How do I get into Gundam?

How do I get into Gundam?
/m/ only gives me troll answers

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Other urls found in this thread:

Watch the Gundam 0079 movie trilogy then War In The Pocket and the Zeta tv series.

With Wing and G Gundam like the rest of us did

Thissu, plus every commercial you can dredge off of a video playback group.

Watch 0079, Zeta, and Char Counterattack. ZZ is skippable because it isn't canon. You can watch pretty much whatever you want after that.

The 0079 movie trilogy is a good place to start. If you liked that, follow with the Z Gundam series (avoid the movies).
If you REALLY like Gundam so far maybe give ZZ a chance, but the first twenty-something episodes are rough to sit through.

fuck off, don't watch movies they're shit. Original series is fucking great, despite the poor animation.

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>/m/ only gives me troll answers
As a /m/an that's bullshit. And if you did get troll responses it because there's probably already a thread active. Or did they tell you to watch all the UC shows and you just don't want to commit to that? If you can't start there or don't like it than don't even bother. Watch the movie trilogy if you want a streamlined experience. And if you're a total fag you can just watch something like 00, Build Divers, or Thunderbolt, or G-Gundam(best Gundam).
>UC watch order
the OVA series( 0080, 08th ms, 0083)
Chars Counterattack
......... Unicorn if you must
>Optional UC (continued from previous order)
Turn A(it makes a bigger impact if you watch that other AU shows)
There hand holdy enough for you? The list I dropped is one ongoing narrative and is the main Gundam timeline. Anything else is optional and mostly shit besides the ones I already mentioned.

Original series is such a fucking slog. There is a great show in there, but there's way too much repetitive villain of the week filler mixed in with the good stuff. The stuff in the middle without Char should have been cut down dramatically.

I have a strange relationship with Gundam. I love the series, but I don't care much for the gundams themselves. Instead, I greatly prefer the most common mobile suit models, like Zakus and Leos. It always really annoys me when the MCs start killing tons of nameless mooks, to the point that I usually end up pulling for the bad guys. Are there any series that focus on the common soldiers? So far my favorite is war in the pocket, and to a lesser extent, 08th ms team.

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>Are there any series that focus on the common soldiers?

to a degree, the first season of IBO focuses a lot on the grunts. the main character has a Gundam, but there's a lot of gritty fights between factions of scrubs. Season 2 sort of transitions into the standard Gundam fare. Turn A has a ton of build up before the main Gundam starts being used regularly, and has plenty of fights involving grunts. Thunderbolt also has some good Zaku scenes.

But if you really wants something that fully focuses on grunts, you got to check out Igloo. If you can stomach the CGI, you will find a very entertaining series of OVAs.


>ZZ is skippable because it isn't canon

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You can start with 0079, either series or movies, but you can also start by watching one of the non-UC series like Wing or 00. Nothing wrong with either approach, just make sure you're starting with the first season of whatever continuity you pick. Also avoid AGE and SEED, the former is kinda shit and the latter, while not intolerable, leads to SEED Destiny, which I do not recommend. The only good thing about Destiny is that it's handled much better in SRW.

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Well it's not an anime, ergo it's secondary canon at best, like Hathaway's Flash or Crossbone Gundam.

Memes aside, it's heavily referenced in Unicorn which takes precedence over the Zeta remakes.

>"Where should I start with x?"
From the beginning, always.

Gundam itself I started with 0079 and continued on to watch most of UC and some non-UC shit. I think only after Turn-A I decided I'd watched enough of Gundam.

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00 is good if want a self-contained story.

I personally started with 00 recently and I'm enjoying it alot. Then again I chose to start there because I'm not a huge mecha fan in the first place and it takes place as it's own self contained story.

For the UC:
>watch the 0079 series and third movie (it adds a whole lot)
>watch Zeta
>skip ZZ
>watch CCA
>watch the early UC side stories, ZZ, and F91 if you want
Unicorn and Narrative are awful, don't watch them.

You just walk into the cockpit and activate it.

Don't listen to these dumbasses telling you to skip zz. Yes it starts out slow but it gets better. Best girl Haman also plays a major role in it.

Addendum: it's not a widely held opinion, but I think you can skip Zeta and go straight to Char's Counterattack if you just want to see how the Amuro-Char rivalry ends. You only miss a couple key bits from Zeta which you can look up.

>skip Zeta

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Just watch Gundam Origin and the AUs.

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>skip Zeta
What are you fucking gay?

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>Skip Zeta
>For fucking Char's Counterattack.

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>intentionally misleading user like that
Tomino himself said that the trilogy is the definitive version.

>like Hathaway's Flash
Uhhh buddy? You might wanna double check.

>0083 before Zeta

>watch the 0079 movies
>skip ZZ
Anyone who says either of these things should be considered bandwagon jumpers that don't actually like Gundam and just want to be able to say they watched it.

