>he watches a show aimed at japanese little girls
explain yourselves, /precure/
>he watches a show aimed at japanese little girls
explain yourselves, /precure/
Other urls found in this thread:
It's simple really, I am a little girl
>he doesn't want to be the little girl
In my heart is still a little girl
Oh, but where is the restroom?
>Okawaii koto~
big precures
We are all little girls here.
who is this girl
Big lewd precures.
>little girls
Most Cure are adults. Ask Lala about that.
Hikaru was really great this last episode. Where do you think she rates among the other pinks in terms of brains?
It makes my peepee hard.
Not that bad actually. Hikaru is not special like Miyuki or Megumi.
Most Precure are human children. Lala is the exception.
Lala has to follow the Japan's laws while she is here and she's not an adult until she's 18 because of that. Yuri is almost an adult, but she's also a loser. Being a precure past middle school is a big no.
She's just a social idiot, probably not a real idiot. I bet she's ahead of Nozomi and Grace at least.
>The Nono family and most of the town is a big no
The first 100 episodes of Aikatsu were legit top tier, then it went to shit after Ichigo left.
>and she's not an adult until she's 18 because of that
Lala wa otona run
I guess a fruit really doesn't fall far from the tree
>town elects a loser to design all of its robotic workers
>not a bunch of losers
Kotori is the exception, obviously.
Yuri is not a loser. She is the second strongest Cure. Blossom is the strongest Cure.
Of course she is, because she's an adult playing on the middle school team which makes her a loser.
I miss her lads
Her lads were the second-worst part of that show though. After her.
I tried many times to watch one precure show. But it is always fucking boring.
But before precure was made, there was Ojamajo Doremi, which is great!
How come they never managed to do something as good as Doremi again?
I should've put a comma there, I'm sorry
precure paizuri
I want my own Puff, she's pretty cute.
Twinkle has been pretty shit so far
Care to share with us what did you expect exactly?
Something of the same or better quality as Hug2
I actually like ST.
Blossom? Lolnope. Black, Dream are stronger.
Define quality
These girls can definitely survive atmospheric reentry if even a cosplayer can do it.
Don't say it like that's surprising. All the cool kids like ST.
Cool kids of the 90s like SW.
I really really like Hikaru
I really like the space nerd. Would sperg out with her about the BFR.
Elena is such a kind girl.
Good diplomat.
I like to rate Peach above Dream in terms of raw power and competence, Nagisa is usually "Too OP plz nerf", the "I'm the strongest Precure!" stuff of Blossom is just in her universe, and silouette a hack.
No doubt the penultimate ep will be like that, the girls + Kot fighting the big bad in space and after the final Finisher someone (Hikaru most likely) is knocked out and falls to earth, ending in cliffhanger.
Hey novel-user, anything to report?
I found out today that someone else started translating the Fresh novel a couple years back. But unfortunately when they gave up the project, they also scraped almost all evidence of it. I thought it might be a lead to a raw, but no dice. You're our only hope, novel-user!
Better than watching the trash that's modern anime what with
Cucking, waifu wars, dense protags, shonen trash, and the list goes on.
As odd as it sounds I think toy commercials aimed at 8 year olds are more sincere than shows aimed at adults these days. Most people I know and see online anymore are so caught up in cringe culture and being afraid of getting mocked for expressing a genuine passion for something that it's seeped into media itself. Just look at how snarky and self-aware the average MCU movie is for an example. I think I prefer my entertainment to be made by people not afraid to ask the audience to clap their hands if they believe.
She is pretty cute.
i like her more and more every episode
Welcome to Precure, enjoy your stay!
costume swaps are cute
It's mostly the label of >little girls show that puts the normal crow off, I went to a rental video searching the Kira movie and they said "Precure? What's that? . Ohhh that, sorry, we don't sell that serie". Genuinely pissed.
