Why is Cune so much gayer than Kirara?
Why is Cune so much gayer than Kirara?
z>"a knock on the door broke her reverie"
When will Cheerful Amnesia get an anime?
>forgetting gay vampires
>forgetting the other gay vampires
It isn't. It's just trying harder to get sales.
Killing me is dead user.
Fuck you it still lives in my heart
Because dykes go cray-cray for the CUNEe
The gay even hijacked this show
There is nothing gay about some pussy talk.
Nyanko Gays was always about faggotry.
>cune is gay-for-pay
Is it though? You would need to prepare a full list of series in each magazine, rank them each for gayness on a scale of 1-10, and find the average.
Now only two yuri publishers that could bring more yuri fans than ever before.
Using a scale of 0-3, where 3 is confirmed gay, 2 is yuri subtext, 1 is minor yuri fanservice, and everything else is 0:
Lesbodynamics - 3
Fun Things Are Fun - 1
Volleybutts - 2
Cawfee - 1
W I D E - 2
AWOO~ - 2
Fash Finish - 3
Kinpatsu - 2
New Game! - 2
Better Than Sansha Sanyou - 3
Chair - 1
Hand Puppets - 2
But With Lesbians - 3
Run Tooru, Run - 1
Abababa - 3
>Average - 35/28 = 1.25
>Chair - 1
>Hand Puppets - 2
>Volleybutts - 2
>Not -3
Fuck off user.
>But With Lesbians - 3
Which one is that?
Also, considering only the anime is kind of unfair, since the talk is about magazines, and there are like, only 5 CUNE anime.
The two new Kirara anima announced are on the yuri side of the things, but it's hard to be gayer than Cune when they do better than Yuri Hime many times.
>Chair - 1
Dumb yurihating shitposter.
There's a new vampire yuri manga, but it's by Show, so maybe I'll just wait until it ends and if it ends to check it out.
anime when
Throw it, throw it in the trash, I'll fucking come to the house of yurifag nips and make them suck my dick if they are actually buying Show manga, just go back to your porn you tracing nigger
>Abababa - 3
Is this true?
you know it's yuri when the two girls are looking at each other
love the size gap tho
when the dumb flattie dork gets all the chest bullying she deserves
Koyume is gay
I can see it being a short because fuck Kadokawa
wait was this CUNE
I thought it was yurihime
Kirara is a waifu magazine.
I like how her sister was already reading Cune anyway
because of kyuuties
I freaking hate how it's so hard to find Kirara scans, since until recently they didn't even have a digital version and most of their magazines still don't. I'd actually buy them if they only had digital versions, but as it stands, their manga tend to be hard to find, and if the manga you're looking for is a one-shot, you're almost always out of luck.
No, Cune is just parading around its gay for attention.
After careful consideration, the following adjustments/corrections have been made:
Volleybutts - 3 (+1)
Fast Finish - 3 (Typo)
Ganbaruzoi! - 2 (Forgot Name)
Chair - 2 (+1)
Hand Puppets - 3 (+1)
X But With Lesbians - 3 (Typo)
>New Average - 38/28 ≈ 1.36
It's Kanamemo. It's where the "X but with Lesbians" meme comes from.
Using the same scale as before and pic related (with the series highlighted and listed in order) along with Killing Me, Futakaku Kankei, and Shimeji Simulation.
Discount Kirara v0.5 - 1
Kirino Mosaic v2.0 - 3
Morinaga Milk v2.0 - 2
Watashi no Taisetsu na Tomodachi v2.0 - 3
YuriCam v2.0 - 3
Is My Hobby Weird? v2.0 - 3
WataMote v2.0 - 1
Konohana Kitan v1.5 - 2
Nyaruko v2.0 - 3
Koufuku Graffiti v2.0 - 2
Oshiete! Galko-chan v2.0 - 3
Eromanga Sensei v2.0 - 2
The Mochiverse v2.0 - 3
Netsuzou Trap v0.1 - 1
Candy Boy v2.0 - 3
Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san 2.0 - 3
Sakura Trick v2.0 - 3
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou v2.0 - 3
>Average - 44/31 ≈ 1.42
Thus we can say that CUNE is objectively gayer than Kirara.