The movies are on the opposite spectrum where they're too abbreviated to portray anything they want to do. I was surprised at how much I liked the 0079 series and it felt like it justified its length, unlike Ideon, which I had watched before. If people can't stand 0079 I don't know how they watch anything of any decent length. They probably don't though, they just watch 13 episode series. The only Gundam series that felt too long (out of UC at least) was Victory.

Tomino's an idiot then. The fact that Japan cranks out summary movies as if it's a good thing that people are watching clip shows instead of actual series just goes to show that what they say shouldn't be trusted.

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>movie trilogy
you've already failed.

Do you live in a space colony, user?

Watch the two seasons of Iron Blooded Orphans and don't bother with anything else.

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Stop trying to trick OP into watching a horribly paced, low budget tv series that is hampered by Bandai's desire to sell toys because you wasted your time on it. Sunk Cost Fallacy is a thing.

This. There's a reason the third movie is almost entirely new animation, because they were forced to do monster of the week shit before it was canceled.
Movie Trilogy is the definitive version of 0079.

This but watch S2 first

>Sayla's Agony is salt meme
Confirmed shitposter that has never watched the episode.

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Watch 079>Zeta>ZZ>CCA in that order.
079,Zeta, ZZ are pretty much a trilogy with CCA being a movie to cap it all off.
From there you can watch whatever.
While not all gundams are sequals or directly related to that trilogy, almost every series borrows elements or make some sort of references to them.

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Just watch Gundam The Origin to supplement the 0079 movies. There is no reason to force yourself through the tv series.

>"""""""""force""""""""" yourself
>through the most enjoyable Gundam

what the fuck is wrong with you?
broadcast order, always

don't bother with anything after Turn A though, that was the pinnacle of Gundam

Watch these and after watching them ask us again.

Watch Gundam the origin, then the 0079 movie trilogy (ignore the trilogy haters, they are really stupid people), then the OVA's (08th ms team, Thunderbolt, War in the pocket and Stardust memory). After that come Zeta and ZZ and finish it off with Char's counterattack. The UC related things after that ain't that good and are optional (Unicorn, F91, Victory). As for the AU shows, they are all garbage except Turn-A. Watch that to finish off your Gundam marathon and boom, you are done with the franchise.

>G Armor
The only thing the movies did bad was cut out the Battle of Odessa and the Gyan

>Turn A
Yes the shit series that almost killed Gundam

Obviously you deserve to get trolled dumbass lol

japan has always had shit taste, nothing new there

Ok this is what has worked for me, force people to watch the original series, until about the time they just start wandering around earth forever doing nothing interesting. At this stage because everyone is trash its time to skip to the movies. And finish 0079 that way. After that to pick up the pace I go to all 3 classic OVA, 8th MS team, followed by war in a pocket and then Stardust Memories. So i have never found a human who didnt actually love stardust memories. Yes the romance is shit, but its short and sweet mecha porn. The visuals are some of the best ever. From there its time for Zeta which is Tomino's masterpiece and maybe the greatest pleb filter of all time. everything else should fall into line from there.

Based and redpilled, Turn A is a masterpiece.

There's no better place to start than the 0079 TV anime. It's the best introduction to the "oh shit there's a real war" and episodic nature that Gundam is known for. DO NOT WATCH THE MOVIES, as they are far too abridged and miss several key moments. It's worth sitting through things like the awkward salt episode to get the full series experience.

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Stop trying to trick the OP into not watching the original show because you're too much of an ADD zoomer faggot to appreciate it.

No wonder Gundam discussion always sucks on Yea Forums. Most people here seem to have only seen the movies. Wiki readers would probably be better company.

I don't get why people keep saying this like it matters. Even if it wasn't popular and nearly killed the series that has no bearing on its actual quality.

I'd say 0079 is a bigger pleb filter. Just look at all the movie watchers that were filtered from the series.

>purposefully trying to trick OP into hating Gundam
He can watch the TV series at his leisure once he's already a fan.

Yes and no, a lot of people I have tried to get to watch it get tired of it around the time they start adding all the super robot stuff on earth with the G armor. Everyone goes into gundam expecting REAL FUCKIN ROBOT, and the series starts that way, but then when the show is tanking and tomino is experimenting with the super robot stuff I find people cant hang as well and honestly even though I have watch it through multiple times, G armor was a mistake.

Watch IBO and stop there. Only good gundam.

>the awkward salt episode
Does everyone forget that was just a side plot to an important episode about Sayla's character arc? It's a funny /m/eme but it's so overblown that going by these threads would make you think it's on the level of Doan's Island.

>once he's already a fan
How is he supposed to be a fan after watching glorified clip shows? How are you a fan of something if you go out of your way to skip parts of it?

>Yeah, I love Gundam. I've seen the 0079 movies, 08th MS Team, and Unicorn. What? Series? They're 90% filler anyway, Yea Forums told me so.

