Reverse Isekai

Chapter 20 Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken
>Regarding That We Decided to Live in the Countryside With The Female Knight Who Came to Us

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The fuck where does she get mana from

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She's fucked.
Rotschilds will never let her go now.

And remember, always trust in the government

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Man this manga really went off the deep end. I thought i was in for a comfy romance

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Transfers bro

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she is not a knight anymore, she is slowly succumb to sinful life

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I bet they roofied it

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Not what I've expected, but I'm enjoying it.

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This one made me remember of ET

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I swear to god if that shit drags on forever and they can never live together on the farm I'll fuck someone up.

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>rape and impregnation by fat old men soon

alien vivisection

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Burn them all.

we need more rape in manga, it sells

>let's inform other countries so they can nuke us into oblivion for the magic girl but they won't because kindness teehee
This author is too retarded to write this kind of story.

And it's done if it was the real world, the second the government discovered that she could use healing magic she was fucked. Let's see what happen next

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america would bring freedom to that girl's world.

I thought this shit supposed to be comfy.

Only if the male MC is the victim of his harem.

reverse rape is offputing, male dominance is natural since millennium and it should stay so

oh come on, it's not like there's a country that is trying to assert its dominance over japanese islands in the south chinese sea and has stealing trillions from foreign nations as a major aspect of its economy that neighbors them or anything.

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Finding a way to access the world she came from would be the ideal result.

It wouldn't be necessary if those MC would do what's logical.

If world didn't want a country of billions of sociopaths - it should not have fucked that nation over and over again until they've acquired insect mentality necessary to survive and prosper.


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i bet you think okinawa is rightful japanese property and russia "stole" japanese islands too, weeb.
>stealing trillions
why stop at trillions? gazillions.

I really hope we will be able to see ossan and chris get married.
Thanks for the dump

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The government is lucky she isn't from a high fantasy world

Not even Chinese but
>stealing trillions
They're literally giving out free money to try and buy politican favours.
>the Japanese Islands
Japan has no claim to any of the islands in the South China Sea, while Vietnam, the Phillipines, and even Taiwan claim the same disputed areas.
If you're on about the Senkaku Islands, the only reason it even became a thing is because the Japanese government bought private land and declared it national property, when in the 80s the Chinese and Japanese basically agreed to pretend the issue didn't exist because they couldn't come to an understanding.

i wanna brew a home too mino-san. how should i get started?

poor you

>how should i get started?
You shouldn't.
It is also is not the place to discuss such details.

No, we deserve everything that's happening to us.

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Not him but
1. Figure out either
1a. The theme of your story or
1b. The central conflict of your story or
1c. The setting of your story or
1d. The main characters (both protagonsts and antagonists) of your story
2. Develop the other three from the one you've finished
3. Plan at least the first part of your story loosely so you don't end up with contradictory themes and characterizations or plots that don't make any sense
4. Write until you've finished the first part, then let it sit for a week and reread it

there's only a finite amount of money in the world.
for example they can only steal about 200 to 600 billion from the US annually

alright. is that autistic fuck still at it? i don't really like this manga but the artstyle is good i guess.

>actually Americans buying more than they manage to sell because they don't have any proucts worth buying except their education which is why a university education at an elite school costs as much as a house and a pair of cars

you're stealing my air right now, please stop breathing immediately.

pardon my stupidity but isnt that America able to print money as it likes?


backed by what?

The US is basically the one country that can print its debts away yes
That said it's not that simple since the thing holding up the US dollar is the fact that everyone trusts in the stability of the US economy and the government's ability to uphold the value of the dollar. If they start printing too much then that begins to crumble and they'll be in deep shit if it does.



>all that shit
Just write what you think at the moment, most successful writers write on instinct not with long planning.

Why doesn't she just break out the hospital with her magic and swords?
Is her husbando even alive anymore?

Yeah they have editors to pound their pure unbinded diarrhea of consciousness in shape.
E.g. Overlord WN vs LN

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First of all that's basically untrue, they write a first draft and then go back and basically reorganize all their shit to make it so it works.
Second of all do you seriously think that the people lurking here are the next Sandersons, Martins and Kings?

That is a retarded way of treating this anyway.
You can't have her have no socialization.
Bug the room and have it under survailance while allowing her contact with the dude.

And do what? Oppose entire JSDF? She's not even aware of how to go back.

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>That is a retarded way
So more or less accurate to how governments operate

Is not disputed you faggot. The Senkaku islands are disputed. Taiwan and China claim they are part of Taiwan, Japan holds control over them. There are Kuril Islands that were part of Japan until they surrendered them to the Soviet Union at the end of ww2.

Dunno, I'd be on a warpath a dozen chapters ago.

google hyperinflation, it's what happens when people thing you can literally print infinite money and the reason why a lot of economies don't give the government direct control over printing its money, delegating it to an outside agency

I think they will, 7 days of total quarantine is already generous

it's a cause of major concern for us

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Dying fightning while blowing myself up as a last fuck you sounds like a good idea.

That's just going over your work after you finish writing and user could be the next big writers so get to writing.

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Nigga it's day7 of quarantine are you 6 y/o to have this little patience?

Patience is for smart people, I'm not smart.

can't wait government abuse her to use healing magic

That's nip government.
I think they'll go full Geneva on her once quarantine is done and over with.

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that's is not abuse, she is alien, an entity without human right

How? Making her heal politicians or some shit? For continuous torture?
This is boring I want her or farmer-kun to have some agency already. Suffering is wasted if the character does not fight back.

Nips still gut dolphins and whales too.

Those are not magical though.

I'd go full Geneva on those three.

The way they keep smiling creep as fuck


That's Japanse for you. This is way too realistic.

internment camps for magical girls

pochi knows not to bite the hand that feeds him

having to sex a yellow midget already amounts to rape

>Oppose entire JSDF
To be fair in higher fantasy settings most upper-tier casters can solo the entire world

What the fuck

Can't they at least give her a TV?

this is the thread newfag

>internment camps for magical girls
So this is how Japan earns #1 place in magical prowess.

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>higher fantasy settings
>The government is lucky she isn't from a high fantasy world

I recognize it, I just don't remember having an actual website for it

devfag updated yesterday.

Open borders for Isekai refugees

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can you make so the newest homebrew get advertised on the front page? it will motivate the homebrewfags

you need those big reviews for that.

It's fine what the author is doing but he's being too slow with it. He could've used half the pages for this.

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I'm pretty sure he has some kind of hospitalization, involuntary quarantine, abandonment play, fetish.

Open the borders of isekai refugees.

In or out?

Open their borders to go in. Then out and in repeatedly, finally stopping at in.

Chinks would rape them out of resources and females in 5 years.

Farmer would already have been tested on to breaking point and then body disposed of

Not if they have any intention of gaining her good will.


