>imagine being a prisoner serving your time peacefully
>giant bara faggot rapes you and force deep kisses you against your will
>literally breaks you to the point that you will gladly reject your own humanity for a chance to avenge your lost manhood
>your angst and hatred never even get to get acknowledged by the faggot, before it end your misery on accident

And people said Amai mask was "evil" for killing a couple of brainwashed merceneries who failed their job and compromised the mission by becoming enemies.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The only reason why beta fags call Mask 'evil', is because he killed Dos.

They were all serial killers that would harass the hell put of any newcomer. It wasn’t any prison they were in, the prisoners were the worst of the worst.

what did murata mean by this

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Guts was raped and he turned out fine.

Actually it’s because he killed those two innocents muscular cuties (and the rest of their squad). Do-S had it coming.

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genos' gag reflexes are quite good

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this fucker looks pretty cool

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the middle finger has no meaning in japan

Really? Wow, Mask is even more based than i thought

is puri a tactical genius?

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I really like how ONE actually made PPP get two powerups to explain his angel crawl technique. It’s those little things that makes the manga a clear improvement.

That's because Donovan did nothing wrong. He payed, was honest with him and just a cheerful nice kind of guy.

I fucking died laughing twice this chapter. OPM is the perfect action comedy.

same, had a shit eating grin on my face the entire chapter. especially during the cave-in.

He is the protagonist, can you say the same for those prisoners?

>two innocents muscular cuties
You mean mercenaries that were willing to do anything for money?

>I like how the writing went shit to explain one of his ability that he had no occasion to show us previously, meaning he could have had it all along

samefag pls

Why is his hand the size of his head?

Rape is not a big deal

Puri is best girl.

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I bet one of the prisoners was named Beecher.


I wish they would do me for money

It might be a good idea to go outside once in a while. You don’t have to do it often, just once in a while.

Outside of his overblown gay act Puri Puri is a genuinely nice guy. I take him over Sweet mask

>fights to protect humanity
>channels his urge to molest dudes to punish actual convicted killers
>voluntarily serves time in prison
>inspires other heroes when they begin to doubt themselves
>has a steady relationship
>never gives up

>I WILL continue to inject my headcannon until I meme it to being true!
There is literally zero evidence to support them being some ruthless mercenaries.

That is all

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They are mercenaries who were using illegal battle suits user, people who fight for money alone are scum anyway

The hell is Nyan's problem?


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>serving your time peacefully

That's where you fucked up dog, only the worst and most violent prisoners get sent to Smelly Lid.

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how do I achieve this mode

He’s a cat

He's also based and redpiled.

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imagine your manga not even focusing on its titular gag character, lmao. it might as well be a spin off series at this point

mob is the objectively superior ONE work

>difference between having plot armor and not

But I've known plenty of cats who have decided not to give up their humanity because their owners were affectionate towards them

So why'd this one do it?

Are you ready for the S-class and Psykos to get btfo?

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Fuck off mob fag, return to your containment thread.


nigga what?

Did they give Shitryu the gayest voice imaginable to make his toothless crying scene even funnier?
Perfect casting

Hit the gym once in a while (1-2 times a week). After 6 months, your arms will start to get bigger and you will notice your belly decreasing in size. Don't forget leg exercises.
No need for extra proteins, maintain a healthy lifestyle with almost no junk food (doesn't hurt 2-3 times a month)

When you become a monster you give up your humanity, come now, user. So therefore when Nyan became a monster he gave up his humanity, even as a cat. Get it?

Cats aren't human though, he probably just got into some loose monster cells.

>difference between being a bitch ass faggot with indian teeth and a GAR lad with teeth made of adamantium

Most cats don't immediately claw the first person they meet and then leave through a crack in the wall though. Especially for a domestic housecat.

>Most cats don't immediately claw the first person they meet
You haven't met many cats I see.

>Garou fags being mad over someone having better physique than him
no surprise

That's his character. He's a pretty boy who coasts on his natural talent, beating up weak nobodies to boost his ego and to impress shallow women.

>lad with teeth made of adamantium
Hey now, Garou's made of flesh and blood too. He's just powered by the sheer force of his rage and determination keeping him together.

Bitch I own 8 cats. Even the meanest of them is only a bitch if I intentionally piss her off.

One just robbed a bank, give him a rest.

>8 is a large sample size
catlady please

He has no personality because he is filler.

>better physique
Kek, you wish, suiryufag currynigger. He's generic as shit. And he's weak as shit.

Garou is the absolute peak physique you will never be able to achieve.

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Violent crime, and he may have shot someone.

>unironically what garou fags believe

That’s a lot of cats for one person. He has autism leave him alone.

We know he did with his bare hands.

Garou is blessed with amazing genes. Bang too, they have similar body types. Fuck, Bang’s still got that sexy back at 80 years old.

you can shoot people with your hands, just ask CP9.

I originally only had two, then I rescued one that was stuck on my roof and had no owner, and another that stayed constantly under my car and also had no owner. One of my originals died of old age, so I adopted another, who turned out to be pregnant with a litter of 3. Then I took my grandmother's cat after she passed away since nobody else would take it.

So Nyan being a monster from having a loving owner confounds me.

Aw, no one can hear you over the sound of Garou's body being worshiped and you choking on your curry as Suiryubitch cries like an actual gay faggot, suiryunigger. Must hurt no one gives a flying fuck about the toothless indian.

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Does Puri Puri have any chance against Nyan?
It would be pretty anticlimactic if he of all people beat a Dragon since it would make Black Sperm running circles around far stronger members of the S-class seem out of place.
But if Puri Puri doesn't do it, who will beat Nyan? Darkshine maybe?

>Being autistic characterfags
Why can't people just enjoy a story without making petty turf wars on an anonymous taiwanese basket weaving forum?

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>worshipping an inferior body

No, PPP has no chance.
Nyan can just btfo him quickly and go on his way. Same thing happened with other executive vs S class battles after all.

I was thinking that maybe Darkshine will shot him.

He can't beat him cause he still needs to be active once Tatsumaki flips the hideout and buries some heroes, which Prisoner digs out.

He is pretty much a living Killer Queen, wants to live a quiet life.

>Next chapter is 2 months from now
>It's this one just redrawn

If S2 are like todays MP100 episode(with a lot of stills) then the complain should decrease.

They take every opinion as a personal attack and have way too much free time.

If anything the chapter showed us PPP mightve surpassed Genos.

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This. Every thread.

>Here we can see an originalfag having a mental breakdown over hearing that someone said that the manga is better than the webcomic.

He had the occasion to show it when he engaged Melzarguard amidst the rubbles of A city. It would have been a way better way to ambush the Alien than just rushing him from behind.

12 out of 10.

>Garou's vastly superior body
Ftfy, toothless curryshitter. Don't forget to visit a dentist and wash your fat titties, fag. No one gives a single shit about your bitch faggot. Kek.

Everyone is talking about Garou and marveling at his flawless body while Murata worships its god-like image.

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No. Nyan would rip him to shreds. Remember that Nyan's part of the same club as Gouketsu, Rover and Evil Natural Water. Gyoro doesn't promote shitters.

