Tell me about Gundam, are they actually all worth watching...

Tell me about Gundam, are they actually all worth watching? I've heard everything from them being masterpieces to them being pieces of garbage only shitheads enjoy

Attached: gundamu.jpg (2560x1600, 500K)

I've watched a bit of 0079 and it seems like a really well done war story.
Somewhat impartial to both sides but it doesn't shy away from the realities of war.
Killing off characters that might seem relevant to the plot.
But what I liked about it the most is that each character hase a personal reason to participate in the, rather than "for the good of the leader or nation".

watch wing and fighter g gundam

The UC timeline is all good, besides garbage like 08th MS Team and Unicorn. You should actually watch the latter though because it advances the plot.
The spin-offs are hit or miss. Avoid Seed and Wing, the rest is fine.

Like any long running franchise, the different entries range wildly in quality and a person who likes one might not like ones that others like.

It's a long series so it's bound to dip in quality sometimes. And different people are involved with it at different times. I watched all of the main timeline recently and more often than not enjoyed it a lot. But some people don't want to get involved in a long series so if you're one of those people don't bother starting. Don't watch the summary movies.

>Advancing the plot

It just crams a bunch of unnecessary crap into early UC then spends all series touring around famous locations from previous series before arriving right back where they started and nothing changes in the end except the discrediting/removal of things it introduced itself. Nothing about the UC timeline advances.

I dare say Unicorn/Narrative probably retcon F91.
Not like this is a bad thing, F91/Crossbone deserve a remake.

excellent sci-fi concepts marred by shitty delivery and melodrama.

00 for example had an amazing setting with the creating of space elevators and multi-national economic blocs. but, and the rest of this post is opinion, I did not like the delivery of most of the storyline. chalk it up to differences in culture and how the japanese write their storylines.

>Implying Narrative isn't going to end with them using time manipulation shinanigans to retcon the events of the series out of existance and make it a self contained story.

If you go into UC, try to actually engage with the concept of Newtypes. Otherwise you end up falling into the "they're just psychics" line of thought which makes the entire thing immediately turn limp.

What's wrong with Wing?

Use this guide

Attached: Gundam Series Guide.jpg (2800x3402, 2.87M)

The key is to think of them as the newage hippy spiritual sort of psychic (but in space). The kind that are convinced that the piece of polished quartz they just bought was worth the $100 they paid because the piece of copper wire wrapped around it is going to attune their postive energy to Saturn's rings or some shit, except in UC its real.

>Posting the troll chart.

That's the right chart, troll.

It is not that hard to grasp their concept.
They are just evolved human after adapting to space. You need to be a telepath to traverse and communicate through the distance of space. It is pretty much why Char wanna drop a fucking nuke on Earth to make everyone migrate to space to become a newtype

It's the final fantasy VII of Gundam, not the most solid story, but the one that made the franchise known in west.

Turn-A is at the top of what the series has to offer. The Turn-A Gundam itself is the ultimate pleb filter and does a fantastic job and weeding out low IQ retards that just want to see robots zooming around and shooting each other. Its a great show for both complete newbies and people invested in the series.

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Wing had cool designs, a great sound track, and horribly inconsistent plot and characters. Its like a bad soap opera, even including the cliche multiple personalities, secret family members, and amnesia plotlines.

zoom zoom zoom

They vary in quality between series. Some are enjoyable and some are hot shit

If you're on the fence about Gundam, just start from the beginning. Or watch 00. I feel like that series has both the best and worst of Gundam

Attached: gundam-00-featured.jpg (672x372, 116K)

I like the more sprawling/larger stakes ones where the focus is on larger factions, has fleet battles, superweapons and so on. I skipped shows like X, Turn A, IBO and G Gundam because of that. Of course, "large-scale" doesn't always equates to a good show. I hate the last parts of Age, Destiny seemed to fuck itself up in it's last quarter, and 00 can be a bit preachy. I'm still planning on watching Turn A next because everyone seems to like it.

If something, Wing gave us Midorikawa, he is an alright VA.

>skipped shows like X, Turn A...G Gundam
First of all, X and Turn A have those things. They just come in later. Second of all, how can you skip G, what is wrong with you?

there are "things" posting on Yea Forums who have not watching a single anime before the year 2016

>Best and worst of Gundam
I agree with that.

You won't go wrong with SEED. It is the most mainstream of modern Gundam. It has meme characters like Jesus Yamato and Flay, plotlines directly lifted off the original Gundam for modern viewers, many insert songs, Yuki kajiura and actually one of the better looking Gundam designs.

>You won't go wrong with SEED
You can go very wrong with SEED. The Gundam designs looking good doesn't prevent the stock footage epidemic

I have no doubt it's a fun mecha show but it just doesn't feel like Gundam to me. I feel if you replace any of the Gundams with original mechas, it would still keep it's spirit. Also, the nature of the show is just a bit too cheesy for me. That last part sounds hypocritical considering Wing was my guilty pleasure with it's stupid one liners.

>I feel if you replace any of the Gundams with original mechas, it would still keep it's spirit.
I don't know man, maybe I am biased because I love Imagawa, but I feel that despite its silliness it does convey well a lot of typical Gundam messages.

G does have all of Gundam's spirit just in a different way

Wrong, Turn A almost killed the franchise and everything it attempts was already done better.

>Turn A almost killed the franchise
That was 2 decades ago. It's much more appreciated now

Makes my heart go boom boom boom

>everything it attempts was already done better.
In which Gundam series? I agree with the other guy, it's up there with my favorites and I think it's the first time in a while Tomino got to do what he wanted while having full enthusiasm. Zeta felt aimless at times, ZZ had tone issues and was competing with CCA at times for Tomino's attention, Victory was way too long and seemed like Tomino seeing what he could get away with before people told him to stop. Turn A seemed like the peak of what Tomino was trying to achieve since 0079.

>was competing with CCA at times for Tomino's attention
CCA wasn't all that good, dude.
>Turn A seemed like the peak of what Tomino was trying to achieve since 0079.
Only if you've seen none of his other works, I have seen all his mecha stuff and Turn A falls short compared to most.

Watch Gundam 00

I think you'll like it

>CCA wasn't all that good, dude.
I disagree but that wasn't what I was saying anyway. True, I haven't seen too much of his non-Gundam stuff. I hope I find something as good as Turn A in it.