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So you're telling me this hick farmer sold this aryan waifu to the gubmint? What's the point of this story? I'm only 6 chapters in but just thinking about it is making me angry.

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hick farmer told fujo friend about her
fujo friend told the government
moral of the history: don't trust fujos

If I wanted complete realism i'd go to work. Fuck this shit.

Goddamn fujo scum

Literally chink MC.

Warhammer Isekai when ?

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better than japanese MC
>Go to adventurer guild with your harem of yamato nadeshiko beauties to register
>Suddenly, a wild adventurer appears!
>"Hey you girls, I am the son of this place's lord, and also a C rank adventurer! Come join my party and abandon that weak looking boy!"
>Adventurer tries to grab main waifu but moralfag protag interferes, adventurer gets irritated as fuck and shouts like a retard
>Onlookers gossip about "there is no way this weak-looking dude could possibly beat a C rank adventurer, the match is already decided! No need to even look!"
>Moralfag protag sends the adventurer flying in one punch, all the onlookers go "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!? He beat a C rank adventurer! That can't possibly be! Who is that guy?"
>Old man, seemingly a beggar, but actually is the nation's king, who watches at the scene amused, scoffs at the unconcious adventurer
>"He had eyes but couldn't see mount Fuji."
>Suddenly the voice of the adventurer's father, who is the noble lord of the territory resounds through the entire city
>Moralfag protag goes on to expose the entire noble's wrongdoing because of "MUH everyone that oppose me must be evil and corrupt!"
>As moralfag is about to deliver his final chuuni line to the noble, the noble cries
>"Fool! Our family is just small fry in comparison to the noble we are subordinate to, which is the the Y Noble, who are in turn subordinate to the Z Noble! You'll never have a peaceful life again!"
>Moralfag protag shrugs
>And so moralfag protag finishes off the noble but never gets into conflict with Y noble (or Z noble, because the king saw his action and power and make him noble ranked higher than those families)
t. 90% of japs isekai novels

Fuck you for reminding me of this.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. When will you be publishing?

Mangadex is down?


Getting 502s at random ye

It's working for me, but the site seems to always be at least a bit unstable.

Shit will be shit no matter how you spin it, you wuxia addled dunce
beta max jap MCs or chink muderhobos are bad.

Is writing an isekai fanfic as retarded as I imagine?

Murderhobos are at least more entertaining than beta shitters who lose their minds over soya sauce

No, it's more retarded than you imagine.

>Murderhobos are at least more entertaining
Maybe if you're soulless chink.

It's novel the first 3 or 4 novels for sure. but it gets stale fast user.

The chinks know how to write atmosphere and action if nothing else
I'd rather read about someone courting death and bulldozing everyone while getting ridden by his harem of jade-like beauties than see a dude sperg over monogamy and MUH sub-18 alcohol and durr le morality of the enlightened modern man drinking soya sauce

This could work but only if they don't make it, a harem.
Basically Inuyasha but without Kagome like MC.

Well yeah obviously, since they're all the same
But I'm just saying that it gets stale a little slower than the utterly nonsensical teleological attitude Japanese isekai have towards history
Then again I like history so maybe it pisses me off more

Chinese have more soul than westerners. Read about the student riots there and its effects on troop morale.
Whereas in the West troops and police are fully willing to shoot anybody willing to stop immigrant rape gangs.

>t. Gal Cleaning writer

Yeah man for sure, here's that 600 social credit for your
now fuck off goddamn chink shill 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>Eye for an eye
>They burned my net lets kill them all
What a fucking sociopath.

>effects on troop morale.
You mean after they slaughtered ten thousand of them like nothing?

Yes but chinks are seemingly unable to ever write a normal dialogue. It's like they never had a normal conversation in their lives, with every sentence being part of some grand keikaku and interpreted to death.

Nah, it's not just the net, she just inherently hates people and any excuse to genocide them is good enough for her.

They basically burned her house down and one of them tried to shoot her

She was coming off the [Taboo] high and they basically torched her house and tried to kill her

It took her next to nothing to obtain Pride. That should tell you about her personality.

I mean she IS a spider, Arachne was synonymous with pride for a reason
Also isn't a lot of her personality actually D's personality?

So if someone sets your home on fire you're completely A-OK with it?


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Half D, half spooder.


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It felt so shoehorned considering his personality up until now had been 'fucking insane motherfucker'

I found it interesting that Lust was basically nonexistent
I just want to impregnate D

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does that manga has rape? how rapey it is?

She's basically D's meeker twin sister with all the implications that entails.

remind me of a single star review in NU
>she is not written like human reborn as spider, but as spider with human memories.
bet you are having a giggle, eh m8?

He made a shitty end with rape and a last joke about the heroine body needing to be cleaned because his series got axed.

>still posting that tired old debunked copypasta
>when posting a video or the manifesto actually gets new zealanders and aussies banned from Yea Forums

It has only 10 chapters, you can read it.

Why would you take her to fucking Tokyo? If the viruses have magical attributes that let them escape containment you just fucked an entire major city.

So like that one little girl in The Novel's Bully?

It's okay, Tokyo is used to getting wiped out.

I assume suites are in Tokio and quarantine area is black site.

>he's not an ethno-nationalist

Wew lad, guy was right on the money and didn't even know it.

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Chris is cute! CUTE!
I want to watch her stuff her face with pasta!

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We are going to build an Interdimensional Wall and make the Truck companies pay for it.

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I mean to be fair there's really no way to plan for literal fucking magic when wizards can drop the moon on you and clerics can wipe out entire nations with superbugs defined as uncurable

Is invading a forest where many monster live breaking NAP?

no joke

Imagine having a threesome

Ricardo defies dimensions

i'm gonna be a father!

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Just don't bring apples.

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Monsters give no shits about the NAP


some are sentient enough to understand non aggresion principle

That doesn't mean they care or that any of them are stupid enough to legitimately buy into ancap memes

Why'd you have to remind me of this user?

it's just funny that people keep posting a copypasta that doesn't work against chinks but now there's an actual real word document/video that works against new zealanders and aussies and gets them jailed in real life just for watching it.

>had to put down my 21 y/o cat today
Because others must suffer too.

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Wait is that shit real

Blame aussies and NZers for being pussies when it matters.

Because she knows that her doing it would murder millions of people after she spreads disease from her perspective?


This hospitalization arc has been going on for about a volume, mate. It'll probably last two volumes at best.

In that reversed world, it's Tama and Pochi who want Satou's meat, and he gives it to them.

At least you gave him a good life user

My favorite part of isekai is seeing haughty ojou-sans getting BTFO and becoming all meek afterwards.

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Yes it purred at injection

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Hey. I saw this thread a bunch of times but I couldn't read them. Is this manga comfy ? The story looks appealing but I'm not really into isekai.


