Kemono Friends

This is my good friend, Northern White Faced Owl. She brought me groceries but I don't know how to cook them. What should I cook?

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's just a bunch of roux, can't do anything with that alone.

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Just add water. It's going to be a very boring curry, but it's curry.

I want to eat her cu__y


Bring her home

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Is she popular now?


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>What should I cook?
the groceries

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Oh god she is turning

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Away! Away!
What has science done?

>literally named after his most defining feature
>takes it off
Mine's losing his touch

I remember these were made when KF1 was airing.

Looks like they used something similar for the endings.

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I think I heard they got the actual person who made those to do the ending bits. Not sure though.

Oh, that's nice to read.

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Those are different people. The ED is made by @kona_milo

I wish I was Kaban. I'd get to live with the cute owls and teach them all sorts of things.

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Oh, that's not nice to read.

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Cute and funny things.

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curried rice?

>episode 11 in less than 24 hours
>nobody cares
Never seen something rise so high and crash back down to earth in such a spectacular fashion

>episode 10 was supposedly best of the season
>threads have been dead all week
I guess the people just want kuso friends and memes.

Ep.10 was only good by KF2's low standards. Mediocre is probably the worse you can be, at least a trainwreck can be entertaining. Boring is just boring.

Yeah, it was supposed to have just been the big reveal/cliffhanger episode too. Except nobody gives a shit about Kyururu and the big twist had no real foreshadowing building up to it so discussion has been dead.

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These seem to be those Ozapure videos about Seiyuu disrespect and whatnot, I think I found the Hamtaro part around 8 minutes in on the mio mio TV link.

Is there a full version of this song, yet?

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The album's out on

tfw no nee san jaga
why even live

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I know about Serval VA, but what did Margay VA to piss 2ch?

>Big reveal in episode 12 is the beasts are caused by aliens and Kaban had to put down her serval.
How much rage would this generate.

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enough to put the franchise out of its misery, which is a good thing.

Next episode when?

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Supposedly sided with Kadokawa. I don't know if it is true but I remember seeing it mentioned before in these threads.

How about some translation for non moon dwellers?

Dog damn that eyeliner desu wan

The only good thing from season 2.
I'll miss her.

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Better be prepared for her return, niggas.

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She is the mastermind behind everything.

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Doggo and passenger pigeon were cool other than that most of the friends were kind of meh

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I liked the speed demons

i love dead friends!

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What is she wearing on her arm? A Fitbit?

no, a Fitbeep

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she's so fucking cute, i want her to be my fitness buddy

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>Kemono Friends all took place in the mind of an autistic child watching the discovery channel

I'll take a Japari Chip™... and eat it!

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Yes, but at what cost.

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The lewds are the only thing I care about this franchise.

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What friend is that supposed to be?

Wish we get Kemono Friends 1.5, showing us what the fuck happen to firat season cast and maybe some tragic backstory one or two

I said cool not a fucking dork

Mascot of an educational show.

They all died except for Kaban who just died on the inside from survivors guilt.

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The hotel employees were cute


She lived long enough for the park to sink and everyone to forget her. Why do you think she seems so tired and detached yet still remembers Serval in S2?

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Friends when they die transform into their animal form and forget everything when they went back to their Friend form right? What if Kaban is able to remember everything even if she dies since she's a human Friend?

The immortal park guardian.
I wonder how many generations she tried to making friends with before them dying and forgetting broke her and she decided making friends was too painful.

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Kharak is burning...

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For the user who asked for this, I hope you still lurk here

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>director put more effort blocking people on twitter than his show itself
Why people should care about this show?

This is the best western meme i've seen in awhile.

Now this is a cute and cool MC, not the shit we got.

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Cute design

Not him but thats perfect. Thanks.

>the ferris wheel has been flooded. All orbital facilities underwater . Significant debris drift in near Park waters . Receiving no communication from anywhere in the isles... not even Lucky Beasts.

The new fox was top qt. Almost as sexy as Fennec.

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Where's the succ panda?

Died from lack of sex

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This is perfect

Wait, are the Japari Park islands fucking sinking? All the friends who can't swim are going to drown...

I'd assume it'd had to do with Sandstar fuckery.

they'll probably go with the whole tired ass "humans did this cuz muh global warming trope" that's become an ass pull explanation for everything under the sun now.

That wouldn't be tanoshii.

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It's for the best now.

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There's a lot of porn for an educational character.

Wild canids are the best creatures of KF.
Contrasting with caT*ïds who often exhibit low intelligence, mental issues and unstable personalities.

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She's cute

>Wild canids
Not domestic?

Attached: __dog_kemono_friends_drawn_by_asutora__61d26e187369b21aee530a16d980e3aa.jpg (900x1200, 206K)

Delete yourself.

"wild" is there to specifically to exclude the dog.

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Whoa why do they all hate higejii all of a sudden? I was giggling at how cute this video still is but when he came out suddenly they all started sperging.

>Kemono Friends all took place in the mind of an autistic child going to zoo
Impluing this wouldn't be a good twist

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This would be a much better explanation than what we have now aka "it's magic, I don't have to explain shit".

t. oilguzzler neocon

All the KF canines are very cute.

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(Cute) Girls don't have mustaches. Her bangs are mimicking a big mustache too.

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Huh. She's getting tons of fanart surprisingly. The other collab Friends outside of the Keroro ones didn't get much. I really wanted more Leo/Kimba art...

