Why do they pay for so many 3DCG anime?
Why do they pay for so many 3DCG anime?
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Netfflix is the corporate equivalent of a boomer who wants to get into anime but doesn't actually know what people watch so they throw money at terrible 3D projects because they think that's what the youngsters want.
CG is a good thing. Think of the savings when you can just reuse character models for sequels.
Based netflix
3DCG isn't the problem, those shitty live actions are the problem
Who wanna bet they'll make a live action of NGE?
Nah fuck off, I'd rather not have an anime at all when it comes to kino manga's, it leaves the IP open to be picked up by a studio that actually gives a damn/isn't lazy or incompetent.
Who the fuck are they, user?
You do realize that western Death Note la was in production hell long before netflix had anything to with it?
And it's not like japs need help fucking up live action most of the time.
Only Yea Forumsutists & s/a/kugacancers sperging about MUH NO 3DCG IN MY ANIMU.
Well, guess what all studios are using it without any exception.
They'll remake Evangelion but in CG.
They = Netflix execs
It wasn't just DN, there's Bleach, Tokyo Ghoul, FMA
it's cheaper to make, even the 3d models can be reused for other movies
And you do realize netflix had fuck all to do with the production of those except being a platform for distribution?
Avatar the Last Airbender and Neo Yokio are more anime than Pingu.
Pingu is animated and produced by Japanese companies (Polygon and NHK).
Do you consider Sazae-San anime?
I think its fine that they are pushing 3dcg
Shit won't get good if they don't practice, and it has a greater potential than 2d, which is running on fumes (the whole thing is one labor union away from crashing)
worse. rich boomer.
Well your paying for everything thing else. It's not like it's the anime network on my DVR, funi or extra subscription for Netflix anime.
Why are Netflix shill threads always so blatant? I swear every single one is started with the same 2-3 images of the logo.
boomers > zoomers
How big of an affect is Netflix having on anime, anyway? Anime that streams on Netflix in Japan seem to have lower sales of DVD/BD's which I assume is due to the shows being readily available whenever people want to rewatch them. Is it a good thing to wean people away from hyper expensive 2 episode BDs? Or are we heading to a future where any old shit gets endless sequels because they stream to an acceptable level?
You guys think their Altered Carbon anime is gonna be 3DCG dogshit, or just regular dogshit?
Yes. Anime AFAIK it's just animation produced by Japanese companies.
They're trying to kill anime so sad autists will stop watching foreign cartoons and subscribe to their garbage instead.
>do you consider anime anime?
but they haven't improving the 3d cgi they still use the cheap shitass looking cg
Half of anime is made by Korean companies.
Because Netflix is the literal devil.
It is more about being present in the wider media market. They're throwing money at everything and don't care if it sticks. It doesn't matter.
Remember when the idiots were saying Netflix would save anime
Firstly 3DCG shit isn't anime, secondly it's because that cancer is cheaper and faster to produce. CGshit is hated in the anime community and we know it's aesthetically inferior to real anime but these bastards want to get CGshit accepted among normalfags so that they don't have to fund proper hand drawn anime. Lets just hope EVA does well, it might get them to change their approach.
Live action, as cancerous as it is, isn't as bad as 3DCG.
>CG is a good thing.
Not for the fucking consumer. What are you a corporate shill?
This. Same with castlevania.
KF S1 and Kemurikusa are better than 90% of anime
>ironic weeb defending cancer
Pingu or any other 3dcg cancer that Polygon do, isn't anime.
Really? They've been very slow to pick up actual anime and very weirdly interested in 3dcg shit that doesn't even qualify. It's like these fuckers don't respect anime as a 2d artform.
It's probably more like they're just buying stuff that's available or is willing to let them have a spot at the production table. It's not like Netflix is really saying
>here's some fucking money you dumb gooks now make me some CGI shit
Especially considering how many of their western animation productions like Castlevania, Bojack, She-Ra, etc. are still 2D animations, if digital.
The vast majority of stuff is anime being made and Netflix just buying distribution/simulcast rights outside Japan.
Anime = animation = shit like 2d, 3d and even fucking stop motion
A studio could draw fucking lines in sand that makes out a story and call it anime
>being this much of a newfag
No. It's an iconic 2d style.
a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children.
sucks they are absolutely butchering kengan asura with 3dcg.
This man knows what's up.
This one doesn't
>thinks cgshit is anime
I agree user. Not in terms of aesthetics obviously but as shows.
Doubt that's all there is too it. Why are they ruining shows with cgshit adaptations that no one asked for? like the new GITS movie
What I mean is they're not interested respecting anything. Maybe there is something in the idea that 3dcg can scale better as an industry and they want to get in early, but it is purely about making Netflix dominate. The 'Facebook of streaming' is what theyre betting on. Dominate the market before it is regulated.
In Yea Forums terms I'm totally with you though. The integration of SMEs into the wider Japanese economy is relevant to anime. Could be trouble. Could be the making of pixiv. I'll hold your hand in the future, user
You're making the faulty assumption, again, that Netflix is commissioning development of these things. They might be, but it's far more likely that they're just being made, studios are being picked, and Netflix has some licensing director just picking things that'll pad out release months or be popular with 25-40 male demographic or something.
>hey we're getting published by netflix
>ah fuck it, why even bother. Let's go with CG it's not like they give a shit
CG is good for reuse, which is great if you're a beancounter.
But it's terrible for anything that changes. Costume swaps, changing locations, one-off characters, changing styles all get more expensive with CG.
They put out that "Love, Death & Robots" anthology. It's not anime but it's solidly animated and fluid, and doesn't have characters just randomly freezing or seizing up, which is the biggest issue with CG anime; that it's trying too much to mimic 2D animation instead of utilizing the inherent advantages of 3D animation over traditional animation.
cgToddlers btfo
I like traditional animation. I'd rather try them to refine CG to match it than trying to be something else.
That's literally the Rebuilds.
>ghost in the shell
>maybe if we spam it enough, it will just become the norm and people will accept it
Keep trying Netflix.
>he doesn't know how (((they))) are
yes good go-... subscriber. 3 months free, just need your credit card ti authenticate your new account