Yeah, can't say I really like this turn.

>the manifesto
What manifesto? The communist one?


It's a reverse isekai, it fully takes place in our world. That being said it's kinda comfy until the recent few chapters where it takes a turn for the darker. Go ahead and give it a read, my dude.

The last couple of chapters have been slow but other than that it has an interesting take on things.

>zero fucks given about dozens of mysterious civilian deaths
Sounds like Japan I know.

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Do you have zero situational awareness. She has human memories and is aware she is a spider monster in a dungeon. Of course they would first be hostile to her. And given how she was able to wipe the floor with them a more nuanced approach would have been the sensible thing to do.
But of course then you couldn't wank to your power fantasy.

>were find dead
What is this, LH translations?

It's legitimately more important that they deal with electricity nationwide, a dozen people is nothing compared to the entire population of Japan
Electricity getting cut is society-destroying in modern society.

the things made by the memefaggot who shot up a mosque recently. people who were found watching or spreading the stuff he taped or wrote gets actual jail time if you're an aussie or kiwi.

fuck, you just reminded me of my cat you fucker
he was injected while i was out of country for uni and i only found out after i came back months later because somehow my family thought it would "affect my studies" wtf

For whom?

this one is still in github?

>do you have zero situational awareness? She's learned history and is a nigger in the deep south. Of course they would first be hostile to her. And given how she had a machinegun, a more nuanced approach would be the sensible thing to do.
I absolutely guarentee you that if the humans were pigmen orcs and kumo was human then you would say no such thing. They literally came out of their way to shitwreck her house and then attacked her instead of retreating.

not that different from a normal day in japan, 2 dozen people drop dead every day in japan in their homes and aren't found until the neighbors complain of the smell a week later

DOOT DOOT motherfucker

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Governments actually tend to figure out new situations pretty successfully. The issues they have are usually gridlock (IE, too many faggots arguing about what should be done without doing shit.) and bureaucratic bloat (Waiting for two and a half weeks for the budget for your containment measures and for all kind of exemption waivers to be passed so that you're even fucking "allowed" to do shit in the first place.).

The good news is that when a Government is trodding totally new ground, they tend to be able to ignore a lot of that shit because they don't really have systems in place to slow them down or fuck them up yet. At that point it's all up to whether or not the specific people in charge of the situation are retarded or not.

Is she IMAGINE tier? Also why are the translations so fucking slow for this shit?

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>just like shoot dragon
I don't understand how it didn't attack immediately and stood there to be attacked.

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>they don't really have systems in place to slow them down or fuck them up yet.
Explosive collars?

Do not toot it!

LN TL is literally titled

Dragons are used to being invincible
Just imagine your JRPG protagonist letting the baddie wail on him to show off how superior his defenses are

She has the edited memories of a god that considers humans toys at best, she was a spider in her past life and is also a spider in her current life, she has exactly zero reasons to give two shits about human life.

Where did you get the chapter?

Their purpose for that trip was to either enslave or kill her, there was never any hope for peace.

Translator's site.


Dude, you're just bitching 100% because you're too hung-up on the situation needing to be morally unambiguous. Have you ever thought that the point itself might be that violence is a gray area?

I remember a long rant about dragons being terrible because of flight and firebreath. I think it was from spoony.

>My Knowledge of Warhammer Fantasy might actually pay off.
I'd know so much forbidden lore, holy shit.

Why are you arguing with justicefag? They're all lawful dumb.

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Didn't they get a fucking ddos protection at mangadex? Why pay for it when the site crashes regardless?

She has pretty decent reason to hate humans since her past life was apparently mostly spent in utter terror of the massive fuckhuge entities that populated the area and one of whom nearly killed her for no reason

Dragons are the designated jobber race in basically every fantasy work, their whole claim to fame is being badass enough so that the guy that kills them can get proclaimed a badass for killing them.

Giving her a TV would probably work. Maybe some ancient video games. I'm ruling out art supplies due to possible magical runes.

>they fly
Birds are cunts, check.
Imagine having reflux that spicy, check.

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Did you miss the cloudflare redirects?
It's obviously not enough.

Yep, the tiny spider here is kumo, Oka was apparently imagine tier even as a human, and the dude holding the mop is getting chewed out by Oka for trying to kill a spider for no reason.

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Isn't this nigga the Lust dude

probably literally told they have to smile in front of her as part of their job

Might be, Natsume was peak asshole enough to do shit like grab a mop to kill a spider.

>shoots 9mm at a kaiju
>he doesn't seem to be hurt

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cute kishi-chan

I remember Natsume wasn't actually a huge cunt before he went into the world, he had a whole mental breakdown and shit when he got teleported
He still deserves death for brainwashing Sue and Katia


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Abyss Killer update, Erica finally meets Chloe, Chloe is apparently a shonen protag.


You have to admit that there's a lot of good historical background to warrant quarantining her. Not just for our protection, but hers as well.

>inb4 magic are nanites in her body

Is that Onizuka reference?

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My kind of decision-making.

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No, it's a berserk reference.

>comes from a game world
>still somehow manages to make his own spells
What fucking games are those people playing?

>Tiny hand

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Damn, Oka looked like that?

It was neural-interface one like Overlord' Yggdrasil.
In Overlord author locked game characters in their stats and spells, ojisan isekai did it the other way around.


RPGs that aren't total shit let you make up your own spells

But they are mmos.

It's not about the magic. It's about diseases. She came from a completely different world. We have no idea what pathogens may exist there, and we certainly wouldn't have any immunity to them. Likewise for her. Uncounted millions of people died from diseases contracted from European contact. It's part of the reason why there are still uncontacted tribes to this day — we're quite afraid of what we could infect them with.

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I want to isekai with picrelated set of spells

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Imagine kabedonning Oka-sensei
Isn't she dead inside and acting like a kid to hide her depression

They have magic user. It's gonna be daujobu

She'll be perfectly fine
Remove Disease is a fairly low level spell and Paladins are completely immune to all disease

the game lets players mod their own spells
it was pretty broken if you got gud

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All loli teachers are secretly depressed alcoholics

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Sure, maybe as a separate "post" or something?
Yeah, it just redirects to a different URL is all.

How does that make any fucking sense? Have those people never played an mmo? At worst people are going to look at the forums or watch a youtube guide and just copy the most broken shit.

Honestly it's fucked up how most MMO litrpgs read like they've never played an MMO in their life

I still find it funny that the world's almost ended about sixty times and actually was ended trillions of times in NT10 but in real time it's been less than a single school year

He's the one who told her to talk to the government.

Clearly you've never played Star Wars Galaxies pre-SEO meddling.

If it's not a disease to them, the spell might not cover it. Humans have a lot of gut flora that could be pathenogenic if spread to someone with no immune resistance to it.

Why didn't they just simply purge the xeno?