Because the "glorified clip show" is stated by the creator to be the definitive version, overhauls all the animation and cuts out all the fat and silly toy selling things. 0079 is a fine series but it shouldn't be a new fan's first exposure.

Having more real robot stuff isn't worth cutting 11 hours worth of content. 0079 is an interesting watch partially because it's on the border and you can see it start moving in the direction towards being more realistic but it still has some super robot aspects.

>stated by the creator
Tomino also hates Victory. His words aren't to be taken as gospel.

There's nothing wrong with using summary movies to figure out if it's the kind of show you'll enjoy before sinking 20 odd hours into it, especially if you're a working adult with time limitations. Hell, one of my initial exposures to anime was the first Macross movie and now I'm just as much of a bitter jaded faggot that's seen far too much as anyone else here can claim to be.

That said, once you do figure out if you legitimately like something, you've gotta go back and watch the original tv release at some point to fill in whatever blanks the movie(s) left.

This guy gets it.

Shut the fuck up.

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Yes, and people who are going into things looking for the origin of real robot can appreciate that. But people you just want to show something entertaining to are going to have a problem.

>I know better than the creator

>cuts out all the fat
That's a funny way of saying "cuts out 11 hours worth of content so ADHD single cour watching zoomers can binge it on Netflix in a single sitting". Summary movies are always trash and the Gundam ones are no exception. I don't care what Tomino says. The creator of something isn't always right.

Watching a summary movie already taints your first exposure to the series.

You have no experience in media if you think the creator of something always knows what best to do with a series they created. There's countless examples of creators coming in and ruining series they created. Tomino isn't that because he made plenty of other good stuff later on but the movies don't have enough runtime to fit every important thing in an originally 52 episode series that was then required to be cut down to 43 episodes.

>almost killed Gundam
Wouldn't have been that big of a loss if none of the Gundam shows following Turn A came out.

You can shout ADD and zoomer all you want, but for the most part, it was objectively bad content that was cut out.

>I love Gundam but more than half of the series was bad
>It should have been 13 episodes like the amazing 08th MS Team
>btw Tomino makes trash but I still trust him when he says the entries that don't require me to watch very much stuff are the definitive experience

Newfags who quote text that wasn't ever in the thread should be banned on sight

Just watch IBO
Nips said its the best

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start with the 0079 series, just finished it last month, didnt noticed any bad pacing and the old animation didn't bother me either.
but if you want just to say "i watched gundam and its trash" just go with the movie trilogy.

All these nerds badmouthing 0079

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>Watching a summary movie already taints your first exposure to the series.
Irrelevant if you never would have been able (or willing) to take a gamble on committing the time to give the original series a shot anyway. Not all of us can sit around watching anime all day.

GReco could have been turned into something half decent if they had double the episode count to work with. It's one hell of a bad clusterfuck as-is though.

"Start at the first one" isn't a troll answer, you goddamn retard

>I'll call him a newfag, that'll show him

If you didn't have such terrible opinions it wouldn't be so easy to put you into a category. You're the worst kind of anime watcher and the cancer that is summary movies are aimed specifically at you. Why do you even bother watching anime if you clearly don't like it enough to actually watch it? I'd be surprised if there weren't "superior fan cuts" of series on Youtube specifically to appeal to people like you that think getting the highlights of something counts as having watched it.

>I don't get why people keep saying this like it matters. Even if it wasn't popular and nearly killed the series that has no bearing on its actual quality.

Except it kinda does. It did poorly because of how awful it was. You along with all turn a shit fanboys are tryhard Contrarians.

The movies are better than the series. You're just a piece of shit already contaminated by /m/'s hivemind

The series was full of filler, retarded "enemy of the week" episodes, poor animation, inconsistent artstyle, and gimmicky toys for the gundam. Also, it was cancelled.

The compilation movies have everything MINUS one shitty episode and the salt episode, the original artist came back for it, it's amazingly edited and a masterpiece of anime and was done by Tomino himself, who is a master-editor.

You are fucking retarded

>Not all of us can sit around watching anime all day
This goes back to the idea of these kinds of people getting used to binge culture where they want to watch everything in a single day and do nothing but move from series to series without actually getting invested in anything. Nobody's forcing you to watch all 43 episodes at once. In the past, before Netflix, people used to actually watch a single episode every week. Crazy, I know, but if you try it you'll get used to it. Now that you can have all the episodes downloaded at once, or at your fingertips at least, you can even watch 2 or 3 per week! Or maybe even 1 or 2 episodes per day!

>the movies have everything minus two episodes
Where did the other 10 hours worth of missing content get cut from then?

>Not all of us can sit around watching anime all day.
what the hell do you watch then? just those SoL/cgdct with 13 episodes? its just 42 episodes, 1 episode a day and in less than 2 months you are done.

This. OP Is retarded

I you are confused about the OVAs, you can watch any of them in any after you have watched 0079 (either movies or series).