Well I can't argue with the numbers
>Netsuzou Trap v0.1 - 1
There is literally (as in literally) lesbian sex in it, how is it just 1?
Hey I see Yuzu there
>Thus we can say that CUNE is objectively gayer than Kirara.
wtf i hate kirara now
Me too I only like cunee now
Netsuzou Trap v0.1 is Kinsho no Nanako-san and there hasn't been any sex yet unless it's happened later in the raws. The joke about "v0.1" comes from the original idea for Netsuzou Trap which was two wives cheating on their husbands together.
That's a terrible premise!
I don’t trust your rankings. I want to consult the yuri experts on /u/.
>Chair - 2 (+1)
That's still wrong
Uki being a futanari removed any enjoyment I had for this series
Taberu, Awoo, Kinpatsu and Chair are all 3.
Konohana is also 3.
Could you not be a faggot and use the real names? It's so confusing this way.
New Game should be 3 given that Shizuku and Hana are both gay.
>Fash Finish - 3
Which one is this?
Hinako Note - 1
Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 3
Nyanko Days - 2
Cheerful Amnesia - 3
She Gets Girls Everyda - 3
Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki! - 3
It's Tough Being Neeko - 1
Ayakashiko - 2
ごっどちゃんず- 3
Ryouchou wa Ryouri Jouzu - 2
Gal to Otaku wa Wakari Aenai - 3
Watashi no Tame ni Nuginasai! - 2
Yuri Moyou - 3
Kinsho no Nanako-san v0.1 - 1
Killing Me - 3
Futakaku Kankei - 3
Shimeji Simulation - 3
I was trying to make some lighthearted jokes, but oh well.
Slow Start.
Shouldn't have done it. If they are familiar with the series they would've gotten the jokes.
But that would require also being familiar with the series whose names are being used to replace them. Compare the Kirara names that only require knowledge of the series itself.
More like Kill Yourselves for having such a shit taste and liking this shitty manga.
My IQ is too low that I can’t understand this thread
I love Cune so much! new issue in 9 hours!
How about naming the series properly? Its so fucking annoying trying to read this list that tries too hard to be funny.
I like this one
Git gud
Evil Kaos
Punished Kaos
>sasuga thot!
Because kirara has higher standards.
>4koma shit
>high standard
To master the yonkoma is to master the art of drawing manga itself.
KaoSagiri aka the ultimate onahole
You're comparing Cune's manga to Kirara's anime, that isn't really fair.
Because the kirara cashcows aren't gay, so why would they focus on making more gay stuff? Of course the new series aren't going to focus on that, they're going to try being more like Gochiusa.
Kirara's manga average would probably be lower.
Most of the adaptations are already on the gayer side of the spectrum. Most straight kirara series don't get an adaptation.
I miss kill me baby threads
We don't have to bring worst parts of russian Yea Forums here.
I don't miss KMB.
Kirara is more of a " cute girls do x and may or may not be gay" magazine than a "cute gay girls do x" one.
Do russian lesbians exist?
In case you are asking seriously, they do, but not in media. Due to current law situation, mentioning/depicting homosexuals in any kind of non-negative light in any kind of media that can theoretically be watched/read by a minor (i.e. everything not rated Adult Only) is a crime.
>Oshiete! Galko-chan v2.0 - 3
There's a gay couple in this?
Gyarus are pretty gay as fuck you know don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Galko in Comic Cune? I didn't know about this really?
Russia needs to be nuked, do they have an HIV and more people leaving the country because of communistic christian laws.
So, Tokyo Bill but for homos? Do you slavs have the yuribait to compensate?
>Do you slavs have the yuribait to compensate?
When I said "homosexuals" I meant both gays and lesbians, and whatever else BTQ+ means.
Nothing in mainstream stuff that's locally produced. Though, interestingly, minor gay stuff in bigwig productions, like Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" was left alone. Non-bigwig stuff is usually just cut in localisation.
It's probably "Gal and Otaku can't understand each other" manga series
Just nuking someone won't do much to make them appreciate liberal values. Russia right now is full of revanchism, people lived outside USSR long enough to forget (or never know) the bad things in it, and started to idolise it. Some people increasingly start looking at neighbouring states and think: "Those lands were always ours and we want them back from usurpers". Plus "Glorious Leader" with "traditional values".
