Destroys priceless cards in a setting where they literally fight wars over this shit

>Destroys priceless cards in a setting where they literally fight wars over this shit
>Tournament is literally life and death with Yugi's grandpa and Joey's sister lives on the line
>One autistic bug boy vs 2 chads that are twice his height
Looking back, I'm surprised they didn't just beat the shit out of him right there and then and throw him overboard

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Other urls found in this thread:

That scene still makes me mad

Could you imagine a Duelist Kingdom Arc where Yugi just kept summoning Exodia every fucking match.

>beat the shit out of him right there and then and throw him overboard
That would be just barbaric. Card game duels are the civilized way of resolving disputes. Even the ancient Egyptians did it.

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he got his revenge eventually

The revenge was sweet though.
Almost beaten to death by a card monster.

>Using force
Real men take vengeance using card games.

It would have been absolutely fucking based


as I always say, that was the scene that made me drop this shitty series.

Why don't they just print more cards?

to inflate the price of rare cards, just like in real life

Still, only producing 4 copies of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon seems kind of extreme. Especially weird given how much support it gets.

Why did Yami Yugi become such a bitch when Duel Monster became the main focus of the series?

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Why would Pegasus care about the secondary market? I've literally never seen a card game company that gives a shit about those parasites besides WOTC and people give them shit 24/7 over how stupid the reserved list is.

Isn’t Kaiba in charge of printing cards? Of course he would make cards just for himself.

unless my memory is faulty all Kaiba has control over is the hologram technology

No, Industrial Illusions, owned by Pegasus, prints the cards. All KC is provide the solid vision tech.

The manga is great

Season 0 is a meme. It's so formulaic and doesn't go anywhere.

>Kaiba changes the rule for the card game in Battle City
>Suddenly, cards that only make sense in the context of these new rules like Quick Attack or Soul Exchange appear out of nowhere

He already threw out his right to trial by card game when he destroyed part of his opponent's deck.

>throw him overboard
not before making him pay with his ass first.

Not until the time of Yugioh GX, when he seemed to have control over Industrial Illusions.

Its been a long time since I saw that arc since I watch it as a dub as a kid. Does he actually reference this happening when DRAWMONSTAHCARDO goes on in the Japanese?

They literally attacked people with the monsters.

Battle City rules are when Kaz finally got the basics of his game right.

I mean, Pegasus and Kaiba obviously had a working agreement already going so if Kaiba wanted to host a tournament using specialized rules why not make some cards to take advantage of it? Or maybe there was a revision on the ruleset and Kaiba was just waving his dick around pretending they were *his* rules. Or maybe it's just a kid's show and you should really just relax.

>Pegasus and Kaiba obviously had a working agreement already going
I think the last time they even spoke at that point was when Pegasus trapped his soul in a card.

>Or maybe there was a revision on the ruleset and Kaiba was just waving his dick around pretending they were *his* rules
That'd be the most reasonable explanation, the original rules didn't make any sense

I've always assumed that Duel Monsters just has a fuckton of rule variants, which is why weird shit like the labyrinth battle and 4-way duel exist. Things like the sacrifice rule existed as a niche ruleset before Kaiba decided to make it the main one.

Well, he was about to kill kaiba that one time at the duelist kingdom

Normal Yugi was only vaguely aware of him back then. After the big Bakura battle at the end of the first part of the manga, Yugi got to actually meet the pharaoh and they became more aware of each other. The whole point of the scene where Atem is fine with Kaiba killing himself was Yugi going, "what the fuck? have you been doing this kind of shit the whole time?" Atem started toning it down after that.

if they were real duelists they would defend themselves with monsters of their own

>Yami Marik knew about Blast Held by a Tribute because he saw Ishizu playing against regular Marik even though tribute summoning didn't exist until shortly before Battle City

To be fair, letting Kaiba kill himself here to save grandpa wouldn't have been morally wrong

it's just a card-game

Because it's a kids show. Don't read too deeply into it mate.

"Everything I Say Is Right" by Seto Kaiba.

Forgot pic.

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His deck has no draw engine so realistically he should only get it together every now and then; in reality though Yami straight up cheats and can chose what cards he's going to draw, so turn 1 exodia every time.

did draw engines even exist in yugioh back then?

I love the way he looks there. Does he consistently look like that in the manga? I love Takahashi's art style but I've never actually read it.

>Yami straight up cheats and can chose what cards he's going to draw, so turn 1 exodia every time
He's got something going on but this meme summary of things isn't it.

That's from chapter 1, Kaz's art shifts pretty heavily over time. By the time Battle City rolls around it will look a lot like what you're familiar with from the anime since the anime designs are based on his later art.

