
This is it right here, it sums up the entire rottenness at the center of Kaguya's character in one line. Kaguya is a LAZY SHIT. She never had to do even one thing for herself in her whole life other than study for tests - she has servants to do everything else from drive her around to wiping her ass. Now she is conditioned to believe people do all things for her, come to her and prostrate themselves if they want things because she is superior.

So because her brain is rotten like this, she thinks Shirogane will come to beg her to do things, and so she just has to sit and wait for him to beg her to deign him with her presence.

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Other urls found in this thread:


And this is a good example of an in-character character flaw.

And if anything the fact that she is not perfect makes her more appealing, there is a name for this effect but I forget it (I think it starts with B). All the more reason why she is best girl.

Yeah, sure. Hopefully she'll get sidetracked by better girls like Hayasaka

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You really need to check your sources.

FBI if you are reading please shadow purge this imagine from the internet and everyones harddrive in America.

It's fine.
She's cute, so I don't mind at all.

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This started funny enough, but got worse and worse and less funny and more boring with every episode. Just end it already.

Any woman that pads is shit.

Oi! Delet this.

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girls are lazy?

you don't fucking say.

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Men are supposed to take the intiative in a relationship.

That's only half the issue, the other half is the fact that she is a girl which only fuels the will to assume that everything that gets handed to her are things she deserves, which makes things only worse considering that there will always be beta orbiters who will affirm that by giving her things.

Maybe in the backwater, redneck community you are from, but in the modern west, women actually have rights and determination, and it often happens that they take the initiative.

Shut the fuck up faggot.

Which turns men into asexual omega nu-males, while women still subconsciously crave for chads that would take them regardless of dumb bullshit they say.

What a load of shit. They feed you this garbage in today's media, sure, but it just doesn't have anything to do with reality. Good bait, though.

even feminists cant decide if they have rights and agency or not

the reason she doesn't take the initiative is 'cause she's afraid of rejection and/or ridicule, not because she expects the man to do all the work.

So long as it hasn't been explained in the anime, it obviously doesn't count.

I'm pretty sure the anime hints towards her being insecure-

>People have shit that they gotta do on their own, regardless of genders
No Fucking Shit, Sherlock. For all the "rights" and "privileges" that was given to you from generations of suffragette, whenever you are harased or threatened, you choose instead to sit on those rights and do jack shit while your harassers run free, only exercise such rights when it makes you money and fame.
Good luck trying to convince me anyone deserves shit, I live in commieland and people still shove all of their responsibilities to the designated gender. What do Westernfags have that I don't? Your own govt violates their own rules all the fucking time

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It was JUST explained in the very same episode where Kaguya can't even follow him on Twitter because she's afraid of "HOW CUTE". Then thinks she can bait him into following her instead.

But she's the MAIN CHARACTER who should be DRIVING THE STORY. If she's not doing it then why are we following her?

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it's almost as if the whole premise of the series is based on her and shirogane having gross misconceptions of how to approach one another in an effort to "win" a battle

Nigger are you seriously to dense to grasp the entire concept of the show?

>But she's the MAIN CHARACTER who should be DRIVING THE STORY. If she's not doing it then why are we following her?
That's pretty much 95% of anime

Neither of them being able to take the first step is literally the point of the whole show, I don't know how you got this far without realising that it's literally the entire plot. Which makes the payoff even more satisfying when it happens.

Also post >yfw "I want to see the fireworks with everyone."

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>the girl should initiate because I am too much of a pussy to do it

I agree with Iceguya here

This but unironically


>but in the modern west
I agree with your general sentiments but you do realize this is set in modern day Japan, right?
>So long as it hasn't been explained in the anime
The narrator literally explains her real reasons at the end of the first episode
>Men are supposed to take the intiative in a relationship.
"Expected" would be more accurate to say in the modern day. There's no longer a biological necessity for all or even most people to follow traditional gender roles anymore

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>the guy should initiate because I have a pussy.

so flat so hot

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>servants that wipe her ass

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>women actually have rights
They have every right to stay in the kitchen
>and determination
to make me a goddamn sandwich.

user, did you even watch the damn show? Kaguya is far from lazy. She works hard all the time coming up with her plans to get the President to confess to her. She's not sitting around waiting for it to happen, she's always actively engineering scenarios in which the logical conclusion is her getting a confession from Prez. Of course they always fail because she's completely mistaken with regards to how Shirogane would react to these scenarios, but keeps trying hard every week anyways. That's the driving point of the show and I'm surprised that you managed to miss it.

retarded anime-only will never realizes how much effort she puts on someone she likes

She's not lazy. She's retarded and a coward.


>wanting your character to be perfect in every way
Being 12 must be really hard.

The Gentlemen of the Stool.
Rulers throughout history across all cultures had such attendants.
In England, it was a coveted position, because, without fail, you, and no one else in the entire kingdom, had the ear of the King himself.
Had his ear and your hand cupping his shitty buttcheeks but that's besides the point.
They became quite influential people at court, as they'd be bribed to lobby on behalf of which what and whoever to the king when he as most vulnerable:
ie. when the king was not the king but just a fat old man taking a dump to clear his weary head and bowels.

Which is?
I'm not trying to start shit but if you give them proof they'll shut up eventually

But there is nothing appealing about spoiled rich brats.

OP is just a faggot and should both stop speedwatching and read the manga.

This. Best girls are proud of being flat.

I'm just asking you the examples of "how much effort she puts on someone she likes"

you have to go back, scum

Kaguyafags(character, not the manga) are extremely delusional. It's really sad that there's no rival girl. That would've prevented shit like Icekaguya bitching out of nowhere without getting punished.

>This thread again

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>neo-Yea Forums
Seems like the phrase "you have to go back" has officially lost all meaning

I mean, prez also wants Kaguya to be the one to invite him out, how is he any different? It's not about laziness, they're both just embaressed dumb teenagers having their first romance. If Kaguya was lazy about it she wouldn't craft up schemes constantly and produce endless manuals of plans on how to act in different situations.

Oirishwoman indeed

Why do we have the same bait every week?