Don't be a fag, she just has a dick and balls.
>When I said "homosexuals" I meant both gays and lesbians, and whatever else BTQ+ means.
Nothing in mainstream stuff that's locally produced. Though, interestingly, minor gay stuff in bigwig productions, like Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" was left alone. Non-bigwig stuff is usually just cut in localisation.
That's complete censorship
>It's probably "Gal and Otaku can't understand each other" manga series
Nips knew Gyarus were gay as fuck
>Just nuking someone won't do much to make them appreciate liberal values. Russia right now is full of revanchism, people lived outside USSR long enough to forget (or never know) the bad things in it, and started to idolise it. Some people increasingly start looking at neighbouring states and think: "Those lands were always ours and we want them back from usurpers". Plus "Glorious Leader" with "traditional values".
The rebirth of USSR again?
>The rebirth of USSR again?
More likely, a schizophrenic mix of USSR and pre-revolution Russian Empire with El Presidente at helm. But enough about that.
Uki is female
futas are female
Uki is literally me
ukkey is so gay but she will lose like yaya
Taberu had a confession at the end of the manga.
I suppose that's true, considering how the next Kirara anime are Machikado Mazoku and Koisuru Asteroid that are on the yuri side as well.
I'd rather forget that happened.
Yuri confession?
This months Kirara anime announcement
ʷᵒʷ ᵏᶦʳᵃʳᵃ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃⁿᵗˢ
Is this an anime about gay ants?
Will it be gayer than Hanayamata though?
She's thick!
>odd number of girls
It's happening again, isn't it?
Wait, ANOTHER one?
Kirara is on a roll
Cune Fantasia when?
Now kiss
Not wrong.
Really? What happened? Cousin incest?
Japan, pls.
It was the friend but it doesn't go anywhere and she acknowledges the cousin incest.
Did poor Yaya really end up alone?
Burger, pls.
Shiina is the one who confesses.
But best girls never win.
what's that? Fruits Tard?
>Lost Naru
>Gets a cute new kouhai that likes her
>Loses her too
Yaya, had a hard life.
I heard she got a consolation prize but no further explanation.
That's really interesting. I kinda remember bits in the show where it kinda looked like Shina liked Ryou, but I chalked it up to goggles.
But Kirin didn't win either right? Should've just had a threesome end.
Probably not for quite some time. And who knows if the mobage craze will still be going on by then?
>Fourth dormitory of the Rat Production (commonly known as Nezumi-sou), the place were dropout idol girls live; the former child actor Sekino Roko, musician Nukui Hayu, and model Maehara Nina. Sakura Ino, who always dreamed of becoming an idol, moves in. At the same time the decision is made to demolish the dormitory. Due to the project launched by the manager Kajino Hoho, "Ochikobore Fruit Tart," occupants of the dormitory form a new idol group called "Fruit Tart," and start their activities in order to repay a one hundred million yen debt.
>the former child actor Sekino Roko, musician Nukui Hayu, and model Maehara Nina. Sakura Ino, who always dreamed of becoming an idol, moves in
Fucking sluts
Same author
Threesomes suck.
Triple friendship is better.
What kind of friendship is that if you don't even have a threesome with your friends to deepen your bond?
Is it yuri though?
The kind where you stuff her mouth with your food.
Yes. Kirara is 3/3 on yuri with the announcements. Truly a golden age of yuri is upon us.
Sekai Oppai and Ayakashiko got the biggest chance to get anime adaptation. They both just got audio drama recently after all.
Hahaha look at this weeb
Her hair is very stupid.
weeb Mickey Mouse-chan
Putin is crazy even the Russians agree. It's time for an overthrow immediately.
>Dislikes: Children
It's not good to hate oneself.
If it's anything like KiraFan, i hope never.
>likes: solo performances
speaking of Cune, I found this in the middle of this month's issue.
her favorite game:
What does that mean?
Something that every person on this Mongolian basket-weaving subreddit should be well familiar with.
Ah, i see she's a fan of anime as well, like a proper Japan enthusiast.
I bet she's very vocal during her solo performances.
All I want is swap swap fuck kirara
Swap Swap got cancelled
because it's pretty bland and boring.
