddit/9gag-tier "memes"
>people unironically defending paid streaming services
>eceleb worship

That's going to be a no from me.

Yea Forums has been worse ever since it turned into Yea Forums where 99% of the people there are incapable of enjoying literally anything and the only threads with actual discussion/fandom are for massively lowkey series (which then turn to complete shit the instant it looks like more than the 15 people who post in them enjoy it). anitwitter is getting worse however because it has slowly turned from generic hype to coalescing around shit like Yonkou and others talking like film twitter about production/staff and jerking themselves utterly fucking raw to sakuga

like who gives a deep fried shit about that one fight in Bort where they pulled in all the key animators that could've been working on any of their other dogshit-looking productions, when basically no one gives a shit about Bort in general. or "Gee whiz episode 98524 of One Piece had this fuckin guy who'll die at his desk in 2 years on it and there's 20 seconds of animation that looks really cool"- just ignore that this is filler or an 5 episode series meant to cover like one fucking chapter in the manga"

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.