I wonder why negom got a liking to this pair when Hikaru/Lala and Madoka/Elena exists, Hell Sakurako/Madoka is fine too.
Hikaru and Elena were the standouts in this episode. I hope that Hikaru acts like this on every planet they visit. She's growing on me a lot.
Probably the hair colors, kinda feels like Negom's thing isn't it
Blossom is the most powerful by virtue of being voiced by Nana.
I did a literal spit take when she pulled that meta-gag. Has Precure ever done that before? It was great.
>you are hairless
What did they mean by this and where's the doujinshi
I'm not sure if its been done before in Precure, but it caught me off guard too.
At least it's age gender appropriate. And here's something you might not have thought about: just don't watch the trash and stick to the stuff you like.
>I went to a rental video searching the Kira movie and they said "Precure? What's that? . Ohhh that, sorry, we don't sell that serie". Genuinely pissed.
Just download it from the internet like a normal person.
If there's grass on the field,
it all began by watching "magical girl" shows targeted somewhat to older males and following the hole down until I started watching doremi (10/10 series) and now precure
>14 years girls still being hairless
Same here kinda, used to love CCS and Sailor Moon as a child but only came back to magical girl shows with Nanoha.
Short answer: too heavy and shit internet, that's why I'm having problems watching Smile, each ep is 300mb and not even HD when a regular ep of any other season is 70~90mb.
Are you watching /ai/ shows yet? The spiral calls.
>a regular ep of any other season is 70~90mb
Jesus christ user. Are you even managing to watch Star Twinkle?
Lala is an adult, so she's very sensitive about it. Please don't tease her.
Ye, hardy but I can, thanks god it's just a day worth of shit net, I'm planning to watch Smile at last just to have all the traffic towards it.
Bad news, user. Everything from HaCha forward is the era of CommieRaws, where 550-600 MB is the norm.
it's like calling someone thin skinned isn't it?
>explain yourselves
its cute and funny
>she's very sensitive
Tell me more about this.
Not him but after finishing Precure, Doremi and Kamen Rider, now I'm getting to /ai/ shows, the rabbit hole never ends.
I haven't gotten that bad yet, but I do really like this one PriPara song that creeped into my youtube Precure mix.
Smile's worth having your third-world internet die, user
>Implying I watch english subs.
Spanish mega batchs are helpful, Hacha was 70mb worth.
Because Masami Obari.
1 Smile = 4 other season, let me finish first the rest user, you could say I'm leaving the best for last.
You've seen what her antennae do, haven't you?
I didn't realize non-English subs used toaster raws. That's cool.
Solder things? They look like tops. I want to spin them. Do they come off? Is that whole thing and the soldering apparatus part of her body or does she have prehensile antennae that are holding onto a little soldering iron or what? I'm interested in what's going on up there.
Negom is color-sexual.
I live in a third-world country and I can download a 500MB Precure episode in 3 minutes, user probably has a terrible internet provider or just lives in the middle of nowhere.
>He doesn't know
Yep, it looks good enough for me, a bit shitty but it get's the work done
holy shit
can someone translate this?
In this age of degeneracy and decadence in the anime medium the precure series stand above and teach us about evil and good in a clear and consistent way.
cures with riders is the purest thing
Whats the matter user, you don't like the 20 different flavors of "lame japanese male transported to fantasy world with video game stats" that we have now?
Which pinks don't have ADHD?
Well to be fair we watch 20 different flavors of pretty girls beating bad guys and enjoy it (?).
All animation should be made for children.
All animation should be made to made more children.
Da bes.
Name my OC Kamen Riders.
extremely based
I love it how negom's friend is now drawing Lala with her brown alien OC.
You haven't seen Splash Star files, those are beyond potato quality, even FW and MH are better.
>negom's friend
>negom now has a disciple
Urgh, that's practically the same as the tokutube stream quality. Hang in there, user.
answer me
Nice, her alien is cute
>ywn make Madoka this happy
Just what I needed, another fetish
She actually drew hetero porn before getting converted by negom.
