NT22 is fully translated. Now we wait for the continuation, regardless of whether it's NT23 or vol 1 of a new series
NT22 is fully translated. Now we wait for the continuation, regardless of whether it's NT23 or vol 1 of a new series
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What the fuck is Anna's problem?
She's obviously going to be the Othinus of part 3. So of course she's going to have some sob story that will be revealed right before she takes a should-be-fatal attack from Aiwass, and Touma will turn on everyone, including the original Othinus, that's risking their lives to help him for mUH LOLI SMILE. Of course, he will suffer no negative consequences for this. In fact, some people will just suck him off harder.
>“If you are going to dream of some fantastical protector, why not just come out and ask for a storybook prince charming, lady?”
Kamachi's not even being subtle about it, is he?
> Anna Sprengel spoke in a way that was much like stroking her own slender neck in search of the bondage she lacked.
She doesn't need to be saved. She needs someone to fuck her senseless.
>“Anyway, I ended up on a century-long detour, but I am glad I made it in time for this moment.”
>It was like she had returned home after a long trip.
>It was like she had seen the faces of her loved ones waiting for her.
>She narrowed her eyes.
>That woman of the rose had sown the golden seeds on a whim. And Anna Sprengel spoke in a way that was much like stroking her own slender neck in search of the bondage she lacked.
>“Good morning, Imagine Breaker…and the One who Purifies God and Slays Demons. What does the world look like to the two of you?”
Does Anna want to be leashed by Touma here?
whats with the unnecessarily angry guy in the other thread
Idiot doesn't know how to traverse the Qliphoth.
What the fuck is up with the "fried shrimps"?
anyone have the original video of the guy with the mikoto misaka gun with the raildex theme playing from his gun case?
>Now, who was it that went without food for three volumes straight?
You didn't think he was talking about Touma did you?
I guess it means her drills widen as they get to the bottom instead of being straight.
Oyakodon when?
It's a meme from HO13
I wonder how the Will scene would have changed had Kamachi been able to use Last Order instead, like he wanted to.
He would have Qliphah hanging on one arm and LO on the other.
Probably arguing all the time like a shoulder angel and demon.
That would have been nice. Maybe we will still get that. He kind of calls Will a hypocrite, too
Accel is going back to AC and will rule it with benevolent hand.
Hamazura will keep thinking AC is still dead and won't believe the changes Accel bring because he didn't know it was Accel. He would only come back when Accel needed him to be the irregular against the new threat in part 3
I'm still a bit confused on what Kamachi was trying to imply with the "Will calls Accelerator unfaithful, but she can't talk"
>Kamachi says she's not perfect and is full of holes
>he meant holes she wants filled by partners
Now I understand the Birdway comparison
Because WILL is bitching about Accel being unfaithful literally right after she said she loves Touma.
So is Kamachi saying Will is Accelerator's and doesn't have any room to talk about unfaithfulness given her "muh Touma" comments, or is he implying she is being unfaithful to Touma with her "Accelerator is being unfaithful to me!" whining? Or is he just calling her a hypocrite that doesn't know what she wants in general
He's saying you cant call someone unfaithful while pining for someone else seconds before. That seems pretty straightforward. Why complain about Accel twisting the collar a bit and going for a squid if you're telling her you like someone else?
Accelerator isn't really "going" for 545. He just saved her because she reminded him of himself AND the Sisters. But yeah, calling him "unfaithful" is kinda saying "he's mine", but then turning around and saying "I like someone else!" is conflicting and hypocritical.
It's not like saying "all the Misakas love Touma!" while Last Order exists isn't conflicting anyway.
>is conflicting and hypocritical.
She is a collection of emotionally inmature teenage girls, it would be weirder if she knew what she wanted.
Fair enough.
At least Kamachi has admitted it's conflicting and hypocritical. Perhaps it will get resolved later.
So now that the novel has been fully translated for a good few hours and more people have been able to read and possibly digest a bit, what do you think of it? Do you have any wants or wishes as for where it will go? Did anything in the afterword stand out to you?
Oh something was standing after the end of the novel alright. Aiwass is a lucky son of a bitch.
Aiwass should turn everybody into a loli.
LO exists and it’s pretty obvious that at absolute minimum she deeply cares about Accel's well-being. At max you can call her inevitable dicksleeve.
On other hand there is 10032.
Also if you think about it, “conflict” or paradox is but a natural state of the WILL as she is made from both dead and alive sisters.
While I wouldn't say 10032 would ever show Accelerator as much affection as Last Order would, I would imagine that there are circumstances in which 10032 would show concern for Accelerator by her own choice. Example: in some sort of emergency, I don't see her snubbing Accelerator if he needed her help. While Last Order and 10032 are connected, it wouldn't be wrong to say they are two separate characters
I enjoyed it. Accel and squid team up was fun, Hamazura displaying huge balls of steel was based, and it was nice seeing Coronzon's destructive yet honest point of view on things. I can see why superfans of Touma wouldn't enjoy it as much, but his time is coming very soon. What I look forward to the most is seeing how Accelerator handles his new position. And since Aleister said his current status is only temporary, I want Coronzon to get control of her body back and hang out with the Hamazura Brigade.
Honestly Touma's scenes were nearly all gold so I dont really have any complaints about him. I do wish he was missing IB and reminiscing over missing a limb while getting cheered up (by 3/4 people anyways) for longer.
There is also the clone from the Accel manga or the one from the love letter ss.
Some Misakas definitely like Accel.
Well, they're all separate people that can form their own opinions. I'm sure there's some that care for neither Touma or Accelerator and wish the Network would be quiet about both of them. Which is one reason I personally found her dodgy - I felt it spit in the face of the clones being individuals. But I think Kamachi calling her a hypocrite kinda shot "she's not what she says she is" down. She's what she says she is, but she's essentially trying to average 20k immature teenage girls, so it's no wonder she comes with conflicting answers and personalities that feel different. She doesn't know what she wants, and has many different moods. Shes a super teenager, essentially.
I understood it as Will having her own will that is trending away from the aggregate will, thus she's being unfaithful to her role when she acts on her own will.
This is an interesting take. So what do you think she did that the true aggregate will would not approve of?
Was just pointing out that in terms of affection within the network towards Accel or Touma LO and 10032 are perfect opposite scales for measuring and demonstrating it. Nothing more.
Sisters don't really "hate" as they are rather dull with this type of emotion because of a certain someone.
>would not approve of
That's a strong statement. Simply acting without assessing the aggregate wills, thus acting as an individual will rather than a representative, is being unfaithful.
Funny how the envodiment of their hatred is among the ones that love him the most.
In speaking of Worst, there's also the fact Will said she doesn't accept her. I kind of take that to mean Worst is bullshit. Her connection was outright said to be "hacking" (read: illegitimate) and she was specifically made to break Accelerator's mind down.
What I'm getting at is given all this evidence, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Worst's hatred is not actually from the Network, but from Worst's own head because of brainwashing. She obviously has a real connection to the Misaka Network, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn a large amount, if not nearly all, negative emotions she experiences are her own, not the Network filtering into her.
Will they adapt more Index and Railgun anime?
Accel anime is coming in July and then Railgun D in October.
We will find out their plan in a week
Why does Touma always get the femdom lolis?
Because he wants an Orsola-type dorm manager onee-san, and thus he will never get those. The one girl who even comes close to that criteria is one he can never remember, too.
It honestly seems like Anna is just a lewd girl looking for a "master".
She wants to bind them to her, so it seems like she wants to be a power bottom or a switch but no one is on her level to ever be her top.
Oh man, how long have we been waiting for a novel dedicated to the Imagine Breaker?
>Mikoto tries her best to become useful for Touma
>ends up becoming his ruin
Huh, that is a dark twist.
Why does Othinus disappear when the invisible thing shows up again? Earlier this volume when it popped out it, it had Mikoto, Misaki, and Aleister reacting but Othinus was nowhere to be seen and Othinus is again nowhere to be seen at the end. I want to see what she thinks of it.
She's seen it several times before this as well
Coronzon attacked Touma using Mikoto.
Nephtys attacked Accel using trash demon.
Horos attacked Hamazura using Rikou.
Girls getting used inappropriately this volume.
Can't be Touma anyway, he got fed this volume. Same for Hamazura, and Accel ate with Aleister back in NT20.
