what does Yea Forums think of female goblins?
What does Yea Forums think of female goblins?
They're pretty great.
Literal la creatura
R word the female goblins as revenge
thats not a goblin, thats goblina
They need to be raped by faceless 12 year old human boys.
Shit. They are just lazy reskins of regular females with a green coat of paint. Atleast make them different and not another generic animu girl
that's oddly specific fetish, but I can get behind it
Shotas are crazier than goblins
1/10 needs more sneed
yeah right
implying piece of garbage character from garbage novel can do anything about immortal goblins
Rape them before they rape you
Even the little baby girl goblinas, in their little goblin cradles?
This looks more like an extremely weak orc.
I would give her many goblin children