ITT: Trash

ITT: Trash

Attached: Sora yori mo Tooi Basho is garbage, and you should feel bad for liking it.jpg (640x960, 253K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yorimoi is indeed trash.

Attached: Forced Drama.jpg (3840x4320, 1.07M)

this is probably the most overrated show of 2018.



Dumb samefag.

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Must be hard being a shill.

Attached: Shows that were shilled by CR.jpg (1920x960, 711K)

remove net-juu

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This and VEG was the most overrated pieces of shit I have watched. Pretty funny that they came from the same season.

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You posted it.



Trash is going to far, I still think it was very good.
Definitely not the godsend AOTY a lot of people say it is tho.


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>VEGtards at it again

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Nice Discord raid

rent free

gomen gomen~

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I'm glad that after calling it forgettable he's still posting about it a year after it finished.

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>Hanakana anime gets shilled ad nauseum
every time

I fucking hate that bitch.

You, uncultured swine: AotY is trash

Me, enlightened:


Attached: 01.jpg (1366x768, 110K)

Kill yourself samefagging VEGtard

God yea, such cringey shit.

Try again KHK.

Attached: NO.png (356x170, 4K)

>this trash
>better than bunny girl senpai
yea right

I didn't like VEG all that much after it was over. I watched it 2-3 times but out of order. It certainly wasn't AOTS.

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style over substance shit

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>Still arguing about last years winter season
You people are fucking pathetic

It's one guy still seething over yorimoi being AOTY

It's pretty obvious that's it just khk at this point.

Cishet males have no right to place such a woman-objectifying anime in the same level as A Place Farther Than The Universe. Don't @ me.

>implying it wasn't bunny girl

Attached: Bunny-Girl-Senpai-Mai-Manga.jpg (640x360, 46K)

>woman-objectifying anime
>literal underage FAGGOT

ITT: people who parrot the opinions of youtube anime """critics"""

In the end, it is just one of those "Cute girls doing cute things in ________".
And not only this, but also "have a haircut to upgrade your character".

>he goes to youtube
wow you're pathetic

Not even anime of the week.

Except the girls are ugly.
It's "ugly girls doing melodramatic things" (UGDMT).

It's clear to anyone who isn't a newfag that it's KHK. Spamming "VEGtard" and trying to force conflict with Kyoani, it's obvious who it is. Really though this has nothing to do with Antarctica or any AOTS. This guy is genuinely mentally ill and obsessed with Kyoani. He irrationally and unjustly hates them and will use any means necessary to get people to dislike the fans and the studio by proxy. Just wait till the next Kyoani show airs, he will be there to false flag and force shitposting with whatever other popular show airs at the same time. This isn't even about Violet Evergarden, it's about Kyoani.

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kill yourself.

You posted it.

It was the most interesting season we'd had in years, you can't blame people for longer on it

I thought being an SOL was a prerequisite for being a CGDCT? Sora Yori is a drama

It is. See

Not really melodrama, but more accurate I suppose

Yorimoi is the definition of melodrama.
"A sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions."

I could see believing this if your only exposure to the genre was a single definition, but you underestimate how exaggerated it's meant to be. Sora yori hews much closer to realism than the pinnacles of melodrama like Medea. The best melodrama is usually theatre, so it's hard for most people to be really familiar with it


Reminder that Violet Chadgarden is better


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Shit false flag KHK. You're not fooling anyone.

ITT: Rent Free on both sides

Based tripcode friend



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This. Was made obsolete by Madoka.

can't believe it took me 4eps to drop this dull shit

This show is actually bad though, no one argues it isn't except the 15 tumblrfags who kept watching it as it aired

Worse than Sword Art Online.

This is so fucking true. At least SAO had decent parts. I dropped this shit half way through ep2 but i was able to sit through a season and a half of SAO.

This is some next level free rent shit.

But it was great. Easily AOTY 2018 and a good candidate for AOTD.

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ITT: OP's favorite shows.

>masively overrated garbage
>anime of the anything
kek, i laughed


Nah, you go back there faggot.

good one

They still haven't dealt with the fact that Yorimoi was AOTY.

Stop replying to yourself KHK. No one is gong to fall for your blatant false flagging.



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>doubling down
You're not fooling anyone into thinking you're a yorifag. Stop embarrassing yourself already KHK.

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>he thinks changing his IP will fool anyone into thinking he's a different person
Stop spamming KHK, no one will fall for it.

came here to post this

dumb clusterfuck

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This. Looks like shit too and the MC deffo had autism.

It was very damn good unless you have gutter trash taste, sure the writing is not perfect and has a couple or more moments that make you call bullshit, but the overall experience is simply delightful ¿Does it deserve AOTY title? Probably not, but it's pretty high up there.
Not bad, but terribly disappointing, didn't help that every medium overhyped it.
Sadly true for the second half of the TV series, the OVA series remain a remarkable work of art.

in the same vain as VEG.
shows for normalfags who've never felt depession but like to pretend.