*almost got fed
>Sigh. Where can I find a true master who I can subdue with my power and have them provide me with never-before-seen wonders on demand?
Othinus 2.0
It was bad and I don't like it. Majin, Hamazura, Index, and even Coronzon to some extent made it bad. Vs. Coronzon battle is definitely a forgettable part with all those chuuni lines getting tossed around. In the end however, I was satisfied when the hip-thrusting animal and demon archbishop fused.
Powerlevel is getting more fucked up.
This is such a generic review that I have doubts as to if you even read it.
Wait didn't #6 want to be a chairman too or something like that?
Won't that cause a new shitstorm after his latest promotion?
>Anna ends with Shiage as her name was mentioned during the Takitsubo accident and Dion can guide to her.
>he will go after her just for some random reason.
Touma is left with QUAD BRAIN DAMGE, both IT and IB removed; torn out and no longer regenerating arm in some random pile of human waste in the unknown corner of the world after he kills Othinus with his IT controlled body.
Sasuga Shiageluck. Sasuga Fukouda. Sasuga Kamachi.
>Coronzon locked inside the body she was so proud of, powerless to do anything as her sworn enemy takes control and cuts her hair
It's impressive how this dumb environmentally conscious demon managed to score a fate worse than death in a series so dominated by happy endings.
There were quite a few side characters or villains that also had a terrible luck.
Fucking Kamachi and his obscure magic lore.
This world shall be consumed, wrought by the living tree of Teitoth and its blooming flower, the once empty daughter, who now substantiates herself with a soul.
The laws shall be rewritten. The uncommon shall become common, the unknown shall become known, a man shall become god. Laws shall become his whim. Laws shall become his weapon. Laws will no longer side against him.
A state of divine comprehension, brought by the sacrifice of moral consideration. The Beetle's sacrifice shall bring about the impetus that shall call upon a great power of will, Ra Hoor Khuuit, who shall grant the profaned desire to who shall slay their desire.
You are really good at getting 2s
Bitch tier get.
He is the True Number 2 after all
true number two
What did you expect? She had the body of a semen demon and no desire to use it. Kamachi's dick won't stand for it.
Is this a blessing or a curse?
These nonbelievers believe in the inferiority of 2, but they forget that as god is 1, god is also 2. God is also 3, and so on so forth. To embody all numbers is to become beyond 1, it is a state of omniscience and omnipresence
#2 and #4 are both repaired via dark matter
#1 and #3 have a tree thing and the former is augmented via clones of #3?
#5 ????
#6 ????
#7 ????
25-Leivinia Birdway,
26-legs, some butt,
Oct 2020 NT S1,
Mar 2021 NT3 movie.
>being this fucking chuuni
Unemployed middle aged brits from 100 years ago would be proud.
Oh god I have to commend that first incantation with the blooming flower. Shits really Chuuni
>Now, who was it that went without food for three volumes straight?
Punished Starved Index awakens to new powers.
25 and 26 of what, this month?
>we never got to christmas after all
>timeline is still right before it
Can't wait for next volume to be slice of life about various side characters celebrating around the world while the apocalypse happens Between the Lines.
>nts1 and a nt3 movie
This is too stupid to be real
>26-legs, some butt,
Extremely vague yet oddly specific, will scream like a madman if it comes true.
>Mar 2021 NT3 movie.
This doesn't make any sense though. I don't think NT1 and 2 alone would fill even a single cour, so are they supposed to just skip 3 and make people wait for the movie?
>25-Leivinia Birdway
Ok. I got this shit last time
>26-legs, some butt,
Probably the s3 episodes
I wanna see Touma be fulfilled for once. But I can't imagine him going back to AC already, he probably already found another girl that needs saving. Ironic considering he's now almost friends with the new chairman and might actually get some money.
He also seems to lose control over IT, which makes me wonder if his arm even still regrows or if he'll lose that ability soon when he's matured.
>“Yes, wait just a moment. Now, let us finish our business together, Madame Horos, you detestable woman. It is time you returned Anne Sprengel’s vessel.”
How did she end up hijacking Anna's body? 4D chess on Anna's part?
I'm so excited to see episode 25 so i can find birdway's anime model sheet and finally get a proper reference for the back of her goddamn dress
> Now, who was it that went without food for three volumes straight?
Is it Touma? I'm pretty sure it's him and this line makes me wonder if there's not actually something supernatural about his energy supply.
Well he was about to be fed but the root of all evil prevented him from his calorie intake. I can't beleive it's all Index's fault.
>“Good morning, Imagine Breaker…and the One who Purifies God and Slays Demons. What does the world look like to the two of you?”
Kamajiou-chan is the IB and the IT is "One who Purifies God and Slays Demons"?
So recently I jerked to good amount hentai of this series(mainly featuring Misaki,she's hot) and want to honestly ask you-Is getting into Raildex worth it?Is it still good or exciting later on and what the overall appeals of this series,it's strong points?Is anime a weak adaptation (I heard Index 3 is shit) and I should not bother with anime and just read the LN?If yes,is there agreed best way to experience this series?
Sasuga #2
If you want Misaki you can just read Railgun, after that consider picking up the LN if you like the world enough.
LN's are good and if you are a fast reader are extremely enjoyable when just done all in one go. 44 volumes total.
Misaki won’t be featured for a long time though.
If you just want to see her in action and don’t give a shit about the series as a whole just read Certain Scientific Railgun mango and then go into NT 11.
The volume itself works as a stand-alone and is a reset volume after a big cluster fuck of an arc featuring primary Misaki and her flashback, very comfortable and easy read.
I love that nobody except maybe Aiwass has any idea that Aleister is still around. Anna is about to experience what it's like to have your keikaku ruined by some fucker who just refuses to die.
>Misaki is the only female character that got the whole volume in the main series to herself
What did Kamachi mean by this?
Kuroko got OT8.
It's literally a side story volume put into the main series.
>I will wait until some other time to discuss Anna Sprengel in more detail, but I am focusing on making her a character who initially seems like she reigns over everything as a great ruler but is actually full of holes.
So basically Nu-Aleister that wats to be leashed by good ol' Kamijou-san.
Touma is gay.
>Misaki is the only female character that got the whole volume in the main series to herself
Gehem this one got herself....
>female character
Well cant win them all.
Misaka got OT3
Possibly backwards. Maybe she's not talking to Touma at all. Maybe she's not talking to IT.
We don't really know.
I love Accelerator and want him to be all mine!
Aleister will probably also organize orgies with hip-thrusting animals using her body.
Is Railgun SS3 fully out and translated? I want to read more about Mikoto, but NT22 sadly didn't have much of that.
Is Touma stronger after he gets his arm cut off once? It doesn't look like HR's attack can knock Touma backwards anymore?
That won't be fully out for another half year.
Thanks.Just curious,is LN translation up to date to current volume or it's still catching up?
>The term “electrical attack” had a frightening ring to it, but it was a kind light to her. She could not forget the night on which she first became able to use her power. She had crawled under her blanket and sent out small sparks all night long. She had seen them as sparkling stars. She had seriously thought that she might be able to create a starry sky one day when she was older and stronger.
1. Sorry if my memory is hazy, i saw this from the last thread, when was this ever stated? back in OT3 or something? (i know people are relating it to Nuit, but dont remember those line from the novel if any diehard fans know please?)
2. regarding the Anna Sprengel matter, was it like a Kingdom hearts situation that the madam took control of her body/heart? when was this stated/foreshadowed? or was it another KAMACHI last minutes twist no one saw coming (cough) just added it in? thanks
It's completely up to date.
NT21, Chapter 3, Between the Lines
Touma will be embracing his new life as a loli's chair soon.
Anna Sprengel, her connection to Secret Chiefs, and Aiwass being one of them were all mentioned at the end of OT22. Madam Horos was referenced a few times in BtL sections of recent volumes.
>imagine breaker represents hadit's side as the exorcist
>IT represents hadit's magician side
The theories and that video were right
>Touma will be embracing his new life as a loli's chair soon.
>loli's chair soon.
Lets see how far can a yandere Breedway go.
>that birdway
Misaka would kill bitches for less
Brideway soon. Only unholy matrimony can stop another loli from stealing her onii-chan.
2 seconds.