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>thousands of new fan art

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I'm here patiently waiting for the Beast Friends sequel personally

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just tired of a gay ass trope that's overplayed and has nebulous premises. might as well say I'M LAZY AND CAN'T WRITE.

I personally think this would be the most kino way to end whole series

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It seems like tons of people were surprised by NHK allowing this to be done with one of their mascots and even shown on tv.

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>Mine assuming direct control
>ending the series
oh you sweet summer child

What's the big deal? It's pretty much his thing. Let the man do whatever he wants.

How retarded are you


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I think his point is that Mine would want the series to just go on endlessly based on some stuff that has been said before.

>mfw there are people in the threads who are legit defending KF post Tatsuki

Yeah, about how Mine said he had 120+ episodes planned.

But that wasn't his point. His point was:
You want a "kino" end? Haha, too bad, with Mine you are fucked and you won't get anything good. If only Tatsuki was here..."

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No, I'm pretty sure that was his point. Ever heard of Keroro?

That wasnt Mine. That was the writer of this season, whos name I cant be bothered to even want to look up.

>whos name I cant be bothered to even want to look up
Literally, LITERALLY, seething.

What causes such behaviour?

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>do whatever he wants
and you think he wants to end it?

Your post doesn't even make sense. wtf?

Dont you ever get tired of this? Kadokawa isnt even paying you.

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Tatsuki doesn't pay you either and yet

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I really want to rape ezo red!

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what the fuck are you even talking about?

I wasnt even talking about Tatsuki

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Maybe yes, maybe not.
If he does then so be it.
If he doesn't then it's more KF for everyone (yes, even the anti-kadokawa internet activists).

PS: you are here forever and you will watch / read / play and maybe even buy anything KF related.

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For him, I'd do it for free

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At this point, ESL-kun has completely lost his mind trying to defend this show.

Where can I buy schadenfreude, "kemonotard"?

Cute onahole.

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the absolute state of kemonocultists

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I don't understand, are you retarded?

he's not the one defending kf2 you dumb coon

No one is defending KF2 though.

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How clingy would your friend/pet/wife be?

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>male human

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Shoebill is probably pretty clingy to Moose and Lion after takin their fat cocks

Would it be better if sgt frog comedy was added?
Also I just realized that Caracal is Natsumi and Kyururu is a female Fuyuki.

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Begone cerulean

That doujin is so hot


Too much support for this season, it's like supporting the guy that spit on your face and kicked you in the balls.

We will finally be able to heal after next week.

You can heal yourself right now if you want

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Farewell, good Human. May you find your worth in the waking world and be freed from this nightmare.

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The fuck is this

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Time to evacuate the thread until subs are out.

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Kusobird continues being kuso. They are doing this on purpose, aren't they?

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Tentacle friends?

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What was it?

I still don't get whether Friend-shaped Ceruleans are supposed to be a serious threat or not. Fake Cheetah is the only tough one shown as of yet, and a good deal have already been PAKA-N'd.

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stop smuggling endanger friends

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What's the point of pretending there is danger if all the enemies are taken out in one punch anyway?

what's the point of calling them friends if they're not?

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Blame s1 for putting danger in the series that wasn't meant to have it.

Watch them forget about the beast problem next episode.

Fitting that this joke of a sequel ends on 4/1.

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you mean the nexon game?

Oh boy time to open up this in my other tab while I wait for subs.

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What the fuck is even going on?

This quality of animation is fucking disgusting

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Here's your Yamato Cruiser, bro

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El Jefe could only get them so far.

>manages to make S1 ceruleans look good
fucking HOW?!

Every friend will get de-buffed on their STR and INT, for the sake of plot.

The only thing that's nice about KF2 is that it makes Tatsuki's stuff look even better than it already did


Finally being useful at something

I want to rub my face on Arma's legs.

Some anons claimed last week that the hotel isn't sunken, and was really build as a underwater hotel. Well, you can see the balconies, railings and doors now.

The ceruleans remind me of Word Art with how badly they stand out

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You still can't fuck it.

subs out

Nothing fucking happened this episode. There's no way they can take care of the countless loose ends with only one more episode.

>They find the ruins of her home
>Our adventure has only just begun, my Kemono Friends 2!
>Please play our game

Things to do in episode 12

Explain Kyururu's identity
Find Kyururu's house
Explain what happened on Kaban and Serval's journey
Stop the undersea volcano
Beat the ship Cellian
Beat the Beast
Explain what happened to Serval's memories
Explain why Kaban collects Lucky Beasts
Explain what Dog took from the safe in ep10

All in 23 minutes

>Things to do in episode 12

introduce a few new friends
abuse every single one of them for no reason
explain nothing
announce a third season with lower budget than kf2
promote kf2 merchandise

How the fuck is that building not filled with water?

Nuclear war?
KF1 reference?!

Mine confirmed for bro!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.13_[2019.03.25_19.49.39].jpg (1920x1080, 122K)

More like:

>do some pointless crap
>anger fans more
>announce S3

>cold opening

>go to futaba and there's fanart of this
Nips truly work fast.

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are these two even real

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>thrown and spin diagonally
>when flying it spins vertically
>end up spinning horizontally
What is that? quantum entanglement?

Her name is Tomoe, combining the words for Friend and Picture

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that's a volcano eruption isn't it?

Dud what the fuck.

Did you complain during S1 about how it had to explain everything during the last episode (and how it never actually happened)?

that's what the second season was (supposedly) for

>everything that might even slightly be wrong about S1 is S2's fault
That's just your head canon.