Guaranteed triggering, (you)s and weak to non-existent rebuttal

The type of guy that initiates tends to attract the type of girls who like being approached, the same goes for when the genders are flipped but that one is more rare. Neither approach is inherently bad, it's just that most people cant easily read people's cues, especially Japanese teenagers
Fuck off secondary Chikashitter
>I mean, prez also wants Kaguya to be the one to invite him out, how is he any different?
He's a male. Most people here are male. Therefore when she plays mind games with him, she's a bitch, and when he does it, he's based

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>Fuck off secondary Chikashitter
As I said, extremely delusional.

>It's really sad that there's no rival girl.
Literally ONLY newfag Chikashitters say this

>secondary Chikashitter
name calling while doesn't any argument on his own

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>Literally ONLY muh boogeyman say something I don't like
Extremely delusional.

Imagine being a kaguyafag rooting for a literal insane schizo that is also a lazy bum and a flattie.

>I'm just asking you the examples of "how much effort she puts on someone she likes"
Watch the damn anime or better yet read the fucking manga. She's constantly concocting meticulously harebrained schenes to get him to fall for her and confess. How in the fuck have you missed this?
>name calling while doesn't any argument on his own
>Kaguyafags are extremely delusion
>As I said, extremely delusional
>Extremely delusional
I'll respond with the same level of argumentation of the post I'm replying to
>Waah Why wont Prez go for Chika instead

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The worst thing is that Miko is easily swayed and could end up like this.

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>Waah Why wont Prez go for Chika instead
I haven't said that it should've been Fujiwara. This part only exists in your delusions.

>She's constantly concocting meticulously harebrained schenes to get him to fall for her and confess.
Yes. She's only doing shit to FORCE HIM to confess. Unlike Shirogane, she's not doing things FOR him. Kaguya is a lazy bitch.

Shirogane is also trying to force her to confess though?

Maki winning the Ishibowl when?

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t. Iceguya


post cute Kaguyas

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>She's constantly concocting meticulously harebrained schemes to get him to fall for her and confess
And somehow it counts as an "effort she puts on someone she likes" when it's so minuscule?
fuck no
also if we compare her efforts to Prez's then Prez is infinitely put more effort than her
hell even Fujiwara and Hayasaka indirectly put more effort

Kaguya has an absolutely shit attitude towards romance, ice shows it, she will NEVER do something, she will bait so the other part actually puts the effort.

That's not the only thing he does. Prez did a lot of shit for Kaguya during the entire manga. On the other hand, Kaguya is only receiving and trying to force his hand. Even in the latest chapters, she literally "killed" her character development and went full "HOW CUTE" again forcing him to act.

I hope but probably not happening

It's just a matter of time now. There is no Ishibowl.

*blocks your path*

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best dad

>Kaguya has done nothing for prez in the manga
The absolute state of speedreeders

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That also made me sad lol but i guess its also cute, the dead eye ver. of her making up cute shit but dumb Shirogane wont notice



>Kaguya is only receiving and trying to force his hand.
Are you literally retarded, incapable of reading or just projecting way too much into your self insert Prez?

But you can just step over her!

>Fixes election to ensure prezs victory
>Initiates first kiss when prez was about to backpedal
>Makes sure prez's best bro ishi doesn't get held back

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Miko "Lino" Iino the devourer

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You say want a rival for Prez' affection when Fujiwara already exists as a "rival" in Kaguya's mind. There's no need to insert shitty romcom cliches especially one that only stalls romantic development. Iceguya is just giving him the kick in the pants that he needs right now
I'll agree that she hasn't done as much FOR him, at least outwardly, but thats due to her upbringing that's still ingrained in her mind. She had to have an entire mental debate over giving a friend a slice of cake and a birthday gift. She wants to be nicer and acknowledges that she's a shitty person, which is why she wants him to change her (see the cold shoulder and the Nice Guy chapters)

I can't believe Iino ate everything, including her screentime!

Ishigami would never fall in love with this fatass. She sounds like too much of a pain to deal with.

>Fixes election
She did it for herself to get something she personally wants. It's not something prez needed or wanted for her.
>Initiates first kiss
And then backpedaled to "Oh you thought me mouth raping you means something? How cute. Now i will force you to act."
You need to use shoehorn Ishigami into this. Just think about it.

miko isnt fat you stupid fucking cunts. Shes skinny, she's hungry all the time because she works and walks around a lot. You guys are fucking rats, leave her the fuking alone cuntshits

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not with this funbags

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>read from the start
>good shit so far
>rooftop confession
>fuck yes
>latest chapter
>suddenly become aware of just how shit and mentally unstable Kaguya is, all previous instances suddenly become unacceptable

Jesus fuck, this has gone beyond simple character flaws this is straight up realistic family issue-ridden nutcase. You can't possibly make a cute romantic ending out of this.

Yes clearly Kaguya's fault

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>Shit talk him through the whole chapter
Yeah totally not her fault

>literally a few panels earlier she pretty much shits on prez for thinking TONGUEKISSING means anything romantic
>durr hold my hands wtf don't u have any concept of romance fukn pussy

Wrong, ojou sama type is the best type

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Sucks having to drink so much daily onions milk that you end up believing that women actually like passive beta morons that don't take initiative

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>She did it for herself to get something she personally wants
Not him but you could say the same for the things Prez has done for her
>You can't possibly make a cute romantic ending out of this.
Were getting a Romeo and Juliet ending

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>just act so casual to a girl the day after kissing
>what i thought we were dating

Expelling Ogino from Shuiicin
Ishi's test
Literally the entire fucking election arc

This is true, but this doesn't work with this manga's premise.

>if kissing meant you were dating all prostitutes would be considered dating all the time
Listen to Hayasaka sometimes you kissless virgin

I don't think we're getting spoiled tonight bros...

tomorrow, im korean, they delayed the release because of fake fire alarm

It's because Aka somehow managed to sneak through a plot progression but later the Yakuza probably advised him to reset it for more profit.

if spoilerguy doesn't give us a lil something tonight does that mean the chapter is boring

You fuckers are still using that shit unironically?
>believing that women actually like passive beta morons that don't take initiative
This really shouldn't need to be said, but "women" are not a collective that uniformly agrees on their tastes and interests. Same for men

>Expelling Ogino from Shuiicin
>Ishi's test
it's for Ishi's sake though not prez

>Literally the entire fucking election arc
but using underhanded tactics kinda cheapens it out imo

>"women" are not a collective that uniformly agrees on their tastes and interests. Same for men
Wrong. All humans are simplistic creatures. A woman with a passive betacuck boyfriend will always succumb to good confiddent chad dicking.