And nothing of value was lost.
It just ended, it wasn't cancelled.
It got progressively worse. It's a shame, because i wanted another yuri kissing anime.
A wholesome one
>I thought it was yurihime
Yurihime is currently the worst yuri oriented magazine out there.
Much better yuri stuff now runs in normal magazines or are original doujins.
because yuri is garbage and only yuri bait is good.
Kill yourself.
>Yurihime is currently the worst yuri oriented magazine out there.
They're also the only one, so there's that.
I'm still mad that they canned Roid.
I want it now
>I'm still mad that they canned Roid.
It probably needs a lesbian hook and then get into the scifi stuff
>They're also the only one, so there's that.
You forgot Comic Cune too retard.
Cygames pls go.
Well it's not far from truth, the best selling yuri romance title was Bloom into you and the best selling volume was around 3.9-4k, the first one.
Compare that to how much YuruYuri, Gochiusa, Kineiro sold with it's light yuri approach where it's basically a joke or subtext between side characters than soemthing happening on-screen, it's obvious which is the winner.
One appeals only to yuri fans, the other appeals both to yuri fans and waifufags, so by just that alone it will sell better.
And as Manaria Friends go if it didn't have codes I doubt it would ever pass 3k mark either.
I don't think some of these look very yuri.
1 = Friendship, 2 = yuri bait, 3 = yuri, blacked = het/non-romance
Hinako = 1
Kyuuketsuki = 3
Nyanko Days = 2
Amnesia = 3
Kyou wa Onna no Ko ,,, = 3
Oppai Suki = 3
Ayakashiko = 2
God-chanz = 1
Ryouchou = 2
Gyaru to Otaku = 2
Watashi no Tame ni Nuginasai = 2
Renai Kinshi Gakuen = 0-3 (both het and yuri)
Yuri Moyou = 3
Siscon Onee-chan = 3
Still a decent spread of yuri but not too different to Kirara and far off Yuri Hime.
>yuri bait
Implies malicious intent. Much more common term for this category between strict friendship and full on yuri would be "subtext".
Because it's just stinkier shit like the garbage turd that is yurishit
because it's trash
fuck off yurishitter
We were so well, but you just had to lower the average IQ with your posts.
dumb samefag
Kill yourself already, shitposter.
Mai Waifu, all of them.
Not delivering yuri in a yuri manga is the malicious intent, fuck off.
>not umieli
>people lived outside USSR long enough to forget (or never know) the bad things in it, and started to idolise it.
Kill yourself. Regards, eastern yuro.
Reminder that the only yuribaits in existence are Venus Versus Virus, Hibike anime (but not the novels), and Amanchu.
What about Cross Ange?
Your posts have malicious intent, yurihater.
You forgot the most recent one.
Obviously het from the get-go. Lesbian side characters doesn't mean it will go full yuri with the MC.
This is a nice image
Tusk didn't even appear until halfway through the first cour, while Ange was getting raped by lesbians in prison.
>still being in denial
Cross Ange is bisexual harem chad.
I'd rather they have given Hilda a girlfriend rather than being Ange's second option
He appeared in the OP.
It's the fate Yukarin chose for herself
>no arguments
Go away Evil Yuri Fairy.
I ship it
I hate her!
Anne and Grea are like shoe soles and gum; nothing can pull them apart.
More like pizza and pineapples. Looks pretty, but it just doesn't work.
>pineapple pizza meme
it tastes good
>but it just doesn't work
It does when person making it isn't retarded.
Tastelets get out of this board.
Honestly, an Octave anime would be great.
One of the weirdest criticism I see for Octave is that the dumb MC fucked a dude, but her girlfriend literally told her she could do it then she goes
Blondie was as much to blame as the MC
user, it's basic knowledge that you should never take a girl's words literally, and that you're usually supposed to do the opposite of what she says. Especially if she's your girlfriend.
That one is cute, there's also the reverse option where the MC wants to marry de demon lord.
We need an "I'm getting married" adaptation.
You post says no, but your mind and body say yes
My mind and body say: "Go fuck yourself with a rusty spoon".
Minus their own countries.
>not liking pineapple pizza
It's fucking delicious
Why is this meme so popular? I never understood this shit.
its from facebook or some shit
ignore it
I don't know, ask /ck/.
