
Bros... I'm not ready to lose her...

Attached: ueno.png (304x426, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Me neither. I want it to keep going. At least for a few more years.

bros i fucking love Ueno

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.14_[2019.03.24_18.27.09].jpg (1920x1080, 205K)

Tanaka is my spirit animal.

Attached: 1552246290164.png (1280x720, 860K)

Does this have a manga i’ll probably just read it

>5 volumes
Fuck yeah.

Attached: AlphaAndOmega.jpg (1280x1440, 318K)


I want once, just once, for my cutesy comedy shows to actually give me a cliche ass ending where they fall in love.

Attached: 8061795400.jpg (500x360, 111K)

I would appreciate Ueno's show no matter how long it went on for.

translations is dead

Who does not want to be bullied by a cute Lolli.

Attached: Screenshot_20190324-055509_Crunchyroll.jpg (2220x1080, 871K)

Who knows maybe if there show extends a few more seasons we can get the ending we want.

Attached: Screenshot_20190324-054117_Crunchyroll.jpg (2220x1080, 247K)

>The first episode was 3 months ago
Time really flies, holy shit

Attached: 1547405506499.gif (540x304, 729K)

what are the chances of s2? anyone have an idea?

I believe it's possible. Its a short series and usually those are not on high end budget wise. Licensing is cheap as well. I can only hope of a season 2 maybe even 3 and 4 at most.

>No nipple episode
>No Y episode
Why would they do something like that?

Yamashita and Tanaka are the true OTP.

Attached: yamashita thinking.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

the ending felt a bit abrupt, but I guess its just because I wanted to see more
guess I'll check out the manga now

Attached: party hard tamon.webm (234x260, 34K)

Not if the female trap has anything to say about it.

Attached: Screenshot_20190324-100713_Crunchyroll.jpg (2220x1080, 808K)

Yamashita is for Ueno only

Attached: Screenshot_20190325-124322_Crunchyroll.jpg (1480x720, 295K)

Who knows maybe it might be too pure.

Attached: Screenshot_20190324-054737_Crunchyroll.jpg (2220x1080, 412K)

It's called reverse trap newfriend.

Does Gymnastics help give girls flat chests or do girls with fat chests just not do gymnastics because it's harder?

Was he jelly?

Attached: 20190325_124830.jpg (1067x488, 171K)

ahh reverse trap. Thank you now I know what it means.
Got to be jealous of those Delts.

Its more like a certain bodytipe is the ideal for gynastics, so in professional competitions we will most likely see those.

Attached: 20190325_125624.jpg (1284x608, 392K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190324-100832_Crunchyroll.jpg (2220x1080, 315K)

Tanaka has some lightning fast reflexes.

How smelly is Ueno? Her pits, pussy, ect

>face sitting
yeah I can get behind that
>piss drinking
can we please not

Since Ueno is a third year does this means she is a year older than Tanaka? Or she just skipped some grades for being smart?
She seems to be the same age as Yamashita and Tanaka's sisters

Attached: 20190325_132409.jpg (1088x720, 388K)

What piss? It was purified water

talking about the last episode

or was it ep 11

I want to bury my face in her sweaty flat chest and armpits after a long day of training!

Attached: HorribleSubs_Mahou_Shoujo_Site_02_720p.mkv_snapshot_14.04_2018.04.14_02.15.40.png (1280x720, 1.82M)

I miss her already.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.24_[01.03.32].png (1280x720, 1.83M)

コスモルミナ was the best ending

Attached: Astral Ueno.png (1280x720, 1.08M)

They are all good, but I specially like the second one better.
I specially like how Ueno's VA is the singer in all of those.

Attached: 20190325_142300.jpg (1226x720, 299K)

Is it the 2nd one? The 2nd one was best. Kind of neat we got 4 EDs but only 2 were necessary.

dont worry we still have season 2 right?

Actually, counting the last episode we had 6 EDs


Is it always the same retard making the threads?

Best semen demon

Attached: 72547449_p33.jpg (700x988, 430K)

This show was way more erotic and with 250% more Ueno butt than I expected.
On top of that it was very sweet. If only Ueno weren't a stink maiden.

wait a fucking second, Ueno is pushing technology so far only to be noticed by Tanaka?

Attached: 1459117794838.jpg (542x542, 40K)

Probably both, but more so the latter. The Olympics and other stuff like that tends to make ideal body types by sport pretty clear

Tanaka is my husband.

tanaka a piece of shit

Fuck you, Tanaka is cuter than Ueno.