>serving your time peacefully
these were serial killers, don't feel any sympathy for them. as soon as they escaped they were going to continue killing

>rapes prisoners
>genuinely nice guy

>Did they give Shitryu the gayest voice imaginable to make his toothless crying scene even funnier?
Wait, I went to check the PV again. He speaks when Sonic appears, right? HE SOUNDS SO GAY

What did he mean by this

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His new armor can shrug off attacks he previously had to just endure

This chapter was fucking gold holy shit

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faggot hulk

>Everyone is talking about Garou and marveling at his flawless body
>everyone talking about a literal faggot
But this chapter was about PPP.

Will they actually fight or will Puri just try chasing Nyan to no avail?

Nyan is fucking cute btw

He really is.

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I'm glad PPP got the kill in the OP, he's needed some Demon-class kills under his belt for a while now. Tanktop needs one too, but he's not here so eh.

>that smile

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can we take a moment to appreciate king

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>getting fucked by giant bara S Class dick
no wonder the prisoners were scared of him

He's referring to the fanbase. Garou is a much more popular, loved and discussed character than Suiryu. Plus actual /fit/fags have been repping Garou's lean but powerfully sculpted body since the dawn of time.

Imagine him with a nice, strong, manly beard. he would be literally unstoppable.

>sheds his hair just as quickly

Puri needs to get his hormones checked

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>I'll ambush this monster that nor I can see from the underground, nor I can do anything as he can regenerate indefinitely
Great plan manga fag, any other genius ideas?

>He's referring to the fanbase
you missed the joke by a mile faggot.

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>pecs = fat titties
No wonder you worship Garou, you don't even know anatomy.

So Prisoner has a regen factor now?

I know you were trying to be cheeky user. But Puri who is the literal faggot will never get the amount of love and discussion Garou receives from fans either. So, your joke was kind of a miss.

>nor I can see from the underground
Seeing underground isn't a requirement to ambush someone, see ground dragon.

>nor I can do anything as he can regenerate indefinitely
First, he didn't know that. Second, he attacked him anyway so that argument is null.

>Fuck you
That was Murata saying Fuck you to ONE for ruining the manga.

Sasuga Mangastream making this page funnier than the reddit guy translation

Imagine all the fuzz if PrPri appeared in a western comic

Next week we are getting the so called special, any guesses what it will be?

>will never get the amount of love and discussion Garou
He gets plenty of love. Just ask all his boyfriends.

S1 footage with voiceovers. It can't be anything else.

Cry more fatty. Or should I say muh bobbing pec fillers fag. You'll never be able to get a body anywhere near as flawless as Garou's.

Attached: tight and hard chest.jpg (2313x3276, 1.8M)

Ground dragon is a mole, retard.
>Atomic can't cut this monster, sure I can ambush him and ???
He attacked anyway because he can only fight like that, with no 'strategy' or planning. He even said it.
Not only manga fag but speed reader as well.

>Just ask all his boyfriends.
I would but they're dead. They hated Puri so much. Silly Puri.

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>muscles = fat
So, what is Garou made of according to your autism?

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There were prisoners that survived the encounter with Nyan. Someone even gave PPP a new sweater.

What is that retardness?

he’s like a marble statue come to life
god imagine clawing at garou’s stone hard back and feeling up those xylophone abs


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It's supposed to be a martial art technique where you jab your finger forwards with enough force and speed to stab into someone's body, ie shooting them without needing a gun. The same martial arts lets one induce an air shockwave with a forceful kick to cut at a distance without needing a sword. This guy combines both techniques, along with his ability to turn into a leopard to give him sharp claws and enhanced muscles, to shoot armor-piercing air bullets at his targets.

Yeah it kinda suck but S2 will be nothing but cover the filler arc anyways.

Maybe we can hope for better studio for S3

Can someone just fucking tell me if ONE died or something? He hasnt released in A G E S.

Tight and hard as fuck muscles that don't jiggle in the wind. Garou's body is literally perfect from fat percentage to its shape, so much so you'll never be able to achieve let alone maintain that physique yourself, poor genes fag.

There is only evidence of one prisoner (related to PPP) surviving.
Between Nyan and the prisoners that became monsters and hated PPP’s guts, them targeting the only prisoner that genuinely likes PPP to make the latters suffer would have been very logical, how the hell did he survive unscathed?

at least post the original

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Says the obese guy.

>will be nothing but cover the filler arc anyways.
Why do you keep saying stupid shit like this? You know that S2 will be more than just the tournament right? Is Garou's introduction filler? Is Saitama meeting Fubuki and King filler?

The main character of this series is in a hero organization for money.

>Ground dragon is a mole

>Atomic can't cut this monster
And I'm the speed reader?

>he can only fight like that, with no 'strategy' or planning. He even said it.
Stop making shit up because of how desperate you are to argue back. He said that his way of fighting is by smashing. This doesn't exclude the use of strategy and planning, if it did he wouldn't have went with the hero association strategy to attack the MA.
Also he did use use the ambush tactic from underground against Garou.

Far cry. You're a fatty though, obsessed pec fillers fag. You'll never be as flawlessly fit as Garou the genes god of strength and agility but you could at least try applying yourself.

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One thing for sure is that the pacing is going to be fast like Mob.

Episode 1 is going to cover the whole King arc but it will also a lot of heroes appearing.

Is there an english translation of that interview up anywhere? Anyway, it's almost 1 volume = 1 episode. The pacing is gonna be downright schizophrenic even if entire scenes get cut out.


No, the interview hasn't been translated AFAIK.
It probably doesn't have much new information either.

>jiggle in the wind
Thanks for confirming your obvious retardness.

That's literally all there is to explain about it. Finger poke/stab + flying kick + leopard traits = invisible armor piercing bullets. The guy's essentially a government assassin.

I don't like this picture. Bad anatomy, his pelvis is already exposed yet his legs fold way under it

Always like this technique, except it didn't worked on Luffy that much

Only the worst ones.

Thanks for confirming you're a fatso and a faggot. We only worship eternally hard, tight and chiseled male chest here, like Garou's or Bang's. No gay pec filler shit.

Brace yourself for disappointment but hope for the best. Choze is a great design but he's only got one shot in the series so hope the animators do him justice.

Attached: Choze_profile_new.png (696x1332, 1.7M)

There wasnt any interesting info aside from the Director saying Episode 1 will be centered on King and it will also have a bunch of heros debuting.


Next time don't commit crimes then faggot lmao

A mole doesn't see like you, retard.
Cut and kill*, forgot you were retard. PPP saw the monster regenerating in front of him when Atomic cut him first.
So much planning involved
>with the hero association strategy to attack the MA.
what strategy are they using exactly?????????????????????????????????????
> he did use use the ambush tactic from underground
Trying to move the discussions pivot, nice try fag.

well t b h Garou gets fucking ANNIHILIATED right after. Not being able to recognize being inferior isn't a good thing

Gen gave the cat scritches so the cat left him alone

Amai Mask is evil; this guy is pure comedy gold, a based faggotfag.