I recommend War In the Pocket at least before Zeta, it's amazing. All the rest do whatever you want.

Personally I like Thunderbolt, Origin, and I guess Unicorn (this one only after you finish Char's Counterattack)

Congrats, you're just like anyone on /m/

>Are there any series that focus on the common soldiers? So far my favorite is war in the pocket, and to a lesser extent, 08th ms team.

Yes, and you already watched them. Watch Thunderbolt if you haven't though. There's more OVAs too, Origin and Stardust Memory for example.

>not liking Unicorn

It is an anime.

Hathaway's Flash is getting animated too.

Crossbone Gundam is the official sequel to F91

0079 and Zeta are the only must watch to get the Gundam experience. If they are too old for you then just watch SEED. It is not as good as the original but I see it as a spiritual successor for the modern viewers, single capital ship Archangel (White base) with a reluctant pilot Jesus Yamato (Amuro) piloting a 1 of a kind prototype Gundam running away from ZAFT (Zeon).

Even after all this years and sequel, I still consider Zeta the best.

Tell us ONE thing that was cut from the series, retard.

The goddamn cartoon had some serious pacing problems too. You're so fucking retarded it goddamn hurts.

Tomino was restrained with the fucking TV anime, that was made to sell toys.

Only after it was cancelled there was a cult following for Gundam because adults liked it. And he did the movies the way he wanted to. Even using enhanced footage from the TV series, and ALMOST NOTHING was cut.

You're just some idiot on the internet. What the fuck, do you know more than the creator of the series now you piece of shit?

It's not a matter of watching it all at once or not you fucking autistic dipshits, it's looking at the episode count and saying "fuck that, there's any number of 12-24 ep shows that I can check out and finish in a much more reasonable amount of time if I do end up liking them".
Time fucking matters to normal people. Easing someone into a massive fucking franchise is much easier if they can spend 2 hours watching a movie first to see if they'll have any interest in the rest of it.
This isn't fucking rocket science.

If the average /m/ poster is anything like you guys it's no wonder OP came here for advice instead.

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What 10 hours? Each movies has over 2 hours of runningtime. What was cut besides what gimmick toys for the gundam, badly animated fights, filler, and padding? Tell me. Please enlighten me.

And before you say, I already said that one shit episode about some veteran soldier and the salt episode were cut. Great shit. He can watch these later.

You're just trying to justify you wasting time with a fucking 43 episode series instead of just watching the movies like everyone told you.

And do you realize you are talking to people who watched both? Fucking retard.

how many times do anyone have to say this it's PRODUCTION ORDER ALWAYS PRODUCTION ORDER

>If they are too old for you then just watch SEED.

Dude, SEED is a terrible series. It only has surface-level similarities and doesn't even come close to telling the story and intensity of 0079. What's worse is that SEED is guilty of tremendous Gary Stu moments, some of the worst in the franchise.

Those are not /m/ posters. They are Yea Forums posters. Where do you think you are?

These are /m/en

>gary stu moments
It is what newfags and zoomers want.
Just look at how jesus yamato and lacus won the newtype poll for 10+ years straight until recently.

It kinda IS the best gundam since Turn A yeah. I like G-Reco though but if you haven't watched UC it's worthless.

Not better than UC though.

I watched the first few episodes of 0079 months ago and lost interest, should I get back into 0079 or are there better iterations of Gundam I can just jump into instead?

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>Tell us ONE thing that was cut from the series, retard.
There's no downtime in the first movie so Amuro's mood swings don't make any fucking sense. Char just drops off the face of the Earth before being shown again in the bar. IIRC the series makes it more clear why he's gone for so long. I'd have to watch both again to be more specific but you say nothing is cut and yet the movies are 7 hours long in total and the series is around 18 hours long. That's 11 hours worth of missing content. So 2 missing episodes makes up 1 hour of that missing content but apparently everything else is filler because it didn't make it into Tomino's short runtime of movie trilogies.

>What 10 hours? Each movies has over 2 hours of runningtime
See above. Math is hard, I know, but try to understand. I did watch both. And I thought the movies were trash that were poorly paced and are not good for a first time watching unless they're a bandwagon jumper that wants to skip through the good parts of the series to get to trash like Unicorn or Origin.

>You're just trying to justify you wasting time with a fucking 43 episode series instead of just watching the movies like everyone told you.
I watched the series because I have a functioning brain and don't call 60% of a series filler just because it's not a glorified animated wiki summary. I just can't fathom that people actually think summary movies are good entries to series.

And? Everyone knows thar SEED and Seed Destiny are fucking crap, shittaster

Nobody cares it was your first gundam animu, dumbfuck.

No, watch the movies instead

Or maybe you're the kind of retard that would like stuff like Wing, G, or 00. In that case, your opinion is worthless.

>I just can't fathom that people actually think summary movies are good entries to series.

Because you're some contrarian retard. You still haven't said what they cut that mattered, or why is that important.