Des Lacooda and Dark Mimic for stall decks (Yugi has swords, mirror force and waboku already). You could use the deck summon cards like Giant Rat/Shining Angel/etc. and Giant Germ/Nimble Momonga to thin out your deck. Pot of Greed + Graceful Charity because anime uses forbidden cards.

In another few hours, the sun will rise!

they werent forbidden back then were they?

I guess they were unlimited. I only started playing ygo in 2004/2005 so I don't know, but PoG was unlimited in older videogames.

Anzu was pure sex

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I miss this psycho.

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What's your current irl deck, lads? I'm currently using Invoked Hand Traps.

She's hot, but her character ranges from meh to annoying to cunt.

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I don't play IRL and I rarely ever bother going on ygopro but pic related
yes I know it's shit

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At first glance I thought it was a page from JoJo

Eh, that was really the only time she acted way too recklessly. After that, she just left things to chance when it came to possibly seeing Yami. Though when you think about it, just about everyone was psychotic in the early part of the series. Kaiba was literally trying to kill everyone almost every single time he ran into them until the Duelist Kingdom.

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Didn't Takahashi draw inspiration from Araki?

I honestly would dig a psychological-thriller based on the early days of Yami Yugi. Just watching this kid become a murderous bastard who creates magical death games would be kickass.

>We could have had an entire series about a dork's psychopathic alter ego playing life or death games then banishing people's minds with Egyptian magic

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That was kind of the point of the first part in the manga. After that, Yugi helps Atem understand friendship and kindness. Atem in the other hand helps Yugi to stand for himself and how to be brave. The natural conclusion of this is the last duel.

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Surprised no one has up and copied the premise of the early parts of the manga to make an entire series. Not like we're strangers to the occasional copycats. Just an entire series with a kid dispatching bullies, conmen, criminals, and other scum in ironic death-games would be fun as hell.

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Anime has this understandable yet frustrating tendency to function under the social rules, etiquette and behavior of meek modern japanese men.
The villain might come to taunt the heroes, mock them or fuck with them and even when the characters have a perfect chance to BTFO him or just get him to fuck off using a small level of reasonable physical violence they don't.
Villain takes away their shit? They just stand there staring and tell them that's wrong.

The series in general lost a lot of its charm after becoming a slave to the trading card meme.

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Yeah, you're right. Her love triangle dynamic with Yugi/Atem is still a bit annoying though. It's like Kaz couldn't decide whether she likes Yugi or just Atem.

Really, the problem was that Yugi hardly ever objected to when Anzu wanted to see the Pharaoh, only in like a very late instance where she realizes how it might be upsetting him. Atem/Yami barely seemed to care one way or the other, not even realizing that he could try and help Yugi out since he's pretty much an in-house wingman. Not that the series needed to be excessively romantic, but certainly could have built up the triangle some more and given it a conclusion rather than just "Welp, the Pharaoh's fucked off, that's the end of that nonsense". Still, at least it didn't feel quite as forced as the stuff with Jonouchi/Joey with Mai where they just sort of have a thing and everyone's giving him shit for not being more caring around her.

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See now if Atem was still full on evil egyptian asshole mode we could have a fun dynamic between Yugi being like "s-stop throwing my cards overboard" and Atem just mindcrushing the prick.

I wouldn't call the beginning of yugioh a masterpiece but its concept sure is.

Kaiba bought Industrial Illusions after the Duelist Kingdom arc.

Yugi havining to restrain Atem would have been fun.

See; the thing is that Atem being just a dark avenger wouldn't work. Eventually his character would get stuck on the same premise. His character evolves thanks to Yugi and his friends just like Yugi evolves into someone with guts.

this was before Kaiba's autism turned Duel monsters into a way of life for everyone on the planet.
back then it was just a really really popular game.

Season 0 is a meme

I just feel like it should have had some more penalty games and started having moments where Yugi tries to get Yami to not be as harsh with the less dangerous enemies. After breaking Kaiba's spirit or whatever before duelist kingdom, the series just sort of stopped doing penalties outside of a few instances and then suddenly it was just Yami popping in to save the day in card games. Of course, I guess that might have been part of the problem since Kaz got stuck with only ONE kind of game for the characters to risk their lives in.

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I agree, probably the only case where edgier was indeed better.

It was still leagues better when there was more than just one type of fucking game to play. Trading cards might be super marketable, but it got pretty boring when there wasn't anything else to see get a twisted spin during shadow games.

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The season 0 games were fucking shit though. Say what you want about YGO asspulls, it still had interesting tactics and established mechanics. Season 0's games were shallow af and followed the same dumb structure everytime.