I genuinely don't get what's going on this pic.
Scissoring? Futa dick? Antenna sex?
Futa, this artist's Lala has a dick
Over-Time is out btw
Inverted nipples Madoka is pretty much canon at this point
In Negom World and its expanded universe, sure. If they really wanted to draw Madoka the canon way, before worrying about her nipples, she needs to drop about three cup sizes.
Lick it, user! Lick my feet!
This season is wonderful.
only if you step on my balls
Good story telling
Good to see their QC is still up to snuff a whopping 42 seconds into the episode.
are you watching with these subs just to complain?
I am a little girl with penis. I wanna wear Miyoshi-tyu school uniform or Lala’s outfit.
I want to make sure Hikaru gets off first.
madoka needs more porn
Only little girls browse the internet.
why? do you just want to fug the design?
she didn't do anything yet so its hard to feel anything
In Smile they visit Miyuki's grandma.
She's pretty chill to say the least.
What's wrong with this one?
was meant for
Either it came from heaven (no S), or from THE heavenS.
As far as I can tell instead of just "heavens", it should either be "heaven" or "the heavens"
This one isn't a mistake, but have they always called these guys Notrays with an A? I know user uses an A, but I thought OT used an E.
I want to erp as her
Man, I try not to give O-T shit since I know how hard it is to do subs but when someone is speedsubbing the exact same show like 12 hours before them with more accurate translations and less QC issues it's kinda hard to defend.
As far as I can remember, yeah. Notreys just sound weird.
I was dying laughing when I saw this
That's great. I haven't seen Smile in so long I forgot about that.
A winner is Elena!
What's wrong with this line?
How do you guys like the villains so far?
I keep hoping for someone Fresh-tier so I keep being disappointed
It's really where it focuses on the stopped clock that makes this scene
It's like having a Russian doing the translation let alone being the sole translator was a bad idea after all
Assuming the content itself isn't off, "pendant's reaction" I guess
That one's not a typo or anything, just QC. They usually put lines higher when they'd overlap with scrolling text like that one is. They do it every other time, but I guess they missed that one because it's not on the screen yet when the line starts.
I like Eyeone, Kappard is a battle freak that I find funny sometimes, and Tenjo needs to come up with better formations.
They have a lot of potential, but they haven't been hits every time. I can see them being badass when the plot calls for it soon, so I look forward to that.
Ok, that makes sense.
I think she's alright, she has done as much as Elena did when she only had 1 focus episode under her belt
At least they kept the number of errors below 10 (barely). They should set that as a goal and try to make one less mistake each week!
just put it on the top of his head and he'll be depressed for a whole month, he's so proud of his bald area
I was expecting that sort of gag as soon as he showed up. I really hope they brick joke it later on with the extra bottle, I'd die laughing.
what is that juice?
Shows aimed at Japanese little girls tend to be cute and wholesome. Unlike CGDCT shows, shows aimed at Japanese little girls have actual plots. And PreCure specifically may surprise you with some sakuga-powered hotbloodedness/badassery. What's not to love?
Can't you see the yellow star? It's Jew-ce.
Yep, and I hope his haircut turns into a huge mane.
>Shows aimed at Japanese little girls tend to be cute and wholesome.
You're not paying attention.
>What's not to love?
It is my bday today lads and i am gonna spend it with you guys
>not loving Maho
have a cake
>I went to a rental video
Those still exist?
Happy birthday user, have an Akane.
bad day or birth day?
I shall
Thanks user
Happy birthday user! I don't have a Cure-related pic so sorry
Happy birthday user.
Can I offer you a mouse for the occasion?
Could be both
Thank you!
Sure why not.
I'll never get over how they put the OP during the birth scene, how they got away with that?
Here. A free upgrade, just for you.
I know that there are some people out there that enjoy them, so here.