Do you also suffer from schizophrenia? Pecs are literally muscles

But that's no the reason he is a hero, and it's much more the case that he is in the association for the noteriety and normalization of his hobby which he got into and did for his own enjoyment, not for money

>Not being able to recognize being inferior isn't a good thing
That's honestly why he needs so much plot armor to keep him alive between spurts of saiyan biology. He's literally delusional and the dangerous kind.

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not at all zoomer faggot

his hands look a little on the thin side, but otherwise ... very bueno.

Except Garou is vastly superior. In less than an hour he gets much more powerful than that biollante faggot Psykos spent ages growing in a garden.

When will the filler be over?

We're all protagonists in our own manga. My manga's one of those about a beta otaku who's awkward around girls but somehow gets a harem, still waiting on my harem.

Are y’all ready for that glorious S2 sakuga in a couple of weeks?!

I sometimes wonder if there was one original Garoufag and retards are picking up the act to shitpost en masse, or are there reallz people like this living among us

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It's not about power. Garou is just bland. He can be more powerful than Saitama, and he still gonna be bland. How the fuck you can be more bland than a charater specifically written to be bland?

It already is. This fights are more or less adapted from the web comic. With some creative changes.

>be a train with with no brakes
>get mad gains
>disregard bitches and whores like Psykos
Based Garou

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Too bad J.C. Staff will butcher him

>Amai Mask
choose 1

shit taste. 30 year old boomer


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what the fuck the entire model of genos is cgi here, they're going to abuse the fuck out of it fuck me

Okay, I choose One. One written Amai Mask as an evil guy.

Pretty good chapter, had a nice laugh after a pretty bad day

>garoushitters and suiryufags
Boros a best

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Whoa, that's some really bland shitpost right there. The reality is Orochi is inferior in general and bland to boot. No matter how hard you delude yourself, that's just how it is.

Garou is entertaining as hell. Sorry his indomitable willpower and carbonated coca cola spirit rustle your jimmies so hard, bitchboy.

Attached: 1547639353928.jpg (166x316, 59K)

PPP has at least a 13 incher

With some serious dieting. That "ripped" look is mostly about body fat with a little bit of muscle building.

Fuck ya

>indomitable willpower wank
Yeah, so entertaining, such an original idea, such an entertaining charactr. Nothing can stop him. Wow, so entertaining. I wish saitama would bitchslap him faster.

Never. This manga is fucked.

Absolutely fucking based

looks like an smt demon

I'm ready to kill myself after seeing the first episode.

>or are there reallz people like this living among us
After 2+ years of constant shitposting the answer can only be that someone or some people are genuinely this autistic over Garou. Hilarious since at this poin how they screech in the threads is how Garou acts in the story. Relentless and pathetically misguided

>catches up to the cat as he's entering a hole
>grabs the tail/legs
>headbuts the wall
>pushes his face right next to the cats
>"a cat is fine too"

>hiding that chin

Attached: Dw9DLcCU8AAlRti.jpg large.jpg (497x705, 34K)

Yeah Garou is super entertaining. And despite his mighty based willpower he also has actual vulnerabilities, unlike your preshus bland hiatusman Saitama who'll only contribute to Garou's chara development.

I'm enjoying the fact that Garou brings immense pain to turbofags like you so much. It's delicious.

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>his entire theme is about racial purity
>he's not white
You had one job.

Saitama is scared bitch though. Confirmed by your favourite manga artist Murata.

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Does this seem cg to you?

Attached: Genos_arms1.jpg (1920x1080, 132K)

Darkshine will rape that bug in the next chapter

I mean, if you like torture people with boredom, then sure. Saitama's OP joke is getting old, but Garou feels frsh only to people who haven't read anything ever.

>slapped to oblivion Garou already 3 times
So scared.

What about the other prisoners, though. With how much they hate PPP, his lover would be their first target.

Those arms sure do. It's bad CG too.

>your favourite manga artist Murata
Murata is okay, but calling him "my favorite artist" is a bit overdoing it

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I’m a 3d modeler and it’s definitely not CG, their shape wouldn’t be inconsistent. It’s just the shading effect that gives that idea.

They are drawn. You can't get 'blended' cg.

Attached: Genos_arms.jpg (1920x1080, 370K)

More like only one time. Other ones are shit and irrelevant desu.

Nothing is fresh, o pretentious faggot with godawfully shit taste.

No, wait, Garou's bottle of coke is the freshest. And he's a breath of fresh air for OPM. So (not) sorry for you.

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> let’s draw the hands but add an effect that will give them a 3d look

But seriously, what the fuck were they thinking. They’re taking the worst of both worlds, 3d works like shit with 2d because of the total lack lf homogeneity, not because its shapes doesn’t stay consistent.

If that's drawn then they need to fire their artists. I'm still not convinced it's drawn.

I'm so happy J.C.Staff does justice to Murata's speedlines.

> i-it doesn’t count because I say so.

The biggest issue I have with OPM is that a lot of great characters are wasted. I mean I get the entire point of the manga is that villains die in 1 hit, but I really wish most of them weren't so aesthetically pleasing or just cool looking in general.

>Saitama's face covered by the volume info

Gets me every fucking time

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The important part being, whether it’s 3d or 2d, it indeed looks like crap.

No, because it's filler and non-canon.

There's "nothing is fresh" and then there's "the most used cliche possible".

It's written by ONE so why wouldn't it be canon?

Some shots definitely looks like they are cg, others not. Don't know what is going on. It looks crap anyway.

Murata doesn't draw the backgrounds. If that was the case, we would get an update only every 3-4 months.

Because he said so, weren't you reading?

Suuure, those subverted villains with mc tropes all over them are just everywhere. Not.

Sorry to burst your bubble, nothing can justify your shit taste. Garou is a best and the rest of OPM's fun characters are huge stereotypes. Did you get lost? Shut your pretentious whore mouth before you embarrass yourself any further.

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He needs to learn how to draw them then, because they look like trash for years now.

Almost every other OPM stereotype is played comedically, Garou is played straight. And there's not enough to make it interesting in any way. Sure, he's antagonist. And?

>not a stereotype
Nani the fuck?

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Of course. That’s why it got the sakuga treatment while OPM got sent to the executioner.

Both are mediocre, Makai no Ossan a best.

Are you fucking retarded? Murata can draw backgroounds like a champ, but it’s his assistants doing most of them, because time.

Besides, their backgrounds are hsually fine. It’s the lack of them in lots of pages like this one and the overuse of speedlines to hide it that is the problem.

I’ll probably rage quit within the first 5 minutes...

Love the final page. That "Fuck You" over his monologue gets me every time.

Attached: 042.png (800x1138, 273K)

No, that just looks terrible regardless.

I hope the director brings his Boruto friends.

If Season 2 has animation like this no one would complain.

He is going to get butchered, if MP100 is any indication is that only the big players matter.

Get ready for CGI Elder, thats so happening.

It's not the beard on the outside that counts, it's the beard on the inside that counts.

Im curious which seiyuus will be picked for the monster side.

Sugita manly voice would be fitting for Nyan(who is also a bit lazy like Gintoki), Yu Kobayashi could be a good Do-S.

Fumihiko Tachiki better be picked for Gouketsu.