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Attached: 1525543033594.jpg (526x601, 75K)

Everyone and everything has to end, user. Even you will reach the end someday.

oh shit didn't notice the ashita no joe reference on this one

It doesn't have to be this way

Attached: 1500149424280.jpg (698x658, 106K)

I honestly almost cried during the ending song. I'll fucking miss this show. It was legit the only thing I was watching this season.


Attached: omae wa mou shindeiru.jpg (1280x720, 200K)

The NTR doujins are going to be so good.

Can't wait.

Attached: 72058484_p1B.jpg (447x549, 80K)

>this was greenlit as 12 episodes of 12 minutes

Why are some people so against making money?

the fanart and lewd art are some of the best

Attached: 1551644038165.gif (1071x1080, 3.46M)

Still not enough for the other girls, mostly only smelly Ueno

Attached: 73824810_p0.png (497x800, 204K)

If we get a Season 2, she crushes hard for Tanaka.

for good reason I'm sure

Attached: 1551651664690.webm (1280x720, 261K)

If there was any anime that properly describes Yea Forums, it's this one.
We should appreciate this one for years.

Attached: How clumsy you are, Miss Ueno. 12 HD.mp4_snapshot_04.58_[2019.03.25_16.04.27].jpg (1280x720, 239K)

Uenomonogatari Second Season when?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.41_[2019.03.18_00.34.09].jpg (1280x720, 128K)

Attached: 1549842076631.jpg (1272x1442, 208K)

I fucking hope

Attached: 73808813_p0.jpg (1378x1901, 906K)

Too much Ueno

It's not often a majority of the girls in anime are absolutely perfect.

Attached: Perfect.png (1280x720, 369K)

Delicious boy.

>no armpit episode

Attached: 1550310793962.png (546x893, 896K)

I love Ueno and her wacky inventions!

Attached: D0u92smV4AArUku.jpg (857x1200, 192K)

Did the mangaka make doujins or are those Ueno doujins?

Attached: 1550291390365.png (449x720, 195K)

Must be doujin

Attached: 72547449_p32.jpg (700x988, 466K)

She made the dune suit and floating eyeballs for others.

Attached: recycling.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Should have know the artist would be hard to find. Not a real doujin, but the artist is of supreme taste

Attached: Dvg1W_jU8AE3MgT.jpg (600x1045, 70K)

Have his twitter?

Attached: 1551859265927.png (1366x768, 1.67M)

I said with a posed look


Posts very rarely

Attached: Du8JJZ-UwAAz3Ev[1].jpg (700x912, 130K)

Nice, thanks.

Attached: 73580631_p1.jpg (700x990, 183K)

Fixed Ueno

Attached: 72547449_p21.jpg (800x967, 376K)

holy FUC

but that's Olga

I'm sickened, but curious.

Attached: Twintails.webm (486x588, 32K)

This is canon

Attached: Dui25TsUcAAQITn[1].jpg (700x780, 136K)

Everything is better than twintails

Attached: 72547449_p11.jpg (800x1040, 392K)

Can't wait for her to NTR Ueno

Attached: Faggotdetector.webm (880x670, 217K)

The ass on this bitch
Got damn

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.41_[2019.03.25_16.51.08].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

A miracle

Attached: 73538176_p0.png (1600x1200, 1.14M)

The shota is the one that does pretty much all the bullying though, and she loves him for it as much as it aggravates her.

Attached: _01_007.jpg (844x1200, 422K)

Two if you count both cheeks.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.03_[2019.02.21_06.46.29].jpg (1280x720, 79K)


Mna, you can't blame Tanaka for bullying that butt.

Attached: 1551745850064.jpg (1280x720, 286K)

Ueno is pure and not for lewd

Attached: 1551844909642.png (1280x720, 2.65M)

But she lewds herself user

I agree, but you are forgetting that Ueno is for lewd and not pure.

t. YamaSHITa

Am I the only one who thinks Mao is proto-Ueno?

He's just training it to be an ass that can handle some hard abuse. He's doing very well so far.

Attached: 1551844772448.jpg (1400x1600, 521K)

She just want to make a family, please understand.

Attached: 1551624746269.png (1280x1438, 1.43M)

only on special dates with Tanaka where they know they gonna fug

Tanaka did nothing wrong. In fact, he was often right and his actions justified.