I love these Futago drawings but I don't like those two.
That's actually a really bad stylistic choice. He's not a fucking Hitler
I'm fine with Akira, but I don't like Yukari. I'm going to rewatch Kira to see if I'll like her any more on a second viewing.
>she's not a little Japanese girl
Then why are you here, onee-san?
You will spend 1.5+ MDs just on that?
>1.5+ MDs
I don't know what that means, but Yukari is not the only reason. I mainly want to watch it for Himari again.
He sure talks like he is. It suits him perfectly to use overly-strict, kinda-flowery military lingo that he has no business using.
do it for the cute girls
Fure fure, user! Keep on living and watching precure! You're staying healthy and active, right? Remembering to drink lots of water? I hope all of you anons die of rergular natural old age causes in your sleep after many more decades of precures.
Lmao what a loser
Happy birthday
>man-day (plural man-days)
>One person's working time for a day, or the equivalent, used as a measure of how much work or labor is required or consumed to perform some task.
Which means 1MD = 8 hours
Yeah I am pretty healthy and I drink a lot of water. Thanks for your concern. I hope Precure dies before I die so I don't have to miss out on any new ones after my death.
Thank you
Nice blog.
Happy birthday though.
I like how the thrusters aren't always on, only when necessary. A little girl's show is more realistic than a lot of other media.
It is just Toei saving yellow color.
Starscape Empire is inside very bright nebula. How do they even sleep at night?
Ok, thanks for that. I hadn't heard of that before.
Blackout curtains.
In space noone will hear you scream.
You mean. I miss OOO.
Was the star window always a screen? I thought it was just transparent.
OOO was a good season. We need more Kobayashi seasons. I don't think she's done anything KR/SS related in like five years (besides Amazons, but that's an entirely different beast) and I'm ready for another one.
A big boner for you, Hikaru!
Starscape Realm is like the opposite of how warp drive works in Warhammer 40000. I love it.
alien tech, no need to explain.
It makes sense. Glass cockpit is already a thing.
Huh, today I notice that Saaya's assistant is actually Daigan.
The dogs from bone planet are just furry versions of Pacman Ghosts
That's something completely different. Transparent LCDs exist but what's the point of needing a huge screen covering the entire window for the PFD when a HUD/HMD does the same thing but several orders of magnitude cheaper?
>The dgoges alien are just Itt cousin + Pacman Ghosts
Kappard is funny and Eye is great. Tengu is honestly kinda boring.
Why is Hana's husband Homare again?
Star Trek does the same thing.
Tengu lacks flaws at the moment. That's why she sucks.
So far she did nothing but sit in a chair.
I don't think that's a good metric for whether it makes sense.
Not all things must be ultra utilitarian. Just look at cars.
let's hope that trekkies are not present in /pc/
Lala is childish and sucks at repairing.
This was like a Star Trek episode. If rest of the season is like this it will be the best series in years.
I'm still a little amazed at how on point and up-to-date Hugtto's Instagram reference was. Someone over there is thinking ahead.
god i wish that were me
Bukki's looking kinda fat for some reason.
Still laughed, though.
Aoba is looking different
>visit alien planet for the first time
>engage in 4p
Yeah, she's Kirk.
Aoba is an actual adult though.
Those gacha outfits are so good.
Is Lala Spock? Who's McCoy?
Looks like Plunk is Scotty.
Shows for children are made by adults, and the only way they can remain sane and succesful while making them is to also enjoy their work. Thus there must be a subset of adult people who will also like the shows for the same reasons the people making them do.
>Saaya never went into JAV
I feel sad
Negom hired a JK to cosplay as Saaya, what have you done to fulfill your dream?
Negom doesn't let her dreams be dreams. She made them memes.
Are you posting just to be defensive?
Seriously? Pics?
>trekkies are not present in /pc/
Sisko did nothing wrong.
Fuck off Milk.