Roid was terrible
>yuri tag used because the girls kiss once
>no kissing tag
>yuri tag for galleries with one yuri pic among thousands of pics
>yuri tag for futa on female doujin
Every time.
I don't know what all these are, but I'll list my rankings too isnce I know some of these aren't on there:
Anima Yell - 3 (Uki, Kana)
Harukana - 1 (Girls are locker room gay, but not explicitly gay)
Comic Girls - 3 (Literally everyone except Ruki)
Slow Start - 3 (Eiko)
Yuru Camp - 0 (Girls are plutonically friends with no romantic subtext)
Blend-S - -1 (Tons of straight shipping with no yuri unless you count Miu and the trap)
Urara - 3 (Saku's assistants Ooshima and Shiozawa were obnoxiously gay)
Stella no Mahou - 1 (To be honest, I can't remember. The show is shit, but I feel like there was some minor yuri fanservice)
New Game! - 3 (Shizuku and Hana)
Sansha Sanyou - 2 (Shino was kind of gay, but not overtly)
Anne Happy - 3 (Hibiki was mega gay. Also all the animals wanted literal hot monkey sex with Ren)
Castle Town Dandelion - 0 (Tons of incestbait, but no gayness)
Gakkou Gurashi - 2 (Mii-kun was pretty gay and did lots of lewd hand holding)
K-On - 1 (There were one or two scene with Mugi being gay for Sawa-Chan)
Haven't seen the others.
Oyakadon yuri is the best yuri hands down
Yuru Camp is at least a 1.
>Yuru Camp is at least a 1.
Yuru Camp is an actual 2 or close till 3
>Girls are locker room gay, but not explicitly gay
>Haruka LITERALLY says "I love you" to Kanata's face
Came here for this post
As a friend and volleybutt partner, silly.
Which characters are even gay in Yuru Camp? I don't remember Rin or Nadeshiko ever doing gay shit. Maybe Aoi?
>As a friend and volleybutt partner, silly.
>Haruka says she explicitly loves her as a person.
Yep, Haruka definitely wants to her eat Kanata ass so bad.
>New Game
Meant to type Rin. Sorry.
No way, that manga is filled with lust
>Kirara yuri idolshit
This anime is literally going to print money.
It's really ecchi, the girls are hot and the MC is a thirsty lesbab, so no
>plutonically friends
Fucking gold diggers.
>Castle Town Dandelion
>no gay
Not just the MC apparently.
>printing money
That's not the case more often than it is. Especially gay kiraras.
>not printing money
>Idol Jihen
>that deen one
There are others too, you need a LOT of advertisement if you want to get your idol anime popular
It's going to be Locodol 2.0 and it's going to flop just as hard.
It depends a lot if said "idolshit" has a mobage or not.
I expect average Kiraras series sales, and the usual good boost for magazine sales.
>It depends a lot if said "idolshit" has a mobage or not
>What is Kirara Fantasia?
>It depends a lot if said "idolshit" has a mobage or not.
I mean they will most likely show up in the Kirara mobage if it's still alive by the time Fruit Tart airs, so there's that. Then again, I'm pretty sure the game is already in life support so I don't know if it could
even boost any sales.
>see this post
>new chapter out
The gay dude. Shizuku's male counterpart.
>Ai Kayano is voicing another lesbian role
When she will come out of the closet already?
The japs seem to think its DOA because its animated by Shaft and produced by King Records.
>animated by Shaft
really? can i have source on that?
>that body
what the shit
ecchi idolshit won't do well, idolfags doesn't like when they are complete sluts, only when there's like one among the group.
Imagine being this wrong
wait why did you quote me
>being this wrong
you're right.
it won't be as good as locodol and it might flop even harder.
How many chapters does this have?
Only 3 chapters translated, with a single volume on sale
The one chapter I read looked like garbage but I'm inexplicably fascinated by the premise of "it's Kaos but she's a bitch"
Another person redid the first chapter, this time without thots.
My friendly vampire neighbor, Sophie, is straight
She isn't
She drinks at the downstairs restaurant once a month, if you know what I mean.
Oh my....
Her friend Ellie is certainly not.
Also perfectly straight.
Doujins when?
next Cune adaptation when?