He is a great guy.

Attached: DzGlaiVU8AEjUxs.jpg (2058x3137, 581K)

As understandable as that is her ovaries are completely out of control, it'll only get worse if she isn't thoroughly bred soon.

Attached: 1549773978851.png (626x346, 254K)

I agree, she does it for Tanaka not you horny anons

She needs to get her shit together

Attached: 1551711046158.jpg (662x1016, 225K)

How is the manga compared to the anime?

One of the things I like the most about the comedy is that I find the episodes to be unpredictable. Every episode Ueno is trying to convey her feelings to Tanaka, but all episodes felt completely different each other. Many times I was laughing because of something not expected.

Is the manga that way or is it more formulaic?

Attached: laughing-dog.jpg (450x337, 24K)

Maybe 29? 30? Please.

You ready for the sports festival, boys?

Attached: 1542578774258.jpg (1024x998, 72K)

That's why she is not the best girl.

Attached: 72820653_p0.jpg (1200x1490, 461K)

She wants more than just a family

Attached: 003.jpg (1264x1819, 420K)


Manga is alright, but I still think anime version is still superior because the pacing and music are really good, Making regular jokes used in the manga even more funnier. Also, the VAs do a really good job and incorporate well the characters.
I guess thats what you would call an anime adaptation done right.

Mistaking a girl for a boy was a pretty bad screw up, tho. 95% of girls would’ve been pretty upset to hear that.

Ueno should just drug Tanaka and rape him.

Didn't she already do that?

She is too dumb to do anything

How can a genius be so dumb?

Because dick

Attached: 73599771_p0.jpg (1500x1500, 169K)

Neat art.

It sure gets great art, for a short anime.

Attached: 73545882_p0.png (3326x5013, 3.52M)

I just hope we get some good doujin.

Well there's already 2. One's good, one isn't

Attached: 005.jpg (1261x1820, 383K)

Is that the good one?

What's wrong with the other one?


>Tomboy only got one episode
>No fanart

Attached: 1549215096471.png (1508x1776, 1.14M)

That ASS

She has like three, and a good lewd one

Attached: 72547449_p34.jpg (700x988, 431K)

can anyone post the pic with every monogatari girl compared with the girls

I miss this dork

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 03 [1080p]-0007.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

Cutest scream ever

Hot monkey ass.


Attached: DcmS212UQAYk0ba.jpg (800x966, 137K)

>The wind against the glass creates an image of you
>I wonder what "color" will that wind be today? I want to experience it completely.

What the FUCK, and I do mean what the FUCK, does this even mean? It's been twelve episodes and I've still not figured it out.

Attached: ced217edd8c5b107fcff71f4b9ab6c411549075927_fwide[1].jpg (640x360, 65K)

I wonder what color Ueno's pubes are.

Imagine the smell.

Attached: 1551382413051.png (1050x1626, 1.26M)


Someone please translate the manga.

Translate the manga, or else...

Learn Japanese, bro.
It just takes five minutes.

Why is this tiny girl so angry? Is she sexually frustrated?

Attached: 73879276_p0.png (1607x2241, 512K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 03 [1080p]-0012.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)


She is a shit.

Attached: 1551565611107.jpg (758x673, 94K)

Yama-shit A.

I already miss her, bros.

Attached: ueno sperging out.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)


Attached: 1551629571113.png (648x692, 632K)

Ueno's throbbing hair erections.

Are her twintails sensitive?

They must be, i want to wash and comb her hair.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 03 [1080p]-0002.jpg (1920x1080, 211K)

Cute slut.

Attached: 72855467_p0.jpg (732x1024, 174K)

I thought Tanaka and Ueno were both 3rd years and Yamashita was an underclassmen.


sad really

Attached: nishihara.jpg (1158x1637, 856K)

I need to see more anime girls awaken their maternal instincts.


Attached: 1552257606561.jpg (2100x900, 563K)

Well now that we're at the end of it might as well take a moment to reflect on the series. There's one thing about Ueno that's really interesting (other than how lewd and sexual she is) that we get to see this episode and that's how her no-nonsense professional attitude is when she isn't just around her two closest friends, it's a frame of mind she can only enter when she isn't so horny she has to wear the PE Reservoir to avoid leaving a puddle, and since this is most of the time she's around Tanaka we haven't really gotten to see it until now when all of the club presidents start getting introduced and her interactions with them. You can see it in the chapter where all of the presidents hold a meeting and just end up playing video games, you'd never guess it but when she isn't in close proximity to her crush she ends up being the straight man in a room of like ten different girls.