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PPPower rangers

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Yeah. Although KF2 was really bad, KF1 left a lot unanswered too.

How the fuck the glass isn't broken yet?


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KF2 ceruleans just need more budget (just like the rest of the series).
Those look how they should look at least. KF1 made them look like blobs of goo for no reason.

It explained everything it needed to

Fitting everything in 12 episodes is literally impossible as demonstrated by both shows. Nothing "wrong" with that, it's just that people are naturally going to have higher expectations for a sequel.

>hotel balcony bigger than cruise ship deck

Dota reference?
Kadokawa confirmed for bros!

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This is fucking hilarious. Sad but hilarious.

I mean, that's not right but it's not wrong as well
season 2 would definitely be used to explain major plot points left from season 1 had Tatsuki been kept as director/scriptwriter, but of course this isn't the case anymore and shouldn't be taken as such.


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I like the snake.

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>season 2 would definitely be used to explain major plot points left from season 1 had Tatsuki been kept as director/scriptwriter
We don't know that for sure. We could have had another adventure season with only 2 episodes of climax.

It quite literally didn't explain anything except Kaban's origins and even introduced conflicting ideas (how ceruleans look for example).

Finally everything is as Yoshizaki Mine intended: complete shit


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.56_[2019.03.25_19.14.08].jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

>multiple cerulean kills
So much for hyping up 1v1 fights.

Season redeemed

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Is this the train to Japari concentration camp?


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sen chan is a very skilled friend

so haughty

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Attached: owlshwitz.jpg (1075x1200, 712K)

>It didn't explain anything except the main plot and its surrounding plot line


Did Brap-chan die? Was this just a vision as her brain was shutting down from lack of oxygen?

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>We don't know that for sure. We could have had another adventure season with only 2 episodes of climax.
oh no, how horrible

What a fantastic smug holy shit

Attached: this fucking bird.png (1280x720, 499K)

Kemono Friends was intended as a multi-media product that would last over the time with new iterations. That's why leaving unanswered questions during S1 was ok since it was planned to stretch the content as much as possible. With this in mind its ok for S2 to leave unanswered questions for future sequels, the thing is that we have already reached a point on which we no longer care about Kyururu and all we want for her is to get the fuck out of the show by finishing her plot.

Attached: kemonogarren.png (1280x720, 956K)

All I take away from this is that friend-form Ceruleans are as fragile as soap bubbles.

So who was that friend in the picture that Kyururu was panicking about and pigeon was was asking about?
Is it supposed to be the beast?

I wanna rub my dick between pronghorn’s thighs

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>Is it supposed to be the beast?

Yes, but these ceruleans are so fragile even brap-chan can take her down with a punch.

>we no longer care
>we want for her is to get the fuck out
We? The anonymous legion?

I'm pretty interested to know about the main plot of the series.

Well... they did it. They managed to make the "everyone shows up for the finale" plot fucking retarded. I hate it.

Except blobs of goo actually worked perfectly as completely alien lifeforms made by magicking some materials together

I can't believe hulu-chan is fucking dead

All those Friends sounded really in pain when they were in the tractor.

Why are you looking at me?

Attached: not me bitch.jpg (1366x768, 460K)

It doesn't matter, my issue is more about consistency of the plot.
I liked the goo form better too (mostly because the S2 form is horribly modeled and animated).

You didn't like Kaban's truck of friends? It was the best part of the episode.

more like yamero cruiser

Welcome to the minorities club. Hopefully you will buy the 5k BD none else want to keep the franchise alive.

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that was just curly experiencing pre-instrumentality, don't worry bout it

Not sure if this is because I'm durnk, but this actually seemed even better than last episode.
The scriptwriting is still absolute trash though.

Well, it wasn't a bad episode, seems like it's confirmed that the record is safe on YGO Arc-V's hands

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I surprised.

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s1: everyone shows up to save Kaban because friendship and paying back for when she helped them first
s2: everyone shows up to complain to the manager and there ut happens to be plot going on there at the same time

Sounds like you've accepted the new shittiness as the baseline

>none else want to keep the franchise alive
you sound upset for apparent no reason

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Everyone showed up in both seasons because the park was in danger first and foremost.

What kind of friend goes into an acid trip upon falling into the sea?
Brap-chan clearly isn't human.

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The magic of bloomers.

Humans start tripping when they are close to death, dumbo.

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that's where you're wrong motherfucker

Attached: roadrunner.webm (1280x720, 168K)

How? Kaban't fused with bossu?

Attached: Ro-Kaban.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)

a discord post

Nice boat

This ep was hilarious, for all the wrong reasons, but hilarious nonetheless.

Feniku getting MATED
As all canid Friends in heat aught to be

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I fucking love King Cobra so much.

they're not so wise now huh

Quiet young one only dreams now.

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sen chan confirmed for strongest friend

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I'm upset with kdkw and muzusaki mine since 9/25, yet I'm even more upset with myself for giving this shitshow the benefit of doubt that it could be a decent- at-best show.

Can somebody explain to me what was the purpouse of this shoot? I felt so weird the first time i saw it

This is so insulting holy shit. What is even the point when they can walk faster?

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Well Dog never showed up last we saw she was breaking into the liquor cabinet.

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I'm extremely torn. Like half of the episode was fun but other half was completely idiotic.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.25.365.png (1280x720, 1.59M)

They might look ugly as sin but with ceruleans like this it's at least more believable that humanity might have been wiped out at some point.