Tomino himself prefers the movies because they are closer to his vision.

Fuck all you all for telling me to skip ZZ. I watched it afterwards and it is my favorite Gundam series now. Something so enjoyable about seeing the "happy Tomino" and the "depressive Tomino" meet. I also enjoyed this cast more than any other Gundam cast. Zeta's cast was way too damn whiny, unlikeable and autistic. The only problem with ZZ is that Tomino left out Char and Amuro for some dumbass reason.
start with this

You should know better than to ever listen to anything Yea Forums tells you.

>And I thought the movies were trash that were poorly paced and are not good for a first time watching unless they're a bandwagon jumper that wants to skip through the good parts of the series to get to trash like Unicorn or Origin.

Oh yeah, because if they didn't like the 2 hour movies, they sure as hell are gonna love a worse animated longer version with padding and shitty gimmicks and monster-of-the-week episodes right user? Fucking imbecile.

>Turn A still doing a great job at pleb filtering after 20 years

>it's contrarian to watch an actual series instead of a horrible chop-shop version of it
Tomino prefers it because he fixed all the leftover super robot stuff.

>You still haven't said what they cut that mattered, or why is that important.
Pacing is important. The movies are paced way too quickly and don't have enough linking content between scenes. It comes off like a collection of set pieces rather than an actual story. There's no room for buildup or anything. Everyone except Amuro and Char in the movies aren't even characters. They're background drawings to make the ship not seem completely empty but all their characterization was cut.

They might like it because it's an actual story with actual content and doesn't skip from scene to scene haphazardly. It's funny that you mention monster of the week because the first movie to me came off like monster of the 15 minutes. The first hour or so of it (guessing because I don't have the movie downloaded right now) was nothing but contextless mech combat. Then Amuro throws a fit for no reason because the reasons were cut for time. Filler/padding in their modern usage are buzzwords that mean nothing. People think you can fit any story into 13 episodes because they've been conditioned by the seasonal anime model to think that. There is not 11 hours worth of padding in Gundam but again, that's how much content is missing from the movies.

It really is.

I just fucking bet these retards love Seed too, lol. After all, SEED brought in the numbers and the kits huh? Lol

Why do NPCs love Zeta?

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Based and not animepilled
I enjoyed ZZ way more than Zeta as well.
For me it's 079>ZZ>Zeta.

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You really think a kit of mustache will sell well?
I still cannot fathom the decision of putting a mustache on a robot, it is like putting a toilet in a gundam.

Great non-answer, retard.

>There's no room for buildup or anything. Everyone except Amuro and Char in the movies aren't even characters. They're background drawings to make the ship not seem completely empty but all their characterization was cut.

Except all that is still there. All characters have their complete arcs. Bright, Sayla, Char, the other kids besides Amuro, that one guy that died, that fat bitch Bright likes. So, tell me, what was cut? You can't even fucking tell you piece of shit.

>They might like it because it's an actual story with actual content and doesn't skip from scene to scene haphazardly. It's funny that you mention monster of the week because the first movie to me came off like monster of the 15 minutes. The first hour or so of it (guessing because I don't have the movie downloaded right now) was nothing but contextless mech combat. Then Amuro throws a fit for no reason because the reasons were cut for time. Filler/padding in their modern usage are buzzwords that mean nothing. People think you can fit any story into 13 episodes because they've been conditioned by the seasonal anime model to think that. There is not 11 hours worth of padding in Gundam but again, that's how much content is missing from the movies.

Confirmed retarded. There's no fucking difference in the movie and the beginning of the series until it turns to retarded enemy of the week episodes. Amuro's complete arc is there, you fucking retarded.

You didn't even fucking watched the movies. Stop replying.

>Then Amuro throws a fit for no reason because the reasons were cut for time

Really? What was the reason? Specifically, the part was the supposely cut. Tell us.

>Filler/padding in their modern usage are buzzwords that mean nothing

No, you're just a retarded that can't understand them. There is no dialogue or character development that was cut. I gave you the chance to me wrong, but you can't. Tell me what was so important that was cut. Please. Stop using buzzwords, and directly, tell me what was cut. Show me.

Fucking. Retard.

And since when do I care about kits and toys? That literally has no bearing on the series quality. Go back to your "epic" gundam plastic models from the Seed era

I don't know what to tell you. I did watch them. Like I said, I don't have them downloaded (I deleted them as soon as I finished them because they were trash) so I can't be specific. You still haven't addressed my point though that there's 11 hours worth of content that was cut but you're still maintaining that nothing important was cut. The only way that 11 of 18 hours of Gundam would be padding is if your definition of padding is very liberal. Even if 12 minutes of every episode was a padding fight that still wouldn't add up to 11 hours.

>Tomino himself said that the trilogy is the definitive version.
[citation needed]

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the moustache wasn't the problem, everything else about the show except for harry ord was

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That idiot just proved he didn't even watch the movies nor does he remember the series.

