>tfw no elder god gamer girl gf
Tfw no elder god gamer girl gf
Hows the series so far?
It ended
Who won and how did the others take it?
MC got fucked
Still can't decide if that's good or bad but that's Nyarlathotep for you
>Reading a collection of Lovecraft because of this show.
>Nyarly barely shows up except to make some guys wander in a post-apocalyptic wasteland toward their doom once which was cute because she was mad they thought she was fake.
This stuff sucks ugh.
Mahiro "took" it really well.
Like they literally fucked?
I'm an idiot and still sleepy, I thought this was a Twintail thread.
This show had some of the weirded experience for me in anime
>Crappy flash anime is surprisingly good and funny with good Lovecraft references
>Sequel series with slightly better art and a fully animated ed that's still really funny
>Full anime gets announced
>It's a crappy battle anime with nothing but Jojo and Kamen Rider referenced
>Lovecraft connection is skin deep
did she rape him?
God I wish that were me
She lives on in our dicks' hearts, user.
What happened to the other ones in the end?
They went to their own planet, fin.
>be gay
>be a trap
>notice people like to make jokes about traps being gay and/or making you gay
>tfw people use the meme traps for it and ignore you despite you being a trap who is literally homosexual
>another "nobody gives a fuck about people the MC doesn't fuck" episode
I'm really not a fan of this.
Alright so on a scale from 1 to Hayate no Gotoku, how little of a shit does this anime give? Or is it beyond Hayate in that regard?
It's the fate of harem girls, either leave or stay alone forever.
well, Kuuko and Hasuta could always just fuck each other...