Is Berserk worth it?

people have been telling me nonstop to start reading berserk. i have already read through 5 arcs at mangadex and im still not interested by it. does the writing improve in the future?

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The art is the good part. If you are reading manga for the story you might be retarded.


5 arcs or 5 chapters?

If it is 5 chapters, it gets good in about 5 chapters. If it is 5 arcs, you already read the best parts.

What do you consider an arc? How far in are you?

of course i care about the writing, its an important trait about a manga

an chapter called "casca"

You're decently far in. Read until...well, you'll know when you get there. Then you can stop if you're still not interested.

>reading manga for the art not for the story
that is the dumbest reason i've ever heard. you might as well watch the anime.

At this point I don't know why you would start a long series that has a minimal chance of being finished. If it does ever finish you could probably read it in a short amount of time but it seems like a waste of time to read something known for having spotty releases that has already been running for over 30 years.

The anime all have shitty art though.

The writing and art both improve dramatically as it goes on.

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>does the writing improve in the future
Yes? But writing quality already should be impressive.
What manga in your opinion has good writing? genuinely curious

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JoJo (when the writer doesnt forget or drop some random plot point)
Death Note i guess

i have never watched/read much manga and anime in general.

Now is the best time to read Berserk.
All fans are basically on the edge of their seat waiting for the next release.
Basically something happened that fans have waited for since the 90's and then were put on the biggest cliffhanger ever.

>5 arcs
so... half the fucking series?
Everyone is saying this so far but just to reiterate, writing is not the appeal of manga, the art is. If you dont care about the art and only want a well written story, read a fucking book.
That being said I think the writing for Berserk is pretty good and since you clearly dont know what an arc is I assume you're still early in the series and it does get better. The art is mostly brilliant but in more recent days its had some lackluster chapters.
You should stop though, this series will never finish.

Yes, as long as you don't mind the fact that it doesn't have an ending and is almost abandoned by the author.

You have read 5 arcs of a manga you are not liking and still you ask if you should continue?
Imho the series become shit after the conviction arc anyway, just drop it

Do you have yours coming, Yea Forums?

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Don't listen to these Fags.
I've read Berserk like 3-4 times.
It's an excellent story with developed characters and amazing art.
Even the modern Fantasia art style looks good.
These Quadruple niggers complain about everything.
Despite going for 20+ yrs, Guts Is still growing as a character.

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I stopped reading for a while when it went on haitus and now i cant find where i was at when tyring to pick it back up. FUCK

if some one could help i would be greatly appreciative. last thing i remember was where guts was with the wizard girl in a swamp like area fighting a monster?


Yeah, who the fuck can realistically say it has a bad story. The golden age arc can stand on its own and the story from there only in my opinion gets better.

The problem is the release which is fucking suffering