Except Garou provides serious, dramatic and comedic moments alike and subverts the big bad villain. He's not just a comedy device nor a pure stereotype that OPM resorts to using most of the time, which is not "fresh" writing by any means by the way. You complained about tropes and cliches when all of OPM's other well received characters are walking singular tropes. It's hilarious you don't even realize the irony and sheer pretentiousness of the crap you spew.

If you can only digest one tone at a time, then you're an unfortunate autist cursed with the emotional range of a fork and the shittiest, most limited taste.

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Boruto regulars aren't freely available, they're under contract.
We don't know if the new director even has the connections to bring top animators like Weilin Zhang or other talented freelancers who've worked with Pierrot.

>still trying to force a console war between mobfags and opmfags

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My hand is the size of my head.

that one is also in perspective.

> no one is voiced in S2

It’s pretty clear NO good freelancers are working on S2. J.C. Staff’s crappy animators are doing all of the animation in-house. It was a train wreck from the beginning.

Does Murata cleaning up frames count as a freelancer?

Who said that? According to some rumors, EIder will be CG just in big shots.

kek, Murata is redrawing everything.

>/pol/s kamehameha

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>heres a job which involves you taking out threats to humanity/rescuing a child
>you will get paid for it
>this makes them scumbags
Shit man, guess all cops, soldiers, bouncers, pro fighters, and martial arts teachers and coaches are scumbags then.
Fucking retard

He’s cutting down on the recidivism rate

Nyan is CUTE.

Attached: D2cVe--VYAALW-k.jpg (700x800, 86K)

>imagine being a rapist and/or serial killer serving your time rampaging in a prison where they put only the most vile and evil human beings
>giant fucking Chad who not even the guards can keep in check executes the deep kiss sentence on your ass
>you either break by this or start making sweaters for the guy
Truely the hero our society deserves

I love this coloring. His paws are so cute.

>serving your time peacefully
Like the Buddha in prayer.

>Guts ... turned out fine
I would describe Guts as well adjusted and emotionally stable throughout the Berserk manga.

Attached: Pinocchio.jpg (230x173, 16K)

any guess on which episode this is going to be?

If Murata is actually drawing some frames from scratch, that'd be amazing. He's shown many times he's interested in animation.

Attached: Murata.gif (500x349, 950K)

Attached: e66253b77379c92527e254c294e244c71362610434_full.gif (440x320, 1.55M)

Remember how people criticized Madhouse because of pic related?

It's a shame these manga animations aren't a tankoubon-friendly format.

Attached: vNSdKXF.gif (636x715, 3.28M)

tfw ull never breed tatsu... it hurts bros

Attached: tatsu.png (697x834, 327K)

Allright post your Body

Attached: BC4D6DC2-A648-4929-B73A-05C51CF4A243.jpg (750x756, 986K)

But you didn’t user
Protip: unless you look exactly like semen demon V-man Cristiano Ronaldo with Garou’s washboard 8-pack you can stop posting desu

Thats how Sonic fights will be in Season 2.

I found a lucky emblem.

Attached: soraxpuripuri.png (1080x608, 1002K)

>unless you look exactly like semen demon V-man Cristiano Ronaldo with Garou’s washboard 8-pack you can stop postin
Not that anom, but Nut up or shut up faggot. Post proof even you deserve to post here.

Tfw Garou's body shape is objectively one of the most desired by men and attractive to women on earth.

And he doesn't even need to push his lats out.

Attached: GQ.png (1385x874, 970K)

Does Murata use magazine covers and photoshoots as ref when he draws his Fubuki and Garou pinups?

first season is also shit, dumb zoomer

Well it's likely. So far we know he uses pose reference books, bl books, gravure books and Twitter model pics.


This. Those poor men had no hero to save them from this fag. They had no choice but go monster, society was too cruel and gay on them.

The "folding" is just his massive dong

serial killers>rapists
They were still victims tho.

>PPP gets a buff
Tank Top Master on suicide watch, I honestly don't know why that guy is an S class

>my drugdealer on roids
Get out of Yea Forums you faggot!

Don't argue with that retard, he doesn't understand logic.

>mfw a gen y and never expressed my opinion on s1
Take your meds and calm the fuck down kid.

Attached: 1503258130769.jpg (500x570, 42K)

Yeah, I mean he got beaten by fucking demon level garou, not even dragon like the other S class.

Even relatively green and happy-go-lucky Garou still had the most broken martial art in opm. He took the force of TTM's punch, deflected it in his face and doubled it. Dragon Garou can do the same and more.

He feels like a gag character but we already have "every time I fight I get destroyed" Genos for that, he's not even an underdog because the other two purely strong members of the S class have so much more character than him

You eat butter for a snack, don't you?

Was literally bsy finishing Mob, doingthe Regan comic, and then helping with the second season of the Mob anime (And OPM anime). All of that is over though and iirc he tweeted he was going to be doing some more opm soon.

>played straight
The fuck have you been reading? There's plenty of comedic moments with Garou, not to mention he gets his shit kicked in several times because he's not some authors pet and because it's necessary for realistic delivery and a believable development. All those times he encountered Saitama where comedic, he's a straight out goofball sometimes. Even a tiny scene when he's about to get shoot by Rover's lazer was comedic if you look at his face and little short cry.
He's the most three dimensional character the manga has to offer so far, and he's the furthest away from being played straight - fact.

This chapter was the best one in awhile
PPP was amusing as shit

so it was true that we had to wait for OPM to catch up to the originall .. sad

Garou vs. Watchdog was really funny. Garou getting casually knocked out by Saitama was funny both times. Getting told off by Metal Bat's sister was amusing also. Garou has plenty of comedic moments.

user, I feel like I've been waiting forever to see that chapter count updated. When it happens it will feel like a breakthrough in history.

Garou is the most based gift.

Attached: based.jpg (708x458, 450K)

>claims to be master race
>embarrassingly btfo twice
literally germany


Attached: kawaii.jpg (436x292, 62K)

Is that the actual translation? I don't remember that chapter

Attached: x4.jpg (600x848, 102K)

it's filler with orochi

Yes but is it the actual translation? That's what I am asking.
I remember the gist of the situation.

Yes, that's the right translation.


Great theme song.

How come ONE is so fucking good at making fights?

Attached: Untitled.png (984x693, 578K)

Yeah, it's the actual translation.

Attached: 55114016.jpg (712x466, 128K)

Garou vs saitama surprised me when I first read it. Its pretty much better than Boros vs saitama by far especially the context behind it.

ONE has a knack for cool composition. Probably because he can visualize every scene very vividly in his mind.

Attached: 1.png (600x1697, 410K)

Ah, i see you're a man of culture as well

I wish I knew what training routine would get me back muscles like that

It's not just the muscles, it's having absolutely no body fat, especially around the waist area.
I'd say you'll get there by pushing yourself to the limit every day and eating a titan meal every 3 days. In between just drink water, starve yourself to death with 1 banana or 2 and keep lifting and training.

Fubuki is still cute

Attached: D2jbDIRU8AAvTE-.jpg (1000x704, 63K)

why does so much of Yea Forums hate mob and opm?

