Characters just before dying

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Other urls found in this thread:

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remember, humans are le epic the true devils

>In the city

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congrats, you didn't understand the message of this arc

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>he doesnt know

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still hurts

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she's alive in my heart

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It's okay, user. Potatoes last longer when frozen.

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Gets me every time

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It's not fair

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I'm still sad

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And then they shat on him in the sequel.

Based humans with their limitless potential

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The japanese version has the excuse that it's actually a different character with the same head.
And he was a badass in Cybertron.

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Hurts just a little.

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Damn this series was bad

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San had a hard life

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What would you look like just before dying?

>Drifters S2

such a good take on the character

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But the creator confirmed he lived so nice try.
Unless you mean Sid

2deep4u. Ergo Proxy is on par with Evangelion as far as "existential journey of self-discoveries" go.

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But that's WRONG you sped.

Hurts a lot, I just wanted Suzuka to be happy

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>huntards unironically think comic books have actual messages

>he still thinks he is not powernapping

>humans are le angels


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I can't believe Pekora is dead.

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lol the was so retarded that im going to give you a (you)

I don't know why this shit is so funny to me?

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jeez. This one still gets me

Cope harder

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Hello brother!

Always gets me.

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best death

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I can hear the music just from looking at it.

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Definitely took me by surprise
I still believe there will be a s2 somewhere in the future, god willing


thanks i hated it

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Fuck. I forgot about that manga, quite a few of the death in that one made me sad.
Shame about the ending tho

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but he is already been dead

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>could have been

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armada starscream for best starscream.

Oh man that takes me back, I remember taping the episode when it aired on Saturday morning TV when I was a kid and re-watching it multiple times. I'm sure I've still got the tape lying around somewhere, but I don't have a VHS player anymore.

Wait, really? What about the chick who wanted to marry him?

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Read the new chapter.

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>characters just before dying

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>Maybe I should have waited for the ambulance I called myself instead of crawling in the woods and eat ants

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Came to post this

I fucking miss her. She was too evil for this world. I swear if Aka doesn't go back to it after Kaguya is done I'll be legit more pissed than Double Arts

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Best death in manga history.

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See you tomorrow

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Came here to post this.

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Source? Can't find it on google, saucenao or yandex.

Cop was the best

Sadly, user. Iirc Aka said that he has lost touch to his younger self who wrote IB.

Dokunie cooking