Nigger was probably burned out from watching a shit 70s anime that he took forever to finish because it's a slog, then when he tried watching the movies IF HE DID, got tired and stopped.

>I don't know what to tell you

Because you have nothing to say. You didn't watch it. You don't know what was cut. You have no goddamn idea. You can't even tell a single, just one, ONE, meaningful scene or dialogue that was so important. You just can't. Make it seems like you didn't even watch the series.

Just the fucking OP and EDs are almost half of these "12 minutes", idiot. 2 episodes add more 40 minutes. Fucking retard.

I already told you that entire episodes were cut. Yeah, useless, random robots, and extended episodes were literally just gundam sequences of the Gundam fusing with stupid toys and fighting a random enemy. The cut most of the gundam toys because they were retarded. Like the gundam hammer. They left only the original stuff Tomino planned. And a better Core Fighter too.

Look for it yourself. No one has to prove you anything retard

Watch SD Gundam

this line of thought is (rather, the rejection of it) is one reason Turn A is so good - selling fucking models clearly wasn't a prime directive in the design of the main mecha

that said, Kapool, Sumo, Turn X, Mahiroo, Gallop, Willgem, and Borjarnon (just a fucking Zaku) are perfectly suitable for merchandising

tl;dr 11s have shit taste as always

if this 11 hours of cut content isn't important enough for you to remember without going back and rewatching the entire goddamned show, it's not fucking important, idiot

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So, it's like, less than 5 minutes of each episode was cut. Why is it so impossible for your retarded mind to fathom that a cartoon from the 70s made for children, for selling toys, didn't have enough "padding" to be cut?

>0080: War in the Pocket
>Read Crossbone Vanguard
>Victory Gundam

Congrats you are done with UC. Anything I missed I intentionally disregarded because it was shit and should be avoided.

For AU I would go with Wing, Seed skip on its sequel Destiny, 00, and IBO

Fuck I forgot Origin should be watched preferably after CCA

You are missing Turn A and GReco at the end after V. Slot in Thunderbolt between before Zeta

>Just the fucking OP and EDs are almost half of these "12 minutes", idiot.
12 minutes per episode. The openings only make up 3 minutes per episode. I know you have no attention span but you could at least try and read my post before responding. To add up to 11 hours it would have to be 16 minutes per episode being padding. Which is a ludicrous claim. I'd like to hear your opinions on the other Gundam series', if you watched them since they don't have summary movies outside of Zeta's ones that completely change it. Actually Turn A has 2 too. I guess the existence of those means that Turn A has 21 hours worth of filler since anything that doesn't make it into compilation movies is apparently filler. What a terrible way to watch anime.

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How about CCA reanimating Lalah's death scene, but using the version that happened in the movies as the basis, not the tv show version. That pretty much confirms that the movies are canon with the Z>ZZ>CCA saga. 0079 tv is a non-canon version like the Zeta trilogy, because it no longer fits the puzzle.

What a trash list. No Stardust memories, what a hollow life without mecha porn. Also since Unicorn was made everything after it should have just been retconned out of existence. I no longer recommend any of it, even though F91 and victory were good.

For me it's ZZ = Turn-A > 0079 > Origin > Zeta > OVA's > Victory > F91

Keep ignoring all other points, retard

You can't even tell what was cut you fucking idiot.

Unh... F91 and Victory weren't retconned. They happen so many years later after CCA and Unicorn that they don't matter.

Stop being a fag and just watch it in production order.

They went back in techlevel from Unicorn to F91/Crossbone.

I did not say they were retconned?

0079 is the original and is actually pretty good, zeta honestly gets boring, zz is more for people who like comedy, and chars counter attack has some of the worst damn characters of the entire series

>zz is more for people who like comedy
The Dublin colony drop arc would like to have a word with you.

Watch Gunbuster, then Diebuster and then Evangelion

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That's Unicorn's fault only. Also just the main godlike units were god-level. Plus there's a reason why the suits are "worse", they are actually lighter, smaller, faster, have more fuel, better A.I. and are mass-produced. The ones from the Jupiter Empire and Zanscare even have cutting-edge laser technology that did literally light constructs.

All that the Unicorn/Banshee/Phenex are is Psychoframes armor.

You know nothing.


Completely fucking right.

Unicorn > CCA

see son, not that hard.

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1980 MSG movie trilogy > Zeta > PS2 ending of the the Gundam game (better than watching ZZ) > Char's Counterattack > Unicorn > Victory > Turn A
Link for PS2 ending:
Watch the ovas(Stardust, Thunderbolt, War in Pocket etc) and spinoffs(00, SEED, G-Gundam, Gundam X etc.) whenever you want.
Ignore production autists who insist that you must watch the 70's version instead of the movie trilogy

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Read the manga Gundam The Origin first.