In case you're wondering, this some kind of Tonari prototype. Got it from the author's pixiv. In this story, Sophie was brought home by the boy's father. The boy is like Akari but male. I'm guessing this was before Tonari was published by Cune. Maybe, it could've been a romcom story.
I should've posted it on Tonari thread
I'm glad he changed his mind and made Akari a girl
Based Cune turning hetshit into yuri.
Well, not the first time MC's supposed gender got swapped.
Only one scanned, and it's mostly hetshit with a bit of yuri between Ayasa and Narumi.
Yeah, Shinobu in KinMoza was supposed to be male at first too.
That's kind of a huge coincidence considering both Akari and Shinobu are almost the same character
Are you serious??? That'd be so great. I like Shino but male Shino sounds awesome. So, it'd prbably be a love traingle story between him, Alice, and Karen, right? I kind of want to see it as well as Tonari but male Akari.
God I loved this
Can't find an original source but people on twitter and yaraon are saying that it is. It might just ba blown up rumour though.
What's wrong with Shaft?
Honestly I have no idea.
Kirara is also strong.
Neeko got an adaption?
I thought she just got those shitty youtube videos
These are the interviews were it was confirmed. However Karen wouldn't have existed at all in this version of the story.
RAW's where?
No, just the youtube videos. I quickly threw the chart together and included it because mal said it had ONAs
Nothing of value would've been los-
nothing really, it's just nice to see shaft back to making kirara show again
I love yuri yandere
Now I worry.
You should bump Otaku to 3, the idol was literally sulking because the gal didn't came to a concert. Also new chapter fucking when?
>Galko is now yuri
What the fuck just happened really?
Sophie and Ellie competing to win Male-Akari bowl. Oh, Hinata will be also there but she's that girl who'd never win the bowl. Imagine all Ellie's fanservice when she's seducing male-Akari. I'm all-in for harem tonari.
>yuri tag
>check it out
>girl touches other girls boobs ONCE while they're getting fucked in an orgy
Fuck that shit.
>Galko is now yuri
Is this the Y/u/u thread?
What is this, ghost yuri?
Gyarus were originally lesbians before the men showed now they are realizing that are complete dykes.
It seems Blacked and /ss/ meme really went too far for the mangaka dude.
No. Yuu is a very obsessed and possibly psychopathic girl who wants to eat ramen with another girl. To the point that she imagines it in one of the chapters. The original thread someone posted that page in was a lot of fun.
out of all the things you should be worried about a SHAFT kirara adaption is not one of them
i’m sorry, but I don’t quite follow you. i know the blacked and /ss/ mean but how is it related to it being a yuri?
post proof
It's a different manga. The poster used """funny""" maymay names instead of the actual names.
>still mad about it
what happened
I looked at the most recent translated chapter and there wasn't anything gay
is it in an untranslated one
Yuu is very cute and autistic.
Literally nothing of value was lost by dropping this.
Nothing of value came out of that change either.
It's an improvement, but the source material is still utter trash and should've remained in the gutters.
Fuck subtext in general.
Guess there's no source then
Don't you want to see a romcom featuring Sophie?
Will a simple "no" satisfy you as an answer?
Don't we all?
That's not the same user as before (that's me). See, this is why I told you it's confusing to call a series by the name of a completely different series, it confuses people who don't know about both.
It's called Gal to Otaku wa Wakari Aenai.
Based Author btfoing hetshitters
falseflag too obvious, but nice 69
Yuri sells more than het. Just look how Sakura Trick sold more than Acchi Kocchi:
Kirara sales ranking:
========S TIER========
(2009) 43,878 K-ON!
(2010) 39,519 K-ON!!
========A TIER========
(2018) 14,110 Yuru Camp
(2015) 13,597 Gochuumon wa Usagi desu Ka??
(2014) 11,404 Gochuumon wa Usagi desu Ka?
========B TIER========
(2010) *8,848 Hidamari Sketchx
(2008) *8,688 Hidamari Sketch×365
(2012) *7,542 Hidamari Sketch×Honeycomb
(2013) *6,773 Kiniro Mosaic
(2007) *6,508 Hidamari Sketch
(2016) *5,886 NEW GAME!