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Dude fuck off. You don't know me, my life is fucking torture and depression and i liked Violet Evergarden. I don't have a good family.

sorry, you're still shallow.
i bet you also like Jun Maeda too with all those generic potrayals of depression and despair.

You sound like a huge faggot.

Yes, Sasuke, your depression is unique and special.

Dear mom

None of these Yorimoi haters are capable of actual criticism. Oh no, it has crying, oh no, the series has some emotions.

What souless shit did you think was AOTY?

the yurishit by the same script writer.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yagate Kimi ni Naru - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.16_[2018.10.26_21.12.38].jpg (1567x881, 100K)

>None of these Yorimoi haters are capable of actual criticism.
Not everyone is emotionally vulnerable like SoYo boys, it's just natural that people who aren't emotionally weak wouldn't rate it as highly.

>What souless shit did you think was AOTY?
Yuru Camp.

Mub Shitco is the biggest pile of shit I've this so far this year

I always check these threads because it always cause damage control on Kyoanifags.

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>the OVA series remain a remarkable work of art
Why? I’m genuinely baffled every time I see this opinion.

>Lady Koto kissing Koto as they fall with the broken looking glass
>Nerdy scientist girl and her cartoonish gang
>Beautiful and happy family moments
>Koto being cute as heck
I'm baffled that people can see past it.

>he's still going at it
You must be genuinely autistic and retarded.

Man, none of this shitposting would've happened if the show just aired in a different season.

AOTY was Tonegawa

fuck no

>being this rent free
give me more user, cry! It makes me really happy.

Oh you're one of those muh kiss fags. I don't see how you could hold the OVA - which is just random well animated shit happening without context - over the TV series which contains all those things but placed within an actual story that demonstrates excellent orchestration of themes and symbolism otherwise.

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Too few little girls, so no.

Nah, KyoAnifags are ruthless shitposters. They would have “found a way”. They’re getting particularly restless lately because we’re nearing the end of the decade and they still have nothing to compete with Madoka for AOTD. What’s really funny is that they’re latching onto Violet Evergarden even though it’s maybe only the 3rd best KyoAni work from this decade. We’ll probably still have to put up with their guerilla shitposting until 2021 or so.

More like you're just an obsessed autist. I'm probably the most hardcore violet fag on the board and i don't care about kyoani's other shit. I just like Evergarden, simple as. There is no studio loyalty bs.

This show has nothing in particular to do with it. See

>KyoAnifags are ruthless shitposters
Provide proof that isn't false flagging.

Can you fucking stop already? how long have you been doing this shitposting? like 6 months? stop already you seething faggot

khk is insane, he wont stop unless mods rangeban him

Yes you are OP.


>he's been on Yea Forums for 6 months
kek. get a life you fucking loser

That does nothing these days. They need to ban phoneposting entirely

yama no susume >>> yuru camp

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>VEG is the only good thing KyoAni has done
Now this is actual cringe.

Holy shit, YoriMoi fans are shitposting in other threads now

More like 15 months. I admit, I underestimated their autism.

Jesus Christ they're out of control.

Original is worse to be honest.

>KyoAnifags are ruthless shitposters
You made a current affairs statement and you've failed to provide even one example in an hour. I guess you're just mentally i'll.

Define "KyoAnifag". Because I like the studio, as any true anime fan would, but i'm not a cultist who would defend their bad decisions.

this shit

Attached: Naruto_Uzumaki.png (1440x1080, 1.22M)

>What souless shit did you think was AOTY?
pop team epic. but nobody wants to admit a comedy was aoty

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - 07 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_09.05_[2018.02.17_16.14.35].j (1920x1080, 204K)

tell me where you at right now im trynna fight you

So, obvious contrarian tryhard faggot thread?

This thread

Why are the 5 VEGfags on this board so obsessed with YoriMoi?

Ewww just shut up, you're just embarrassing yourself

because it stole all the critical acclaim and popularity they think veg deserved

this goes beyond rent free


Maybe if you keep repeating that phrase it will mean something again someday

It was clearly bought up out of nowhere in this thread.

This was awful just because it was all exposition.

>no one's mentioned darling in the franxx
Explain. And don't pretend it was good.


flcl is pleb filter

Correct, but both > Yorishit

>yorifag sending anyone to reddit

pleb magnet*

>rise of the shield hero

literal polished turd, watching it was a chore

*incel hero

also yea, can't believe that garbage hasn't been posted yet

what were they thinking, giving this piece of shit franchise a reboot.

I don't get why so many people like this show, it's another fucking isekai and it doesn't even make sense

Great eds and a deep message

Gridman was worse honestly. like a cheap ripoff

yup, probably the dumbest and most embarrassing shit I've ever seen

Look at me everyone! I dislike [popular thing], aren't I cool?

That doesn't look so bad. I originally dropped it because I couldn't look at it, 2 eps in.


Be fair. It's just a show for tweens.

>they still have nothing to compete with Madoka for AOTD.

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Yeah dropped it on episode 5, couldn't stand it anymore. That running montage was major cringe, so forced.