No, not really. I'll creative spins on existing game or dares over "cards cards cards cards" any day. And the tactics were hardly that interesting when it always boiled down to "If I just reach into my deck, aha! The card that will let me turn the entire tide of battle!"

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I think you just haven't seen season 0 recently to call the asspulls "creative spins". Yami might as well say "I win because magic" because that's pretty much what he does. None of those shitty 5 minute games can give you interesting tactics except the one with the gun and alcohol. It doesn't come close to the interesting mindgames/drama in the Battle City arc or the hilarious stupidity of earlier duels.

Who cares if the games in season 0 didn't have tactics? They were at least fun and varied instead of just fucking cards games for eternity. The fact that anything could be made into a shadow game, even something as harmless as tic-tac-toe was much more fun than just seeing them talk about cards for the millionth time.

Attached: Yami Yugi's 5s.png (500x500, 99K)

Shallow shit doesn't get a pass because of variety in presentation. It's formulaic, badly written, and lacks anything that could get you engaged. Its only appeal is seeing Yami fuck up people but it loses its interest once you've seen how formulaic it is

What's varied about "lol I win" on repeat? To be fair, the card game isn't exactly free of that either, but at least you see some actual strategies rather than asspulls all the time.

And the card games aren't formulaic? Please, that shit got boring well into Duelist kingdom.
There's plenty of asspulls with the card games when it's "I believe in my friends, and they believe in me!" and then that character draws the one card that will let them achieve victory. It's literally the same thing, except without the karmic justice being dealt through psychological torture.

Attached: Yami Yugi.png (480x328, 184K)

>Please, that shit got boring well into Duelist kingdom.
No, it actually started being good with Battle City.

>There's plenty of asspulls with the card games when it's "I believe in my friends, and they believe in me!" and then that character draws the one card that will let them achieve victory
That doesn't happen in every duel and when it does it's after a bunch of other tactics. But most importantly you've got actual strategy going on. Rules like having to sacrifice to summon big monsters gave us some interesting setups, like Yugi and Kaiba rushing their ways to summon their god card first, the infinite draw loop, or the Ra shenanigans.

>That doesn't happen in every duel and when it does it's after a bunch of other tactics
It was though. Maybe it was only Yami who ever won with that rhetoric every time while the others could potentially lose, but it was seriously grating with the "muh friends are muh power" crap. The fact remains is that using only card games for the rest of the series robbed it of any chance to experiment with dark takes on other games. Sure, you can't exactly market toys and merch when the games are always changing from Digipets to Guessing games to board games, etc., but at least it was fun seeing the variety of twisted spins made out of normally harmless games.

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I'd rather have one concept be used to its full potential than a string of light formulaic games with the only appeal of "oh yeah this week they're playing some sort of dumb memory game and yami fucked up the lights by getting electrocuted or something i guess?"

At least it's more interesting than cards for the next 2 millions years. Not like the series had to go on as indefinitely as it has been with the twisted games. Could have easily ended after a while if it hadn't become a giant commercial vehicle.

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Just admit that you want to see a little psychopath sadistically mind breaking adults using children's games.Like me.

More interesting? I disagree. I find it a lot more engaging to see tactics that impact the gamestate and have characters react to it than autopilot season 0 games ("bad guy wins, yugi does an asspull, end" isn't an oversimplification. This is how these games go, in literally two phases)

That's like saying Kakegurui is better than Kaiji because it has more games.

Not like I was saying the original format was perfect or anything. It's rather disappointing that the series is pretty much forever stuck one theme that rarely ever changes beyond some new gimmick for how the characters play it, and even the novelty of the gimmicks has gotten pretty old fast.

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I feel like the answer is to have a focus on the card game for the sake of structure but allow weird side-stories based on crazy penalty games (or just crazy games in general) for the sake of variety

basically stuff like the dungeon dice monsters part but on a more regular basis

I literally just want a semi-SOL series about Yugi and the monsters from his deck accidentally coming to life. Just so we can have Dark Magician helping Grandpa around the card shop, Summoned Skull and Kuriboh playing with kids, Celtic Guardian working at a grocery store down the street, Dark Magician Girl crawling into Yugi's bed at night. Just gimme gen 1 characters back and give me some fun trashy filler for a whole series.

Good thing the Battle City arc had the penalty games back. Marik was literally killing his opponents instead of beating them at the game

>surprised they didn't just beat the shit out of him right there and then and throw him overboard
If he had tried that shit with literally anyone else on that boat, that's how it would have ended

It would've happened irl

Except there's barely any tactics when a great deal of the time it boils down to "I'm about to lose, but I have to win for my friends!". You can easily oversimplify the formula for the card game era of the series just as much as you can the "anything can be a death game" period of the series. Maybe in the later series the characters get more tactical because they're not all possessed by ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, but even then there's plenty to get burnt out over like the lack of creativity in some of the cards or just how silly it is that everything is determined by cards and cards alone.