Then she can have her head served on a plate of her choosing.
>The Master of the Temple destroys all these illusions
Touma confirmed 8=3.
>but remains silent
Never mind.
Don't be so greedy Kakine
Is Komoe secretly pudgy and squishy?
Think about it.
She's a super heavy drinker, and there are a lot of calories in beer.
She's very self conscious and likes to be called cute.
We haven't seen her naked or even with an exposed midriff since she was a cheerleader, which at this point was months ago in the story.
People tend to put on weight during the winter, and Komoe's outfit certainly does nothing to accentuate any potential curves. One might even say that she might be covering up her bodyshape.
Surely her job has gotten progressively more stressful, likely leading to more drinking or snacking or smoking. All of which contribute to weight gain.
Honestly I wouldn't put it past Komoe to have put on another few dozen pounds at this point. I bet she's wearing that loose dress and jacket to cover up her squishy jiggly beer gut and sweaty subtle folds of fat near her breasts. Komoe is probably sweating like crazy even in the winter, with the perfect combination of bodyfat and a slightly overly warm winter outfit. I bet you could reach up her dress and run your fingers along her slippery sweaty body, especially around her underboob area where her breasts are just barely too perky to crease her skin.
>the new big bad guy is another loli
I'm not even mad, only tired and disappointed
It's still pretty obviously Aiwass, though. He's playing everyone like a fiddle.
She is a loli and thus will most definitely not stay the main villain.
Does anyone have the pic with hanging Neph and stuck Niang?
Hmm, this one?
Or the one in the swimming pool?
It's not just up to date, js06 translated the last volume in two weeks.
I can see Touma and Aiwass bonding over this.
Yeah this one, thanks.
That's oddly specific user.
How does your favorite Ingun clean up after a steamy shit?
Why the hell is he so nervous? They’re just kids.
Only Accel can save him from the monster he’s become.
Accel himself is already monster he’s become.
Is this because Touma Kamijou makes his life seem so much worse than it actually is because he’s always sulking like an emo kid? Is that what it is? Is this image a metaphor?
So Mina's not going to give a heads up about unstable death beam firing Touma like 100 feet away, huh? Just gonna let everyone figure that shit out on their own.
No, the sixth doesn’t care about being chairman. You’re probably thinking of somebody who borrowed the sixths power of distributes it via hair strands to others.
or distributes it*
>sixth doesn’t care about being chairman
When the fuck does sixth show up anyway? Age of horus literally now, and we don't even know what six was for in terms of aleister's keikaku
It's a secret, no one can know that.
Who even is Horus?
Even Aleister doesn't know.
Jesus before Jesus was a thing.
Who the fuck is Imagine Breaker? Who the fuck is Kamijou Touma? Why is there two of them?
It's a genuinely interesting point, consideringthey're ranked by usefulness in his plan and we all know Gunha is as far from being useful in any plan as is humanely possible.
Maybe #6 is just as bad but at least has a measurable ability.
Did they think we’d think he was intellectual and godlike because his name is horus? You do realize people don’t name their kids that because it’s an ugly name. Not because it’s reserved for smart people,
>“You caused this yourself. There were a few past opportunities for the stopper to fail: against Fiamma of the Right, against Magic God Othinus, and against Aiwass too I suppose. …But you went too far this time. The lock has broken. What do you intend to do about that which refuses to break down and that which lurks within it?”
> What do you intend to do about that which refuses to break down and that which lurks within it?”
>break down and that which lurks within it?”
>“Good morning, Imagine Breaker…and the One who Purifies God and Slays Demons. What does the world look like to the two of you?”
>What does the world look like to the two of you?”
Maybe. Just maybe, Touma is imagine breaker and the one who purifies god and slays demons is the thing that lurks in.
But Aiwass is a secret chief according to the epilogue
Osiris's son. Child god. Something something wisom. Pic rel.
Neph's niece
We’ve all already know this for a long time. You’re not figuring out anything new.
Kamachi is very stingy with any information about IB.
>Got eggs during the MisaMisa SoL scene
>Had Othinus on top of him
>Not a word later from any of them
>Crushed a holy temple ship that demands at least MG class attack with one pew
>Shiage and his ORDINARY WIDE WORLD are not in danger at all, right?
>Let’s talk about hard life choices with Accel, its not like something is about to make a see through hole in the planet, RIGHT?
Jokes aside.
Judging by Lola-tan’s behavior during the ???. There is no immediate threat to humanity or Aleister himself, which is weird considering Touma’s situation. Ether polygons work of some strange principle or they won’t nuke everything around him unconditionally. Touma on other hand is pretty demn sure that shit is about to go down on EVERYONE in the blast radius which apparently is not true as Aleister was pretty chill about the whole IT thing.
At least we were given a clear plot hook for Anna to bail him out\kidnap.
Get some rest user
It could be wrong. It's only a possibility here.
Since Aleister in the epilogue OT22 pointed out IB, his right hand and the name separately.
Touma as damsel in distress could be fun for New New Testament
So far it just seems to want to kill other creatures, so I guess Aleister is banking on that. As long as it doesn't attack downwards it's all good. Index is going to die for a good cause.
I hope Touma either gets hijacked by one of his bodybuddies or he starts referring to himself in plural. Because I have NEEDS.
Main reading the NT22 Epilogue and Accel was this close to getting a bad ending if Anna decided to attack him and the implications that she could have easily beaten him
Sure sounds like it. Also, Anna says like both of them just had an awakening. Touma regaining his memories, possibly?
Well, yeah. She could his baby tree silly.
>IT turns into a loli
>another freeloader for Kamjiou-san to shoulder
>rip food budget
Touma as a loli that's weird user
Touma Kamijou
Kamijou Touma
>OT1 Touma multiplied by all of his experineces
A diabolical amalgamtion of a pure duchebag; saint; budhist monk and a rabid molester.
Will-tan doesn't need to justify herself. Accelerator is her pet and she can do with him as she sees fit. He has no saying in this matter.
Following his teacher's footsteps. Aleister would be proud.
Can someone know moon runes translates this? Curious what Lolaster is thinking.
Speaking of Aleister body hopping, he did say he was tired of having a female body. Will he just remake his old one or make adjustments?
Did Lolaster just cut of her hair in that image?
Futa all the way.
He had tits from the start of the AC.
>A man and a woman and a criminal and a saint and old man and child, yada-yada.
He is just trying to pretend that he can pull off a better body then the one he got. Showing off in front of his new roommate.
Don't bother translating this. No one cares what Lolaster is thinking.
>he did say he was tired of having a female body
The sick bastard wants a male body to hip thrust every woman he sees in sight.
The Breaker of Tyrants, The Warmaster, The Arch-Traitor
It was the bridge scene in OT3
Is NT over?
Mikoto and Othinus died due to IT, you can stop reading the series now
I would.
I just want Index to be my friend. I’ve never had a female friend.
Possibly. Part 3 could be started by have a mini time skip as Accel settles in and chairman and Hamazura goes out Hamazuraing (possibly leaving what happened in the English channel or wherever they were vague), or NT23 could just pick up where Touma is about to evaporate Index.
Accelerator is ___________
A girl
A horus age magic god!
Don’t you mean a girl!
Touma's future wife.
now in a love square.
Don't even know where this meme is from, I just saw it in the Yea Forums sings devil trigger and your comment reminded me of it.
soon the highest powerlevel being there is
>implying it isn't part 3 starting a month later with Touma celebrating his birthday with the half-born abomination
So he’s going to turn into a cute anime blonde MC with good luck?
>yfw his original hair color was blonde
>He headed forward toward Fiamma like an arrow.
>And then Fiamma knew.
>He knew essentially what kind of existence the enemy before him was.
Which automatically means he will join Touma harem. Can't wait
I love this a lot.
He's already number 1, I don't see the sluts throwing fights for him or growling when he's insulted
doomed by the living tree of Teitoth, whose flower, the empty daughter who substantiates herself with a soul
You know after Clonoth I wouldn't be surprised.
Anyone got the frame by frame of IT? There's a 5 pointed star in one of the frames
#1 and #2 are already able to create and destroy universes, meanwhile the rest of the lvl 5s are still stuck at kindergarten.
Ok seriously stop this two bullshit. I needed some ones to denote Kakine's true status
Crippled Touma and angry Touma, still handsome no matter what.