That's not how spells work, if it makes her sick then away it goes
Detect Poison detects any poisonous stance, even though the dose makes the poison.

Oka built her whole personality around being a nice, aproachable teacher and basically broke once she learned that a couple of her students died without her being able to do anything. Dead inside lolibaba elf teacher ahoy!

I meant protecting us from microorganisms in her body.

Yeah but hence why *she'd* be perfectly fine
People without magic are basically subhuman anyway

>never played an MMO in their life
I mean, most probably haven't, but people writing litRPGs don't want to recreate modern MMOs. they want to create some future idealized MMO that they think would be pretty cool.
But just because you've played an MMO doesn't mean you're an expert in game design, so more then likely your decisions will end up shit. Not that that matters in the context of a fictional game.

I myself have come up with some pretty stupid MMO ideas whose only purpose was to justify the plot, but realistically would have a total of zero players due to how tedious and unrewarding it would be.

In our world, she's the funny one. I'd definitely class her as human (and by the way, pretty much all human rights instruments actually say they apply to "persons", not "humans", so even if she's not a human, she's certainly entitled to be treated with human dignity).

That guy is probably one of the greatest assholes of all isekai. Legitimately tried to destroy the whole multiverse because he wanted to.

It just seems so fucked up and takes you completely out of the game
I mean SAO had ten thousand players day one, that's an unimaginably huge flop. You have so many MMOs with 'the build was too hard so nobody played it', I mean no, autistic players will grind it solely to show that they're good enough to use it, so on so forth
Just about the only two that did it sensibly were Overlord, which combined a shadowverse real world with no reliable information online with a stupidly massive game with no tutorial and tons of hidden shit, and Log Horizon, which has probably the only litrpg MMO I'd actually play.

Except that America is the only country that can borrow as much as money as they want without consequence.

Yeah but she's superhuman then and everyone else can go choke on a dick, casters forever

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>I mean SAO had ten thousand players day one, that's an unimaginably huge flop
Not that guy but Kayaba is fucking crazy, I wouldn't be surprised if he intentionally put a hard limit to the production so he can do his death game.

You need to cut it out with this /pol/ crap. There's gonna be a day, don't know when but it will happen, when our civilization is going to encounter life from another planet, and it almost certainly won't even look humanoid. Our ability to get along with sentient beings that are very different from us will determine a great deal of our future.

Why did Kayaba get treated like a hero in the second season again?

What the fuck are you even on about you retard

>and Log Horizon
Log Horizon didn't really do anything to shake up the idea of an "MMO in the future", because Log Horizon wasn't a VRMMO or anything (until the world became real). The only thing it did outside the norm was have an absurdly huge world map that imitated Earth, so of course it's the most similar to real world MMOs.

i hate the ones where there's millions of players, and the MC is OP because he's the only one rocking a memebuild, because obviously no one has ever played a trash character just for the hell of it on an alt account or something

Because Kirito is a sociopath as is Asuna.

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Why should she care? They aren't even humans from her perspective.

Do you just not notice that underlying current of supremacism and intolerance in that post?

Yeah but it's actually a well-designed MMO at first glance, with pretty well-defined class niches that seem pretty balanced, guilds that actually function and exist and the elitist ones aren't somehow evil for being raid-focused, and periodic 'festival' events. Most others wouldn't even get off the ground as a real MMO.

They quite clearly are from her perspective so I don't know where you're getting that bullshit from.

Are you baiting or not? I mean it makes no difference but in case you didn't realize, that was a /tg/ joke.

Attached: Summon Monster IX Wizardslayer.jpg (540x533, 57K)

The only VRMMO thing I want to exist is Dendro because sapient AI weapon waifus and everyone being a special snowflake.

AI rights groups are popping up already even though AI doesn't even exist bruv

My biggest problem with this manga is that it presents a realistic situation with characters that act completely unrealistic or like idiots. What did he think would happen when you show on video to your government a person that can use magic?

Maybe the fucking hick farmer is an idiot? Not everyone inherently distrusts the government.

Where is that from? Not Alicization?
Also are you telling me Asuna deserves the old man rape doujins?

Tolerable and forgiveable if that's the case, but it just means the attitude is farther up the chain. But this isn't WH40K.

Sure lets say the he is an idiot. So is his friend who works for the government also on idiot? Because she genuinely wanted to help and this is the result. I find it hard that no one could have predicted a potential situation like this.

hard to believe*

But how does her magic system define "being sick" anyway?

I honestly don't want your tolerance or forgiveness you cunting retard, learn to take a fucking joke and also learn to stop having /pol/ live in your head rent fucking free
And in 40k there's plenty of actual reasons for the ultra racism, not least of which is that not being an ultra racist has the ability to spawn soul-consuming gods that wipe out entire species.

Who knows, really. It could've been that they didn't imagine the government would literally lock them up, and merely keep them under watch or some shit.

What would YOU do in MC's shoes in order to get Chris a japanese citizenship?

Attached: DDx1uSjUIAAx0Uj.jpg (800x973, 56K)

They clearly don't see her as a human, so there is little reason for her to do the same thing.

The Japanese in particular are usually inclined to assume the government has the public interest at heart. Many Europeans too. Widespread mainstream distrust of the authorities is kind of an American thing.
She's just doing her job. Of course a government employee would have a positive image of the government (though I'm told that's not quite true in East Asia).

Just don't? I don't see why you need one, and if yoou really do then step one is to find some shady dude to give her a fake birth certificate and passport.

There are two possibility
>The fujo is retarded, that's how she became a fujo to begin with
>She secretly likes him, so she must eliminate the obstacle

>Widespread mainstream distrust of the authorities is kind of an American thing.
Well firstly I'd argue that anyone familiar with geopolitical realism doesn't necessarily believe this.
In this case it's not distrust though. I'm sure that the Japanese government does have the best interests at heart, it's just that 'the public' is eighty million people and he's one hick farmer.

They broke up though, she has no reason to be into him.

>wanting to give the illegal alien citizenship
What's wrong with you user?

>not being an ultra racist has the ability to spawn soul-consuming gods that wipe out entire species.

But those rogue psykerz really wuz good boiz who dindu NUFFIN. 'Cept have a greater daemon from the warp possess them. What do you mean inquisition has to kill them? Sheeiiit how are they spose to get outta da hive city slums and make a better life for deyselves?

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She would actually count as a trafficked person though since she's here against her will, which in theory gives her the right to ask for asylum

japan isn't that much more than america

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We don't know that for sure. It could be revealed later that she is a yandere who would use any mean necessary to be with him.

Well, what do you think?

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But why

You can't stay in a country without any sort of ID, she's an illegal immigrant right now.
If she needs to go to the hospital she's fucked. If a police asks her for an ID she's fucked. If Kanji dies, she's royally fucked.
And forging a fake one could get YOU in trouble as well.

