So, what's the correct order, Yea Forums?
So, what's the correct order, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Evangelion, then Evenicle, then EverQuest and finally Eve no Jikan
>watch episode 1-20
>watch OA versions of 21-24
>watch episodes 25-26
>watch DC versions of 21-24
>skip Death and Rebirth
>watch EoE
>watch 1.11
>watch 2.22
>watch 3.33
>join us all in waiting for 3.0+1.0 next year
all you really need is 1-26 and EoE. The rebuilds aren't as bad as people make them out to be but they're skippable. A lot of people will claim heresy, but the first 21 or so episodes aren't super great the first time you watch them, don't expect to be blown away. It comes together in the last 3 episodes and EoE
just watch in order of release
Get 2d4u encodes for the original series. They have the best quality by far.
1-26 Then EoE.
Skip Death and Rebirth, it's like a recap crap.
Then if you want, I guess 1.11, 2.22 and 3.33.
Good, except no one should watch 3.33.
1-26 with Directors Cut, and EoE in Japanese.
Congrats, you're done!
....isn't in airing order?
Rebuild should be MONTHS removed from the original series, Death and Rebirth are pointless. If you want more Eva stuff read the manga instead.
2006 > Zero > UBW series > heavens feel
The correct order
>Select all torrents
>Right click
>Delete torrent + data
The correct order is the friends we made along the way.
Is there any reason to use 2D4U over Seph aside from the OA version of 21-24 and English audio?
Delete everything at the same time
Why do people insist on the OA version of 21-24? Why does it matter?
>next year
Come on user do you really believe this?
Does that mean nothing to you? Besides, the DC versions set up plot threads that don't get resolved until EoE.
There's a teaser, khara's posted a bunch of BTS images on their Twitter, and they've started voice recording. I'd say 2020 is pretty likely.
>watch 1-24
>watch episode 25 up until 9:25 then stop
>watch EoE until 1:12:51 then stop
>watch rest of episode 25 and 26
>watch rest of EoE
You sound like a fucking cunt.
If they get superceeded by stuff that better fits into EoE I have no problem, so I have no attachment to the purist argument. EoE should be watched.
last time I was on Nyaa I saw there was a fan made cut of EoE that has the last two episodes spliced in where they're supposedly appropriate. Haven't watched it though
Jesus Christ what is this kind of autism.
Just watch the anime and then EoE, after that do whatever you want. Peope ITT are autistic about the tiniest of details that would ruin a first watcher's experience with stupid back and forth.
I really hope this is just a rumour then
>watch 1-20
>watch 21'-24' (director's versions)
>watch 25-26
>watch EoE
>disregard 21-24 (broadcast versions) and Death & Rebirth
This is how I watched it. Haven't watched the Rebuilds yet, probably not going to do it before 4.0 is released in Japan.
I had one of my friends trim up EoE to cut out the studio shit at the beginning and intermission in the middle so it flows better, should I upload that to nyaa?
don't do this under any circumstances
25/26 and eoe are not the same ending
>disregard 21-24 (broadcast versions)
You're missing out. The DCs absolutely butcher Rei's death, for starters.
just watch it in release order.
also death and rebirth is entirely optional, you don't have to watch it
Which was then superseded by the Director's Cut. You know, the version that's supposed to reflect the director's final vision/intention? You really think a first watcher will enjoy rewatching the last 4 or 5 episodes with only a few added scenes here and there?
Yeah, I'm not believing some random gossip rag.
25/26 is instrumentality
It's not even called the Directors' Cut in Japan.
Yes, but not EoE's Instrumentality.
>The CGI aliens supersede the puppet aliens in Star Wars 4.
>not EoE's Instrumentality
That's up for debate.
>Anno is just like Poetry Man
no it isn't you fucking retard, not unless you want to ignore a bunch of official statements
I'd seed
Source your claims.
The DCs change more than the Special Editions do.
>Thus, the story of Eva would branch into two stories with the diverging point being the end of Episode Twenty-Four "The Final Messenger." The two stories each unfold differently and arrive at their own climaxes.
>It is not that one is the complete version and the other is incomplete. Just like the multiple endings of a game, two different endings were prepared for one story.
