Dragon Ball GT was ba-

>Dragon Ball GT was ba-







Dragon Ball GT is leagues better than Super. And the Super 17 arc is extremely underrated. The only mistake was making Goku a kid during the whole series, it should've only lasted during the Black Star Dragon Balls arc as a callback to the original series.

Attached: Chadku.png (649x1295, 861K)

SS4 > shitty recolors

Attached: dcyeioa-00b9220f-eefc-4440-bfc9-a32047838557.png (580x970, 163K)


Attached: GT.gif (500x375, 988K)

Attached: the best fight in GT.webm (720x480, 2.93M)

Attached: Super 17 vs Everyone.webm (720x540, 2.15M)

The Chad hop

Attached: SS4 Goku vs Omega Shenron.webm (720x480, 2.9M)


Attached: SS4 Goku vs Roller Coaster.webm (720x480, 2.9M)

Jesus, at least Super's punches and kicks felt powerful


Attached: 1553501394730.webm (636x480, 2.38M)

Dragon ball GT is great. However, as you pointed out, it does have it's flaws, as so does, DB DBZ AND DBS.

Attached: 1553504192697.gif (400x225, 1.52M)

GT at least tried.

>this was supposed to be the last of these two we'd ever see

>Uub accomplished nothing
>if you only watched GT you have no idea who Piccolo is and he didn't even have to die at all
>17 killing Myuu was just Buu and Babidi again
>Gogeta was just Vegito again
Is OP Mexican by chance?

>no Super 18
>no Cell who consumes both Super 17 and Super 18 to become Super Cell

Why would that happen when we already have Cell Dorado?

GT had some really, REALLY low lows, but it is, overall, a far superior product compared to the abomination that is Super.

>no Cell who consumes both Super 17 and Super 18 to become Super Cell
Cell instead could have absorbed Freiza.

Attached: 1553101372372.png (854x480, 380K)

>not also absorbing Super 16 and Super Eighter

Not gonna lie tho the ending was great

What the fuck was this fight suppose to be

Attached: 1540375348750.png (1014x1129, 1.2M)

GT is the biggest stain on DB. I thought everyone would have accepted that by now. I guess it's going to take another decade for people to forget about it.

Attached: 1.jpg (960x960, 126K)


>that image
Crazy how DBSpics actually believe this.

GT is a nonsensical filler, nothing but a cash grab for idiots who liked what ruined the franchise in the first place.

now post the one with Heroes hugging both.

This one gets me everytime.