>you can't
>can not
Sure she can, she's doing it right now. If she's stay-at-home there's honestly not much reason for her to need one.
>forging a fake one could
Handing her over to the government WILL get me in trouble, forging an ID might get me in trouble.

True, but maybe exclude the fact that you can summon fucking fire out of thin air when trying for citizenship

>she's here against her will
Doesn't matter. She is illegal thus she must be deported. That's the law of the land. Otherwise other illegals could also claim that they were brought in as kids against their will and thus have the right to remain indefinitely.

>Doesn't matter. She is illegal thus she must be deported. That's the law of the land
No, what I'm telling you is that the law literally does, in most countries, provide shelter for those brought into the country against their will. Asylum doesn't mean citizenship, but it does mean protection.

>If she's stay-at-home there's honestly not much reason for her to need one.
Does Japan have their own version of the ICE?

I'm an American, so I can only say what I'd do about getting her citizenship here.
As far as the US goes, first thing would be to get an emergency B-2 visa (she's lost her memory and needs medical care). Second would be to transition that to an E-1, which is for aliens of "extraordinary ability" (she can summon fire from her fingertips).

because unlike fakeass burger politicians their elected officials really are one among the people. they eat the same food as everyone else, and then they shit it out in the street just like your average joe-baduvinghur

Telling the government she's from another world is a stupid move, but you would still need a backstory for her to get the citizenship. Do you tell them she has amnesia? That she's a refugee who lost all her documents when escaping from her country?

>in most countries, provide shelter for those brought into the country against their will.
It's a loophole illegal aliens use to invade countries. Like how the US has to deal with caravans of invaders monthly.

>revealing fucking magic
Good job getting her locked up forever

Yeah okay whatever poo

Why would you reveal that she can summon fire? That's only going to produce more trouble.

>If she's stay-at-home there's honestly not much reason for her to need one.
She won't stay at home all her life. If she does, someone will someday start wondering and might call the police.

Yes but it's also there for legitimate reasons and provides an escape route for people who legitimately need the protection, so if you want to talk about the law of the land, then it literally is the law of the land. And I knew you were American, you don't need to explicitly bring it up.

I mean if all she does is shop for groceries and stuff using the farmers' card most people won't ask
Sure, you might get dabbed on by the cops but if you try to apply 'normally' without fake documents you WILL get shit on

>E-1, which is for aliens of "extraordinary ability" (she can summon fire from her fingertips).
The moment you do that, the government will deem her a threat to national security and immediately subject her to all kind of inhumane experiments. They will also waterboard you to make you confess everything you know, then maybe dispose of you or use you as a bargain chip to force her to cooperate in more complex experiments that require her consent.

I see, I see. You're clearly a psychopath that doesn't understand the basic concept of human empathy or anything like that kept at bay by distractions like the internet.

>inhumane experiments
Don't exist, they're just enhanced research techniques
Here in the United States of America there has never been a single case of human rights violations

Attached: The American Black Bear.jpg (640x638, 46K)

Justicefags are intolerable
When the fuck did they show up in such huge numbers

I hope you are sarcastic.

Look at the filename dumbass

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In awe at the size of this lad.

The laws are quite particular that's not legal. Laws that would have a lot of lawyers interested in getting involved.
Actually, scratch my earlier statement. First thing would be to request "humanitarian parole in place", which can be filed by a sponsor for any emergency situation. See

>emergency B-2 visa
Won't work. Her otherworldly origin will be exposed if you take her to a hospital for a test.

Brenton Tarrants manifesto, The Great Replacement.. You can get jail time in NZ for possessing or distributing it, and the video as well. Over a decade, in fact. Thankfully, I am an American and can post anything I want. Although, this place really has shitty upload options, I mean seriously a 3 MB file limit? I can't even upload the meme versions here, it's pathetic.

Attached: Saracen Slayer Helps Out.webm (648x360, 2.83M)

>Look at the filename dumbass
i don't get it

They create really good fanart though.

Attached: Saracen Slayer-Chan.jpg (3000x1976, 1.82M)

>The American Black Bear.jpg
I'm clearly mocking burgerland holy shit how is it possible to b so dense

>Although, this place really has shitty upload options, I mean seriously a 3 MB file limit? I can't even upload the meme versions here, it's pathetic.
How new are you
Are you also the dude sperging over muh mexicans

At least in fiction they get beaten up by murderhobos that don't have time for their bullshit.

Is this removing kebab
Is that actually the joke here

100,000 people applied for the sword art online test, which was half of the world's vr players, crazy dude only let 1k in

Immigration Bureau

Attached: immigration.png (455x519, 497K)

>You can get jail time in NZ for possessing or distributing it, and the video as well.
Which is a clear sign of tyranny. They use that incident as a pretext to take away both the 1st and 2nd amendment at once.

I'm simply used to better imageboards since I only come back to this place once in a great while, newfag.

I mean still though
FFXIV had way more players


Yeah sure bro
Go back on your /int/ ripoff if you only show up on Yea Forums to post /pol/ shit
No I just don't need to see it here of all places too

are those guys going to look for me if I enter japan on my 6 month visaless stay and just don't leave afterwards?

Then fuck off there /pol/tard.

Literally yes

We are full.

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The only reason I'm posting politically related things is because it came up in the discussion, faggot. I opened this thread because I'm reading this manga though I can't say I'm likely going to continue since I thought it would be a comfy romance in the countryside, not this forced drama shit.

Yes, then you will wait for a hearing for give or take five years at an immigration prison with no contact with the external world.

It had been dropped for ages ffs, and the stupid immigration wankery needs to go too
Why fucking respond

yes, catching illegals/forced deportation is part of their job

Not him, but I kinda like imagining how the law would react to really weird situations. Like would a dragon be classified as an exotic animal, a destructive device, an aircraft, or all of the above?

Most likely an apocalyptic entity considering its raw stats make it essentially a supersonic jet covered in as much armour as the Yamato class SH Battleship

Look, you're probably american so your education isn't very good. Your amendments only apply to your country. You can't just force your laws onto other countries.

>forced dram
To be fair, this thing should be what happen to every situation where a supernatural girl comes to earth uninvited. The author is just trying to be realistic.

I mean it's kind of interesting in a sense but it needs to be wrapped up so it can return to what drew people into the series to begin with, a reverse isekai in the countryside with a cute girl. I thought we were gonna get harem antics when his ex showed up instead it turned into this, I'm only hanging on because I assume it's going to be wrapped up soon and return to that. But who the fuck knows, it could spiral into Gal Cleaning level shenanigans and completely go off track. Hopefully not and this plot is resolved in the next chapter or two.

What about my lawyer?

>You can't just force your laws onto other countries.
We can if the country has oil.