Name a more cancerous fanbase
What's his powerlevel?
Star Wars maybe?
The one you are from
Every WSJ shounentard fanbase with the sole exception of Kimetsu, Dr. Stone, Yuuna and Davidfags.
There's more but I'm too busy to list them all
Cursed Kakine poster
Only trash can continue to repeat this fake news.
Yea Forums in general.
Where is Anna's fanart?
Everyone is trying to figure out how her hair fucking works
On panda, duh.
Like Junko's?
>There was a deep and wet sound of something bursting open.
For fucks sake Kamachi
In retrospect NT17's ending is a lot more ominous now
Ai-chan is cute!
Accelerator can't destroy universes, his power isn't a wipe and is more concentrated like Coronzon's. It has the power of the universe behind it but that's it.
Literally (you)r tastes.
Will Accelerator gain power over Archetype Controller?
9 and 0. Such beautiful numbers.
9 is the last number before change. It represents the potential
0 is the beginning after the change. It represents the actual.
Its fitting, since both represent Kakine or at least what he's going to do.
Shiage says yes.
>off by 2
I don't know if I ever posted this because I had it done years ago but for any DRfags in this thread I hope you enjoy it.
Touma is Waru
The throne to AC will be his.
Whew, good. She should still pay for tormenting Kakine's daughter.
Stop avatarfagging retard
Toaru IF pamphlet from AnimeJapan. 1/3
>off by three
AAA sure did boost Mikoto.
I bet she's the killer. look at her weapon.
Can accelerator even do that shit twice? That wasn't his own power it was clonoth being brought into the world proper. it wasn't an attack it was effect of adding a new tree. It's not like he bring it in twice. To that effect again he would need to take it out and bring back again or have another tree.
Junko is cute and funny.
He'd need a MG indirectly powering him to go to that extent again, it was just Kamachi displaying his ultimate potential I think
The tree itself is embedded in the universe so he can do an attack again with it but he needs Will to help. He wont be doing it 24/7 because it requires a lot of external sources for him.
There are TWO beautiful numbers, amirite? :^)
Am I the only one who doesn't like Junko's design in the anime that much?
>Accelerator will be tossing big bangs by the end of Part 4
Do it kamachi or no balls
Am i the only one who doesn't like Junko that much?
Well, they made it for one scene just its understandable. I do hope they change it a bit more for Railgun 3 and the game.
>Railgun Item
I hope they let you change outfits.
>The killer was actually Sphinx
I wonder if Kamachi is gonna take a longer break than usual between volumes now
Am I the only one more excited to see the chuuni title chapter names for the next part than the part itself?
Speaking of, what is your favorite chapter titles? Mine is:
>High-way Battle: Speed_Freaks
That shit kept me snickering for weeks.
>Aleister Crowley, the Beast 666, Crosser of the Abyss.
How does he keep getting the cool shit?
>Aleister Crowley
>Academy City is AC too
>Accelerator crosses the abyss
>And then so does Aleister
What does this mean bros...
>I’m No Messiah – Battle_of_Scotland.
>Golden – A.D.1900_Invisible_War.
Hype as fuck.
Railgun Item is the real one.
Accel is an Aleister possibility, and I'm not even joking, I genuinely believe this might actually be the case.
Accelerator is probably an Aleister test-tube baby or might even be descended from Lola, who fucking knows at this point with all the parallels
>Am I the only one excited
Am I the only one in this thread?
Yes, this entire thread has been you samefagging.
That's not a chapter title user you retard
The HO chapter titles are my favorites in general. I love the feeling when I finally realize what the chapter title meant every time.
For OT:
Deep Blood Encroaches - Devil_or_God.
My Betrayer in the World of Normalcy
Death Match of Monsters on a Different Level - Saint_VS_Saint.
Silence and the End of the Boy - Silent_to_Small_Fire.
For NT:
“A Normal High School Boy” - Black_or_White.
Golden - A.D.1900_Invisible_War.
A Throneless Demon Roars in Hell - the_Devil_"C".
The Tower of London Awaits with Maw Agape - the_Abyss_of_London.
Hey! You be nice to him!
This but with takitsubo being forced to down more drugs
No. I'm the ultimate shitposter here you can't stop me
Imagine unironically liking this crap in 2019
Neck yourself
I love trash like To love ru and DXD.
>Accelerator comes back to Last Order
>With a demon clinging to him, a cigarette smoking dog, a gekota doctor, a big titty dorm manager onee-san black widow AI simulator grimoire neko, and a baby that can talk through a trumpet, then shows her the deed to Academy City
Can the misaka network calculate the shock or will she faint and take accelerator and all the misaka's with her?
Don't be mean frens
What happened to Mikoto and Othinus ?
I really like these.
>The Wandering Beast and Outside the Cage — Dead_Girl.
>Disaster in the Depths of Fertility — Goddess_of_Fertility.
>Limit of the World’s Allowance — Foreign_GODs,or_Evil_KINGs.
>Another Possible Beginning — The_End_is_Named...
They live in his eggs.
IT ate them
>Disaster in the depths of Fertility
What did KAmachi mean by this?
Also I really liked the Freyja fight a lot. Train-fights are kind of a kink of mine.
Nobody can answer you, literally nobody but the author knows. They could've died, been blown away, been eaten and isekai'd etc etc.
I would still like this in 2109
>What did KAmachi mean by this?
That Freyja wasn't actually the pregnant woman but rather the child in the womb.
Anna playing horsie with Touma!
>>Another Possible Beginning — The_End_is_Named...
>the time of the golden dawn has passed
>soon comes the rose colored sunset
Based on what Google translate says about some japanese comments on youtube, it seems the nips think that Railgun will cover 8-13 and Accel will cover up to 10.
Now I don't remember if Accel has up to 10, but isn't that beyond first arc and way into the second one?
Not Index but
>It's Game Over After All
>War of the White Apocalypse
10 would definitely be at least the entire second arc at the rate we're going i think.
You can briefly see a scene of the start of the second arc in the PV. It doesn't look like the current arc will end soon though, so I'm betting on anime original filler.
>London, city of fog, magic, and
>more filler
Someone must have cursed Raildex adaptations.
>ACcelerator gets an anime-only girl
>Everyone is okay with it because it isn't Nagaifiller
desu I'd be more accepting of it than whatever the fuck nagai does.
Could have good Kakine filler, but sure a red haired freckled-WHO is fine too.
Welcome to Washington, the city of ______
But it was britain at the end
racist fucks
Doritos, autism and destiny.
Is this actually end of the new testament?
Nothing can be worse than nagaispace
Is anyone else surprised with Accelerator becoming the new head of AC? HC or Noukan would've been a better choice.
Except NT9
Why would Aleister appoint his dog as a leader. Noukan is useless without AAA
I think Accel would want Touma to be with him and work together to fix AC shit or something like that.
>forgetting the actual best head
Why were Crowley's alternate selves weak as shit?How likely is it that there were some Secret Chief tier niggas in there who hid and will be the new villains?
>Britain, the country of
I highly doubt it
Did the sound director fuck up last ep, or did the encoding fail? The explosion in space had no sound.
weak bait
How would you feel if Kamisato came back and replace either Accel or Hamazura as an MC and if he came back is revealed that Yuiitsu is alive
Welcome to r/a/ildex, the general of ______
It probably helps that this animeonly girl looks like she has more personality than Haruue and whoever else Nagai thought of combined
Sound waves cant travel in space dumbass
Shitty food
It’s not gonna happen, Accelerator can’t be replaced and Hamazura is Hamazura. Kamisato would be a temp for Touma if anyone.
memes, shitposting and lewds.
Shit food
>and if he came back is revealed that Yuiitsu is alive
She is dead. It was Game Over for her, she said it herself.
Accel sucks
Filler is gonna save the Accel anime.
I'm sick of irrelevant MCs
Dab on plebs who couldn't pass the filter.
You try so hard for a You so I'll give you one.
Welcome to Londonistan, city of kebabs, grooming gangs and shariah.
>the filler is the best part of the anime
It's certainly possible.
>Monster, Monster, Monster, Monster — All_Bad_Stars.
>A Certain Boy Becomes Humanity’s Enemy — Introduction_00.