Every volcano releases sandstar/ceruleum I think so if enough shit gets transformed, humans will get quickly overrun (important machinery, tanks, bombers, etc can get taken over and used against humans).

Attached: bote.jpg (1920x1080, 254K)

Why does a phone ring at the start of the opening theme?

>fake Cheetah soloing Serval and Caracal with ease
>original beats her in 2 seconds

Bow down to strongest friend.

Attached: cheetah-sama.png (650x720, 760K)

I've come to really hate that tractor.

Audio quality was trash. Is this HS fault or the studio?


Attached: snch.jpg (1133x1080, 72K)

It's because originals have a favourable matchup against their copies. Cheetah's copy was too fast so only an equally fast Friend could have taken it down.

Attached: 7541966.png (1024x768, 255K)

Mine's fault.

Let's kill an Araneae.

Attached: yes, it is.jpg (1366x1536, 363K)

Didn't it explain what happened to the humans? Everyone was thinking that they all died off but they just left the island. Sure we don't know what it is like outside of Japari Park but we do know that they're alive. As for the Cerulean thing, do remember that this is a multi-media project so something that happened in the game didn't necessarily happen in anime. This also goes for designs besides that I doubt that they had the budget to really make anything besides the blobs and Big Dog.
As I said in another thread to someone else, you're the minority of people we enjoy it. Everyone else either hates it or wants nothing to do with Season 2. You can blame it on Tatsuki being fired, poor animation, etc

Doesn't really matter anymore because Season 2 is a massive failure in comparison to Season 1. I doubt that this will kill franchise though it is a black mark on it. It really depends on how well KF3 does, though I doubt we'll ever see it come over here unless it is released onto mobile games. And seeing as how KF3 is a tie in, they'll likely answer most of the questions this season had there.

Dude, that's just undersea volcano. Mine is still asshole, so don't worry about it.

>see a fucked up monster near to the glass
>causally walk closer

Attached: 1464877010705.jpg (400x300, 12K)

>We shounen now.

Attached: 1527619630301.jpg (400x800, 54K)

Fuck off with your blogging.


Attached: A3DAEA76-FC46-49BB-99E9-413ADAC65A50.png (1036x1450, 915K)

>you're the minority
I'm white.
Now piss off doing your bandwagoning / activism stuff on twitter, futaba, nnd or wherever your kind usually dwells.

Attached: 62274407_p3.png (1200x1400, 510K)

I was trying to figure out why this was bugging me so much and I finally got it. The perspective on the wheels/axles is completely fucked.

That scene was incredibly dumb and unrealistic. Even compared to all the shit that happened in previous episodes.

What about those tiddies? Are they realistic enough for you?

Attached: 8434280.png (958x1243, 328K)

>The perspective on the wheels/axles is completely fucked.
Now that you mention it.

Attached: 1550734931665.jpg (234x216, 9K)

Being white as nothing to do with it. Just that you're in minority of people that actually like this season. Not my fault you failed to comprehend what I wrote.

Fuck off.

It's because they are turning around.
Have you watched the episode?

Attached: tractor.webm (1280x720, 564K)

Why do skeleton friends with big tiddies look so good?

are you autistic?

>one whole season without Otter

Attached: 1550800089651.jpg (850x1200, 105K)

Check the second wagon axles it looks weird in the last frames.

Nah you just get confused because of the razzle dazzle paint pattern of the trailers (there are two of them).

Post the image of the axle being fucked or fuck off.

Better picture

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.26_[2019.03.25_20.50.46].jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

Are tomboys allowed to carry princesses?

Attached: kusobird.png (38x59, 6K)

One wheel is slightly in front of the other?
From a visual perspective, the viewer is in front of the front wagon.

But there are 111 episodes left, user.

I quoted the wrong post.
Was meant to say that wheels looked alright.

>rear traction on the last wagon

Holy fuck

Christ those tits.

Are you feeling healed yet?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.21_[2019.03.25_16.32.58].jpg (1280x720, 98K)

There's a slight incline and the tractor and the wagons look like they're on a slope.
But it could just be me.
I honestly, I have no issue with the animation or perspective.
I think it's shit for brains trying to pick apart anything thing they can.

Compared to that scene? Yeah, realistic enough for me. Thanks.

Personally, I'm fine with it. I don't want to see how another friend from s1 is beind turned into brainless dummy like others.

Ok, time for serious talk.

Who is that?

Attached: who.jpg (1366x768, 660K)

You can't recognise the best girl just by the color of her lips?

Attached: 8197b660.jpg (1060x1586, 195K)

What a kachikoi friend.

realistic depiction of fennec

Attached: 71275722_p1.png (600x800, 621K)

That's the beast that raped kyururu-kun in the ass with her barbed futa cock

Attached: 1550036598297.jpg (1491x2048, 423K)

you have to be brainlet not to know it

that one isn't either. The precious girl with delish legs you posted is Bengal Tiger. The mass of angery one is Siberian Tiger.

Attached: Kemono Koncentration Kamp.png (1280x720, 1017K)

>pigeon is getting raped by tiger right now

discord is the other way trannie kun

This is what I'm thinking about since this shit appeared. Its just fucking insulting.

No one cares what you think.
Fuck off.

>he didn't see it when it was posted in one of the threads

Serval is otter 2.0

>Next stop the big fun happy train to S3 Friends Camp!

>Its just fucking insulting.

Attached: warotingtouhous.jpg (346x347, 57K)

except for you, apparently
just ignore it


So why it's bad to draw her when there already many others

Imagine traveling for hours on a slow, smelly, overcrowded crap train in broad sunlight. What is even the point?