Fuck realism. I want to be entertained with a comfy romance that makes me feel warm and happy, not be reminded of the grim realities of bureaucratic governments and immigration policy.

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Since most modern countries' laws are based on the US laws, I can see a clear violation of the origin here.

>Since most modern countries' laws are based on the US laws
This is actually just straight up wrong though

Yeah the only country with actual protections from the government completely fucking over their ability to say and express what they think or feel is the United States. It's good to be free. This country is super fucked right now and has a ton of problems but at least we can still post a god damn video without facing over a decade of jail time.

florida lawmakers already tried to copy NZ in that regard and make the video illegal, but it is literally unconstitutional so i doubt it'll hold up

There are different series for people with different interests. Don't read what you don't like.

It is better this way. "How the world deals with literal magical alien" sounds more interesting than "Runaway teenager living with middle-aged looser".

>silly americans, we LOVE being peasents, you are so ignorant of the joy it gives us to be slaves.

Well if you won't respect yourself, then I won't respect you either. Get fucked, bootlicker.

Are you, like, going to be deported by any chance?

That would be a valid point to make except the reason I started reading this to begin with is that it came off as being exactly what I like and the author is throwing this arc in out of nowhere.

This will probably be up your alley. Probably. It's still too early to tell. Also chapter 4 is not yet translated even though it's been out for two weeks.

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There's a couple of loopholes, insofar as any media considered part of national security or a threat to such is not covered by the First Amendment. For example, there's a specific set prime numbers it's illegal to distribute because they're known key numbers for cryptology.

It's true, with the US being the oldest democracy in modern time and all.

What, seriously? Runaway teenager living with middle aged loser sounds way more entertaining.

Fucking kek

Attached: You+have+a+good+point+_09eb5690563c7236c768600f9ed25426.jpg (600x477, 146K)

I am already reading this. It's been pretty chill so far, she's totally fine with getting pulled into his world from his dreams and they're already just running around doing fun stuff. We'll see if he keeps up the solo romance or starts pulling in other girls or things from his dreams.

>florida lawmakers already tried to copy NZ in that regard
I know, along with a certain dancer-turn-political-figurehead trying to copy their other move, but unless a literal coup happens, no way they can do it.

Right but most national laws are literally not based on US law.

>take a 1 hour nap
>+120 posts
What are you faggots doing?

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It was foreshadowed since the beginning thought. What else do you think can happen when a magical being appears in modern time?

>but it is literally unconstitutional
Nope. Turns out, the Supreme Court has already in the past agreed that "obscenity" is not protected by the First Amendment, so the state just has to prove something is considered obscene by the local populace to ban it.
This is the basis for certain bans on books and stuff that border on CP, and is also why it's possible to ban porn (although no reasonable politician actually wants to be the jackass that does it).

If Flordians agree that the video is obscene, it can legally be banned.

Won't they try to create an army of supermen with her genes?

"Everyone fucking dies and bows to a fullcaster"
Basically blame the girl for rolling a martial

Well it's only illegal to distribute them as cryptographic tools. Also that law might not hold up in court if someone discovered them independently.
I'd be surprised that it took them six weeks to respond. Weird shit usually catches the attention of bureaucrats.

>reverse isekai
So...the very same magical girlfriend we had for decades?


Our obscenity jurisprudence is so completely nonsensical that it may just be thrown out altogether in the future, as some Supreme Court justices have advocated in their dissents.
Genetics don't work that way, assuming it's even genetic.

Where's the isekai discussion? Anywhere outside america is not isekai, OK?

fluffy dog ears.

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>any media considered part of national security or a threat to such is not covered by the First Amendment
Which can't be used as loosely as in NW's case. The government needs a very solid ground to deem something a national threat, otherwise the case has the potential to be challenged in the supreme court and they could loose. A random video certainly can't be considered as such.

it's reversekai

>Runaway teenager living with middle aged loser sounds way more entertaining.
There are already many films, dramas and shoujo about that.

They essentially made it out to be promoting vigilante justice, banditry, and whatever
You could probably finagle something

No isekai discussion here, only /pol/.
Did mod just archive genderbender isekai thread out of nowhere?

Is magikano isekai?
>MC has cheat power inside him
>Literal harem
>There's another world
>Vampire and twin moon

I didn't even see that one
When was the last post?

But this time the magical girlfriend is arrested by men in black and the MC is the one who reported it.

this is the textless version, check the other one on pixiv

love the combat dress

I'm pretty certain her children can use magic too.

Kenja no mago got an anime. If your favorite isekai still doesn't have one it means that it's worse than kenja no mago. Fuck you.

First post 19:27:51, last 19:42:44.
And in catalog there are threads with last post at 18:53:17


It doesn't resort to tropes and cliche

No idea

>the text version
Holy shit I am fucking dying

Just give up dude, it's just flat out worse than kenja no mago.

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I would just go to become the sixth member of
Helmgart squad. At least for a while before I die horribly.

My favourite isekai got anime 20 years ago though

>his favorite isekai didn't even originate from narou
Shit by default.

Not to mention Chinks would jump at the opportunity to wreck their shit.

Overlord is from alphapolis

I'm not sure about that honestly
And if we're legit, the only reason the chinks can't do so right now is due to burgerlander protections.

>implying nips don't have nukes

Would still be fine if it was at least Kakuyomu!

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They, um, don't. They can quickly create some but they don't have nukes, it would be contrary to American interests to allow them nukes really.

>it would be contrary to American interests to allow them nukes really.
Won't it be in America's interest if Tokyo and Beijing nuke each other into oblivion?

I don't think I even know one good series from kakuyomu

No, it wouldn't.

Does it have to be an isekai Mino-san?

Is this a series or just a random pic?

Native isekai is also okay

God this shit makes me angry
What the fuck compels someone to draw this

Why? No more competitors.

Because you're an idiot if you think Japan and China are merely 'competitors' for the US

Try 宵の国戦記

What else can they be?

Yea Forums - International Politics
At least talk about GATE if you want.

>Also in narou

Trading partners and for Japan a source of prestige? If Japan goes down then so does every US alliance since it proves the US is incapable of protecting its allies.

I forgot about that one


We don't discuss about war criminal like FUNA's girl or Tanya here

Would you want to be isekai'd into a matriarchal world where women can legally rape men to shame them?

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>Native isekai
I will hunt you down, slice you to pieces, roast you in fireballs and make burgers out of your remains.

It the easiest way to describe template generic isekai world but without transportation or reincarnation

>most successful writers write on instinct not with long planning
No, that's how you end up with Bleach and Gantz.

It's like people here have forgotten the word Fantasy.

>describing another world without the another world part

Attached: 1525704933511.png (694x632, 167K)

Lucky Star - Native non fantasy SoL modern day isekai

There's nothing to discuss with Tanya
She's just an utter buffoon

Don't lump Bleach with Gantz. Kubo earned his praise whether or not he made things up as he went along or genuinely planned shit years in advance.