You could really get a feel for how desperately Garou was giving it his all in these panels. Saitama later says his heart wasn't truly in it, but while his ideals were shaky I think his desire to just win that fight was the real deal.

To prove a point.

Do you really think Murata would allow a single one of those retards to fuck up his wife?

It will happen, weather you like it or not.

Attached: D2jbAgRUgAMF1nF.jpg (1000x704, 77K)

King looks bad in frontal shots because they gave him two overlapping chins instead of a very pronounced single one. 3/4th shots look fine

Go to /fit/, ask about "otter-mode", then keep R2F until you hit that physique.

3% body fat and bi-daily lateral push-ups + ogre pull-ups.


new teaser

>Wahn Pahn Mahn

I'm not gay but I'd fuck Garou

>still the same scenes
goddamnit I want to see more

Jesus Christ staff

They should have done this teaser first hen fixed up the PV and showed it.


Attached: 1517183547215.png (1008x1221, 1.15M)


You'd get fucked by him you mean.

Attached: 53836044_p9_master1200.jpg (905x1200, 332K)

New one is better, but still not putting any faith in the studio for me.
>I'm not gay but
A perfect guarantee that whatever else you're going to say is incredibly gay.


This is where the money for OPM went to anons

Attached: 5CD2287D-8AD9-4BCC-BB86-72D46B204FAF.jpg (1450x2048, 580K)

Same here. I expect the first episodes to be the worst and later it becomes mediocre.

More like effort. Money isn't the issue its the effort that counts which is easy to see not much is put into this new season. Also they have danmachi.

WTF, fix the birds size already.

Attached: birbasaurus.jpg (540x257, 26K)

Just fucking postpone this season already!!!

Attached: 1544156923761.jpg (250x250, 6K)

t. seething manlet

kill yourself and be reborn taller

There you go now put up

Attached: B81FA03B-CFBF-461D-9AFC-9BCD5428C628.jpg (4032x3024, 1.81M)

post yfw Glasses comes and kills Orochi

Attached: fd806617508ccbfffd859691a3682229.jpg (567x499, 37K)

>thread invaded by ISIS camwhores
What the hell is going on?

>no ab definition
>nasty arms
>ugly nips and chest
>puffing up
What the hell is this faggotry
If you wanna spam 2d shit you’d be better off posting pics of Cristiano with Garou’s 8p abs shopped on him than some random ugly sandman


I kind of wish the prisoners didn't die. While reading the new chapter, I was hoping that PPP actually managed to save them and return them to being human.

I recognize that bottom right drawing

Attached: BBC22683-860A-4ABE-B15E-A8363A44F146.jpg (224x404, 42K)

>I kind of wish the prisoners didn't die
Same here. I'm pretty sure that ending was ONE's parody of the typical "your death won't be in vain" trope that involves a great amount of hypocrisy and ill will. I see this trope made fun off a lot but only in parody mangas.

anyone got that sweet mask picture with the monster girl?

Attached: 2AF20528-A92E-4348-994F-5986046F7535.jpg (1000x704, 99K)

To bad parts of Genos will be cg because these hand drawn arms aren't bad.

Attached: 19C6EB4D-2358-480D-A6F5-AB35F59528B2.jpg (362x564, 42K)

kek ONE, is that you?

Strong, willful, beautiful



Can I fuck her too?

this, Nyan is very cute and reminds me of my late cat
I miss him

Can JC staff exceed our expectation by being worse?

Too bad all of these character sheets are done by Kubota who’s not reprising his role as CAD on S2. The characters will look nothing like this in the actual show. #ButcheredByJ.C.Staff

Don't fucking jinx it!!!

Their face are retarded, all of the animation budget of JC staff went to animating their tiny boobs jiggling. What a waste considering even background nobody girls are better in opm.

sweet mask killed cute girls. that is inexcusable and unforgivable

who cares if a bunch of gay niggers die

garou is a fucking unit unlike pussy as "sorryupleasforgiveme" virgins

Don't Garou fags sleep? How are they gonna have the perfect body if they don't get a healthy sleep?

>sorryu fags don't know what timezones are

Seems like you are here 24 hrs checking if someone insults Garou.

If only this was the actual character design that the animators will follow in S2. But it is not.

Faggots are only mad at Sweet Mask because he killed 2 cute girls. Their moral compass revolves around their dick.


At least King looks better than in the first preview.

Fubuki looks younger, like she is in her teens.

30 secs teaser.


CGI Genos will stay.

One of his final thoughts when he thought Rover would kill him with it was that he wanted a Coke, damn it.

Attached: Cola Hunter Garou.png (648x679, 259K)

Interesting that they excluded the scene of Genos dodging G4 attacks from the teasers(that scene actually got them the most heat from fans).

Metal Knight S2 design.

Attached: MetalKnight.png (770x700, 94K)


Attached: dedd.png (761x1080, 1.18M)

S3 ep10 by bones/IG/Shingo team

It honestly doesnt look that bad...

Attached: 1529793406241.png (397x318, 62K)

That’s because this King was drawn by Chikashi Kubota. The King in the preview, and actual show, is drawn by J.C. Staff employees.

Rip cat ;_;

Attached: 331E26E9-651E-4834-8C8A-A4928793265F.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Saitama and Genos had a talk after watching the latest S2 pv

Attached: A03C568E-A8B6-423A-96FC-0469E0F77509.jpg (475x375, 45K)

>comparing Genos' first and most important shot from S1 with a nitpicked frame from a moving shot
Use your brain, not your emotions.

Attached: 2019-03-26.png (1263x706, 807K)

The image on the left...Fubuki has a small head.

>trying to excuse one of the many shitty shots of Genos in this trailer.

Just stop dude.

Maybe murata himself did that one.

Im not trying to excuse shit, all im doing is exposing how retarded is the comparison you posted. Keep hating, faggot.

S2 OP Full song will be out on April 24 for the looks of it.


>you will never save them

They would if they could get away with it.

Attached: unknown.png (238x258, 91K)

Fine by me.

You dont't need leopard powers to achieve it though, see Stussy.

The so called special is just a 30 min recap, oh well.

I hope we get a new chapter next week, time to wrap up all the Demon fights, let Darkshine trash Bug God already.

When did she use it?

Dick is one of the most accurate magnetic compasses nature has to offer.

Holy kek

>next week
He's drawing Spider-Verse fanart, not a fucking chance he's even started working on the chapter.

He was busy drawing Volume 19 content at the same time he was working on the PPP vs Nyan chapter. You never know with Murata.

It's just some quick ass sketches.

Murata needs no more than 10 minutes to doodle something like that. He was posting fanart back when he was streaming chapters too.

How much will they will screw up this page?

Attached: 0083-057.jpg (800x1150, 356K)

>still image
>shakes a lot
>lasts for long enough for the eye to register it
>cuts to Bang or Bomb/Garou's face to safe effort
>maybe cuts to blur of fists punching forward instead
It's going to be shit

It would probably be like Jotaro vs Kira minute 2:08-2:15(reminder that S2 will have the same sound effects as JoJo).


Bang's hand movements weren't animated in season 1 either, it's gonna be stills with effects trails again.

They were pieces of shit who get off on harming people anyway. That or they tried robbing banks with their fists. Pri-Pri matches how hard he goes with how badly they need to be punished anyway.