========C TIER========
(2011) *5,515 A Channel
(2015) *5,315 Hello!!Kiniro Mosaic
(2009) *4,904 GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class
(2017) *3,636 NEW GAME!!
(2014) *3,556 Hanayamata
(2013) *3,334 Yuyushiki
(2017) *3,167 Blend S
(2011) *2,559 Yumekui Merry
(2014) *2,376 Sakura Trick
(2012) *2,321 Acchi Kocchi
(2016) *2,140 Sansha Sanyou
(2015) *1,842 Joukamachi no Dandelion
(2015) *1,668 Wakaba Girl
(2018) *1,661 Slow Start
(2015) *1,650 Koufuku Graffiti
(2018) *1,449 Comic Girls
(2009) *1,218 Kanamemo
(2018) *1,184 Harukana Receive
(2016) *1,106 Anne Happy
(2012) **,987 Kill me Baby
(2018) **,959 Anima Yell!
(2017) **,878 Urara Meirochou
(2016) **,670 Stella no Mahou
>(2018) *1,184 Harukana Receive
I'm hurt really fucking hurt. I hope we still get more new content or an OVA anime project.
>Yuri sells more than het. Just look how Sakura Trick sold more than Acchi Kocchi:
>(2009) *4,904 GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class
>(2017) *3,167 Blend S
>(2011) *2,559 Yumekui Merry
Made me think.
I liked it, but it really didn't have much going to it besides the OST and ass. The matches were pretty dull and the second half was dedicated to them instead of the girls.
The superior moe sport anime with a 10/10 masterpiece OST, great art and animation, cute girls and hype matches didn't sell either. That didn't have anything to do with quality, user.
Really unfortunate, cute girls doing sports is always great to watch. Takkyuu was fantastic.
>(2016) *2,140 Sansha Sanyou
>(2016) *1,106 Anne Happy
>ywn ever be touched by a cute Sofa
Just be Akari and you will touch each other all the time
Why are yuri series about used goods so popular?
You have to use examples to make sense with such a question.
Adult yuri isn't very popular though.
>Adult yuri isn't very popular though.
It is. Look at Bloom Into You.
My wife Sophie is so cute.
If Yagakimi is adult yuri, then why are these office ladies still attending high school?
You want recs? Fine, I'll bite.
1 x ½ and Tatoe Todokanu Ito da to Shite mo, for instance.
The two manga I listed above seem pretty popular, but they're age gap, so I'm not sure if they completely fall into that category.
Your wife is already used by male-Akari but the author deleted that timeline.
Wait, that outfit... that's Ellie's outfit right?? Sophie is not slutty enough to bare her shoulders like that.
You mean used by me.
>My wife Sophie is so cute.
>1 x ½
Really? If that's the case I'm happy, it's the only mother x daughter yuri we have.
Well, it did get an official translation.
It turned out to be a rumour after all. Feel is adapting it. animenewsnetwork.com
I really don't get the appeal of the manga, but I just started reading it, so maybe it gets better. I'm only at chapter 6, but it feels a bit like a chore to read it.
For me is the forbidden love aspect of mother x daughter romance that makes my heart go doki doki, and it gets good when they start going for it, there's a bit fo drama but it's light and I kinda like it this way.
yurucamp is kirara and isn't gay at all.
That's the point of the thread. Cune is similar to Kirara in the way that half of it is gay, but Cune is way gayer since Cune yuri is usually full gatchi yuri, while Kirara yuri is usually on the light side with a few gatchi exceptions.
All the 3 new Kirara anime announced seem to be on the yuri side, though.
To this day I still don't understand how Urara Meirochou completely missed it.
No idea either, it was so fun to watch.
what the hell is a gatchi yuri?
>Comic Girls worse than fucking Slow Start of all things
I hate this fact.
Hard yuri, as opposed to yuru - light yuri. Comes from nip homo slang.
Why are you so asshurt? That manga was great.
I meant *gachi yuri, excuse me
But it's the japanese term for when a show is at least explicit about the romantic relationship between the girls. Cune manga are usually quite straightforward about it.
Aired on the same season as Kemono Friends and other bigger names.
I'm happy as well I hope this brings more mother x daughter yuri bonding in manga and anime.