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3x3 are all inherently garbage but people seriously putting garbage like oregairu as on of their top 9 makes me seethe because of how painfully shit it is, at least all other shows in the list have merit.

Yori and VEG are both forgettable trash desu

>at least all other shows in the list have merit

Attached: 1552775326555.png (1280x1534, 273K)

>discount Monogatari for special kids
Well, at least it wasn't that bad as Monogatari Killer

The only funny parts of this show were the Bob Epic Team skits, and only half of them because they were carried by the VAs.

Bob Epic Team segments used the same VAs for the whole show though?

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I must have remembered incorrectly.

>Yorimoi image in op
>ctrl +f "veg"
>10 results
like clockwork

You forgot to add Darling in the Franxx, Yuru Camp, Cells At Work, SSSS Gridman and Zombieland Saga

Pretentious trash.

Attached: Yurikumaarashivisual.jpg (261x382, 28K)

Please tell me how the fuck you managed to do the mental gymnastics necessary to call this "moving the goalpost"

Have you thought that, perhaps, you just don't like anime?

fuck off. yori is a classic.

The only good anime worth watching in 2018 was VEG (and Tsurune), everything else is overrate unwatchable trash so it offended me deeply that trash like YoriMoi, ZLS and Yuru Camp ranked higher than VEG

why are you responding to obvious bait?

MMO junkie any good? girl looks cute.

depends on how many coincidences you can stand

Kill yourself, shill.


>Violet Evergarden
>forgettable trash
You wish.

It's monogatari done right.

It already established itself as a modern classic.

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You're still right even if you remove adaptation

>not urban fantasy

I guess now that CR is going under their army of shills can't keep the true feeling of Yea Forums any longer.

It's honestly funny how hard CR shilled this.

what is funnier is how they forgot it after shiling for it so hard. It's like they disowned the show after winter 2018.

>It's like they disowned the show after winter 2018

Attached: aOTY 2018 Responses.png (1222x748, 48K)

See CR shills every flavor of the month show that they produce. After they're done shilling FotM x, they move on to FotM y, and so on. This time they tried shilling Shield Hero, but it didn't work.

>he finally shows that numbers can be edited.
bravo yoritard.

>editing a spreadsheet to make people believe Yea Forums picked Yorimoi as AOTY
The only remaining Yori shill must have been extremely butthurt.

this. instead of fetish harem bullshit

At least if you take away that one person Yuru Camp is AOTY by a long way, which is nice.

Attached: __inuyama_aoi_kagamihara_nadeshiko_kobuchizawa_shirase_miyake_hinata_oogaki_chiaki_and_others_sora_y (1200x800, 379K)

>VEGtards still autisticly obsessed with this show a year after it aired
>Tries to claim that Yorifags are the ones living with VEG in their heads rent free

Attached: 374893216478.jpg (960x1440, 204K)

veg and kaguya are trash

>has a strong character
>character has drive
>character drives plot
>character has closure at the end
>story ends perfectly
>is somehow bad
I fucking hate Yea Forums and I wish I spent my 13 years elsewhere fuck you cunts.

>bad animation
>extremely unattractive character designs
>3DPD-tier character personalities
>infinite amounts of forced drama
>mood whiplashes
>unfunny comedy
>bad direction that pretends to be good but fails
>NGNL poster placement (we also made this show, you guys; please buy this anime)
>appalling sound design
>miraculously working laptop
>not even enjoyable to watch
>insert songs
>the "haircut" trope to mask Jukki Hackada's inability to write
>leaving the money in Antarctica because "sentimental value"
>among the best shows of the decade
Yorimoi is a melodrama overrated by e-celebs. Its attempts at serious storytelling and directing come off as forced. It fails to narrate Shirase's growth properly, relying on the classic "haircut" trope taken straight from Nisio Isin, because the writer (Jukki Hanada) had to find a way to develop a character despite his lack of talent. I feel that series is an insult to the industry, as it's a completely manufactured product, akin to Bollywood movies. It's full of mood whiplashes and it fails to maintain a tone for more than 5 minutes. I despise that series.

But all those fuckers shilled this show like crazy and i have none idea why.

Lupin part 5. The most soulfull anime of that year.

It would have been 10/10 if it turned into The Thing in last episode.

yeah totally

FLCL. What a shitty cartoon, cant believe i was conned into watching that schlock.

Attached: FLCL-2.jpg (1024x659, 121K)

ikr. i can't believe gainax actually made that shit ahahahahahaha

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gainax jiggle physics or gtfo

SoraYori is a great show and not matter how much you shitpost or samefag, that won't change.

Kill yourself, shill.

Keep seething, even after a year, keep seething.

show me your mal or equivalent i trust your tastes more than i do the majority here

Nice falseflag bump

>Ctrl + F Devilman
>0 result
So this is the Crunchyroll containment thread?

>he still thinks rangebans do anything


Imagine being so obsessed with a show that you still try to start shit a year after it aired
Imagine these threads still not dying after 10 replies because retards keep feeding the troll
I can't wait until another dumbfuck shoots something and they finally close this place forever

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