"Types" are nothing but superficial labels that we make ourselves believe exist to keep the illusion of individuality.

My point is that Kaguya puts efforts on something she deemed worthy, doesn't matter who

>cheapens it out imo
She literally faints at the end of the arc, it was obvious that it was to imply that she have done a lot more than needed

Everything is Kaguya's fault. Acting like a little girl child doesn't suit Kaguya and is in fact the sole source of chaos in their relationship. Her caste is beyond Prez. It is beyond everyone in the school. She needs to act like it and stop pretending she's some innocent cute girl when she can have a sniper team trained on Prez's forehead in less than 30 seconds. Her actions are those of a naive child, pretending in equality where there is none. It throws chaos into the equation and destabilizes the very order of society itself!

As the heiress of the new world order, everything Kaguya says and does is the de facto law of the land. Prez has no rights before Kaguya except those she permits him to have. If she says Prez is permitted to walk her home gently, he walks her home gently. If she says Prez can decorate her mansion, Prez becomes a decoration. Any other action can only end at the bottom of a river with the fishes.

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Just as planned

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>Her actions are those of a naive child
It’s almost as if she is a naive child who was sheltered her entire life.

>literally a few panels earlier she pretty much shits on prez for thinking TONGUEKISSING means anything romantic
She clearly means that a one-off thing doesn't mean they're dating, so if you want to date, let's go for it again. She literally asked for another kiss.

Basedmilk tastes fine you faggot
I don't even know how this stupid fucking meme started how the fuck does liking a specific innocuous beverage drunk for literally millenia make you beta

>All humans are simplistic creatures. A woman with a passive betacuck boyfriend will always succumb to good confiddent chad dicking.
Maybe if you held all women under the "roastie" stereotype that would be true, but its just not the case in reality. If a woman is willingly together with a "betacuck" then it's likely because he has qualities beyond his superficial attributes that she finds appealing. Also what makes you think the s.oyboy stereotype coudnt give her a good fuck?
>"Types" are nothing but superficial labels that we make ourselves believe exist to keep the illusion of individuality.
Literally every second that you continue to exist is a point of divergence that separates you everyone that has or ever exist. Individuality is a cosmic inevitability. Every single action and experience plays a part in shaping who you are and what you like. You say humans are simplistic but that itself is very simplistic thinking
Calm down Iceguya, Prez will come around when you chill out and tone down the Shinomiya autism

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t. Roastie

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Supposedly it's because of the estrogen in them i think?
My friend drank a shitton of them as a kid and got gyno because of it, though then again he's also one of the most chad guy i know

Yeah man that's why Asian males all have huge fucking tits and why Asian girls are known for their DD cups, they drink so much and eat so much woah look at them huge fucking knockers

stop using buzzwords

Exactly, Erika gets it right: commoners should be honored to even be in her presence.
Every time Kaguya acts nicely and friendly to them, it's just her showing supreme, undeserved kindness to lowly beings.
Nothing more than taking an insect outside rather instead of killing it on the spot, really. The cockroach chapter was the perfect metaphor of this: all inferior beings are lucidly analized, their threat and nuisance potential evaluated. If they're judged to be pests they get exterminated, if they're not they may be spared. It goes without saying that - just like that - it would be perfectly natural and justified for her to dispose of them either way, if she felt like it.
Insects and humans are all the same, for someone sitting so high.

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>The absolute state of kaguyafags

based shinodad

Based Hayasaka.

It's different. Traditional onions dished are prepared in ways that minimize the negative effects of onions or counterbalance them.
Also, you're not considering differences in genetics and lifestyle.
Generally, the less you eat onions-based food, the better it is.

I never typed that word in Yea Forums, so I didn't predict the filter would also aplly to me.

That honestly sounds like a load of horseshit to me, besides genetic factors sure. I'm Chinese, I cook for a family daily and have for almost a decade, basedmilk, soya sauce, tofu, fermented beans, or even just baking them and eating them straight and so on have been part of the cuisine here for basically forever. I honestly just don't buy it, especially when the people who use it the most tend to post retarded cuckold or beta or kara boga memes. That or they're from /fit/, the deep end of /fit/ who unironically buy the 6' cutoff. And no, I'm not under 6'.

It applies to everything in one of the most retarded moves Hiro has made, since /jp/ and /ck/ have real and legitimate uses for the word.

That reminds me are desu cuck still filtered?

Looks like only one of them.

>Traditional onions dished are prepared in ways that minimize the negative effects of onions or counterbalance them.
>Generally, the less you eat onions-based food, the better it is

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Threesome Ishi&Maki&Prez when?

Onion rings are great
off yourself

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This just in: Ancestral foods already killed off all your ancestors that couldn't eat them. So just enjoy what your family has always enjoyed for thousands of years.


That's probably how good and anticipated this chapter is.

It sure killed the retarded overuse of soya based insults here though. In that sense it succeeded.

What a fantastic idea to celebrate mediocrity.


Fermenting IS one of the ways to properly minimize the bad effects, for example. I don't remember everything now and I can't properly search right now either.
Funnily enough, s oi can also be bad for women, because it hinders the uptake of iron.
Anyway, as I said tradional cuisine from the countries that always used it a lot makes it generally ok to eat (and maybe those cuisines also partially became how they are now by more or less willingly going towards the most healthy way to do things) and genetics might be important too, but what I'm sayingis that eating all those silly s o i-based substitutions for other foods or stuff like that generally isn't good.

I mean yes if you're on about onions (which tastes like melted rubber) or shit like 'vegan meat', but the actual beverage is perfectly innocuous and tastes fine, and is a good substitute for milk for Asians who can't drink it (though we can eat cheese and yoghurt, so some people go for that intead)

billions of chinkanese fucks drink this stuff for decades and have no problems. This is a sweet beverage by the way, not a "healthy" dairy substitute like white bois use.

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>It's really sad that there's no rival girl.
>Waah, why is this not haremshit?
Even if you're angry about the Iceguya thing, asking for Kaguya to borrow a page from haremshit is retarded. And having rivals mean jack shit regarding acting like a bitch, just look at 5toubun and Ichika.
What you want is a bland, harmless romance to self insert into. Go read Taisho Otome or the Botan manga. Kaguya's struggle to go against a nature hammered into her since she was born is what makes her so entertaining to watch.