2DK is pretty popular in nipland, no idea why no one bothered to translate it.
It isn't about Nina and Saku taichou
Because the opening was absolute shit and I always skipped it. Who would want to watch a show with that kind of first impression?
how dare you
Wrong opinion.
>what is the appeal of incest manga
no idea, user
My wives Chinos are so cute
>m-manga was great!
>gets cancelled
Because the author wanted to, wasn't it, the author didn't know what to do and gave up? Sales, reception, everything was fine.
Yuri was forced and soulless
pls revive yuri mekuru
Yuri is always forced.
prove it
Forgotten masterpiece
Not enough bare tummies
What is the appeal of used goods?
Due to mangaka's health issues, last I've read.
Don't bully the mothers, they can't help being the used goods.
>Due to mangaka's health issues, last I've read.
That's unfortunate, I hope the author gets better
I watched them all
dropped a few though
Mother need more care with their daughters so bad it's not even funny.
To be fair, Comic Girls was shit and Slow Start wasn't.
rude and wrong
both are good
>(2016) **,670 Stella no Mahou
Fuck you Japan for real.
Picked thefuck up
>draws a shitty manga
>catches japanese cold
based karma
>shitty manga
Sounds like you have shitty opinions that you can't even justify without sounding asshurt.
Comic Girls was ok and Slow Start was great
Comic Girls is the best Kirara anime since K-ON though
but gochiusa is the best Kirara
even surpassing K-on
nah, not relaxed enough
Chaos was fun though
How many Cune series have it clear that the characters have actually had sex?
I know at least 1 in Kirara has but can't think of a Cune one, although I've read a lot less of them.
Cheerful Amnesia
Is that manga good?
How many Cune series that aren't total garbage have it clear that the characters have actually had sex?
the gag is stale after 5 chapters, like the boob manga
>Machikado's going to be back on the front cover for next month's issue, so it's likely getting a release date
>Anima Yell's release date was announced in the September issue (which released in late July) and started airing about two months later in early October
Looks like Machikado is pretty much confirmed for releasing this summer. With Ochikobore maybe being a fall release.
>Machikado this summer
>Fruit Tart this fall
>Koiseru Asteroid, Yuru Camp 2, Gochuumon 3, and possibly more in 2020
I'm OK with this.
Which studio will get that one?
It hasn't been announced yet. It only has one volume out so far, so it is kind of a long way out.
If I had to make a wild guess, Dogo Koba will probably end up with it, since they're known for adapting shows with very little source material (Anima Yell, GabDrop, Wataten, etc...) A1 is also a possibility, since it's been a while since they've adapted a Kirara show.
I personally want to see how 3Hz would handle a Kirara anime.
the opening would be pretty good and catchy, and they would put focus on every opportunity for an action scene
>Is that manga good?
It's adorkably cute
Latest chapters finally has our couple getting married
Highly Optimist desu.
>Inb4 Silver Link.
Did you forgot the "le flashback arc" by any chance?
>Inb4 Silver Link.
It would be okay if it was done by Oonuma.
I can already see their faces and the CGI, I'm having PSTD, but I have a mid trust to them because KonoBi and Hinamatsuri so let's wait until the PV.
>Hidamari and Gochiusa are the only sequels to have outsold the original
The TRUE S tiers are the ones we stayed friends with all along
>27k beats 80k
big brained fans, just what I'd expected from gochiusa retards.
It's ok to not be able to read and embarrass yourself
we're all anonymous, user
Is there an explanation what made Yuru Camp such a major hit? It was a decent SoL, but it had nothing that could justify 10 times better sales than any other recent Kirara anime.
I realize I'm in the minority here, but I liked Comic Girls more than Yuru Camp
It got popular and people marketed it to others by themselves, could say it was just luck or something of the like.
Gochiusa isn't any impressive either, it just happens that it gets incredibly popular randomly.
That isn't even a Japan thing, Yuru Camp got extremely popular even in the west for some reason, people who don't give a fuck about moe SoL like it. I have no idea why.
The forced drama in New Game season 2 ruined the anime, I'm glad it won't get a season 3.
Yuru Camp just made me feel super happy inside, I guess Japan felt the same way.
It was two things, both a well-done CGDCT show as well as a well-done hobbyist show.