-Renewal/Platinum booklets
>Thus, the story of Evangelion branches into two after the last scene of episode 24. There is one ending as shown in TV episodes 25 and 26, while episodes 25' and 26' as shown in "THE END OF EVANGELION" are another ending.
-EoE theatrical pamphlet
>(at the beginning of episode 26) At last, the [Human Instrumentality Project] has been executed. ... How about the complementation of Shinji? How about the complementation of Shinji's heart? Here the path of Shinji's complementation is described.
>(at the end of episode 26) Amidst the many words of congratulations, a faint smile starts at the corners of Shinji's mouth (and spreads across his face). A happy face -- that is the figure of the Complemented Shinji.
-Newtype Filmbook
>Hayashibara: So there will be two episode 25s.
>Anno: Right, it will be a multi-ending.
>Hayashibara: So, a dual... ah, a multi-ending. After episode 24 the endings will diverge.
>Anno: Right.
>Hayashibara: There will be two of them.
>Anno: There will be two of them.
>Hayashibara: Ah, two endings.
>Anno: Yes.
>Hayashibara: In terms of gaming - is it called a simulation game? What do you call it? The ending for that [particular] self changes as you go on [through the game].
>Anno: Right, a multi-ending [game].
-Radio interview, 1996
You're not saying anything new. It's called Concurrency and it has been discussed to death for years now. Trying to impose your perspective based on documentation of can 3 when the same Anno commented otherwise is kind of stupid.
I’m still lead to believe by “different endings” they mean the ending of the series can be viewed in two perspectives: a mental perspective as viewed in EoTV and a “real world” perspective in EoE.
They are literally concurrent. That's the only way the TV ending makes sense at all.
>he seriously uses the Misato/Kaji sex scene as an argument for concurrency
>same Anno commented otherwise
>I’m still lead to believe by “different endings” they mean the ending of the series can be viewed in two perspectives
Yeah, because multiple endings in a video game are totally known for being like that.
How do the 2 endings even align in that theory? The series ends with him being all happy and brainwashed and everyone clapping and EoE is the opposite of that.
>intended experience
They intended to have no budget for the last two episodes?
In what way does it not make sense if it's separate from EoE?
>believing episode 26 wasn't the original intended ending
That is way too much autism and Death has interesting character stuff 25/26/EoE don't cover.
Just watch the Directors Cut version of the TV series, Death (Rebirth is EoE part 1), EoE, Rebuilds. Read the official manga and one stupid spinoff manga of your choice (I like Raising Project because the Dark Horse translation was a meme) if you want.
Watch Shinji's Rant and listen to the Radio Drama if you want more memes.
>he doesn't believe in concurrency theory
Imagine being this fringe and irrelevant
Nowhere does it say that the endings contradict eachother.
>happy and brainwashed
What? No. TV 25 and 26 flat out tell you they happen during Instrumentality, which would put them during the Komm, Susser Tod/what are dreams sequence. Shinji gets his shit together in 26 TV, talks to Rei, decides people should be individual again and gets barfed out into the real world with Asuka.
Congratulations happens because Shinji realizes his life has meaning and worth, that all lives do. He defines himself as an individual.
what's the point of watching death if you're watching the dcs
You'd make a good lawyer.
>he believes in concurrency theory
imagine being this led by popular opinion
He doesn't get barfed out in ep 26.
downloading to gigabit seedbox, will seed forever, thanks user
I have a feeling you get beat up a lot in real life.
just finished watching the TV series and now I'm going to watch EoE. you think I should watch your trimmed version instead?
Episodes 1-9, Evangelion 3.33, end of evangelion. episodes 9-20, Evangelion 1.11, last episodes and then 2.22.
I'm sorry I didn't express my disbelief at your absolutely idiotic opinion in a way more acceptable to you.
Probably not. Trimmed version is a time-saver for people who watch it a lot or something
Go for the original vision, at least at first
It's exactly the same as the original except it doesn't have the pointless 5 minute long intermission
>watching Eva
But you know the basic plot from browsing Yea Forums like I did
>Shinji moves with misato
>Shinji starts piloting
>Shinji goofs around with Asuka and lusts after Rei
>Shinji fights off more xrays
>Shinji fails his friends and kills off his gay buddy
>Shinji kills Asuka
>doc gets killed
>Misato lives
Then we get the iconic end with angels and some shit. Then comes deus exe shinji and everyone claps
That off the top of my head and 10 years of Yea Forums
>Shinji kills Asuka
Nope, not directly at least.