>posts a picture of them wearing wedding rings
Christ almighty that's actually not healthy
She is holding a marriage certificate.
Local puffball still wants milkies
Did Negom just statutorily rape an underaged girl?
>Negom married Saaya and bragged about it to user
How can you even compete?
How is that rape if even Lala's an adult-lun?
>tfw no big tiddy Lala even by Joy Ride
What's he up to? I don't remember anything from him during Hugtto
He made 3 doujins for Hugtto (everyone, emiruru, emiruru but this time it's yuri)
So Smile is pretty good. Didn't like how the last episode was pretty much just 25 minutes of everyone crying over a departure that didn't even last until the end of the episode, but then again I've seen this exact same thing happen enough times in Kamen Rider that I knew it was gonna happen anyway. Not sure if that made it better or worse.
I don't know, I think I'm letting a sour ending spoil my immediate opinion on the show as a whole. I'm sure when I look back on it in the coming days/weeks I'll think far more about all the episodes I loved instead. This is the only show that's actually made me cry as an adult after all, that's gotta count for something.
sucj a shame i dont live in japan i know i can just buy them online, but thats a bit more expensive
now watch glitter force
How long until she takes the knot?
M = Mira
C = Cle
U = Universe
>damn it, Hikaru, I'm a doctor, not a magical girl!
Himelda Window Cure A Shit Queen of the Blue Sky
What did they mean by this?
Guess Toei became aware of that one artist.
Is Hikaru gonna steal Elena's girl next week?
MadoLala on suicide watch!
Eh, it's still going strong, but MadoEle is catching up little by little
I'm not sure what to think about this image. Himari and Hug-tan are cute, but something feels off.
You're not the only one, Smile is a great season but all the crying on the last episode is not very well executed, the concept is copied from All Stars 3 (best of the crossover movies imo), which did the same scene in a more impactful way.
Lala is in love with Hikaru
I think these comics are all going for the same punchline, but it's funny that they also keep using Madoka for it.
diaper fetishes are a thing
No, that's not it. Maybe it's that color scheme on Himari that's throwing me off. She still looks good though.
It's probably because you wouldn't expect to see Madoka do something like that. It adds to the comedy factor.
so gap moe, but with degeneracy instead
Wouldn't Yuri rather hang out with the younger cures?
This image is unnerving because Himari looks like a girl who's gullible enough to be tricked into teen pregnancy, and kind enough to want to keep the baby.
Was this episode supposed to have this many innuendos and flat out lewdness? What was going on in their heads when they made this? There are enough ideas to make 4 different doujins based off of this one episode alone
Who's by Seiren and Makopi?
It's just your imagination.
>500 yen
I'd like 10 of each of them.
Holy hell, this was a good episode.
I'd make Himari raise my baby.
The question my Precure buddy I was watching the ep with asked was 'if everything here is bones, what the hell is the skeletal structure of these dogs?' and I can't stop thinking about that.
I can't imagine Himari being tricked like that. She is pretty smart after all.
Maybe it's still bones? I mean the human body is 60% water and water still rains from the sky. Or maybe the atmosphere makes it easier for bonelike objects to form? Like Puruns said, there are planets where diamond rain exists, and since the pendants adjust for atmosphere and presumably gravity I can see this as being a possibility
The other girls in the ED are from previous seasons right? Do all seasons have EDs like that? Sorry I've just started watching this as my first Precure.
I bet Hikaru has a cute outie belly button, I like to headcanon that at least one girl in each team has one.
This is only to promote the recent movie and everyone hates it because it's the first time they've changed the song for advertising reasons and everyone loved pewpewpewpewpew
I want to cum inside Elena.
I like to headcanon Lala or Madoka being left handed for some reason. Don't even know why, since I'm right handed and they both clearly use their right hands to draw in their henshin
Saaya's a Precure for life.
You must have meant Negom.