>Japanese anime/manga whose setting is in Japan and caters to a demographic in Japan
>Insert western morals when despite this
I don't give two shits that this is bait but drink bleach

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>Cheapens it out.
>In a school where everyone lies, cheats or acts like a fucking politician.
You can't blame Kaguya for acting like the norm. Literally nobody but arguably Miko is entirely clean there.

To be fair the non-sweet variant is also popular among older folk or sometimes young adults looking for a hot drink

>Ninja Kaguya



Depends on the tipe of girl though

IRA terrorist

That's bullshit, if you like a person, you need to confess to him/her.

>s.oyboy stereotype
> good fuck
both are mutually exclusive to each other.

Pretty much. Kaguya is spoiled, but that doesn't make her "rotten" or malicious- just ignorant. It's not some crime that makes her unsympathetic forever and ever, to everyone automatically, amen.
Relatability makes a character stick in readers' minds longer.

This is how girls work. Kaicho needs to man up.
>getting paid to wipe her ass
I would do it for free.

How much does Kaguya charge?

About three fifty

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It has been documented that for decades already sperm count in men has decreased and also became less susceptible to a successful fertilization.
In a nutshell compared to the old days, everything that we eat is getting poisoned with various toxic substances like microfibers and so forth. Onions is also a highly problematic ingredient which raises the risk of breast cancer in women while raising the levels of estrogen in men. Men with high estrogen tend to exhibit feminine traits.
But sure, go ahead and continue drinking it. You're making everyone a favor.

Attached: French-Study-into-Sperm-Counts-1989-to-2005.png (1065x653, 23K)

1. Correlation != causation. You may as well argue that men have grown taller as well, clearly being tall causes your sperm to become weak
2. Clearly, we still have enough sperm to shit out kids if we want them. Best we can tell it doesn't take any extra sex to impregnate a girl on average; the falling TFR doesn't really have a source in food.
3. Asians have been eating the stuff for literally all of their recorded history - some of the first recorded censuses of the Chinese specifically call out basedbeans as a viable way to pay taxes. They are also, historically, some of the most consistently successful civilizations on the planet. They are also some of the most prolific and historically shit out vast amounts of children while also eating this stuff fine.
4. Westerners don't even eat that much soya. There's plenty of shit they do eat that's arguably shit for them, and a lot of it due to legitimate science getting drummed up into a panic by health '''gurus''' (see artificial sweeteners and everything having trans fats a few decades ago), but for the most part things that have been eaten for centuries or longer are safe to continue eating.

Basically and keep being homos in denial while the rest of us get on eating whatever the fuck we like and having kids like normal people

Prostitutes don't kiss, that's how you know she is a dumb virgin.


You can ask them to, and actual whores (not the cheap street-walkers) are pretty good at doing the whole yarn. That includes kissing.

Chika is just as spoiled. President is working up from rock bottom. Chika and Kaguya are on a life trajectory to be a housewife to some rich guy.

Fuji's going to be PM of Japan, user.

Rich girls are for pump and dump

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>Iceguya delays the inevitable by being more retarded than Bakaguya
>meanwhile in Tomo-chan

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epic meme

no u

That happened in Tomo-chan while ago, don't try to hide it.

I'm not the OP but you should switch Chika to Hayasaka. She would be a strong rival since her relationship with Prez had its own romance and she is the best girl for Prez imo. Moeha is also in love with Prez btw.

It's too bad that Tomo-chan has horrible characters and a mangaka that goes on break more than Togashi.

This is after they became a couple user.

And then what happened before?

I want to commit a crime

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Plus, she gets better, and did start taking the first steps.

Please don't run that stop sign!

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Can't wait for otterniggers getting btfo as usual.

w-we got too cocky kaguyabros

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Romcoms aren't real life you stupid faggot.
I really hope Aka properly uses this and turns the manga into a deconstruction

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Please reconsider life.

It's actually not filtered on /ck/ though. Easy way to spot newfags on the board because they still write it as søy

>selling insanely well
>BUT it doesn't count, because 5toubun is above it, meaning it's a flop

>quoting a obvious bait

Yea Forums incels with no initiative btfo

don't tempt me

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You should deconstruct your life, faggot.

I think selling half a million in a month is good anyway, the anime is on track to not flopping either so it was all worth it in the end, it probably moved a million manga volumes all in all.

Don't worry bro, despite fishy tactics like bundled tickets we still won.
Though given the quality of the competition that's not surprising.

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Will Iceguya be sentenced to death?

I love her

Attached: 73871349_p0.jpg (649x674, 279K)

Not like this


fuck aka bringing feminism into my manga
ice the best

Attached: 1553533213431.png (808x844, 396K)

She should be

I hope so.

Unbundled edition sold just as well. Plus given the production value barely tieing and calling it victory is peak damage control.

Please talk about real cooking again instead of fucking fast food

Why do people care about sales beyond the series breaking even?

Is adolescent romance like this normal? I have not lived. I've come to the age wherein my relatives and colleagues of the same generation start to get married, open business, go on trips around the world, yet I've yet to even hold hand with a maiden.
Life is pain

Dick measuring contest. Also probably to use as ammunition in council threads.

How can the council shit even exist still? Isn't it better to pair up Kaguya with it's fellow titles in Young Jump?


The overthinking stuff and not being able to convey what you really feel is true.

The "not-really-multiple-personalities", not so much.

that's why I believe at least, I'm not talking from experience lol

KR when?

Attached: ayy.png (127x182, 19K)

Both personas should be sentenced to death, leaving just one whole Kaguya.

Hello, scans when?

Attached: 1550959182889.png (686x495, 281K)

>Production value
>When 5toubun got five of the most popular VAs to voice the quints.
Both focused on different things, but 5toubun isn't cheap either.

Who the fuck says this instead of "teenage"? Here's your problem user, you're a pretentious fag

It's not like she had a choice. Her life was predetermined before her birth and no one gave a single shit about what she wanted to do.

how long till the next chapter surfaces?

What did Aka mean by this

Attached: 1553527446258.jpg (390x382, 66K)

Good quality raws only on Wednesday. We'll get Korean scans first though.

To be fair, he might be only an ESL.

I bet Prez said something genuinely retarded for Iceguya to kick him.