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So it is kinda like playing Magic the Gathering in 1994.

>Looking back, I'm surprised they didn't just beat the shit out of him right there and then and throw him overboard
Literally this.

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One thing I never understood why Pegasus didn't bother putting any food stalls or restrooms on Duelist Kingdom.
It couldn't be because of greed. The greedy thing to do would have been to sell food at exorbitant prices without any competition. He just had participants starve for no reason.

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>Except there's barely any tactics when a great deal of the time it boils down to "I'm about to lose, but I have to win for my friends!".
Wrong. See You've got clearly defined mechanics, rules and goals. You've got multiple ways of getting advantages or turning the tides. What matters is that the ways these things happen are interesting, whether it's an infinite draw loop or a monster sacrifice. The fact that the character had to topdeck the card he needed is irrelevant to this fact.

>anime never

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Could be fun, but honestly if it were able to mix things up a bit more like said, it would at least allow for some occasional breaks from card game shenanigans 24/7.

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Except it's not wrong, there were tons of times that the anime had the character despairing at their imminent loss, and then hyped themselves up about their friendship and got the card they needed. Just because they then used it in a strategic manner doesn't change the fact that many of the battles boiled down to power of friendship asspulls.

Has a TCG-exclusive card, not counting X-Sabers, ever shown up in the Anime?

I assume he wouldn't care. People are free to leave at any time via the boats and it's not his problem if they didn't pack any provisions for a 3ish long day event.

>no yugioh series where they print a 5th blue-eyes and the MC uses it as his ace
Its like konami hates money

Would have been pretty hilarious though, you have to pay in star chips to get food or access to rest areas. And there could be Player Killers staking out the food carts or the bathrooms.

It really only happens at the end. Read again stuff like Yugi vs Kaiba at battle city. It's far more kino than the generic s0 shit with a designated villain of the week playing a shallow game for 3 minutes and getting beaten by an asspull *that doesn't make any sense tactically speaking unlike the topdeck stuff*.

Surprised there isn't a series (yet) where the player (maybe with friends) have to become the monsters they summon. Lords know the hologram tech in the series is crazy advanced long after the third series, the idea of characters having to larp as their current monster wouldn't be too out there, and could probably make for some insane merchandising with the female characters dressing up classic and new monsters.

>You must pay for this bento box
>We are the Brothers Paradox

>DM never got a beach episode, hit springs episode, or a school cultural festival episode in the anime
fuck this gay earth

The real enemy was that fucking cunt who stopped him!

Why would any of that happen by the time of DM
I think Season 0 had an episode where they go to a water park

The penalties were hardly asspulls in the original series, they were karmic justices for whatever sin the character did. And just because it was villain of the week stuff hardly made it bad, it was still fun seeing what sort of wacky spin would be put on an otherwise harmless kids game (or in some instances a type of dare/challenge). It's like the times in Jojo when the characters stop just getting into dustups with other stand users and have to play something really childish despite the urgency in needing to pummel every lineup of baddies as fast as possible to stop the current part's villain.

Yami yugi definitely would have

Did GX have any of those?


Attached: Kaiba derp.png (482x358, 305K)

No beach episode but Kaibaman was hot springs and DMG episode was School Festival.

Absolutely. As long as we can get an arc about dungeon dice monsters.

Still looks nice. Picked up.

>but Kaibaman was hot springs
But we only got a bunch of naked guys, no girls, therefore it doesn't count.

Would be pretty funny if someone like Mako always showed up when they tried to have a beach day, or trying not to freeze while dueling atop a the mens/womens section of a hot spring.

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So Rebecca took Yugi's virginity right?

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No, but Mokuba took both her virginity and Joey's sisters.

No, which has left me in despair. I like the mothman legend so it would have been really fun to see him in an anime, and Yu-Gi-Oh of all places. Some of the other Danger! monsters are fun too, but mothman is my favorite.

>those Dark Magical Girl tits
Kaz sure loved them busty

Attached: Dark Magician girl expansion.png (773x1000, 653K)

that DMG episode did irreparable damage to me as a 13 year old

YGO au gambling manga spinoff when.