>Trading partners
More like rivals for world hegemony.
>If Japan goes down then so does every US alliance since it proves the US is incapable of protecting its allies.
But the US can help Japan to quickly rebuild their life and without their neighbor, they and many other US allies will be able to sleep soundly at night. Look like a win to me.

Fantasy is pretty broad term, isekai world uses plenty of cliches and some could even share the setting even when they are written by different author

Bleach is something people love to hate but I still think that up until the retarded endgame it was by far the best of the big three in terms of actual plotline and pacing
Nardo had Madara memes going for it but that's it, OP never did it for me.

Also, manga is a serial work, novels aren't and are delivered wholesale.

Kubo's only saving grace is his art and if you think otherwise you're retarded. The writing in those two is absolutely comparable in how off the goddamned rails it gets due to a significant lack of planning. The only difference is that Bleach had a young teen fanbase, whereas Gantz was more "mature", which affected how the series were perceived.

>rivals for world hegemony
Except Japan wouldn't actually fight China, since their biggest current interest is to be an independent country. If they had nukes, what would happen is that the US would find its policies harder to push through. They wouldn't buddy up with China, no, but it's in neither of their interests to fight against each other.

>quickly rebuild
The US can't even build a functional roadway, what makes you think they could rebuild Japan if they got nuked? Japan is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, a couple of big warheads could take out a majority of the population. Do you think Japan would even trust the US to do any of that considering they know this is what they're going for?

translations when?

Attached: MoralReversalCh16.jpg (1517x1077, 710K)

where this from bro

>Ichigo is the literal definition of a gary stu with every power
>Power scaling problem almost as bad as dragon ball
>Random new shit showing up that everyone knows about but nobody thought to mention for literal years of in-story time that also just happens to be a major threat
>struggle to even keep things interesting because of how everything needs to be one-upped
I don't really care how it compares to the big 3, it's a prime example of what happens when you don't have an endgame planned, or are forced to serialize beyond it.

Google it you lazy shit.

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I mean Aizen was pretty good, I thought.

Since when can cropped images be reverse searched wtf

>what makes you think they could rebuild Japan if they got nuked
i mean the united states literally do that during the occupation of japan

To me it died after the soul society arc. Arrancar were alright and not as tacked on as what came after, but it never really recovered from the end of the SS arc.

Can we just get an anime isekai of pic related?

Attached: 41Q7BR6Y54L.jpg (304x300, 30K)

Isekai Death Game ni Tensou sarete Tsurai
I don't know if this qualifies as "reverse", but our hero is abducted by a shinigami to play a death game, wins, and the loli shinigami ends up in his world as his associate.

Attached: 23388.jpg (844x1200, 294K)

>Whoever said 10 commandments go from 1 to 10?

0: Thou Shalt Not Deny the LORD your God the dick when she asks for some

Why do you find murder hobo fun? what’s the appeal?

Kubo was a memelord who managed to create lines like >the heart or >one to ten that were relevant everywhere so he's good for that alone

People being honest with their primal urges
>kill shit in a variety of ways
>earn fame and money
>thrill and adrenaline that's lost to men in modern society
>grey area quests
>damsels in distress gratitude (non-negotiable)

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Attached: yeonha.png (477x628, 222K)

It fills the gap of what i could've done when i got BTFO by my bullies back in middle school

Attached: 1535888269577.png (1290x1821, 1.15M)

Just getting rid of bastards instead of letting them live due to moral bullshit is extremely satisfying, especially after years of "If you kill him you are just like him".

Because fuck justicefags

This comes first Then the grampa dies

Fuck you you piece of shit

it's okay younger lad picks her up in the end

Post it
I'm extremely upset right now

>he feels bad for useless things getting bullied

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Hilariously, Bing works fine these days for the most part.

This is how Active TB patients are treated.

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Deported to where?

Attached: 1544935572209.jpg (416x358, 45K)

Just google the page you lazy cunt

Bad news, you will attract the attention of Chaos Gods .
Good news, inquisition will arrive before to save your soul.

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Ehhh, I wouldn't really say it would be apocalyptic. With its fire not even being able to shoot over a kilometre, its massive body, and the armour not really being a problem for modern missile systems.
Without CIWS Battleships are pretty much free food for missiles. We're not dropping bombs from dive bombers anymore, if you took the yamato and didn't update its weaponry it would get owned by airpower even harder than it did in 1945. Same for a dragon, flight or not.

Though to be fair anything that requires airforce intervention is at least a national-level crisis.


Depends on how you interpret modern damage
Generally speaking it's safe to assume a Great Wyrm is completely immune to any damage from anything smaller than an anti-air cannon. They're highly likely to be clear immune to fire damage and most of the big shit dragons also know magic. It would be able to basically take apart a major city in minutes, so far before any military intervention gets there.

What missiles? You'd need anti-ship shit to penetrate

>Sahyuk went finally full retard and challenged Boss for Hajin
Boy, how stupid can someone be

>you saved me, what do you want?
>nah I don't need anything
>I insist
Well that escalated quickly why didn't he ask for a dip into duke daughter?

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sahyuk about to get bullied big time

Good thing we have plenty of radar-tracking anti-ship missiles then. A fuckhuge dragon isn't exactly a difficult target to hit either.
And I doubt it can fart chaff out its ass to mess with the radar tracking.

He just want a quiet life, doing gardening and shit man. That's all the rage with stressful city Jap now.

>Good thing we have plenty of radar-tracking anti-ship missiles then.
What if it's midland city? Kinetic AA interceptors aren't common nowadays.

What it generally can do is simply evade the missiles or outrun them. Or straight up tank them, since it's likely immune to most damage from it.
Also, modern ships are jokes compared to the armour of interwar or wwii heavy battleships.

>evade or outrun missiles
>mach 8

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Looks like some quality translations

I mean yeah? It's not hard to build a character which runs at mach 30+ by level 9. This is high fantasy and we're ignoring the fact that Great Wrym Red Dragons can simply manipulate anything on fire within hundreds of feet of themselves, which would include things like the missile's fuel system.


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this the thread?

She likes aubergines.

It's been mostly /pol/ and is almost delet but sure

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I want to see her suffer more

yfw a single wraith solos the entire world

Based and incoprorealpilled.

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>Evade the missiles or outrun them
>outrun them
>straight up tank them
Heavy-duty anti-ship missiles are designed to seriously fuck up battleships with a single hit. The ship-launched solid-fuel ramjet propulsion P-1000 flies at 3825 km/h. They would also be nearly impossible to evade.

Something Like a Meteor Anti-air missile flies at over Mach 4 while still packing a fuckton of explosives. These things do their damage with raw kinetic force from the explosion and the considerable kinetic impact due to their speed and weight. Fire damage isn't really a factor.