Incels BTFO

I want to titfuck Fujiwara.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.09_[2019.03.25_16.31.06].jpg (1920x1080, 675K)

>he doesn't know onions is a censor Yea Forums put to $o~y

But user, she doesn't have a penis, nor do you have tits

Why's this sow so sexual?

its clearly a part of the plot that your meant to notice she wont take any sort of initiative and its a problem.

Did anyone get stitches of Hayasaka from last episode? I need them.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.52_[2019.02.09_16.29.38].jpg (1280x720, 42K)

You are on a board that unironically goes


Attached: 6855EDE9-0E9C-4416-B48D-FF8D67F735D2.jpg (703x564, 217K)

Where do I get a cute gf like Kaguya?

Kidnap a bipolar girl with abandonment issues from your local asylum?


I'm going to say it!


Attached: on.png (725x456, 236K)

user, most of the girls have abandonment issues, and bipolarity comes from defaulf.

Attached: 1481480158333.png (2560x1440, 2.73M)

Attached: a13.png (800x1142, 368K)

I hadn't caught up with last week's chapter.
This was WAY over the line for Kaguya, poor prez.

Attached: cunt.png (800x1200, 333K)

Attached: v001v2.jpg (3095x1250, 2.29M)

This is how you end up an old cat lady voting for CDP

God she’s so perfect. How is this even possible?

Attached: 64AE1F3A-A0C2-485A-B0A4-93A83B9B40A0.png (724x331, 156K)

If the girl is hotter than the guy, he must take initiative.
If the guy is hotter than the girl, she must do it.

>she doesn't have a penis
You sure?

Attached: Do_you_have_one.png (1366x768, 237K)

Attached: Haysaca cover.jpg (1764x2506, 552K)

So who is hotter here?
Iceguya? Well rested prez?

Attached: p001.jpg (1738x703, 286K)

I hate this part. She's literally going almost "o kawaii koto" on him for reading this shit. Whoever thinks she has a chance is delusional.

Apparently, there are a lot of guys who are put off when women take the initiative. I don't get it.

Must be the eyes

Attached: 7686997.png (361x469, 131K)

Attached: e001.jpg (869x1228, 253K)

>She's literally going almost "o kawaii koto"
>shows interest
>doesn't judge based on the stupid title
>even does a half hearted praise
That's as nice as you can get from a person not into self insert harem isekai LNs.

>one side is happy smiling Hawazaka
>other side is default Hawazaka
Is Aka kino?

Because they are ugly/average ?

Pretty girls doesn't need to take the initiative, and don't expect it to happen to you (unless you are billionaires)

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Attached: 1482971370347.jpg (496x683, 165K)

That's mostly in Japan. Females are naturally expected to be reserved and preserve their bodies by having the males compete for them. By showing she has standards and reserve, she looks pure and dignified, which is the description of the Yamato Nadeshiko.
Women don't take initiative when they are pretty.

So what does it mean really

Attached: aircraft marshalling.jpg (796x960, 223K)

Attached: Gyaru Hayasaka.png (398x556, 179K)

>I'm a passive agressive bitch who wants to be raped in a dark alley
is my best guess.

not like any of us would ever ask a woman out anyway
or get asked out

Attached: f002.jpg (834x1250, 285K)

If I stay up for 3 more hours will the scans be here or not

How likley is the the author subverts all expectaions and goes: "Fuck it, this is what would happen in real life" and the alpha chad, shirogane is, gets with a girl thats not as autistic and narcissistic and passiv as kaguya?

Good luck

I don't know, Valentine's Day in Japan is entirely based around women taking the initiative. Plus, I see girls confessing all the time in Japanese media, although that could be different than reality.

I feel like it's actually the opposite. It seems like it's more looked down upon in the west, to me.

tb h I dont care if she's running for Ishibowl or whatever
I just like her and I hope Aka flesh out her character more

Attached: miko baka.gif (800x701, 1.28M)

eternal irrelevancy

>I see girls confessing all the time in Japanese media
You also see hikikomori get a harem of all sorts of women. Because it's fantasy. White day is just one day a year you show affection to boys. I don'T even think that day persists after school.

J-just wait until the Christmas party. You'll see!

Is it bad that I want Aka to pull Grand Blue antics when Kaguya and Prez go to college?

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Drunk Onodera is going to make out with Ishigami. Mark my fucking words

Lino is going to witness it

Attached: friend1slut.png (258x267, 76K)

I wonder if she shouldn't be counted as an unusual form of failure of character design.

That is, her eyes are too distractingly pretty considering the size of her role.

Onodera is classy and wouldn't do such a thing
Lino on the other hand...

Attached: Dangerous individual.png (379x695, 154K)

Attached: Witch.png (430x387, 67K)


As I said, it might be different from reality. So, you might be right. But the trope of girly love letters exists outside of wish fulfillment scenarios.

>You can see them

that's just padding

Make me worst girl

Korean scans fucking when?

Attached: h016.jpg (829x1250, 315K)

Are you sure, she seems to have enough mass to bend light.

Attached: Kaguya_77.jpg (1240x1754, 252K)

Maybe. I don't know.

With her boyfriend!

Attached: 1551417098572.jpg (351x430, 76K)

Attached: 1481492665400.gif (160x363, 20K)

Eternal cuteness.


There’s also the fact that Ishigami could actually see her eyes before the sports festival.

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What went wrong ?

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W-what's he doing

Attached: f015.jpg (738x452, 134K)

Attached: h002.jpg (853x1250, 233K)

You now know the reason on why the other Kaguya never take her into account

Attached: 1552941942563.png (640x620, 170K)

cleaning her ears

Attached: p011.jpg (869x1235, 69K)

Either Miko let herself willingy get tied up or Ishigami had to it forcefully.

Either way, that's hot.

searching for her brain

Attached: m008 (2).jpg (845x1250, 262K)

Fixing her

I know hatesex is just a meme but damn this is hot


>there's no longer a biological necessity for all or even most people to follow traditional gender roles anymore
You really need to reread what you wrote and realize its intrinsic stupidity. First of all, "biological necessities" aren't things that change just because you live in a user-friendly bubble city. Women still need go through pregnancy to complete a fetus development, for example. You probably meant social gender roles, and even then you'd be wrong since the vast majority of human labor still skewers heavily by sex. Hint: developed western countries account for less than 20% of the total population.