Original Yami would have gone full Jigsaw and made him play a really dangerus game on the sea and once Weeble had lost he would have banished his ass to the shadow realm letting his body floating on the sea. No fucks given.
It really makes me wonder how much of an ass the original Atem was supposed to be. I mean, i know that by the end of the show they show him as a fair ruler and all but that just doesn´t add up. He mindbroke Kaiba on their first duel and certainly was willing to make him fall from the castle on Duel Kingdom so even if we disregard zero you can tell the real him has no problem initiating shadow games. That guy is certainly not the same benevolent pharaoh we saw on the last episodes. Not to mention Egypt was a kingdom built on slavery...

For the hot springs, there's episodes 3, 34 and 105. The first and last had girls.

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>filler girl is better than main girl

Why did they do this?

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Hard to say. Girl was damned and determined to make the manlet her own.

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Toon world was underrated

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While we don't have a proper beach episode, we do have one where Alexis/Asuka's brother shows up on the island around the episode 88 or something, and we see tons of busty duelists for a few minutes.

We never get Asuka in a swimsuit. The closest thing is a picture near the end of the show that has her hanging out with the guys while they're on the beach. She was just using casual clothes, no swimsuit.

The general implication seemed to be that without his memory, aside from knowledge of the shadow games and their penalties, Atem/Yami was just a somewhat sadistic bodyguard for Yugi who didn't care if his punishments were proportionate or not. I just liked how he was somewhat amoral, since a lot shonen protags usually end up just being goody-two-shoes. Him barely giving a fuck early on was pretty entertaining. It is a shame he didn't at least sometimes go ham on Yugi's friends, or at least tried to in order to illustrate how unhinged he was before starting to open up to Yugi and interact with him.

Attached: Yami Yugi oh shit.jpg (400x300, 20K)

Forgot to mention that pic only shows up in the set of episodes that were exclusive to Japan, that wasn't in the dub. The sequence with Alexis brother is also heavily edited for the dub.


Bullshit. "Rolling" a 7 is an asspull no matter how fitting it is. Mokuba losing to a critical hit(in a game with no critical hit mechanics up to that point at that) is an asspull. Nearly every game they played just relied on shit like that, or character taking idiot pills like Mokuba forgetting a basic ability of a monster in a game he's supposed to be a champ of. Compare that to Yugi reading Kaiba's moves and coming with counters in Battle City. Yes, the asspulls never left, but there was actual strategy there. Far more than the early manga could ever claim.

Lightsworn 4 lyfe

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no one cares, gamefaggot
go get turned down by the one girl in your card shop again

How silly of me to expect strategy in a gaming series. Go fap to some gore, edgelord.

Gee, it's almost like the heroes always win in these kinds of series. And so fucking if there was barely any strategy early on? It wasn't about being the best at the games, it was just taking childish games and turning them into something out of Hellraiser or Saw.

Dude, not every game was able to employ strategy. The first fucking game shown was entirely up to chance since it involved having to find a certain card that either allowed you to advance to the goal, or get lowered closer to a lake of flesh eating monsters. And there as hell wasn't any strategy for picking which finger to do stuff with, just relying on the opponent literally sticking to their gun.

>in a setting where they literally fight wars over this shit
Yeah, no, back in the original manga it was just a game. It was only the anime that went insane with it.

They still had wars with the shadow games in the manga, even if early on it was implied to be more than just cards/tablet before the series settled on summoning creatures with stone slabs/cards.

She's filler and Kaz is a YugixAnzufag, but the anime forms a canon of its own at this point anyway so I'd like to imagine she got her darling once she grew up and matured.
You can't really say that anymore with DSoD out.

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She hasn't shown up yet? Last time I played, it seemed like they were adding pretty much every character under the sun.

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You didn't read the manga closely (or at all) did you? Yami Yugi was still a dick throughout the manga's entire course. It's only the anime that made him some heroic stoic guy.

Only canon DM characters get added though. They're currently scraping the bottom of the barrel by giving us Tristan, Lumis and Umbra. After that, according to the files we're getting Duke Devlin, Grandpa, and normal Marik.

Normal monsters will inherit the earth. Stand aside, rainbow card fags.

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They sticking with canon characters for DM for now. There are some anime references though so if the game survives for long enough she might make it eventually.

The wilder hair was better than the perfectly rigid spikes.

Reminder in a world where card games are a widely endorsed and encourage solution to literally everything it would have been entirely reasonable that reporting him with witnesses would lead to his banning from card games plus jail time and a debt to repay.

You haven't read a single chapter of YGO if you think the manga got boring after card games. Kaz only really hit his stride when he didn't have to come up with new games every week and could focus on storytelling and artwork.

I started playing recently. I'm using Orcust with some Phantom Knights to play with my friends.