>Misato lives
Doc too, everyone that dies during Instrumentality has the *chance* to come back if they want to.
Rei cannot come back right?
Nope. She's half-Angel and is housing a fragment of Lilith's soul on top of being the one initiating Instrumentality in the first place.
>lusts after Rei
lol, he never does that
Rei and Shinji barely even interact past the mid-way point of the series until instrumentality.
>on top of being the one initiating Instrumentality in the first place
Yeah that's why I thought she wouldn't be able to come back but I wasn't sure. Thanks
Congratulations was accepting instrumentality.
I mean, Shinji sees her bandaged self at the beach so maybe she's still around on some capacity
I take it you're interested in Evangelion as a whole.
>Watch Eva 1-26
>Skip Death and Rebirth
>Watch EoE
That's all. Rebuilds are fanfic tier trash and should be discarded as such.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet
"I want to continue existing" = rejection of instrumentality
>tfw no Balognaponyverse spinoff directed by Anno instead of Kare Kano that slowly reveals itself to be a false world
Would have been the kino to kill all kino
nice quads, and agreed. also people love to shit on dubs on Yea Forums, but the dubbed alternate reality sequence at the end of ep. 26 was so great dubbed. baloney pony and the scene where Asuka is waking up Shinji are top laughs.
Just to clarify, I'm not promoting the Evangelion dub, though I agree that sequence itself is probably the highlight. I like the Eva dub as a funny way to rewatch and laugh at, not a serious interpretation of the story.
Why don't you just watch the show, you double nigger? How can it be that you've been into anime for 10 years but never felt like watching Eva?
literally just the first torrent. delete the other 4.
Best post itt.
Rebuilds are a soulless cash grab. I regret watching them.
Quads so must be true
Rebuilds are pretty bad, 1.0 is just a ep 1-6 recap with some cryptic changes, 2.0 is just less interesting than the series, and then 3.0 is worse than the average fanfic (meaning horrendous)
Don't understate how bad 2.0 is. 2.0 is WISH FUFILMENT IN A FUCKING EVA FILM
Feel like the writer's intention was for 2.0 to appeal to the wish-fulfillment seekers, then 3.0 was supposed to be the "gotcha!" gut punch to those same people.
Except 3.0 was such a confusing wreck that no one gives a shit about it regardless of their 2.0 opinion, unless they are a Kaworufag.
wtf are OA and DC versions? Original Animation and Director's Cut? How do ik which one I have?
Why is Evangelion special to you? Why do you like it more than other animes if you do? What keeps you coming back, to the series, to these kind of threads?
On Air vs Director's Cut
You'll know which one you have because the DC versions are slightly longer
>Watch 25-26 after EOE
1-26 then EoE, how is this hard?
ReHash is cancer and needs to fuck off.
I've watched all the other episodes, EoE, and Rebuilds.
But I never bothered to watch 25/26.
>EoE is a concurrent/parallel to the TV ending
literal brainlet
You've literally never seen Evangelion then.
Right back at you. Concurrency theory is the only viable theory.
You're still here?
It still appeals to me artistically like, perhaps, no other work. That and I love character-driven stories, and Eva has amazing characters
Mine was Rebuilds, TV series 1-24, EoE, and finally the manga.
This. Otherwise 1-24, EoE, 25-26, rebuilds.
>Rebuilds first
I'm sorry for you man
They weren't that bad, besides they got me to watch the show and read the manga.
Although now that I think about it I only watched the Rebuilds because I wandered into an Eva thread like 2 years ago and saw an image of Misato and Ritsuko during the Jet Alone episode sitting at that gigantic table with all the drinks in the middle. So something from the TV series did get me to watch the Rebuilds which led me back to the TV series.
>I share a board with rebuildniggers
>I share a board with dubniggers
>I share a board with skip EoTVniggers
>I share a board with anti-concurrencyniggers
Live your life correctly.
Why the OA versions of 21-24?