How do you watch your anime and what is the proper way to watch anime in the year 2019?
How do you watch your anime and what is the proper way to watch anime in the year 2019?
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Use mpv, it's better and is the real master race.
If you love madVR's obscure scaling algorithms, use LAV Filters Megamix+PotPlayer, it handles them better and won't ruin videos in old games, since you don't need to set the codecs default.
i still use vlc because mpv requires you to program your own fucking shit to work around it
VLC. Never had any problems with it.
MPV since I'm not a stupid, out-of-touch old man.
I use MPC-HC because I genuinely dont understand the science you have to do with MPV. Not only that, I dont even know what codecs you're meant to get so I just use CCCP.
what's up with the mpv autism? mine works out of the box without even touching the config, why would I need to meddle with it?. I asked many times to /g/mpv but those fags are too busy circle jerking to hear me.
Never heard about MPV, what makes it better than other players?
Are there any comparison pics?
I downloaded MPV and it's shit, so why everyone loves that lightweight meme player so much?
>video software
>using still images for comparison
Exactly how retarded are you?
I tried to use MPV and it is the least intuitive video player i've ever tried. Is this a SEKRIT CLUB XD kinda thing to plebfilter people out like sad panda or is this legitimately a better piece of software? Is there a good GUI version?
I use VLC for the memes, but I've literally never seen it do that.
Mobile Phone.
MX Player.
good post user
Why are you so mad?
This is how a comparison image looks, you can clearly see the difference.
It's an old meme from back when VLC was shit.
My VLC player still does that. Maybe I should just uninstall it and download the latest version, because I don’t think it updates at all.
It manages to please both people who want a that works great out of the box and people who love to fiddle with settings. I consider myself to be the former and it's so much easier to just download and run a single .exe than it is to install and configure three or four separate pieces of software (in mpc's case) or wait a billion years for VLC's font cache to build.
>not using mpv-android
You literally can't watch anime without madVR
>install and configure three or four separate pieces of software (in mpc's case)
But I only run a single exe with mpc-hc and it works
VLC unironically. Yea Forums continues to live in the past.
>works great out of the box
Where is the gui?
nowhere because masterani shut down
Linux autists expect you to have it stored in your brain.
You get what you deserve.
Last I checked you need lavfilter, xysubfilter, madvr if you wanted it and some retiming software if you're feeling adventurous, although the specific cocktail of software seems to change everytime a new meme codec comes out so it's probably different from when I last used it.
>he still uses guis
Jokes aside the default gui has everything you should need for video navigation. If you want to do anything more complicated you should be reading the manual and making your own .conf files anyway.
If I need to learn 20 keybord shortcuts your software is not just werks.
Literally what the fuck do you need a GUI for?
>I click on my video file and it opens in MPV
Just like MPC.
>I double click the video to fullscreen
Just like MPC.
>I use the page up/down buttons to scroll through chapters
Just like MPC.
>I can take a screenshot with one keypress
Just like MPC.
I use the gui for those things and I expect to have that functionality.
So why not just use MPC since it has more development time and addons?
I'm not on Windows. I do use MPC on Windows OS.
MPV on linux, MPC on windows.
I don't understand the fuss, potplayer works out of the box to please people who just want to watch with a gui and also has all the madVR shit everyone chimps about.
Who here /plex/?
Plex chads and the MPC virgin
>not using MX Player
I guess I just dont know about these things since I dont use any of those and it plays videos without issues.
Based retard
MX player on my galaxy S7
Based MXbro
Why so much hate to VLC? Is it really THAT bad?
>Locodol S2 never
That's just oldfaggotry talking. VLC is fine as it is now, just not the best.
The only one that is really necessary is lavfilter because of all the extra codecs it lets you play. I think this is literally built into mpc-hc now so it's only necessary if you want a more bleeding edge version (in other words, not necessary 99% of the time). Subfilter fixes rendering of certain subtitle formats. It's the kind of thing that's nice to have but usually wouldn't notice if you didn't have. madvr and reclock are just memes, pay them no heed.