Seems like she'd be a no-brainer given she's probably the most popular of the filler characters. And not like DL is trying to be canon with the manga given it's premise of being some virtual playground for every arc and sequel series.

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It was still more fun with the random games. Deal with it.

Imagine bet your lives playing the Dark Jenga.

I haven't bought any yugioh cards since 2005ish and that deck I had back then is still in a tin box in storage. I remember the main cards I focused on summoning were Dark Paladin and the Sphinx cards from the movie (before the Sphinxes it was Exodia Necross). I also had a bunch of Dark Tribute cards, a Cyber Jar, a Reflect Bounder, Soul Tigers, and some other flip effect monsters. Absolutely no proper deck structure at all.

>you lose, the tower becomes life-sized and crushes you
Sounds legit.

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>season 0 is formulaic
>the seasons where every dispute is resolved with a card game, and every episode is leading up to a final card game with the arc's villain are not

Did they ever get the rules to stabilize? I recall trying the card game way back, and it seemed like the rules were changing more often than the consistency of power levels in Dragon Ball.

I think she and Noah are the only filler characters that appeared in multiple games.

did you even watch the show tard brain, the whole entire show, was you the player develop a strategy with your correct cards to win the battle and kill the guy.

I did, season 0 didn't always involve strategic games you fucking retarded shitlord. As I pointed out, literally the first game ever played didn't involve strategy, just pure luck. Plenty of the random games were like that. But hey, keep acting like a smartass dipshit because people enjoyed the series when it was more over the top. Fucking mongoloid.

They changed the rules for Vrains so no.

Quite a few of the small time characters have made reappearances in some form. Like zombie Keith. That was weird.

Jesus, is it really that hard to make the rules not so shitty? I get the anime/manga always have a gimmick, but it's not like those can be even applied into rl card games, even if it would be pretty cool to have actual hologram stuff. Or at least VR.

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It's even worse, they basically nerfed a lot of older strats just to sell the new gimmick.

The weirdest thing I know they did in a game was when Reshef of Destruction had both the "ghost Kaiba" mimic and the puppeteer in the game even though they're basically the same character.

>tfw your so autistic you
>make an OC of yourself to put into the card game
>fucking launch cards into space for aliens to find
>are basically responsible for the cardpocalypse
>fly a goddamn jet shaped like a dragon

Attached: Kaiba.jpg (262x262, 16K)

Kaiba's autism is what makes him best though.

Attached: SETO FUCKING KAIBA.webm (640x360, 2.65M)

He just murdered that pilot

A small price to pay for card games.

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The pilot was Solid Vision, along with his plane and the explosion. Before long Seto will construct an entire city out of Solid Vision.

It was just a hologram. Probably. Maybe.

Attached: Kaiba wants to be your best friend.jpg (349x289, 18K)

Tour Guide is in Duel Links as character and she was a TCG exclusive for a time. Duel Links likes following the anime closely to the point where they don't even include DM filler so I guess it counts.

How is so fucking ripped when he just plays goddamn card games all day long? That isn't exercise.

Shame she barely gets any art. Of course, YGO in general suffers from the tyranny of yaoifags like Kingdom Hearts.

Attached: TourGuideFromtheUnderworld.png (453x615, 144K)

That has to do with the fact that this series is marketed to males. Females are typical not into card games.
That's why we have a sausage fest cast with sometimes some busty characters like Alexis or Akiza.

They don't show him learning to fly a jet either, but he gets by. If there was a special chapter or episode showing a day in the life of Seto Kaiba I'm sure you'd get to see his personal BEWD-themed gym at KCHQ. He's got to be strong to keep up with his waifu.

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>Green Kaiba

Attached: green_lex_luthor.jpg (1600x1200, 85K)

>did draw engines even exist in yugioh back then?
Only the best one.

Attached: pot of greed lel troll.jpg (480x270, 26K)

never really considered a single card an engine

When was the last time you watched the anime, or are you basing your opinion off Kaibautism memes? It's actually something you can see develop during the anime as Kaiba consolidates power and influence that the importance of the card game rises in parallel. At the start, it's just a bunch of kids and a Christmas Cake going to an eccentric millionaire's island for a trading card game.

You know having school dedicated to Card games got justified by 4kids. Since they couldn't put text on the cards because of legal bullshit you could just imagine cards actually didn't have any text and that you had to properly memorize every effect in your deck from some book before you began dueling. I think they should have made that canon because wasn't it in Zexal or Arc-V where the main character didn't understand how to fusion summon.

Yu-Gi-Oh Phantasm?

There's still too much yaoi compared to the girls, even if they aren't quite as underappreciated as some other series that have strong yaoi followings.