It's real, incel-chan

Attached: tg club.jpg (431x405, 59K)

This, it amazes me when people think a character has to be perfect in every facet to be a good character. Anons love to jump on one flaw for some reason

Attached: R11.png (862x1250, 465K)


why does the girl in the middle exude so much power?
I shivered when I opened the image.

Why does she like getting so close to Ishigami?

Attached: e016.jpg (816x1250, 281K)

Perfect Chapter right here

Attached: 124380203.png (838x1300, 302K)

Perfect woman right here

Attached: 1552948813437.jpg (251x286, 25K)

Attached: Always slips through.png (363x322, 106K)

Lino shouldnt be in that picture.


She's a seductress

Kaguya secually harrassing her this chapter is probaby the most they've interacted in a year.

This from the main manga or the spin off?

main manga

Official Doujin

>Yay, 14!
>3 dice
>it's shown that Fuji rolled 1
>that means other two girls rolled 13 using only two dice
Why do women love to cheat so much?

>There's still no fucking gook scans

Main manga. It's from chapter 110.

They said themselves it was a TRPG. You're stupid. Stop being sutupid.

There are a few RAWs floating around. Any nip speaker to translate?

Attached: raw01.jpg (848x1230, 340K)

The cargo guys raised the leaking fee so we're pretty much done.

Attached: raw02.jpg (850x1230, 323K)


Attached: raw03.jpg (843x1230, 336K)

Aka assassinated all the cargo leakers.


Any weakness is a vector for shitposting. A lack of weaknesses is a vector for shitposting.

Attached: raw04.jpg (850x1230, 361K)

That's what I did, user. I only have these 4 pages and pic, though.

Attached: kickguya.jpg (390x382, 48K)

Man Iino is so easy.

>It's the same shit as earlier but instead of gookrunes it's moonrunes
Thanks user really helpful

It was never Korean, was it?

What the fuck is the movement in these panels?
>runs down the stairs
>jumps further down
>ends up above him

>that page is actually only in his imagination

>Iceguya telling him to back off

Did she realize what she did?

I think it's meant to imply that they ran so much they were back up to the top.

>the gaiyim is starting to make questions

Different buildings?

It's not laziness. It's just fear of exposing yourself emotionally

Did you skip the first episode or are you just pretending to be retarded?

Attached: nyankoi question mark.jpg (932x650, 305K)

The feels
I just read the whole firework arc. I was not prepared...

What if she runs away after kicking Prez?

Right now, the assumption is that she kicked him after approaching her in

Always thought it was pretty evident from the get-go. Also the way they called her a 'girl in a box to the extreme' when she had no idea what Fuji was talking about it from her Japanese Cosmo or whatever the fuck that mag was. It's been evident from the start that Kagu expects to be waited on and can't figure out why Shiro won't just come right out and ask her shit. Then again i'm a filthy anime-only fag so maybe she gets less retarded in the manga(ahahahahaha.....) ?

The ending will be both of them confessing at the same time, it's so obvious


Attached: 1531486022630.jpg (582x791, 198K)

Now that you've said it, this sequence could actually be a dream he's having after successfully falling asleep in

Attached: 73381460_p0.png (112x112, 17K)

>men are supposed to take initiative
>taking initiative that isn't reciprocated is a crime punishable by having your life ruined in the court of social opinion
>men don't take initiative

>dream sequence
damn son that lore is deep

No shit. Neither can lose or win If they both do it at the same time

what Lino really wants is a dicking

Attached: 1536508666363.png (730x556, 290K)

>Men should know when I'm interested in them and then take the initiative.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_23.10_[2019.03.23_21.13.29].jpg (1920x1080, 136K)

I'd almost say that her plan was to make him pursue her and get bold enough to make her melt at being 'manly', (See Ranma's Shampoo during the Reversal Jewel chapter) but the kick ruins that idea unless she booted him for not reacting how she wanted.

The gag with this one is Sheep is pronounced "Hitsuji" in JP, and Coffin is pronounced "Histugi"

Attached: the call that saved kaguya sama.png (820x720, 493K)

>there are tons of Mikoniggers
>keks who like Ishi with meme girls like Chika, Rei, or Maki are multiplying
>only 1 or 2 Tsubamefriends

Attached: tsubame.jpg (744x412, 53K)

Is Aka trying to tell us something?

Bro why you hating. It ain't cool

Attached: Kaguyasama_wa_Kokurasetai_c081091_v09_mix_Various_a1.zipKaguyasama_wa_Kokurasetai_c085_v09_p100_mag_ (300x306, 72K)

Tsubame is going to lose, I like her though.

Attached: 1525377372442.png (687x570, 248K)

but now you are for the anime

not gonna lie
i fucking love this man
hes so fucking funny

Attached: l083-014.jpg (790x956, 395K)

Attached: u11.png (468x434, 216K)

Is she actually a genius?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.00_[2019.03.23_20.37.41].jpg (1920x1080, 173K)

Miko is a degenerate who uses her position to hide how much of a pervert she is.

Attached: Iino orgy.png (175x349, 57K)

Attached: Shiroganes chart.jpg (664x627, 89K)

He's an unmotivated loser though

Attached: vbm.png (1910x1080, 1.41M)

Attached: X7.png (521x474, 131K)

that's pretty hot


Attached: l083-013.jpg (506x557, 160K)

she cute

You've been missing the IQ ritualpost?

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Attached: 3IQ.jpg (386x335, 87K)

>The whole family loves Kaguya
When is she coming back, i'm tired of Ice

Attached: file.png (207x315, 90K)

I like Tsubame but she is probably losing
It's a shame

Attached: Volume12.jpg (840x1200, 337K)

T. Autistic user who can’t read basic social cues

Attached: l083-015.jpg (789x716, 316K)

based daddy poster

I just don't make it a point of constantly talking about her. As it stands, i'd much rather he end up with Tsubame than with Miko, even though I typeset shipper stuff.
Both need some more romantic development either way.

Attached: Thirsty.jpg (800x1130, 429K)

The more I think about it the more likely this seems.
That entire sequence doesn't fit at all with what happened so far

That's a kinda risky thing to say just in case it does end up being real!

I hope Tsubame and Ishi give dating a shot. They can break up afterwards(on good terms).

How does Kaguya jumping out of a window fit with anything we've seen so far in the manga.