This thread is full of insufferable faggots and ignoring and reporting it is the only solution?
I'm sorry, I'm going to be hostile until someone can hold a decent conversation about the fucking show.

Her copy will be gigastrong.

>implying it's just implications

I miss my dog

i think it just goes to show the power of S1 that it made a bus ride NOT look completely miserable

Episode 11
>Why the hell dancing birds have mystical powers? Is Mine can't use for this role some other friends. Like, actually mystical ones - like Tsuchinoko in s1.
>Why Kaban haven't used bus/car instead of tractor? She have one, we saw it in one of the previous episodes!
>S1: friends came to save Kaban, because she's their dear friend. S2: Friends are gathered together in some trailers and constantly complaining about why the hell they should go to save someone's ass.
>Why the scene, where Hululu falls from trailer, actually exists? There's literally no point of showing it.
>I wish hotel staff had more time on screen. In comparison to other friends they actually have some personality and I actually like dialogues between big-eared manager and lazy snake.
>That derp-ship looks really stupid.
>"Oh no! Evil clones came to life! Park is in danger!". Clones are killed with one punch/throw/kick/whatever with no problem.
>Wait... How the fuck friends are actually get inside that hotel? It's literally surrounded by water and there are no bridge or ships nearby.
>Where the hell is dog?

Was there a scene in S1 where they had to haul the entire cast through the island?
In the pre-final episode they just all appeared out of nowhere.

>Why the hell dancing birds have mystical powers
My dude, it's all in Kaban's head.

I can't wait to see the Kemono Krematorium.

Low iq: the post.

>mystical powers
Kaban was on the verge of dying and was tripping. It wasn't real.
>Why Kaban haven't used bus/car instead of tractor
Because tractors have traction. A bus might not be able to transport everyone with 2 trailers attached.
>S1: friends came to save Kaban
S1 friends came to save the island first and foremost. Same for S2 friends.

Now I can finally say that S2 was one of the most underwhelming seasons I've ever seen in show. You can totally see the difference between a season that had a journey and a goal versus a season that is only memorable by cute characters to offer and recycled assets like the sound effects/music. Well at least Kemono Friends can finally be forgotten despite its potential

Why would they agree to this? Especially the ones that can fly? Why Kadokawa?

Attached: [Nep_Blanc] Kantai Collection Kancolle The Movie .mkv_snapshot_00.38.57_[2017.09.14_01.20.22].png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

are you calling her Kaban just to hurt me?

>Why the scene, where Hululu falls from trailer, actually exists? There's literally no point of showing it.
And last time donkey saying something

>Wait... How the fuck friends are actually get inside that hotel?
Underground passage maybe. The penguins arrived via an elevator.

Ok, change my question.
When Kiululu-chan't meet friendly Tiger?

Does that drawing look particularly friendly to you?

>Where the hell is dog?
Next ep.

Why are you watching this trash

>2chan at 8k posts

A bit slower today.

what niconico raitings ?

NND version airs like 24h after the tv broadcast

or something

Attached: 76590E0E-832C-4FCA-9C9E-368DF7209573.jpg (2408x3320, 511K)

Fennec should be average, it's Arai-san that got big tits.

Just to have valid arguments why this show is really bad in my future review.

what a horrible fucking travesty this season has been. the first season re-ignited an interest in nature and the magical characteristic of the wild, and what has this done to me other than fortify the viewpoint that people are indeed labido driven morons who don't care one bit about intellectual or artistic merit, for the artstyle, appearance, and superficial merits of an art medium suffice for actual substance

Attached: eirin_w.png (279x327, 96K)

Kadokawa a best. Kadokawa gives us edgy magical girl show, edgy light novel adaptations, edgy softporn manga adaptations and other shows. It's truly good to be a powerhouse and having a near monopoly on all kinds of popular light novels.

extremely low iq and tryhard post above

As long as replies are given, it means that it did its job.

Nah the whole season is just an alcohol induced nightmare from Kaban trying to drink her tears away.

Attached: 1553520672048.png (1200x694, 1.19M)

Lack of so-called evilish aura, and shackles which make her look badass.

As a tatsukicultist, I will not watch Re:Zero season 2.
Oh wait, I'm lying. Of course I will.

Very, VERY low iq post above.

And yet, it does get replies.

I want to go drinking with a heartbroken Kaban and heal her

So is ep 10 the only good ep?

>Dwango has been under performing in the merger that they've had with Kadokawa (Kadokawa Dwango) which has affected NicoNico profits and their mobage and projects that Kadokawa has invested into them not reaching desirable sales
>26% less profit as a whole but on the Dwango side due to those and an impairment liability
>Dwango will be absorbed by the original Kadokawa and become branches of the Kadokawa
>major shakeup as most of the Dwango's CEOs and board members have retired or been let go which includes Mr. Kurita who retired from his position (the one who ranted about KanColle having SOUL and Azure Lane not having it) as the director of Kadokawa Dwango
>this gives Kadokawa influence over Dwango's operations while remaining its own company
>Kemono Friends expectations are low as seen in the 10K benchmark for the s3 game which means they have moved on and no longer expect and rely on those sales
>still dominates the light novel market and will be investing heavily into foreign streaming with the success of shield hero

Attached: KadokawaChad.jpg (960x540, 134K)

Would you adopt a loli Kaban?