It's pretty funny to think the horny ball of autism we know is the stoic and straightforward science club president to most of the girls in that group, it really makes her relationship with Yamashita and Tanaka a lot more intimate in contrast.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.24_[2019.03.25_17.11.38].jpg (1280x720, 118K)

Yamashita > Cat Hanekawa
Kitanaga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nadeko

I want to lick her chest.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.04_[2019.03.25_22.50.24].png (1280x720, 951K)

This author is a genius, a hot genki tomboy with a budding MILF twist. This is the kind of stuff usually only awesome doujin artists come up with. Horny robot who wants to cuck her creator is another really good one.

Attached: 360e03ce1cee7ce2c8d43917ad3263e9.jpg (746x1024, 219K)

>If you won't believe I'm a woman then I'll just have to FUCK you right here in front of everyone to prove it! Pull your cock out, you jerk!
Man, what a total slut.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.54_[2019.03.25_21.59.33].jpg (1280x720, 118K)

jesus user dont green text like that

Attached: 1551834057902.jpg (426x341, 31K)

Everyone is that school is a slut.

You should commission a doujin artist user.

She spends every single day banging her head against a brick wall called Tanaka trying to get him to put his cock in her best friend who is almost as hard to work with, occasionally while involuntarily peeing herself. She has a really tough job.
How can you say some shit like that after seeing how hard she works to get her best friend laid. She only acts like a bitch to him to make sure there's no chance he'll fall for her instead, it'd break her heart to accidentally cuck Ueno like that knowing how much she likes Tanaka so any time she detects anything even resembling an advance she threatens to call the police or, in the case of having her panties stolen, smacks the shit out of him. It's a necessary defense mechanism.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.57_[2019.03.25_22.19.39].jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Calm down Yamashita.

Poor girl knows she could get his dick quicker than Ueno can invent some new bullshit.

Seems like all the Ueno doujin on panda are the same premise, a sex toy wormhole connected to herself

Attached: reversetrapquestion.jpg (1076x752, 305K)

Attached: animegirlswithquestionmarksfolderfilenumber269.jpg (564x975, 234K)

help me bros, I need more pics, did anyone make a mega for ueno?

Attached: 1552846504427 Mosaic.jpg (4566x3034, 3.9M)

Damn, Ueno is hot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.52_[2019.03.24_22.28.12].jpg (1280x720, 179K)

Ueno cards for Koikatsu!

Attached: 73765363_p0.png (1280x720, 926K)

Is she an efficient source of energy?

She can produce the equivalent force of a million suns

crab and snail when?

Finally i can molest Yamashita.

Attached: 73404710_p0.jpg (1058x1353, 151K)

please do, and post screenshots

As long as you're careful, she goes critical very easily.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.17_[2019.03.24_22.25.52].jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Too hot for 4channel

Attached: 72824698_p2.jpg (690x1024, 140K)

She really can save humanity, but she is too busy trying to be dicked.

Attached: 73395424_p0.png (825x1100, 1.03M)

It's fine as long as there's no nipples showing

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-03-25-14-27-56.png (1600x900, 1000K)

It's fine as long as you hide the nipples.

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-03-25-14-27-56.png (1600x900, 1000K)

Will do someday

Attached: 73764927_p0.png (2000x1588, 2.2M)

Oh boy, gonna have a good fap to this. Wasn't there one for the gymnast as well?


Attached: 73781085_p8.png (1280x720, 983K)

Please tell me there's good porn of this show somewhere.

Only some good lewd pics.

Attached: 72824698_p0.jpg (732x1024, 208K)

I couldn't find any doujins a few weeks ago when I checked.

Attached: 1546741855476.jpg (352x562, 115K)

Thank you, I was just looking the other threads over for it.

What a horrible disappointment.

download koikatsu and make your own. Grab the character cards from and Make sure you click the double arrows so you can download the card png and not the jpeg.
Get the game from hongfire.com/forum/forum/online-resource-links/hentai-ddl-links/hentai-games-aa/6833537-illusion-koikatu-koikatsu-コイカツ!-betterrepack-r5

While I appreciate the effort you've put into spoonfeeding me I am far too lazy.