The most important scene is pic related and it's really not that hard to animate relative to the impact it leaves on the viewer.

Attached: Garou protecting Tareo.png (624x7803, 3.87M)

>2 cute girls
Uh, ahem, sweetie, it was 3?

I cant forget how bad the rock smashing fist looked vs Meltzargard.

Do-S doesn't count sir. She's a monster and monsters deserved to be killed.

This is message from Amai Mask.

Attached: f13e8be619ef7e3105f3dfb9e65b2480.png (438x451, 251K)

I want this page to be adapted decently, its one of the most brutal moments of Season 2.

Attached: Glassespunched.png (800x1257, 358K)

The Melzagard fight was fucking shit in the anime. Madhouse didn't have the resources for it and it shows. Only that bit with Atomic Samurai in episode 12 was good.

The Metal Bat scene from near the end of episode 11 was fairly good(That was some Shida level of naimation).


Yeah, that was pretty much the only scene of the fight that I enjoyed. They really dragged out that part of Melzalgald thinking to himself on what the holdup with the bombardment was, didn't they?

I can forgive it, I suppose, just because of how much better the Boros fight was.

>Money isn't the issue its the effort that counts
You're not very bright are you?

If it wasnt for Dream fight, Genos vs Saitama and Saitama vs Boros the complains would be as big as the current one with Season 2.


Are you 5'2'' or something raj?

>implying these guys JUST because mercs for this job
>implying they aren't using illegal battle suits
>implying the objective of the mission even matters to filthy mercenaries

The only CGI that looks well as of late in Anime 2019 is Aerosmith in JoJo.

You're both wrong. It's because he killed Pink Alien-kun who just wanted to go home. I'll never forgive him.

>Trying to move the discussions pivot
Nigger your gay little internet argument was all about the the stone dive PPP used to get underground in the first place. You are an faggot.

Nah, the picture gets the point across. The difference between the two frames is a good representation of the quality dip from S1 to S2.

Nope, exaggeration promotes understanding

Episode 11 was a mess of padding and low budget trickery.

Black screen with sound effects

Why are you worshiping a man's body? That's pretty fucking gay

Shades of Terra Formars.

Which one you prefer?

Attached: Fubukidifferences.jpg (1080x1080, 70K)

>That's pretty fucking gay
garoufags in a nutshell really

What a dumb question, obviously left.

Attached: Genosdifferences.jpg (1080x1080, 73K)

>Whites are the superior race
Lmaoing my ass off

There's nothing gay about admiring GARou's body
I'm sorry you're that insecure about your sexuality

Attached: Garou.png (800x1232, 2.19M)


You realize that boy's only 18 right? Not just a homo but a borderline predator as well, no wonder nobody likes Garoufags

And this was OVA Fubuki.

Attached: Fubukiova.jpg (718x718, 83K)

>monsters deserved to be killed.
Well I guess poor Amai's gonna die then, since he's obviously a monster. Pity, I started to like him.
>This is message from Amai Mask.
Poor self-hating fag.

Attached: 1511054252646.jpg (596x600, 200K)

If your hand is bigger than your face, then you have cancer, faggot


It exaggerates an obvious point to which everyone agrees, so in the end is low quality shitposting.

>Garou's body being worshiped
Oh shit, I forgot to pray today!

Attached: Hail Garou-sama.jpg (1024x1141, 85K)

Cute shitpost user
Too bad for you though, Garou has a deeper voice than you, is built like a wall of muscle and has a gynormous fanbase

Attached: Puberty hit him like a truck.png (1346x1200, 1.85M)

And what of the cute aliens you murdered, do you see them as monsters as well? Not just a despicable killer but a racist to boot.

So you're saying he's not even a realistic character? That's pretty sad to be honest, no wonder he was bullied as a kid

I gotta wonder if all this envy is sparked by the faggots who worship Garou being out of shape blobs sitting in front of their computers for days on end. Trying to live vicariously through a bargain bin edgelord.
It's already clear that Garoufags are insecure given how vitriolic and defensive they get over anything. But they always want to come at someone else's physique when they provide no proof they aren't any better than the insults they throw around. Really gets the old noggin' joggin'

Attached: Hm.jpg (400x400, 19K)

I'm saying he actually hit puberty and very nicely so
Unlike you, pipsqueak
No wonder garoufags are laughing at you all the time

Attached: 1429514851063.jpg (604x307, 34K)

That's quite funny user, I was just about to suggest something similar! Anyone who makes these kinds of posts must be repressing something, though I can't tell whether its a question of sexuality or just insecurity

>not even the most anticipated anime of spring
OPM isn't much popular in Japan

>underage faggot talking about legal age on a bulgarian wheel peddling forum where everyone is a "little girl" rubbing it to loli
I bet you're as shit looking as your bait.

Attached: 1451204857939.jpg (357x236, 88K)

It seems monsters have influenced you all. Its time to dispense some justice.

Attached: 1551808021794.jpg (483x434, 78K)

>Retarded characterfags ruin yet another thread

Get psychological help, you fucking losers.

Thats Attack on Titan, user.

>raping guys who are probably rapists or murderers themselves
>bad thing

>user arrived from another planet and doesn't know male humans reach their full growth and development between ages 15-18
user sit down, we need to have a grown up talk. Male humans actually drop their balls extremely early, best not say the age because you wont believe it. Then, they start to get a deep voice around age 13-16, and by age 17 they already have a really deep voice. Then user, most boys grow to their full height between ages 15-18. If they muscle train, they are at their actual genetic peak and physique peak at age 16 up to 18.

If you have any further questions just ask mommy, I'm here for you.

Ew don't call me underage right after drooling over a barely legal boy, that's disgusting.

Why don't you find one single pic of an 18 year old with Garou's body and then get back to me

The irony of this post though. It's very clear you're just constantly butthurt because garoufags are not letting your little contrarian fits stand and always banter back. You have no safe space faggot.

They have all the ammo in the world though and they're clearly enjoying that Garou makes you feel so butthurt. It's a fact that you'll never look as good as the guy, that's just one more jab at your pitiful self. Be thankful they're not filling the entire thread with Garou art because there's a lot and he'll get even more very soon.

Attached: DO1yHZxVQAEdFJH.jpg (1776x1000, 465K)

>conquers most of the world in your path

Attached: BEING WHITE.jpg (388x525, 63K)

does one punch man still one punch every single bad guy that pops up?

>and they're clearly enjoying that Garou makes you feel so butthurt
That's a massive assumption on your part. I quite enjoy Garou as a character, he's a cocky little shit but he can back it up and his fights look great. What I do find annoying is the faggots who have made him their patron saint and shit up the threads constantly throwing little bitch fits over everything and spamming the same folder of reaction images and the same stale lines. At least get some imagination or something.

And like I said, you're all insecure as evidence by how you think me not liking you is not liking the character. Characterfags in general can be annoying, but Garoufags are pure fucking cancer.

Attached: garou.gif (680x305, 1.97M)

Jesus christ Garoufags are annoying.