>V.S. “The Heaven-Sent Child Loved by Electrons” — Round_08.
>Freeloaders Tend to Grow in Number — Cannibalization.
>I’m No Messiah – Battle_of_Scotland.
That is wrong. It was actually his own power but it was made stronger by the tree itself.
The Magic God had nothing to do with it.
Kinda. It wasn’t the effect of “adding the tree” it was the fact that the tree is now part of the phase which he can take the macro of and put on the micro
Only with wills tsundere help of course, so technically it is his own power
>Hamazura almost crossed the abyss for this cutie
I wonder if he had some kind of hidden talent for magic all along or he is just that lucky.
I mean, successfuly refining your life force without killing yourself is hard enough even when you are not an esper but not only did he managed to do it right, he also befriended Corozon in the process. Thats impressive.
>what do you think of it?
I loved it. Kamachi makes surpassing his own arcs look like little effort. Coronzon was quite the memorable antagonist. She trolled the fuck out of people during battle which made it fun, like when Crowley tried to cut her down and banish her, and her entire goal was a more respectable version of Fiamma's as it included even her. Just fuck everything was fun. We even got a hint of her possibly reaching something with Hamazura, but this time it was not meant to be. I wonder if she will ponder about this and maybe change her tune, but that's the part I love most about Index, the major antagonists have a 2nd chance thanks to the protagonists view, so we might see it. Seeing it go full Thelema and have some major resolutions for Hamazura and Accelerator was nice. How it really did tie in everything from NT like OT did (but this was executed better) was neat. The Epilogue onwards was nothing but shock, Anna Sprengel and her pet Aiwass looks like a lot of fun and what her connection may be to Touma, that entire scene was like a major fuck you to Aleister's life actually. Aleister and Coronzon are also going to be great when they pop up next time.
>Do you have any wants or wishes as for where it will go?
I hope to see what direction our boy Touma goes in. I think this time, he will finally get his own resolutions, however many, as Accelerator and Hamazura have. I hope to see where he has gone in hiding and if he's the same person even anymore.
>Did anything in the afterword stand out to you?
What stood out for the afterword was the comment about Misaki's situation and her being a yandere, but how it relates to a Sephiroth force instead of a Qliphoth. That entire thing made me rethink each characters actions here.
>I mean, successfuly refining your life force without killing yourself is hard enough even when you are not an esper but not only did he managed to do it right.
No one killed themselves from magic recoil.
Aleister explained it. All the possibilities fragmented his power between them. They were just using less than 1% of his firepower. Hence why Lolisteir became so much stronger at the end of NT21 once the possibilities had been wiped out
Actually blessed.
Sounds like Anna let her for the lols. She was hoping she would do better with pulling out what was within Touma, but it was not meant to be?
Okay, as far as major antagonists go:
Fiamma - Wanted to Save the World for his own sake
Othinus - Wanted to Return Home
Magic Gods - Wanted to find a scorer that could help them all sort out what to do
Kamisato - Wanted to take revenge on all MGs for giving him WR
Aleister - Wanted to destroy all magic, avenging his daughter's death in the process
Coronzon - Wanted to break down all things refusing to go away, allowing a new cycle of existence to begin
From them, the only one that didn't and won't change is Coronzon. Fitting for a Great Demon.
As for the new antagonist:
Anna - Wants a Dom (Fifty Shades of Loli, written by Kamachi Kazuma).
Will she get her Dom to put a collar on her? Will Hamazura-kun escape from Europe with Dion Fortune and Rikou alive? How will Accelerator act now that he is in charge of AC? Will Nouken be petted by HC? Will Misaki ever make Touma remember their first night together? Will Mikoto actually develop as a character? Will Touma finally eat? Where is Othinus during all of this and why her smell is so good?
Find out in the next episodes of Raildex. (featuring Kekine from the True Number One series)
So IB is the Dragons and Touma, IT is his internal self and epithet.
Kakine is the True Number One. He will defeat Accelerator by becoming the Tree known as Teitoth, invoking the power of Ra Hoor through Beetle's sacrifice and impress his daughter.
What is Miki’s master plan for her?
Didnt that golem bitch friend die from that?
I hope the princess gets to pet Noukan.
He was going to but some knights were kind enough to expedite the process.
What's her end goal?
Is this Girl in The Dress? She hasn't appeared since OT, but nice. I love girls with flat chests wearing a dress.
Kuroko would look particularly delicious with a red dress.
Does Anna belong to the Rosicrucian order, or was Madame Horos the one working for them?
I am surprised she did not end up in Hamazura's harem.
>Will Nouken be petted by HC?
>Will Touma finally eat?
Asking the real questions.
So the conwoman got played from the start? Alrighty then.
Makes me wonder if Coronzon will learn to accept it and help him out too down the road. Kamachi had both Aleister and Coronzon continue on after all.
That or Coronzon will become the pitiable antagonist that continues to make the wrong decision, over and over. Although she hates Aiwass so that might be the key right there
I bet Hamazura will save Corozon from Aleister.
>I am surprised she did not end up in Hamazura's harem.
I'm not. She is a master of the distance between hearts, remember? Usually, heroes in the series like Hamazura manage to get the girls by coming close to their hearts but Girl in the Dress controls that distance herself. No hero can ever close the distance with her heart because her power won't allow it to happen.
Besides, she is literally just a punch-clock villain. She had nothing at stake during Battle Royale and only existed to fill a side character role.
Doesn't she know too much about Touma?
Yeah. Pretty sure, for now at least, the two of them are going to be working together. I don't think Hamazura will leave his accomplice hanging once he finds out she's around.
It has to come both ways is all I'm saying. Kamachi tends to progress those who stick around, so will she accept what she felt back on the Queen Britannia or let the sparks and sprays fuck her again?
He may not have a place in her heart but he was definitely on her mind both during and after the battle royale.
>Aleister needs Touma
That's it
Coronzon and Mina are new entries. Our favourite Great Demon instantly jumps to spot number 7 with 7 tongue clicks. Coincidence? I think not.
Accel demonstrates he's the true number one with his trips.
Currently tied with OT15 for the volume with the highest amount of tongue clicks.
>not apart of the tongue click crew
Coronzon a qt
Days late, but anyone else really love the direction of Fiamma cutting Touma's arm off to IT's appearance? even if it didn't depict the whole greater power > other greater power part?
Sorry for the question, but where do you guys download/read the lns from? I've never read any so I don't know where to find them.
Da fug, tounge clicks! What an amazing autism!
Either read on BT:
or just search on nyaa and it'll pop up
I thought it was pretty good.
Animation was pretty good too.
I like the way they framed Fiamma's hand from the empty space in Touma's houlder.
Everything else was shit.
Absolute madlad.
I wish Saten would watch the snuff video of Mugino killing Frenda. I wonder how she would react? Would it make her wet seeing her mackerel friend die like a shitter to a bigger and sexier girl?
There's a pentagram in one of the frames
You can see the silhouette of the swarm too
IT was more majestic in the LN. It's pity really.
She'd pick up her bat and convince the slut brigade to back her up in her jihad against ITEM. Unbeknownst to them Super Hamazura and Super Saiai were waiting in ambush.
They didn't really depict the thing eating at the other power either which was sad. But at least it was well directed with the music choice.
Still feel like shit about the thing that devoured it. In the anime, IB was the one who crushed it. They frankly fucked up here.
There is so many conflicting feelings with Frenda's death that I don't even know how would Saiai react. Hamazura would totally defend Mugino, but would Saiai even move a finger? Always felt like she was only still sticking around ITEM because of Super Hamazura. I doubt she still likes Mugino.
Yeah. They were supposed to show the conflicting power struggle.
They got the first part right, what they didn't get right was the implication that Touma summoned a jaw to force it under control
What will you do if its revealed that IB really was Touma's power in the end?
Saiai doesn't give a shit about Frenda.
I mean that's basically what it is though. This generation's IB is Touma's arm. Now it also seems like the Dragons is part of that, but the lock is broken now so it's powerless.
She went with Mugino in NT20. Once you stick around with someone long enough, you'll find yourselves reluctant to go separate ways
Even more reason to believe she doesn't care about Mugino as well.
God bless you
But we're not supposed to know that in OT22
Saiai hangs out and banters with Mugino and Takitsubou as shown in NT12 and they left Academy City together in NT20. I wouldn't say they are friends but they are seemingly on good terms.