I would report you for that but with how shit Yea Forums moderation is I would probably get banned.
I see, thanks. I liked the first one better too.
They changed the ending song during Hugtto too.
Not gonna lie I prefer the WATCH OUR MOVIE ed
chistmas is really important to a young girl's life, thats usually when precure starts the final arc
But she's mexican, here in Yea Forums we're supposed to be racist, didn't you get the memo?
If they get yet another Pen next episode I'm just gonna assume that these things aren't going to be important in the second half.
i miss bug man
Watch Kamen Rider.
>retirement age is 16
I guess Cure Flower missed the memo.
I was actually going to type karate bug man. and im watching W, slowly but surely
But to be honest, the second half villans are awful, only Bunbee is good.
Oh my sweet Hikaru, use my face as a saddle, ride it as you would a wild horse
I couldn't get past 1 episode
First time watching Precure?
Good, it's not for you then.
Take a look at the Catalog and fuck off here.
is a show for literal kids too advanced?
but nah, what didn't you like?
it's fun
I don't think it's bad, I just didn't find it entertaining or interesting. Seems like something my little sister used to watch. Just not my thing I guess
Does anyone know when the ST OST is gonna come out?
10/10 album cover
But what music does it play?
I thought things here on /pc/ were bad but then I paid a visit to imouto
It's not otaku anime, you need a bit of a different mindset to watch it.
The episode was funny
Honestly that goes for the sol, romance and the rest as well. People who watch that kind of stuff are little girls inside.
A real man watches purely shonen and Nothing else.
Seinen is for posers.
It was very fun. I also liked seeing Elena be a diplomat, though I can't tell if she was supposed to be acting like her virgo sun sign or having libra traits. Not like it matters, I feel like analyzing anyone on this show based off of real zodiac traits is going to end up as a coincidence just like with what happened to the Lulu/R.U.R. thing. I'm even starting to wonder how aries describes Hikaru a bit too well...
Precure is so not otaku anime it wrapped back to itself and became totally otaku.
I realized it would've made much more sense if they went back into the spaceship a few meters away to avoid the rain instead of running all the way to the temple.
Why EmiRuru doujins are so hot?
Because you're a degenerate
Hoshina "bad racial relations" Hikaru
How does one become irresistible to a Precure?
Find Tsubomi. She has a crush on every boy.
Now do nnhn
In my defense, the Fresh series looked anything but for little girls.
What are you implying?
Except you.
I need common ground to talk to my dates about
My wife's mom is so cute.
Had this drawn because this shot got my dick so hard. I want to worship Hikaru-sama's feet.
They ran after the locals. It's not like it was killing them.
talk about penises
I can respect the dedication even if I have to question the taste.
Happy *sips* birthday
I don't think I'll be opening this image, thank you very much.
same, I'd rather have preview scenes from the movie
This new ending looks so soulless compared to the regular ED CGI
Why does she sit like that?
Which one?
Negom is racist.
This might not count depending on your definition of a meta-gag, but GoPri goofed on the monster summoning twice (episodes 12 and 26).
Is episode 26 the one with the cicada? That was a fun episode.
Is it me or Hikaru is a hottie?
Not just you. Top 10 hottest Precure for sure.
I only watch Precure to understand the context of the doujins.
The worst possible reason
Aida Mana is my favorite waifu in the world
Is it just me or is Hikaru dumber than Miyuki?
You mean husband.
You're dumber than Miyuki.
I don't think Hikaru is dumb, she just gets excited about space easily. She is living her dream so it makes sense that she acts like that.
kira yaba
I want Aida Mana to pay all our bills while I stay at home to clean the house and make meals
I wish Aida Mana would slap me on the ass while I'm cooking her steak & eggs for breakfast then rub my shoulders
I hope that Aida Mana lets me be part of her harem so that I can suck her cock
Yaba daba
This but Yuuko
Elena is prettier than Kirara. THERE, I said it
Well yeah that's true, but Himari is prettier that both of them.