Ya'll not even trying hard enough

Attached: 1551721525647.jpg (1280x720, 192K)

Attached: 1551719818898.jpg (464x474, 70K)

Make way fools

This guy has been drawing lewd Ueno since 2017 and i want him to come back.

I swear to god if Yamashita doesn't get a proper doujin I will draw one myself

Attached: Calmthefuckdownyounglady.png (455x448, 141K)

the only way to win is to lose
take off your pants!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.29_[2019.03.24_22.17.44].jpg (1280x720, 136K)

im glad im not the only one that thought tanaka's sisters were pretty much karen and tsukihi

I'm pretty sure that nobody thought that over here.

Attached: 1551685268702.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

I want to fuck that boy.

Which one?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.34_[2019.03.24_22.13.47].jpg (1280x720, 162K)

Tanaka would be really cute if he dressed like a girl.


Attached: 70292461_p2.jpg (900x1280, 408K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 07 [1080p]-0010.jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

Too bad, Ueno.

Attached: 72058484_p2.jpg (800x1092, 648K)

Attached: 1550429851489.jpg (1920x1620, 323K)

Slutty legs.

Attached: 1538181462791.png (1280x1315, 1.35M)

She has her own weight in hair


She looks like a cat on heat

God I want to smell it

I want to cum on them

Ueno needs to stop cockblocking herself.

This anime gave me enough question mark screenshots to last a lifetime.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.30_[2019.03.23_00.26.08].jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

I mean... she pretty much is.

She would welcome that.

Attached: 1538074224742.png (1280x1440, 1.19M)

What a cute slut.

Attached: 1551743639449.jpg (1920x1080, 120K)

which mongataris are tennis girl and gymnast boy?


Hey guys the new Hot Wheels track arrived.

Attached: 2019_03_26_10.19.34.jpg (1920x1080, 867K)

Attached: 2019_03_26_10.26.43.jpg (1920x1080, 688K)

I wonder how many art about Ueno getting clicked we're gonna get. A fuckton I guess.

Is not like we are gonna get more fanart.

Attached: 65616203_p4.jpg (800x674, 397K)

I downloaded the card but it doesn't show up in the character selector.

Attached: 1542982996796.png (314x278, 129K)

>You can rewrite DNA on the fly and you're using it to get yourself pregnant? With tech like that you could cure cancer!
>But I don't want to cure cancer. I want to fuck Tanaka.

Attached: 72877879_p0.jpg (850x1200, 719K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.03_[2019.03.26_19.23.24].jpg (376x720, 50K)

Someday she will get it.

Attached: 73787220_p0.jpg (750x1000, 442K)

tennis girl is Gaen

Attached: 1374937924514s.jpg (500x281, 14K)

More like Cuckeno. She should stop bringing more girls to the club.

Imagine the trail she must have left all the way to her home, like a badly leaking motor. He's broken her in so hard she gets like this just from holding hands and a little teasing.

Attached: this is getting too lewd.jpg (349x296, 68K)

Two weeks since the final episode - and this show will be forgotten for good. Screen it, anons.

I'm used to it by now, so many other unique and charming anime have fallen into obscurity and this will be no different.
But i will remember, my ueno folder will remain for all of eternity

Attached: 1551643687797.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

>unique and charming
Poor man's Lucky Star + fetish fuel without a single joke (not to say a funny one) in teh whole series. It's literally jut autists yelling at each over and doing vaguely sexual things.

That's what I said about the Simpsons

Attached: monkeypaw.jpg (474x355, 19K)

Seitokai Yakuindomo wasn't that bad.

It was more like a lewd and inverted Tonari no Seki-kun

I've menat more the delivery and overall impression, not the plot as is, which, indeed, has little to do with Lucky Star and more close Tonari no Seki-kun

>[TSDM自購][190327]TVアニメ『上野さんは不器用』Ending Theme Songs/上野(CV.芹澤優)、田中(CV.田中あいみ)、山下(CV.影山灯)[320K]

ED is out fags

Why do monogatari fans have to shoehorn their show into everything?

it's a short, it didn't get too much attention to begin with, fag

I keep seeing the thraeds and, like, same four pics ever since teh first episode, though, Thankfully, it will end soon.

I've only seen threads with a significant amount of posts near airing times. Otherwise the series is dead. It was fun watching it with you guys.

That makes sense

Attached: 1551635555902.jpg (675x1200, 382K)

One last time for good measure.