Attached: aug7wdvipex11.jpg (2258x816, 1.14M)

Fellow true kemonobros. As we all know, Kadokawa is so almighty and powerful, nothing we do on social media can really hurt them, because in the end, we will keep watching and buying Kadokawa light novels.
I suggest we all commit suicide and post result on facebook about our utter humiliation to escape this cruel world.

It was also boring and pointless. Ep 9's fist half was actually good, then it fucked up itself.

Attached: IMG_20190325_152656.jpg (900x1200, 102K)

>all the pissy little boycotters who think they're sticking it to Kadokawa with "h-haha KF is not going to do well! they missed their chance at a golden egg goose!"
>reality is Kadokawa literally could not care less and just sees this as one among hundreds of properties in a spreadsheet
The only people who get hurt are the people who care enough about KF to still want to contribute to it. Oh well, at least we had our laughs haha

If that were true then they wouldn't have bothered with a second season.

Literally nobody in the West cares anyway. Kemono Friends was only some minor weirdo phenomenon among those dumb slanteyes on that tiny island nation that happens to make the animus we all consume for free.

Stale copypasta btw.

Game will soon reach the 50k goal.
Don't forget to register fellow kemonotards

Nah, it still just has a higher return vs risk. They won't do a third season.

>roadrunner is still bullied
this is the worst timeline

sue goy

Attached: serval.webm (480x600, 658K)

>S1: Friends get together to defeat the outside enemy, emphasizing the friendships made along the way, after Kaban risks her life to save her companion
>S2: Friends need to be bussed in as an emergency because Fart fucked up and summoned Kemono Satan through Calarts

Attached: Kemono Friends 2 Downs Syndrome Kyururu.jpg (252x283, 18K)

absolutely pathetic

Also bullying friends became the norm

Attached: IMG_20190325_155619.jpg (518x1400, 153K)

>unironically revealing yourself as being from Yea Forums
Now that is pathetic.

S1 friends literally pop out of nowhere to save the day. Also, water melts cerulean beams.

>They won't do a third season
Exactly, not after this train wreck.

They will if they deem that's it's worth it.

It took them two years to make S2.

If just one person in Japan accidentally buys one single BD of this show, the production committee will already get 10 times their investment returned, allowing for funding of at least two further seasons.

It took them two years to make S2 because they had to find an entirely new studio to make the damned thing and it turned out the studio didn't even have the appropriately experianced/skilled staff to make it and were hiring artists experianced with CG all through production.

they had already decided to do S2 before S1 was even over

Parkwide lucky beast notice, friends who cared about Kaban came
Water hardens black ceruleans

That's your own interpretation, sempai.

They came because if they didn't defeat the big dog the entire park would be fucked, that's a fact.

was it just a coincidence that all of them had personally met kaban before?

Yeah, now kemono friends can be forgotten or remembered by what s1 did

Don't respond to him user, it's bait or a speedwatcher


They weren't going to introduce new characters during the final climax...

There were plenty of friends shown throughout the series who they didn't get personally acquainted with and didn't show up at the end. It was literally only the ones they became friends with.

Ahem, ahem. Kemono Friends sorter cof cof

>friends who cared about Kaban came
It's like saying "friends who cared about Serval came".
Everyone cared about everyone, that's a given.
The goal was to save Japari Park.

>experianced with CG
It's not like Yaoyorozu was very experienced with 3D either.

Attached: boss.jpg (1920x1080, 121K)

Finished the episode. aside from the Roadrunner bullying, which was terrible, the rest of the episode was crap too.

even if they werent s1 still looks and is animated leagues better than s2

I like S1 graphics better overall, but that's pretty subjective. In the 3DCG shit is still 3DCG shit.

Attached: fox.jpg (743x787, 89K)

Post more dumb pythons

I hope kyruru dies next ep and everyone lives happily ever after

Attached: 1552953496457.jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

>tease Yamato cerulean
>get some resort cruiser

Attached: 1499578731416.jpg (500x434, 44K)

Dude, they just brought in whoever they could fit into the script. Friends like Fennec and Arai barely had any contact with Kaban for example. Or the Cerulean Hunter team, I don't think Kaban even ever met the third Friend from that group (African Dog was it?)

this is the second to last episode, the big clone war was gearing up, and i was bored as shit the entire time.
the slow ass tractor sums up this episode perfectly.

S2 doesn’t have fans, it has apologists.

Attached: 63AF4374-0B05-4CFD-85D0-40C76D679854.jpg (844x1181, 137K)



Attached: A8F93E25-BE9D-4EC1-A431-52B18A4447ED.jpg (1000x1000, 374K)

Dumb python.

Silver neesan

The nightmare will finally be over

Attached: 1553111017345.jpg (540x532, 67K)

Oh lawd she comin'

Attached: DH6x6jLUAAAAT-y.jpg (700x720, 116K)

You don't need to take sides. You just need to be a fan of KF. It's not either S1 or S2.

It's an important notion butthurt cultists will never understand.

Attached: 73848913_p0.png (1200x681, 1.15M)

What are you even talking about? S1 Ceruleans match the look of the original game way more than whatever the fuck these things are in S2.

Attached: Nexon_Ceruleans.jpg (2240x1600, 533K)

Kind of relieved and scared at the same time. I mean what if they announce a 3rd season? this season was a disgusting stale piece of fanservice

Attached: 1524150495547.png (581x720, 338K)

S3 will be under my control

That's a relief, Tatsuki

S1 ceruleans were just balls of goo though.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Kemono Friends - 09 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_16.47_[2019.03.25_23.40.00]. (1920x1080, 157K)

I wanna get raped by the beast


Attached: red cerulean.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

I don't really see Kyururu as similar to Fuyuki aside from the basic "weak but smart" concept, which also would apply to Kaban for example.