I hope you're also 6"0+ with good posture, wide shoulders and good genetics. Garou has some muscle insertions at Greek god level or above. Many pro bodybuilders arent even near that aesthetic level.

See user, what you don't realise is that well-adjusted people don't develop obsessions with characters like you do. They don't stockpile pictures of the character's shirtless body and they certainly don't try to suggest that anyone who dislikes the character has a poor appearance. When well-adjusted people see brainlets like this in a Taiwanese toilet cleaning board, their most common response is to laugh or watch in amusement like one would watch a chimpanzee in a zoo. Except the chimps don't fling as much shit as the weirdos behind all these Garou posts (assuming there's more than one)

>does one punch man still one punch every single bad guy that pops up
Who is this "one punch man"? I think you got the wrong series

I'll call you underage because you are underage user
I'm just gonna sit here and watch as everyone and their mom including Murata of course is mirin' Garou, giving your barely developed brain aneurysms
Don't worry, your voice will break eventually
Unless your hormones are completely fucked

>user wants photographic evidence of this unheard of phenomenon
Seriously user, do you really not know male human beings finish their growing process between ages 15-18? What are you, a midget living on a boat? When did you balls drop, if they ever dropped at all?
No user, google "18 year old body builders" yourself, you have to grow up and become independent some time. Just don't make it clear you're 13 to anyone else here please, they'll make fun of you.

His pyramidal patterns look so damn cool. It's such a distinctive, awesome design.

Yeah and when he's a monster he discards that and says "i'll just make my own superior beings"

Ironic how the guy who talks like a middle schooler calls others underaged, but do tell how you share a favourite character with Reddit

His name is saitama or caped baldy not One punch man. For the most part yeah. Only a few monsters survive his encounters. This time it will be Garou and supposedly Orochi who will take more than one.

Attached: 1552972542807.gif (560x315, 1.71M)

>It's such a distinctive, awesome design.
For me it's not even the torso/arms. It's the pants that really sells the character because he's a monster but he's got class. I wish SNK could get their hands on this design because if they could do Choze like they did Rock Howard from Mark of Wolves it would be godlike.

Attached: Choze_v_Suiryu_2.png (800x1150, 1016K)

Oh user, your reading comprehension is lacking a bit. I said I wanted you to find me a single 18 year old who's body is as strong as Garou's. Are you trying to tell me that anyone who's gone through puberty can crack concrete just by spitting out their tooth? Sounds like you're a 13 year old with no idea how limited the human body is.

It’s just a comparison, mate. If you wanna be offended by it then that’s entirely on you.

>well-adjusted people don't develop obsessions with characters like you do
Did you seriously just post this shit on Yea Forums?

Word of advice from the real world here - if you had any real friends or a life you'd know people who live a social life 24/7 have even bigger obsessions with 3D individuals then anime retards. It's terribly common and most normal people have it (contrary to popular belief), it results in stalking, it's unhealthy and in most cases it ends in the courtroom.
>They don't stockpile pictures of the character's shirtless body
No they just stockpile pictures of either pornstars or a stalking victim that they where taping in the bathroom with a hidden camera. Welcome to the real world manchild-san.

Attached: 12946859.png (1227x1622, 674K)

Your ignorance is quite appalling. It's like you have no idea about the board culture at all, or that contrarians and shitposters flock here like flies. Banter will always be a part of it. There are faggots who are blatantly butthurt because Garou exists and is loved. It's incredible fun poking them.

If your ego is hurt, if you're that upset that someone implies you're ugly compared to the very well built Garou then I'm afraid that's on you and your insecurity.

I'm very sorry the characters you love don't get a decent amount of reaction images, or other content for that matter, made for them. Must suck. I can always go to any thread and save a ton of images of Garou, Fubuki, etc. to laugh at you in any other thread on this chinese image board.

Attached: 1428317136482.jpg (225x350, 35K)

It doesn’t make it a shitpost just because it drives home a legitimate point on which everyone agrees. Exaggeration or not.

And the Hunterfag reveals himself. I should've known there's only one fanbase as cancerous as Garoufags on Yea Forums
>people who live a social life 24/7
are also not well-adjusted people. You gotta have a balance of social interaction and individuality to keep a healthy mind and avoid developing any husbando complexes, 2D or otherwise. Case in point, Garoufags assuming that everyone who doesn't wake up with a cumstain in their pants after dreaming about his muscles must be an butthurt manlet

Garou is my favourite character user, you just won't find any shirtless pics on my hard drive since I'm not a homosexual.

>single 18 year old who's body is as strong as Garou's
Oh well, then go an ask a 18 year old with Garou's body type to lift. What do you want me to tell you, there are teenage bodybuilders out there, go looks for some. Point is, the body is fully developed size wise and on the organ/hormonal part by that age already so if the kid trains early naturally he'll look like that. Don't be a cunt and ask me to google shit for you, Garou's character was established to train from a young age so there you have it.

>I said I wanted you to find me a single 18 year old who's body is as strong as Garou's.
You said:
>Why don't you find one single pic of an 18 year old with Garou's body
Moving the goalposts this hard all because Garou is legal and has a deeper voice than you

Attached: orig.jpg (2886x4096, 1.66M)

Wew lad. If you think saving cool pictures of shirtless male characters makes you homosexual, you need to come out of the closet.

>It's incredible fun poking them.
You would be one of those shitposters so I'm just keeping up with board culture and poking at you. With amazing results I might add.
>If your ego is hurt, if you're that upset that someone implies you're ugly
I think this is the first time you've implied I'm ugly and I don't really care what you say. I just pointed out that you're probably some insecure lardo sitting behind a keyboard slobbering over a fictional body you'll never achieve. And you're chomping at the bit each post trying and failing to find some insult that will work on me and shifting the goalposts when it fails every time. How about you stop projecting and own up to your faggotry? Hit a gym or something and start living up to your devotion to pixels on a screen.

Attached: banterless.png (682x390, 260K)

Garou is essentially always shirtless because his shirt is vacuum sealed onot his body
Are you actually deathly afraid of saving images with him because Murata made him hot?
THAT's gay

Surely someone with Garou's body would be as strong as Garou, if he was a good character of course!
I tried googling 18 year old bodybuilders who achieved similar feats to Garou but no luck. Guess he just aint realistic like I said

>You gotta have a balance of social interaction
Like you, huh? Case and point, if you had a life you'd know the balance you speak of doesn't exist. Humans variate from all forms of unhealthy obsessions, and obsessions with other individuals are the most common among people. Weeb obsessions with fictional characters are by far the most harmless and do not have the ability to transform into a pathological stalking syndrome.
Do you know how most people cure these obsessions when they start bordering on a legal danger? They go promiscuous, and replace one pathology with another. I'm not describing lunatics or nutcases but actual normal people by all standards.
Oh, and I forgot to say "Not him" in the previous post, so sorry. Your post was so childish and lacking in any social experience that I needed to respond.

Attached: relationship councelor.png (500x500, 240K)

I got nothing against saving cool shit, but when you've got an entire folder for one dude then you're more than erring on the side of lust

I wonder who are going to voice Gyoro, Gouketsu, Phoenix Man, Bakuzan and Do-S.