Attached: Uenoexcelente.png (1000x603, 709K)

Attached: e084d774b453acc79385214bb3a2ab4b.png (1091x1544, 801K)

are you actually fucking retarded
have a (you) you pile of fucking genetic defects

Ueno should ask boy-chan to grope her a bit more, that left a good impression on Tanaka.


Attached: tanaka other sis.gif (267x328, 127K)

Chocomint best sister. Kinakofags need not apply

Reminder that just because people don't constantly have threads about a show, that doesn't mean they forgot about it.

>drugs Tanaka
>drug causes him to confess to her
>escape from the school with twintails fully erect

make sure you click the expand button and download the png instead of the jpg. It'll open a newt tab with just the card image.

I could fill an entire bucket of precum just by looking at yamashita's legs

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-26-14-13-04.png (1280x800, 472K)


Attached: 7364653967.png (1547x2122, 1.17M)

My fucking dick

Attached: 1541792992725.jpg (1242x808, 120K)

bampu desu

>see? i'm a girl

Attached: __tanaka_and_unogawa_ueno_san_wa_bukiyou_drawn_by_abarai575__fe2ccfe89d273befcad8cf79413b79cc.jpg (800x680, 263K)

she's just undeveloped, like the manlet in the red tracksuit

I can see that happen.
Legs are the best.

Very nice.


I can see that happen.
Legs are the best.

RIP user

I don't know looks like a pretty manly pussy to me

Twitter link, プリズ、my dude?

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that ass grab was phenomenal in the anime and manga. you can really tell the softness and the way Tanaka just digs his hand in, wew.

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I love how flat almost every girl in this anime was.
This shit was made for me.

Thanks user. It's now working.

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Yamashita had no rights to be so sexual

Yes but don't ignore Nishihara, she wants to be a mommy.

Tanaka no.

Muh nigga. I agree with you 100%.

post screens

Yamashita still being angry in porn makes me happy.

She looks so fucking bad, but that's on my end. I don't have mods.

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How is it selling in Japan?

I want an Ueno nendo too, I can actually see her getting one too.

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>Forehead with no bangs
I'd start fixing that if you can.


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>Ueno's VA
this show put serizawa yuu near the top of my list of current young-ish seiyuu on the rise. it's almost hard to believe she did ueno and iroha from 3d kanojo at the same time (which was less spectacular but a fine role in its own right). she's a qt too. god bless her.

She was really good as Shiragami too. I hope she gets more roles

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Wait, she voiced her too?
I read the manga but didn't watch the anime. Guess I have a reason to now.

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Her voice was better in the manga though.

I watch the anime first then read the manga because I loved it. Look back on the anime, it's not great, but the voice cast is really good

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Of course, that's always the case.

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her twintails are top tier and if you don't agree, you're honestly just wrong

Twintails are shit.

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absolutely incorrect tastes, my man

My Little user Can't Be This Much of a Faggot.

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Walking trash.

>How to guarantee replies
Ok, now that you've had your fill, tell us what you really thing.


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This show needs the same magic TQ used.
100 years of Ueno.

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What do you think her feet smell like?

Like feet.

get better repack

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Really nice.
Thanks, i'll try it.

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The best part of Ueno was the music

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her scream was wonderful.

Cute and lewd

I want to molest her so badly

I miss her bros she was so fucking great

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>all this for 12 12min episodes

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Indeed, how can someone so cute be so lewd?

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How can Nadeko compete with this?

You've finally realized that cute and lewd aren't mutually exclusive. Welcome to a new world of porn.

How wonderful

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Delete yourself.

So Ueno is crab or math?

Please see the reference guide here

how is Ueno ever crab

He might be referring to mirror crab. But even then her twintails pale in comparison to Ueno's. Math's are much closer.

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They toned down the manga and the anime censored Kitanaga's butt, I wont miss Ueno.

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When did she dress like that?

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Current season.
Araragi is trapped in a mirror world. He sees another side of everyone else that he normally doesn't (black Hanekawa, adult Hachikuji, expressive Ononoki, etc)

everytime she blushes hnnnng, she's too perfect. here's to a great series and hopefully we'll get a season 2. the manga is still gold so they have plenty of material.

I thought that was goddess Hachikuji already.

I love her, too bad the manga ruined this cutie by turning her into a "emotionless/confused face" joke.