But that's the issue here isn't it, since through text you can make it as vague as you want, but if its shown visually then you really can't keep it a secret.
If you hang out with someone, live with them, and leave the city with them I think they can be considered friends.
The LN would've mentioned the sound effect
Othinus will show up in Touma's pocket magically while who knows where is Mikoto (in the same place with Misaki, that for sure).
>The LN would've mentioned the sound effect
The LN has literally only mentioned the IB sound effect like once
Are you talking about the plastic sounds crambling? I think that was because of IT not IB.
No I mean IB sound effect sounding like ice breaking or some shit, but that was only detailed once during festival arc iirc
It was in NT21 too
>the big bads already have their own website
Anna seems a little trigger happy to kill things that annoy her, and ayywass literally doesn't give a shit about magic gods, so Othinus would just be a liability for Touma, as they would probably have no qualms about killing her if they truly kidnap him. And dadsaka seemingly still has a role to play in all of this, and Mikoto basically promised Misaki to prevent Touma from doing something reckless again, so she's probably not going to go back to her empty handed, and being partially responsible him coming back.
You can find those on reddit too...
Mikoto and Othinus got isekai'd to IT
Index died
But yeah, point is that IB's sound doesn't exactly get described all that often for us to say it wasn't in play because the sound wasn't noted
The Hermetic Order and Thelema all do as well
Oregairu and HxH.
still waiting for the day Japan builds a railgun and calls it misaka
Give it time. Hamazura's type of acceptance is what attracts all the actual crazy/evil types into his harem, to which she is a part of. Watch him act like his usual self despite her distance from him which maked her go all kuudere for him.
>have to wait until the next volume or the end of the year for Haimura to likely post Anna's design
Am I a star?
I'm more excited for 'character development' Lola.
That depends user, do you think you are man/woman?
Its not like kamachi created those terms
He said there was not enough roughs for this volume so yeah, going to have to wait.
I really want to like this series more than I do. It has plenty of great concepts and designs like pic related, but they're held back by the author repeatedly beating you over the head with his social messages.
Hamazura laying low in Argentina
>social messages.
What? How is Fifty Shades of Loli a social message?
>not Brazil
It would fit his nature.
user, I think you need to actually read the books if you want to make a good shitpost.
I think that IB might be somewhat holding it back but not as much as Touma would like. So aleister isnt freaking out because "psh it's obly breaking out twice a week" or something while Touma is just freaking out.
Probably Germany
Misaki a pile of shit
>social messages
>Kamachi and social messages
You might be thinking of Narita
Misaki is best girl
Aleister was already freaking out earlier in the novel though. His dialogue literally tells Coronzon "You've made a huge fucking mistake, we're fucked."
His mood is basically "welp"
You mean Naruto
>All the constant lecturing about correcting one's life and understanding others no matter how horrible they are
I'd hardly call that any form of social message. It's as basic as it gets compared to how annoying some other authors are with it.
Something about Lessar's face seems off
>kongou and milk
So we truly are getting every single random literal who
>Othinus - Wanted to Return Home
No. She just wanted someone to be with, although she might have not known it herself. And she initially thought she could find one home, until she met the spiky haired lunatic.
A large number of those are just going to be support cards
>social messages
His works are all full of insane people doing all sorts of crazy, occasionally evil shit, and everyone gets away with everything harder than Kamachi's works
Kongou is a popular character within herself, though I'll be shocked if Mii is anything more than a assist
Othinus also didn't change at all except in size
You have to remember though, Aiwass said just in OT19 that it is still in its infancy stage. It's certainly grown since then, but it's probably still incomplete. However, getting noticed by Anna and the lock being broken means nothing can stop its growth and devouring(?) that is indiscriminate.
It is the kind of society we all should aspire to build.
>Absorbed into a plane filled with eggs
I've read that doujin before
That doesn't mean he doesn't throw in social messages though.
That reminds me I didnt see anyone comment on it but I loved Elizard doing the city of magic fog and peace line to finish the arc.
She apparently shared the same original goal as Kakine before he upgraded to testing the limits of his abilities and potential. I actually like that about her, she knows when to quit since by the next time we saw her she was working for the same guy she wanted to negotiate with.
It's interesting how two people so different can work together. Rakko was basically delusional and Youbo basically wanted to beat level 5s so you can put 2 and 2 and see why they would be in the chaos. MH seems rational and is compassionate enough to let Hamazura go but at the same time she shares Kakines crazy ass goal.
Kamachi should have done a side story desu. Hopefully she appears in one of the spinoffs. The main series will probabaly never devote even 1 page for her.
Yeah, same. A good turn around after the term changed the perception of England throughout the Arc.
>And I give my thanks to the readers. We are back to London, the city of fog, magic, and the Golden. …Don’t overlook how that phrase changed depending on the character using it.
So do you guys think Kamachi is done with England being part of the big arcs now? The only thing left is the supposed dragon in Scotland
>More respectable because it included herself
Yeah except for when crunch time came and lillith goaded her about it coronzon didnt have the stones to do it
When does he do that anyway? Is that a Fate/Strange Fake thing? I don't remember any notable social messages in Baccano, 5656, or Vamp. And DRRR was almost entirely about love and the twisted forms it manifests itself.
Yeah Strange Fake
>Touma was the dragon in Scotland
Well, she was, but as she pointed out, her own creations worked against her thanks to how the Sparks work. I don't think that makes it less respectable even if it was true since from the outset, it's a goal born of entrusting it to a new era than the haughty belief of saving everyone.
Kino as fuck.
So you can just put IB into a freezer and it wont come back for a while? Thats pretty stupid
I'm not talking about sparks but that coronzon didnt actually have the guts to kill herself like she said she was going to. It makes the rest of her argument and trying to make everyone else kill themselves for the greater good when you wont do it a bit much to ask.
Oh that part. Then yup I agree with you.
Kamisato ended up doing the same to WR. Who knows why the two work like that though. Maybe the key is tricking the arm itself that it isn't severed, so freezing is like putting it to cryosleep?
No you dumbass. This was addressed in Chapter 2 when his arm was chopped off for healing magic.
Yeah but WR didnt come back to kamisato when yuiitsu stole it but when Fiamma stole IB it came back after like seconds
Aleister not dying initially rubbed me the wrong way and especially if he became the archbishop but it's quickly growing on me. Don't you think it would've been cheap if he got away with what he did without any responsibilities or a heroic death? It's a surprisingly mature way to treat him like an adult that has to pick up the mess he created.
Aleister was freaking out when IB was gone entirely and Touma was walking around with a naked arm. Its a bit different now. Suffice to say I wouldnt be shocked if in part 3 its a looming threat more than a "IB is exploding everywhere every ten minutes" type thing. I also dont think he's getting nabbed like anons are meming. Anna didnt particularly give any lines that made it sound like she was going to pick him up. Just that she would wait and see what happens.
What was adressed? Misaki had put it into a freezer or whatever that was and when it got opened IB came back
Didn't you realize why? Yuiitsu used St. Germain to copy Kamisato's thought process, in other words his desire for a new world. Kamisato lost that value after being influenced by Touma in NT14 and 15, hence why in NT16 it ended up rejecting him at the end. Touma never lost his will to stand up in OT22, so it immediately came back to him in both OT2 and 22.
Thats part of it but there's also the fact that as aleister pointed out he's got things unfinished. He's kind of the heart of the series when you get down to it so it would be weird to continue in a world where he's dead.
No, IB wasn't coming back in any way because he was hit with Magick that Osiris couldn't heal, the lock by that point really was fucked. Likely manually attaching it was the only way to get it at that point.
He has changed over the course of this entire arc. He has had a lot of resolutions, came over his fear, I do not think he's interested in the plan anymore, but more cleaning up what has just transpired. He's not the same Crowley that was in the Building nor the one that came out as Babalon.
>Coronzon not being dead means we can learn what happened with her and Kamisato before NT13
I hope the Rosicrucian order has /fa/ outfits like the OG Golden Dawn's
Can Mikoto and Accel beat saints and angels?
His right arm doesnt need to get healed to grow back.
Is there a pdf for nt22?
