Yea Forums still likes monster girls right?
Yea Forums still likes monster girls right?
>no feet
Yes but not snakes.
>tfw you'll never get a monster girl being your wife and bearing many children
Fuck the bee.
what would a vampire GF be like?
Tfw no alpha wolf girl GF
Lewd on a full moon.
The monster girl boom is over.
h-how much blood do vampires take and how often? asking for a friend
One of my first Yea Forums visits was when Monstergirls were just taking off
Why japan why? My dick only hardens for 2d now. I feel inhuman
Miia is still one of my favorite anime girls
I miss those days. I really hope monster musume gets a season 2 or some other series to really light that fire again.
tfw no Giant alpha wolf gf
she is housewife material except her cooking. which is why its important to have a mistress
her tongue is also very hot
I'll teach her how to cook. Miia is for loyal marriage
Yeah but we got banished to/jp/
>you will never have a pack of wolf girls kiss you one by one to say hi everyday
>her tongue
why even live
Yes, to the point it was moved to other boards in fear of our dicks.
Spooder a best, eggplant go die, snake cloacae is hot, do not associate with horse pussy.
d-does she kiss him?
Would you fuck this Tsundere wolf?
I'd fuck the tsun right out of her
She was going to lick him, and no her little sister says she'll never speak to her again which depressed the big sister.
Would you
I remember times when monmusu threads were a thing and crab was alive
Demi-chan and Daily Life need more love than they got.
It feels like an eternity since the MGQ threads here
what doesn he do anymore? he's been like on hiatus for mental health or something right? hope he's doing okay
its been like what? over 4 years since it aired?
I remember seeing something about the hiatus ending in the last monmusu thread. No idea whether it was real, but a few anons said new content soon.
I liked the cows
We might be talking about two different things here
MGQ, not EMG
All, and once.
I thought the boobs were to ridiculously huge. I loved the satyrs though.
my bad I was thinking of monster musume when it aired
desu neither do I, but my brain just connected Boobs = Udders and it completely went over my head.
Umm guys, you are super late.
is there a new chapter out?
>finally a harpy as the main girl in a monster girl manga
>best girl is the kobold
God, I love Miia
isn't milking like foreplay to cows in the original doujin for monster musume?
I would a Mothra.
Next Friday.
are there any harpy species that are more mature looking?
It's coming sometime this week, I want to say it was the 28th.
I still want to fuck this horse.
Yep. It works on the new minos as well.
slightly autistic yet forward anime girls are the best
Nothing wrong with that, mate.
so is everything game as long as it doesn't break the hymen in the monster musume universe?
>polt will never be your weight trainer
Miia's got a lovely bust, but she's outclassed by a couple other girls.
her mom is pretty great too
do lamias canonically take a long time to get off or do they just require a lot of foreplay or something? I remember hearing that sessions take like hours
I still prefer Miia, but I'm heavily biased.
I think they're just always really horny
Kikimoras are the best
Domika is the best
It just makes sense
I feel like dopplegangers would make good actresses or cosplayers. I could be wrong but I don't think that has been explored in the manga yet
Based taste
Purity in its finest form
I assume you don't like the MGE Kikimoras, but I love them.
I will never be raped by a pack of dark elves.
Just popping in to give some representation for spiderfags ITT.
Desu I just made that image because it's fun watching people get mad over it
Ah, I see. Regardless, kikimoras are 100% wife material
rachnera gives off a very mature motherly vibe that I like. her getting really cuddly drunk off coffee was cute
Absolutely based
Domika is just an exceptionally good one
Snakes can have 1-150 babies at a time.
She is going to be a great mother to our children!
She'll be the type of mother that lets her babies eat her
She'll be delicious.
Delete this right now you fucking racists
Smug snake
>spider gf
>keeps sucking your dick for "protein"
>you know its a lie but you don't call her out on it
Kaiju girls when?
I fondly remember having tons of fun shitposting about monstergirls on Yea Forums. Then the retarded mod/muh rules drama happened and we were exiled to /jp/. Things just went downhill from there. I even used to writefag.
>12 beast
Is there even a reason to pick this up because it doesn't have nudity?
Id watch an anime of gijinka Godzilla yo be honest. An action show of sorts.
cute monster girls obviously