Honestly any kind of software loyalty is fucking stupid. If mpc-hc does everything you want it to then there's really no reason to switch. I only use mpv because it happens to meet my specific needs, and the moment another piece of software inevitably arrives that better fits those needs is the moment I expect to jump ship.
So you haven’t actually used it. I immediately noticed a difference with 480p releases. It also fixes the colorbanding issues with horriblesub releases
thank you for asking. here it is:
I print out the individual frames and put them together in a flip book.
I use to organise and fetch torrents. qbittorrent to download them, and vlc to play them.
I used it for years. I just didn't find myself missing it when I stopped using it. The extra time spent configuring it just isn't worth the small increase in visual quality in my opinion.
Reminder that there are literally thousands of shounenmonkeys on this board who stream dubbed anime.
Change vlc to mpc and you're literally me.
Now? No.
Then? Sometimes.
You should know that Yea Forums tends to exaggerated a lot of things.
>no GUI
it's like it was coded by braindead autists
you literally add two lines of text in a config text file and you are good to go. mpv master race.
I am clinging onto CCCP. The project is dead, the website is dead, the contributors have scattered to the wind, but I've used it since 2007 and you can pry it from my cold dead hands.
Whats so bad about it, I use it as well. It makes the videos work, doesnt it?
mpv-android fucking sucks
MPV has way, WAY, more user-shaders and scripts.
That's ironic coming from someone who is apparently too stupid to research how to write conf files to make it work the way you want and learn a handful of keyboard shortcuts. Literally anyone who can read should be able to figure this shit out, it's not fucking rocket science.
MPV. I don't like fucking around with settings and other software, and it's really quick and easy to use. Anyone who complains about "muh gui" is an autist.
MPC-HC has been my go-to for years. nice and simple and it just works TM
You're better off using each of its components individually. The sekrit club version of MPC-HC has updated LAV filters and the updated madvr is just leagues better. You can skip out on xysubfilter considering it's irrelevant nowadays.
Correct solutions by OS:
Windows: MPC-HC+MadVR+xysubfilter for nice PCs, mpv for toasters
Everything else: mpv
Potplayer has a dreadful subtitle renderer that doesn't handle motion correctly. It might seem like a minor issue, but it made gg's Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei release almost unwatchable for me.
any tips for configuring madvr?
Copypasta for the settings used in the image in :
Artifact removal: Debanding high, reduce compression artifacts strength 1, quality high, activate only if it comes for free
Reduce random noise strength 1
Image enhancements: AdaptiveSharpen 2.0, activate anti-bloating filter strength 100%, activate anti-ringing filter
Chroma upscaling: NGU Anti-Alias, low quality (this is the least important setting and should be the first one reduced if you're dropping frames)
Image upscaling: NGU Anti-Alias, algorithm quality medium for doubling and quadrupling
Upscaling refinement: Adaptive Sharpen 2.0, activate anti-bloating filter strength 100%, activate anti-ringing filter, refine the image only once after upscaling is complete
(Not relevant to static image quality but important) Smooth motion: Enable smooth motion frame rate conversion only if there would be motion judder without it
These are my settings for a 1080p display. This produces high quality anime visuals for both 720p and 1080p downloads. Refer to anibin to know whether you should be downloading 720p or 1080p of each show. Download 1080p if anibin says it's above 720p.
These settings require a gaming PC. Reduce random noise is particularly demanding, but it's also perhaps the most important setting there, as it allows one to crank up the sharpening without the image getting noisy.
NVIDIA noise reduction at 100% is also activated for those screenshots, in NVIDIA control panel. A lot of AMD cards have a similar option, although sometimes you need third-party software to activate it.
These settings are fucking shit for live action. Good for anime, shit for live action. It's most convenient to simply use mpv for live action and MadVR for anime.
These settings may sometimes look like shit for
I use a player that does not alter original files with a wide gamut display to have oversaturated colors losslessly.