Yellows really are the best.
Dear Lord
I've got a soft spot for those buns ever since sailor moon dub called hers meatball head.
Post Kirara.
> Yuri
waste of paper
Don't talk about Yuri about like.
>grip so firm shes crimped the whole steel frame almost flat in her palm
That doesnt look safe. I wouldn't shoot that anymore if I were you Kirara. Gotta recognize your precure strength and be more careful.
Nice, I want more like this.
What a sex demon
Emiru fall in love.
i'm sorry emiru that belongs to oniisama
But onii-sama is in gays with the little queer ice skater boy.
>in gays
Just the one.
Who is cutest pink?
>Mana hugging Ichika's ears
i would precum inside nozomi
They're just very good mates.
cure star
I want to see Homare dressing up and pretending to be like Hugtan in a desperate attempt to win Harry back
>"L-look, Harry. I'm playing with my toys! Hagyu hagyu! *whacks blocks around*
Wtf is Hugtan doing there? Fuck off, Hugtan
Not Cure Bloom, that's for sure.
Dark Dream
Probably either Miyuki or Ichika, Tsubomi and Nagisa are also top cute.
Precures are my role models,even the ugly ones.
Cure Tomorrow is a pink cure user and is Yell's successor carrying on her mother's legacy as a magical girl.
Is Kirakira worth watching for her?
Tsubomi is the cutest of all the Cures.
I'm 5 episodes in and she's very cute so far,you should go for it.
For her and Aoi and Ciel Aldo Ichika
I knew that but I just felt that it should be an exclusive group photo of the Pinks who are the main Cures but I guess I should give a pass since it's part of the 15th Anniversary
If you want to see her continuosly humiliated then sure.
She was the main reason that I like KiraKira as much as I do. Aoi and Ichika are pretty good too.
At least my show gets 50 episodes not pointless 12 episodes seasons.
She had the least screentime
Well, she's yellow, after all.
Strange to see Himari getting retroactively popular, not that I'm complaining.
Akira had less
Didn't Akira share episodes with Yukari a good bit of the time?
How cares about Akira
Aoi Yuuki.
Akira had the luxury of having her focus episodes and AkiraXYukari episodes
So who had the least amount of screentime, Aoi or Himari?
I get the feeling it's Himari, though I like Aoi a lot so I paid more attention to her. I wonder if someone out there is a big enough nerd to calculate the amount of screentime each Cure had, considering there was this one guy who researched which Heartcatch episode gave him the highest heart rate or something
what % of this general is trannies
Is this the first time we've seen the telescope outside the ED?
This is relevant to my interests as well.
irresponsible partying with Papple!
The sad thing is that I can imagine her doing something like that.
I would take responsibility for turning our mistakes into miracles.
i'd marry her
There was absolutely no reason for them to put Pupple in a school uniform for 10 seconds other than fan-service
It was used a lot this episode I wonder if Hikaru will use it has her dildo
she's hot so i'll allow it. maybe it was Abe trying to tell all the lonely cakes to dress in school uniforms to attract guys?
I serviced myself to it a couple of times even.
>mexican immigrant being struck by a water cannon while trying to cross the border, circa 2019.
... and?
There was that one in HaCha. The Hawaii episode.
your gay mom
quick use one of your child has a shield
I didn't know Megumi was a racist.
Where's the barefoot edit?
>Where is Puruns?
>Right here!
>music cuts
>Where is Puruns?
What the fuck, that was hilarious
Closest you'll get for now but hopefully someone will do it later.
not repulsive, though
The blank look on her face is what sells it.
I love the space mommies. I hope they do some cool stuff later.
What is a puruns? I only know a plonk.
precure is dead Twinkle killed it
Little girls have no interest in space. They like babies and flowers.
ST keeps 4.2 ratings which is amazing.
Blessed image.
Unbless image.