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She's still a loli in Araragi-san normal world, even after becoming a goddess.



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>can pass as a boy
Definitely Ougi.

Or Gaen; like a previous user mentioned.

Nigga are you blind? Gaen's already taken by tennis-chan.

I wanna' have sex with Ougi.

I'm gonna miss this show Yea Forumsnons, theres a void in my sundays now.

But any time a plan actually works for her she gets too chickenshit and can't follow through.


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That ending was adorable.
Season 2 when?

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For some reason or another I fell in love with her really hard.

It's the banter.

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The banter is top. She's also really cute. It's good. I want more of her.

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nice nice NICE

what is the next best sillylewd show next season?


What's her smelly[s/spoiler]problem?

>Monkey paw for a second season
>The translation is even worse than this season's was

Love how Yamashita is a boobless Hanekawa bookworm + Black Hanekawa hair

Learn japonés, problem solved!

>>The translation is even worse than this season's was
That nigga made an effort in being awful.

Needs an OVA where Tanaka stops being dense and Ueno not flustered.

But then the whole gag is ruined.
Go read Tsurezure Children if you want comedy with thirsty grills winning.

And then Tanaka wakes up.

its a shame the two best girls in the show didn't get more screentime and voicelines, especially yamashita with voicelines, shes insanely cute when shes angery

Btw, anybody have links to the soundtrack CD mp3's? I actually was going to buy the mp3s on amazon.jp but apparently they don't do digital music sales to people outside of japan, so I guess they lose money and im forced to pirate

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Quality content

What does she smell like?


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Cute bUNNY

Numachi Rouka can be a candidate if only for the sports theme

No. A device malfunctioned and pulls Yamashita into an alternate reality based on her desires. Then Ueno send No 13 to rescue her at the end. Neither mentioning to the others what the alternate world was.

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gaijin blood flows through her veins.

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She's too much for me, lads

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fuck you xavier

translate it weebs


Literally the pleasure of being cummed inside

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Hopefully never the manga has been toned down and the anime censored nudist chan's butt.

Wait for the BD.

Imagine complaining every thread and disliking an anime entirely because it didn't include a poorly drawn butt in one episode

Cersorship in anime is just too harsh lately, I don't feel comfortable after what they did to UzaMaid.
Loli nudity being censored sucks and I hate it, But I can understand why they do it...but censoring breasts and butts? C'mon old anime shows aimed at children used to have nudity, I hate this "globalization" stuff.

Why is she such a thirsty slut?

Rude, she is pure.

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One episode of Ueno has more budget than ten seasons of Teekyuu though

I have a better premise.
Tanaka falls in love with Ueno.
Unable to confess, he is anonymously gifted one of Ueno's inventions with Ueno's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to Ueno, she shrieks and turns red and runs away and Yamashita punches him. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same Ueno he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is Ueno's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with Tanaka's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the inventions they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, COMEDY ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the SINCERITY of TANAKA'S OBLIVIOUSNESS.

What poorly drawn butt was this?

I liked this the first time I heard it. Second time around, it's still pretty good.

Literally her biggest flaw is that she isn't enough of a slut to get what she wants.

>I hate this (((globalization))) stuff.

>what they did to UzaMaid.

They removed all the loli fanservice, you should have been able to figure this out.


Look at the first chapter and you already have one.

did Dogakobo make loli fanservice before?


it's ogre

i mean they hired type_hatena to animate a scene in uzamaid

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Nice. would wear to the company picnic.

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I miss smelly girl and her violent friend

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I would buy this shirt



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I don't usually buy anime clothes but I would buy the fuck out of that Tamo shirt

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Child nudity in older anime, much like the panty shot, was meant to be nonsexual. Lolicons finding child nudity as fanservice is why they stopped doing it. If it's meant to be pornographic and it's on TV, it gets censored. OVAs can get away with more since they're straight to video.

The Jews have nothing to do with this; lolicons have nobody to blame but themselves.

Yamashita was a thug though.

Shw was a shit.


What would happen if I touched her twintails?

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she gets pregnant. WITH TWINS

They would get erect.

>no umbrella with "I AM UMBRELLA" design and the barrier device for the tip
C'mon, that's easy money right there.

Attached: ueno i am umbrella.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Ty, I've been looking for this one for the past couple weeks.
Absolutely based.

>mfw in the final chapter Tanaka reveals that he knew Ueno liked him the entire time and kisses her

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