The important stuff:
Artifact removal: Debanding high, reduce compression artifacts strength 1, quality high, activate only if it comes for free
Reduce random noise strength 1
Image enhancements: AdaptiveSharpen 2.0, activate anti-bloating filter strength 100%, activate anti-ringing filter
Chroma upscaling: NGU Anti-Alias, low quality
Image upscaling: NGU Anti-Alias, algorithm quality medium for doubling and quadrupling
Upscaling refinement: Adaptive Sharpen 2.0, activate anti-bloating filter strength 100%, activate anti-ringing filter, refine the image only once after upscaling is complete
(Not relevant to static image quality but important) Smooth motion: Enable smooth motion frame rate conversion only if there would be motion judder without it
These are my settings for a 1080p display. This produces high quality anime visuals for both 720p and 1080p downloads. Refer to anibin to know whether you should be downloading 720p or 1080p of each show. Download 1080p if anibin says it's above 720p. Current season list at:
These settings require a gaming PC. Reduce random noise is particularly demanding, but it's also perhaps the most important setting there, as it allows one to crank up the sharpening without the image getting noisy.
NVIDIA noise reduction at 100% is also activated for those screenshots, in NVIDIA control panel. A lot of AMD cards have a similar option, although sometimes you need third-party software to activate it.
Mp4, dubbed, and listening to it in the background while I do something else.
While everyone is arguing over MPC and MPV, what's the best MOBILE video player?
Who cares
I dont even know what that command does but apparently its supposed to be good, I cant notice a difference though. Im also a pleb and like to turn the saturation pretty high because it makes the colours look nice
>Download 1080p if anibin says it's above 720p.
anibin does not test stream services ripped by HS. They often get one 1080p upscale regardles of production resolution that they downscale for streaming.
I'm tech illiterate so anything besides MPC scares me.
For me, it's having subscriptions to Crunchyroll, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime, and Netflix
Your post and the excerpt it is replying to are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are both correct.
>not opening your video file in notepad and reading it for raw maximum quality
where do i download mpv
Dunno. If only there were some way of searching for it from any website.
I use VLC because it's better for watching anime at 2x speed and beyond, I tried it with MPC-HC but the characters end up sounding like hamsters instead of the more "natural" sped up audio from VLC that and even though I have a decent PC with an older ivy bridge processor and a 970 GPU and the fans turn on getting quite a decent load (that's what she said) on my machine, making the fans turn on and everything almost if I was doing something more intensive like rendering something or playing a game so I really don't think it's worth the hassle MOST of the time, I just wanna watch my shit in peace, but if there's a show I really enjoy I'll use it for the slightly better experience
I don't know, I'm fucking retarded, every time a season ends I swear to myself I won't do this stupid shit again but I still pick up 20-30 shows to watch when the next one comes around anyways, something to keep me "busy" or just waste some time daily I guess, the problem really rears it's ugly head when I miss a couple of days and I have a ton of piled up shit to catch up on which makes me go to 3x maybe even 4x speed just to get it done, I don't know why I fucking do it to be honest, like no offense to anybody who likes Endro for instance but I couldn't fucking tell you why I'm watching that shit, I get no joy or enjoyment out of it and it's just a slog I want to get out of the way as quickly as possible, same thing for Grimm notes, Hinomaro Sumou and a bunch of other dumb shit I just decide to watch for no discernible reason, I even drop a lot of stuff but clearly nowhere near enough since there's always only 2-4 shows each season I end up looking forward to anyways and yet I pick up 20-30 because I'm a fucking dumb ass with nothing better to do with my free time, anyways, sorry about the blog post I guess
I'm sorry
VLC no problems since I started using it.
how do i get my vlc to look like this
That's a feature
look mom! I posted it again!
I build a new PC and find out KCP and CCCP are both abandonware, what codec pack should I install for MPV?
Anyone else use SMPlayer? It's UI is ugly as sin but for me its the ultimate it just werks player. Used it on Windows, Debian, Mint and Arch with no problem
I still have hopes