Non Non Biyori

>"Hai, Ren-chon, and where did you say you saw the rorikon?"

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Must be comfy being a cop in Japan. You don't have to deal with niggers, spics, or muslims, nor have to worry about being shot every time you stop or pull over someone.

This is a Non Non Biyori thread, user. Let's not talk about such things.

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also their uniforms look great and they dont have any anti police propaganda on the media. imagine being a cop with a family and having to see that with your children after a day of work.

>"He was in a van, I ran away!"

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Attached: [FFF-Vivid] Non Non Biyori Vacation [BD 1080p AAC] [3D65299C].mkv_snapshot_00.57.36.028.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

They also still use revolvers, that's pretty dope.

Attached: 300px-New_Nambu_M60_revolver_of_the_Nara_Prefectural_Police.jpg (300x377, 30K)

>You don't have to deal with niggers, spics, or muslims
You do if you're in certain wards of Tokyo.

>You don't have to deal with niggers, spics, or muslims
There's even greater danger. Schoolgirls armed katanas.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Release the Spyce - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_24.15.459.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

And lolis in unmarked vans.

Attached: [ReinForce] Zombie Land Saga 01 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_06.21.250.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

What's the best subs for the movie?

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Roppongi is a lot worse though.

Fuck off to pol

But he's right,

Shut up and praise hotarun

We got him

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You should be able to watch it raw.
They don't talk that much anyway.


>trying to fit in this hard
Being 16 was a great time

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Don't have to worry about the nuttier side of the population pulling out their gun on them either

Instead you have to release Daisuke, who killed 20 people, just because he is 17 years old and muh underage status.
God underage protection laws are so retarded in Japan.

>Must be comfy being a cop in Japan. You don't have to deal with niggers, spics, or muslims, nor have to worry about being shot every time you stop or pull over someone.
I honestly can't imagine how life in USA must look for average citizen, I'm living in Central Europe, everyone you meet on street can have a gun, every neighboor you maybe annoyed or are annoyed by has a gun he/she can use, every psychotic or workplace or schoolplace trouble can end in shooting cause someone had a bad day, going home you can meet various people on bus stops who might find you annoying and can just shoot you cause they didn't like your face or how you walk or that you dared to look in their direction wrongly.
Honestly I think I would not be able to get out from home if I was living in such crazy society where everyone owns a gun and could shoot me. In normal countirs it's easy, either law enforcements or criminals have a gun.

>ywn have to release a cute murderous Shota
Why live?

>Anti-police propaganda
Yeah that's because when a cop murders someone in Japan they don't let them just walk free like ameritats do.

Nobody shoots you because you could have a gun. It's that easy.

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Maybe if American police punished other police for wrongdoing instead of looking the other way because "protecting our own", there wouldn't be such a mentality against police here.

Probably because you're a retard who has no idea how the real world looks to begin with and therefore can easily be misled with anecdotes.
And that's a bad thing, because the world would be a terrible place if more people were weak like you.

that all depends on the taxes
Police, I'm sure, is a much more respectable position in Japan, however I'm definitely sure that they're more uptight about how the police should act

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Thankfully most normal people are afraid of prison. Drunken brawls that end in shootings are the most common gun related homicides.

They could have a gun, but most don't. Just stay away from old white folks.
T. Young white folk

>Non non biyori thread derailed this hard
Can we just go back to talking about armpits and candy?

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Those guys are positively based.

Jannies confirmed for asspained niggers. Makes sense though, they can afford to do it for free because they use gibs financed by my taxes to support their worthless experience.

>most normal people are afraid of prison
Then why are american prisons so extremely overcrowded?

I want to put my ponos in her vagoo.

Because the prison owners lobby for high punishments for relatively minor crimes in order to legally own slaves.

What is even the appeal of this general? Gochiusa at least has erokawaii girls.

Why do people commit minor crimes? Aren't they afraid of prison?

Okay Ren-chon, I'll give you some candy. All you have to do is come with me to my place to get it.

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What species is this insect?


why not both?

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I personally relate to the character of Komari because I'm also short.

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Why did I lose to "rorikon"?

That's really unsafe, but they look cool atleast

It is a general you dumb faggot.

It isn't you fucking limp-wristed cunt.