How did Touma manage to go through infinite hells without actually learning anything about IB is beyond me
Very few of the hells involved cutting off his right arm clearly.
It does though as we saw here. Aleister literally points it out before collapsing.
Who would he ask?
Do you remember that time. when they were trapped in a mountain and Aogami and Komoe had to eat Touma to survive ?
Are you seriously trying to say that Accelerator can't beat an angel or a saint? I don't think Misaka can beat an angel though, saints are debatable.
>Don't you think it would've been cheap if he got away with what he did without any responsibilities or a heroic death?
The majority of people will die with their "work" unfinished. It isn't cheap, it is called being realistic. Counterpoint: Raildex was never meant to be realistic, anyway.
Maybe if we're talking about toddler saints
>being eaten alive by Komoe-sensei
What are you going to do about this boner you gave me, user? Take responsibility!
It is cheap when it's something being written by someone. Aleister may have led the charge to save the world but it doesn't necessarily means he deserved to get off scot-free
Izzard in NT23 soon
>Mature way to treat him like an adult that has to pick up the mess he created
First thing he does after realizing he's alive is decide to leave is daughter with someone else and disappear
Dude is a deadbeat.
Saints are mostly physical fighters dude there is no way they can touch even base accel.
Yes he can. There's nothing really a saint can do and he has surpassed angels. Angels are really small fry now.
Angels no. Saints are more debatable. I would say she can beat weaker saints but can't beat stronger saints like Acqua and Kanzaki.
Not just raildex, any fiction that builds up a character and kills them off before any of their arc, payoff, plans, whatever goes into play isnt very good. Its wasted time and "its realistic" doesnt really change the fact your editor will ask you why you spent that much time hyping them up if you're going to kill them before they do anything. Its not real life so every line and scene should be there for a reason.
That same person he's entrusted much of his time at the Windowless Building with though. And who was there to push him on to not use Lilith. Don't be a dumbass, dumbass.
There's no doubt that she's better off with Mina then the guy who trips and causes a world war
*I replied to the wrong reply. It was meant for
No, even then it's not cheap. Fiction doesn't need to be realistic.
Basically this and Kamachi was never going to make that question pop up.
The only Saint Mikoto has a chance with is Arisa
>Aleister may have led the charge to save the world but it doesn't necessarily means he deserved to get off scot-free
Since when dying is getting off scot-free? Think about it. If he died, he would never be able to get with Lilith again. That isn't getting scot-free. Don't treat death lightly.
>Its not real life so every line and scene should be there for a reason.
Every line and scene should be there for their own sake alone.
Accel didnt push Aleister not to use Lillith though.
>Every scene is there just for the sake of its own existence
Never write
Accel wasn't in that scene so I'm not sure why you brought him up.
I would say that Misaka going berserk would beat a saint but she is a pussy who doesnt want to kill anyone.
Read your own post, Aleister didnt give Lillith to Touma.
She can't beat anyone no matter how angry she gets
All brunhilde needs to do is drop the damn sword and she wins
She can fuck up human pretty badly because humans actually have magnetic materials inside of them. Like iron in the blood.
Are you retarded? Read my post again and see who I'm referring to.
Not that Mikoto knows any of this stuff
>Its realistic
>Raildex isn't realistic
Pick one please
He didnt leave her with Mina either. He specifically left Lillith in Accelerators care.
Lilith will die as Aleister watches.
Hopefully in part 3 kamachi introduces islamic religions/magic.
>Othinus had 50/50
>Aleister had 0/100
>Anna is 100/0
No. He asked him to, but Mina was with Lilith.
Who is Jesus of New Testament? Is it Touma or Aleister?
ESL please
>othinus had 50/50
>aleister had 0/100
Irrelevant. Mina is not Lillith's guardian. Aleister specifically left her to Accelerator.
>Nothing in the post was remotely grammatically incorrect
Retard please.
It's Aleister. Touma was like Jesus in OT but in NT9 he rebelled against god.
> Hamazura get help from Coronzon, which Crowley could not.
> Accelerator crossed The Abyss, which Crowley could not.
> Touma learned nothing.
Aleister has it worse than 0/100. Otherwise he could pull an Othinus and do the reverse. He has a 0/0
Why did Accel not just say "hell no" to taking care of Aleister's kid of all people
Touma learned how to shit his pants
> Just get help from Satan, LMAO. XD
Thanks, kamachi. Great "social message".
>Cant understand a very basic post
Either ESL or brain dead. I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
>Mina... I leave Lilith in your care, please... raise her well
>Accel... you get everything else
I'd say Mina got the short end of the stick.
Relevant. Mina has been Lilith's guardian for a good while now and been taking care of her. He ASKED him to, we don't know what will come of that. Keep trying to back yourself into a corner.
He even said in NT19 that the good part of failing is that he simply can continue down the path after picking himself back up
He isn't one who is going to let the child suffer.
Because Lillith isnt to blame and Accelerator had clearly been growing a soft spot for him. This is evident if you read the books.
There's absolutely nothing to suggest Crowley isn't the same bitter magic-hating old man he's always been.
He asked him to and Accelerator didnt say no while he was bleeding out on the ground. You know what the answer is. Mina is a wet nurse. I dont know why you insist on dying on this hill of all the places in the world.
Although he's likely to question things now, since he just realized he's been fed half bullshit by Aiwass since 1904
If you read the books you'd understand Accelerator isn't some selfish shithead like most anons think he is.
Nah, flies in the face of everything that's ever happened to Accelerator. I don't care if the kid is technically innocent, she's still Aleister's.
>Accelerator being a softie who cares too much about people flies against his development
Maybe if you're a speedreader
user you're exceedingly ignorant to how life work
There's absolutely a lot to suggest he is though. He's changed a lot over the course of this arc and you're blind if you haven't seen it. His whole life was made pointless in a event as he was dying.
Don't let this user become an enforcer of justice.
> I don't care if the kid is technically innocent, she's still Aleister's.
t. Mathers
I had this funny discussion with a friend that started to hate Accel after i told him what happens to him during and after WW3, dude was convinced that accelerator liked killing people and that his "muh evil" talks were 100% he trying to teach people how to improve as villains, so yeah never doubt speedreading
To be fair to that user. Coronzon displayed exactly the sort of reason why Crowley hates magic. So while I'm sure he wont be bitter over it, I'd be surprised if he totally gave up on trying to fix it
>He asked him to and Accelerator didnt say no while he was bleeding out on the ground.
He was not in her care yet, only asked from this point. Thus, relevant.
>You know what the answer is
That I was talking about Mina and you're a dumbass? Dumbass.
>Mina is a wet nurse.
Yes. Doesn't change my point though.
>I dont know why you insist on dying on this hill of all the places in the world.
You're right. Why am I bothering with a dumbass like you?
So literally the user that was sperging here like a day or two ago about how Accelerator wouldn't make a city for peoples happiness?
Learn how to pick your battles. This is not something worth looking stupid over.
Kamachi you mean
Thanks for projecting. I hope you take your advice since I accept your concession.
>Aleister only asked him she's not actually in his care
user... If Accelerator really wanted to say no he had all sorts of time to do it.
>The only Saint Mikoto has a chance with is Arisa
>Arisa, Being of Pure Miracle and free from the Original Sin, essentially Lilith tier
I don't think he'll necessarily give up on it. But his perception has certainly changed, the people who helped him weren't just from Academy City that gave Lilith a chance, he even to some extent sees where Coronzon was coming from (albeit in a mocking way at the end there), that is something that means the most to him.
Yes, I will learn to leave dumfucks like you alone in the future instead of correcting their mistakes. You're not worth the time.
But she is not physically in his care right now. I was not talking about Accelerator at all in my post.
Thank you for repeating what I taught you when you were born. The problem is, you're talking to yourself there, shitposter.
>Arisa is free from original sin
Would have been mentioned if true
*Cackles evilly while casually murdering people time and again*
>wtf this isn't accurate!
>What I taught you when you were born
One of the weirdest insults I've seen in a while
Why Coronzon ignored Touma's words?
And hamazura should've killed Mugino. We get it user, you're a contrarian.
Thank you. I'm the type who loves to get personal and get family involved.
Do you not know what it means to be in someone's care?
yeah it's just weird how it happens
yeah that happened but did he only do that
How is that getting personal? You just look like a sperg. I doubt you're even close to my age with how much of a fit you're throwing.