Doesn't this also mean that Seto can make fuckable holograms?

>people still complaining about why the manga changed
Jesus Christ you stupid commies. It's called capitalism. The card game became popular and Takahashi decided to get in on that. Can't blame the guy, he was most definitely a low level mangaka working shit hours before he found his big break.
It's the reason why Akiza was sidelined for BUY BLACKWINGS.

Go bitch somewhere else about your edgy hopes and dreams.

>bowflex shaped like a dragon
>treadmills with pointless wings hanging off the side
>weights engraved with dragons and capped by dragon-shaped caps

No we need a Duel Terminal anime so we can see the slow descent of Noellia into pure madness.

If not now, at some point he probably does.

Attached: Dark Magician girl butt.jpg (1000x1250, 127K)


Not an argument but thanks for the (you).

>cards actually didn't have any text and that you had to properly memorize every effect in your deck from some book before you began dueling
This is essentially how the Basic and Standard rulesets worked, but no one needed to go to school for them. Kids must have gotten dumber by the time GX rolled around.

Doesn't matter. Direct attacks weren't a thing so he can just stall every match until he wins

Attached: Dark Magician girl cute.jpg (680x962, 129K)

Right back at you, cuntstain.

Also who was the best girl in the franchise?

Hard to really go wrong with any girl. There's certainly no shortage of them, just that some get loads more art than others.

Attached: Mana expansion.png (1500x2000, 947K)

If only she were in a better series.

Attached: 65328897_p13.png (848x1027, 1.64M)

The waters are a bit muddy on that, though. While the rule wasn't referred to as a "direct attack" at the time, the very first explanation of Magic & Wizards noted that you could subtract your monster's ATK value from the opponent's life points if they did not have a monster to defend with. The rule would go curiously unused for a long time after, and if you go back and rewatch the early anime duels, they never explicitly say you CAN'T direct attack, and in fact no character successfully does, the importance of throwing out monsters to defend is repeatedly emphasized, as if it would be dangerous to have an empty front row. The threat of the "direct attack" has always been there, just unused until long after it was invented.

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh! v2-039.jpg (1099x1650, 682K)

One thing I remember is that one of the girls in Tenshi was named Yugi so I thought it was really gay that the main character was named Yugi but a guy since I assumed it was a girl's name

The monsters are cool so it's okay

Allowing Kaiba to kill himself would have been playing into his hands, since Kaiba always has a keikaku

The anime shuffles a lot of things around compared to the manga obviously, but I see no reason to think a "direct attack" rule or similar didn't always exist in both versions. It's just that the duels are are carefully orchestrated so that no one gets a chance to. I don't remember when the first direct attack was actually made, but the chance was always there.

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh! v2-057.jpg (1099x1650, 644K)

>six stars
>1500 ATK

jesus sometimes I forget how fucking awful OG monsters were

It was a simpler time. Battle Ox was ostensibly Kaiba's "ace" until he murdered and stole his way to having 3 BEWD.

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh! v2-059.jpg (1099x1650, 725K)

You didn't need Tributes, but anything with higher ATK was stupidly rare

Man, this scene truly defined a while generation.

But MONSTA CADO was in retaliation of him making Atem believe Yugi's soul had been erased.

Not because of Exodia. That was the very first duel once in the kingdom,where Haga got elimimated. The auto beat me.

im somewhat disappointed we didnt see more exodia wins in the series


There's actually a whole legal thing about reprinting rare cards

if you care, look up mtg black lotus reprints

Interesting. Sir? Would you mind taking a seat right over there?

Attached: 2008_04_chris_hansen.jpg (640x544, 34K)

fuck those faggot
they dont want to play the game, just want shekel like jew they are

Will they still be worth that much once MTGquarz+'s company (WOTC) becomes globaly known as a snowflake and pedophile headquarters?

Literally who would want to watch ygo 0 for over 20 eps? Shit gets repetitive extremely quickly.

If direct attacks are possible that would make the 2000 lp default quite stupid.

Do you think he hires big russian girls to cosplay BEWD?

That shit will never stop being funny. Ah what a time that was. I barely quit when all that shit hit the fan so it was maximum comfy to watch and have a deep understanding of what was happening but dealing with no repercussions.

>Has a very rare cards
>trusts a total stranger with em
worst is they do nothing about it shit like this is why I never got into Yu-gi-oh.

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It would've been in character for Jonouchi to clobber is his ass

Kisara wasn't Russian and holograms exist.

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>Total stanger
Haga was a widely known player and champion of Japan, iirc. If you know shit about this series at least keep your mouth shut.