>zeta honestly gets boring
When? I'm not a fan of most old anime from 20-30 years ago, but I LOVED Zeta and binge watches it all in like a week. I can't recall a second when I was bored with it.
Don't do this

to tell you the truth user just pick any, all of UC is earth VS new-zeon.

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she was a sexy cunt though

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>How do I get into Gundam?
you just get in the cockpiit lmao what are you talking about

Am I the only one who likes Gundam Unicorn? Sure it had it's weak points, but the animation is gorgeous, the fanservice of seeing so many old ms in action is fantastic, the new mech designs are pretty cool and it has a handful of really good scenes (Most scenes with bright, the Zeon remnants attack, the mc and the captain discussing war, the rescue and fight on the plane and etc. are all great scenes). I can acknowledge its flaws, but I don't like that it gets just flat out panned by everyone.

Unicorn peak with Marida and Kshatriya appearance. After that it just went downhill.

I though that it was great. The soundtrack and anamation were both amazing, and the fights were really good. I legitimately don't understand the hate.

Nope thought it was awesome, Banagher, I felt went through the correct growth over the show, Mineva, was very believable as this girl was has to put of this mask of aloofness and control her whole life. Supporting cast such as the sleeves were likeable, and deaths had some good impact. Just the right amount of callbacks to old UC stuff as well.

And of course amazing visuals and mecha design. Sinanju is one of my favorite mechs. O the audio was very good too I thought. Honestly best gundam in a long time.

But Victory IS crap.

You and millions of Azns. Ignore /m/orons and their contrarian taste

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Was Unicorn the mecha genres last hurrah before it went to cgi shit? I know technically every mecha in unicorn is semi-cgi, but still, they shaded them by hand, giving them the 2d look that other cgi mecha lack.

>That scene where Bright comes to talk to Banagher, who is going through ptsd, but instead of bright-slapping him, he sympathises with him and reminisces about the previous Gundam pilots and how they all found their way into the gundams.
Man that moment hit hard. Really showed the final stage of Brights character development.

ya that was very good. You could really feel, all the generations of people behind the show at multiple points in unicorn.

their is a guide for gundam

watch the origin, then watch 079 movies, and ignore the rest and watch macross

most trash opinion ever held

the wacky slapstick tone-shifting into serious and dark shit is kino

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>0079 hate thread
what?? the?? fuck????

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who was in the wrong here?

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>Bandai's desire to sell toys
0079 has absolutely NO objective to sell "toys"
you do realize gunpla came after 0079, right? 0079 is Tomino's magnum opus, unhindered by Bandai jews.
>a horribly paced, low budget tv series
OK, m8, you didn't even watch it, I get it.

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I TRULY don't understand why movie compilation fags are so entitled, why do they think they're superior for watching abbreviated shit? Why do they so strongly desire to justify their low-attention span? 0079 isn't even that long.

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For me, it's Divers.

Watch the Show, then the original movies, then Zeta, then ZZ, Then Char's Counter Attack then whatever you want.

>0079 is Tomino's magnum opus
Did you misspell Ideon?

Ideon is fucking garbage

Wew lad

Nah, pretty sure it was reanimated because of the stylistic shift. It would've looked jarring like mixing 80's animation with new on in a movie trilogy.

As a TV fag I always assumed it's because TV fags are obnoxious, but I honestly have never seen TV fags fight that obnoxiously over watching TV version specifically. Even though I sat through TV version myself whenever someone asks me about Gundam I do make a point to point out that there is a movie version that cuts down on some stuff if you can't sit through it, even if I don't personally recommend it.

don't you mean CCA?


>A story is a method with which one separates things into good and evil via their imagination. It is a system needed for people to keep themselves sane and deal with the unreasoning chaos of reality. Religion offers the story of salvation, for example. Likewise, morals and ethics could be defined as the most popular story of the people of the age. But while these stories are harmless as long as they're used to keep individuals calm, this changes when they're used as tools for a country or race. Stories like "jews are an inferior race that have to be purged" and "capitalists are devils and if you suicide bomb them you can go to heaven" brought about tragedies due to their popularity. For an example on a smaller scale, it's not uncommon that a story that one person regards as a "small love story" turns out to be to the world at large a kidnapping of a minor. At times, stories are a poison that can drive a person mad. This presents a dilemma to us creators: If there are infinite possibilities in writing, is it possible to write a story about the potential danger of stories? A story that renounces stories? Yes it is. Reconguista of G did it.

Butcher has a very high opinion on GReco..

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Tomino for making this huge piece of shit

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The problem with movie CCA is that they cut everything that glues it.

It is almost like F91 movie, except, there was no way they could put it all in one movie.

Fuck CCA movie, still love CCA BC

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Who cares about that hack. TF fucking sucks

>villain of the week
Fuck off brainlet.

The OVA episodes of Unicorn had the best episode endings out of all the Gundam anime. No one can dispute this.

can you post the salt pasta?