KF2 Caracal is kind of similar to Natsumi, but the issue is that she's very one dimensional compared to her. Natsumi is usually very friendly and warm. She takes all the odd ninja stuff Koyuki does without one word of complaint for example and is always ready to help her... unless she's dealing with Keroro or other non-human-like aliens, when she does get more aggressive and often nitpicks what they do. Caracal pretty much treats everyone the same (usually friendly, but when they do something silly or dumb she complains)

Why wouldn't these freaky friends have mystic powers?

Attached: lophorina-superba-superb-bird-of-paradise[1].jpg (416x300, 17K)

It's really sad that franchise is pretty much fucked.

KF3 still sits at 27k follows.

I meant to post this image there.

Attached: K66_c236_08.jpg (639x919, 237K)

Kimura is really a man of his word.
Anyone could direct this clusterfuck.

I want more seasons of sexy horses instead of friends not done by Tatsuki

That's Siberian Tiger right?
She saved Kyururu in episode 2. Was she already BEASTed?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.53_[2019.03.25_23.48.13].jpg (1920x1080, 135K)

If not even Jaguar could figure out magic, how could 2 dumb emo birbs do it?

Kaban feeds her to the monster she created

Attached: 1553524197593.png (768x768, 682K)


Yep, see her hands.


Attached: Bird mating dance.gif (200x150, 2.09M)

Have they said how Beasts are made yet? I am kind of curious about that.

Attached: bitchimfabulous.gif (480x264, 1.23M)


Kaban said on rare occasions Sandstar turns animals into beasts.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.47_[2019.03.25_23.55.07].jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

>S1 friends came to save the island first and foremost

Attached: 534645675.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

I regret having to use five cute beings such as yourselves...
But, as you are such close Friends, I'm sure this will be a success.

Attached: unknown[1].png (1655x936, 1.04M)

keyword is first and foremost

>Alpaca is alone and sad

I can't believe Hululu fucking DIED

>S2: Friends are gathered together in some trailers and constantly complaining about why the hell they should go to save someone's ass.
Do people just speedwatch this series just to rush here and bitch about random bullshit?
Pronghorn even princess-carried Cheetah so they can reach Kyururu faster.

Attached: tsun.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

Shit turned into a zombie survival MMO out of nowhere.

There is still more of a similarity to the original Nexon ceruleans than the literal diarrhea we have in S2

Attached: [Furenzu] Kemono Friends 01v2 - Savanna Area (BD 720p FLAC) [E2318443].mkv_snapshot_15.14_[2019.03.2 (1280x720, 160K)

The difference is that S1 friends never whined about things like this.

Just watched it, that was pretty underwhelming compared to the legendary episode 11 of the original.

Huh, that implies that she's encounter more then.

so the title of the next episode is "I'm Home" and we're going to get some dumbass "home is with your Furenzu" message, right
also Broly is going to kill some shit, with any luck

Why aren't they just walking?

Absolutely not. Those are just balls. Literal spheres. There's nothing to even animate. Those things just bounce around or just slide.

Nexon's and S2's versions at least kind of look like objects and machines transformed by cereleum (without saying anything else or even implying that they look good).

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.33_[2019.03.25_23.47.31].jpg (1920x1080, 332K)

We will never see them again

Attached: __brown_thoroughbred_chestnut_thoroughbred_and_white_thoroughbred_japan_racing_association_and_kemon (872x1000, 150K)

They never whined. Did you even watch the episode? Or maybe you don't understand the subtitles?

pay more attention when watching stuff user

Please just let me marry her, that's all I ask

Broly is gonna get debeasted

I don't hate that. Now if only animation wasn't laughably bad.

does she lack sparkle or is she just a big violent asshole or is she suffering some sort of sandstar overdose or what?



She's an Yea Forumsnon who found out Tatsuki isn't making S2.


Attached: BEEP.png (595x506, 284K)

I was sleeping. Now suck my cock user! Suck it!

Attached: 1548110215662.png (701x934, 776K)

ah, sandstar disorder then
I bet she'll work it out by beating the shit out of some ceruleans

Are sparkles canon to the anime?

I want a Beep! shirt

Tomoe a cute
Its wild what a different hairstyle does

they were never mentioned but it's part of the deep Kemono Lore
I'm trying to find my happy meal brain and fry up some tofu but there's not enough here

Back off, she's mine

Attached: 1506221270609.jpg (1000x1399, 964K)

Attached: 1553516737881.jpg (374x600, 114K)

>S1: the entire cast shows up in the most epic way possible with glowing eyes, the OP playing and the even the logo appearing in the sky
>S2: they travel by slowass tractor

"Sparkles" weren't mentioned in the guidebook, so it's pretty clear at least the name is out. That said, it still mentioned that Ceruleans could steal traits from what it absorbed, which is essentially what "sparkles" was describing. It just doesn't need some special word for it.

She's already married to Toki. That's a fact

Attached: c9ed951748d4a3f1a37790e3f308bf6c072900ee.png (718x984, 279K)

Yes, and? It's just some low tier cg anime, in the end.

>S1: entire cast shows up in beast mode with epic music playing and the logo appearing in the sky: "Kaban... we finally became... Kemono Friends..."
>S2: slowass tractor traveling through the desert, everyone is cramped up and pissed and buttravaged and all they want is to just for this to end

What sparkles?