And if your hypothetical dragon is some ultra OP kind that flies at mach 10 you've still got god damn railguns to fall back on.

Where? You don't mean that one video where US shoots down orbiting UFOs with plasma rays, do you?

Foresight is something every single Great Wyrm Gold Dragon has out of the gate, meaning it literally gets to see a second or two ahead all the time. You can't hit it with missile weapons like that, it knows where you aimed.

Based and Bellriverpilled.

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Alright but check it out

>it knows where you aimed
It sure would be lame if missiles have autonomous guiding and tracking systems haha

Based and etherealpilled.

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Mystic Knight > Mystic Archer > other devotions
Pure classes can eat my chainsaw sword and Holy Focused Bolt.

Which don't work, since dragons get to control anything on fire, including the thrust systems.

Just marrying her is probably the easiest path to citizenship?

>knight > archer
>gishes > mages

user, google how anti-naval missiles work.
The warhead goes ballistic several KM from target.

If it goes ballistic a full second before impact then Foresight wins out and you can't hit it.

>implying magic tank with the most spammable abilities in the game isn't better than aimbotboi
>implying mage faggots can take even a single hit before dying

There's a reason the bow or the spear are generally the weapon of heroes in non-Western works
Range is everything

>even a single hit
>implying you'll get to even take an action before automatically losing

>full second
I doubt it takes it that long, it's already flying fast and there's charge that propels warhead even faster to get through dense artillery AA defenses.
I may have exagerrated several KM it may be just 500meters or so.


That's what Holy Focused Bolt is for. Mystic Knight is a ranged class.

The point is that for the most part that modern technology is designed to take on modern threats and poorly suited to things that break the laws of physics by existing and can use literal fucking magic.

what even happened to that nigga

feels>reals nigga

Zero summed after realizing nothing was objectively true probably
Everyone else involved achieved CHIM

The man could nuke the whole bloody country from a standstill, there's not much he can't take by force.

G-niisan told me to read this too.

may he rest in peace

>and poorly suited to things that break the laws of physics by existing
If push comes to a shove you can always detonate 4th gen nuke weapon which is basically 1 use plasma ray: blast irradiates special focused material that turns into plasma and follows the neutrino ray.
I bet your scaly faggot cannot dodge that.
They were never confirmed officially but literally nothing stops nuclear powers from assembling such devices.

Using normal weapons against giant, flying wizards ain't gonna cut it.

You know fighter jets have that too? It's called a radar, it can tell you exactly where the missile is and where it's going to be in a second.
The best use of this amazing technology is usually bailing out before you get hit.
For our dragon friend to dodge it he would have to be able to accelerate his considerable to completely reverse course(remember, we said he's going at like mach 10 or something stupid) in a second. That would require a ludicrous amount of energy. Even if he flies using magic he still has to obey some laws of physics, otherwise he could fly literally as fast as he wanted and just go to another solar system on a lark.
And you could always load an ICBM with a conventional cluster payload(nuclear would probably be overkill). Those things fly at around 8 kilometers per second so they're basically undodgeable, magic foresight or not. Of course, with a cluster payload you're not even trying to score a direct hit.

A nuke would literally not work against most dragons besides the actual force of the blast, since they're immune to fire damage and poison (i.e. radiation). It also wouldn't work against a middling conjurer who has his elemental defenses prepped, since Emergency Force Sphere takes no time to cast and can't be broken by physical force.

a goddamn pure fusion weapon ain't normal, it fucks shit up to molecular degree.

Pugna is such a shit hero and I fucking hate him.

>fire damage and poison i.e. radiation
That is so not correct that I don't think calling it wrong does it justice.

>nukes are fire damage and poison

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You shut your whore mouth Pugna is best pusher.

You're dealing with something that doesn't care about any law of the universe but its own, you can throw a fucking sun at it and it won't work.

Sun is World Class Item.

Radar isn't foresight, radar is just blindsight and a decent Kn:Engineering check.

>That would require a ludicrous amount of energy. Even if he flies using magic he still has to obey some laws of physics
It doesn't take any time for a flier or whatnot to change his speed, or at least less than a move action (i.e. 2 seconds or so).

It's the closest you can get, unless I guess you count it as a form of transmutation, which is harder to get immunity to but not exactly undoable.

Disintegrate atomizes shit, same fucking thing.

This discussion reminds me of that one faggot in a Gate thread that insisted "magic doesn't work like that". Nigga was a real wizard apparently.

>Besides the actual force of the blast
Yeah, ignoring that 1200 kT impact it's totally harmless.

Them pesky AD&D players who refuse to die outta old age

Calm the fuck down

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Well yeah
You could just use an ability like Half-Gone to evade the physical damage though, and radiation aside you're immune to the heat.

>he's not a wizard

A dragon still has flesh and blood you dunce, it ain't a bloody eldrich nightmare.

jesus user

>It doesn't take any time for a flier or whatnot to change his speed, or at least less than a move action (i.e. 2 seconds or so).

2 seconds is an eternity when you're being chased by things going multiple times the speed of sound.

How am I not calm
I'm just pointing out that a wizard 20 solos the world until you bring in Arkhan or someone from a similarly busted setting

>It's the closest you can get
No it's not, radiation is in no way poisonous and fire is not the same thing as a literal beam of gamma rays treating your cells like target paper.

A wizard might as well be a cosmic horror and the average dragon that's worth his weight is just a big lizard wizard.

>implying Hierophants don't inscribe all nukes with jewish magic

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but can a wizard defeat ELDER GOD DEMONBANE

Right but you can change your course arbitrarily during that time, which implies an acceleration of 10 km/s//s, which means you could change your speed significantly even in a fraction of a second.


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This wizard could

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Motherfucker it's a flying lizard, the general rules of physics and biology apply.

>bringing in epic shit

oh, it was earth all along, they just had a gears of war emergence day fuck everything up

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There are MARTIAL builds that throw dozens of supertankers halfway across a galaxy in six seconds to do 1000000d6 damage each to Cthulhu before he ever wakes up
Anyone of a decent level from high fantasy setting is absolutely a cosmic nightmare.


So you are not one? I thought these threads were just an excuse for the secret mage soceties to meet and discuss magic under the guise of arguing about isekai magic systems.

I just want to play an Umbral Blot

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>I thought magic was friendship but now outer demon has my soul and makes me listen to gaga all day

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Nah, the average dragon's wings are too small to let them fly, dragons are pure magic bullshit that are unkillable unless you're the protagonist.

>[A threatening opponent has turned into a temporary ally.]

Well fuck, Wicked's charmed.

Dragons are unironically magic as hell, in fact they're so magic that until PF/4e every single sorcerer was the result of dragon dick