Are you sure you replied to the right post?
No. My mother died when I was 3 and my father threw me into a foster home if you want blog posting.
Thinking Hamazura should have killed Mugino isnt a contrarian opinion though. She was screaming about killing him even as he went for the hug. Thats a bit out of left field.
When Mugino is going to be relevant? She is the core part of Aleister plan after all.
Are you sure your post wasn't a shitpost?
Not throwing a fit at all though nor is it in relation to my weird insult, user. You're getting too heated over dumb words.
I dont want blog posting I meant the definition of the word nothing philosophical. You're in someone's care when they are your guardian. Not whoever happens to be physically holding the kid at that exact second. That does explain your anger issues though.
Killing Mugino would've change anything except present another dead body on Hamazura's list of guilt and kills. Seeing what he caused to her filled him with regret and he just wanted things to go back to the way they were regardless of her actions.
The point is that it did happen, so to say he doesn't derive SOME pleasure from killing is demonstrably and flat out wrong.
>I'm not throwing a fit
Kek. Alright kid. We'll leave you with that.
*wouldn't have
That was just a friendly joke, a bit of black humor. She changed at heart by that.
Ok user. I understand Accelerator will be the one to have custody over her. But for the past while, Lilith has been entrusted to Mina (and I guess HC and Noukan). That is what I was talking about in my original post.
>Not whoever happens to be physically holding the kid at that exact second
She was with her for a lot longer than a second though throughout this Arc.
I didnt ask you to read the book to me again. I know full well what the shoddy reasoning was. It doesnt change that the average person reading a book and seeing a psychopath trying to kill a character is going to be a bit taken aback when they decide to suddenly hug the direct threat to their life.
Whatever you say, onechild.
Not them but he demonstrated no guilt whatsoever the first time he shot the bitch. And it would've changed him being pursued by a psychotic enemy. Not sure how Mugino entered this discussion though.
>I didn't ask to be given reasons why Hamazura did what he did let me live my delusion in peace and call it shoddy
No it isnt. Where do you have the narration stating unambiguously that Accelerator was having a fun time killing people? The guy is unhinged, the fact that he learned to laugh and scream to try and scare people away from him isnt particularly solid proof he was having a blast
She doesn't want to be understood, she's a being that just wanted to fulfill its role.
lmao you're still going on about this after so long and still think people will buy your bullshit when you ignore a lot to get to your dumb delusion
Are we just pretending that Hamazura forgiving Mugino isnt something lots of anons have had issues with now or something?
yeah i shuld have said that my friend was convinced that Accelerator ONLY was interested in being a vllain
Are we now pretending we know how many anons have issue with it and that you aren't the same one who bitches about it every time given its the exact same points every time?
Did you miss the part where Accelerator's whole facade of insanity was just to intimidate people and cope with being in the dark-side? You did? Huh.
Half of it is anti-Frenda shitposting I think. No one seriously thinks Mugino didn't deserve to die
You think that every single, every single post about hamazura and mugino's scene was just me. You're seriously going to go that conspiracy route? Literally even the episode from last week shows a good amount of anons scratching their heads at the oddity of the scene. You're not this stupid, I refuse to believe it.
I'm wondering that about you though. Why shouldn't I when you give me every reason to believe so given you stooped low enough to go the "t-t-there's dozens of us!!!!! MAJORITY WINS FAG" shut the fuck up, sit down and back your own opinion. Either that or at least try and create some more "shoddy" reasons for your baseless argument.
>Literally even the episode from last week shows a good amount of anons scratching their heads at the oddity of the scene.
Mainly because of how watered down Hamazura's arc has been. Not for your own personal vindication.
>its the same points
Because its a scene people have problems with? If there was a scene of touma getting bisected and later he's fine with no explanation you'd have lots of people questioning what the fuck happened there. Would you then turn around and say "clearly these people who are all talking about the same scene and have the same problem with the scene are the same guy. Why? Because they have the same points, they all ask why he survived. They must be the same guy"
She is psycho without a single redeeming quality, of course, she deserves to die.
I'm pretty sure most anons just do it to shitpost because Hamazura and Mugino are easy targets for falseflaggery.
You said its a contrarian opinion. I said it wasnt. No shit, to not be a contrarian opinion, I mention that lots of people have had issues with mugino's forgiveness. Are you slow? Do you even know what contrarian means?
>Because its a scene people have problems with?
No. An user has problem with, until you can prove multiple do, that is you and you alone. Bringing your bullshit majority means nothing here. I can also say it's a scene people are completely fine with and that puts you at 0.
I can't even begin to address the rest of your post given it has no relation to said scene.
I'm not the same person who said it's contrarian or whatever. I'm taking issue with your decision to claim lots of people take issue with it, you have 0 gauge for that and it comes off as fucking stupid that you hide and try to back yourself with the majority. Stick to your own ground, don't go the "majority means right!!" I can make the same opposite claim as you but I won't.
>I cant even address this example that shows why my logic makes no sense
I dont know what I expected
Exactly what I'm wondering about you.
You know by saying Mugino deserves to die, you're by virtue saying Frenda deserved it too since they both committed the same crimes, and Frenda even went so-far as to sell them out.
>I'm not the same person
Then shut the fuck up. I wasnt talking to you and dont give a shit. I'm not here to listen to some bitch whine about how the scene totally makes sense to his pea brain. I stuck with a small part of the argument because I'm tired of the actual meat.
There is some merit in differentiating the situations but I'm sure there's also lots of overlap where people agree both deserved it. Mugino is completely unstable and Frenda sold them out under pressure. There's a line in there where you could reasonably say one or the other deserves to live, but I'm on both probably.
>Then shut the fuck up. I wasnt talking to you and dont give a shit
No you dumbass child sperg. This ain't your little bitch fit forum where you can tell who can and can't jump in to tell you to fuck off when you look stupid.
>I'm not here to listen to some bitch whine about how the scene totally makes sense to his pea brain.
Neither am I here to listen to some dumbfuck whine about how there's dozens of people backing my opinion and anyone else is wrong because of that and a pea brain. Way to go making yourself look like a shitposter yet again when you bring up your baseless argument.
>I stuck with a small part of the argument because I'm tired of the actual meat.
You couldn't even do that or read any post and sperg'd when someone else who disagreed with you got involved. Says a lot, underaged.
She is?
The difference is that Frenda is a good person. Mugino is not.
Everyone would sold out mugino
I dont give a shit about what the fuck you want. Read the actual argument you fucking sperg. All I ever said is it wasnt a contrarian opinion. I dont give a solitary shit about your opinion or what you think counts for mine. Shut the fuck up unless you are talking about the same subject as me. Someone said it was contrarian and I pointed out how the definition of contrarian doesnt fly in that case. THATS IT. I dont give a shit about you wanting an excuse to fly off the handle after that. Shut the fuck up and behave you child.
Frenda will never die
I always forget that there's no guarentee the other person I'm talking to on the internet isnt neccesarily my age. Maybe i should play fortnite or something and remind myself the internet is full of children.
>I dont give a shit about what the fuck you want.
Nor do I give a shit about yours, you 13 year old. You can't even calm down and see the internal flaw in your stupid ass "argument".
>All I ever said is it wasnt a contrarian opinion.
Congratulations, crybaby, you also completely forgot what else you said. Because you aren't even reading anyones post, yet again you got mad for being called out. I'll give you a hint, pea-sized brain, you said a lot more than that.
>I dont give a solitary shit about your opinion or what you think counts for mine. Shut the fuck up unless you are talking about the same subject as me
Certainly do when you keep going on and on to try and prove you don't "I-I don't give a shit and didn't say anything else! I swear my opinion is right and in the majority!" what a fucking joke you are.
>Someone said it was contrarian and I pointed out how the definition of contrarian doesnt fly in that case. THATS IT.
That's not it though, you went way further than that.
>I dont give a shit about you wanting an excuse to fly off the handle after that. Shut the fuck up and behave you child.
Now moved onto projecting and being in denial have you? Can't even care to get back to your baseless argument, 12 year old. Hell, you can't even remember what you said. Good joke you are.
>Frenda is a good person
Canonically wrong. She still took part in murders and the like on whatever ITEM had to do, so she bares the same sins.