Attached: MV5BNzZiMjY2OGMtMjk3ZS00NmM0LThmNzAtYTNkNWNhNWUxYWVkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc3OTE4Nzk@._V1_[1].jpg (686x386, 23K)

Attached: Q9.png (497x443, 209K)

are you lost user?

She's gone to similar lengths for her various confession-forcing schemes before, and she was raised alongside the laser-dodging ninja Hayasaka. It's not an impossibility for Genius Girl Kaguya Shinomiya.

that time she used a rope to escape the mansion in the fireworks

>kaguya has done nothing for prez
>what is the birthday celebration, the backdoor aid for reelections, the coffee she practised and probably more shit I’m missing
Speedreaders pls go

She used a zipline to go see the fireworks

Started reading the manga, beginning the second term now
Why is Chika so stupid now? she used to be as clever as Miyuki and Kaguya

Also the time she jumped into the river.

I don't see why not. She's very fit and she already did some madman stuff.

Attached: u15.png (800x1200, 839K)

Reading the atmosphere is important, user. You take the initiative once the other person has given you social cues showing that your pursuit is acceptable.

Or you go to a situation where it is very clear that romantic pursuit is the purpose, like speed dating or a leather bar.


>I'm a genius!
>oh no!

>As clever
You've not been reading the same manga then. Do tell what alternate dimension Kaguya you came from.

Attached: Stop.png (747x422, 120K)

Attached: X13.png (800x1200, 401K)

Attached: Q8.png (732x485, 111K)

shes not? she just became a lot more snarky

she even gave him a phone just so he could send her texts

No she wasn't, she was just starting chaos without knowing.

>she used to be as clever as Miyuki and Kaguya
She clearly never was, what gave you that idea ?


Will Fire Prez emerge after being continuously abused physically by Iceguya?

>the coffee she practised
It was tea, user.

Attached: tea.png (812x1200, 427K)

Attached: 1534866157628.jpg (280x360, 77K)

It's a combination of the weird flow of action in the panels that was pointed out by In addition to it not having cleared text so we know it's literally just Prez's speech bubbles with Ice running away without saying anything which is weird

There is a point I can see, though. Shirogane kinda often does things that leave Kaguya completely awestruck; I can't think of many times she's overwhelmed him in that particular "this person is so incredible I can't take it" way.

Well, slurping his brains out might have been one, but I dunno. I do want to see her step up and be his hero sometime.

Attached: X14.png (800x1200, 373K)

My dad's friend's uncle is aka's editor's janitor and he said he saw the chapter after this one and Hayasaka becomes enraged with Kaguya and goes to Prez directly which ends in them banging.

Attached: p016.jpg (793x712, 335K)

Never doubt the Muscle Queen!

Attached: Kaguya Muscle Queen.png (721x871, 445K)

Are you dumping your entire Kaguya page collection or something user?


Attached: Best end.png (634x171, 31K)

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this thread needs more Maki

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I sort of want to see Hayasaka taking matters into her own hands and trying to settle this couple once and for all. Mainly because I like the image of Kei telling her brother that there's a very angry maid at the door for him.

What chapter is this again?

Kaguya please stop confusing me.

Attached: Life is hard.jpg (134x132, 9K)


Attached: X15.png (800x1200, 268K)


tfw daddy and Haysaca's mom get married
tfw daddy and Haysaca's mom were already married

This manga needs more maki

Post the rest of it

Embarrassed Kaguya gives me life

FEAR the daddy

I wonder if her straight face 24/7 is her actual personality, or if she's just like her daughter, being able to hide her true feelings when necessary?

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Is Hasakaya a IRA supporter?

Attached: IRA.jpg (375x250, 54K)

Los Hermanos when?

los hermanos....

She's certainly not an ulster heretic

the real power of Kaguya

Attached: 1522921126931.png (707x453, 221K)

We had barely seen her so, who knows?

Attached: X17.png (800x1200, 385K)

You should pity her, not project your own insecurities on her and then rage because no woman will ever do this to you. They are both pitiful, but it's also cute.

i love this manga and grand blue


A furious Hayasaka telling Prez and Kaguya
> "Both of you, just fuck already!"
would be hilarious and not too unlikely. Her grudge against Kaguya's bullshit runs deep and she WILL retaliate in kind once she's fed up with it again.

at this point they should be her parents, it would still be better than the old man Shinomiya.

Are there any manga with Japanese archery as a subject, like there are with so many other sports? I've always thought it had an appealing aesthetic to it.

I mean, Shiropapa will end up being Kaguya's father in the end


not that I know off, probably. Archer girls are cute

Attached: 1527297681742.png (654x455, 176K)

It's well known that she uses her private fortune to buy armaments and equipment for Derry militias.

It is a fun dynamic

Attached: Screenshot_20190326_004200.jpg (1080x829, 237K)

It always make me think how similar Hayasaka and Prez actually are
She actually looks more as his sister than Kei

Most archer girls are flat, so they don't sell well.

Can Papagane handle Iceguya?

Ishigami please go

Ice is Kaguya completely bound to the Shinomiya principles. She wouldn't dare cross daddy

we need an updated chart for Iceguya, Aka.

The question is
> Can Kuuguya handle Papagane?

Would Ishigami like Fate?

Attached: 3WbRQKV.jpg (3500x2200, 870K)

Papagane's banter levels are off the charts. He would shittalk her into submission with ease.

What would he do if she tries to "how cute" him?

a good kid!

Attached: 1530698476603.png (920x880, 468K)

As soon as she can't escape the teasing, she'd probably just walk away silently hoping he doesn't chase after.

Attached: Anger and Iceness, are surpreme.png (1117x569, 567K)

>An entire manga of competitive, athletic, flat girls
Fucked over by the shit taste of the general public yet again.

Papagane is the only human being inmune to Kaguya's "How Cute"

>Bad person
That's mean.

Attached: Best girl.jpg (786x671, 210K)

He could "How Cute" Kaguya and probably drive her to suicide

Kaguya's "How cute" only devestates Prez so much because he's so invested into her.

Papagane, however, doesn't give a single shit about that. He thinks she's funny and a good match for his boy, but that's about it.

Jeebus Lino is so cute bruvs

Attached: Lino you.jpg (716x371, 153K)

> Papagane "How Cute"ing Kaguya

I never thought I wanted this - until now.

Attached: excited dude.jpg (864x594, 165K)

Kaguya will have to respect Chikamama if she wants to get with Prez.