And this happened in the manga. The same manga where Kaiba did a switch and fake with his grandfather's BEWD
Manga Yugi is a canon retard.

Fuck off.

Same can be said of the card stuff. Don't really get why anyone thinks the series would have to go on for a bajillion years. Could have done 4-5 with the dark and edgy games and then ended.

but Yugi know that is fake
that why Yami fight Kaiba over it

No he should have immediately made a big fucking deal over it. Kaiba didn't seem to have any friends in the class, meanwhile Joey, Tristan, and Tea were there and could have forced him to give it back.
Shit was too reliant on Atem.


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It's the reverse.

Remember if you jerked off to the new design of Mokuba, you are pedophile. At best he is only 13.

Kaiba would have probably kicked all their asses and then sent drones to kill their families because he is above the law and we spent good money on those drones that look like little dragons.

That's not how fate works.

He is rich ass mother fucker
The fuck would you do if Kaiba is pissed because he was humiliated?
the fucker literally hire assasin for the runback game

Projecting much?

Guilty as charged :^)
What gave me away?

Literally who would do that wheen we had semen demons lie Anzu and later DMG.

based dab

I can hear Kitten. Make it stop.

Attached: Anzu wave.jpg (716x1011, 92K)

Attached: Anzu bikini.jpg (640x1145, 150K)


Nice meme.

Attached: Anzu DL.png (665x1201, 797K)

well, i'm not the one who want to be dancer in 'murrica

>Going to America means you must be fucked by blacks
Nice meme.

I've never understood this meme. Could someone fill me in?

You're better off not knowing

The original pic that image is from? You really don't want to know. Like, this could break your head if you found out.

Let sleeping dogs lie, got it. Thanks for the warning.

Attached: right arm.jpg (338x496, 49K)

Nigger she is literally wants to be dancer in Jew York, if she was going to learn medicine in bumfuck Indiana, I'd see your point.

oh nonononono

Eat Fresh man.

>Huur, all people in New York must be fucking black people!
Nice. Meme.

You better fucking not.

Attached: Marik Melvin.jpg (259x195, 10K)

>Tournament is literally life and death
Just like the real life Yugioh tournaments full of black people

That's not what I meant. But many black people work in the entertainment industry, especially in the West/East coasts.
Why are you getting so upset? Is it because she might be getting some dark meat? If that's your waifu, damn buddy, get better taste.

Attached: kaiba laughing.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Because it's retards like you that push this meme shit to the point that it's not even funny, just tired as fuck.
>taste meme
Yea, whatever.

>His deck has no draw engine so realistically he should only get it together every now and then
This is a viable strategy. I can confirm this as someone who had a normal ass beatdown deck way back in the day that I randomly stuck Exodia into. You wouldn't believe the massive amount of salt that would generate.
>Play normally
>Beat them down
>Keep playing
>Start to lose cause I'm not drawing anything
>Suddenly Exodia right on the brink of their victory
>Bonus Round:
>Throw a face-down left leg out for defense
>They castrate their deck with 10 of their anti-Exodia side deck cards
>They go after my hand
>Spend the time just normally beating them back down again
It was so stupid and it shouldn't have worked as well as it did.

based exodia poster and dubs

Why is Rebecca so fucking smug?

I don't remember her being particularly smug.
Except maybe against Vivian, because she pissed her off.

She knows Anzu can't make up her mind about which Yugi she wants (even though it's technically the same body at the end of the day), and just wants "Yugi", regardless of whether it's the default one or the magical Egyptian Pharaoh one. Only thing thwarting her is a severe case of Non-canonitis.

Attached: Rebecca and Anzu.jpg (1248x1560, 359K)

Post more Rebecca dom

Only other one I've got is which was already posted.

Reminder that Becky is best girl and Anzu a totally cunt.

Attached: Rebecca.Hopkins.full.2232108.jpg (400x450, 91K)

Anzu still had a pretty rocking body.

That she does. Nearly all DM era girls have that. Give Rebecca a few years and she'll probably look like a nerdy DMG with a somewhat less wildy hair.

Exodia is horseshit, yugi was better off without it.

Pot + Charity + Delinquent Duo has a similar effect in that it just gives you crazy card advantage.

60 card floodgate handtrap cancer, with a mini-Invoked engine and a 5 card trickstar engine.

>that one episode when she was almost raped by the school teacher

Gave me a rape fetish desu

All men have a rape fetish, you dingus.

Not me.

A reverse rape fetish you mean.

I swear once everyone departed the boat and started the tournament id specifically target Weevil and send his ass to the shadow realm

It's Fox shitting on a subway sandwich. Not sure why anyone would find that shocking since that's basically just a regular subway sandwich.