Why are Zeon girls so hot, Yea Forums?

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Good concepts ruined by awful mech design and horrendous writing, Gundam is pleb tier trash

Char was right, as evidenced by shit that happens later on in the timeline. His methods were retarded though.

The movie is far better than Beltorchicka Children.
The things it adds isn't worth losing the great visuals and pacing of the movie.

First thou watch 00. Next thou give a try to 0079 movies. Go fast through them and watch nicely done OVAs 0083, War in the Pocket, 08th team, IGLOO to forget the aftertaste of shit from 0079. If thou're still brave enough to dive into the nonsensical abyss of tomino's directed UC, try Zeta. Next watch ZZ on x2 speed, Char's counterattack after this. Done.

If after 0079 thou had enough, try to watch The Masterpiece - Gundam SEED. Ignore Destiny. Next Unicorn. After that thou can choose between G Gundam, Gundam X or AGE. After thou watched everything thou wanted from that list - watch Turn A. Done.

Now thou can throughly enjoy Gundam Build Fighters and forget Gundam franshise as a bad dream.

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G Gundam is the most fun

>watch nicely done OVAs 0083
>to forget the aftertaste of shit from 0079
0083 is absolute garbage. It is by far the worst part of UC.

this entire post is wrong.

Not OP
First I watched 0079
Then I watched the 8th MS team and it was ok
Then I watched Origin. They are still making episodes
I prefer to keep it in the order they were released. So what should I watch next?

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with watching the 0079 compilation movies. Not unless you really need that user to watch an episode about white base running out of salt.

I'll admit none of the other series should be watched in this way, however. The pacing is all jacked up, especially the Zeta ones.

If someone could just list all the UC series in release order and let everyone figure out what is and what isn't worth watching, that'd be just fucking great. If someone could get the order right then we could just screenshot it, look at it when you want to watch the next series and post it when it is asked again.

Watch the UC bulk from start to finish. Then watch some 00 and Turn A since they are the only good universes outside of the Universal Century.

>MUH salt episode
fucking retard how many times do we have to tell you that episode is critical for Sayla's character development?

He didn't watch the original series, clearly. That's how compilationfags like to justify themselves. They're ignorant and proud of it.

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I have my own question. I’ve watched the majority of Gundams at this point, and there’s only scattered few I still need to get around to now, and I haven’t seen anything post-Seed except for Reconguista. I’m finally ready for more Gundam, so what should I watch next out of these?
>Victory Gundam
>Gundam 00

Bad advice. War in the pocket must be seen after Zeta, in order to maximize horror.

This is a troll chart.

I wish Sayla was my IRL GF
I actually feel for her.I can't feel for anyone IRL and IDK why. I want to protect her and... stuff

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00, my boy. Followed by Orphans, Victory, and then Age.


ZZ was great, I blame Yea Forums for putting it off so long. It started so wacky, but went even deeper into the late-series insanity than the rest of Tomino's work did.

Gundam is full of best girls.

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only watch War in the Pocket during Christmas time

good taste, user.


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>caring about Sayla's character development, when she gets barely a cameo appearance in the entirety of the rest of the franchise, and is usually off-screen.

Even fucking Hayato gets more screen time later on.

I am new to Gundam and I can tell this is not in release order. God damn it WHY does anyone ever bother asking questions on the chans

>implying the franchise matters
0079 works perfectly as a standalone series. In fact, Tomino did NOT want to franchise Gundam.

00 is good but fuck the movie continuation.

It is. Look at the production dates. They are right there in the chart.

Tomino also shat out G-Reco recently, what the fuck does he know anymore?

>balls bulge
into le trash with you

I think this is the actual root of compilationfags issue, they think that they must watch the entirety of Gundam's franchise. So, they take the quickest root possible to "completion," without even understanding the significance of the original TV series, or Tomino's intentions in creating it.

00 is good. kino first season. ok 2nd season. the movie has AYYLMAOS though and is pretty controversial.

Literally irrelevant. You were talking about the Sayla and the "franchise." There was no conception of a Gundam "franchise" when Tomino was making 0079.

Ah right enough it's all correct. I was watching it wrong the whole time fuck sakes. The problem is people keep telling you how to watch it from their opinion. It's hard to get a straight answer.

should i watch wing?

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why can't you start at the beginning and watch everything like a normal autist?

Some of the gundam manga are pretty good, the 0083 reboot manga is much better than the show.

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Lots of people bitching in the thread about how shit Gundam is as an anime. But based tomino carried a franchise where the anime and toy brand are literally two separate things that still sell like hotcakes and gets frequent updates by based mech designers. Name another big hit anime franchise beyond live action tokusatsu that can achieve this. That's right, be jealous and envious of the greatness of nerd porn via Gundam, because there is no anime that can achieve this level of monumental basedness.

No one should watch wing.

fate can achieved monumental basedness, a few years back

00 is a better version of Wing