>I tried googling Tom Cruise walking through the streets of Pyongyang but no luck. Guess he just aint realistic like I said

Oh wow, user, you're way off about everything. I don't want to achieve Garou's body because london. Yep. But many guys do want to get that slim fit look and /fit/post Garou, that's cool.

The fact that anyone mentioning -in any manner whatsoever- that Garou is well built and you or any other butthurt user baiting is actually a shitter in comparison to him riles you up so much that you proceed to screech about (your) homosexuality makes it very clear that you're deeply insecure though.

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>side of lust
user, you're freaking gay okay. Imagine not having terabytes of SSD space in 2019 to save your manga, anime and reaction images on because any of them will contain shirtless male characters.

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>you're way off about everything
I think I have things right on the money. Garoufags are already known to be hyper sensitive to any negative comments to the character, perceived or real. You've already demonstrated the tribal mentality of saying I don't like Garou because I called you out on your nonsense. And trying to attack people's physical appearances is just confirmation that they are insecure of their bodies themselves. I don't think you want to get Garou's body, that's too much work for you. But I do think you obsess over it because it's ideal and yours is most likely not given you and your ilk shitpost nearly 24/7 in these threads.
>to him riles you up so much
Now this is what being way off looks like. But if it's just me baiting as you say and I am just trolling, why do you keep biting? If you know board culture surely you know the old adage "don't feed the trolls"? Yet an hour after I made an observation you're still hooked on feeding me the (you)s.

Attached: get hooked.png (1365x765, 1.35M)

isn't that written somewhere?

>I don't think you want to get Garou's body, that's too much work for you.
>completely misses the london part
I replied to you because everyting you said was idiotic user. You come off exactly as any "Garou killed my family" contrarian or a basic baiter desperate for (You)s and act hyper defensive when you actually get them. What a sensitive, illiterate boy. You don't have any high ground here of all places.

Garoufags are taking the piss out of you and bantering. No one actually cares what you personally think should be allowed to post. People will reply because they can. You realize that, don't you? Then again you don't even realize how gay and insecure you sound when you actually sperg about your own homosexuality because someone is admiring a male body and posting images of an anime character on a chinese cartoon board. Makes you wanna come out, doesn't it?

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How long will be the tournament? 2 episodes?

Three, I think.

You've completely forgotten that I'm not the poster arguing over pictures aren't you? It's no wonder you call everyone a shitposter if you think they are all the same person or something. Nobody is trying to take away your posting privileges little shitposter, I'm not your mommy or daddy. You're free to insult everyone all you want but if you can't handle the banter yourself and have to keep recycling the same stock images every thread you're going to get called a faggot.
Seriously though, update your reaction folder and at least pretend you aren't the same shitposter whose been lurking in any OPM thread for the past 2 years.

Since when is one punch man this gory?

Long time

Attached: x28.jpg (860x1236, 668K)

Season 2 is going to have quite a lot of brutal moments featuring humans.

Mumen Rider getting slammed by Garou
Metal Bat vs Garou
Suiryu vs Gouketsu and Bakuzan.
Garou vs Team Gatling
Garou vs Bang and Bomb

The punches are going to have star platinium sound effect.

I can see JCStaff offpaneling 90% of the fights, only Suiryu vs Saitama and maybe Suiryu vs Choze matter.

Can you just shut up with your retard speak. Every word that comes out of your mouth makes me lose brain cells

90% of the fights were off panel you stupid fuck.

Im going to laugh if Snek gets trolled like in Season 1(when they removed his scene of dodging Sea King attack).

OPM being on mondays replacing MP100 isnt going to look good.

Looks like you completely forgot what topic chain you replied to like the little pretentious faggot you are.

I would poke fun at the same baitfags that user replied to anytime and I don't want to achieve Garou's body for reasons already explained. I'm not afraid of shirtless male characters being posted or insecure about my sexuality. I also know that nothing a contrarian says will change how Garou is perceived by the vast majority of people in reality - they love him. Garoufags don't care, they reply for the fun of it.

Unclench your paranoid buttocks stupid boy. Here's my favorite reaction image.

Attached: 1421781548327.jpg (1080x896, 101K)

>all this shit
>brutal moments

In the first place we only get to see
>Snek vs Benpatsu
>Max vs Suiryu
>Snek vs Suiryu
>Saitama vs Zakkos/Bakuzan/Sourface/Choze
>Saitama vs Suiryu
Plus Suiryu vs all the monsters after the tournament itself is over. Snek vs Suiryu is the second longest tournament match, because there was a bit of talking before Snek gets oneshotted. More of the arc is actually spent on S class heroes fighting the invasion force.

Good, they can cut whole tournament and no one will complain..

None of those are gory or even particularly brutal save for Suiryu getting crippled and tortured, which will probably be condensed a bit because pacing.

Saitama's first monster kill is him literally pulling out all of a monster's organs from their eyeball

You mean the ugly retard that helped kill all those innocent people? You should go join that piece of shit in hell then you dumbass cuck.

>entire wall of text of muh personal opinions and feelz
Nigga, it aint bait when you're trying this hard!
That hook went through your own brain.

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>Looks like you completely forgot what topic chain you replied to
Nah, I made it clear what my point has always been and for your reference this is where I jumped in. I never said posting pictures was a sign of you being insecure over your homosexuality. Bit of a freudian slip on your part. Still haven't proved me wrong when I said garoufags are virtiolic and defensive.
>I also know that nothing a contrarian says will change how Garou is perceived by the vast majority of people in reality
But as we established, I like Garou too he's a fun character with a constant shit eating grin no matter what obstacles are in his way and slick moves. What's not to like about him? I'm just not autistic about it like you are. The fact you can't accept this because I called you out just further reinforces how fragile you really are.
I suggest you take your own advice.

>But if it's just me baiting as you say and I am
>But if
Not too bright yourself huh?

I don't know why people keep forgetting that the chapter exists, but S2 will include two explicit human fatalities.

Not him but you are absolute retard you faggot go kill yourself, holy shit.

I know that was your post. That's exactly why I told you to look at the topic you replied to in the first place. Your "point" doesn't even go there, you're just one big pretentious retard with a high and mighty complex and no social awareness.

You'll never have any power over people bantering. Ever. You can post offtopic walls of texts and whine all day long, it just makes you look even dumber. Garoufags don't care about your feelings. They will keep laughing at you and funposting about Garou's body or whatnot, especially because it so easily upsets pseudo-intellectual manchildren like you on top of pissing on baitfags and poor lonely contrarians seeking a hugbox here. It's killing three birds with one stone and it's fun.

>you're just one big pretentious retard with a high and mighty complex and no social awareness.
>Garoufags don't care about your feelings
Projecting and denial not an uncommon combination

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Can these threads be saved?

What point is Yea Forums trying to prove? That they're autistic contrarians?

absolutely blessed scene

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There is no point. There's nothing about OPM itself that can explain Yea Forums's reaction towards it.

Bystander here. You should have quit while you were ahead. This got embarrassing a while ago.

Garoufags are too rich with the goods of ONE's, Murata's and the fandom's creation to take your cries, bait or contrarionism seriously user. So they piss back on it. Either get over it or banter up yourself.