Would a former soldier, like Violet, make a good wife?

Would a former soldier, like Violet, make a good wife?

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Attached: baireddo and banne.png (2296x4376, 927K)

Only if you raise her into one.

>hnnng this female terminator is so good at fighting and genociding people
>hur durr would she make a good waifu
You guys are like the counterparts to fujos lusting after edgelords. Literal Sasuke fags.

Yes, but she would be a terrible father.

having a fake autist like yourself marry a real life autist with ptsd probably wouldn't end well for anyone, no

That's really up to you *Cloud

Attached: Loveandmarriage.gif (264x264, 436K)

>trolling outside of Yea Forums


Attached: How indeed.png (248x256, 65K)

If you slot a mana intense spell to a lower level output on a character sheet, TECHNICALLY.

I'm not really into girls who start swinging broken beer bottles when you forget to retie the bread bag.

why is there an arrow in your name field

I don't eat bread and have discovered the cure for alcoholism your mediocrity is invalid, my general
Why is there an arrow in your leg

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Imagine coming home from a long day of work to eat Violet's delicious, home cooked meal.

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That's a false equivocation, see me after class.

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You never saw the anime right?

at least she'll never be able to kidnap a girl and force feed her eggs

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She tries, after all. Violet, her heart casts fragrant odors. When you hear her voice, the roots of the flowers pierce your body and drink the water from you, and then bloom like sunshine. That's what Violet Evergarden means

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what's violet's hourly rate?