A low tier cg anime that is the followup to the surprise megahit of 2017

Why are they using a shitty tractor to travel under the hot sun instead of the proper bus? Some of those friends are going to die from the heat and dehydration.

"Sparkle" is like your soul or whatever
if a human gets eaten by a cerulean they go into a coma and are said to have lost their sparkle
Cerval became a friend via Serval's sparkle

The moment you start trying to analyze a series like this you realize how many things are simply done for the sake of plot convenience.
The deeper you look the more you fuck up your viewer experience.

Attached: 6554709.png (1024x768, 392K)

The green serval from the game?
That's a bit too deep for me.

Jaguar are you satan now?

Attached: 5c437679729e776b9b8d1701d5fe84c.jpg (882x750, 74K)

Stop being retarded and look, actually look and analyze. Ceruleans go through different cycles as they try to mimic things but they always maintained some form of organic shape. Even the cubic ceruleans are rounded, mimicing plant cells. Even the overall consistency is kept between Nexon and S1 in that they look like they feel squishy. S2 ceruleans are full of hard edges and look like their skin is metal or hard.
S1 ceruleans are basic spheres but they at least kept the consistency of the original design.

>Ignoring how Arai-san and Fennec slowly grew to respect Kaban as she learned stories about her every place she went to and that they cleaned the volcano's filter together and formed a plan to get rid of the cerulean together as well
African Dog is here as well by the way
>questioning why a member of the Cerulean Hunter team was present on the finale, fighting the cerulean


Attached: arai cutie.png (1274x717, 1.56M)

Attached: 1551320399338.jpg (809x573, 57K)

IIRC she sacrificed herself to become the filter in the volcano to stop Ceruleans from spawning at least in the game.

World of golden eggs was also quite popular in nip land. Nips tend to be weird.

So was S1 and it wasnt piggybacking off the success of a previous iteration.

I gave it a shot, I wasn't having fun, now I'm going to overanalyze it
I always do this with media that I'm invested in (but I wait until after they're over)
there's some tofu around here somewhere


>S1 ceruleans are basic spheres but they at least kept the consistency of the original design.
The S1 ceruleans ( ) look nothing like That's a fact. They are just balls. Fucking balls a 8yo child can create in Blender in 2 seconds.

Remember Caban.

Attached: 1490698909800.jpgRem.jpg (1200x675, 81K)

this is basically what happened to KF

Kyururu. It's happening again. They feed on emotions. Kyururu, we live inside a dream, don't let Judy out.

Attached: 04giant happening again still.jpg (1163x640, 67K)

Where is the batcat?

>African Dog is here as well by the way
>questioning why a member of the Cerulean Hunter team was present on the finale, fighting the cerulean
Follow the conversion. Follow the quote links.

This is true for S2, sure. For S1, no.

Blame Kadokawa.

It's true for both shows because they both focus on a general idea to drive the adventure instead of having a clear plot and a solid setting.

okke, thats my threshold of a pain in the ass, what are we talking about then

Attached: 1551867784649.png (800x712, 98K)

What a horny bitch

I don't know who I'm talking to but the post that got quoted earlier is related to this conversation:
It was in response to how only friends that were very well acquainted with Kaban showed up.

Attached: beep_pt.png (800x712, 102K)

Attached: 1551975050628.jpg (1440x810, 426K)

Why do you keep responding to the obvious bait?

Attached: 1552117967138.jpg (672x1063, 268K)

>Looking at the camera
Geez, nuServal is a terrible actress

is this is one of those times where I got annoyed at someone who agrees with me and I just misunderstood?

>It was literally only the ones they became friends with.
That's my stance yes
> they just brought in whoever they could fit into the script
That's what I'm going against yes

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Shut up, kusobird

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Fucking this. Episode 12 managed to wrap everything up so nicely yet still had us wanting more.

right back at ya

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>Well Dog never showed up last we saw she was breaking into the liquor cabinet.
She's /OURGIRL/?

Those don't look like anything from either season


She deserved to be in a better show

All of them do

I feel like Bondrewd is the kind of person that enjoyed KF2, specially the doggo episode

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Remember 2 years ago when everybody lost their shit to ep.11 that it trended on twitter?

Vote for Punished Kaban-chan, a friend without her friends, to join the Yea Forums roster for the upcoming Spring Babby Cup by voting for NOT MUH KABAN in the poll below.
You can also vote for any other players you like or use the write-in section to suggest your own, write ins tend to hold a bit more weight and with enough support, could see that idea make the team.

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Just because you're easily amused, and can't be trusted with sharp objects, doesn't make anyone who isn't amused a raving fanatic.

I'm saying that they brought in Friends in no particular order for that scene.
If it was only the ones they became friends with then African Dog wouldn't be there, or the cerulean hunters or even Fennec and Arai. Many of the friends didn't spend much time with Kaban compared to, say, the owls, Toki or the beaver (which had almost entire episodes dedicated to them).

Yeah, now fuck off, insufferable faggot.

Dumb meme bird taking Chameleon's spot.

African wild dog was there because she was part of the hunter team, and Arai and Fennec were there to show support after clearing up the hat misunderstanding.

>Why are you watching this trash

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I'm going to vote for Weed Cat and theres nothing you can do to stop me.

Indeed. Just like liking S1 doesn't automatically make you hate S2.

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I know. Those characters were there because why the fuck not and there's no deep meaning to it.
The important part is they all came to help overcome a crisis.