>Surprisingly cute
>Surprisingly kind
I'm scared for Ishi's life once he sees Iceguya

Attached: Ishi scared.jpg (1365x767, 195K)

oh no, after all the progress between them and bakaguya trying to help him with Tsubame and also almost fucking it up at the same time

Attached: 1545383787049.png (673x752, 389K)

Sheltered is not the same as spoiled

>Ishigami is a closet gender bender fag.

Kaguya is weak against middle-aged men.
>A top class doctor
>A ramen guy

God i wish that would happen.

Chika a best

Scans when

God I really fucking hope if we get a second season it ends up being 2 cours, I don't know if I could handle the wait for a season 3 just to see all the most recent chapters animated.

Someone please post the inquisition edit. I need it

Never. Korean scans bro is kill

>new toy
Oh no

riots abound in 2ch y'all

Attached: 1546720279260.png (703x510, 206K)

If I don't get scans I will riot.

Attached: AKKOENOUGH.jpg (512x411, 135K)

obviously someone has a proficiency bonus or modifier for escaping

The Sports Festival arc was so great, now I like Ishigami even more

whats happanin over at bizzaro Nippon

post proof

>Never. Korean scans bro is kill
Is this actually true?

either hypocritical Midget winning or the predicted 'arranged marriage'-bullshit is here


Attached: 21.jpg (875x1250, 381K)



Attached: 20.jpg (1750x1250, 949K)

>endangered species falseflagging episode

world is better off for it
gook scans were a mistake

Why can't I stop crying like a little girl?

because prez is alpha af

Attached: 14.jpg (875x1250, 298K)

>Yea Forums the ironic weeb

Attached: ironic weeb.jpg (864x540, 50K)

She isn't why would you?

How does such an obvious truth attract so much anger?

Attached: 1451578988543.jpg (300x225, 59K)

no arranged marriage but end of the chapter sees ice kaguya plans on hiring fake suitors to push the president to man up

Can anyone who can read moonrunes confirm this shit?

It seems miko clarified her feelings this chapter

otterfag was right holy shit
iceguya has to be worse than braindead retarded to pull that shit off

Attached: file.png (549x903, 378K)


Attached: 1525064718469.png (711x475, 391K)

>Post sourceless shit
>Retards actually eat it


What the actual fuck?
Post the 5ch link

No wonder elevens are rioting, I can't believe Kaguya sucked Ishigami's dick just like that

There's falseflagging faggots like so...

amazing how retards believe literally anything with zero proof

Attached: 1548199565106.png (795x600, 216K)

2ch user here
Fawiwaras make an orgy Prez's dick in the last page



Attached: kaguyanoo.png (695x564, 218K)

That's how religion was born.

Otterfag was correct. Prez, the shows over, its time to move on to Hayasaca.

Attached: 1537075414745.png (651x704, 442K)

If that happened, it would awaken the dragon that is Fire Prez, and reduce the student council to cinders.

>otters want NTR
The poetry of these nisecucks

>source: my ass

>Trust me dude

Attached: kaguya hanabi.jpg (1903x1637, 293K)

How far would Iceguya take it?

>kaguya needs to hire fake suitors
Atleast fucking read the series you're shitposting about

Nip user here, the chapter actually ends with Prez filing a restraining order against Kaguya after she violently assaults him. Trust me I speak moon.

She will date Iino so Prez dies of jealousy.

stop spreading lies fags
Nips are rioting because Abe has arrived and is ntring Hayasaka from them

Ishi’s dick belongs to either Rei, Iino, Tsubame, or Maki.

hey user you dropped your eraser

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Sadly this chapter will never be animated

Attached: Fujiwara explain about otaku.png (864x540, 282K)

Don't be stupid. The riots are happening because Aka was confirmed dead from excess cafeine, and Kaguya got cancelled.

Attached: You're shit.jpg (1280x720, 345K)

Please do it right. We can have J.C staff animate season 2

>They're furious!
>No screencaps

chika fags btfo even before they knew about Fujiwara, glorious

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I wonder why comedies/Sols rarely last more than one cour

These are made to boost manga sales right? Still I wish we get a second season and maybe some OVA

>87 hitsuji (sheep)....
>88 hitsuji...
>89 hitsuji...
>1 hitsugi (coffin)...
>2 hitsugi...
>3 hitsugi...
>Wait wait!
>What are you counting president?!

>Vice President Shinomiya
>you're wearing perfume right?
>That's a violation of school regulations.
>Even though it's just a little
>You have a good nose.
>Sorry, but I have to confiscate it.
>No, I'm giving this to you Iino-san
>You don't normally wear perfume?
>I don't wear it. That kind of thing...
>Christmas is near...
>Isn't this a good chance to make memories?

>Iino-san's body...
>Smells sweet...
>Perfume is a fragrance that mixes with your body's smell
>Your nape is hot, so if you put it here, it will smell very good
>If you apply this 30 minutes before meeting the person you want to fall for you, you'll smell good according to the extent of your heat (love/passion).
>Men will be charmed...
>Now we're accomplices

>Why are you running Shinomiya!?
>Here you have no place to run!
>Why are you running Shinomiya....
>Stay away...


Pesu is cute! Somehow Hayasaka isn't there, but I guess Aka just mind slipped.

I only write in pen

If Hayasaka dont wining in hte end IRA will sent bombs to the author!

Attached: Hayasaka wants know.jpg (864x540, 81K)

>Wearing perfume is against the rules
I know they're kinda stricture, but why? It's not like perfume is going to make people want to start raping one another.

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>corrupting miko

Axe body spray should’ve definitely been banned when I was in HS.

Aka should just give her a love interest already. It's sad that even Miko could get one before her

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I dropped the soap one time when showering after gym class

Wait for the new possible butler that arrives in Spring.

Everyone forgets about her
Nothing new i see

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Axe is the best fast shower that any man can have.

>faceless tutor making loliguya and lolisaka cry

>>corrupting miko

Jokes on you, Miko is by far the most corrupted one.

Is she gonna make use of that tactic?

Attached: Fat.jpg (276x398, 57K)

she'll probably go overboard and stink up the party with excess perfume

Indeed, it’s now confirmed Miko has natural sweet smelling lewd pheromones that seduce men.

pretty sure the Midget is a future slaaneshi Daemon Princess when her corruption is done